Possession By Matt Chapter 1 I am not normal. I have an ability nobody else has. The first time I used it, I didn't even realise anything had happened. My eyes opened, I looked around and I had no idea where I was. I did feel a little strange, but the concern over where I was took immediate priority. As I looked around my new surroundings, I saw someone out of the corner of my eye and jumped in shock. As I looked round to see who it was, I found myself face-to-face with my neighbour. The trouble was, I was looking in a mirror. Somehow I had found myself inside the body of the man from next door. I had complete control of his body, but his mind was simply gone. We weren't sharing; I had just taken complete control. A little shaken, I double checked to make sure I wasn't imagining it. A few facial expressions in the mirror, a quick check of my hands -- definitely not mine, at fourteen years old I certainly don't wear a wedding ring! Just as I was beginning to get used to the situation, I felt a rushing sensation, like being pulled backwards through a tight, dark tunnel. As my senses returned to normal, I found myself back in my own body. I double checked, patting myself and feeling my familiar slim frame, raised my hands to my face then ran my fingers through my messy blonde hair. I wondered if I'd imagined the whole thing, unbelievable as it was. Had I been dreaming? Hallucinating? I tried to think rationally and convince myself it was just my imagination, but every little detail had been so real. I decided the only way to know for certain was to try it again. I walked over to my bedroom window and looked across to the neighbours' house. There was definitely movement, somebody was home so I figured I would try and target him again. I closed my eyes, took a few deep breaths and then concentrated as hard as I could on taking control once again. It was surprisingly easy to trigger, it came almost instinctually like it was a natural bodily function I'd been using for years. After just a few seconds, I felt the rushing sensation, but this time like I was being pulled forward. When it stopped, I opened my eyes and found myself back in the strange room. Immediately, I walked over to the window and looked across at my own house. My head span for a moment. Being in somebody else's body was disorienting enough, but as I looked across, I saw myself still stood at my own window, motionless. "This is so freaky!" I said aloud, startling myself to hear my own words in a stranger's voice. "Woah. Even freakier." I checked myself much as I had in my own body, patting my hands down my chest and stomach. The older man's more matured body felt strange to the touch. Doubly so in that not only was I touching more muscle than I had myself, but was also feeling the muscles being touched by unfamiliar hands. As I felt around a little more, I felt something in my pocket, or his pocket I suppose! I pulled it out and found it was his mobile phone. "Aha, proof!" I said to myself as the idea hit me. I quickly typed out a message, put in my own mobile number and then hit send. Before slipping the phone back into my pocket, I deleted the sent message. I may have been new at this, but I was determined not to do something to get myself discovered. I realised I had now been in the body a lot longer than last time and figured it was time to make sure it was as easy to go back as it had been to get there. I closed my eyes, took a few breaths and felt the transference happening again. As soon as I was back, I opened my eyes and saw him stood at his window exactly as I had left him. I took a few steps back, not wanting him to see me too easily, but still making sure I could see him. A couple of seconds after I returned, his eyes opened too and he looked around, clearly confused, before turning away. "Okay, so I take over his body, but his mind doesn't come into mine and when I return, his own mind turns back on." I said, talking myself through everything. I stood digesting the information for a moment before I suddenly remembered the message. Excitedly I fumbled with my pocket and pulled out my phone... 1 message! `Yes it really happened.' The message read, just as I had sent. This was it. It was real. I could take control of people. "Or can I?" I suddenly asked myself. "Is it people, or just him?" It was a good question. If it was just him, there was potential for a little fun. If it was anybody, the possibilities were endless. "And I wonder how far I can go?" I mumbled, my mind racing. And that was how it started. I started testing the limits of my ability and soon found there weren't really any. So long as I thought about someone when I tried to take control, I could go into their mind regardless of how far away they were or what they were doing. It was obviously the most exciting thing that had ever happened to me, but it didn't take very long before it became exciting in a very different way. It was just two days after my first transference and I was lying in bed, completely exhausted from the exertion of using my new ability. It may have been relatively simple to master, but it was incredibly tiring. The first two nights I had passed out from exhaustion rather than actually going to sleep. But on the third night I seemed less tired so I actually found myself with time to think. Being fourteen, time to think while lying in bed inevitably led to just one thing! It didn't take long before my hand was wrapped around my rigid cock, stroking casually. When the idea hit me, I wondered how I had been stupid enough to not think of it sooner! I let go of my cock and concentrated. I figured my neighbour was a good place to start; he'd been my first possession, so it only seemed right that he be the first for this too. My eyes opened to find myself lying in darkness. For a moment I thought I was still in my own bed, that my attempt had failed, but it only took a second to realise there was somebody lying beside me. The figure to my left was asleep and breathing quite heavily. I quietly got out of bed, left the bedroom and headed for the bathroom. As our houses were built at the same time, it meant the layout was identical, so I didn't end up in the wrong room. I pulled the cord for the light and turned to face the mirror as it came on. I found myself staring in the mirror in awe. The body I had felt briefly through clothes earlier was an incredible sight to behold. His pecs were magnificent, nicely muscled and tipped with rigid nipples. His abs were equally muscled, his stomach hard and defined. His whole upper torso was covered in a fine layer of dark hair, tapering down his abs into his boxer shorts. Facially he was very handsome too, piercing hazel eyes, a strong jaw line, short black hair slightly messy from the time he'd already spent in bed. He had dark stubble around his chin too, more than just a day's worth, he clearly liked the stubbly look but kept it stylishly short. Further down, his legs were nicely toned and covered in fine dark hair. I realised my breathing had become heavy as I admired the beautiful body in the mirror. That hadn't been the only reaction though. The boxers were now tenting as I found myself getting incredibly aroused. Not wanting to wait any longer, I pulled the boxers down to my ankles, stepped out of them then stood up to see what he had to offer down below. I was so aroused I felt like I could have cum right then. I had a feeling if I had been in my own body, I might have done, but this body was clearly more used to heightened arousal. Whereas my own dick had only recently begun to develop and, while sufficiently long, lacked any impressive girth, this guy's rigid pole had both. My perceptions may have been impaired by being in his body, but I would have had to say it was about seven and a half to eight inches long and very thick too. As I reached down with his hand, I wrapped the fingers around the swollen shaft -- they didn't even touch round the other side. I once again found myself with the disorienting sensation of both touching something new for the first time and feeling it being touched too. As I stroked gently back and forth, staring at myself in the mirror as I did it, I found the familiar feeling of wanking coursing through me but it was mixed with new intense sensations of it being a different dick and a different hand. As I continued to stroke, I raised my other hand up to my stomach, running my fingers across it. The tight muscles and the hair were so different from my own soft, smooth stomach. My hand wandered higher, up to the middle of the chest, then gently grazing a nipple with my pinky. "Shit!" I muttered involuntarily. This guy's nipples were insanely sensitive. Just the slightest touch had sent a wave of ecstasy through my every nerve. I took hold of a nipple between thumb and forefinger and squeezed gently. That was it, I had held off as long as I could. Between the continued masturbation and the feeling from the nipples all added to the excitement of being somebody else, I reached the point of no return. The first shot flew over the sink and hit the mirror, splatting messily. The second and third followed. The next few landed in the sink. The last few shots and the following dribbles just dropped heavily onto the tiled floor. Still breathing deeply and feeling the last few waves of pleasure from the orgasm, I looked in the mirror a final time at the naked man before going back to my own body. I would have loved to see his reaction at waking to find himself stood in his bathroom, naked, cock in hand and cum everywhere. Instead I opened my eyes to find my body exactly as I had left it -- lying in bed with a raging boner. It was quite weird but I still felt the fading remnants of the orgasm from my neighbour's wank, but still felt an insanely strong desire to ejaculate myself too. I quickly took hold of my cock and after just a few strokes, threw back the covers and shot a load. The sexual thrill of what I'd just done clearly had an effect on my own orgasm too. Whereas I would usually shoot quite far -- over my shoulder and onto the pillow for example -- tonight it was on a whole new level. My first shot hit the wall behind me about four feet above my head, the next few hitting gradually further down. They got lower and lower until I started cumming across my own face, then chest, then stomach. "Fuck!" I panted quietly to myself. Taking a few moments to catch my breath I eventually turned on my lamp and looked round at the mess. There was cum dripping down my wall as well as all over me. It took a while to clean up, but it was totally worth it. Finally, with the mess cleaned up and my pillow turned over to avoid lying on the wet patches, I quickly fell asleep. I was keen to start the next day... I had to pick my next target! Chapter 2 Morning soon came and I eagerly got up out of bed, keen to see what ideas I would come up with. The general mischief I could cause was quite appealing, but my possession wank the previous night had started me thinking in a whole new direction! I considered picking someone to control right then, but decided against it. The chances were that by the end of the day I would have a lot of ideas and I wanted to save my energy. Instead I got ready for school as normal and headed downstairs for breakfast. "Morning." My Dad said as I walked into the kitchen. "Breakfast's on the table." "Morning. Thanks." I replied, taking a seat around the table. It looked like I was the last one up today. My Mum was already sat there, eating a slice of toast and reading a newspaper. Sat either side of her were my brothers, seventeen-year-old Mark and eleven-year-old Danny. All three said their quiet morning greetings before continuing to eat, the three of them clearly were not morning people like my Dad and I. "Nicky, don't forget to take in your permission slip for the school trip today. I left it on top of your bag." My Dad reminded me as he joined us. "Thanks Dad." I replied, smiling happily. Had he not reminded me I would have completely forgotten, not that I wanted to go on the school trip, I just didn't want to be the only kid left behind. Breakfast passed reasonably uneventfully, but unfortunately I made the mistake of letting my mind wander back onto the events of last night. As soon as the image of my hot, naked neighbour popped into my head, something else popped up in my pants! The worst thing was, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Every time I tried, I just ended up thinking about why my erection wouldn't go away and that inevitably led back to my naked neighbour. Giving up on the idea of getting rid of my boner, I figured the best thing to do was just leave quickly and hope nobody noticed. I turned sideways in my chair then stood while turning further to keep my back to my family. I headed for the sink to put my dishes in and looked down as I walked – the bulge was incredibly obvious, but luckily I managed to leave the room without having to turn back. My journey to school was only made possible by carrying my bag in front of my crotch, every time the hard-on began to subside, something else would just pop into my head to make it spring right back up. I was getting quite worried that it was going to be seen and it was during the worrying that a great idea began to form in my mind... total humiliation! If just the thought of being seen with a big bulge was enough to embarrass me, just think what I could do to someone else whilst in control of their body. It was within mere minutes of getting to school that I found my target. Lenny Beaton: class bully. Lenny was in my class, so he was the same age as me but you'd never know it to look at him. He was already six foot tall, heavily built and more muscle than brain. Being big and not particularly bright, the role of bully just came naturally to him and he loved it. There was never a day that went by without him beating up or intimidating someone in my class or one of the younger classes. On this particular day, he was picking on a kid I didn't know from the year below me when I walked into school. I don't know much about what happened on this particular occasion, but it normally started over absolutely nothing, Lenny just loved to feel big. I knew he had to be stopped and I finally had the power to do it. My plan would have to wait until morning break, so the first class of the day seemed to really drag by... a double period of maths. Sitting there willing the time to pass I was tempted to just pick a random boy from the school, nip to the toilets and have some fun with them, but I resisted the urge... barely! When the bell rang, I virtually ran out of the classroom. Our lesson after break was English on the next floor up, a classroom that had just what I needed. Just across the hall from the English classroom was a toilet, so I headed up there, went into the toilet and locked myself in a cubicle. I sat down and positioned myself so that I wouldn't fall over and injure myself when I left my body. I closed my eyes and concentrated on Lenny. I blinked a few times and found myself staring straight at a very frightened looking twelve-year-old. I guessed Lenny was in the middle of harassing the poor kid. I suppose this was his lucky day then as I simply turned and walked away from him. It was, as always, a little strange feeling someone else's body wrapped around my consciousness, but it seemed I was slowly getting used to it as I soon felt completely at home within the bully's ample frame. As I walked through the schoolyard towards the classroom, I noticed kids turning to look at me approach and backing away slowly. The power of Lenny's presence was a little intoxicating, just for a moment, before I remembered again what a twat Lenny really was. I made my way into the building and opened the door to the English classroom. I cursed myself for not having the foresight to check if the room was actually empty, but fortunately there was nobody inside as I made Lenny walk in. I couldn't help grinning as I looked to the back of the classroom and saw the door to a little storage closet. I stopped at the table next to the door and began to undress. I pulled off the jumper, then loosened the tie and lifted it over my head. Next I unbuttoned the shirt and let it slide off my broad shoulders. I looked down as I gradually exposed Lenny's body. It was as different from my own as my neighbour's had been last night. The bigger teen's chest and stomach were much bulkier, half-muscle and half-fat. Knowing I didn't have the time to stop and enjoy the view, I then slipped off the shoes and socks, undid the trousers and pulled them down along with Lenny's underwear. I picked up the pile of clothes and shoved them into a little cupboard at the back of the room. Now standing there naked in Lenny's body, I quickly looked round for any bags. Some of the other boys often threw their bags into the next classroom to save carrying them round on break. As usual, a few were already laying under desks so I went to a couple and pulled out the book we were reading in class at the moment, The Hobbit. I hid them in the same cupboard as Lenny's clothes. Finally I opened the storage closet, went inside and closed the door behind me. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, but after a few seconds I started to make out shapes thanks to the sliver of light shining under the door. I sat down on the floor and leaned on the shelves at the back. I wanted to put the light on and have a look at Lenny's dick properly, but I had lost track of time and needed to make sure everything was ready to get the full effect of my diabolical plan. Even though my state of constant arousal that morning had been in my own body, I still felt incredibly horny. Being naked at school, even in somebody else's body, was terrifying but at the same time worryingly exciting. Lenny's dick was already rigid, pointing straight up to the ceiling and casting a long shadow from the little light that was coming in. Knowing I had no time to waste, I took hold of the swollen cock and began pumping. As I began wanking, I allowed my other hand to explore another new body. I soon found my fingers in the bush at the base of my cock. It was an unusual feeling, the pubes on my own body were not particularly thick yet, while my neighbour's seemed to have been trimmed down to avoid any bushiness. Leaving the hair alone for a second, I once again went for nipples. Like the cock, the nipples were rigid. I felt a wave of pleasure as I caressed one. Compared to last night's nipples, they were nowhere near as sensitive, but still added a lot of enjoyment to the experience. As I sat in the darkness, wanking away, I felt the orgasm getting closer and closer. I slowed the stroking to keep me on the edge without actually cumming. I kept up the steady pace, ready to ejaculate at a moment's notice. Suddenly, I heard the classroom door open. Someone came in and started moving about the room. Keeping silent, I continued masturbating silently, not wanting to be heard.... yet! It sounded like Miss Jackson, the teacher, was getting ready for the lesson, she was always in there before us. It must have only been a minute later that the bell rang, but time seems to stretch when you're on the verge of orgasm. I waited until I heard the first few students arrive before I sped up the strokes. Just as I felt the orgasm begin, I left Lenny's body. I woke up in the toilets and immediately dashed out, across the hall and into the classroom. I was one of the last in and took an empty seat near the back of the room. "Quiet down everyone." Miss Jackson said firmly. "And get your books out, page 112." I was sure I heard noises coming from the closet, but it could have been my imagination. Either way, the sounds were drowned out by the students whose books I had taken. "Miss, I've forgot my book." Lee Henson said with his hand in the air. "Me too." Paul Bentley added. "That's okay, just grab a couple out of the store but remember them next time!" Miss Jackson instructed, exactly as I had hoped. As Paul and Lee got up and headed to the store, I resisted looking around. I felt like I didn't want to draw attention to myself by looking at the closet before anything happened. In my mind I knew there was no way anyone could suspect me, but I still wanted to play it safe. It was Paul who pulled the door open, but Lee who reacted first. "Oh my God!" Lee said, quite loudly. Immediately the entire class turned round to see the open closet, now lit with the light from the classroom. There sat Lenny, totally naked, cock still semi-erect, covered in his own cum and looking extremely confused. The class burst into raucous laughter, cheering and even some applause. Lenny stood up and tried to cover up, but covering your cock with a hand that's covered in your own cum doesn't really do much to reduce embarrassment. The large teen had turned bright red from his face, right down to his shoulders and chest. Miss Jackson didn't know what to do. I think she may have said something, but it was lost in the noise of the laughing students. The teacher rushed to the back of the room and shouted at Lenny, "Where are your clothes?" she sounded furious. Her sharp tone seemed to cause some of the students to quieten. "I... I don't know." Lenny stuttered back. "This is disgusting!" she screamed at him, then turned to face the class. "Does anybody have anything he can wear?" Most of the class simply shook their heads. There was no reason for any of them to have anything spare, we had no PE that day so nobody was carrying their kit. "I've got an old pair of gym shorts." James Trent added. He pulled them out of his bag, then handed them to Miss Jackson as she stormed over to him. The teacher walked back, thrust them at Lenny and snapped, "Put these on!" Lenny looked like he was about to burst into tears already, even moreso as he had to once again reveal his cock to the classroom as he put on the shorts. The small item of clothing didn't really do much to hide his modesty as they were clearly much too small for him. By the time he squeezed them on, they looked more like skimpy skin-tight briefs. With so little space, his dick and balls were all squished up at the front, making his bulge look quite large. He looked even worse due to the fact there was still cum on his stomach and hand, as well as several patches of it now dampening the material of the shorts. "Now come with me!" Miss Jackson insisted as she headed to the door, Lenny following quickly behind. They vanished out of the room and everyone went back to loud chatting and laughing. A few seconds later, Lee called out, "Quick, look!" Everybody rushed to the windows and looked down into the yard. There was Miss Jackson leading Lenny across it in plain view of just about every classroom in the school as she headed for the building with the headmaster's office. The laughing intensified. I simply sat back down at my desk, smiled and adjusted my erection. Chapter 3 At lunchtime, pretty much everybody was talking about what had happened with Lenny. Those that had seen him being led across the yard by Miss Jackson had told everyone else who hadn't, whilst everyone in my class became virtual celebrities due to their full knowledge of the event. Across the multiple telling of the story, the actual events had become very much twisted and distorted. Some were telling it like he had still been jerking off when the door was opened and the whole class had seen him shoot. Others were saying they'd seen him licking the cum off of his hand. It was great; the exaggerations had become even more embarrassing for Lenny than the actual event. Lenny himself had not been seen yet. Some guessed he was still in the headmaster's office, some thought he might have been sent home to get dressed whilst the more extreme guessers (these were the people who had been exaggerating the events) were saying he had probably been expelled or even arrested for indecent exposure. Whatever had happened, I had achieved my goal of getting revenge on the stupid bully. Admittedly I was feeling a little guilt about it, but not much. Someone would have to push me pretty far for me to subject them to something like that again. For now I decided to stick to having my own private fun. I had originally planned not to do anything else at school that day for fear of arousing suspicion, but another type of arousal seemed to be clouding my judgement. During the first period after lunch I decided to try a little more experimentation and took the seat furthest back in the room, nobody sat beside me luckily. I sat back in my chair, looking toward the teacher at the front of the class and began to concentrate on Greg, a boy sat on the other side of the room. Seconds later I felt the rapidly familiarising rush and suddenly I was looking at the classroom from a different angle. Casually I look back round at my own body. I saw myself still sat there, staring forwards. To anybody looking at the real me, I looked like I was completely alert and awake; this opened up a few more possibilities. Now I would be able to do things in my own immediate vicinity and be back in my own body instantly and able to see the results. I transferred back to my own body and started to think. As I sat there, I shifted slightly in my seat as my engorged cock pushed desperately against the material of my underwear and school trousers. I really needed to jerk off. I had considered doing it in class before but has always been too scared to risk it. I smiled as I realised I could now try it without any personal risk. The desks in that particular classroom were arranged in six rows of three double desks, meaning there were 36 seats in total. As my whole class, with the exception of Lenny, were present, the front five rows were full apart from one seat near the front, while the back row consisted of myself in one corner and Michael in the opposite corner. He was a pretty average kid, average height, average build, short strawberry blonde hair. He usually sat with his mates, but as there was an odd number of them in his particular clique, it always meant one of them had to sit away from the others. A moment's concentration and suddenly I was Michael. I immediately slipped a hand under the desk and played with his cock! It didn't take long to become as aroused as I had been in my own body. Quietly I undid the trousers, pulled back the waistband of the underwear and took hold of the rigid shaft. It was a shame I couldn't see what Michael had down there as it felt like he had quite an impressive dick. It was hard to judge, however, as I was once again feeling it with someone else's hand and had little context for comparison. Either way, it felt incredible to have my hand against the warm skin of an erection whilst sat in class. I figured that as there was no risk to myself, I should just enjoy the moment so I sat up slightly in my seat, just enough to allow me to pull the trousers and underwear from beneath me and slide them down to mid-thigh. With them only pulled slightly down, the only person in the room who could have noticed was myself, had I been in my own body. With the boner now fully unleashed, I was able to look down and see what Michael was packing. It turned out it was fairly average, a little smaller than my own which led me to figure out Michael's hands must have been quite small for it to feel so large. It didn't matter anyway, as I took hold of it and began slowly stroking. I got a little faster, not wanting to make even the slightest noise. It took a lot of self control to keep my breathing steady while I masturbated, my strokes gradually daring to get just a little faster. I kept looking round the room, paranoid that people knew what I was doing. I looked briefly back at my own body, but masturbating whilst looking at myself felt a little too narcissistic so my attention quickly returned to Michael's own body. I could feel the orgasm building as I stroked myself in a fast, steady rhythm. It was just before I ejaculated that I suddenly realised I didn't know where to cum. I decided to be a little mean, and just as the climax began, I pointed Michael's cock straight up. I bit a lip to stop myself moaning as the first shot exploded out, hitting my chin. It was followed by several more shots, all landing messily on Michael's school shirt and tie. Just as I was milking the last few drops out, the bell rang. The sudden distraction jolted me back into my own body. The timing couldn't have been better. I was now back in my own body and able to look round as Michael's mind reasserted control. The look of panic was incredible as he realised he was near naked from the waist down, his cock was in his hand and he was covered in his own cum. He quickly pulled up his trousers and got them done up just before the boys in front of him looked back in the process of gathering up their things for the next class. That still left Michael with the problem of a very impressive load shot all over his clothes. Hunched over in an attempt to hide the offending mess, he grabbed his coat, put it on and did it up. As we left, I saw him rushing off towards the toilets. Once again I felt a little guilt about what I had done, but the pleasure massively outweighed it. I soon realised my own problem though. Twice today I had effectively masturbated under incredibly arousing circumstances, but had not actually ejaculated at all in my own body. The affect of this arousal with lack of release was quite obvious from the sizeable bulge in my pants. I figured it would go down on the way to the next class, but it didn't. It felt so hard that I suspected it would never go down again! As I walked out of the class and through the school, I was immensely grateful for my bag which covered it up. I had just walked into my next class and removed by bag when I heard someone call out "Hey, nice boner!" I turned to see Mark, pointing at me and starting to laugh. I was so shocked by his comment that it took me a second to jump into my seat in an attempt to hide the still solid erection. By then it was too late, most of the class had looked round and seen; the laughter was deafening. Fortunately I was saved by the teacher, who walked in seconds later and said firmly, "Everyone in your seats, and be quiet!" Even though nobody was still laughing aloud, I could hear occasional sniggers as other boys kept looking round at me, once again sat at the back of the class. I had turned bright red and worst of all the erection had yet to subside. If anything it somehow felt harder. Fortune was once again on my side. The door opened and in walked Michael. I had forgotten about him rushing off to the toilets to clean up the mess I had caused him to make. "Where have you been?" the teacher demanded angrily. This in itself drew most of the attention away from me. "I had to go to the toilet." Michael replied meekly. He rushed to an empty seat and sat down, keeping his coat on. The teacher glared at him angrily but seemed to accept his excuse, but added, "Well take off your coat, at least make it look like you're staying!" Michael look round nervously before unzipping his coat and sliding it off his shoulders. "What happened to you?" the teacher asked, now starting to sound very angry at the extended interruption. Everyone was already looking at Michael, but now some of the boys started shifting in their seats or leaning over to look at him more closely. The front of his shirt and his tie were soaking wet. He had obviously attempted to wash the cum off of his clothing but not had time to dry himself off. "Well? What happened?" "I... erm... well..." Michael mumbled, trying to think of a believable excuse. "I was washing my hands but I turned the tap on too fast and it splashed me." I have to admit, it sounded like a very plausible excuse to me. Regardless of its plausibility, it prompted a loud round of laughter from the class. "Quiet!" the teacher bellowed. He began the lesson and it seemed my momentary embarrassment had been pretty much forgotten as nobody was looking round at me any more. With the focus taken off of me, I would have loved to jerk off, to finally relieve some pressure but I still didn't dare do it in my own body. Instead I decided to focus on the lesson and hope that taking my mind off of it would make the boner go down. After no more than a few seconds of focussing on the lesson, I realised it was just never going to happen. Instead something else popped into my mind... my next victim. My embarrassment may have been quickly forgotten by everybody else, but for me it was still very raw. From the embarrassment, anger grew; anger over the cause of the situation. It had been Mark who pointed out my arousal to the rest of the class, which meant he would have to pay for it. I started silently planning revenge on Mark, I was determined to make this the worst I'd done yet. As ideas began popping up, I realised this would take a little time. Mark was going to suffer ultimate humiliation! The rest of the day was pretty uneventful, Michael received a little teasing after the class finished, but I snuck away to avoid any further attention. After school finished, I made my way home. It wasn't until after I'd had dinner and done my homework that I was able to try anything else. My parents were pretty strict about homework so I had to do it downstairs and then pack my bag for the next day before I was allowed to do my own thing. Frustratingly, I still had not had a chance to relieve myself of the near-permanent boner. Hiding it wasn't easy either. When I finally got up into my room, cumming was all that was on my mind, I felt like I could cum about twenty times. I was about to take my clothes off and take care of business when my curiosity got the better of me again. Whilst online, wanking of course, a few weeks earlier I had looked into the subject of male multiple orgasms. I had tried it out for myself, just carrying on wanking after I had cum but my cock was just too sensitive to continue. The article I had read about it had suggested that about half of pre-pubescent boys were able to achieve multiple orgasms due to the absence of ejaculation. It suddenly hit me that I was finally able to try it out for myself. I needed a test subject. The most obvious choice was my little brother Danny, but right now he was still sat downstairs watching TV with my parents. The next best option was Liam. Liam was an eleven-year-old boy in the same class as Danny who lived across the street. I resisted touching myself and focussed on Liam. After the rushing sensation passed, I found myself sat in a room I had never seen before, a video game controller held tightly in my hands. I took a quick look round to make sure I was alone; fortunately I was, Liam had been playing video games alone in his room when I took control. I put down the controller and stood, moving over to the long mirror on the front of the wardrobe in the corner. Liam was pretty cute, dark blonde hair cut quite short, deep blue eyes, cute freckles and an adorable smile. It struck me that the smile was actually my won, but it was surprising how different my own smile looked on Liam's face. Not wanting to waste any time, I pulled off the tee-shirt Liam was wearing to reveal his smooth pale body. I ran my hand over my stomach and chest, shuddering slightly as I gently caressed the hardening nipples. Next I undid the button on the jeans and unzipped the fly before letting them drop to my ankles and stepping out of them. I was now staring at Liam in the mirror dressed in just a small pair of white briefs. My arousal was showing as a small erection was clearly visible in the small underwear. I slid the briefs off too and stood there naked. It was strange to see the undeveloped body stood there. It had not been that long since my own body had looked like that, but my development had been so gradual that the difference didn't seem to stand out quite so much until now. Liam had either just started to develop or was going to be very gifted down below as his young boner already stood at a proud four inches. I tore myself away from the stimulating view and lay down on the bed, quickly wrapping Liam's young hand around his cock. It felt incredible as I started stroking my fingers up and down his small shaft. I was so turned on that it didn't take long before I felt the warm tightening in the base of the cock. Before I knew it, waves of pleasure were flowing through me as I reached climax. I was panting and shaking as the orgasm began to subside. For a moment I almost forgot why I came to that particular body as I nearly let go of the twitching dick. Instead I began stroking again, not slowly like I had originally started but rapidly, keen to see if I could orgasm again straight after. It felt absolutely incredible as I could already feel the next one building. I was trying my best to keep quiet but I couldn't help moaning quietly with pleasure. About a minute of stroking later, it began once again and I felt the small cock spasming between my fingers, new jolts of ecstasy intensifying the experience even further. Two orgasms in two minutes had been an incredible feeling, but I wasn't going to end it there. I had continued wanking right through the second dry-cum and didn't stop there. I just kept masturbating, Liam's cock feeling gradually more and more sensitive; not as much as my own cock does after ejaculation, but enough to start feeling slightly uncomfortable. It wasn't going to stop my marathon as the delight I was experiencing was unlike anything I had felt before. It continued in waves, masturbation, orgasm, masturbation, orgasm. As the feelings intensified, the orgasms had got closer together and lasted just a little longer. The sixth dry-cum was only just subsiding when I felt the seventh begin. I had now reached the point where my wanking was now resulting in one unending intense orgasm. I had stopped moaning quietly with pleasure and was now virtually shouting my satisfaction. They weren't stopping; eight, nine, ten, eleven orgasms. I had just began what I thought was my twelfth (it was hard to tell now they had all begun to merge) when I finally had to stop wanking. The rapidly-tiring cock had now just got too sensitive to stroke any more. I let go and enjoyed the last few moments of the final fading climax, my heaving chest covered in a fine sheen of perspiration as I panted heavily, loud moans now back to a gentle whimper. It had been even more intense to hear the moans and shouts in Liam's voice. I was just starting to recover from the experience when suddenly Liam's door swung open. "Liam, are you okay, I heard...." The distraction shocked me back into my own body, it had been a woman's voice so I assumed it was Liam's mum. What must she have thought to walk in and find her son naked on his bed, cock still standing stiffly between his fingers. And poor Liam, suddenly awakening to find himself naked in front of his mum. I didn't really have much time to think about Liam's situation as something strange began happening to my own body as soon as I returned. I was as hard as I had been when I left it, but once I was back I felt something happening. Quickly I undid my own jeans and pulled out my painfully hard cock. I'm not sure whether it was a result of the dozen orgasms I had just experienced in Liam's body, or perhaps the constant state of arousal I had been in all day, but without even a single stroke I found myself ejaculating. It was no ordinary orgasm though. The one I had last night after jerking off in my neighbour's body had been the most intensely I had cum in my life. This, however, made that feel like nothing! My entire body tensed, my back arching as the first shot erupted from my rock-hard dick. It shot out like a shotgun going off and hit the ceiling, I would have stared at it in amazement had I not been a little preoccupied. The second shot was almost as strong, shooting up and over my head to hit the wall just below the ceiling. More and more shots followed; each one splatting against the wall and splashing messily. Each following shot got gradually shorter but felt just as incredible. Soon the wall was covered in sticky splashes of cum, it was dripping off the headboard of my bed, my face and hair were drenched and there were large puddles of spunk covering my tee-shirt. When it finally stopped, the last few dribbles pooling on my soaked tee-shirt, I was left breathless. I couldn't believe how incredible it had been, especially as it had caught me completely by surprise. I was still breathing heavily when I tried to get up, but as I swung my legs round off the bed, I staggered across the room. My legs had actually gone weak from the insane ejaculation. I turned and look at the mess I had made, seeing my cum dripping off the ceiling and down the wall was almost enough to re-harden my softening cock. Considering I had experienced fifteen orgasms, including two public ejaculations and what could only be described as a human fountain of cum, it was amazing that there was any life left in my cock at all. I pulled off the spunk-soaked tee-shirt then climbed up on the bed and used it to clean the ceiling and wall. Throwing it aside I lay back down on the bed, completely exhausted after the day's erotic events. I started considering what I was going to do to Mark, but before I could form much of a plan I fell asleep. Chapter 4 I woke up with vague memories of bizarre, vivid dreams. Some of them barely even seemed to be my own and I wondered if maybe I had slipped into other peoples' heads while I slept. My theory proved to be immediately true as I looked around the room and realised it wasn't my own. I jumped out of bed, found a mirror and looked. I was in Mark's body, obviously my thoughts of revenge had continued into my dreams and then my powers had kicked in. I was tempted to start my revenge early, perhaps making him run out of the house naked or something like that, but I wanted to be present myself to see his humiliation when I inflicted it, so I released him and transferred back to my own body. As I returned, I felt a wave of arousal flood through me. While my epic explosion the night before had felt amazing, I had not actually done anything to my own body to trigger it and my cock was begging for my touch. I took hold of it and started stroking rapidly, feeling a degree of comfort in feeling my own cock in my own hand for a change. I had used other peoples bodies so much over the last couple of days that I had almost forgotten the feeling. I moaned happily as I felt my orgasm approaching, throwing back the covers just in time to avoid making too much mess. I didn't quite hit the ceiling this time, but I happily covered my chest in a substantial load. As usual I was last to breakfast and got the usual greetings. I was sat eating my breakfast, lost in my thoughts and the possibilities of what I might do today when I felt Danny nudge me. “Oy, dad's talking to you, stop daydreaming about your boyfriend!” he said, sniggering. He had no reason to think I was actually gay, but he just liked to try and annoy me with it. I glared at him then turned to Dad. “Sorry?” “I said will you be okay keeping an eye on Danny tonight?” he repeated his question. “Oh, yeah. No problem. I don't mind BABYsitting!” I said, emphasising the baby part as revenge for Danny's earlier jibe. I was a bit annoyed really that I was being asked to do it. With my new powers, every bit of spare time I had now had the potential for great fun. Although Danny would do his own thing that evening, I couldn't risk being away from my body with him around and getting found out. Danny just pulled a face at me and kicked me under the table in response to my remark. I would have responded, but figured I could come up with something better than a simple kick. Then it occurred to me. I knew how risky it was to leave my body with people around, but it would only be for a second. I concentrated on Danny and found myself in his body instantly, disoriented by the sudden change of perspective at the table. Acting quickly, I squeezed as hard as I could and started to pee, then returned to my body. Danny looked disoriented for a moment, then realised what has happening. “Fuck!” he yelled at full volume, jumping out of his seat. “Danny!” Mum yelled as she heard him swear, then she saw what he had done, remnants of his pee dripping from his trouser leg. Danny's bottom lip quivered and he burst into tears, running out of the kitchen. I felt a moment of guilt at how upset he was, but it soon passed. Aside from the embarrassment I had just caused him, I now had something I could mention every time I wanted to shut him up again. I quickly left, sniggering and headed out to school. I was much earlier than usual, not wanting to be around when Danny finally emerged from his room, but I figured I could find a way to entertain myself at school for a while. Once I got there, I sat in the school-yard and and looked round at the others who had arrived early. Most were playing games or standing round in groups talking. Nothing really caught my interest, at least not until I looked round towards the entrance to the faculty building. A few teachers were heading in, some in small groups and others on their own. Mr Ferguson caught my attention particularly. He was a fairly new PE teacher and this was his first job so he was quite young. His youthful appearance sometimes even got him mistaken for one of the more mature sixth-formers. I had not yet had him as a PE teacher, which was probably a good thing as I expected I would have popped a boner for the entire lesson if he was around. I could already feel stirrings below just from seeing him walk into the building. I concentrated on him and found myself getting pulled through that dark tube, waking up behind his eyes. I was inside the faculty building, a place few students ever got to see the inside of. I hadn't really given the plan any thought, beyond wanting to do something with him. Looking round, I saw a toilet. I walked in and locked the door behind me. It was fairly large and spacious, much more pleasant than the piss-soaked hovels they subjected us students to. Above the sink was a large mirror and that was when inspiration struck. Excitedly I pulled off his clothes, doing my best not to look down as I did so, then once I was naked, stood proudly facing the mirror. If I hadn't already been aroused, he would have induced an instant erection. Light brown hair, cut short and meticulously styled, baby blue eyes, sumptuous lips over a row of ridiculously perfect teeth. His body was even better - bulging pecs, a strong eight-pack leading down like an arrow pointing to his goodies. He was completely smooth everywhere except under his arms, not even a hint of pubes above his rigid seven-incher. “Fuck, I need to remember this!” I said in his sexy deep voice. I pulled the phone out of his pocket. I unlocked it with a 4-digit number, barely even stopping to wonder how I knew it! I snapped a couple of pictures in the mirror in a few poses and sent them to my number, then deleted them and quickly dressed. Once I had him back in the hallway where I had found him, I returned to my body, leaving him to continue his day as normal. Eagerly I pulled out my phone and looked through the pictures. Instant boner! Despite having cum just a couple of hours before, his pictures had me so turned on that I had to shoot again so I headed for the toilets and locked myself in a cubicle, suddenly appreciating the teachers' facilities even more. With my eyes fixed on his picture, I quickly stroked out my second load of the morning, stifling my moans of pleasure to avoid being heard. I returned to the yard and looked around but still nobody caught my eye. I found myself really missing my best friend, Oli. He was only away for a week, but it already felt like a lot longer. I had been so caught up in my new-found powers that I hadn't really had much chance to miss him until then. I wondered if I should tell him about my powers when he got back or if I should keep it entirely to myself. Could I risk my secret getting out? Who knows what might happen. I had seen enough movies to know what the government did to people like me. Tests, dissections, torture... basically nothing good! I was shaken from my thoughts by a surprising sight... Lenny was back! I was amazed he had the balls to show his face, but from his expression I would say it wasn't by choice. There was a lot of laughing and pointing... from a distance though. Even with his humiliation he was still intimidating enough to put anyone off a face-to-face confrontation. I watched as he made his way across the yard. As he walked, a first-year chasing a football ran in front of him, not seeing his approach. He bumped into the large bully, then turned and immediately started apologising. I looked round. Not a teacher in sight, nobody moved towards him. Angered and embarrassed by my trick, he looked ready to take out all of his aggression on the small boy. I don't know what came over me then, whether it was guilt over 'poking the bear' with my trick, or a surge of boldness from the confidence my powers were giving me, but I ran over as fast as I could, just as Lenny grabbed the boy by the front of his shirt, first raised. “Hey!” I yelled. Most of the school-yard had already been watching, but as my shout echoed around the large space, everyone else froze. I suddenly realised I was in trouble. If I had wanted to stop it, I could have just taken over his body and made him. Why hadn't I done that? I cursed my own bravado. “Hey what?” Lenny snapped, keeping hold of the kid but turning his gaze on me. “Put him down!” I said as firmly as I could force myself to. Lenny laughed. “Okay!” he said, dropping the kid who ran for cover. He approached me instead and grabbed a handful of shirt. “I'm happy to kick the shit out of you instead!” That was when I smiled, my skills of improvisation had served me well so far and they came through once again. “You're not gonna kick the shit out of me!” I said confidently. “Oh, you're gonna stop me, are you?” he sniggered wickedly, tightening his grip on my shirt. “No, you're going to put me down and walk away,” I ordered, then added quietly so only he could hear, “Otherwise I'll do worse than leave you naked in a closet.” I smiled knowingly. “Wait, you...” he stuttered, the colour draining from his face. “That's right. I put you in there and you still have no idea how. So unless you want to give everyone a repeat show right out here in the yard, put me down.... and walk away!” I stared, unblinking. I don't know if he really believed that I had been responsible, or just didn't want to risk it, but he put me down, glared angrily then walked away. There was an eerie silence. If it had been a movie, a tumble-weed probably would have rolled by. Then came the cheers and applause. Nobody had ever seen anyone stand up to Lenny. They didn't know what I had said but it didn't matter. I had stood up to Lenny and won. I was assaulted with a barrage of compliments and praise, pats on the back and fist bumps, even a quick awkward hug from the boy I had saved. I felt a surge of pride. Amongst all the horny fun, I had barely even given a thought to actually doing some good with my abilities. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't imagining a lycra outfit and cape as I swung round the city by night, but I definitely thought about how I might be able to help people. Just as the story of Lenny's naked discovery had spread quickly through the school, embellished by the Chinese whispers, so too did the story of me standing up to him. By lunchtime, someone was aksing me how it had felt to knock him out with a single punch! It seemed the story had also made its way to the faculty though. After afternoon registration, my form tutor, Mr Nealson asked me to stay behind for 'a chat'. “I heard you got in a fight with Lenny this morning.” “No I didn't.” I replied honestly. “He was picking on someone, and I told him to stop!” “You.. told Lenny... to stop? And he just did?” Mr Nealson asked, smirking at the prospect of such a small boy standing up to someone as big as Lenny. “Yes.” I said simply. “Why do I find that hard to believe?” he asked. Emboldened by the day, I answered back, “Lack of imagination?” Mr Nealson looked furious at my cheek, but I felt quite justified in my attitude. I had done nothing wrong and he was acting on rumours. “Well I heard you hit Lenny. You know we don't accept violence at this school.” “I didn't hit anyone.” I said bluntly. “It's almost like you want detention. Don't push me, Mr Taylor.” Mr Nealson snapped angrily. I had had enough. I stepped closer to him and said, “No, don't YOU push ME!” “Right. Detention, for a week!” “You don't want to do that.” I said with a smile, inspiration striking me. “Two weeks.” he added. I laughed. “No, you'll apologise to me and cancel the detention.” “Oh and why would I do that?” he asked, smirking. I concentrated for a moment and entered his body. I quickly stripped, held out his phone and took a few selfies, then sent them to my phone with the message, “Thinking of you, Nicky!” I didn't delete these ones. I considered going back to my own body and leaving him naked, but thought it would confuse him more if I dressed him first, so I quickly pulled it all back on, sat him back down and returned to my body. He shook his head as his consciousness returned. I continued as if nothing had happened. “Why would you do that?” I reminded him of his question. “Well if you don't, then I think the police might want to ask you about why you're sending inappropriate pictures to a minor!” He looked at me like I was insane. “What are you talking about, I've never done anything like that.” “Really?” I asked, pulling my phone out of my pocket. I opened the message and showed him, smiling wickedly. His face distorted in horror. “They're fake, I never did that.” “You sure? Check your phone.” I said. Frantically he pulled out his phone and looked. There were the pictures, there was the sent message. “How did you...” “Now apologise and I walk away!” I said firmly. “I'm... I'm sorry!” he stuttered. I smiled, turned and headed for the door. Before I left, I turned to him and said, “I'm not a monster, Mr Nealson. I'll delete the pictures and I won't say a word. Just... don't piss me off again!” Talk of my bravery was still everywhere for the rest of the day. Pleasant as it was, the attention on me robbed me of any opportunity to mess around with my power. At the end of the day I headed home, dreading my evening with Danny. He was bound to be determined to annoy me, as he always was, and if Lenny was any indication then my trick would only serve to have annoyed him more. Exactly as expected, as soon as my parents left he set out to piss me off, deliberately getting in the way as I tried to watch TV. “Danny, stop it!” I snapped. He continued. I remembered my issue with Mr Nealson earlier, surely my powers could be useful here too. The simple solution would be to just jump into Danny's body and watch TV from there, but I didn't know yet how long I could stay in one body and I didn't want to tire myself so early in the evening. I decided I should at least give the little git some warning. “Danny, stop it or you'll regret it.” Instead of stopping him, my threat simply spurred him on. “Ooh, I'm so scared, what are you gonna do, you big poof?” “I did warn you!” I said with a smile. A moment's concentration and I was in control. 'Hmm, I think maybe a mix of Lenny and Mr Nealson!' I thought to myself. I quickly stripped off his clothes, piling them on the sofa then headed for the front door. I unlocked it, stepped outside, locked it again and pushed the key back through the letterbox. I returned to my body and waited for his reaction. First he tried the door, then started banging on it before calling out, “Nick, let me in!” I burst into laughter when he appeared at the window, covering up with one hand as he banged on the glass with the other. I went to the front door, picked up the key and unlocked the door. He dashed in, immediately grabbing me and threatening to hit me. I sighed. “You don't learn do you!” I concentrated again. This time I stepped outside, locked the door and returned the key then dashed down the driveway into the middle of street and released him. I watched through the window as he realised where he was, desperately running for cover and returning to the door. “Let me in!” he demanded again. Again when he stepped inside he moved towards me, but I raised a hand and said, “I wouldn't, unless you wanna end up a few miles away this time!” He glared at me angrily, nostrils flared then ran into the lounge to dress. “How did you do that?” he snapped. “That's my secret. Now are you gonna keep pissing me off?” I asked smugly. He didn't answer, he just headed upstairs while pulling on his t-shirt and slammed his door. As I sat watching the TV, I pulled out my phone and looked through the pictures. As I promised Mr Nealson, I deleted his. Mr Ferguson's though, they were staying! As I sat thinking about him, my concentration must have slipped as I felt the familiar sensation of heading to somebody else's body. I assumed it was Mr Ferguson, and a quick glance down indicated I was probably right, his flawless body stretched out beneath me. Most excitingly, his cock was in his hand. As I looked ahead of me, I saw porn playing on the TV... two men. Mr Ferguson appeared to be gay. I suddenly liked him even more. I wished I could be there watching him from the outside, but instead settled for the inside view. One hand pumped away while the other caressed the bumps and curves of his muscles. Whether it was because he was close when I jumped in, or simply because I found him so sexy, I soon shot a load. Watching excitedly as it formed little pools between the ridges of his abs and in the crease between his pectorals. I jumped back, wondering if he would perhaps think he had blacked out from a particularly intense orgasm. As I returned to my own body, I got the usual rush of horniness from the orgasm I had experienced only in my head and not in my body. I considered pulling out my cock and having a quick one, but worried Danny might come down and catch me in the act. Much as I had with Mr Ferguson, I found myself rushing into Danny without really intending to. I was amazed to find myself looking down at another naked body. 'Fuck, is everyone jerking off except me?' I thought. Danny's cock was in my hand, just a few inches but rigidly hard. His phone was in his hand, playing a video of a guy stood in the middle of some park, naked and jerking off. I wondered if he was watching it as a result of what I had done to him, his naked adventure catching his imagination or if I had accidentally just punished him with something he already fantasised about. Watching the video was getting me horny too and I pumped away at Danny's little tool. As I felt the climax building, I remembered my multiple-orgasm experiment with Liam, the boy across the road. I figured that as I was in another possible test subject, that I may as well try it again... purely for scientific purposes of course! I took a deep breath and prepared myself, remembering how quickly the orgasms had built from good to amazing in Liam's body. As my stroking continued, the small cock held between thumb and two fingers, it began twitching as it began. Waves of pleasure rolled through me as I continued stroking. A minute later, the second began. I stopped myself moaning for a moment before remembering there was nobody else in the house to hear me so I let my pleasure out audibly. I stroked my way to a third. Last night, it had been beyond ten before they started merging into one. Danny's body was responding differently. Whether his orgasms last longer, or were quicker to induce, but by the fifth, they just became one endless wave of pure euphoria. I actually screamed with pleasure, willing Danny's hand to continue as the rest of his body spasmed helplessly. How long had I been going? All concept of time fell away as the self-induced megagasm continued. “Oh my God, oh fuck, oh fuck!” I yelled out before I actually seemed to lose the ability to form words. I doubled over and still the hand continued stroking. Finally, after more orgasms than it was possible to count I let go. Danny's body continue to twitch excitedly for minutes after as I struggled for breath. I contemplated going back to my body, thinking about how messy things would get if I spontaneously ejaculated as I had previously on going back. I thought of my own body and rushed back to it, using every bit of willpower I had as I did it in an attempt to hold back my excitement. It worked, but barely, my cock felt huge and soaked from precum, but I didn't cum. I needed to though, desperately. Deciding to save the pleasure for when I was alone in bed seemed like a good idea. By the time my parents got home and I decided to go to bed, cumming was the only thing I could think about. My door was barely closed before my clothes were thrown aside and my hand was pumping at my throbbing dick. I turned on my phone and opened up the pictures of Mr Ferguson. Just the sight of his body took me over the edge and my balls emptied all over myself and wall behind my bed. Exhausted, I fell asleep without even cleaning up. Chapter 5 I woke the next morning, thankfully in my own body. My accidental transferences the day before had me a little concerned and I was determined not to let it happen again. The drawback of being in my own body was the remnants of last nights orgasm sticking to me. Once I was showered and dressed, I went down to breakfast. Danny looked at me with a mix of anger and suspicion. Last night was obviously far from forgotten. I couldn't help noticing that he looked quite tired too. I guessed a megagasm (I found myself rapidly liking that word) must have been pretty tiring. Throughout breakfast, Danny never said a word to me, he just continued glaring. As I left, he followed, stopping me at the bottom of the stairs. “I don't know how you did that last night, but I'm gonna find out and I'm gonna make you regret it!” he snapped. I smirked, knowing that the chances of him figuring it out were slim at best. Still, it was better not to have him snooping around, just in case so perhaps a little deterrent was called for. “Hey Danny, have you ever had that dream where you wake up and you're in school in just your underwear?” I asked. He looked at me, his anger slowly melting into worry. As I spoke, I edged closer and closer, my voice gradually quietening to an aggressive hiss. “Well imagine it happening, but you're naked... and boned up... and playing with yourself, with everyone watching. Imagine them all seeing your naked little body, pointing and laughing at you. Well if you bother me about this again, I'll do something to you that'll make that seem like a good day. You get me?” By the time I finished, my lips were virtually touching his ear. I pulled back, grinning as sinisterly as I could manage. In truth, the thought of inflicting such torture on the little bastard was already quite tempting anyway. His eyes were wide, staring at me in absolute fear as I walked up the stairs without looking back. My pseudo-celebrity status at school had lingered into today, which annoyed me at first, thinking it might restrict me from having some fun again, but it ended up actually providing opportunities. While everyone likes a hero (not that I'm saying anything I'd done was heroic, but rumours will be rumours), there are always some people determined to tear them down. “Oh, there goes the big man!” Carl Anthony, a boy from another class in my year sneered as I walked through the yard. “Still think you're tough, do you?” I looked back as I continued walking. “No, not really.” I said back. I knew my actions had been borne of intelligence, not toughness so I wasn't lying. A few bystanders sniggered at my nonchalance, noticing the anger on Carl's face as I mostly ignored his attempt to intimidate. He charged at me and grabbed my arm, spinning me around. “Oy, I was talking to you!” “Actually I think you were shouting AT me, there's a difference.” I said back with a shrug. More sniggering. A crowd started to form, close enough to watch, but not right on top of us. I think they expected a fight to break out. “Think you're smart, don't you?” he snapped. I grinned. “Wait, first you said I thought I was tough, now you're saying I think I'm smart? Really I'm just confused, maybe you can tell me what I really think.” Outright laughter came from the crowd now, the final straw. He swung a fist at me. Acting on pure instinct, my mind transferred into his body allowing me to stop the punch, just before it hit. But what to do now? To everyone watching, it looked like he had just been threatening to hit me, while I had stood my ground, not even flinching. There came a few gasps and comments about my steely resolve, how I hadn't even blinked. Of course they didn't know it was simply because nobody was home. My mind (or Carl's mind really) was racing. Then inspiration struck again, continuing to prove I really did do my best thinking under pressure. I reached up and grabbed my own face with Carl's hands and leant forward to kiss myself on the lips, immediately switching back to my own body. I recovered before Carl knew what was happening and pulled away as everyone stared. “I've got an admirer, isn't it sweet!” I called out loudly. Carl looked round and saw everyone laughing at him. “He tried to kiss him!” someone called out. “Carl's in love with Nick!” someone else added amongst the raucous laughter and cheering. “Wait, what? No, I never...” Carl stuttered, completely disoriented. He looked at me, more scared than annoyed. “NOW I think I'm clever.” I said quietly, before turning to walk away. I thought that was it, that he would skulk away and wait for everything to blow over, but once again I had overestimated the power of my trickery. As I walked, I heard some yells from behind me, then something hit my head and everything went black. I'm told I was unconscious for just a couple of minutes, but I had no concept of that when I awoke to the sound of a lot of shouting. There was a crowd around me, but one particular person hung right over me... it was Mr Ferguson! “Hey, can you hear me?” he asked. “Wow.” I muttered, seeing his beautiful face up close for the first time, then realised what I had said and added, “Yeah, I'm awake.” “Will you all go away!” he snapped angrily at the gathered masses, all hoping for a look at what was going on. Reluctantly they started to back off. “I'm gonna call you an ambulance.” “No.” I insisted. “I'm okay.” I wasn't sure if I was, but an ambulance seemed unnecessary. “Sorry kid, you lost consciousness, it's school policy.” he argued back. “And always best to play it safe with head wounds, besides, I think you're gonna need stitches.” “What for?” I asked. As far as I knew, I had just had a knock on the head and blacked out for a moment, but I reached up and touched my forehead, pulling my fingers back to reveal a lot of blood. “I'm fine.” I insisted. I started to get up, making Mr Ferguson out down his phone as he attempted to stop me. “See, I'm okay.” As I stood, a wave of dizziness washed over me and I staggered, the teacher grabbing me to keep me standing. “You're NOT okay.” Mr Ferguson insisted. “Okay, I'm gonna take you inside to the First Aid room, then I'm calling that ambulance.” I took a step, but everything continued to spin so I just stumbled once again. That was when Mr Ferguson picked me up. I wished I was a little more alert so that I could appreciate his arms supporting me as my head rested on his chest, but everything was foggy. All I remember of the short walk to the First Aid room was his scent. His deodorant, aftershave and natural musk mingling into a smell more intoxicating than anything I could have ever imagined. He put me down on a bed in the First Aid room. I vaguely recall him asking someone else to call the ambulance for me while he carried me through. As I lay there, only half-conscious, he pressed something against my head. Somehow, my hand found his and without even meaning to, I gripped onto it tightly. He spoke to me as he held the dressing on my head. The words were lost, but the tone of his voice was soothing, mesmerising even. It felt like I was laying there for hours, holding his hand as the room span around me, but it can't have been that long before paramedics turned up and checked me over. They asked me questions and I may have answered, but all I kept thinking was that I wanted Mr Ferguson back. “We're going to take you to the hospital now.” One of the paramedics said. I nodded but didn't really follow. Then he reappeared, my saviour. “We've called your parents and they'll meet you there.” he said. I just looked at him, smiled and mumbled, “You're so pretty.” I heard some laughing as I got wheeled away. The ambulance ride was a blur, but by the time I arrived at the hospital, my head had begun to clear, which may sound like a good thing, but it meant I was able to feel pain instead. My whole head throbbed, particularly the back of my neck and my forehead. On top of that, my wrist and chest both hurt. I got checked in, answering their questions a lot more clearly than the earlier ones and got placed in a bed, awaiting a doctor. Before the doctor arrived though, my parents turned up. I think just seeing me in there, particularly with the blood still on my face must have scared my Mum, as she went full-on with the hysterics. You'd think I was dying the way she carried on. They questioned me about what had happened. I didn't actually know myself, and I used a sudden spell of dizziness as en excuse to stop talking. When the doctor came round and examined me, she concluded that I had a fairly serious concussion, but suspected no more serious head injury and confirmed that I would in fact need stitches for the gash on my head. Meanwhile, she suspected a broken wrist and possibly broken ribs. Her best guess about had happened was that I had been hit in the back of head, rendering me unconscious, and on falling to the ground had crushed my wrist under my own ribcage and banged my head on the floor. They intended to keep me in overnight for observation. After an x-ray confirmed my broken bones, my wrist was put in a cast and my ribs were torso was bandaged. After that, I just wanted to sleep. The doctor said it was a good idea, despite my Mum's protestations that I shouldn't and that she knew better than the Doctor. The ensuing argument between 'current medical practices' and what Mum had 'read on the internet' soon helped me nod off. When I woke up, Danny and Martin were in the room along with Mum and Dad. “Hey, you okay champ?” Martin asked with a smile as he saw my eyes open. “You look a mess!” “You should see the other guy!” I joked. Martin laughed, Mum and Dad didn't. My comment made me think about Carl. I assumed it was him who had hit me, so I wondered what might have been happening to him. Danny looked thoroughly unhappy to be there, but he walked up to me, without looking me in the eye and just said quietly, “I'm glad you're okay.” “Sorry.” I said, grabbing his arm as he started to walk away. “About this morning.” “Whatever.” he said, shrugging, but his smile was sincere. “They've offered a room to us if one of us wants to stay here overnight with you.” Dad said. “I'll be okay on my own.” I insisted. “But I told them you'd be okay on your own.” Dad continued, ignoring my interruption and smiling. “Thanks Dad.” I said happily. “We've grabbed a few of your things for you.” Martin said, gesturing to a bag on the opposite side of the room. “So you should have everything you need.” I smiled my gratitude at him. “Thanks. You may as well all go now though, I think I'm gonna sleep some more and there's no point in you all sitting round watching me!” Honestly I just wanted to be alone. It was awkward having them hover round me like that. Dad and Martin managed to convince Mum I was right, while Danny just left without a second glance. I said goodbye to them all and lay back down, actually considering sleeping. Five minutes later though, just as I was nodding off, someone walked through the door. Rubbing my eyes with my functional hand, I looked over and saw Mr Ferguson. I smiled much more than I had intended to, my delight at seeing him blatantly obvious. “Hi Mr Ferguson.” I said cheerfully. “Hi Nicholas.” he said, very formally. “Ugh, call me Nicky, or Nick. I hate Nicholas.” I insisted. Mr Ferguson laughed. “Sorry, Hi Nicky. How are you feeling?” “Much better now.” I said, then added, “But I'm on some pretty strong painkillers, which I guess is helping.” He pulled up a chair and sat beside me. “Did the school send you?” I asked, wondering if he had simply been tasked with checking up on me. “No, I just wanted to check you were okay. You had me pretty scared for a bit back there.” he replied honestly. “You didn't seem scared. You were awesome. My hero.” I said, and immediately blushed. He chuckled at both my comment and my embarrassment. “That's sweet, but yeah, you scared me. When you held my hand I thought it may have been because you wanted to stop it shaking!” “I... held your hand?” I asked. The entire thing was a blur. “Yup. And you called me pretty.” he added with a laugh. “Oh God, quick, get a doctor!” I yelled out. His face contorted into panic. “What's happening? What's wrong?” “I think I'm about to die of embarrassment!” I said seriously, then burst into laughter. He looked at me furiously, but then burst into laughter too. “Do you know what happened?” I asked as the laughter died down and threatened to turn into awkward silence. “Yeah, I was heading into the school when it happened. I saw the crowd and after what I'd heard about yesterday, I figured I might need to step in. I got there and saw you walking away from Carl Anthony, but he ran after you and punched you in the back of the head.” he explained. “What's happening to him?” I asked. “Well he's been suspended and chances are he'll be expelled. There might even be criminal proceedings.” he replied, his voice completely devoid of any sympathy. “No.” I said, frowning. “Can you talk to the school? I don't want that to happen.” “He assaulted you. I even witnessed it myself. I don't think your objection is really going to change that.” Mr Ferguson insisted. “But I provoked him. I pretty much started it!” I confessed. “That's not the way the other students tell it.” “Yeah well they don't... they don't know everything.” I said. I wondered how much more I could say without revealing myself to the teacher. He sighed and stared at me, almost like he was trying to figure me out. “If someone had done this to me, I doubt I'd be defending him, but I'm sure you have your reasons. I'll speak to the Head tomorrow.” “Thanks.” I said with a smile. He smiled back. “You're even prettier when you smile.” I said without thinking. I blame the painkillers! “I like to think I'm more handsome than pretty!” he said with a cheeky grin. “Pretty, handsome, sexy. They all fit!” I said, then screwed my eyes closed as I realised I had done it again. “I think they've given me Veritaserum instead of painkillers!” I attempted to hide my shame with a little humour. “Well at least I know what you're saying is true then!” he said, playing along. It just made me blush even more. Humour seemed to alleviate the tension a little. “I actually planned this whole thing, just so I could hold your hand, ya know!” I joked. “Break something worse than your wrist and you might get a kiss!” he joked back, then realised what exactly he had just offered. “Erm... forget I said that. That's... that's not appropriate, sorry.” I looked at him for a moment as if trying to solve a puzzle. “You're... different to the way I imagined you.” “Oh, you've been 'imagining' me, have you?” He put air quotes around 'imagining' and winked, obviously trying to embarrass me some more. I decided to call his bluff. “Yeah, and quite often too! Although it looks like that's off the menu for a while!” I said, raising my plastered wrist and grinning. It worked, he turned bright red. Quickly attempting to change the subject, he asked, “How am I different, then?” “I dunno.” I said, shrugging and wincing with pain as my ribs throbbed from the motion. “You're just not very teachery.” “I'm enough of a teacher to know that teachery isn't actually a word!” he shot back with a grin, but then his face straightened and he added, “It's just because I'm new. This is my first teaching job and I don't really have any friends at the school yet. Maybe because I'm not teachery enough!” I smiled at his use of my word and then offered, “Hey, you've got me. We're like best buddies now. Aren't all good friendships built on a strong foundation of unconsciousness, head injuries and awkward hand holding?” He burst into laughter. “You are a VERY weird kid!” 'You have no idea.' I thought to myself. “I should probably get going.” he said, standing up from the chair. “Okay.” I said, unintentionally pouting. I forced a smile and said, “Thanks, for... ya know... everything.” “No problem.” He smiled back. “I'll see you at school.” Just as he started to walk away, he stop, span on the spot and walked back over. Leaning down quickly, he kissed me on the forehead, winked at me and said, “Just in case I'm not around for the next injury!” And with that, he left. Once he was gone, I felt my tiredness returning and soon dropped off. I was woken some time later by dinner being brought round. The concussion and tablets made me a little nauseous so I most just pushed it around the plate, my mind lingering on what might be happening to Carl and on the time I had spent with Mr Ferguson. I found myself racked with guilt over both of them. Admittedly the decision to assault me had been completely Carl's choice, but I was the one who had pushed him to that point. Meanwhile, Mr Ferguson had been beyond nice to me, but I had taken advantage of him without his knowledge. I grabbed my phone and looked at his pictures. The first thing that struck me was how wrong he looked. It was his face, but completely my own expression. Having seen him up close now, the difference was obvious. Invading his body at a most private time and hijacking it for my own pleasure felt wrong too. I immediately deleted the pictures. The day had started so well. I was on a high from my adventures yesterday, I had put Danny in his place and I felt like I could do anything. I couldn't believe how much that could change in such a short time. Now I lay there injured, miserable and torn up by my own conscience. 'And I can't even jerk off.' I thought to myself miserably. I had tried doing it left-handed before and it just didn't work for me. Knowing my right wrist would be out of action for at least six weeks felt horrible. I was shaken from my thoughts by a tap at the door followed by a young man walking in with a trolley. He was there to collect my tray. He looked at how much and said, “Not hungry or didn't like it? I can go and find you something else if you want?” His smile was so sweet and sincere it immediately knocked me out of my misery. “No, I just wasn't very hungry, but thanks.” I said back. “Okay, well let us know if you need anything else.” he replied, loading the tray onto the trolley. 'You could jerk me off!' I thought to myself, stifling a grin at the thought. Then the idea came to me. I stared at him, concentrated and suddenly I became him. I finished sliding the tray into the slot, quickly closed the door and then pulled back the covers on my bed. I lifted the hospital gown and slid down the underwear on my now-vacant body. I took the cock in my hand, my mind reeling at the bizarre sensation of feeling my own dick with someone else's hand and from such a different angle than I was used to. It quickly stiffened at my touch and I started pumping away as fast as I could. I kept going for a couple of minutes and while it seemed responsive, it refused to shoot. Disappointed, I put the covers back over, re-opened the door, repositioned the man at the trolley so he wouldn't notice he had moved and returned to myself. When I returned though, something incredible happened. There was a surge of gut-wrenching pleasure through my cock. I gasped in delight as the man recovered from my possession, prompting him to look round at me. “Hey, you okay?” he asked. I could suddenly feel the wanking I had done to myself, as if the sensations had stored themselves in some memory bank and decided to play back once I returned. “Yeah.” I stuttered, my hands clenching at the sheets as I did my best to hide my extreme arousal. He frowned at me and walked out. Just as the door closed, my cock erupted in my underwear and I doubled over from the stimulation, then threw myself back down as I felt the pain from my ribs. The wanking sensation seemed to continue though, not caring that I had already cum. I gasped ecstatically as it continued, far beyond the point I would have been able to stimulate it myself normally. I was verging on a second orgasm when it just stopped. I figured the sensation had only continued for the same length of time as I had been stroked it whilst out of my body. I lay there, panting and sticky as my mind raced through the possibilities of the new discovery. Maybe I might get to experience a megagasm in my own body after all. ***** Later that evening, my mind started wandering back over the victims of my previous possessions. With my wrist out of action and nobody around to 'lend me a hand', I figured doing it in someone else's body was at least a little enjoyment for me. So who would it be? Mr Ferguson still felt wrong, although I did find myself wanting to go to him, if only so I could look into his beautiful eyes again. My neighbour? At this time of night he was probably still doing things with his wife, so he was out. Liam? No, after the workout I had given him the other night and accidental embarrassment I would have caused getting him caught by his Mum put me off revisiting there any time soon. The same applied to Danny, I'd be amazed if he could even touch his cock after last night, let alone produce another orgasm. How about Lenny? I figured he had suffered enough for now. I decided he would only get revisited if he didn't change his ways and ended up needing further 'corrections'. I stopped when Mark popped into my head. I had possessed him briefly, but never took any action. Looking back, my determination to get 'revenge' for him pointing out my boner seems fairly petty now, but I figured I had nothing else to do. I concentrated on him and my conscious rushed out of me and into him. Looking round, I found he was sat in the cinema. A glance each way showed he was with a couple of his mates from school. I jumped up from the seat and just said, “Toilet.” when I got a look from Paul Bentley who sat beside him. I left the screen, headed for the toilets and locked myself in a cubicle. I pulled out his cock, finding it amusingly small. Maybe that was why he was so keen to point out my own erection, he was self-conscious about his own. Regardless of size, it felt great as I started pumping away. I reached under the t-shirt with one hand and played with a nipple as I jerked off. As I shot my load, I just let it all land on my leg, figuring the jeans belonged to Mark, so it was his problem now. That was when good old inspiration struck again. It seems I would have my revenge after all. Instead of putting my (Mark's) cock away, I undressed. Once I was naked, I opened the cubicle door and looked out warily. I realised my caution was stupid, my intention here was for him to be seen, but the instinct to not be seen was still strong. With films still running in most of the screens, there was nobody else about so I grabbed his clothes, piled them into the bin and headed back for the screen. It was both terrifying and thrilling to walk naked through the doors. Ignoring the looks and gasps as people saw me, I headed back to Mark's seat and sat down. I was about to return to my body, regretting the thought of missing the show when I considered another possibility. Staring at the person sat in front of Mark, my mind rushed from his body and into the man I had been staring at. “What the fuck?” Paul called out as he looked round at his naked friend. Mark regained his focus, looked at Paul and asked. “What?” Paul said nothing, he just looked down at Mark's naked body and pointed. He looked down to see what his friend meant and noticed his nakedness. From his point of view, he had been sat clothed one second and his clothes had simply disappeared, he had no memory of even leaving the room. “Shit!” Mark called out. By now, most of the cinema was in uproar, either complaining about the inappropriateness or simply laughing and pointing at the naked teen. Mark grabbed for the coat on the back of his chair. I cursed myself for forgetting that. He threw it over his lap, then grabbed for Paul's and put it on. He stood, using his coat to cover up before tying it around his waist, then ran for the door, all to the deafening sound of cheers and laughter. Sniggering to myself in the strange man's body, I returned to my own. Still laughing at the sight of Mark's panicked face, I settled down in bed and went to sleep. Chapter 6 I awoke quite early, disturbed by the noises of the hospital staff going about their duties. I felt quite tired, but my head felt much better, the haziness that had lingered the previous night had died down quite substantially. Obviously the painkillers had worn off though as my wrist and ribs throbbed with pain. Another part of me was throbbing too and I found myself desperately wishing my wrist worked properly! I briefly considered looking for a cute male member of staff to have some fun with, but figured that at that time of day they were all busy and anyone disappearing from their post would arouses suspicion. Instead I focused on Mark and found myself rushing into his head. He had been asleep when I got there, still curled up in bed. As I took over, I lay there, wondering what to do with, or to, him. I looked round for his phone and found it on his bedside cabinet. I'm guessing it had been in his coat pocket as it seemed unlikely he would have found his clothes in the bin where I left them. I hadn't considered that, suddenly feeling guilty about what I might have done. He had a range of messages from his friends who had been at the cinema, asking what had happened. He hadn't replied to any, obviously too embarrassed. I already felt quite bad about what I'd done, but couldn't resist taking this chance to make it worse. [I couldn't help it, I just love being naked, it turns me on so much!] I sent back to his mates. After that, I started looking through his phone. His browser history showed a lot of porn sites, and a range of videos including almost as many males as females. I wondered if he was bisexual, curious, or just an overly horny teenager. They were all distinct possibilities. Next I browsed his photos. There were plenty of him just doing random crap with his mates, but mixed amongst them were plenty of selfies, some clothed, some topless, and a fair few naked. This boy definitely liked to look at himself. I couldn't blame him really. As much as he had annoyed me, he was undeniably attractive. His body was nowhere near as chiselled as Mr Ferguson's, but it was well on its way towards it. His cock was pretty average though, which I found a little disappointing. I started to suspect that porn had set unrealistic expectations of cock size for me! I quickly sent a few of the hotter pics to my number then deleted the evidence before sniggering to myself at a wonderful idea. I scrolled through his pics again and chose a picture in which he was very clearly naked, but with his cock covered and posted it on his Facebook account. I figured it was revealing enough to be embarrassing, but not so revealing that it would get deleted by Facebook. By this point, the horniness I had brought with me from my own morning wood, on top of his own, compounded by the excessively sexy pictures I had been browsing had his cock absolutely rigid. I quickly took care of business, leaving him naked and covered in cum as I returned to my own body. I started regretting my actions as soon as I got back. As usual, the brief physical relief I felt from cumming in someone else's body faded almost immediately upon my return. Now I was left even hornier with no way of getting relief. I tried playing with myself left-handed, but all it did was turn me on more without really getting me any closer to orgasm. I decided to distract myself by playing games on my phone, hoping to find some I could operate with my one good hand. Big mistake, I just found the pictures of Mark I had sent myself, the sight of them making my cock twitch even more. I went onto Facebook and searched Mark (needless to say we weren't friends on there!) I found his profile and was delighted to see his privacy settings weren't very strict so I could see everything eh had posted, including the naked selfie. Despite the early hour, people were already commenting on it and liking it. I closed Facebook and busied myself with other things, happy that the distraction seemed to be making my seemingly-permanent erection subside. My parents arrived quite early, just minutes before a doctor came in to see me. He did a quick examination and, much to my delight, announced that he was happy for me to be discharged. My parents were somewhat surprised when I asked if I could go to school that day. I was keen to get back and see what reaction the sight of my injuries might cause to my rapidly growing reputation. The doctor said it wasn't a good idea, recommending a full day of rest, suggesting it would be up to my parents to determine if I could go back the next day instead, or if I should stay home until after the weekend. Later on, I had finally been discharged and started making my way out of the hospital when I saw the guy from last night, the one I had used to jerk myself off. I wished I had had another chance to use him. I had chosen him last night simply for his proximity, but on looking at him now he was pretty cute. Sadly, I was ushered on by my parents before I really got a chance to look at him more carefully. Once we got home, my dad headed off to work and Mum started fussing over me. It was only by saying I was tired and going up to bed that I managed to get any peace. As it turns out, I must have actually been pretty tired after all as I fell asleep not long after getting into bed. I would normally have got in naked, but with the risk of Mum checking up on me, I left my t-shirt and boxers on. It was almost 3 when I was woken by my bedroom door opening. “Hey buddy.” Martin said, looking in. “Sorry, didn't mean to wake you!” “No problem.” I said back. “Shouldn't you be at college?” “Nah, no classes this afternoon. Mum needed to go out so I said I'd come home and keep an eye on you.” he explained. “Anyway, I'll let you get back to sleep.” As soon as the door closed, I concentrated on him and found myself standing in the hallway in his body. The realisation that we were alone made me take the sudden chance to relieve my horniness. I walked back into my room, pulled back the covers and slid down the boxers on my dormant body. My cock was already hard so I quickly took hold of it and started stroking. I wondered how long I should do it for. I had to make sure I went long enough to make myself cum, but worried as I didn't know exactly how sensitive my cock might get if I went a lot longer. I sat stroking it for several minutes, trying to imagine how it would feel if I was in my body to help my time estimate. After I while, I looked down at my engorged cock and started feeling another urge, I wanted to suck it. I moved away slightly, doing my best to ignore the fact I was about to put my brother's mouth around my own cock, then leant down and licked, then wrapped my lips around it. It felt great sucking it, I could only imagine how it would feel to be on the receiving end. I lost track of time as I sat there sucking on my own dick. It was only when I remembered that I hadn't wanted to go too long that I stopped. I was so keen to cum and feel the blow job that I almost went straight back into my own body. Desperate to return, I pulled the covers back over and dashed back out into the hall where Martin had been when I occupied him. I reversed the transfer and went back into my own head. Just like last night, the sensations kicked in quickly. I gasped excitedly as I felt my cock tingling. Unfortunately, the gasp was probably a little too loud as suddenly my door opened and Martin reappeared. “Hey, you okay?” he asked. “I thought I heard something.” 'Oh fuck!' I thought. My cock felt amazing, already feeling like an orgasm could be moments away. “Ah.” I gasped as a wave of pleasure rippled through me. “I mean... y... yes.” I said, as flatly as I could, desperately trying to conceal my pleasure. “You sure?” he asked, looking very concerned. “Yes!” I yelled out in pleasure, too lost in sexual excitement to even consider laughing at the fortunate timing. I tried to take control of him, just so I could make him leave, but I couldn't concentrate enough to transfer. “Hmm.” Martin said, looking at me suspiciously. “Oh my God, are you jerking off?” he suddenly sniggered. “N... no.” I said, pulling both arms out from under the covers. I needed him to leave. I knew I was about to cum. “Fair enough. Guess I'll leave you to it!” he said. I felt a wave of relief as he turned away, too lost in pleasure to realise what he was plotting. He turned back, jumped across the room and threw back the covers. His timing couldn't have been worse... or better, depending on your point of view I suppose. The covers flew back, my cock twitched and I started to shoot. I got myself in the face with the first three shots, the rest landing messily on my t-shirt. I tried to cover up, but Martin just grabbed my hands, being careful not to be too rough with the broken one. He was so much bigger than me that I wouldn't have stood a chance of escaping his grip normally. Weakened further by the intense orgasm, I stood no chance of escape. I wanted to die. My big brother seeing me cum was mortifying, but the worst was yet to come! The stimulation continued, my eyes rolling back in my head as my post-orgasmic cock was overwhelmed by the ongoing phantom handjob. “Holy shit!” Martin muttered as he saw me writhing with pleasure. He let go of my hands as he realised I wasn't trying to cover up any more. My entire body was convulsing with excitement, any thoughts of pulling the covers back over lost in a haze of ecstasy. Martin just stood watching. “Oh God, oh God.” I muttered as a second orgasm rocked through my body. Several more spurts of cum splatted heavily onto my already soaked t-shirt. I had no idea how long it had been going but I hoped the end was close. Unfortunately not. That was when the blow job kicked in. My first blow job. I had given myself my first blow job, I had used my own brother's body to do it, and he was now watching the results of it. The strangeness of the situation was the last thing on my mind though. The brand new sensations would have been somewhat toe-curling under normal circumstances, but having just endured two of the most intense orgasms of my life, it was beyond my wildest dreams. I wanted Martin to leave, I wanted to cover up, I wanted to drop dead to escape the embarrassment. There were a lot of things I wanted, but it seemed none of them were within my power. I lay there writhing in pleasure, gasping, fists clenched, back arched, cock feeling ready to explode once again. “Oh... ah.... I....” I gasped. I couldn't even form a sentence the feeling was so excruciating. Such intense pleasure so nearly verging on pain. I came again. My cock swollen and flapping back and forth wildly. I couldn't believe my balls could produce any more spunk, but it continued to fly and yet on it went. Despite Martin's gaze, it was Danny that filled my thoughts. What I had felt in his body during his megagasm had been incredible, but it paled in comparison to the sensations gripping me. And then, finally, mercifully, it stopped. My body flopped onto the bed, pain in my ribs and relief everywhere else. My eyes remained tightly closed as my breathing started to slow. I was drenched with sweat and cum. “What the fuck was that?” Martin asked, staring in shock and awe. I didn't want to look. I didn't even want to acknowledge his existence, but I knew I had to. Reaching out for the covers, I pulled them over me and opened my eyes. “I.... I....” I stuttered. What could I say? How the hell could I explain what he had just witnessed. “Nicky, how did you just do that? It was like you were jerking off, but... without touching it.” He asked, eyes still wide. I closed my eyes again. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I muttered, cursing my bad luck. Had I been alone, it would most likely have been the most exciting thing I had ever felt, but knowing my big brother had seen it happen transmuted every good feeling into one of embarrassment and shame. “It's just... something I can do.” I said. It was true, it was something I could do. He didn't need to know how. “But... how?” he asked. “Just... I just can.” I stuttered. “Please just... go.” I begged. That was when I noticed it... the bulge. He was turned on, and not just a bit. His cock was clearly at full length, snaking down the leg of his jeans. “Wait, did that... turn you on?” I asked. “Fuck yes!” he said, still shocked. If he hadn't still been so shaken, I doubt he would have answered so honestly. He realised what he had said, as well as what I was looking at, and quickly attempted to cover up. 'Gay, bi or just horny?' I found myself wondering. I don't know what came over me, but I just blurted out suddenly, “Get it out!” “What? No!” he said defensively. “I could make you.” I said without thinking. “Oh yeah, I'd love to see you try!” He smirked, starting to gradually return to normal. I smirked back and concentrated on him. I found myself back in his body. I felt a new surge of embarrassment as I looked down at myself, seeing how flustered my body was and the cum still sitting on my cheek. I remembered what I was there to do and reached down. Undoing the jeans I let them drop, then his underwear too. The erection popped free, poking straight out ahead of me. I returned to my body and waited for him to recover. Looking down as he felt the air on his exposed skin, he stared at me once again in amazement. He reached down and pulled his jeans back up. I smirked as he struggled to contain his erection. “How the fuck did you do that?” he demanded. “None of your business.” I said, now remembering to reach up and wipe the cum from my cheek. “Now drop them again!” “Fuck off!” he snapped defensively. “Fine.” I said with a smile. I returned to his body, this time stripping completely, throwing his clothes into a pile in front of him. Back in my body I waited for him to respond again. “Shit!” he called out as he felt his nudity. “How are you doing this?” He covered up, but made no attempt to dress, presumably realising the futility. “It's a secret.” I said. Despite my lingering embarrassment, seeing him in such a vulnerable state was quickly levelling the playing field, as well as increasing my confidence. “Now you've seen me cum, maybe I should see you!” “I'm not gonna jerk off in front of you.” he insisted, still covering up. “I think you will, because I'm gonna give you two choices. Either you jerk off in front of me, or you do it out on the street!” I said with a cruel grin. “Fuck off!” he snapped, reaching for his clothes. “Do it now, I'll only give you one warning!” I said firmly, sitting up and pulling my boxers up. He ignored me and continued dressing. I took control of him again, dropped the clothes and walked downstairs. I opened the front door and stood there, then returned to my own body. “FUCK!” I heard the shout from downstairs. I took the few seconds before he returned to change my t-shirt for one a little less moist, pulling on a clean one just as he dashed back in. As he ran back in, he grabbed me and threw me onto the bed. He didn't even react when I yelled out in pain. “How the fuck are you doing this?” he demanded angrily. “Tell me now or I'll kick the shit out of you!” I ignored his threat and just smiled, despite the pain. “I'm not gonna tell you, and unless you jerk off RIGHT NOW you'll wake up naked in the busiest street I can find!” He looked angrier than I had ever seen him, breathing hard from pure rage. He was obviously calm enough to think rationally though as he wrapped his fingers around his cock and started stroking. Not a single word was spoken by either of us until he shot his load, just letting it fly. It landed heavily on my bedroom carpet. “Satisfied?” he demanded. “Very. Looks like you are too!” I smirked at the small puddle at his feet. “Can I get dressed now?” he asked, face still contorted with anger. “Sure.” I said, shrugging as I got off the bed and pulled on my own jeans. By the time he was dressed, he had calmed down quite substantially. He still looked quite annoyed, but his curiosity was returning too. “Look, I'm sorry for getting so angry, but... seriously bro, how the fuck can you do that?” I was torn. Despite the angry exchange moments before, the two of us had always been fairly close. I never fought with him like I did with Danny. Could I trust him with my secret? I cursed myself for using my powers so openly, it hadn't even left me with much deniability. For now, I just felt the need to apologise. “Sorry.” I said quietly, sitting on the edge of my bed. “I shouldn't have... made you do that. I was just embarrassed that you... saw me!” “Yeah.” Martin said. “I'm still not exactly sure... what I saw.” He took a deep breath and sat beside me. “Nicky, what's going on? I don't just mean... whatever that was, I mean all of it. The last few days, you've just seemed a little bit off. Then there's the stuff at school. I actually heard something about you getting in a couple of fights. You know you can talk to me, right?” He put his arm around me and squeezed gently. I sighed, then looked up at him and started, “There's a lot to tell you. Just, don't say anything until I'm done.... please.” He nodded so I began. I told him the entire story, starting on that first time I woke up in our neighbour, then every dirty little detail right up until that moment. The only thing I skipped was that I had used him to jerk myself off and suck me. Martin had listened in silence as he promised, not saying a word until I stopped. “Are you... this is...” he stuttered. “Look, it would explain how you just did that to me, but... I can't believe it. It's just not... possible!” “You really need me to demonstrate again?” I said, smirking. He laughed back at me. “I guess not.” he shook his head, processing what he had just heard, then he frowned. “Hold on, you said that thing I saw happening to you, it's like a, I dunno, built-up feeling from things done to you while you're out of body?” “Yeah.” I said wearily. I knew what was coming. “So... who did the things to you just now then?” he asked, confused. I just stared down at the ground. “Nicky?” he asked dubiously. I just looked round at him and nodded. “You.... used me as a... sex toy?!” he said, standing up and glaring down at me. “Not a sex toy.” I defended. “Just a... helping hand.” “Oh my God!” he exclaimed, rubbing his face with his hands before looking back at me. “How would you feel if I made you do that to me?” he demanded. I don't know where it came from, but I just smiled and said, “I'd be fine. You've got a nice cock!” His jaw dropped and he just stared. I was worried he was going to hit me again, but then he just burst into laughter. “You're such a little perv!” I just shrugged. He wasn't wrong! “I can't believe my little brother's gay too.” he said with a smile. “I am what I am.” I said casually with another shrug, then suddenly looked up at him as my mind caught up. “Too?” “Yeah, I am.” he said with a grin. “Awesome.” I said happily. He sat back down, then lay back and looked at me. “What's it like then? When you take control of someone else, I mean.” “It's so weird.” I said, marvelling at how good it felt to talk about it with someone at last. “When I'm transferring, it's like I'm getting pulled through a tight rubber tube, then I pop out the other end and I'm seeing through their eyes. Everything feels different though. I mean, you touch something and feel it and you think 'that's what it feels like', but it's really more a case of 'that's what it feels like for this hand'. Every body is different, it feels things differently, sees them differently. Oh God, I just... I can't explain it.” “It's a bit scary though, isn't it?” he asked, looking suddenly serious. My puzzled look prompted him to continue. “I mean, I get that you've just been having fun, or taking the occasional bit of revenge, but the power you actually have over people is incredible. What's to stop you possessing someone and stepping in front of a bus, or using their body to commit some crime, like robbing a bank or killing someone? You can literally do anything.” His words struck me like punches. I felt a sudden wave of nausea, my head was spinning and I came close to actually passing out. “Whoa, what's wrong?” he asked, seeing me turn pale. I was struggling to breathe. “I just.... I hadn't... I never even thought about that.” I can't explain how it felt. Imagine you're holding a water pistol and then someone just walks up to you and says, 'That's not a water pistol, it's a nuclear warhead!' Suddenly my fun little power didn't seem quite so fun... or little! “Oh, hey, sorry.” Martin stuttered. He moved up to me and pulled me into a hug. The thoughts overwhelmed me and I found myself crying into his chest as he held me. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to load all that on you.” He continued holding me for several minutes after I stopped crying. I just sat there in his arms, terrified of myself. “Nicky.” he said, shaking me from my thoughts. “Try not to think about it. Have you done anything to hurt anyone?” I shook my head. “And are you planning on doing anything to hurt anyone?” he continued. “No, I'd never hurt someone.” I said, shaking my head again. “Just hold onto that then.” Martin said with a smile. “You're a good kid. Totally perverted, but good. What you can do is beyond amazing, don't be scared of it though. Remember, you're the one who decides what you do with it.” I hugged him again, then smiled and said, “Thanks bro.” As we sat silently for a few moments, I thought of something I had been curious about. “Hey, when I'm in control of you, where do you go? Do you remember anything?” Martin shook his head. “No, nothing. I was disoriented for just a moment, but it was like when you walk into a room and then forget why you went in. I couldn't even tell any time had passed.” Before we could talk any more, we heard the front door open and close. “Anyone home?” Danny shouted up the stairs. “Yeah, we're up here!” Martin called. “Geez, don't let him in here.” I insisted. “You really want him asking about the cum on the carpet?” I giggled at Martin's blushes. We both got up and headed downstairs, Martin walking slightly in front of me down the stairs so I could lean on him for support. “You're home then.” Danny said flatly as he saw me. “Good to see you too.” I said with a fake smile. “Hey, play nice you two.” Martin intervened. “Oh Danny's always nice to me now, isn't that right?” I said with a grin as I stared at my little brother. He glared back at me angrily. Martin knew what I was getting at, the events between myself and Danny had been included in the explanation of my powers. I gently sat down on the sofa, squinting at a twinge of pain. “Freak.” Danny said with an angry glare. “Hey, call me that again and you'll regret it!” I threatened. Danny continued to glare. Then he looked at Martin and smiled. “I doubt you'll do anything, not with a witness.... freak!” I stared at him and transferred. In Danny's body, I looked at Martin and said, “And this is what happens when I take control of someone!” “Wait, you're....” He moved over to my body and waved a hand in front of my face. He got no reaction, then turned back to me. “Holy shit this really is real.” “Yeah, now excuse me while I teach this little fucker a lesson.” I said, my smile spreading over Danny's face. Martin stared on in amazement as I undressed Danny. “Hey, if he asks what happened, he just stood here and took his clothes off. That should really fuck with his head.” Martin just laughed at my plan, but seemed okay to go along with it. Once Danny was naked, I returned. Danny came to, then felt his lack of clothes. He covered up his little cock with one hand, then reached down for his clothes. “What happened?” he demanded angrily. “Martin, what did he do?” Martin played his part perfectly. “Him?” he asked, gesturing to me. “He didn't do anything, he just sat there. You're the one who just stripped you dirty little perv!” Danny looked totally confused. “I... I didn't. It was Nick. He did something! I know it!” He pulled his underwear on, grabbed the rest of his clothes and ran upstairs, scowling furiously. As soon as he was gone, Martin and I burst into laughter. “Okay, now that was awesome!” Martin said through his laughter. “Thank you very much.” I said, attempting to bow graciously but stopping quickly as I felt a twinge of pain. Martin laughed sympathetically. “Hey bro.” I said as a thought occurred to me. “Sup?” he asked. I held up the cast on my wrist. “This thing's gonna really... get in the way for a while. Would it be too weird if I... borrowed you, to take care of business again some time?” I blushed as I realised what I was asking. Martin smirked again. “Sure, why not.” He said, shrugging, then he blushed too before adding. “Although... if you need a hand, I might be willing to help without you possessing me...” I stared at him. Was he really offering what it sounded like. “Wait, so you'd just... do that stuff with me?” I asked, convinced I must have misunderstood. “Sure.” He said casually. “For a price though.” “What... price?” I asked cautiously. “You could return the favour!” he said with a wink. I raised my cast again and nodded towards it. “That's kinda the point, I can't!” Martin laughed. “Not in that body, no!” “Wait, so you... take care of my needs and I use other guys to... take care of yours?” I asked, feeling my cock engorge at the thought. “That's the idea.” he replied. “Whadda you say? You in?” “Fuck yes!” I said excitedly as the possibilities flooded through my mind. Chapter 7 I woke up in the middle of the night after turning over and feeling a surge of pain from my ribs. Every time I tried to get comfortable, something would just hurt again so I decided to find another way to entertain myself. I couldn't help thinking about the deal I had made with Martin. I found myself wishing he was available right then as I was, as always, ridiculously horny. If I couldn't have Martin take care of my needs right then, I at least figured I could build up some credits with him. I was sure he would appreciate a little unexpected nocturnal activity, but who could I use? Danny? No chance, it was already weird enough that I would be fooling around with my big brother, but to do it in my little brother's body just seemed a little too far. Same went for my parents, that just wasn't going to happen. So who else was close enough? My mind rushed back to the discovery of my powers – my neighbour. 'I really should learn his name!' I told myself as I thought about him. I got out of bed and sneaked downstairs, unlocked the front door and retreated back to my room. As soon as I was back in my bed, I concentrated on my neighbour and felt the familiar sensation of transferring. Once I was inside his head, I took a quick look around. As was expected at that time of night, he was in bed, his wife sound asleep beside me. I got up and started heading downstairs. I considered putting on more clothing than the boxer shorts he was currently wearing, but figured the thrill of running down the street in my underwear would simply add to my enjoyment. The cool night air felt amazing across his body. I could feel his nipples quickly hardening from the chill, while a different part was hardening from the excitement of public near-nudity. I ran down the driveway, along the street and up to my own front door. I let myself in and crept quietly up the stairs, then along the landing to Martin's door. I opened it as quietly as I could, stepped inside and shut it behind me. I stood at the side of his bed, looking down at him. He looked smaller than normal, but I figured that was mainly due to the large body I was using. I reached down and covered his mouth. He woke with a start and tried to struggle before I said quietly, “Calm down, it's me, Nicky.” Martin clicked on a lamp and sat up, staring at me. It must have been quite a surprise to see the large hairy man sat on his bed. “What the fuck, Nicky?” “I just figured I'd try out our agreement.” I said, watching him eye me suspiciously. I almost forgot how unnerving it must have been to have a relative stranger talking to him so casually. “Wait, is that the guy from next door?” he asked, looking me up and down. “Yeah, wanna try him out?” I said excitedly. I stood and pulled down the man's underwear. It felt strange to expose myself in front of my brother, but I just kept telling myself it wasn't me he was seeing. “Whoa!” Martin said happily as the man's erection popped free and pointed straight at him. “I know.” I said with a grin. “And he cums like a fire hose going off too!” “Well who can resist something like that!” Martin said, his grin matching mine. He reached out and took the cock in his hand before sliding across the bed to sit on the edge of it, quickly taking the engorged meat into his mouth. “Oh fuck!” I grunted in my neighbour's deep voice. I had felt the sensations of a blow job earlier that day after returning to my body, but feeling it happen 'live' seemed even more exciting. Or perhaps the body I was in felt it differently, it was hard to tell without trying it out more. Martin continued sucking while one hand massaged my balls and the other kneaded at a buttock. His mouth felt amazing, his lips tight and sliding back and forth along the shaft while his tongue lashed at the head. I realised then that this was clearly far from his first time. Although Martin had confessed he liked guys too, we hadn't yet discussed his previous partners. If his level of skill was any indication, there had been a lot! “I'm gonna cum!” I said quite quickly as his expert sucking drew me ever closer to release. I expected him to pull away and finish me by hand, but he kept sucking as I began shooting into his mouth. I was expecting dribbles of it to come from his mouth, but he swallowed the entire massive load effortlessly, only stopping sucking once my cock had stopped twitching. Martin pulled away, wiped his mouth and said happily, “I see what you mean about how much he cums!” It felt weird for him to refer to out neighbour as 'he' and not 'you'. When I transferred into people, I felt so much like I had become them that I didn't really think of them as a separate person. I guessed it was just something I would have to get used to. “Okay. My turn.” Martin said, pulling down his own underwear and laying back on the bed. As weird as it had felt for me to disrobe in front of him, it felt even weirder seeing him get naked right in front of me, but I suppose with me being in the other man's body he found it easy to not think of me as his brother. I climbed onto the bed and took his cock in my mouth. I was quite new to it, so I figured the best way to do it was to try and emulate Martin's technique. He seemed to appreciate the idea as he was soon moaning with pleasure and bucking his hips to push his cock further into my mouth. I continued sucking until he grunted his own warning at me that he was about to cum. Figuring I would copy him again, I kept his dick in my mouth as he began to squirt. I got my first taste of cum as he filled my mouth, a few drops of it leaking out and sliding down his shaft. I swallowed the rest, then released him and sat up, grinning. “Not bad.” he said with a smile. “I think you're a natural at this. Or maybe he is!” He pointed at my body, again referring to the body I possessed as a separate person. “I should probably be getting him home anyway.” I said as I climbed off the bed. “So that's one you owe me now!” Martin chuckled. “Okay, that's fair. G'night then bro.” I turned and left as Martin turned off the lamp and pulled the covers over himself. I returned my neighbour home, leaving him downstairs in his lounge. I figured he would think he had just been sleepwalking and make his own way back up to bed. I found myself back in my body, now even hornier from the action I had just enjoyed, but the exertion of the transfer was enough to tire me out and I fell asleep quite quickly, despite the raging erection. ***** I had set my alarm for quite early the next morning. I wanted to make sure I had enough time to convince my parents I was in a fit state to go to school as I didn't want to wait until after the weekend to see everyone's reaction to my injuries. I also found myself exceptionally keen to see Mr Ferguson again too. It took a lot of convincing, but I was finally allowed to go to school so I quickly got ready and left the house. As usual, there were quite a few other boys already at school when I got there, entertaining themselves in various ways. As I walked into the yard, a few people noticed me and came over to ask about my injuries. Obviously everyone had heard about what happened and the rumour mill had been working overtime. Some of them were amazed to see me alive as they had heard I had been killed, some thinking I was just in a coma. I really struggled to figure out how facts could get so distorted in such little time, but acting so casually about the wounds was doing wonders for my reputation. Within half an hour of getting there, my cast was completely filled with names, doodles and various other markings. A few people mentioned Carl, but with rumours being as exaggerated as they tended to be, I did my best to ignore them and told myself to go and ask one of the teachers about it to get the actual facts. As much as I had been enjoying being the centre of attention, I soon found myself needing to rest. My ribs were aching from being on my feet for so long. I headed for my favourite spot, an area me and Oli tended to hang out a lot. It was away from the main yard and hidden from the view of the more public areas, a great place for us 'invisible kids' to get out of the way of everyone else and enjoy some peace and quiet. As I approached it though, I realised it wasn't quite as secluded as usual, I could hear someone crying. I walked round and looked to see who it was. He saw me at the same time as I saw him, Mark was sitting there on the ground, staring up at me with tears in his eyes. I suddenly felt that horrible fluttering in my stomach that I got every time I thought about Carl, or about the potential of my powers that Martin had warned me about yesterday. I didn't know what had got Mark so upset, but I figured it was a safe bet that it was because of me. “Oh, sorry, I didn't think anyone would be here.” I apologised as I looked down at him. Mark sniffed and wiped his eyes then said desperately, “Please don't tell anyone I was crying.” I smiled weakly and said, “Don't worry, your secret's safe with me.” Mark attempted a smile in return, but it just made him look even more tragic. I approached him and sat down at his side. I dreaded the answer but had to the ask the question. “Why are you crying anyway?” “What, you haven't heard?” Mark said angrily. “Have you, like, been unconscious for the last two days?” I gestured to the cut on my head with my broken hand and smiled. “Yeah, sort of.” “Sorry.” Mark said, his anger turning back to sorrow. “I forgot about that, are you okay?” “I'll heal.” I said casually with a shrug. “So what have I missed?” “Not much, just total public humiliation!” Mark snapped. “Some... weird shit had been happening to me that I can't explain and it's totally fucked up my life.” I felt like he had stabbed a knife right into my stomach. While I'm sure there was a hint of melodrama, it was clear that my 'pranks' had definitely done a lot more harm than I realised. “And my mates, instead of being my friends, have decided to just tell everyone, rub it in my face and make me feel like crap!” Mark explained, barely holding back more tears. “I'm sorry.” I said. To him it would have sounded like I was just being sympathetic, but I truly felt sorry for the harm I had caused. “Look, I'm sure it'll pass.” I reached up and put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him. Mark jerked away and looked at my hand in disgust. “Fuck, are you hitting on me, you little homo?” he sneered as he pulled away. I just stared back in horror. I figured he was just on edge because he was so upset, but the words still hurt, while the expression on his face was one of pure revulsion. “No, I was just... you seemed upset...” I stuttered. “And you thought you'd take advantage of that and try to get off with me? You fucking fag!” he said, climbing onto his feet and backing away. Before I could say anything back, he ran off back towards the yard. I felt the churning in my stomach bubbling up and turning into anger. I had wanted to help him, to make things better after I had caused things to get so bad, but he had just turned on me. I found myself suddenly glad for the things I had done to him, possibly even considering doing more. I sat, plotting my next humiliation for him until the bell rang. Once we got inside, even more people started fussing over me, until Mr Nealson finally had to quiet everyone down so he could complete the register. He looked almost nervous as he shooed people away from me and back to their seats, as if he were afraid of getting on my bed side. When I shot him a polite smile he seemed to relax a little. First class of the day was double English which was painfully dull. On the bright side though, without the use of my writing hand, I didn't have to take any notes, it had been arranged for someone to give me a copy of theirs instead so while it was boring, at least it wasn't difficult. Morning break was just another mass of boys coming up to me and talking about what had happened. I caught a glimpse of Mark at one point, but he just shot me and angry sneer and headed in the opposite direction. After break was PE. With my injuries I was obviously unable to take part, so just sat on a bench in the gym while all the other boys changed and headed out to start the lesson. Once they started, I was able to slip away, back into the area with the teachers offices across the hall from the changing rooms. I hoped to find Mr Ferguson and I was in luck, it seemed he had no class to teach that morning and was sat in the PE teachers' office doing paperwork. “Knock knock.” I said in lieu of actually knocking on the open door. He turned and saw me, his face lighting up as much as mine. “Hey Nicky, great to see you back.” “Thanks, nice to be back.” I said happily. “How you feeling?” he asked, putting down his pen and pulling up a chair alongside his own. He patted it, gesturing for me to sit beside him. I made a show of sitting very carefully, hoping to elicit some sympathy for my injuries. “Not too bad, thanks.” I replied. “Was there something I could help you with, or is this a purely social visit?” he asked, eyeing me up and down suspiciously. “Bit of both.” I answered honestly. “I wanted to ask you about Carl, but I just kinda wanted to see you too.” I blushed at my own frankness. “Well let's get the business out of the way before we move onto the pleasure!” he said, then blushed himself at his flirtatious choice of words. I found it adorable how much he seemed to embarrass himself with accidental things like that. I wondered whether the embarrassment was imply because he was saying it to a student or if there was something more behind it. He quickly moved on. “So Carl has remained suspended this week, but he's going to be back on Monday. They genuinely were considering expelling him, but it was only because of what you told me that they changed their mind. You really saved his arse.” 'Yeah, after putting him at risk in the first place!' I thought to myself. “So does that answer your question?” he asked. “Yeah,” I said with a nod, then grinned at him. “So does that mean now we get the pleasure?” Mr Ferguson smirked the nudged my arm (the uninjured one) and said, “You're a little tease, you know that!” “Yeah, that's pretty new actually. Still kinda getting used to it myself. I'm... kinda going through some changes!” I said, thinking about it. Mr Ferguson nodded. “You really are. I've had my eye on you since I got here and you've definitely changed recently.” I didn't know what to question first. While I wondered exactly what changes he had noticed, I jumped to the more obvious point. “You've had your eye on me?” He blushed again. “Just in a.... teachery way.” We both smirked at his use of the word teachery. “You just seemed like the sort of student who might require some special attention.” 'Give me all the special attention you like!' I thought to myself, but resisted being quite so obvious. I looked at him for a moment, the realised this was my chance to raise a subject I had wanted to mention at the hospital. “Why's that then? Could you tell I was gay too?” “No, not that...” he started, then paused. “Wait, you're... what do you mean... too?” He looked so adorably confused that I just wanted to kiss him. “Well I'm gay so I thought maybe you picked up on it because you're gay too.” I said bluntly. “H... how... how do you... know?” he stuttered nervously, as if talking about it aloud was about to get him arrested, or worse. 'I snooped through your stuff while possessing your body with my supernatural abilities.' I thought, but once again resisted saying it. “Just a feeling I had.” I said with a casual shrug. “Why? Are you saying I'm wrong?” He paused for a moment, staring at me. Was he trying to figure out if I was up to something, was he deciding if he could trust me? I wanted to know what he was thinking and suddenly wished I could see inside his head, instead of just possessing it! “No, you're not wrong.” he finally said. “You just caught me by surprise a little.” I smiled at his honesty. It would have been very easy for him to deny it, even though I would have known it was a lie. “Well don't worry, I'm not telling anyone.” I said. His hand was on the arm of his chair, so I reached out and placed mine on top, smiling at him reassuringly. As you would probably have expected, my gesture of reassurance only served to make him more nervous as he sat there with a student's hand on his own. He looked down at it, then back up at me and did his best to act casually. “Thanks. I won't tell anyone about you, either.” I smiled at his comment but said nothing. “So... holding my hand just once this week wasn't enough for you?” He asked, attempting to mask his nerves with humour. I just grinned back at him and said, “Actually, I was going to grab something else, but figured the hand might embarrass you less!” Instead of blushing more as I had expected, he just started laughing and shook his head. I took it as a challenge, determined to find a way to make him blush again. I let go of his hand, and dropped mine onto his knee. That quickly stopped the laughing! “Nicky...” he said warily. “Yes?” I said as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. I slid my hand a little further up his leg. “Nicky, stop.” he said, but made physical attempt to stop me. “Stop what?” I asked innocently, my hand moving further, now on his thigh, only inches away from his cock. I stared in delight as I saw definite moving, a swelling inside the grey track suit. My fingers edged towards it, but just before they made contact, his hand fell onto my own, stopping it. “Now who wants to hold hands?” I teased him. He wasn't laughing this time. “Nicky, that's... not appropriate.” He pulled my hand away. “Yeah, but doesn't that just make it more exciting?” I said with a grin, then gestured towards his now-obvious bulge. “You clearly seem to think so!” He dropped his arms into his lap in an attempt to hide his arousal as he glared at me angrily. I had obviously pushed things too far. “You should get back to your class!” he snapped. “Okay.” I said, the smile dropping from my face as I stood up and headed for the door. Before exiting, I turned back to face him and said, “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. Please don't hate me.” I left his office and headed back to the gym, sitting back down on the bench to watch the rest of the class running around. I sat there regretting my desire to come back to school so quickly. The attention was great, but was starting to get a bit smothering, I had ended up furious at Mark as a result of my own actions and now Mr Ferguson was annoyed with me too. I decided that I didn't want to be there any more. My injuries would make a good excuse to leave so I told the teacher I wasn't feeling well and headed for the school office. When I got there, Miss Green, the admin lady told me to go and wait in the first aid room while they called my parents. A few minutes later she came in and said, “I spoke to your mother, she's at home but she says your Dad has the car, so we're going to get one of the teachers to run you home. Come on.” I followed her out and headed to the staff car park, but froze on the spot as I saw Mr Ferguson standing there waiting. “Thanks for doing this, Riley.” she said to Mr Ferguson with a smile. Why did it have to be him? I was doing this to get away from him! I wondered if it was karma, some kind of cosmic revenge for my actions. Miss Green headed back into the school as I stood there, knocking a few loose stones around with my shoe and looking anywhere other than at Mr Ferguson. 'Riley?' I thought to myself with a smirk. I often tended to forget the teachers even had first names, always referring to them as Mr or Mrs. “Hey, are you getting in?” he asked, pushing the passenger door open from the inside. Silently I got in the car, still avoiding looking at him. We sat for a few moments until it became obvious that we weren't going anywhere. Gingerly I looked round at him and found his gaze fixed on me. Surprisingly, he was smiling. “I don't hate you!”he said, reaching over and placing his hand on my shoulder. “But... you got so angry.” I mumbled. “Nick, you're a student and I'm a teacher. What you did really wasn't appropriate, but neither was the way I shouted at you, so I'm sorry.” he said softly. “I'm sorry too.” I said back, attempting a weak smile. Then, I couldn't help myself, it just came out. “But you were clearly enjoying it!” He dropped his hand away from my shoulder and I expected to get yelled at again, instead he sighed. “Nick, I'm gonna be honest with you here because I trust you, but you have to promise this stays between us, okay?” I nodded so he continued. “I did enjoy it, just like I enjoy chatting to you. You're a great kid and you're pretty cute too, but like I said, you're a student and I'm a teacher so nothing like that can happen again. Do you understand?” His tone was completely sincere, but extremely serious too. He clearly meant it, so I just nodded my agreement. “So where do you live then? I should be getting you home.” he enquired as he pulled out of the parking space. I told him my address and we started driving in silence. Eventually, I couldn't take the silence any more and just said cheekily, “You think I'm cute!” He laughed through his annoyance and said back, “Yeah, well if I recall correctly, you think I'm 'pretty, handsome and sexy'!” “I was high on painkillers at the time. I clearly wasn't seeing right. You're an ugly git up close!” I teased back. “Yeah, well you're still cute.” he said back, chuckling as I dropped into embarrassed silence. We continued chatting the rest of the way home, with the occasional bit of teasing, until we reached my street. “It's just here on the left.” I said as we approached my house. “Now forget you ever saw this place, I don't need some crazy teacher stalking me because I'm so cute!” “I'll do my best to resist.” he said with a grin. “Now take care, I'll see you Monday... cutie!” I giggled at the comment and closed the door, waving as he pulled off. At least the day hadn't turned out too badly after all. What I dreaded now though, was my Mum's incessant fussing over me, insisting she was right for not wanting me to go school before force feeding me soup. For some reason, whenever I was ill or injured, she always made me eat soup. I never did figure out why! The rest of the afternoon seemed to drag by. Although I felt much better about the way I had left things with Mr Ferguson, I still felt pretty crappy about Mark and Carl. Every time I considered venturing out into another body, I kept remembering how much I had fucked things up for them and just stayed in my own head instead. I was just laying on my bed, watching something on TV when my phone beeped. I looked at it and saw it was a Facebook message. I quickly opened it up, wondering if it might be Oli. While he was on holiday he wasn't allowed to text because of the cost, but he said that if he had the chance to go on the internet then he would message me on Facebook. Instead I opened it up and saw it was from Mark! [Hey, I looked for you this afternoon but they told you went home, I hope you're okay. I'd rather say this in person, but I can't hold it in until Monday. I was totally out of line this morning the way I blew up like that. I know you were just being nice and then I went and said all those things. I'm really sorry if I upset you or offended you. I've just been so on edge because of all the shit that's been going on but I shouldn't have taken it out on you, I know it's not your fault! Anyway, that's all I wanted to say really.] I couldn't believe he had wanted to apologise so badly that he had tracked me down on Facebook. His apology just ended up making me feel worse, knowing that the 'shit' he was referring to was all my own doing. However, as I started reading through the message again, a second one appeared. [Also, I'm not a gay-basher. I should never have called you the names I did. We had that assembly about that kid that killed himself because he was bullied for being gay and I'm not saying I think you're gay, but if you are then it's cool and I'm unbelievably sorry for calling you those names. I know some guys can be really confused about these things.] My heart just melted. It just added to my guilt, but I felt a surge of emotion for him. I thought back to what I had seen on his phone, the range of pictures of both genders. Did he maybe feel guilty for his words because he thought about how they might apply to him? Had he lashed out at me like that because that was what he was thinking about? It took several attempts to write out something I was comfortable with, but I eventually sent something back. [Hi Mark. Thanks for messaging me. I'm okay, I just felt a bit worn out from being back at school, so I'm fine. About what happened this morning, I can totally understand, I know how easy it is to lash out when you're upset, but no harm done. I know you didn't mean it so we're cool. As for the last bit of your message, thanks, I know it can be hard to talk about that kinda stuff sometimes.] I left my message intentionally ambiguous, trying not to give any indication either way on my sexual orientation. I didn't want to out myself, but I also didn't want to lie to him and insist I was straight. Happy with my reply, I put my phone down and looked back at the TV, expecting that would be the end of the exchange. That's why I was so surprised when my phone beeped a couple more times. I looked and saw another message, this time accompanied by a friend request. I looked at the message first. [I'm glad we're cool, and thanks for replying so quickly. It was killing me thinking I might have upset you. I'd hate to be on the bad side of the coolest guy in school!] [Ha, very funny. But it's no problem, happy to put your mind at ease] I sent back, then clicked accept on the friend request. [I wasn't kidding. I know you've not been there much so you probably haven't noticed, but you're all anyone's talking about. The way you stood up to Lenny was legendary, and then the way you faced down Carl too. Everyone hates him for what he did to you, but the way you just walked back into school all bandaged up like it was nothing. Seriously, coolest guy in school!] I was completely dumbfounded by his response. I already knew that my actions had built up a little credibility, but I most definitely never thought of myself as 'cool'. [It's definitely been an interesting week, even if I did end up missing half of it. You've had a bit of a tough one too it seems.] I obviously knew exactly what his week had entailed, but I hoped that offering him a way to talk about it might be a small step towards my karmic redemption. [That's an understatement. It's sucked. This is the first Friday night I've actually been glad to have no plans. I'm just gonna hide in my room and hope my house gets struck by a meteor!] [Wanna come round?] I replied, without really thinking about it. I sent a follow-up message before he could reply. [You can tell me all about it. Maybe hanging with the 'coolest guy in school' will make you seem cooler too lol] [You sure that's okay?] he asked quickly. I got up and headed downstairs, figuring I should at least get permission from my parents. “Hey, how you feeling? Do you need more soup?” Mum asked as I walked into the kitchen. I suppressed a smile at the offer and said, “I'm okay thanks, I'm feeling a lot better. I just wanted to ask if it'd be okay if someone from school came round tonight?” She frowned at me and my improvisational skills kicked in again as I added, “He can tell me what I missed in classes so I don't get too far behind!” “Hmm, Okay I suppose.” she said reluctantly, “But you're not staying up late. You still need lots of rest.” “Cool. Thanks Mum.” I said, typing my reply to Mark as I headed back upstairs. [It's all fine. Come round any time you like] I sent him, along with my address. [Cool, I'll see you later then] As I got to my room, I tidied quickly, not wanting to look like a total slob but then had to stop and rest. I wished I had given a set time for Mark to come round as sitting around waiting for him was agonising. I remained quiet through dinner, but my parents and brothers seemed fairly happy to leave me to myself. After we had finished eating, I had sat down in the lounge and was still there when the doorbell rang. “I'll get it!” I said happily, jumping up. Halfway up though I grabbed my ribs and dropped back down. “Okay, maybe someone else should get it.” I said, wincing. Martin sniggered and got up, messing his fingers through my hair as he passed me on the way to the door. I had just managed to stand up when Martin walked back in followed by a very nervous-looking Mark. “Hi.” I said, probably looking just as nervous. “Hi.” Mark replied. After a quick introduction to my parents and Martin (Danny was thankfully already in his room) I headed for the stairs, gesturing for Mark to follow. “I didn't know you had a brother.” Mark said as we neared the top of the stairs, probably just trying to fill the silence. “Two actually, my little brother's in his room.” I replied, looking back as I spoke. I opened the door to my room and walked in. “You're a middle child too? Cool.” Mark said happily, finding some common ground. “I've got an older brother and a younger sister.” “Sucks being in the middle, doesn't it.” I said, taking a seat on my bed. “Yeah, sometimes.” Mark replied, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room. “Make yourself comfortable.” I said with a smile. He nodded and jumped onto my bed, shuffling across it until he was sat leaning on the wall behind it. I did the same, although between the injured wrist and the pain in my side, it took me a little longer. “How long you gonna have the cast on?” Mark asked, obviously seeing me struggle and trying to distract me from my awkwardness. “Ow. About six weeks probably.” I replied, finally sitting up and leaning on the wall. “That sucks.” he replied, then just sat looking down at his hands. I looked round at him. Sadness almost seemed to be radiating from him in waves, causing another guilty twinge deep in my gut. “So you wanna tell me about what's been going on then?” He looked back at me, but quickly looked away, as if looking me in the eye was heightening his embarrassment. “I don't really know.” he said quietly, eyes fixed once again on his fidgeting hands. “At the cinema the other night, I was just sat there and suddenly... I was naked! It was like one of those bad dreams you have but then I didn't wake up. The guys with me said I'd left the cinema and then walked back in without my clothes, but I don't even remember moving. I just... totally freaked out. I grabbed what I could to cover up and just ran. I didn't stop running until I got home. It was horrible, I just... didn't understand.” By the time he stopped talking it was obvious he was fighting back tears. Before I could say or do anything, he went on. “And then, I... I must have done stuff in my sleep that night or something because when I woke up, I'd sent text messages saying I liked being naked and posted a really embarrassing picture on Facebook.” That time he really did start to cry, sniffing and wiping his face as he continued staring down. I reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. Feeling my hand, he looked round at me. I pulled gently on his shoulder and he followed my lead, allowing himself to tip over until his head came to rest on my lap. He curled up and lay there crying as stroked my hand up and down his arm. I thought I had felt guilt before, but it was nothing compared to what I felt in that moment. I wanted to die. I literally felt so bad that I just wanted to stop everything and drop dead on the spot. Part of me considered confessing, telling him what I had done so that he could at least understand what had happened, but I couldn't do it. Maybe I thought it was better for him to have a friend than an explanation, or maybe I was just coward, either way I remained silent as I sat there with him. Still laying with his head on my lap, he broke the silence. “My friends have been total dicks about it. They keep teasing me, and telling everyone about the cinema, and showing them the text messages, and sharing the picture on Facebook even though I keep deleting it. They're meant to be my friends but they just keeping making it worse and they're enjoying doing it!” He sat up with a start and stared at me. “Oh God, please don't tell anyone I cried. That'd make things even worse Please promise, please.” He begged, welling up again. I reached up and placed my hand back on his shoulder. “Hey, don't worry. Anything you say in this room stays between you and me. I promise.” “Anything? You really promise?” he asked, his eyes wide. “Yeah. Anything. You don't get to be the... what did you call me... the coolest guy in school without being able to keep a promise.” I said with a cheeky grin, teasing him with his earlier words. He smiled back as he sniffed again and said, “Piss off.” “Sorry.” I said, still grinning in a way that made it clear I very much wasn't sorry. “So... who exactly is being a dick to you?” Mark smirked. “Why? You gonna kick their asses too?” “Hey, I've never laid a hand on anyone.” I said defensively. Mark stared at me, then his head tilted to the side as he thought for a moment. “No, I suppose you haven't. Wait, so... how did you do it then?” I opened my mouth to reply, then paused to think. What should I tell him? Truth or lie? Saved by quick thinking again I just said, “Brains over brawn! I just used what's in here!” I tapped a finger against my temple. It was the truth, so I had managed to answer without lying or revealing my secret, a fairly good compromise. “Well whatever you did, if you could do it to Paul and Lee, that'd be great.” Mark said with a smile. I nodded and made a mental note of the two boys. They would take some thought. Something to make them back off from Mark, but without then putting them in the same position. The last thing I needed was for the situation to snowball. I was trying to ease my guilt, not cause myself more. “Geez, I feel like I just put a hit out on them.” Mark chuckled. “You're like some kind of assassin!” It was nice to hear him laugh, such a different to his sobbing mere minutes before. “Consider them whacked!” I said laughing back and sliding my thumb across my throat. I suddenly felt a little wrong, my conversation with Martin about the darker potential of my power coming to mind. I had to change the subject. “Hey, can I ask you something?” Mark shrugged. “Sure.” “When you messaged me on Facebook, you mentioned about some guys getting confused... about... some things.” I said nervously, worried I may be pushing things too far. “Yeah?” Mark asked, frowning a little. “Well... I just wondered if you maybe meant that... you were confused?” I asked gingerly. He returned to looking down at his hands, saying nothing. “Mark?” I asked, shuffling a little closer to him. Without looking up, he just said quietly, “You really promise that this all stays between us?” “Of course.” I said firmly. He sat wringing his hands together then looked round slightly, as if too afraid to actually look me in the eye. “Sometimes I... think about guys... like, in a sex... way.” “There's nothing wrong with that.” I said reassuringly. “It's just... I dunno. I can look at a girl and think she's really hot, but then I lay in bed and I start to... ya know... but by the time I finish I always end up thinking about guys.” he explained, finally daring to look me in the eye. He looked so scared, as if he were confessing to a murder. Amazingly, I found myself feeling relieved, not because he had told me, but because it made me realise something. I had never had that struggle. It had always been clear to me that I was gay and while sometimes it seemed like the most terrifying thing in the world, at least I had always known who I was. Mark, it seems, was not so fortunate. He stared at me. I stared at him. “I'm gay!” I said, surprising even myself with my sudden confession. “You... what?” Mark asked, mouth slightly agape. “I'm gay.” I repeated, feeling a shudder run through me as I said it aloud. “I've always known, so I can't say I know what you're going through, but I just wanted to know that you're not the only one who's... different!” I could see the tension melting away from Mark. The revelation of my own secret (or at least one of them) seemed to reassure him that our conversation would indeed remain private. I suspect that up until that point he had still been expecting me to run round school and tell everyone all the things he had said to me. “So you don't think about girls at all?” he asked curiously. “Oh I do.” I said, then grinned, “But normally all I think is EWWW!” He burst into laughter, probably more from relief than from what I had actually said, but it was nice to hear. “I know I said I don't know how you feel, so this is only a guess at what you should do.” I said with a reassuring smile, “But don't rush into anything. You might be gay, you might be straight, you might be bi. There's no hurry to figure anything out. Just take your time and see what happens, but you don't have to do it alone. You ever need to talk about it, I'm here.” Mark looked ready to cry again, but happy tears this time. He lunged forward and hugged me, unfortunately he did it a little too tightly. “Ow!” I called out as his chest pressed on mine. “Oh God, sorry.” he said pulling away. I chuckled and he did the same, leaving us staring at each other once again in silence for several seconds. I leaned forward slightly but felt another twinge of pain. “Erm... I was about to try and kiss you, but... ribs, so I need to make a request. If you would have let me, then you're gonna have to make a move. But if you were just going to say no...” I never got a chance to finish the sentence as his lips pressed against mine. The kiss didn't last long, just a few seconds of our lips pressing together, eyes closed and then it stopped and we went back to silent staring. “That was my first kiss.” I said, slightly dazed. Mark grinned. “Me too.” “So.... gay yet?” I asked with a smirk. “I don't know.” he said with a shrug. “But part of me definitely liked it!” He gestured down towards his crotch where he had a very obvious erection. I sat back, letting my own bulge show. “Same here!” I laughed. He looked from my bulge, to his own then looked straight at me. I could see the desire burning in his eyes. I wanted to reach out and touch him, but resisted. “Don't rush into anything, remember!” He reached out a trembling hand and placed it on my bulge. He shuffled as close to me as he could get, pressing up against the side of me as his hand groped my erection. “Are you sure?” I asked breathlessly. He replied with another quick kiss and a smile. I reached out and grabbed his cock in return. He let go of mine, sliding his hand up underneath my t-shirt, then back down into the waistband of my joggers and boxers. I felt his fingers touch the rigid shaft before closing around it. As he started stroking it, I closed my eyes and gasped with pleasure. I had felt the sensations of getting jerked off after returning to my body in my previous adventures, but that could not compare to the feeling of his hand on my most private part. My hand left his bulge, instead reaching up to his neck, my fingers sliding round the back of his neck as I pulled him into another kiss. Longer this time, our lips opening, our tongues sliding in, all while he continued wanking me. I pulled his head away from mine as I started gasping excitedly, shooting a heavy load inside my boxers. When I stopped convulsing, he pulled his hand out. I opened my eyes and saw him grinning at me, remnants of my spunk on his hand. He must have been waiting for me to see it, because as soon as I opened my eyes he moved his hand to his lips and licked the cum off. “Fuck!” I moaned excitedly as I watched him. He sat back silently and looked down at his own bulge, now looking even bigger. “I... I can't really do it with my left hand...” I stuttered. “Oh, I understand.” he said back, clearly disappointed. “But... I could... suck you, if you want?” I suggested nervously. His eyes widened as a grin spread across his face. “Hell yeah!” he said excitedly. Without any prompting, he pulled off his jeans and underwear and threw them off the bed, then straddled me, kneeling with a knee either side of me. He stared down at me excitedly as I took my first lick. He shuddered and moaned happily, getting even louder as I took it between my lips. With my working hand, I reached up behind him and caressed a buttock, eliciting another happy moan. My hand worked round, then slid up onto his stomach, his t-shirt rising as I explored. His stomach felt amazing, so warm and smooth, firm yet soft at the same time. Whether it was first time nerves, sheer excitement or my own amazing sucking skills (probably not the last one) it didn't take long until his cock started spasming and filling my mouth with his spunk. I let his seed just sit there in my mouth as he pulled off and sat back beside me. Much as he had done, I waited for him to look at me, then opened my mouth to reveal the thick white goo. I swallowed it and opened my mouth again to show it was gone. His smile must have been almost as big as my own. He climbed off the bed and pulled his clothes back on, then flopped down next to me, face buried in my duvet. “Enjoy that?” I asked. He lifted his head and looked up at me. “Do you think it's possible to have one day be both the worst and best of your life at the same time?” I smiled back at the comment, despite the cold feeling inside at the thought of the 'worst' part. “Maybe.” was all I could say back. Mark stayed for about another hour, but we never talked about what had just happened, or even about the things that had happened at school that week. Instead we just chatted about TV, movies, and any other crap we could think of while playing on my Xbox. He eventually put down the controller and climbed off the bed. “I should probably be heading home.” he said dejectedly. It was clear he was having as much fun as I was. “Okay.” I said. I started to get off the bed. This time he helped when he saw me struggle, taking my hand. As I got to my feet, I realised he was still holding it. I looked down at it then up at him. He blushed and let go quickly. “I've had your cock in my mouth, I really don't think holding my hand is anything to be embarrassed about!” I teased him. He laughed, but seemed to blush more at the reminder. “Sorry.” I said awkwardly. “Don't be. It was fun and it's given me plenty to think about!” he said with a sincere smile. He leaned forward and pulled me into a hug, much gentler than last time. “Thanks, for being here.” “No problem. Hey, you want my number, in case you have any problems over the weekend?” I offered. Mark smiled back sweetly. He looked so adorable. I couldn't believe that just a few days before I had been so angry at him for a silly little comment. Although the more I thought about it, the more I realised that without that, none of this would have been happening. “Yeah. Here, put your number in.” He said, handing his phone to me. I typed it in and handed it back. He immediately used to it to call me for just a second. “Now you've got mine. And maybe I could text you anyway... even if there's no problems?” “Sure.” I said with the biggest grin of my life. I showed him down to the front door and said goodbye. He turned to walk away, then turned back. He kissed me on the cheek, smiled and walked away. Still grinning, I headed back up to my room. Before I reached my door, Martin popped his head out from his room and asked, “Hey bro, just checking if you needed me to... help you out?” “No, I'm good thanks.” I replied through my seemingly-permanent smile. Martin grinned back, making me blush as I realised what I had just inadvertently implied.”Way to go, bro.” he said. “Night then.” He vanished back into his room. As I went back into my room, I pulled out my phone. It was still showing Mark in my contacts list as it was the last thing I did. I very nearly messaged him, but didn't want to appear too keen. Instead I went onto Facebook. Mark was tagged in the first picture on my feed, it was the near-naked one he had been so upset about, posted by Paul. I knew it would bother Mark so I decided I had to do something. I started with the non-powered approach and just commented on it. [I think you accidentally shared a picture from your wank bank. Something you want to tell us?] Within minutes, it had already got a dozen 'likes' and a few 'LOL' comments. I figured worst-case scenario I could just possess Paul and delete the picture myself, but a bit of public humiliation might make him back off from Mark a little, while achieving the same result. Exactly as planned, the picture disappeared a few minutes later. Surprisingly, a couple of friend requests also popped up from other guys at school. Grinning at the result and accepting the friend requests, a text message appeared from Mark. [The assassin strikes! That was awesome!] [You're welcome] I sent back. I heard nothing else from Mark and Facebook remained quiet so I ended up falling asleep, happy with my day's achievements. Chapter 8 “Wake up!” Martin hissed in my ear, startling me awake. I jumped away from him as he caught me by surprise, then glanced round at the clock. It wasn't even eight o'clock yet. I made it a personal policy to never be conscious before 10 am on weekends, so his early interruption was most unwelcome. “Whadda you want?” I grunted at him, attempting to turn over and close my eyes, hoping he would just go away. “I'm horny! And it's all your fault, waking me up with the guy from next door yesterday.” Martin whispered, kneeling beside the bed and leaning in close to my ear. “Ugh. Then go have a wank like a normal person!” I said, refusing to open my eyes and look at him. I felt the covers lift, then the mattress press down a little as he got in and lay beside me. “Why would I do that when I've got our little deal to use?” he asked with a slight chuckle. I sighed and opened my eyes, looking sideways at his ridiculous grin. “Look, it's too late now. He might be up and about doing things so it'd just look suspicious if he suddenly just came here to suck you off. Besides, Mum and Dad will probably be up soon. I've never asked them before, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be okay with letting strangers in for random sex with their sons!” Satisfied that I had shot down his idea, I turned over onto my side and closed my eyes again, the slight pain in my ribs was just a small price to pay if it meant getting rid of him. I felt his hand rest on my hip, then slide across my stomach and up to my chest as his body pressed up behind me. I was surprised how nice it felt having him cuddle up to me like that, comforting and warm, particularly as he gently rubbed his hand across my fractured ribs. “Do it and I'll return the favour, that's the deal, remember.” he whispered, his lips nuzzling into my neck. His hand slid down to my crotch, grabbing my engorged cock and making me moan involuntarily. “And it feels like you need it too!” “Maybe I do.” I said reluctantly. “But like I said, I can't bring in the guy from next door. Not now.” He gave my cock a gentle stroke then whispered, “There's another option... Danny!” “What?” I asked, pulling away from him slightly and laying flat on my back. “I can't... it's too weird!” “Weirder than this?” He asked, then slipped under the covers, pulled down the waistband of my boxers and licked my boner. “Fuck.” I muttered at the sensation. Any reluctance I felt disappeared with a second lash of his tongue. “Fine, I'll go get him!” I said, closing my eyes and concentrating on our little brother. I opened my eyes, looking round at Danny's room, then jumped out of bed. Not bothering to put on any clothes (I was actually a little surprised to find he had been sleeping naked) I dashed down the hall and into my room. By the time I got in, Martin had come out from under the covers and was laying on his back beside my body. He stared at me for just a moment, unsure whether it was me or if Danny had just discovered what we were up to. “Relax, it's me.” I said with a grin. I walked over to the bed and pulled back the covers. While I was fetching Danny, martin had also removed his underwear, leaving his entire body now exposed. Part of me wanted to touch him, to feel and taste every inch of him, but the weirdness of it kept nagging at my mind, so instead I just decided to get it over with. Jumping onto the bed and kneeling between his legs, I grabbed his cock, lifting it slightly to allow me to take it into my mouth. Martin moaned his approval at my sucking, one hand reaching down to grasp my (Danny's) hair, while the other reached across and started to stroke the erection on my real body. It was a little surreal to suck his cock while watching him jerk me off. As narcissistic as it may have felt, I found myself getting extremely turned on watching it. As Martin started getting close, he gripped my hair a little tighter and started thrusting his hips, forcing his cock deeper and deeper down my throat. I pulled off and said in an angry whisper, “Hey, you're gonna hurt him!” “Sorry.” He panted. “I just got carried away. Don't stop, I'm so close!” “Okay, but not so rough!” I insisted, surprising myself with my concern for Danny, despite his mental absence. I took his cock back in my mouth and continued sucking until his moans turned to thrilled grunts. I pulled off at the last second. It already felt strange enough to be doing this with Danny's body, but making him swallow Martin's cum just felt a step too far. I grabbed his cock and stroked as it shot out several thick ropes of spunk across his body. “Ah yeah, yes.” he moaned, eyes closed, smiling euphorically. “Fuck, Danny, that was good.” I sat up and looked at him, waiting for him to open his eyes and look back. “I'm not Danny!” I said, annoyed at his comment. “I know.” he replied casually. “But don't shatter the illusion.” “Whatever.” I said, climbing off. “I'll be right back.” I ran back out, put Danny back in his bed and returned to my own body. I immediately felt the effects of his stroking as I was greeted by waves of pleasure. Martin knew straight away that I was back from the moans of happiness I called out. “You ready for this?” he asked, sliding back under the covers. I wondered what he was doing. I figured the hand job was going to be enough to make me cum and figured that was his part of the deal honoured. Instead, I felt his mouth close around my twitching erection. “Holy shit.” I groaned. Suddenly I was being both jerked off and sucked off at the same time. I wondered how my cock could be feeling such intense pleasure without just exploding. Every second felt like pure ecstasy, the dual sensations making me almost double over from the sheer intensity of it. Despite the magnitude of the stimulation I was feeling, I managed for hold back from cumming for several minutes, mostly from fear of how extreme the feelings would be if I had to endure it all post-orgasm. Eventually though I couldn't hold it back any more and without giving Martin any warning besides my near-constant whimpering shot my load straight down his throat. Once I had cum, he pulled off and lay back next to me. Thankfully I was only left with the sensation of the jerking off which felt pretty uncomfortable on my sensitive cock, but even that soon stopped. I looked round at Martin who was propped up on an elbow looking down at me, grinning once again. “That was fucking awesome!” he said happily, kissed me on the cheek then hopped out of my bed. He pulled his underwear back on and left without saying anything else. I looked at the clock and figured it was still early enough to get some more sleep and curled up under the covers. It was almost half ten when I was woken again. As it was after my ten o'clock restriction, I decided not to be too annoyed about it. This time it was my phone – a text message. It was from Mark. [They're doing it again on Facebook!!!!] It took me a moment to figure out what he meant before remembering the issue with the picture. I opened Facebook and there it was again, this time posted by Lee. It had only been posted minutes before. Presumably after getting notified that he had been tagged in it, Mark's first thought was to contact me. It was almost kinda sweet. I thought for a moment. I could try the same comment as Paul's post last night, but worried maybe they would be prepared for it. Simply possessing Lee and deleting it would only resolve the issue temporarily, I need something better. “Ah yes!” I said to myself as it occurred to me. I concentrated on Lee and soon found myself rushing into his head. His phone was still in his hand, presumably waiting to see what kind of reaction the post would get. It hadn't received any comments yet, perhaps people were cautious after what had happened with Paul. I typed out a comment from Lee and posted it – [Just jerked off looking at this, thought I'd share it in case you wanna do the same!] Sniggering to myself I returned to my body, immediately picking my phone back up. My initial thoughts that people were watching but not commenting appeared to be accurate. Either that or I just had uncannily good timing. Within seconds, other comments started appearing under Lee's. [TMI dude. Really didn't need that image!] [Total overshare #someonescomingout] The third comment was from Kieran, another boy in our class and was by far my favourite. [I think maybe you and Paul should get together, you clearly have the same taste in guys. Looking good btw Mark! ;-)] Lee must have recovered from the possession by then as another comment from him appeared. [That wasn't me. I didn't say that!] The comments continued. [You having some regrets Lee? #WankersRemorse] [Fuck you all. How do you delete on here?] I decided it was time to join the fun. [You can delete the picture, but not your secret desires Lee. Embrace the gay, it's nothing to be ashamed of! And I agree with Kieran. Looking hot Mark.] Before anyone else could comment, the picture disappeared. Lee presumably figured out how to delete it. A text message appeared from Mark. [How did you do that?] [What? Lee did that to himself. All I did was comment.] I sent back innocently. [I totally don't believe you, but who cares, that was HILARIOUS!!] he replied. [And did you see the compliment from Kieran?] [Yeah, what's up with that? Think he was just being sarcastic?] Mark asked. [Probably not. I know I wasn't! You're HOT!] I replied honestly. [Nobody's ever called me hot before!] [I could call you other things, but I wouldn't want to make you blush!] I said back teasingly. [You're so sweet. I'm really glad I've got you to talk to. Almost makes it worth going through all the crap that happened this week!] he replied. I didn't quite know what to make of it. He had inadvertently almost thanked me for my actions. Maybe that was just my own guilt twisting his words into what I wanted to hear. [I'm just glad I can be here for you.] [I should go. Family day out and I get nagged if I spend all day on my phone. Chat later?] he sent. [Sure. Message any time... hot stuff! ;-)] I chuckled to myself at my little tease, wondering whether it had embarrassed him at all, or perhaps had another affect. I spent most of the morning just moping around the house. I knew Mum wouldn't let me go too far until I had shown significant signs of improvement so I was essentially housebound. When the doorbell rang, Mum went to get up but I insisted she let me instead, if only to give me something to do. I opened the door and a huge grin spread across my face as I saw Oli standing there. “You're back!” He just looked up at the stitched on my forehead, down to my cast and then back up to my face. “What the fuck happened to you?” he asked loudly, looking shocked. “Language!” Mum called from the lounge. “Sorry Mrs Taylor!” Oli called back. “What have I missed?” “You'd better come in.” I said with a grin. I hadn't been sure what, if anything, I was going to tell Oli, but as soon as I saw him I knew I had to give him the full story. “We're going up to my room.” I said to Mum as we dashed past on our way to the stairs. “Geez, and I thought I was gonna be the only one with big news. I should probably let you go first.” He said, still looking at the injuries. I thought for a moment. If I was going to tell Oli everything, I was gonna have to start by telling him about me being gay. Part of me wanted to put it off as long as possible, so I suggested, “Why don't you go first. I think mine might be a slightly longer story.” I was more than a little curious about his 'big news' too and didn't want to wait too long for it, so my delay tactic served a double purpose. “While I was on holiday I met someone and had sex.... a lot!” Oli said excitedly, jumping onto my bed as I followed. “Seriously?” I asked with a grin. “Yeah. We met on, like, the first day and then we just spent every day together. It was so fun and the sex... fucking amazing!” Oli explained, his grin so wide I was worried his face might actually cramp. “His name's Tobias and he lives in Austria, and...” “He's a he?” I asked, interrupting him. “Oh yeah, that.” Oli said, sniggering. “Oh yeah, that? You didn't think maybe that was what you should lead with?” I asked, suddenly realising that my shock may be coming across as disapproval. “I figured it was no big deal, not to you anyway. After all, you're....” his eyes widened as he realised what he was about to say, stopped himself and just stared. “You knew?” I asked, staring at him open-mouthed. “Well yeah. It's kinda obvious!” he sniggered. “Why didn't you say anything?” I demanded. “I always thought you'd tell me when you were ready, wasn't my place to pry.” he explained. I couldn't help smiling at his sensitivity over the matter. “So you're gay too? How long have you known?” I asked, more a statement of disbelief than an actual question. “No, actually I'm bi. I still like girls too. And I've always seen guys around who I've thought were cute, sometimes I even thought about them whole I was jerking off, but that was as far as it went. But then I met Tobias and... yeah, definitely bi!” Oli explained, virtually bouncing up and down on the bed with excitement over the conversation. “Cool, and that saves me telling you. I wasn't looking forward to that.” I said with a shrug. “Wait... you were going to tell me? Does that mean.... you too?” he asked, eyes lighting up. “Ooh, who was it? Are you dating or was it just a sleazy hookup? What did you do? Are you a bottom? Is it someone from school? Is he older? Younger?” I sat laughing at his quick-fire line of questioning. “Geez, relax. I'll get to that, but there's a lot to tell you first. Just do me one favour. I know it's virtually asking the impossible, but could you stay quiet until I'm done and ask any questions at the end?” I requested. “Sure. My lips are sealed.” He said, gesturing a zipping motion across his mouth. Much as I had with Martin a couple of days earlier, I explained everything that had happened. The powers, the pranks, the fights, the injuries, Danny, Liam, Martin, the neighbour, all of it. It felt like I had been talking for hours by the time I stopped. As promised, Oli had remained silent, although based on his expression that may have been more down to shock than anything else. “So... that's it.” I said, letting him know he was free to talk again. I wondered what he would question first. The powers seemed the most obvious guess, perhaps after that the next weirdest thing was the stuff I had done with my brothers. I had been tempted to leave that out, but once I started talking it all just sort of came out. “You got off with Mark!” he exclaimed, completely shocking me. Of all the points he could pick up on, that was the last I had expected. “He's so cute! And he's gotta be gay!” “I just told you I basically have a superpower and your first concern is the cute boy? Seriously?” I asked, almost annoyed that something so huge seemed to have been pretty much overlooked. “Well yeah, that's big and everything, but... Mark? He's, like, top of my list!” Oli said, almost sounding disappointed. “What list?” I asked, even more confused. “My top 10 list of cute guys at school!” Oli said, blushing a little. I grinned. I had a mental list of my own and it was weird to think that Oli had one too. “Am I on your list?” I asked, then winked jokingly. Oli looked at me but then looked away quickly, mouth flapping as if trying to figure out what to say. “Oh my God, I am, aren't I?” I said far more excited than I would have expected. “Fine, yes, you are.” he said, trying to be indignant, whilst being betrayed by his own burning cheeks. “Well if it makes you feel any better, you're definitely on my list too.” I said, hoping to put him at ease a little. “Thanks dude.” He said, looking much happier. “Wow, so Mr Ferguson too? That's kinda hot. I can't believe you called him pretty... to his face!” “Fuck off.” I said, reluctantly giggling. “He thinks I'm cute so I'd say we're even on that.” Oli sat and stared at me for a moment, his expression making it clear he was thinking about something. He wasn't really much of a thinker, so it was always pretty obvious when it happened! “So are you kidding about these powers?” There it was, the question I had really been waiting for and obviously one that had been playing on his mind. “Nope. 100% genuine!” I said casually, as if talking about being able to whistle or roll my tongue. There was that look again. “Prove it!” he challenged me. I thought for a moment, then concentrated. A second later, I found myself in Danny's body again. I dashed across the hallway to my own room where Oli was still sat looking at me. “Come on then, let's see it!” I heard him say as I walked in. “I've already done it!” I said. “Oh, hey Danny.” he said dismissively, then looked back at my body. He waved a hand in front of my blank expression. “Hello, anyone in there?” “No you moron, I'm in here!” I said, smirking. “Ha, very funny. So you're in on it too, are you?” Oli said, still not believing me. I sighed and returned Danny to his room, then went back to my own body. “Am I gonna have to prove it to you by actually possessing you?” I asked frustratedly. Oli just shrugged, almost challenging me to do it. “Fine!” I said, then concentrated on him until I found myself staring back at my own body from behind his eyes. “Let's just go for the classic trick!” I said to myself, quickly standing up and undressing him. Once he was naked, I went back into my own head again. I looked him up and down as he stood naked in front of me. Despite how close we were, I'd never seen him naked. I rarely even got to see him shirtless so I took it all in now. Being so dark haired, he was already quite hairy for his age with the first few tufts showing under his arms and a narrow trail from his belly button down into a fairly sizeable bush. He wasn't what you'd call muscular, but he was far from fat too. He was more like a blank canvas waiting to be moulded into his final adult form. Then there was his cock, just a few inches dangling down above fairly hefty balls. I had now idea how big he might be hard, but I found myself hoping to find out some time. He shook his head a blinked, then looked down at me. A second later, he looked down at himself and realised he was naked. As with most of his reactions today, he once again surprised me. “Whoa, did you do this? Holy fuck, you were serious?!” he exclaimed, sitting back down and leaning in closer to my face. “Are you in there now? How does it work? What does it feel like?” I just looked at him and sniggered. “Dude, you do realise you're still naked, right?” “Hey, I figured you just wanted a good look. You've clearly got a thing for getting guys naked. Why bother getting dressed, you'll probably just strip me again!” he said with a shrug and a grin. 'I've got a thing for getting guys naked?' I thought to myself. I thought briefly about how many guys I had done it to now and realised he was probably right. For a dumb guy he could be pretty smart sometimes. Before I had a chance to respond, he spoke again. “Besides, when you look as good as me, you gotta show it off when you can!” He said, striking a flexing pose and winking at me. I burst into laughter at his bravado. “Look, if you're not gonna use it, put it away!” I joked, gesturing towards his limp cock. “Oh, you want me to use it, do you?” He asked, taking hold of it. I blushed as I realised I actually did. “Yeah, I do.” I said cautiously, looking for any kind of reaction in his face, then added, “But maybe not in the middle of the day when anyone could just walk in!” He looked at me again with his 'thinking' expression. This time he never revealed what he was thinking though, instead just getting dressed. Once he was fully clothed he sat back down in front of me. “Have you considered the potential of this?” he asked, eyes wide as if something had just occurred to him. “Yeah, Martin already mentioned that. Doom and gloom, death and destruction, I could be dangerous!” I said, remembering the conversation with my brother. “Pfft!” Oli said dismissively, waving his hand. “Not that crap. The real potential. You could see absolutely anyone you like naked. D'you know what I wouldn't give for that?!” I had to laugh again as I wondered exactly how his mind worked and how he could come to such different conclusions from myself and Martin. “So who would you want to see?” I asked, grinning devilishly. “Why, you gonna grant me a wish?” he asked excitedly, leaning towards me a little in anticipation. “Hmmm.” I said, rubbing my chin to make it look like I was really deliberating. “Maybe I could... for a price!” “What kinda price are we talking about? Is it gonna be like your deal with Martin? Cos if you wanna do sex stuff with me, you only have to ask!” he said with a completely innocent-looking smile. I just stared. Did he really just say what I thought he said? “You really wanna have sex with me?” I asked, a little shocked. “Are you kidding, I'm horny something like 28 hours a day. You're gay, you're sexy and you're available so of course I do!” he answered honestly. “I'm sexy?” I asked, a little incredulous. “Well nowhere near as much as me, but yeah. Sexy. You were one of the guys I sometimes thought about while I was jerking off.” he explained, leaning back on his hands and grinning at me. I closed my eyes for a moment and shook my head. I had spent my week using supernatural powers to get revenge on my enemies and perv on sexy guys, I had gotten into fights, flirted with a teacher and used my little brother's body to suck off my big brother... but this was all just too much to take in. The world had gone mad. It must have done. Or maybe I had. “Are you serious?” I asked, struggling to take it in. “Sure. You remember that time we wrestled at my house and we both popped a boner and got really embarrassed... that kept me jerking off constantly for a month thinking about what could have happened there.” he laughed as he recounted the incident. “Oh yeah.” I said, both grinning and blushing at the same time as I recalled it. “Honestly... I did the same!” Suddenly it didn't feel embarrassing to be talking about that stuff, it felt liberating. Suppressed feelings and emotions finally being released. We were interrupted by a shout from Mum. “Oli, do you wanna stay for dinner?” she called out. Oli leant back and looked towards the door then shouted, “No thanks Mrs Taylor. Mum said I had to be home by five, but thanks.” “Okay, but you'd better get moving or you're gonna be late then!” she called back. We both looked up at the clock and realised she was right. It was almost time for him to leave. He looked at me and shrugged, looking more than a little disappointed. “And just when it was getting good.” he said unhappily. He got up and helped me stand too, then faced me. He had his thinking face on again. “Before I go... can I kiss you?” The question surprised me a little, but it was his tone that surprised me more. It was so sweet and innocent that I couldn't help smiling. “Sure.” I said back. He leant in closer, our eyes fixed on each other, closer and closer until I could feel his breath on me and then... I started laughing. He did the same, chuckling heartily. “Sorry.” I said, coughing and trying to keep a straight face. “Yeah, me too.” he replied, composing himself too. “Let's try that again.” He leant in again, got close.... more laughter. This time I leant into him, resting my head on his shoulder as I giggled. He put his arms around me as I put mine around him and we stood there, holding each other and laughing. We parted a few moments later, still sniggering. I shook my head. “I guess that'll take some work!” I said. “Yeah.” he said, nodding in agreement. “But it'll happen eventually. I suppose there's no hurry. But I should get going.” “Okay. What you doing tomorrow?” I asked as we headed down the stairs. “No plans yet. Mum and Dad'll want to be rid of me though. They said they need a day off after being on holiday with me, whatever that means!” he explained with a confused shrug. “Bye Mrs Taylor, Mr Taylor.” he added as we passed my parents. When we got to the front door I said, “Why don't we hang out. Id like to get out of the house and Mum might actually let me do it if she knows I'm with you.” “Yeah, sounds cool. I'll come by tomorrow morning then. Oh, and maybe we can... do stuff?” he suggested tentatively. I obviously knew exactly what he meant, so I grinned back at him and said, “Sure, if we can stop laughing!” He said a final goodbye and headed home while I went back inside. It felt great having him back, and best of all we were closer than ever. I even had someone else I could talk to about my powers. I knew I had Martin, but ever since we made our deal, he only seemed to be interested in getting off. Admittedly things looked like they might be heading that way with Oli too, but I knew I'd still be able to talk to him, even if we did start doing stuff together. I spent the rest of the evening just sitting round watching stuff with my parents and messing around on Facebook. I had received even more friend requests from guys in my class. I started to see what Mark had meant about my 'coolness' at school. Every thing I posted or commented on got endless 'likes' or sycophantically friendly comments. I felt a little shallow taking such joy in their admiration, but I couldn't help it. It was something I had never felt before and I was loving every second. I was laying in bed when I heard a text message arrive. It was from Mark. [What you up to tomorrow?] I guessed that if he was asking, he wanted to hang out. I didn't want to cancel on Oli, but I didn't want to refuse Mark (partially from the lingering guilt, partially because I just liked doing stuff with him). I quickly replied, [Oli got back from his holiday today and we were gonna hang out. It'd be cool if you joined us.] [Won't that be a bit weird? I don't really even know him.] Mark replied. I smiled as I typed out my reply. [Until yesterday, you didn't really know me either!] [Good point. If he's anywhere near as cool as you, we'll get on fine] he conceded. [Come on, nobody's anywhere near as cool as me!] I joked back. [Your modesty is really sexy!] he replied sarcastically. I ignored the sarcasm. [Thanks, and so's your smile!] I chuckled quietly imagining him blushing as he read the compliment. [Are you trying to charm your way back into my pants?] he sent back. [Yes, is it working?] I replied. [Wait and see. Night xxx] [Night xxx] I replied. I figured I should let Oli know about the arrangement and sent him a quick message. [Is it cool of Mark hangs out with us tomorrow?] [Are you asking if I mind if a really cute guy spends the day with me? What do you think????] he replied almost immediately. [Good point. See you tomorrow then] I replied. I tried to go straight to sleep after that, keen to get to the next morning, but with my mind racing and my cock stirring I just couldn't do it. I found myself wondering what Mr Ferguson was doing and soon ended up transferring into his head. I was thrilled to find he was naked when I arrived, cock in hand, porn playing on his laptop. I was tempted to finish what he had been doing, but instead a devious trick formed quickly in my mind. I reached for the laptop and opened up Facebook. I searched my own name and brought up my profile, then opened up one of my favourite pictures of myself. I gave his cock a few strokes to ensure he was fully aroused then transferred back to my own body. When I got back, I wished I could be there in his room to see his reaction at finding himself looking at me while jerking off. I waited a few minutes and concentrated on him again. Looking round as I arrived I realised he had continued wanking... and my profile was still on the screen. I briefly considered that maybe he just wasn't looking at it, then I realised he was now on a different picture of me. The plan had worked. The most exciting part had been that he had been so easily swayed into the idea. It seems he was telling the truth when he said he thought I was cute. I wanted to stay in his body longer, enjoying the feeling of a hand rubbing down his muscled torso but I wanted to let him finish off on his own. I returned to my own body once again and found my cock was rigid and begging for attention. I was so aroused I actually managed to cum from stroking with my left hand. I shot a hefty load, all while thinking about what Mr Ferguson was also doing at that moment. The orgasm had been exactly what I needed to help me sleep as I soon drifted off after cleaning up. Chapter 9 Thankfully I wasn't woken early by Martin again, finding myself waking up of my own accord around ten. I wanted to jerk off, but knowing I would be seeing both Oli and Mark later in the day I figured I should maybe save it up. It only took me a few seconds to figure out that I could sate my desire without depleting my own spunk tank! I went on a quick tour of the minds of the guys I had previously occupied, transferring from one to the next to see what they were up to. The neighbour guy was sitting having breakfast with his wife, Martin was sitting in the kitchen with Mum and Danny (so I skipped him), Mr Ferguson was in the gym. I finally stopped when I entered Liam's mind. He was still in bed and I was soon overwhelmed with the urge to experience another multiple-orgasm in his young body. He was wearing just a pair of shorts, so I pulled them off and threw them aside then wrapped his slim fingers around his rapidly-stiffening tool. It felt so small after some of the other ones I had played with, but it still felt great as I started stroking. With his other hand, I caressed his smooth, firm stomach, twirling a finger around his belly button before reaching up to play with a soft nipple that tightened under my grip. As I continued wanking, I slid a finger up to his mouth and sucked on it for a moment then reached down with it, pressing the wet digit into his hole. It felt so tight. If he had ever played with it before, it had not been often. It felt a little wrong to get too invasive with the finger and just satisfied with circling the hole and sliding the finger back and forth across it. It certainly did the job as I felt an orgasm approaching rapidly. Hearing my moans in his sweet little voice just sped the cock-twitching on even more rapidly and I found myself writhing in pleasure as the excitement rippled through his entire body. Just like last time, I carried on stroking through the climax. Whether it was knowing how good I was about to feel, or the finger on his hole, I felt his second orgasm approaching even quicker than last time. I pumped his hand as fast as I could, the finger flicking back and forth across his tight sphincter, my moans getting more and more guttural as the second orgasm came and went. Within minutes I had reached the point of endless climax, orgasms building and fading one after the other. Not wanting to get him caught by his Mum again I did my best to stifle the whimpering. On and on it went until I felt his arm starting to seize up. Finally stopping, I lay there exhausted. The last time I had been in that body, I had been shocked out of it by the sudden appearance of the boy's mother, but without any disturbance I found myself staying a bit longer. It was quite a revelation to see how his body continued to convulse for several minutes afterwards as the lingering effects of the multiple releases worked their way out of his system. After eventually catching my breath, I returned to my own body. As expected, I found my cock was rock hard. I did my best to ignore it, willing it to go down as I showered and dressed. It softened a little but seemed reluctant to go down completely. On my way downstairs, I passed Danny who just gave me an angry glare and carried on walking. I smirked at his annoyance and carried on into the kitchen where Mum and Martin were still chatting. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and joined them. I had no interest in what they were discussing. 'Grown up crap' I thought to myself, but I nodded along politely when either of them looked my way. Eventually Mum turned to me and asked, “What are you up to today?” “I was gonna go out with Oli and Mark if that's okay?” I said, seeking her approval. She looked at me thoughtfully for a moment before saying, “Okay, but take it easy.” Mark was first to arrive at the house. When he got there, I took him up to my room while we waited for Oli. As soon as we were alone, Mark looked at me, a serious expression on his face and said, “Please don't tell Oli about... ya know, me!” I looked back at him. Obviously I already had. I wondered if I should just tell him. A bit of quick thinking helped me come up with a better idea. “Okay, I won't if you don't want me to, but I think maybe we should... he'd definitely understand...” I made sure my expression conveyed that there was more to know. He looked at me curiously. “Why? Is he.... Oh my God, is Oli gay too?” he asked, a little shocked. “Why don't you ask him yourself.” I suggested. I realised I had virtually revealed Oli's secret without his permission, but I knew my best friend would be okay with it. He was about as easygoing as you could get, plus I was sure he wouldn't mind Mark knowing that he was available. “I suppose... we could tell him then.” Mark said, still slightly hesitant. I sent a quick message to Oli. [I haven't told you about Mark yet, so act surprised when we tell you later!] [Okay, I'll be there soon anyway] he replied. I turned my attention back to Mark. “Had any more trouble from Paul or Lee?” I asked. Mark smiled. I loved that smile. Not only did it make me feel better to see him actually happy, but it was just a truly adorable smile. I found it hard to see it and not just kiss him. My mind was racing as I looked at him. When I had faced him two days ago, he had been upset, broken and all I wanted was to put him back together and look after him. Now though, he was his normal self, happy, cheerful, confident... and beautiful. Did I like him? Was that was this was? I couldn't tell. I thought about Mr Ferguson and my heart felt like it was going to stop beating. I didn't get that with Mark, but there was definitely something there. I blinked as I realised he was speaking. “Hello, anyone in there?” he asked, waving a hand in front of my face. “You totally blanked out there. I just said it's all been okay now, thanks to you.” I blushed as I realised I had been staring at him and at the gratitude. “Good. I didn't like seeing you upset.” Now it was his turn to stare at me. I wondered what he was thinking. Was he having the same thoughts as me or was it something else? I soon got an answer. “There's something you're not telling me, isn't there?” he asked. “What?” I asked, shocked by the sudden question. I smiled guiltily. “Like what?” “I don't know.” he said, squinting at me and looking me up and down. “You're just... different. And the things you've done this week... I don't know, but there's definitely something.” I stood staring back at him awkwardly. Should I confess? Should I make something up? Should I deny everything? Thankfully I was saved from making any decision by Oli's very timely arrival. He burst into my room with his usual enthusiasm, Calling out, “Hiiii.” Turning away from Mark and breathing a literal sigh of relief I said, “Hey Oli.” “Hi.” Mark said shyly to the new arrival, still occasionally glancing at me suspiciously. “Hi Mark.” Oli said, grinning. “We getting out of here or what?” He headed straight back out of my room. I started to follow, but felt Mark grab my arm. “I trusted you with my secret. You can trust me with yours.” 'It's not about trust. You'll hate me if I tell you.' I thought to myself, but smiled at him and said, “Okay, I'll think about it. Let's go.” He smiled back and we followed Oli, heading out of the house with a quick goodbye to my Mum who was still lingering downstairs. We started walking with no particular destination in mind. We chatted casually about nothing particularly important. I felt a little awkward as most conversation was between me and Oli, or me and Mark, they rarely spoke directly to each other. As we wandered, we ended up at the local park. Walking past the playground, we stopped at the swings. I sat on one of them, intentionally avoiding the middle one of the three so that Mark and Oli would have to be next to each other. The conversation went quiet and I decided this was a good time to bring up something that I knew would open things up a little. “Hey Oli, how was the holiday?” Oli leaned forward from the other side of Mark and gave me a confused look. I raised my eyebrows and gestured towards Mark and he got the idea. “It was great.” he said. “I met a guy called Tobias. He was so hot. Best sex of my life. Admittedly it's the only sex of my life, but that does technically make it the best.” Oli rambled. Mark looked at me questioningly and I nodded. He turned to Oli and asked, “Are you gay then?” “Nah.” Oli said casually, shaking his head. “Bi. Definitely bi.” “Cool.” Mark said, looking down at his feet as he gently swayed back and forth on his swing. He looked at me again, then back round to Oli. “I think I might be too.” He looked round nervously, as if expecting every person he had ever known to suddenly appear and discover his secret. “But you're not sure?” Oli asked, being surprisingly sensitive for once. Mark shook his head and Oli continued. “Neither was I for a while. It was really confusing.” “Yeah.” Mark agreed. “You end up thinking, like, that girl's really hot, so why did I look at her boyfriend too? It totally messes with your head.” I just listened in as their conversation continued. It was a little heartbreaking to hear what confusion Oli had gone through without me even noticing, but it seemed now he had someone to share the experience with. I could see Mark visibly relaxing too as he had the chance to speak to someone who truly understood his struggle. After a few minutes of talking, they turned their attention back to me as Oli said, “I guess we don't have it quite as easy as gay boy over there!” he sniggered. I don't know where my reaction came from as it wasn't something I had thought about before, but I found myself overcome with anger. “Easy? Oh yeah, knowing I'll never grow up and have the wife and kids my parents expect, knowing that if I slip and let anyone know I'll get a barrage of abuse from all the homophobes at school, feeling like the only freak who doesn't like girls. Yeah, so fucking easy. Lucky me!” I stood up and started walking away, too angry to look at them and confused about my own feelings. I hadn't got far before I heard Oli running up behind me. “Nicky.” he called out, then reached out and grabbed my arm, spinning me round. He just stared at me and I realised I had started crying. Without a word, he pulled me into a hug. I closed my eyes and buried my face into his neck. When I opened my eyes and let go of him, I noticed Mark had come over to join us. I looked back and forth between them. “I'm sorry.” I sniffed. “I don't know where that came from.” “It's okay.” Oli said, smiling sweetly. “I understand.” “Thanks.” I said, now feeling more and more embarrassed about my outburst. Oli stepped away as Mark walked closer. “Sorry.” I said again. Mark hugged me quickly and said, “Hey, it's just good to know I'm not the only one whose head is totally fucked!” We both laughed and I wiped away the tears. “Come on.” Oli said, leading the way again. “Let's go guy spotting!” His suggestion got another laugh and we eagerly followed. We ended up at the local shopping mall, sitting together on a bench watching people go by and rating them out of 10. Mark and Oli laughed every time they picked out a girl to rate and I just gave her a zero without even looking. I couldn't help wondering how many of the higher-rated guys Oli would have been requesting that I possess if Mark hadn't been there. I realised things would be a lot easier, and possibly more fun if I told Mark about my powers. The problem was, there was no chance I could tell him without him figuring out what I had done to him. I was trapped in my own deception. I sat there worrying about what would happen if he found out. I liked Mark. Exactly how much I liked him was still unclear, but even as a friend, we got on so well and it was great to see how well he and Oli were now getting on since discovering their shared experience. “What's wrong?” Oli asked, looking round at me in frustration. “That guy was clearly a ten and you didn't even look!” “Sorry, just... thinking about things.” I replied, looking round for who Oli had been talking about, but he was gone. Oli and Mark looked at each other, then at me. “Are you okay?” Oli asked. I sighed and stood up. “I think I'm gonna go. See ya guys.” I walked away without even looking back. I almost wished one of them would run after me and stop me, but I realised if they did, I don't know what I would actually say. I left the shopping centre and just kept walking. I ended back at the park, intending to go and sat in the swings again to think. As I neared the playground, I saw that it was now full of younger kids and their parents, playing, so I would have to find somewhere else. Just beyond the playground was a large open area. It was used for a range of activities, with ground markings for football, rugby, cricket and other things I didn't even recognise. On the other side of it was the edge of the woods. I wandered towards it, finding a large tree right on the edge and sat down, leaning against the trunk. I sat thinking for a while and ended up tilting my head back against the tree, eyes closed. I sat like that for a while, running through everything in my head. Mark seemed to be a genuinely nice guy and I had done such mean things to him and now I was lying to him by omission. I wished for some way to confess, without losing him, but nothing came to mind. I could come up with endless ideas to torture or tease guys, but to actually do something decent and honest... I was getting nothing, which just depressed me more. I was shaken from my thoughts from a sudden sound either side of me. I opened my eyes and looked round... Oli and Mark had sat down either side of me. I smiled as I realised they must have followed me and said, “Hey guys.” “What's wrong?” Oli asked. He took my hand. He had never done it before. I found myself thinking back to yesterday, when we had attempted to kiss and ended up laughing. I think it may have just been a bit strange to take our friendship to a more physical level. Feeling his hand in mine was nice though, like a step towards something more. I tried to speak, but just ended up taking a deep breath and sighing. “You can tell us, whatever it is.” Mark said, smiling at me sweetly. That was it. I broke. Like my earlier outburst, it was like the words were forcing their way out of their own accord. “It was me. It was all me. All the crappy stuff that's happened to you this week, I did it.” Mark stared at me blankly. Had me misunderstood? Did he not believe me? Was he getting ready to hit me? I just stared back. It was Oli that broke the silence. “Mark?” he asked. Mark blinked a few times, shook his head and asked, “What do you... what?!?” “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.” I said, tears forming in my eyes. “I couldn't hide it from you. You deserve to know. I should have told you right away and I'm so sorry I didn't.” His expression made me feel like my heart was going to burst out of my chest. “How did you... how did you do it?” “Does it matter?” I asked back. “The fact is, all the shit you've dealt with... is all because of me!” “Tell me how you did it. It's the same way you made Lee post that thing on facebook, isn't it?” Mark demanded. I felt Oli squeezing my hand. He was remaining out of the argument, but it was nice to know he was still there. “I can... do things. I can take control... of peoples' minds.” “Look, if you're just gonna make shit up, then you can just fuck off.” Mark said angrily, backing away from me. “I'm not making it up. I can really do it and I made you... do the things you did.” I confessed. Mark shook his head. “I don't believe you. Why are you saying this? Do you WANT me to hate you or something?” “No, I'm saying this because I like you and I can't lie to you any more.” I sniffed. He glared at me, the looked to Oli. “Do you... know what he's talking about?” Oli nodded. “He's telling the truth.” he replied, giving my hand another squeeze. Mark looked back and forth between me and Oli. I expected anger, I almost hoped for it, I felt I deserved it. Instead, he just looked so incredibly disappointed. He stood up, looked down at me and said, “I thought I could trust you.” He turned and walked away and I got up to follow, but Oli held me back, not a difficult task considering my injuries. “Let him go. He probably has a lot to think about. Chase him now and he'll probably just get pissed.” Oli insisted. I knew he was right, but that didn't make it easier to watch Mark slowly get further and further away. “Did I do the wrong thing? Telling him, I mean.” I asked, looking round at my best friend, hoping for some reassurance. “I dunno, but I could tell hiding it was bothering you. I don't think you had much choice.” Oli replied with a shrug. “I could possess him, make him come back!” I said, only half joking. Oli shot me a disapproving look, then sat back beside me. I leant sideways until my head was on his shoulder as he took my hand again. We sat like that for a while, until long after Mark had vanished from sight. When I finally sat back up, I looked round at Oli. He smiled at me and I felt a sudden urge. I pulled him towards me and kissed him. It only lasted a few seconds, but when we parted he continued smiling. “No laughing that time!” he said happily. “I noticed.” I grinned back at him. “Nicky, can you promise me something?” he said, sounding uncharacteristically serious. “Sure.” I said, nodding and frowning slightly at his tone. “Just... don't fall in love with me. I know I'm pretty irresistible, but you're just gonna have to fight it!” he said, a smile growing across his face as he teased me. I kissed him again, then replied, “I'll do my best to resist!” I sat back against the tree. I still felt pretty upset about Mark, but having Oli there definitely helped make things better. As I looked at Oli again, he had a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “What?” I asked apprehensively. He looked back, past the tree we were leaning on and into the edge of the woods. “Ya know, it's fairly private in there... wanna see if we can do anything else, ya know, without laughing?” He helped me up and we looked back at field to make sure nobody was watching, then disappeared into the trees. We walked for a minute as the trees grew thicker until we came to a slightly open patch, not huge, but big enough to give us some space to mess around. “So what do you want to do?” I asked nervously. “Could you... could you make me get naked... like you did yesterday?” Oli asked, blushing, something I very rarely ever saw him do. I grinned. “Oh, you liked that then?” “Yeah.” he said, eyes wide with excitement as he nodded eagerly. I leaned against a tree to ensure I wouldn't fall over while out of my body and concentrated on him. Once I was inside his head, I quickly stripped, throwing his clothes to the ground. It felt exciting to be naked outdoors, feeling the slight breeze across bare skin as it blew through the trees. I was about to transfer back, keen to see what he wanted next when I had an idea. I picked up his clothes and walked a short distance away, hiding them out of view, then headed back and released him. He blinked and looked down, realising I had done as he asked, leaving him standing there naked now. “That's so hot.” he sniggered. He either didn't notice his clothes weren't in sight, or simply didn't care, obviously distracted by his own arousal, which was becoming visibly obvious. As he stood there grinning, I watched his cock swell to full size. It stopped at about six inches, but it was quite fat, pointing up and away from him, with his hefty balls dangling below, slightly tight from the chill of the breeze. “What else could you make me do?” he asked, biting his bottom lip as he stared at me excitedly. “Whatever I want.” I said casually. “I could make you jerk off, I could make you suck me or I could make you walk out of these woods like that and let the entire town see you naked!” He actually shuddered as I said it, causing my own rapidly-stiffening cock to twitch in response. “Can I take your clothes off?” he asked, blushing again. When I nodded, he stepped closer to me and lifted my hoodie, pulling it off over my head gently, giving me an apologetic look as I winced with pain from raising my arms too high. He looked at the big bruise on my chest and placed his fingers gently on it, then looked at me sympathetically. He leant down and placed his lips carefully on the discoloured skin, kissing it more delicately than I ever would have expected he was capable of, gradually moving round, kissing the whole area before working his way up and onto my neck. I closed my eyes and let his mouth explore me. In the last week, I had experienced so many things – other people's bodies, my first blow job, megagasms – yet this was the most exhilarating experience of my life. It wasn't about sexual pleasure, it wasn't about wanting to cum, it was physical curiosity, two friends encountering each other's bodies in ways they had never felt before. “Kiss me.” I whispered. I worried it had been too quiet, that he had missed it, until I felt his lips pressing against mine again. We melted together, hands roaming, lips parting, tongues sliding. The rough, cold bark of the tree on my back felt so excitingly opposite to the smooth, warm skin of his body pressed against mine. Even the pain of the pressure on my bruise seemed inconsequential compared to the other sensations flooding through me. As we continued to kiss, he undid my jeans and let them drop to the floor, then grabbed my erection through my boxers. I moaned into his mouth as his fingers wrapped around it. After a few gentle squeezes, he released it and replaced his hand with his own erection, pressing it against my own and gyrating his hips just enough to make them rub together. I reached down and lowered my boxers, bringing our two boners into direct contact. His felt so thick and warm as it pressed mine against me, all while our tongues continued to duel and his hands caressed up and down my body. I tried to do the same, but cursed the cast for restricting my ability to touch him. He pulled his lips away from mine and moved round to my ear, nibbling at the lobe. “This is so hot!” he whispered with a giggle. If I hadn't been so caught up in my arousal I would have laughed. Even in the middle of something like that, Oli was still the same. His breathing got louder and heavier as he continued to rub his erection against mine, his ragged breaths right in my ear. “I think I'm gonna cum.” he whimpered. “Me too.” I said, gasping at a particularly firm thrust. “Keep going!” We kissed again, just as both cocks erupted between us, coating both our stomachs with our combined loads. The kiss parted, but we remained with our foreheads pressed together, both struggling to catch our breath as we felt the last few twitches of our shared orgasm. I looked at him, he looked back. I panted, catching my breath, he did the same. Suddenly he collapsed against me, pressing me against the tree. I put my arms around him and he placed his on my hips as we both started laughing. No idea why. It wasn't funny. It was... something else. Still giggling, he kissed my neck gently and stood back from me. “Fuck!” was all he could say, looking down at the sticky mess between us. “Yeah!” I agreed with a smile. He stepped back, placed his hands behind his head and stretched. I couldn't help enjoying the view of his body as he did it, muscles that didn't normally show beginning to appear as he did it. I reached down and pulled my jeans and underwear back up, then grabbed my hoodie from the floor beside me and slipped it on as he continued stretching. As he stopped, he saw me fully dressed, then looked around for his own clothes. “Hey.” he said as he realised they were nowhere in sight. “Where did you put my clothes?” I grinned wickedly at him. I started walking back towards the field. “Nicky!” he said, concerned. “Where are my clothes?” I looked back at him and said, “They're around here somewhere, although you should probably start looking. If you're still naked in five minutes, I'll take control of you and make you walk home like that!” I explained. He stared at me in shock, but there was a slight twinkle in his eye. Some small part of him actually seeming to enjoy the threat of public exposure. “Go on then!” I said, then walked away. Once I was back on the edge of the playing field, I pulled out my phone and started watching the time. It was just coming up to the five minute limit when I saw him running back between the trees, fully clothed. “Aww, no fun!” I said as he appeared. “That was SO mean!” he said to me, attempting to look angry. I looked down and saw exactly what I expected – a rather sizeable bulge in his crotch. I grabbed the erection through his jeans and said, “Looks like you like a bit of mean!” “Maybe I do.” Oli replied happily, making no attempt to remove my hand. We wandered around the park for a while after that. He started telling me more about his holiday romance with Tobias and we started discussing guys who he wanted to see naked using my abilities. Before we could get too in-depth, I got a message from my Mum. She suggested I might want to come home as I had been out for a while and probably didn't want to overdo it. She made it very clear it was only a suggestion, not an order.... which in my Mum's secret language meant it was very clearly an order! Oli walked me home and we ended up kissing again before I went inside. It felt so weird to suddenly have such a physical relationship with Oli after all the years I'd known him, but it just made me feel even closer to him. I said goodbye and went in, arranging to meet him the next morning to walk to school together. As it turns out, my Mum was right, I had been pretty worn out by the day, falling asleep on the sofa right after dinner and getting banished to my room and ordered to go straight to sleep. I resented being treated like a little kid and decided I was just going to do stuff in my room instead, but sound found myself nodding off again, with thoughts of Mark, Oli and Mr Ferguson all running through my head. Chapter 10 I awoke early, before my alarm had even gone off. Usually getting out of bed on a Monday was a chore, but for once I was looking forward to it. I wanted to get to school with Oli, wanted him to see how I was received by everyone, the massive shift that had taken place while he had been away. There was another reason I looked forward to it too – Mr Ferguson! The PE Teacher was the first thing on my mind when I work up. I had a feeling he had been in my dreams, but couldn't quite remember. Either way, the thought of seeing him again filled me with joy. As I lay waiting for my alarm to signal it was time to get up, I let images of him fill my head. Surprisingly, it lead me to think about Mark and Oli, in particular the way they made me feel. What I had done with Mark on Friday night had been exciting, fuelled by lust and a jumble of confused emotions. The things with Oli the previous day had been different, an expression of friendship, perhaps even an expansion of it. Thinking about Mr Ferguson though, it really wasn't the same. Mark was lust, Oli was affection, Mr Ferguson managed to be both. Yes, I wanted to touch him, feel those muscles with my own hands, make him gasp with pleasure, but at the same time I wanted to just feel him kissing me, holding me. I lay there imagining he was behind me, spooned up against me, whispering in my ear. Lost in the fantasy, I jumped when my alarm sounded. Oli was waiting for me out on the street when I left the house. He surprised me with a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. I felt a little nervous doing it so openly, but he didn't seem at all bothered. We walked to school casually, with him regaling me with his list of guys he wanted me to possess for his pleasure. I'm sure he knew he wasn't going to get them all, mostly because there simply wouldn't be enough time in the day to fit them all in. As we entered the school yard, guys started coming over to talk to me, laughing about things on Facebook, chatting about what they'd done at the weekend and just generally being nicer to me than Oli had ever seen. He seemed to be basking in the reflected popularity too, seeming to mostly favour talking to the guys he had mentioned in his earlier list. I looked around, expecting to see Mark but there was no sign of him. He was normally one of the earliest arrivers, often enjoying a quick game of football with his friends so his absence concerned me. I left Oli, engrossed in conversation with my admirers as an idea struck me. I headed out of the yard, towards the quiet spot where I had found him on Friday morning. As I got there, I saw Mark sitting in the same spot as before. I saw a smile briefly flash across his face, almost a reflex to seeing me, before he forced a frown and looked away. “I thought I might find you here.” I said, walking over to him and kneeling down at his side. “Go away.” he said weakly, as if making himself put on a token show of resistance. I ignored the request. “Mark, I'm so sorry. I completely understand you being pissed at me.” He looked at me, now appearing more confused than angry. “Yeah, that's the problem. I'm not.” “Yeah, that's...” I started, then paused and thought about it. I must have looked as confused as him. “Wait, why's that a problem?” “Because after what you put me through, I should be... severely!” Mark explained. “But I'm not and I don't know why.” “Maybe it's because we're friends...” I suggested cautiously, not wanting to presume I knew his thoughts. “Yeah, but are we?” he asked. I shrugged. “Of course.” He looked thoughtful again, taking a deep breath. “We don't even know each other. You're virtually a stranger to me and if a stranger did the things you did, I'd kick his arse, but I don't want to kick your arse.” “Then... what DO you want?” I asked, unsure where he was going with it. His face screwed up, as if hating his own thoughts as he looked at me. “I don't know. Friday was probably the worst day of my life, I never even knew I could feel that... sad, but then you held me and it all felt better. I felt like I wasn't alone, like there was someone else who actually understood me.” He paused, taking several deep breaths, fighting back tears. “And then you go and tell me that stuff yesterday. It messed with my head. Suddenly I felt so incredibly crappy and all I wanted was for you to hold me again, but I couldn't, because you were the one who made me feel like that in the first place.” His words felt like a shard of ice plunging into my belly. I understood him being pissed at me, I just hadn't counted on the rest of his feelings. Knowing that he both wanted me and hated me at the same time felt almost disorienting. “I should probably... leave you alone.” I mumbled, standing up. “No.” he said firmly. He stood up, took a deep breath while looking straight up into the sky then exhaled as he looked at me. “You... you didn't have to tell me about it, you didn't have to do what you did for me on Friday and you didn't have to come here to check up on me, but you did them all anyway. I figure that's three ticks in the friend column and just one big cross for the other crap you did, so I suppose you come out ahead overall.” I looked at him, confused about where he was going with it. “What d'you mean?” I asked. “I'm saying... I'm gonna give you a chance. I'm definitely pissed about what you did, but... if you hadn't done it, then I wouldn't have made friends with you and Oli. I mean, up until the bit where I wanted to hurt you, yesterday was really fun. I like hanging out with you guys.” he explained. I smiled. “So all is forgiven?” I asked excitedly. He stepped forward and hugged me briefly, then said, “Oh, not by a LONG way, I'll get my revenge eventually, just you wait!” I wanted to look scared, but just ended up laughing instead. “So, tell me about how you did it then. Can you really control people?” he asked. ***** I had explained my secret to Mark before the first bell rang and quickly realised that it was becoming less and less of an actual secret. That was three people who knew about it now. On the positive side, it relieved some of the stress of trying to hide it. Oli got a little excited when he realised it was just another accomplice for him to use in getting more guys. What excited him more though was having Mark back in our little group, the two of them really had hit it off yesterday. It was really nice to see Mark was so happy too. Paul and Lee had both stayed clear and nobody even mentioned any of the stuff from last week. We had just finished the last class before morning break when Mr Nealson stopped me. “You're needed in the Headmaster's office.” he said. The fear on my face must have been apparent as he added, “Don't worry, you're not in trouble.” I headed to the office as requested, then knocked and waited for a reply. “Come in.” a voice called out. The Headmaster, Mr Proctor, was sat behind his desk. Not that I had much experience with Headmasters, but Mr Proctor seemed like a pretty good one. He always came across as fair and approachable, not at all scary, unlike the Deputy Head who stood to his side, Mr Reeves. That was a man nobody messed with! Sat opposite them, was Carl and two other adults who I assumed to be his parents. “Come in Mr Taylor, have a seat.” Mr Proctor said, gesturing to the empty seat beside Carl's parents. Carl himself just stared at the floor, unable to look at either of the teachers or myself. “What's... going on?” I asked nervously as I sat down. “How are you feeling?” Mr Proctor asked, ignoring my question and looking from the cut on my forehead to the cast on my wrist. I shrugged and replied, “I'll survive.” I got an angry look from Mr Reeves, presumably over my almost dismissive tone, so I added, “But I'm getting better Sir, thank you.” “We asked you here to try and put all of last week's unpleasantness behind us.” Mr Proctor explained. “We just wanted the chance to make sure Carl has the chance to apologise.” Mrs Anthony said from beside me. “Carl?” Carl looked round at me. I expected him to look annoyed at being forced into it, possibly even embarrassed about it, instead he just looked genuinely remorseful. “I... I'm really sorry I hit you, Nick, and I'm sorry you got hurt.” “It's okay.” I said back with a gentle smile. He smiled back briefly, then looked away again. “There, much better.” Mr Proctor said. “Mr Anthony will receive two weeks of detention in lieu of his suspension.” Mr Reeves explained. “No.” I said without thinking. If looks could kill, Mr Reeves would have had me dead in milliseconds. “I mean, I'm sorry Sir, I know it's not my place to tell you what to do, but Carl shouldn't be punished. Yeah, he hit me, but most of what happened was my fault. I went out of my way to provoke him.” “We're aware of that Mr Taylor, Mr Ferguson passed on your message to us about it, that's why Carl is even here instead of being suspended,” Mr Proctor explained. I glanced round at Carl. He looked shocked. I'm guessing he didn't know that was the reason for his suspension ending early. Mr Proctor continued, “But violence at this school is unacceptable and punishments must be given.” Everyone's eyes fell back on me. “Then... let me share the punishment with him. I'm as much to blame as him, so I deserve the punishment too.” Mr Proctor sighed. “Your compassion is very inspiring young man, and hard to argue. Fine, detention for you both... for just one week!” “Thank you Sir.” I said. “May I be dismissed?” He nodded his approval and I got up to leave, smiling politely to the two teachers and Carl's parents. I left the office and had just got out of the building when I heard someone approaching behind me. I turned to see Carl following me. “Hey, I just... wanted to thank you.” he said shyly. “You didn't have to do any of that, it was pretty cool of you.” “It's no big deal.” I said with a shrug. “It's a huge deal. You know I started it.” he stated. “Really, don't sweat it.” I reassured him. He still looked remorseful, now verging on outright sadness. “I thought I killed you!” he said out of nowhere. I just stared. “When I hit you... the way you hit the ground, the blood... for a minute I really thought...” He stopped and wiped away a tear, then coughed and tried to pretend it was just something in his eye. “Sorry if I scared you.” I said back sympathetically. “I'm just glad you're okay.” He looked down at the cast and added, “Well, mostly.” “Hey, like Mr Proctor said, let's put it all behind us.” I suggested. “But I started the argument and ended up hospitalising you, then you get me out of the suspension and take half my punishment. I just don't get you.” he said, trying to figure me out. I smirked. “Well you've got a week of detentions with me. I'm sure you'll have me all figured out by Friday!” I replied, then turned and headed towards the yard. I waved back at him as I walked and called out, “See you in detention!” ***** It turned out I got to see Carl a lot sooner than detention. I had just eaten my lunch with Mark and Oli and decided to go and see Mr Ferguson when I saw him again. He was on the path down to the PE Department surrounded by four other boys. “Whadda you want?” He snapped at them. I hung back, not quite sure what I was seeing yet. “You put a kid in the hospital, now it's time to pay the price!” One of them said, advancing on him. “Yeah, we don't like bullies in our school!” The second said. “Hey!” I called out, realising what they had planned... and in my name, no less! “What the hell are you doing?” “Nick!” the first one exclaimed. It surprised me that he knew my name, I certainly had no idea of his. “We're gonna get some payback for you!” “No, you're not. Things are cool between me and Carl, no need for any of this.” I insisted, then turned my attention to the second one. “And you... you don't like bullies, so you deal with it by bullying him? What kind of sense is that?” I demanded. They looked at me. It was clear they just wanted an excuse to act like thugs, but even they couldn't find a reason to continue when the supposed 'victim' they were avenging was the one telling them to stop. “Whatever.” the first one said, walking away. He looked to Carl and said menacingly, “See you later!” “HOLD IT!” I yelled, furious at the thinly-veiled threat. I marched up to him, realising how much bigger than me he was once I stood right in front of him. “You will NOT see him later. If you heard about what Carl did, then I'm sure you heard about what I did with Lenny, and he was a LOT bigger and tougher than you. Anyone tries any shit like this in my name, and I mean anyone, I'm holding YOU personally responsible! Understand?” I had no idea where the threat came from. I didn't know I had it in me but I stood there, staring him in the eye, unblinking. Amazingly, he actually looked a little scared. “Fine, fine. We'll... back off.” he said, stepping away from me carefully. I turned away, smiled at Carl and continued towards the PE Department. By the time I got close to Mr Ferguson's office, the adrenaline rush from the confrontation died down and I felt myself shaking. I stood leaning on the wall, trying to calm down, eyes closed, taking measured deep breaths. “Nicky, are you okay?” I opened my eyes and saw it was Mr Ferguson. I stepped forward and put my arms around him, pressing my head into his chest. He paused for a moment, then raised his arms, putting them around my back. I could hear his heart beating. I focussed on that for a minute as I calmed down, then let go of him, blushing. “Sorry.” I said. “Sorry, I just... had a run in with some guys and... it just shook me a bit.” He could still see I was shaking a little so he gestured towards the building and said, “Come in and sit down for a minute.” I followed him inside and into his office. He took a seat and pulled up another chair just in front of him, patting it gently. I sat down and explained what had just happened. Talking about it helped me regain my composure. “Well it sounds like you got lucky. You've really got to be more careful, kid.” he said, shaking his head. “I know.” I said sheepishly. “But I couldn't just let them hurt him.” He looked at me, still shaking his head. I wondered what he was thinking, was it something teachery or was he thinking something more... personal? Maybe about pleasuring himself while looking at me on Facebook? I hoped the latter, but it seemed unlikely. “Hey, why were you heading this way anyway?” he asked, frowning. “I just...” I started, wondering whether to make something up, but decided I wanted him to know the real reason. “I was coming to see you.” I'm sure I saw a hint of a smile, just for a second, but he retained his neutral expression, asking, “Did you need something?” “No, I just wanted to see you. And I thought you might want to see me too.” I said bluntly. “Nicky, is this about what I said in the car?” he asked. “Remember, I said nothing's going to happen.” I decided to set a trap, or maybe more of a test. I stared at him and said, “Okay, I'll believe that... IF you can look me in the eye and tell me you haven't been thinking about me.” His stared at me, his cheeks burning. I had him and I think he knew it. He attempted to sidestep the pitfall I had set in front of him. “It doesn't matter if I have or not.” I wasn't letting him off the hook that easily. “So you have, then?” He continued to stare, not wanting to make any kind of motion, knowing that I had his measure now. “Okay.” I said, nodding. “I've got detention tonight. After I finish, I'm gonna go to the park so I'll be around the north entrance at about five. I'll either see you there, or I'll let it drop. Your call.” I left, leaving him in stunned silence. ***** We were in the last class of the day, one of the few that Oli, Mark and I all had together. I was sat at the back as usual with Oli. Mark was sat on the next desk along, sitting with Michael. The third desk at the back was empty. By this point, Oli had filled Mark in on every detail of my powers and what I had done with them. Needless to say he had been intrigued about how it worked. So far I hadn't had the chance to demonstrate. I wrote something on a slip of paper and slid it in front of Oli. [Watch this ->] Oli read the note and followed the arrow with his eyes, realising I had pointed it at Mark and Michael. He looked at me and smiled. I concentrated for a moment and transferred into Michael. I looked back at Oli and winked, then dropped my hand below the desk onto Mark's leg. He jumped and stared at me in shock. I raised my hand and quickly wrote in front of him 'It's Nicky!' he stared round and saw the blank expression on my own face and Oli's smirking and realised it was me. I dropped my hand below the desk again and stroked his leg. I slid my hand up to his crotch... he was already swelling. I pulled open the button on his trousers and slid down the zip as he sat there looking round nervously. With the trousers undone, I reached into his underwear and pulled out his erection, now solid. I started stroking it, doing my best not to laugh as he did his best to hide his enjoyment. Oli's hand had slipped below the desk too, playing with himself as he watched. Thankfully the exercise we were working on allowed for a little chatter, so the room wasn't silent, otherwise I'm sure his quiet moans would have been heard. Suddenly he raised his hand to his mouth, biting down on his finger to stop himself yelling out as his cock erupted in my hand, covering the underside of the desk with his spunk. I considered going straight back to my body, leaving Michael to wake up with his hand still holding onto Mark's dick, but decided I couldn't be so mean when he was just starting to forgive me. I pulled the hand away and licked a few drops of cum off, watching with amusement as Mark stared. “Bye.” I whispered and returned to my own body, leaving Mark to frantically try and cover up before Michael recovered. Oli had to cover his mouth to stop himself laughing as he watched the boy struggle. He leaned back to me and whispered, “That was fucking awesome!” Mark looked round at me too, his eyes wide with both shock and excitement. “Oh my God.” he mouthed to me. As the lesson ended I started regretting my nobility with Carl. I wanted to leave with Oli and Mark, talk to them more, see what Mark thought of his first experience with my powers... at least his first experience of being on the good side of them anyway. They offered to wait around in the park for me to get out of detention, but I told them not to wait. I had decided not to tell them anything more about me and Mr Ferguson. I was starting to think something might actually happen, and if it did then I didn't want to risk anyone else knowing. The last thing I wanted was somebody letting it slip and him getting arrested! I headed for detention, hoping it would pass quickly. I sent a message to my Mum and said I was going round to Oli's house. I figured that would buy me some time and she wasn't likely to check up on me either. ***** Detention did NOT pass quickly! Every second felt more like an hour. Carl had come to sit next to me, which had been a nice gesture. Unfortunately we didn't have a chance to talk though as we were forced to work in silence. I almost got the impression Carl had wanted to talk after detention, so I felt bad running straight off. I figured I'd have another chance tomorrow. I headed for the park, almost running. We had been let out a bit later than expected and it was only a couple of minutes to five. I reached the spot I had suggested and looked around. What if he had been early? What if he had seen that I wasn't there and just left?Worst of all, what if he just didn't come? I stood, waiting. If seconds in detention felt like hours, here they felt like days! “Come on, come on, come on.” I kept muttering to myself, willing him to appear. I checked my phone. Quarter past five. I decided to give him another five minutes. Fifteen minutes later I was still giving him just five more minutes. “I mean it this time. Five minutes.” I said to myself, setting a timer on my phone. I remained motionless, desperately hoping to see his face before I heard the alarm. Sadly it just didn't happen. I turned off the alarm, looked round one last time and started walking. On the way home I could have cried. I had been so sure he would be there, I just kept imagining how it would have been, his arms around me, his lips against my own. I was almost home when I heard a voice behind me, calling my name. I looked back and saw Mr Ferguson leaning out of his car window. I froze on the spot, just staring. He was here, he came! “Get in.” he called out, then leaned over and opened the passenger door. I ran over and got in, pulling the door closed behind me, staring at him as he started driving. I just stared at him as he drove. He had a strange look on his face. “I thought you wasn't going to come.” I said, sighing with relief. “I was there, at the park.” he replied flatly. “I was down the street, I could see you.” “And you just left me standing there?” I asked, almost annoyed, despite my joy at seeing him. “I'm sorry. I wanted to get out and come over to you, but... I couldn't.” he explained. That was when I recognised the look on his face, he was afraid. “But when I saw you going home, I couldn't just let you go.” Worried about how scared he looked, I asked, “Are you okay?” “I could probably be arrested, just for picking you up like this, so no, I'm not okay.” he said back frantically. “You haven't done anything.” I said back. “But, if you don't want to do this, just pull over and I'll pretend this never happened.” He finally looked round at me as we stopped at a junction. “I want this!” he said with a clear look of resolve. He was still afraid, but was doing it anyway. Neither of us spoke again until we pulled up at his house. He got out and headed to the door, I followed. “My housemate's away until Thursday, so nobody's gonna.... ya know.” he said nervously with a shrug. I followed him into the lounge. He sat on the sofa then just fixed his gaze on me as I stood nervously in the doorway. “You look really nervous!” I said. “So do you! You can come in, you know!” he replied. I took a few steps inside the room but remained standing. “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked. “I don't... even know what this is!” I answered honestly. “Why am I here?” “Oh God, I don't know.” he said, burying his face in his hands. I stepped closer to him and grabbed his his wrist, pulling gently and then indicating for him to stand when he looked at me. He towered over me and I had to look up at him. I smiled and said, “Let's make this really simple. Right now, do you want to kiss me?” He took a deep breath, looking down at me, and nodded. “Then do it!” I said bluntly. He leant down, seeming to move in slow motion as his lips headed for mine. I found myself standing on tip toes to reach him just that little bit sooner. Our lips met. You know those cheesy TV shows where they kiss and suddenly there's a montage of fireworks going off and love hearts and all that sort of stuff? That's what it felt like happened in that moment. It was like the world ground to a halt. Nothing else could be happening at that moment, nothing else could possibly exist other than that kiss. He pulled away, staring down at me, still looking terrified, but only for a moment before he smiled. A massive grin, as big as my own. His fear, my nerves, they all just vanished. He leant down to kiss me again, but this time put his arms around me, lifting me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and hooked my arms under his. His chest was so broad that my arms barely met round the back. The kiss was so passionate, I could feel his hunger, his desire, but it remained so gentle. I have no idea how long he stood holding me like that, but however long it was, it wasn't long enough. I wanted him to hold me forever, but I lowered my legs as he started to put me down. “That was...” I said breathlessly, “I don't have a lot to compare it to, but that was... pretty amazing, right?” I rubbed my chest, the lift had made my ribs ache. “No.” he said, frowning at me. I stared, dismayed. “Amazing is a total understatement.” he added, grinning. I hit him in the stomach for teasing me like that, but had used my right hand without thinking. “Aah, fuck!” I yelped as a burst of pain shot through my arm. “You okay?” he asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. I just nodded, but he could see I was in pain, from the ribs and arm. He sat down on the sofa, the patted beside him. “Lay down here.” I did as he asked, sitting down on the sofa before rotating round and laying, resting my head on his leg. He reached down with one hand and started stroking my chest, right where it hurt. His fingers seemed to leech away the pain. His other hand found its way into my hair, playing with it casually. I lay there looking up at him, while he looked back down at me. I probably could have made a move, reached for his crotch, groped him, played with his nipples, I knew he would have let me. Instead, I just lay there enjoying his caring caresses, taking in every inch of his beautiful face. “I really like you... Mr Ferguson.” I said, grinning as I said the name. “I think you should probably call me Riley.” he grinned back at me. “That'll take some getting used to.” I said, moaning gently as his hand slid across my chest again. “When did you know?” I asked. “Know what?” he asked back. “That you... liked me.” I explained. He grinned. “Honestly... that morning when you got attacked. You opened your eyes and looked up at me and it... just happened!” he blushed a little as he smiled. “Remind me to thank Carl.” I chuckled. We stayed like that, chatting and touching, occasionally stopping to kiss for another hour. “I need to get home.” I said, scowling at the thought of leaving. “Oh, no. You can't leave yet.” he said, grabbing hold of me as I stood up. “Why not?” I asked nervously. “Because I need to kiss you again.” he said, grinning as he pulled me into another kiss. This time it was me leaning down to him as he sat on the sofa. “So that's what being tall feels like!” I joked as we parted. He laughed and headed to the door with me. “I'll drop you off at your house.” he offered. As he drove me home, we agreed that we had to act normally at school. No sneaky kisses when we thought nobody was looking, no secret meetings, we had to appear entirely as a student and teacher, not as... whatever we were at that point. It was clear we both wanted more, but it just wasn't worth risking getting caught. I saved his number in my phone as 'Riley' rather than 'Mr Ferguson', just in case anyone caught a glimpse of my phone. When we got close to my house, he pulled over. “I don't wanna get out.” I said, pouting. He reached across and ruffled his fingers through my hair. “I know. I don't want you to either, but we can do this again real soon. Maybe... more?” I grinned at the suggestion, letting him know I most definitely approved. “Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then.” I said happily as I climbed out of the car. I virtually skipped home, so overflowing with happiness. I went through a checklist in my mind. Oli, things were great. Mark, everything was out in the open. Mr Ferguson... Riley, perfect. Carl, improving rapidly. Finally, everything was actually going my way! Chapter 11 I felt a little sad as I woke up. After last night, I wished I could wake up with Mr Ferguson.... with Riley, but it simply wasn't possible. 'Sleepover at the PE teacher's house' didn't really seem like a reasonable excuse for staying out all night. I decided to cheer myself up with a little prank. I concentrated on Oli and transferred into his head. He was still in bed too, so I jumped out and looked down. He slept in just his underwear so I pulled it off, then went over to his bedroom door. I pulled it open, looked round and saw nobody was there so I crept out slowly. I headed for the stairs, and headed down. Once I was at the bottom, I transferred back to my own body, sniggering to myself at the thought of Oli waking up and realising where he was and what he was wearing (or wasn't wearing, I suppose). Within a minute, my phone buzzed. [You bastard!] I received from Oli. It certainly worked at cheering me up, making me laugh. [Be glad I only took you that far, I considered locking you out of the house!] I sent back teasingly. [Fuck, the thought of that actually just turned me on. Please don't do it though!] he replied. [Okay.... not today anyway ;-)] I sent back, still laughing to myself. [That turned me on more! Gotta wank. See you usual place.] He sent. His frankness surprised me. Before Saturday we hadn't really even mentioned anything even remotely sexual in front of each other, now he was telling me when he was wanking! I wasn't complaining though, knowing what he was doing was turning me on too. I typed out a quick message to Martin. [If you're up, come to my room. Need assistance!!!!] I waited a moment, then grinned as my door opened. “You called!” Martin said as he closed the door behind him. “Yeah, get to work!” I said, tossing the covers aside to reveal my underwear-clad erection. I closed my eyes and let him pull the boxers off. I felt his fingers wrap around my cock, stroking it rapidly for a few seconds before he stopped and he replaced his hand with his mouth. “Ah yeah.” I moaned happily. As he knelt beside my bed, sucking my dick he let one hand slide up and down my leg while the other caressed my stomach and chest. I kept my eyes closed, enjoying the range of sensations until I felt my orgasm getting near. “I'm close.” I whispered. He pulled my cock from his mouth and resumed stroking as I shot all over myself. Once I had fully unloaded, I expected him to just let go and leave. Instead, he leant in again and started licking the cum off of me. I opened my eyes and watched excitedly as his tongue slid all over me, retrieving my spunk and sucking it into his mouth. Once I was licked clean, he pecked me on the cheek and left. I figured he would want me to repay the favour later and wondered who he might request me to use for it. It was still too early to get ready for school, so I pulled the covers back over me, curled up and imagined Riley (I got his name right first time for a change) was in bed with me, his muscular arms wrapping tightly around me. ***** When I met Oli in the usual place, he made his feelings about my prank known... physically. I had a dead arm for about half an hour afterwards. That still didn't stop me teasing him about how much it had turned him on. He hated that it did, but he couldn't deny it. He even got hard as we walked to school just from talking about it. When I threatened to take possession of him, whip out his boner and make him jerk off in the yard, he had looked just about ready to shoot. Once we got to school, he ran straight off to the toilets to 'deal with it', as he put it. I started talking to some of the guys, appreciating that their sycophantic sucking up seemed to be dying down, instead replaced by what was the start of genuine friendship. When I saw Carl standing alone, I gestured for him to come and join us. One of my classmates, Kian, started giving him a hard time about what he had done to me, but once I (quite sternly) told him to get over it, he seemed to let it drop, getting a relieved smile from Carl. By the time Oli returned and Mark arrived, the first bell rang and everyone started heading in to their form rooms for registration. I decided my earlier teasing of Oli should continue a little longer, so for the rest of the morning, every ten minutes or so I would transfer into his head, unzip his fly and pull out his cock and then return to my own body. Continuously finding himself exposed, by lunchtime he was ridiculously horny. The sexual frustration was virtually scrawled across his face in permanent marker. Mark was in on it and was taking great pleasure in helping me tease the poor boy. When he realised I wasn't going to stop doing it, Oli made me an offer. He said I could carry on teasing him, but only if I was willing to help him 'deal with it' later on. He suggested staying over at my house. It was something we did quite often, so getting permission from both of our parents wasn't an issue. We asked Mark to join us but he said his Mum would only let him do that if it wasn't a school night, so he wouldn't be able to come. He was definitely keen on the idea though, so I made a mental note to arrange something for a Friday or Saturday night. During afternoon break, I managed to slip away quickly to go and see Mr Ferguson (as I was determined to think of him while we were at school). He was in his office when I got there and we chatted briefly, but it was painfully obvious we both wanted to do more so I left before we gave in and risked getting caught. He said he would text me later, so that was at least something to look forward to. Detention went slowly again, but thankfully it was run by a slightly more forgiving teacher so we could at least talk amongst ourselves, giving me the opportunity to get to know Carl a little better. Half of our conversation consisted of him repeatedly apologising for what he had done, and thanking me for getting him off the hook. It was only when I jokingly threatened to revoke my offer to take half his punishment that he finally stopped. After that, it was just usual guy stuff – TV, schoolwork, sports (not really my thing), but I did notice a distinct lack of talk about girls. Considering sex seemed to be half our classmates ever thought about, the absence of the subject seemed strange, but I didn't question it. The time finally came for us to be released and I said a quick goodbye to Carl before running out to meet Oli, who had gone home to pick up the stuff he would need for the evening and clothes for the next day before coming back to wait for me. His greeting was typically unusual. “I think you broke my cock!” “Yeah, hi to you too.” I said with a smirk. “No, seriously. It just won't go down! I think you've put it on the 'permanent boner' setting or something.” Oli said, lifting his t-shirt slightly to show the head poking out of his waistband. “Hey, what's the point of hiding it away?” I asked with a grin. “Come on, get it out before I make you.” “You wouldn't.” he said, looking scared. “Oh wouldn't I?” I asked. I closed my eyes, not intending to actually possess him, just messing with his head (both of them lol). “Fine!” he said. He undid the fly of his jeans, manoeuvred his erection around and poked it out the front. “Happy now?” he snapped, looking round nervously as a small drop of precum oozed from the tip. He was so busy looking round for anyone who might see his boner bouncing around in front of him that he nearly walked into a lamp post so I told him to put it away. He actually looked slightly disappointed. “I should fuck you for that.” Oli said with a mischievous grin. Now it was my turn to look nervous. It was something I hadn't experienced yet, but I was definitely curious about it, especially when Oli had explained what he had done with Tobias. My mind lingered on it as we walked, but I didn't end up imagining Oli fucking me, in my mind it was Riley! “Hey relax, I was just kidding.” Oli said, seeing how scared I looked. “Oh my God!” I said, stopping mid-step and grabbing Oli's arm as inspiration struck. “What? What's wrong?” he asked, looking a little panicked. “If you wanna fuck, I think I have an awesome idea!” I said happily. ***** We had all eaten dinner together, Oli joining us too. As soon as we were done, Danny ran off up to his room. Oli and I headed upstairs soon after, ready to initiate my plan. I crept quietly into Martin's room and hid inside his closet, leaving the door open just a crack, while Oli went into my room. I typed out a message to Martin. [If you're horny, go to your room!] Within seconds, I heard someone running up the stairs. Martin dashed into his room and sat on his bed, staring at the door. I typed out a quick message to Oli. [You're on!] A few seconds later, I heard the door opening again and saw Martin looking. “Oli? You okay?” he asked. “Nope, not Oli.” he said, walking forward into my line of sight. “I thought I'd pay you back for this morning.” I had, of course, told Oli exactly what he would need to say, not that it appeared Martin needed much convincing. He started pulling off his clothes. I imagined how Oli must be feeling. He had never seen Martin naked and in his ridiculously horny state, watching the older boy undress must have been quite a thrill. I wondered if he might shrink away from the task, intimidated by the thought of being with my big brother, especially knowing I was watching. My concerns turned out to be completely unfounded. As soon as Martin was naked, Oli stripped too. I found the whole thing insanely hot and ended up pulling out my own cock, playing with it with my left hand, wishing the right one was working properly! Martin stood looking at the naked boy, clearly wanting to take in every detail, but Oli wasn't in the mood to linger. He was already on edge from the day of teasing. When he realised my plan meant he would also have to wait until after dinner to get any relief he had almost refused to comply, but in the end I managed to convince him to wait. Nothing was going to stop him now though. He stepped towards Martin and pushed him roughly, making him fall back on the bed, surprised at the roughness he thought was coming from his brother. Oli straddled him, letting his hands explore Martin's body before leaning down to suck on a nipple. He released the sensitive nub and kissed Martin's neck, kissing a gentle trail up to his jawline before finally planting his lips on my brother's. The kiss surprised Martin as much as it did me. What shocked me the most was that Martin allowed it, thinking it was me he was kissing. When Oli pulled away he just growled two words. “Got lube?” “What?” Martin asked, looking awed at what Oli obviously had in mind. “Lube. I need it!” Oli said. His assertiveness, verging on cockiness, was extremely arousing and I had to release my own cock for a few moments for fear of shooting. “Yeah. Yeah.” Martin stammered, reaching to the cabinet beside his bed and pulling out a small bottle of clear gel. Oli snatched it off of him, squeezed some onto his hand then reached back to Martin's boner, applying a generous glob. The older boy convulsed a little as he felt the slick hand on his tool. “Nicky, are you sure?” Martin asked, reaching up to touch Oli's cheek. I found his concern really sweet, but knew exactly what Oli's answer would be. “Very!” Oli snapped. Then raised himself a little, aiming Martin's erection into his hole. He grunted with a mix of pleasure and pain as the rigid meat slid inside him. Martin made a similar noise. Oli started riding him, bouncing up and down on his cock, hands behind his head, eyes closed and moaning happily. Martin's face was priceless, a mix of ecstasy and awe. He reached up and ran his hands across Oli's body before sliding them down to start stroking his cock. Oli's eyes opened and he grinned, then reached down and gently pulled Martin's hands back up to his body, away from his straining boner. “I don't wanna cum yet!” he said. He was obviously quite close already. For a few more minutes, Oli continued to ride Martin while the older boy caressed him, paying particular attention to his stiff little nipples. “Ah... fuck... I'm gonna cum!” Martin groaned breathlessly. “Good, cum inside me!” Oli said, leaning down to kiss him again. Martin's body started convulsing as he moaned excitedly into Oli's mouth, his cock pumping a heavy load inside the boy. When Oli sat back up, he raised his hips a little to let Martin pop out of him, a drop of cum oozing out with the softening cock. He moved further down the bed away from Martin until he was kneeling between his legs, then looked at the older boy and said, “My turn!” He grabbed Martin's legs and started raising them into the air. “Wait, I don't.... I haven't...” Martin stuttered. “Well you're going to!” Oli said with a mischievous grin. “Okay.” Martin whispered back. I don't know what turned me on more, Oli's assertiveness or Martin's immediate willingness to comply. Oli grabbed the lube again and applied some to Martin's hole, letting a finger poke inside slightly, making my big brother whimper. A quick stroke of his cock with his lube-covered hand and Oli was ready to go too. Holding Martin's legs up, he moved forward until the head of his throbbing erection pushed against the apparently-virgin hole. I was worried briefly that Oli might actually hurt him, thrusting straight in. As much as I was enjoying the show, I didn't want to see my brother get hurt. Thankfully, Oli took it very easy on him. He pushed gently, getting just his head into Martin, then stopped to let him get used to it before pulling back out. He pushed in gently again, going a little further. He continued his gradual thrusts, letting Martin get used to the sensations, putting him at ease and, as a result, relaxing his rear to allow for faster action. “Oh God.” Martin moaned happily as he started to enjoy it and closing his eyes. That was when I decided to reveal the trick. I opened the closet door and walked out, creeping as quietly as I could towards the bed. “Oh Nicky, that's so good.” he mewed happily. “I can't really take the credit.” I said with a smirk. Hearing the voice coming from beside him, he opened his eyes and stared at me, then back at Oli, then back to me again. “Wait, what?” he stammered. He tried to sit up but another thrust from Oli made his arms go weak and he fell flat onto his back again. He stared at Oli and asked, “The whole time?” Oli just grinned. Rather than being annoyed by the prank, Martin seemed even more aroused. My cock was still hanging out, poking straight ahead. Martin reached out and grabbed it, pulling me towards him. I knelt beside his head and fed it into his mouth. As Oli fucked his arse, I did the same to his face. Martin's hands found their way to his cock. Despite cumming just minutes before he was hard again. All three of us continued, whimpering and moaning our enjoyment. I was first to cum, filling Martin's mouth, watching his eyes water as he came close to choking on it. Hearing my excited grunts, Oli followed suit and filled Martin's rear with his own spunk. Finally, Martin released a much smaller load, a small puddle of jizz filling his belly button. Panting, Oli collapse forward on top of Martin as I slid round into a sitting position beside them. Catching his breath too, Martin rubbed one hand on my back and the other through Oli's hair. I slid down a little further, laying alongside him, his arm holding me close to him. Oli stared up at us both, grinning. Martin laughed. “I can't believe I fell for that.” “I can't believe you thought he was me but still kissed him!” I replied with a fake frown. “Oh, like this you mean?” Martin asked, then tilted his head towards me, kissing me briefly on the lips. For a second, I let it continue, then pulled away and said, “Eww, don't do that!” Martin laughed again as Oli stared and said, “That's.... weirdly hot!” ***** With Oli's sexual frustrations dealt with, our evening went back to the sort of thing we used to do before – playing video games, watching stupid videos on YouTube and just talking about whatever random thoughts popped into our heads. Oli was playing on my Xbox when a text message from Riley arrived. [Evening, how you doing?] he asked. [I'm good. Not as good as last night, but I can't complain :-)] I sent back. [I'm glad to hear you say that. I was kinda worried you might be regretting it.] he replied. His insecurity came as quite a surprise. [Of course I'm not. Why? Are you?] I asked, worried that he may have been hinting at his own doubts over what we had done. [Definitely not. When I saw you today I wanted to kiss you so much.] [That's a funny coincidence, I wanted to let you! x] I joked back. [You're gonna have to avoid coming to see me any more. I don't think I'll be able to resist!] “Hey, your turn!” Oli said, passing me the controller. “Oh, sorry. You wanna go again?” I said, looking up from my phone. “Sure.” Oli said with a shrug. I typed out my reply. [I think I'll come and see you tomorrow then!] [Seriously, don't, please] I grinned. This wasn't some demand or order, he genuinely wouldn't be able to resist of I just turned up in his office again. I wasn't going to let him off that easily. [I think I'll just walk in, climb onto your lap, wrap my arms around you and just start kissing you] [Stop it] [Then maybe pull your clothes off, kiss your neck, lick your chest, suck on a nipple] I continued. [You fucking tease, do you have any idea what you're doing to me?] he asked. [Turning you on I hope! I'd climb off your lap, kiss you all over your chest and stomach before I slide off the rest of your clothes, leaving you sitting there naked and hard] [What then?] I grinned as I realised he had given up trying to resist. I briefly considered possessing him for a moment to see if he was doing what I expected he was, but decided it was hotter to just imagine it. [I'd kneel in front of you, kiss your leg, work my way gradually up, missing as I go, my tongue sliding up your thigh] [Keep going. What next?] [Nah, I don't wanna give too much away. You'll have to see the rest in person] I sent back, imagining the frustrated look on his face as he read my sudden end to the teasing. [You nasty little bastard lol] he replied. [Hey, gotta keep my man interested] I joked in response without thinking. I suddenly realised I had referred to him as 'my man', panicking a little that it may seem a bit much so soon. [Oh you're definitely doing that!] he sent back, either okay with my comment, or just letting it pass. [I'll let you finish off. Speak soon sexy xxx] [Night cutie xxx] he replied. I turned my attention back to Oli who was still playing. I just sat watching him. It was strange really, he'd been my best friend for years but he suddenly seemed almost like a stranger to me. He had always just been the goofy kid I hung out with, who was always doing stupid things and getting into trouble, talking before thinking. Now though, he was... something else. The way he had kissed me so gently that day in the park, touched me so delicately, explored my body. Then today, the aggressive sexual deviant, taking total charge of my big brother, riding and fucking him. There was also the way he got so turned on by my teasing. It was like I had spent years getting to know just one tiny sliver of the whole person he really was and it just made me want to get to know him even more. The new feeling for him, it was definitely different to how I felt towards Riley, I was pretty sure the way my feelings were heading with him! As I watched Oli playing, swaying side to side as he played, despite the fact the game was in no way motion-sensitive, I realised something. Have you ever had a friend that you've just known that somewhere down the line, you'll grow up and naturally grow apart from? This was the opposite of that. I knew I'd got a best friend for life. I couldn't say anything as I found myself overwhelmed by affection for him, instead I just slipped off the bed, knelt behind him and put my arms around him. He reached up and grabbed my arms, tilted his head back and asked, “You okay?” “Yeah, just... thanks.” I said quietly, unsure how to explain. “For what?” he asked, smiling as he leant back against me. “For being you!” I said as I squeezed him. “Hey, it's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it.” he chuckled. I laughed too, releasing him from the hug and nudging him in the back for his cockiness. He turned and looked at me, then smiled and blushed a little. “Now stop being such a fucking girl and take your turn.” he said, throwing the controller at me. As we sat there playing, I heard Oli sigh. “What's up?” I asked, not looking away from the screen. “I wish Mark was here.” he said with another sigh. I chuckled. “What? Me and Martin aren't enough for you? You need three guys a night now? I looked round at him, as I reached a safe spot to stop in the game I was playing. He was lacking his usual cheeky grin. When he noticed me looking, he smiled, clearly forcing it. I squinted at him, wondering what was going on before all the pieces clicked into place. “Wait, do you... Oh my God, you like Mark?” I said excitedly, casually tossing the controller aside and turning towards him. “What? No!” he said, blushing profusely. Suddenly there was another side of him I had never seen. I'd often heard him talking about how hot people were, girls before this week, and guys since he came out. I'd never seen him with a crush before and it was so freaking adorable, the way he sat there trying to deny it despite it being written all over his face. “You two would make such a cute couple!” I said happily. “Fuck off.” he said, frowning at me and turning away. “Hey.” I said, reaching out and placing a hand on his leg. “I'm not teasing you, I really think you two would be great together.” He looked back at me gingerly. “Really?” he asked, almost smiling. “Totally.” I reassured him. He smiled shyly, avoiding my gaze. “Oh! Great idea.” I said, thinking of something fun. “I'll be right back.” I concentrated for a moment and left my body, leaving Oli sitting there a little confused. A few minutes later I returned, grinned at him and said, “Wait for it!” He looked at me curiously, but a few seconds later my phone beeped. Oli moved next to me to look at the message as I opened it. It was from Mark. [You're a dick, but that's really sweet!] “What did you do?” Oli asked staring at me curiously with a grin. [Send us a picture, Oli wants to see.] I replied. A minute later, a picture message popped up. It was a picture of Mark, shirtless, taking a picture in the mirror. Written across his chest and stomach were the words 'Wish you were here, lots of love, Nicky and Oli'. Oli burst into laughter. “That's fucking awesome!” “Thanks.” I chuckled back. “And you'd be surprised how hard it is to write clearly on yourself, backwards!” I said, remembering how awkward it had been. [Hehehe thanks. See you tomorrow] I sent back to him. “Send me the pic.” Oli requested, pulling his own phone out of his pocket. “You're gonna jerk off looking at it, aren't you?” I asked as I forwarded it to him. His usual grin had returned now as he replied, “No!” then looked at me shiftily. “Well, maybe not tonight!” ***** After getting shouted at my Dad to stop making noise and go to bed, we both started settling in for the night. I had a foam chair that folded out into a narrow single bed that Oli usually slept on, but as I started getting comfortable in bed, he just stood there in just his underwear, looking at me. “What's up?” I asked, wondering what the problem was. “Could I... sleep in there with you?” he asked sheepishly. I shifted aside, my back pressing against the wall and pulled back the covers. He smiled and jumped into the space I had made, pulling the covers over him as I reached up and clicked the light off. A second later, he clicked the light back on, leaned over to me and kissed me quickly on the lips. “G'night.” he said, then clicked the light back off. We both lay there in the darkness, flat on our backs, arms and legs pressing against each other. I didn't try to sleep yet, something didn't seem right. Presumably he felt the same as he made no attempt to get comfortable either. I moved my arm slightly, feeling his skin rubbing against mine, then did the same with my leg. Without a word, he raised his arm, slipped it under my neck and then pulled me towards him. I rolled over, my head resting on his shoulder as my arm settled on his body, bending my leg so it lay over his and cuddled into his side. He turned his head to the side, kissed my forehead then rested his cheek on the top of my head. Within minutes, we were both sound asleep. Chapter 12 Wednesday was not really a fun day for me. Neither Oli nor Mark were in many of my classes for the day. I was never lonely, my still-increasing circle of friends ensured that I was always sat with somebody, but it still wasn't the same as having my best friend or Mark there with me. With my detention after school too, I didn't even get to hang out with them at the end of the day either. Detention had silence strictly enforced again so Carl and I couldn't talk, but we chatted a little by passing a piece of paper back and forth, writing our responses. I did buy us all a short reprieve though when I took control of the teacher in charge and made him go back to the staff room. The few minutes it took for him to recover and make his way back allowed us to be at least a little more lively! It was nice that Carl seemed to be getting passed his guilt about hurting me, mostly because it helped alleviate mine about starting it! The only good thing I had to look forward to in my day was who would be waiting for me after detention... Riley. After I had teased him by threatening a visit during the day, he had suggested that he take me home with him again. His housemate was away until tomorrow so we would still have the privacy we required. Once I was free, I headed for the spot I had arranged to meet him. We had decided to use somewhere different every time, just to avoid detection. It was his suggestion and it gave me a weird thrill. The thought of having to sneak around was exciting, but more than that, it suggested he definitely wanted to keep doing things with me. As I got into his car I just looked at him and said, “Drive quickly, I REALLY want to kiss you!” I eyed him hungrily. If I had been in a cartoon, he would have turned into a giant ham! He laughed. “That's a hell of a way to say hello!” I blushed through an almost shy smile then replied, “Sorry, hello. Now drive!” It was a mercifully quick drive to his house. If it had taken much longer I actually doubt I would have been able to restrain myself. As soon as we were inside, he revealed that his own ravenous desire matched my own. He picked me up as we kissed again, allowing me to wrap my legs around his waist as he carried me through the house into the lounge. As we reached the sofa, he leant over, placing my back onto the cushions so I released my grip on him. He climbed on top, kneeling over me as we continued our oral duel. I reached up and started running my hands up and down his body. I had felt his muscles before, but it had been with his own hands and looking down from above. Now though I revelled in the feel of them through his clothes, tracing the edges of his abs with my fingers. As my teasing hands made their way up to his chest, I felt the slight stiffness of his nipples. I gently squeezed them both at the same time. Riley grunted into my mouth and pulled out of the kiss, gasping. I grinned at him as he sat up, being careful not to put too much of his weight on my hips, clearly worried that his much larger frame might crush me. “You liked that then?” I giggled. “My nipples are so sensitive.” he said, catching his breath from our prolonged smooch. “Oh good!” I said with a devilish grin, trying to sit up. I felt a twinge of pain in my ribs that Riley obviously picked up on as he reached out and grabbed my shoulders, helping me up and holding me there. My face was now level with his chest. He stared down at me nervously. I reached to his hips, slid my hands under the bottom of his t-shirt and placed them on his sides. We both shuddered at our first serious skin-on-skin contact, grinning at each other excitedly. I raised my hands, his t-shirt rising with them, exposing skin and muscle and hair. By the time my hands reached the top of his chest, his nipples had been exposed by the rising fabric. Leaning forward, a slid the tip of my tongue across a nipple, barely even grazing it. “Ah.” he moaned happily with a slight chuckle. He wasn't kidding, these things were beyond sensitive. If he hadn't already been hard, as was obvious from the erection poking at my stomach through his track suit, I'm pretty sure he would have boned up just from that single lick. I shot him a wicked grin then leant forward again and kissed his chest, letting my lips slide across it until the nipple caught between my lips and sucked gently.. “Shit!” he moaned excitedly through laboured breaths. I let my tongue lash back and forth across it, each swipe making his body shudder as I wrapped my cast-covered arm around him to help keep me sitting upright. My other hand went downwards, grazing his huge bulge. At first I thought he had already cum as there was a huge wet patch but I soon realised it was just pre-cum... a lot of it! As I continued sucking and licking I wondered if I could actually make him cum just from playing with his nipples, were they THAT sensitive? Only one way to find out. I released the small mound of flesh and gently blew on it, my breath feeling cold against the moist skin. Another whimper of delight from him. When I closed my lips around the other nipple, I raised my free hand to tease the first nipple. With both of them now at my mercy I had no doubt I could push him over the edge. His hands on my shoulders started to grip tighter and tighter, his happy moans turning into ecstatic yells, his entire body twitching and jumping. “Y... aaah.” He was trying to speak but ripples of pleasure and breathlessness stole the words from his lips. Suddenly he let go of me, tipping back against the arm of the sofa and screamed out, “FUUUUUCK!” I watched in amazement as the moist bulge seemed to come alive, twitching and pulsating as the wet patch grew and grew, the light grey fabric turning dark. His eyes were closed as he panted happily. I pulled myself out from underneath him, then crawled on top, laying across his body and nuzzling into his neck. I gave it a couple of quick kisses before putting my lips to his ear and whispering, “Did I just make you cum in your pants without even touching it?” He opened his eyes. I think he wanted to be angry at my teasing, but he couldn't even force the smile off of his face. “You...” he started, still breathy. “You're a nasty... little tease.” I smiled at what I took as a compliment, squeezed his softening cock through the wet material and said, “That can't be comfortable, you should probably take them off!” “I'll show you mine if you show me yours.” he giggled back at me. I felt my own cock twitch as I thought about being naked in front of him so I jumped up and pulled my clothes off as quickly as I was able to. He just lay watching me until I stood before him, fully exposed. I suddenly found myself feeling a little nervous, worrying about how flat and shapeless my body was compared to his manly torso. My concern must have been obvious to the man as he sat up and pulled me a little closer so that I stood between his legs. He planted his lips on my stomach. As he pulled back, he looked up at me and said, “You're so beautiful.” Well that was one word that had never been used to describe me before, and not one I would even apply to myself directly, but his expression conveyed his sincerity. I felt like I could cry. The fact that this amazing, sweet, hot, sexy guy would say such a thing to me was a little overwhelming. He pulled me in again, his hands on my lower back, barely above my bum. He peppered my stomach with light, delicate kisses, my throbbing cock pressing against his chin. He raised a hand to my boner, stroking it gently as he leant back a little to look at me once again. He let his hand guide my rigid prick towards his lips and slowly sucked it inside, easily taking the full length, his nose pressing into my sparse bush. He started sliding back and forth on it as his tongue slide around the head. Now it was my turn to moan. I let out a sound that was half whimper, half laugh. No blow job I had been given before could compare to this. Was it because he was particularly good at it or because I liked him so much? Probably both. It helped that one silly thought kept running through my head – my cock was in a teacher's mouth! That thought alone was speeding me towards a rapid conclusion so I tried to put it out of my head, instead just enjoying his amazing technique. Occasionally he would release my cock entirely, sucking my smooth balls into his mouth instead before moving back onto my rod. “Ah, ah, ah...” I moaned happily. It was about to happen. “Oh... Mr Ferguson!” I yelled out as I grabbed his head and started pumping my load into his mouth. My legs felt weak, but his strong hands were still holding onto my back, helping me remain standing. I kept thrusting into his mouth until I every drop of what felt like the biggest ejaculation of my life had been expelled. He sat back in the seat, staring up at me as I took several deep breaths. I must have been burning bright red from head to toe, I certainly felt like it. Riley stood up beside me and quickly pulled off his clothes. He lay back down on the sofa, slightly on his side with his rear pressed against the cushions on the back, then patted the space alongside him. I happily took the spot he had prepared for me, laying face-to-face with him. I felt his arm loop around my shoulders to pull me close as my naked body rested against his. We kissed again, much gentler than the ravenous devouring upon our arrival. We continued laying like that, talking and kissing, kissing and talking. My hands continued to caress his muscles while his slid up and down my body, exploring the smooth flatness. After a while, he stiffened again. I looked down at it then questioningly into his eyes. He smiled back at me, took my hand and guided it onto his rigid shaft. I wrapped my fingers around it, delighted at how large it felt beneath my slender fingers. As I started stroking, he started oozing precum again, the slippery wetness finding its way between my fingers, seeming to magnify his enjoyment of the hand job. I went slowly this time. The orgasm I had given him earlier had been borne of pure lust and desire, this time I wanted to let it build gradually, expressing my affection for him with the delicate touches. We continued kissing on and off as my hand pumped away. It was during one of the kisses that his cock finally erupted his second load of the evening, understandably smaller than the first but still more than enough to cover both our bare torsos with thick globs of spunk. Once he was done, the kiss parted and we just lay staring into each other's eyes. I loved him. I knew it. I had already suspected it was coming, but in that moment I knew it with such crystal clear clarity. I loved Riley Fergsuon. I wanted to say it. Hell, I wanted to scream it from the rooftops, tell everyone that I was in love and it almost hurt to think that nobody could know. I resisted saying a word though. From the look in his eyes, I had the feeling he may have been thinking the same thing, but he, too, remained silent. I was the first one to speak. With a hearty sigh I said, “I should probably be getting home soon.” “Or I could just keep you here!” Riley said with a grin. “I think a night with you would be worth an arrest for kidnapping!” I chuckled at his remark, but his laugh quickly faded as he considered what he had just said. It was a sudden stark reminder of the illegality (and technically, immorality) of what we were doing. I kissed him quickly, hoping to intercept a potential sudden downturn in what had been an otherwise wonderful experience. “This was amazing!” I said contentedly, then rested my head on his shoulder. He squeezed me tightly and kissed the side of my head then released me to let me stand. As I got onto my feet, I looked down at myself. I still had a big blob of his spunk on my stomach. I reached down and scooped it up with my finger, raised it to my lips and licked it off, tasting him. He stared in delight at my quick clean-up, then scooped some off of his own stomach and reached his finger up towards me. I grabbed his wrist and sucked the finger into my mouth, keeping it in there much longer than was necessary to retrieve the cream, getting happy coos from him at the sensation of my mouth on him. Once I released it, I started dressing, wishing that I didn't have to. “When can we do this again?” I asked eagerly as Riley dressed too. His head popped up through his t-shirt and he looked at me thoughtfully. He sighed and said, “I'm not sure. Ken gets home tomorrow so that messes with us a bit. Let me think about it and I'll let you know.” I must have looked slightly worried though, so he added, “Don't worry, that's not an excuse to avoid you. We are DEFINITELY doing this again. I l.... I like you Nicky, a lot.” I had to stifle a yelp of excitement. Had he really almost said what I thought he almost said? I just grinned at him and said, “Good, I like you a lot too.... Mr Ferguson!” He had teased me about calling him that during our cuddling and I had confessed that the thought of doing it with a teacher had turned me on so much. It had been pretty embarrassing until he admitted that knowing he was doing it with a student turned him on just as much. We kissed about a dozen more times before we left, each time saying it would be our last one before we went outside and each time wanting just one more. Finally able to resist one more kiss, we went out and Riley drove me home. I felt like I was going to cry when I got out of the car, actually feeling wetness in the corners of my eyes as he drove away, already missing him! ***** Completely unable to keep anything secret from Mark, Oli had explained in very great detail what had happened on Tuesday night between him, me and Martin. Needless to say, Mark found it more than a little intriguing, really regretting not being able to join us. That was when I remembered what he had said that day – he would be allowed to stay over if it wasn't a school night! I suggested we do it again on Friday night, getting very eager agreement from the other two and then subsequent permission from each of our parents. Thursday was distinctly uninteresting, although I did use my powers to give Mark a bit of a thrill. I took control of the boy sitting beside him in class and jerked off under the desk while he watched. It's a bit weird that using supernatural powers to possess a friend and make him jerk off for the entertainment of another friend is considered a dull day, but hey, 'weird' just pretty much summed up my life at this point. Friday at school was pretty snoozeworthy too, although PE was torturous. Still not taking part I had to just sit there. Not only did I have to watch Mark and Oli and every other cute guy in class run around in shorts, but I knew Riley was so close by too. I had to resist seeing him. Aside from my inability to resist pouncing on him, even harmless visits could start arousing suspicion if there were enough of them observed. Detention was actually quite fun, the teacher running it was Miss Taylor (no relation to me!!) who was always fun. She made it clear that it was Friday and nobody deserved to be kept after school on a Friday, regardless of what they had done. I think really she was just pissed that she had to stay herself, but either way she let us just do whatever we wanted and let us go as soon as she felt we had been detained 'long enough'. I had let Mark and Oli know I was likely to be out early, so they were already on their way when we got out. Not expecting them to be there quite yet, I made my way slowly out of school, walking with Carl. “Well, looks like we're done. Your punishment has been served.” I said happily as we realised our shared sentence had been completed. “Thank fuck, two weeks of that would have been a bitch!” Carl said happily. He looked at me, about to say something but I raised my hand. “Nope! You're not thanking me again!” I insisted with a laugh. Carl blushed and looked away, staring at the ground as we walked. “Actually, I was going to ask... nothing. Never mind.” he said, obviously chickening out of whatever it was part way through. I suddenly felt bad for interrupting him. “What? What was you gonna ask?” I asked insistently. “Nothing, doesn't matter, it's stupid.” he said, still not looking at me. I stopped and grabbed his arm. He ground to a halt, but kept looking down. “Carl?” I said sternly. He shrugged. “I just thought... maybe... you might wanna hang out... like, outside of detention. But why would you?” He finally looked up at me, face burning with embarrassment. I smiled, having to force myself not to laugh. Last week he had been challenging me, trying to look tough in front of his mates and now he was stood before me, embarrassed over something as simple as wanting to just hang out. The dichotomy was truly endearing. As I looked over at the gate I saw Mark and Oli arrive. I looked back to Carl. “Add me on Facebook.” I said quietly. “I'll message you and we can arrange something.” “You don't have to.” he said, still looking incredibly awkward. “I know I don't.” I said bluntly. “But I want to, you're a nice guy when you're not acting like a dick. Now I gotta run, see you on Facebook.” I don't know what possessed me to do it, but I leaned in and pecked him on the cheek then ran off towards Mark and Oli. I didn't dare look back. As I reached my two friends, Mark stared at me open-mouthed. “Did you just kiss Carl?” he asked in shock. I just laughed at him and we started heading home. I wondered if I'd done the wrong thing messing with Carl like that, but within five minutes I got a notification on my phone to say he had sent me a friend request. Wanting to play it cool, I left it to accept later and just started chatting to the others about the evening ahead. I wanted to hang out with my friends and have fun, but I also had an ulterior motive. I was determined to get Mark and Oli together. I knew I wanted them to be together after I realised I had actually started referring to them as 'Mark and Oli'. You know what it's like with couples, the names are usually said in the same order all the time. That's how it was here. To me they weren't my mate Mark and my best friend Oli, they were 'Mark and Oli'. Anyway, that was the plan. How I was going to make it happen hadn't actually come to me yet. I instead chose to rely on my quick-thinking to pick up on opportunities as they occurred throughout the evening. When we got back to my house, Mum, Dad and Danny were all downstairs but it seemed Martin was still out. When I asked, I got told he was going to be out for most of the evening. I wondered if that may have been a good thing as Oli seemed set on teasing him a little about Tuesday, possibly even testing him to see if Martin could tell the difference between himself and me. After completing mandatory pleasantries with my parents, particularly Oli who usually managed to charm them, we headed upstairs. Danny looked at us as we passed him sitting on the sofa. “Enjoy your threesome, you big benders!” he said with a wicked smirk. I had hoped Danny's mean streak was beginning to pass, he had been uncharacteristically quiet with me lately. I guessed it was having an audience to play up to that suddenly brought it out of him again. Mark looked horrified at the comment and Oli just smirked while I glared at him. Danny caught my gaze and just stared back with a look of utter disdain. “Whatever.” I said with a shrug as we headed up to my room, not letting it bother me. “You're little brother's just delightful, isn't he!” Mark said sarcastically as we all sat down. “He's an annoying little fucker.” I said angrily. If I had any idea why he was like that I might be a little more forgiving, but he seemed to have a limitless supply of bile for no obvious reason. “Anyway, don't even give him a second thought. What do you guys wanna do then?” Oli grinned. “Blow jobs for everybody!” he called out happily. I burst into laughter and Mark virtually choked. “Are you just trying to prove Danny right?” I asked with a chuckle. “Hey, you asked what I wanna do!” Oli replied casually, sniggering as Mark coughed to recover his breath. He clearly wasn't quite used to Oli... yet! “Not everything's about sex ya know!” I insisted, not admitting the fact that a blow job actually did sound pretty fun right then. I resisted mentioning it though, determined to find a way to use the inevitable shenanigans to bring the two friends together. ***** We had ended up playing video games until Mum called us for dinner. I was worried the three of us would get stuck at the table with my parents and Danny, but Mum had been great and set up the lounge with pizzas and drinks so we could hang out watching TV and eating together while she, Dad and Danny ate together in the dining room. I complain about her a lot, but sometimes he can be pretty cool. Needless to say Danny wasn't happy about being stuck with my parents while we got to have fun, but I found it really hard to feel sorry for him, especially when he spat more snide remarks at us after he had finished his dinner and headed back up to his room. While we started to reaching our pizza limit, I started clearing the boxes and plates away, Oli helping when he saw me struggling with just one hand. I thanked Mum and told her and Dad they could have the lounge back as we returned to my room. We all sat on the bed (I made sure I was on the end so Mark and Oli would have to be side by side. They turned the TV on, resuming the show we had been watching downstairs. I wasn't overly interested in it so I pulled out my phone and went on Facebook. I saw the notification to show the outstanding friend request from Carl and finally accepted it, then sent him a quick message. [Hey, thanks for the friend request] I started looking at other random things and within a few minutes, he replied. [You kissed me!] I smirked and wondered about the motivation behind the message. Was he annoyed? Angry? Disgusted? If so, then why would he have added me? Maybe he was excited? A sudden wave of worry struck me. What if he was confused, as Mark had been, struggling with himself and I had just gone and messed with his head? I decided to play it casual and see which way he went. [I know. I was there! :-)] I replied. [Haha. Okay, WHY did you kiss me?] he asked. Smirking to myself and inspired by Oli, I replied, [Because a handshake felt too formal and offering a blow job felt far too forward, so I took the middle ground!] [What the fuck is wrong with you? You're a total freak!] He sent back. I sighed quietly, reaching the conclusion that he was most definitely not amused by my antics, but noticed he was typing another message. [That's not a complaint, by the way ;-)] He added. [I've been called a lot worse! LOL] I replied, completely honestly! [I wanted to ask you a question, but couldn't do it face-to-face cos it's kinda embarrassing. You know when we had that fight, some of the guys have mentioned that I kissed you but I don't really remember, it's all a bit hazy.] He sent. I had almost forgotten about that, about the way I had possessed him and made him kiss me to embarrass him. I replied, [That's not a question...] [Fine. Did I really kiss you?] he asked bluntly. I couldn't deny it. He had, albeit under my control. Reluctantly, and hoping it hadn't caused too much harm I sent back, [You did] [Oh my God, I can't believe it. I know I'd been thinking about doing it, but I can't believe I actually had the nerve to do it.] “What the fuck!” I said aloud, staring at my phone. This alerted Mark and Oli to my ongoing conversation with Carl. Oli snatched the phone away and the two of them huddled together reading it as my head reeled. He had been thinking about kissing me? So was he gay? Was this some kind of homosexual epidemic or did I just seem to attract them all? Maybe I was some kind of gay beacon, drawing them all in, one day destined to be surrounded by a colossal harem of devoted gays who hung on my every word? Okay, I knew that last part was a bit of a stretch, but seriously, Oli, Mark, Riley and now Carl too! Still lost in thought, I jumped as I felt my phone get thrown back at me. Mark and Oli were both staring. “What?” I asked, staring back. “Whadda you mean what? What are you gonna say?” Oli demanded, grinning and bouncing excitedly, the TV show forgotten in the sudden furore. They made me move along and sat either side awaiting my reply. My totally uncunning plan to put them together had already fallen apart. [Do you think about kissing me a lot?] I asked, getting cheers from Mark and Oli. [Yeah! Don't take it personally though, I've thought about it with most the guys in our year!] “Ask if he's thought about me!” Oli demanded. “And me!” Mark added. “Piss off!” I said to them both, ignoring their demands. I typed out my next reply. [You're gay then?] [Of course not. I'm totally straight, that's why I want to kiss guys! That was sarcasm by the way, I thought I should mention that as you seem a bit slow!] “Another one joins the dark side!” Oli called out then laughed evilly. I rolled my eyes then reached up and bopped him on the head with my cast before typing my next message. [Sorry if I seem a bit slow, you see, I recently got a really bad concussion!] “Oof, low blow!” Mark said, scrunching up his face. As annoying as I was finding the two of them, their ongoing commentary on my conversation was quickly starting to make me laugh. Carl replied. [Okay, I deserve that one! But yeah, I'm gay. I figured it was okay to tell you. I'm guessing from the kiss that you're either gay too or just not a dick about that sort of thing.] [Yeah I'm gay. I'm also not a dick, just to be clear!] I sent back. [LOLs. Awesome. I knew I couldn't be the only one. I know they say statistically that it's like one in ten, so that would mean there's about twelve in our year alone. So who d'you reckon? There's definitely a few closet cases!] Carl sent back, his excitement about finding another 'of his kind' was obvious. It's weird to think that I had been through the exact same thing just last week. I considered his reasoning, suddenly having four gays didn't seem such a high number, so much for the gay epidemic! I looked from side to side. “Do I tell him or let him guess?” I asked them both. “Let him guess.” Oli insisted. I shrugged my agreement. [Who d'you reckon then?] I asked. [Kieran, definitely. Gary Beadle has something about him too. I've caught Robert Carlton perving on guys in the changing rooms. Oh yeah, Mark too (the one in your class), but that may just be wishful thinking! H-O-T!!!] All three of us burst into laughter. I felt bad about potentially deceiving Carl, as well as revealing his sexuality without his permission so I sent a reply. [Sorry, I should have mentioned, I'm with Mark (and Oli) at the moment and they started reading this conversation...] [Well FML. Hi Oli, hi Mark. Been nice knowing you both, make sure my gravestone reads 'Literally died of embarrassment' please] Carl replied, getting more laughter from us all. [Don't worry about it. If it makes it all a bit more even, Oli and Mark are both bi. Well I think Mark's bi, it's a bit up in the air at the moment.] They both looked quite unhappy as they read the message, but agreed it was probably fair to tell him. [Wow, it's like a gay epidemic!] Carl replied. I started laughing again, but having not shared my thoughts with Mark and Oli, the humour was lost on them. [Yeah, we're everywhere. Maybe we should start a club!] [I'm sure that'd go down well at school! Anyway, don't wanna interrupt you guys evening so I'll let you go. Chat more soon x] I sent a quick good night message and then looked at Mark and Oli. “Well that was a little unexpected.” I said, still chuckling at the whole thing. ***** The conversation with Carl sparked an somewhat lengthy conversation about guys in our year at school. We reached a general consensus that Carl was probably right about Kieran and Robert. Gary split the opinion though. We came up with a few more names of our own too before eventually moved onto the ones that we would consider 'wishful thinking' as Carl had put it. That inevitably led onto all sorts of other conversations about cute guys getting together and doing things like we did. By the time we ran out of boys to talk about, it was starting to get a bit late, but we had no intention of sleeping until the very early hours of the morning. I offered to go and get us some drinks and ran downstairs. Mum and Dad were still in the lounge watching TV. “Hey, I don't want you boys staying up too late!” Mum called out to me. I peered into the lounge and said, “Don't worry, we'll pretend to go to sleep at a reasonable time and then just carry on as quietly as we can after that!” I grinned, knowing that was exactly what we would probably do. Mum looked thoroughly unamused but Dad was sniggering away. Mum turned her attention to Dad, shooting him a 'don't encourage him' glare. I left Dad to face her wrath and ran into the kitchen to grab some cokes. When I got back upstairs, Mark and Oli were both sat on the floor. “What are we doing?” I asked, taking a seat equidistant from them both and handing them each a can. “Truth or Dare!” Mark replied. I rolled my eyes. “Do I need to ask whose idea that was?” I asked, looking straight at Oli who just raised his can and grinned. I shook my head, then my eyes widened as a plan formed. Good old inspiration had struck once again. I looked straight at Mark. “Let's go then. Truth or dare?” Nobody ever starts with a dare at these things and I was counting on Mark to follow the pattern. “Truth.” he said. Oli looked like he was going to say something, but I cut him off. “Do you have a crush on someone?” I asked Mark. The boy just nodded. Step one was complete. “Oli, truth or dare?” Mark asked. Oli shrugged and said, “Dare.” A dare on the first round? Always the wild card, Oli was. Mark stared at me blankly, either unable to think of anything or just too shy to say it. It looked like it was on me then! “Okay Oli, I dare you to... send us both the naughtiest selfie you have on your phone!” It hadn't been part of the plan, but it seemed like a fun idea, getting him to send a naughty picture to Mark. Having him send it to me at the same time covered up my duplicity. “You dick!” Oli sniggered, then pulled out his phone and started scrolling through pictures. He obviously had as many on his phone as Mark did on his. Was I the only person who didn't take endless pictures of myself? I wondered if maybe I should. I could send one to Riley! No, naked pictures of students on a teachers phone was just a recipe for trouble. I heard my phone buzz and grabbed it as Mark looked at his too. We both opened the message from Oli and found ourselves looking at a picture of him standing fully naked and hard, taking a selfie in a full length mirror, presumably from his holiday based on the appearance of the room around him. “That's one for the wank bank!” I teased Oli with a grin. As always he was virtually impossible to embarrass, just sitting there grinning. “Knock yourself out.” He said happily, then asked, “Okay Nicky, truth or dare?” “Truth!” I said. I wasn't opening myself up to Oli's twisted imagination with a dare any sooner than I had to! “Out of all the guys you've possessed, who had the best cock?” Oli asked. It was a surprising question and not one I would have expected. I had became used to my powers so quickly that I occasionally forgot how different they really made me. I thought for a moment and found my mind dashing back to the night it had all started. “The guy next door!” I answered. “So hot and really hung! Truth or dare Mark?” I asked, keen to keep my plan moving. “Truth.” he replied. 'Yes!' I thought to myself, then jumped in again before Oli could say anything. Time for step two. “This crush of yours... is it someone in this room?” Mark looked like a rabbit in headlights, Oli looked almost as shocked. I guessed he was figuring out what I was doing. Blushing profusely, Mark just nodded and quickly said, “Oli, your turn.” Oli seemed as keen to move on too. “Dare.” he requested again. I thought for a moment, but Mark spoke before I thought of anything. “I dare you to kiss Nicky for one minute!” I felt myself blush a little. Oli was unfazed as always, immediately moving over towards me. He attacked me with comedic gusto, kissing me passionately, not caring about the spectator. He only slowed slightly when he realised I was holding onto my side and moaning more from pain than pleasure. He relaxed a little after that, but it was still nowhere near the sweet, gentle kissing we had shared that day in the park. We stopped after what was probably more than a minute and both smiled at Mark who, judging by the bulge, had enjoyed watching. Oli did his best not to look, but kept glancing down at it as he asked, me, “Truth or dare?” “Dare.” I said, knowing Oli would probably complain if he was the only one doing dares. Oli grinned. “I dare you... to possess Danny... and make him wet the bed!” I stared, shocked by the idea. Mark looked equally surprised. “That's a bit mean...” I started. “He called you a faggot just a couple of hours ago! Is it really any less mean than that?” Mark asked, surprisingly seeming to support the cruel dare. “You know what an annoying git he is. This is just payback!” Oli said, sniggering. I shrugged. He did kinda deserve it. A moment's concentration and I found myself in Danny's head. He was already in bed, either asleep or on his way towards it. I hesitated for a moment, considering that I could maybe just tell Mark and Oli that I did it. Then an image of Danny sneering at us earlier flashed through my mind and I just let loose, starting him peeing. I went back into my own head, opened my eyes and said, “All done.” I didn't want to linger on it too long, feeling slightly guilty, so I looked at Mark and said, “Your turn.” “Dare.” he replied. I cursed inwardly at the accidental (or was it intentional) sabotage of step 3 of the plan. Had he known where my line of questioning was leading? Then Oli looked at me, by the looks of him worried about what I might come up with next. “I dare you to kiss Nicky!” he said quickly. He thought had had gotten the upper hand, stopping me from doing anything else until he realised he had just ordered the boy he liked to kiss someone else – total backfire! “Okay.” Mark said, attempting to look casual but not really succeeding. He looked pretty nervous as he approached me. I shot Oli a sympathetic look, but it seemed to be unappreciated. Oli hadn't set a time limit, but we aimed for the same as the last kiss and stopped at about a minute. By now, Mark's bulge was a full-on erection. Oli was transfixed, only serving to embarrass Mark even more. I was going to break the tension by making Oli take his turn but was interrupted by my phone buzzing. I grabbed it quickly, not wanting the others to see it in case it was from Riley. I was surprised to see it was a message from Danny. [Nicky, can you come to my room please?] What did he want? Had he figured out my involvement in what had just happened? I got up and headed for door, saying a casual, “Be right back.” I walked to Danny's door, expecting to enter to a torrent of abuse and complaining. Instead as I walked in I found him sat on the edge of his bed, face buried in his hands, crying. “Hey, what's wrong?” I asked, walking across to him and feeling guilty about already knowing the answer. He looked up at me, eyes big and watery. He sniffed. “I had an accident.” he said, looking back at the bed. Just like that, the insults and arguments were forgotten and now he was just my little brother again. I pulled him against me and he threw his arms around my waist. I stood there stroking his hair for a couple of minutes until he calmed down. He suddenly pulled away and looked up at me. “Please don't tell anyone. Please. I didn't know how to clean up without Mum and Dad knowing.” “Hey, don't worry buddy, I won't tell anyone.” I said, ruffling my fingers through his hair reassuringly. He sniffed again and said a quiet, “Thanks.” I sighed, squatted down so that I faced him at eye level and said, “I tell you what, why don't you go and have a quick shower while I sort things out in here.” He just nodded and dashed out towards the bathroom. While he was showering I stripped the wet sheet off of his bed, folded it and hid it in his wardrobe, making a mental note to retrieve when I could get it laundered discretely. I grabbed a towel from the linen closet and a new sheet. I placed the towel, folded over a couple of times, onto the wet patch and put the new sheet on his bed. By the time I was done, Danny was walking back in, wearing just a towel and carrying the wet underwear and t-shirt he had been wearing. I took them from him and added them to the wet sheet then looked back at him. He just stood there, still wet from the waist up, particularly his hair which was dripping wet. “Hey, you can't get in bed like that.” I said with a smile. I grabbed for the towel round his waist and had it away from him before he could reach for it. He cupped his hands together to hide his little cock and balls. “Nicky!” he yelped in surprise. “Oh relax, I've seen it all before.” I sniggered. He looked back angrily, but his embarrassment took the edge of it and he ended up just looking confused. I used the towel to dry off his chest, stomach and back, then started rubbing his hair with it. As soon as he was released from the towel he reached for a drawer, pulled out a pair of white briefs and slipped them on with one hand, still covering up with the other. He looked round at the bed and smiled up at me. “Thanks.” he said, blushing a little. “Not a problem.” I smiled back at him. “Now come on little man, if Mum hears you still up she'll kick your arse!” I nudged him towards his bed. He climbed in and I turned to flick the light off, but stopped as I heard him say, “Could you... stay a bit longer?” I chuckled slightly at the sweet request and took a seat on his bed, leaning back against the headboard. He shuffled across to rest his head on my lap and closed his eyes. He was asleep almost instantly. I just watched him for a few moments and shook my head. “How can you be so sweet when it's just us and such a dick the rest of the time?” I asked quietly, knowing he wouldn't answer. Shaking my head, wondering if I would ever solve the mystery of Danny Taylor I slipped out, resting his head back on the pillow and went back to my room. “What took you so long?” Oli asked, slightly annoyed. “You get a dare for that!” “Fair enough.” I replied. I didn't say anything about Danny. I was going to ask them not to tease him about it, but for now it was best just left unmentioned. “So what's the dare?” I asked. “You have to use your powers to posses both of us, make us do something and then we have to figure out what you made us do.” Oli said with a grin. I knew exactly what he was thinking, he wanted me to strip him like I had before. Was he hoping I would do the same to Mark? “Who's first then?” I asked. “Me.” Oli said. “No, me!” Mark argued back. They argued back and forth, both wanting to go first. I must have been concentrating on them too hard as I suddenly felt the now-familiar sensation of entering someone else's head, like being pulled through a tight rubber tube. Something felt different though. Not wrong, just different... and very disorienting. I found myself staring back at my own body, but it was like I had double vision, I could see myself twice! Unsure which of them I had actually gone into, I looked to my right and saw Mark. At the same time I looked to my left and saw Oli. Somehow I had entered both minds at once, my consciousness still whole but split between the two bodies. I had images going into my mind from two sets of eyes, sounds from two sets of ears, feelings from two bodies. My brain simply couldn't handle it, everything started spinning and turning black. When I came to, I realised I was laying on my back, staring up at a very worried-looking Mark and Oli. “What the fuck just happened?” I asked, my head spinning. “That's what we wanna know. It was like your power, but.... different.” Oli explained, his experience clearly matching my own. “Instead of taking over and pushing me out, it was like you were in there with me. I couldn't control myself, but I could still see what I was doing!” “Yeah, same with me!” Mark said, staring from me, to Oli and back. “That was... so weird.” I muttered, my head pounding. “Should we call it quits for tonight?” Mark asked, resting a hand on my leg. “Are you kidding?!” I exclaimed. “We're playing Truth or Dare and nobody's even naked yet. The night's only just beginning!” We all laughed as they helped me sit up. “Okay Mark, Truth or Dare?” I asked happily. Chapter 13 As if my mention of getting naked triggered something in us, a few rounds of dares later we all sat there without our clothes. Inevitably that also meant that we were all sat there with boners too which in turn led to a lot of awkward stares at each other. I found myself even feeling a little shy about being naked in front of Oli for some reason, perhaps because of the obvious arousal, or maybe because we weren't alone. Needless to say, Oli was virtually transfixed with Mark, taking in every inch of exposed skin, every curve and line, every little hair on his body. Mark certainly didn't seem to mind the attention, leaning backwards on his hands with his legs stretched out, boner pointing skyward. By this point, Mum and Dad had gone to bed, leaving the house silent, but we had panicked momentarily when we heard movement on the stairs, worrying someone was about to walk in and see us. Fortunately it was just Martin returning home, his bedroom door opening and then quickly closing behind him. “So whose turn is it?” Mark asked with a grin. “Mine.” Oli said happily. “And I think I'll have another dare!” Mark wasted no time in getting things moving, quickly saying back, “Wank, until your next turn!” Oli smiled, happy to have an excuse to touch his straining erection, but also enjoying putting on a show for me and Mark. We both watched for a few moments before moving on. “Guess I'll have a dare too!” I said, not sitting as comfortably as the others. I could only lean on one hand thanks to the cast and, although my ribs were feeling better each day, they throbbed a little as I found myself leaning to one side. “Ooh, I've got a good one!” Oli said happily. “You've got to suck Mark's dick!” I shrugged. “No problem.” “Yeah, fine with me!” Mark said happily. “But...” Oli interjected, “You've got to do it using Martin!” Mark's smile quickly changed into a slightly worried frown as I just shook my head, wondering where these ideas of Oli's came from. “Wait here, I'll be right back!” I said, concentrating on my older brother. I found myself in darkness. He was laying on his bed, presumably having got straight in when he got to his room, most of his clothing casually thrown aside. As I sat up, I wondered if I should protect his dignity and cover up a little before going back to my room, but decided it would give the other two a thrill to see him appear in just his underwear. As I stood, I wobbled and flopped back onto the bed, my head spinning. For a moment I wondered if my powers were acting strangely again, but quickly realised Martin had probably just been drinking. I was not used to the sensations caused by the alcohol so it took a few moments to get used to. I stood up again and staggered over to the wall, leaning against it as I headed for the door, then crept as quietly as I could down the hallway and into my own room. Mark and Oli looked at me eagerly, their eyes widening as they saw the near-naked seventeen-year-old body I was in. “I think I owe someone a blow job!” I said, my speech very slightly slurred. I moved to the centre of our triangle and knelt down, then looked Mark in the eye and gave him a wink. He grinned back at me and watched as I leant down to take his cock into my mouth. “Oh wow.” he muttered as my lips caressed the base of his cock, the entire thing taken straight down Martin's throat. As I knelt there sucking, I felt a hand suddenly on my rear. Looking round, I saw Oli was eagerly groping me, presumably enjoying the chance to get his hands on Martin again. That was when a new plan formed in my mind. I pulled off of Mark's erection, getting a slightly sad-looking frown from him and said eagerly, “I've got an awesome idea.” I stood up, staggered over to my closet and grabbed my school tie and a couple of others I had for special occasions. I pulled off Martin's underwear, getting happy stares from them both, sat back down by the bed, reached my hands behind the foot of it and said to the other two, “Tie my hands!” They looked at each other in shock, wondering exactly what I was volunteering for. Getting past their momentary hesitation, they jumped forward and reached under the bed to restrain my hands with one of the ties. “Okay, now my ankles.” I instructed. They complied once again and I gave my final instruction. “Now blindfold me!” Oli tied the blindfold around my head (Martin's head!?) as Mark asked, “Nicky, what are you doing?” “Just playing a game.” I said happily. “When I go back to my body, start doing whatever you want to Martin, but don't say a word. Only I can speak, okay?” “Sure.” “Yeah.” I concentrated on my own body and found myself returning instantly, then looked round at Martin. If I hadn't already been hard before, I would have been then as I saw the naked teen sitting there blindfolded and restrained. “What's going on?” Martin asked as he recovered from the possession. He pulled at the wrist restraints but couldn't get free. “What the fuck's going on?” he demanded, now sounding a little more worried. I crept towards him, ran a hand down his chest and whispered in his ear, “You're just dreaming!” I knew he was unlikely to believe me, but in his drunken state it just might be enough to make him doubt what he was feeling. I gestured for Mark and Oli to begin and they literally jumped at the opportunity, both reaching for his cock at the same time. Mark got there first so Oli settled for playing with his chest. “Hey!” Martin called out, surprised by the dual touching, but not protesting for long. His cock rapidly stiffened under Mark's eager stroking and Oli's caressing. He began moaning happily. “Mmm, best dream ever!” he mumbled. I was fairly sure he knew he wasn't actually dreaming, but it was nice of him to play along anyway. Oli reached up and took hold of Martin's head, then pulled him into a kiss. I wondered if he knew who it was. It was a mouth he should recognise from earlier in the week, so he may have, but I couldn't be sure. Either way, he definitely seemed to be enjoying it from the way his cock oozed precum. It dribbled down onto Mark's fingers. Mark looked over at me, then down at his hand, then back at me. I gestured for him to lick it and wondered if he would actually do it. He seemed a little hesitant, but slowly raised the hand and licked the sticky fluid off. Grinning at me as he did it, he dropped his head down into Martin's lap and took the source of it into his mouth. There was a grunt of pleasure from Martin, muffled by Oli's lips. Oli pulled away, looking down at what Mark was doing and tapped him on the head. Silently Mark pulled away too and saw Oli gesturing for them to switch places. Oli wasted no time in continuing the blow job Mark had started, but the other boy seemed nervous about what to do with my big brother. Mark moved close, looking like he might kiss Martin too, then looked at me and blushed as he instead leant down to suck on a nipple. A couple of minutes later, Martin grunted excitedly as he filled Oli's mouth with his spunk, panting happily as both boys backed away. “I think that's enough for this dream!” he said with a grin. “But maybe I'll have a similar dream again another time!” I immediately possessed him and instructed the others to untie me. Standing up, the mixed effects of the alcohol and (by the feel of it) exceptionally strong orgasm made his legs particularly weak. I didn't even bother to grab his underwear, I just headed straight out of my room, into his and returned him to bed before going back to my own body. “Who enjoyed that then?” I asked as I opened my eyes. “Your brother's so hot!” Oli said happily. Mark simply nodded and grinned his agreement. I stared at them both for a moment, taking in their naked bodies, smiling at the straining erections and then remembered something. “Hey, weren't you supposed to be wanking until your next turn?” I asked Oli. “That's right.” Mark agreed with me. “And you haven't been doing it. That means you get a forfeit!” I saw a slight hint of a smile flash across Oli's face before he forced a frown and said, “Fine, let's hear it!” Mark and I thought for a moment and I found my mind wandering back to last weekend, to the way I had hidden Oli's clothes from him and how turned on he had been by it. I shot him an evil grin and said, “Your forfeit.... you've got to make your way back here!” “What!?” he exclaimed, looking momentarily panicked before I took possession of him. “What are you doing?” Mark asked, looking back and forth between Oli's body and mine, unsure if I had done anything yet. “I'm giving him his forfeit. Now hurry up and get dressed, we're going out!” I said, my grin showing on Oli's face. After we sneaked out of the house and started walking, Mark kept pestering me about what my plan was but soon gave up after he realised I wasn't going to tell him anything. We walked for about fifteen minutes until I decided to stop. I hadn't chosen any particular spot, I just wanted to be a fair distance from my house. “Okay. This'll do.” I said as I started to undress. “Oh my God!” Mark said, shocked at seeing me (or Oli I suppose) strip out in public so readily. “Put his clothes in your bag.” I instructed, handing items over as I removed them. All I left on were his shoes and socks. Once Oli was naked, I grinned at Mark and said, “Thanks for the assist, it's a shame you're gonna miss this.” “What are you...” he started, but stopped mid-sentence as I left Oli's mind and entered his. I found myself looking at my now-naked friend, eager to see his reaction when he regained his bearings. “What d'you mean I have to get...” he started, picking up right where he had left off before I possessed him before realising we were somewhere else. “What the fuck!” he exclaimed, quickly attempting to cover up. “Mark, what's going on?” “Firstly,” I started, “It's not Mark, it's Nicky. And secondly, this is your forfeit.” I explained. He stared at me, not quite knowing whether to laugh or cry. “Where are we?” he asked nervously. “Russell Street, about a fifteen minute walk from my house.” I replied with a grin. “Now you're gonna walk back there. And I do mean walk, no running! And you know what, just for fun, you're gonna be jerking off the whole way too!” “What? No chance!” he said, just before running off at full speed. I let him run for a moment before taking possession of him again, making him run right back to a confused-looking Mark. “Sorry about that.” I said as I returned. I transferred back to Mark and waited for Oli to realise what had happened. “Oh come on!” he said dejectedly as he realised he was right back where he started. I smirked at his reaction then said, “And that'll keep happening if you don't follow the rules. Like I said, walk, don't run and jerk off while you do it. Got it?” “Fine!” he snapped angrily and started off at a fairly brisk walk. I watched again for a moment and realised his hands were both by his sides. A quick mind-switch later, he was back at the start once again. “What now?” he demanded angrily as he woke up. “You weren't jerking. Try again!” I said, doing my best not to laugh. I lived in quite a quiet neighbourhood. It was rare to hear people out and about later than ten. As it was now gone midnight, the chances of seeing anyone were beyond slim, but I knew the fear of it still had to be playing on his mind. Oli hadn't actually started touching himself yet but was already hard. I wondered exactly what it was that he liked about my tricks so much. Was it the outdoor nudity, the fear of getting caught or just the general humiliation? Whatever it was, he seemed to be liking it. “Let's go.” he said, scowling as he grabbed hold of his cock and started walking. I followed in Mark's body this time, convinced that he had finally come to accept the rules. As we walked, I could feel myself getting more and more aroused too as I watched him play. I actually thought it might be kind of fun to strip too and walk naked with him but the fact I was in Mark's body put me off. The last thing I wanted was to accidentally risk exposing him to more embarrassing attention. He was only just starting to get past what I had done to him last week and I didn't want to reignite old issues. Instead I settled for just casually groping the bulge as I walked. “You know, this is really fucking mean!” Oli snapped. I thought he was genuinely angry for moment, but as I looked up at his face I could see him grinning. “Yeah, really looks like you're hating every second!” I laughed. Suddenly we saw car headlights ahead of us. I was tempted to order him to stand proud and be seen, but as much fun as it would have been, there was just too great a chance that whoever was in the car would just call the police. A naked teenager walking the streets would look at best like a trouble maker and at worst, a victim of some kind of foul play. Instead we both ducked behind a tree and waited for it to pass. When we started walking again, with Oli's hand still casually stroking away, he turned to me and said, “This may be fun, but you really are being mean tonight, aren't you!” His tone was dripping with accusation. “What? Why?” I asked, wondering what he was getting at. As far as I knew, I'd been extremely nice all day (current forfeit excluded of course). “Those truths you were asking Mark earlier.” He replied. “You know I like him, but you're sitting there virtually forcing him to admit to liking you right in front of me. Total dick move!” I laughed, thinking he was joking until I saw his expression. “Wait, you think...” I started, wondering how he could think that. “Oh you absolute moron. That's not what I was doing. I wasn't trying to get him to say he likes me, I was trying to get him to say he likes YOU!” Oli stopped walking and stroking, staring at me in disbelief. “What, really?” “Yeah.” I insisted, nudging him to continue along the street. I was starting to think I was more worried about his public indecency than he was! “D'you really think I'd try and make a move on a guy you like?” “Well it did seem strange.” He said, looking adorably confused. “Wait, so does that mean you're actually trying to get us together?” I just grinned. “But why? I thought you might like Mark too. Or me!” he said, looking thoughtful before grinning back at me and jokingly adding, “Does this mean... you don't love me?” “Aww, don't worry.” I said, reaching up and pinching his cheek. “I'll always love you!” I smiled, but then blushed a little. He smiled at me sweetly. “You've never said that to me before.” I blushed a little more but smiled through it. “No, I guess I haven't. I do, though!” I replied honestly. Oli carried on walking, his face scrunched up. “Huh!” he said, still looking deep in thought. “What?” I asked curiously. “I guess I love you too.” he said with a smile. “Never thought I'd say that, I mean, to a friend.” I chuckled my agreement to his sentiment. We didn't really need to say any more about it. My mind wandered back onto my match-making, which might be even easier now that I could actually tell Oli about it. “I was just thinking, about you and Mark and I've got a plan.” I said. He looked round at me eagerly. “Well when we go to bed, I was thinking that there'd be room for two in the bed and one on your chair-bed-thing. If I say that I need space because of my ribs, then I can take the chair and that'll leave you and Mark sleeping together. How does that sound?” “Ah.” Oli whimpered as his cock erupted, covering the pavement in front of him with heavy globs of spunk. “It's... safe to say.... I like that idea!” he said, as the orgasm shuddered through him. I laughed at him and said, “Come on, we're nearly home.” I allowed him to run with me the rest of the way and we were back inside the house within minutes. Once we were safely in my room, I stripped Mark and returned to my own body. As Mark came to, he looked round and pouted. “Aww, I missed it all.” “Hey, if you wanna see what it was like, I'm happy to send you out next!” I teased. “Erm... never mind.” Mark said, quickly getting over his disappointment. I yawned, the events of the day starting to catch up with me on top of the increased tiredness I seemed to be suffering from during my recovery. Oli looked at me for a moment like I was giving him some kind of cue, perhaps to initiate the plan we had discussed on the way it, but I shook my head and he remained silent. “I dunno about you guys, but I REALLY need to cum!” I said. It felt a little strange to be so open about it, but it was pretty hard to deny based on my throbbing erection. Mark was in the same state and the sight of us was helping Oli recover quickly from his previous orgasm. “Circle jerk!” Oli said happily, his eyes lighting up. Mark looked keen, but I just raised my cast-covered hand. “I'd give you a lefty, but it just doesn't seem to work right.” I giggled. “Not like me then, I'm good with both hands!” Oli bragged. I laughed at his boast, but then realised he had given me an idea. “Okay, everyone on the bed!” I instructed. We all sat side-by-side, leaning on the wall. I had made sure Oli was in the middle. “Okay then Oli, if you're so good with both hands.... show us!” “Gladly!” Oli said. He reached out to either side and took hold of both mine and Mark's boners, stroking them eagerly but tenderly. “Mark, I can't really do it myself, so why don't you help Oli.” I suggested. Oli looked at me and grinned as he realised what I had orchestrated, I just winked back. I sat there enjoying the handjob, but ultimately getting more satisfaction from the successful plan. Mark and Oli seemed more than happy to be sitting there wanking each other off. Mark was first to shoot, covering his chest and stomach with his cum, while I followed shortly after. It seemed Oli wasn't exaggerating when he said he was good with both hands. Thanks to his earlier release, Oli took a little longer, but that just gave them both more time to enjoy it. Once he had cum and we all cleaned off, I yawned again, this time giving Oli the cue for the plan. “So who's sleeping where?” Oli asked. “Two can fit in the bed.” “You two take the bed, I'm the new guy.” Mark said sweetly with a slight shrug as he headed towards the chair. “Nah, it's okay.” I replied casually. “If I shared I'd probably get an elbow in the ribs and wake up in pain. You two take the bed and that way I'll have all the space I need.” “You sure?” Oli asked, playing along. “Yep, in fact, I insist.” I said, folding out the chair into bed mode. Mark and Oli both looked a bit awkward about getting into bed, but eventually Mark got in first, laying down and facing the wall as Oli got in behind him. I kept the light on for a minute, giving them time to get comfortable and watched with a huge grin as I saw Oli tentatively reach over and place a hand on Mark's hip. I clicked the light off and lay down on my own. A few minutes later, I heard shuffling and could just make out them moving closer together. I found myself thinking about Riley and wondering if I would ever get to cuddle up in bed with him. I suddenly felt very lonely laying there, knowing that Mark and Oli would get to cuddle all night. A few more minutes passed and I heard more movement and a low hiss of whispering. I wondered what they were doing, but smiled as I imagined what it might be. Knowing Oli he was probably propositioning another wank! Surprisingly, I couldn't have been more wrong. I heard more movement and as I looked round, I could just about make out Oli sitting up. He leaned down and grabbed at my wrist, pulling me up. I allowed him to lead me, standing before he pulled me towards the bed. “What are you doing?” I whispered. “The plan!” “Some things are more important.” he whispered back. At first I thought he was just putting me in his place, but as he manoeuvred me into position behind Mark, he cuddled up against my rear. I slipped an arm under and around Mark as Oli did the same to me and the three of us curled up together, making me the meat in a Mark/Oli sandwich. It was definitely a tight fit and Oli was probably in constant fear of falling out, but it just felt amazing. I had never felt so close to anyone in my life. Despite the cramped conditions, I heard Mark's breathing change as he fell asleep, followed by Oli, with me close behind. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I remember waking up some time around two as I felt Oli moving. He was getting out of bed and I figured he just needed the toilet or something so I went back to sleep. So far, everything that's happened, has happened to me so I've been able to tell you about it in my own words. What happened next though, happened while I was asleep so I can't do that. As such, I'm gonna have to hand you over to my best friend Oli who's going to tell you all about it (sorry in advance, I hope you survive the experience!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey there. Okay, so I wake up and I'm so unbelievably horny. Yeah, I know I'd cum, like, twice before we went to bed but a couple of wanks really doesn't do the job when you're just dying for something else. I was totally boned up and I really thought the way I was poking Nicky in the back might wake him up too but no such luck, he just moved round a bit and went back to sleep. I was laying thinking 'I need to cum I need to cum I need to cum' and Oli junior just seemed to be getting harder and harder so I'm thinking I need to do something. I played with it a bit, but it still wasn't enough, 'specially cos every time I loved I felt like I was gonna fall off the bed. Bringing Nicky up into bed was the right thing to do cos it was totally obvious he was all lonely down there on his own, but it didn't exactly leave me with much elbow room! But I kept coming back to the same problem. You can't just have a wank when you really need a fuck. Now Nicky's real sweet and Mark's totally hot, but they're not as.... erm, advanced when it comes to sex and I don't think waking up with Oli junior poking their asses is how they wanna experience anal for the first time. That was when I remembered there was someone else in the house who could definitely handle me – Martin! So now I'm laying there thinking that I can't go and wake Martin at two in the morning for a fuck. He'd be totally pissed. Or would he? I gotta admit, if I was sleeping and suddenly Mark or Nicky woke me up and said, “I wanna fuck you.” I wouldn't be complaining, but then that's me. Nicky always says I'm weird! I lay there and I lay there and I lay there and eventually I just think 'Fuck it! What's the worst that could happen?' I climb out of bed, sneak out of the room and go into Martin's room. He's snoring away like he always does. I can usually hear him through the wall when I stay over. I start wondering how I should do this. Should I jump on him and just say, “I need sex. Sex me now!” Nah, too blunt. Or I could play the innocent little boy, tell him I had a bad dream and ask to get in bed with him and then let my hands wander. Nah, I'd never keep a straight face. Finally I decide on a sneakier approach, get him started before he's even awake! I decide to make a bit of a game of it, see how much I can do without waking him up. He's a pretty sound sleeper and I think that there's maybe a chance I could just fuck him and he'd never know. That'd actually be pretty hot. Or rape. Okay, maybe not take it that far without his consent, but at least getting him hard should be harmless enough. I reach over and pull back the covers and thankfully he never bothered putting any clothing on after he left Nicky's room earlier so he's just laying there naked. He's pretty hot really. He'd always just been Nicky's big brother to me. Pretty cool as big bros go, but still that's all he was. Since I started liking guys more, and especially since I started fucking (thanks Tobias!) he suddenly looks a lot more appealing. That fuck on Tuesday night was fucking awesome! I reached down and took hold of his cock and started playing with it. It only took a few minutes, but soon he was as hard as I was (seriously, Oli junior refused to go down!) He was still asleep so I took it a little further. I leant down and licked it. It twitched a little, but he didn't wake, so I took the whole thing in my mouth. Well, not the whole thing, I haven't quite mastered deep-throating yet, but I took as much as I could, happily sucking away on it. Suddenly, from above me I hear, “Ahem, can I help you?” I drop his cock out of my mouth, grin at him and say, “I'm so fucking horny. I want you to fuck me, then I wanna fuck you and maybe after that you can fuck me again. That okay?” He laughed but didn't say a word. He just reached out, grabbed some lube and chucked it at me. “Fine, but you're doing all the work!” That was fine with me. Honestly I like being in charge, so being able to just ride him again sounds fucking perfect. Within seconds, I've got him lubed and filling my arse as I sit on top of him. I give him all my best moves – clenching my hole, sliding all the way off and dropping back on, quick short bounces, gyrating my hips to twirl him inside me – he loves them all and it doesn't take long before I feel him cum inside me. I know I should have been using a condom, and with anyone else I would have, but I know Martin and I trust him. He doesn't seem the type to do anything dangerous and he'd definitely never let me take him raw if he thought it'd put me at risk! But anyway, he's moaning happily and Oli junior feels like he could go off at any second. I pull off of Martin, lube his hole and my dick and just push straight in. A few thrusts and I'm about ready to go off. I almost regret how turned on I was. While it felt great to cum inside him, it was shame not to enjoy him for a bit longer. “Wanna go again?” I asked Martin, taking hold of his cock. That was another reason I regretted cumming so quickly. If I'd taken a bit longer, he might have had more time to get turned on again, but as it was, he was still pretty limp from cumming inside me. “Sorry kid, I don't think I can yet.” he said, groping my leg. I just shrugged. I figured as I was there, I may as well enjoy myself so I lay down next to him and started kissing him. He seemed a little surprised at first. I think he thought I was just there for a fuck, which I suppose I was, but something just seemed right about kissing him. He's a good kisser, probably the best I've had (don't tell Nicky I said that) and I kinda lost track of time as I lay there making out with him. I was so caught up in it that I hadn't even noticed he'd pulled the covers back over us both. I only realised when we stopped kissing and he slipped an arm under me, pulling me into a cuddle. My head was on his chest, my hand on his stomach, held firmly in his. Before I really knew what was going on, I was falling asleep in his arms. So back to Nicky I guess, thanks for reading! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke again at about four as I felt Mark sit up. “What's up?” I asked sleepily. “Where's Oli?” he asked, looking across to the gap behind me. “Hold on, I'll find out.” I said. I concentrated on him for a moment and then returned within seconds. “He's sleeping with Martin.” I said, closing my eyes again and pulling Mark down to join me. My eyes hot open as I realised what I had just said. It wasn't the fact that Oli was in bed with Martin that surprised me, it was the fact I had just told Mark, the guy Oli supposedly liked, that he was in bed with someone else. I couldn't help wondering if that single comment may have undone all the hard work I had done to push them together. “Oh, okay.” Mark said, not sounding the slightest bit bothered. He lay back down, pulling my arms tightly around him. A few minutes later he whispered, “You still awake?” “No.” I said, slightly grumpily at yet another interruption to my attempts to sleep. “Very funny.” he replied, not taking the hint. “Can I ask you something?” I sighed and couldn't help smiling when my breath on the back of his neck made him giggle slightly. “Sure, what's up?” I replied. “Earlier, when we were playing truth or dare... was there going to be a third question?” he asked. I froze, eyes wide once again. “I don't.... really remember the first two.” I said, feigning ignorance. “You asked if I had a crush on someone, then you asked if that someone was in the room.” he explained, dashing any hope I had of weaselling out of the whole thing. “Oh yeah, that.” I said, wondering where he was going with it. “Yeah, that. Was you gonna ask another question if I hadn't chosen a dare?” he asked. “Nah.” I lied. “I felt like I'd embarrassed you enough.” I felt him fidget a little in my arms. “Oh.” he said, sounding a little disappointed. He went quiet again and I hoped that was the end of it, but then he turned over, rotating in my arms to keep them around him as he brought himself face-to-face with me. “Ask me the second question again.” he demanded. I gulped. With Oli gone and only the two of us in the room, I immediately knew which way this was heading. “D... do you... have a crush... on someone.... in this room?” I stuttered nervously. The room was fairly dark, but I could just make out the slight reflection of light on his eyes as he stared into me, going silent for a few moments once again before whispering, “Yes!” His face, already just inches from mine started moving closer until his lips were on mine. I closed my eyes, relaxing into the amazing sensation for a moment before pulling back. “Wait.” I said, my voice shuddering. “I can't do this.” Mark raised a hand and placed it on my cheek. “Why not? What's wrong?” All I could see running through my mind was Riley. What could I tell Mark though? I didn't dare tell him the truth, it was just too much of a risk for Riley. But could I lie? Again? Then I started thinking about what Mark was actually offering. He liked me. He wanted me and in every way it just made total sense to let him take me. With Riley I was facing years of hiding to avoid him getting arrested, more years of hiding after that to avoid him getting fired. Is that what I really wanted when I had this beautiful boy laying in my arms, a boy I could actually date openly, well as openly as a semi-homophobic small town would allow! I had to say something. I could feel him staring at me in the darkness. “I'm... I've... I've just kinda started seeing someone.” I stuttered, opting for the truth. “Just... kinda... started?” Mark repeated the words back to me questioningly. “So it's not even serious yet?” I could tell where he was going and I knew I had to resist but his hand felt so good against my cheek, his bare body pressed against mine. I could feel my resolve weakening by the second. “It's not... but... I want it to be.” I said. The statement was as joyful to say as it was painful. I realised that despite the hurdles, I really did want to carry on going with Riley, even if it meant stopping things with Mark before they had even started. “One night.” Mark whispered. “For what?” I asked, confused, subconsciously moving my face against his hand to enjoy the feeling. “For us. It's just us. If I can't... have you, at least give me tonight. Please.” He said quietly before moving in to kiss me again. Justifications ran through my mind, making every excuse I could think of, but ultimately it didn't matter. He was kissing me and I wasn't going to stop him. Our first kiss just a week before had been so brief, a mix of gratitude, relief and shared emotion. This one though, it was something else. It amazed how much passion I could feel in such gentle kissing. His hand continued stroking my cheek as my arms tightened around him, pressing his entire body firmly against me. He pulled away from the kiss, but only so he could lower his lips so start nibbling at my neck. My entire body relaxed from the beautiful sensation of his soft lips on me, my arms releasing him and rolling onto my back. He nestled into my side, continuing his gentle assault on my neck and shoulders, occasionally dipping lower onto my chest. “Oh God.” I muttered as I felt his lips on a nipple, my hand running through his hair. He continued working down, his mouth caressing every inch of me. Needless to say, I was ridiculously hard before he even got near my cock. When he finally stopped his bodily exploration, I felt fingers wrapping around my boner, getting another whimper of delight from me. Then came the warm wetness of his mouth, but just for a few seconds before he pulled off. “Have you got lube or anything like that?” he asked, his voice shaky with nerves, his intention quite clear. “Mark, are you sure...” I started but he cut me off before I could finish. “I'm sure!” he insisted. “Okay.” I said, probably sounding as nervous as him. I reached down the side of my bed and grabbed a bottle of lotion that I occasionally used when wanking and handed it to him. I heard him click the bottle open and a few seconds later, his hand wrapped around my cock again, but this time accompanied by a large glob of cool, wet lotion. He moaned slightly, presumably as he reached back and lubed himself. He climbed up and knelt with a knee either side of me, then allowed his rear to drop until the head of my dick was pressing into his crack. He reached back with one hand to guide me to his hole then started pushing down onto it. He whimpered again, but this time it sounded like it was from pain rather than pleasure. I reached up, placed a hand on his hip and said quietly, “You don't have to do this.” “Ah.” he moaned again as I felt the head popping through his tight opening. “I want to.” he said shakily. “Okay, just take it slow!” I said, unsure that I should actually be letting him do it anyway. It wasn't long before I was moaning along with him. Feeling myself slipping inside him felt sensational. He pulled back up, sliding down again, dropping just a little further, then did it again. After a few more pumps, he had managed to take most of me inside him. “Oh fuck.” he muttered, sounding more pleasured than pained once again, much to my relief. “How does it feel?” I asked, my curiosity piqued. “It hurts. Like, a lot. But once you get past that.... ah... wow, yeah, fucking awesome!” he explained, his voice wavering. “Mind if I feel for myself?” I asked. He nodded and I transferred into his mind. A quick slide up and down showed his description had been fairly spot-on, pleasure and pain, an exquisite mix. I quickly went back into my own head and waited for Mark to recover. “Wow, that's... hot!” I said happily. “Beyond hot!” he said excitedly, sliding up and down once more. “I won't... oooh... I won't last long!” I said, my body twitching from every miniscule movement of his body. “Oh good.” he giggled, pulling up and sliding back down once again. “Shit!” I murmured, knowing I was only seconds from squirting. “I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!” I expected him to pull off and let me shoot over myself, but he just slid up and down again then moaned along happily with me as I shot inside him. He remained seated on me for several moments afterwards, presumably waiting for me to soften a little before getting off. When he finally pulled up and let me slide out of his hole, he lifted one knee over me and knelt at my side, letting a hand casually stroke back and forth across my stomach. I lay there basking in my post-orgasmic afterglow until I heard sniffling, it sounded like Mark was crying. “Mark?” I enquired, reaching down to grab his hand. He didn't reply, but his sniffling turned into crying. I pushed myself up, struggling a little but eventually got into an upright sitting position. I put my arms around him and he rested his head on my shoulder. “What's wrong? Did I hurt you?” I asked, worried that I may have caused some damage. “No.” he replied in a whisper. “It's just... I know I said one night, but....” His words trailed off into tears. I felt my own eyes watering, both from sympathy for his feelings, but also for myself as I realised I had turned him down, and would have to keep doing so, regardless of how amazing it had been. “We should sleep.” I said, hoping to avoid bursting into tears myself. I lay back down and pulled him with me. We lay back down as we had been before Oli left, my arms encircling him, my face nuzzled into the nape of his neck. His crying eventually stopped as he drifted off to sleep, but I just couldn't get myself to drop off again so I just lay there holding him as he slept. I couldn't stop thinking about Oli, about how I had just fucked the guy he liked and how I was probably the worst friend in the world. At about six, I heard Oli sneak back in. He climbed in behind me. I didn't let him know I was awake, I just enjoyed the feeling of him pulling himself against me again. Back between my two best friends, I eventually managed to nod off again. Chapter 14 “Bye boys!” Mum called from downstairs, waking us all with a start. “Urrrggh!” Oli growled from behind me. My arms were still wrapped around Mark and he was holding onto them. As he became more alert I could feel him gripping even tighter. “Bye Mum!” I called back. I didn't know where she was going and I didn't really care. Last night had been both wonderful and dreadful, but above everything else, it had NOT been a good night's sleep! Oli groaned again and rolled over, but there was no more bed to roll onto and he just fell out onto the floor with a loud thud. Mark and I both laughed as he yelled out in shock. “Well I'm definitely awake now!” Oli said unhappily. “I'm gonna go and shower.” “Yeah, I suppose you need it after last night!” I said, grinning and looking over my shoulder at him as he stood. He giggled dirtily before winking at me and pulling on his underwear. He headed out to got o the bathroom leaving me and Mark alone again. “You okay?” I whispered quietly in his ear. Mark didn't reply, he just tightened his grip on my arms a little more so I lay there with him while Oli showered. His hair was in my face and I found myself taking deep breaths, intentionally breathing in his scent. I could feel wetness on my arm, letting me know he was crying silently. “We should get up, Oli'll be back in a minute.” I said as I heard the shower turn off. As I started to pull away, Mark kept hold, preventing me from moving. “Please Mark, don't make this any harder.” I heard him sigh, then he released my arms and let me roll away. I pulled my arm out from under him. Just as I sat up on the edge of the bed, Oli walked back in, a towel wrapped around his waist. I looked back at Mark and asked, “D'you wanna go next?” He again said nothing, but jumped off the bed. “Hey guys.” I said, getting both of their attention. “If you see Danny, do me a favour and don't mention... the thing from last night, okay?” They both nodded their agreement before Mark left to take a shower. I looked at Oli nervously as he dressed. Mark liked me and we had... done things. But Oli liked Mark. I knew he'd probably hate me for it, but nearly losing Mark over hiding the truth had taught me that telling the truth sooner rather than later was usually for the best. “Oli, there's.... something I need to tell you!” I said quietly. “'Sup?” he asked casually, pulling on a sock. “I know you like Mark, but last night... something happened and.... he.... likes me!” I said nervously, expecting a sudden burst of fury from my best friend. “Oh.” He said, looking round at the door then back at me. “That's why things are weird in here. Meh, no big deal.” “No big deal? I've been stressing over telling you that since it happened and it's no big deal!?” I exclaimed, even more outraged than I had expected him to be. “Yeah.” Oli said with a shrug. “I'm totally over Mark. It's all about Martin now!” “You... you're over... you...” I stuttered, absolutely seething. “You are without a doubt the MOST ANNOYING person I have ever met in my life!” I shouted at him. “Yeah, probably, but you know you still love me!” he said with a teasing grin. I tried to keep my face screwed up in anger, but I couldn't help breaking into a smile. That really was one of the things I loved about Oli. He had the shortest attention span in the world, he changed his mind on a whim, he annoyed the crap out of me but he still managed to be so utterly charming as he did it! “Fuck off.” I muttered, still grinning. Oli's eyes widened. “Wait, does that mean you and Mark are together? Ooh, it can be a Summer wedding!” he said excitedly. “You can really fuck off now!” I said, no longer laughing. “And no, we're not together.” “Why not? He likes you and you totally like him too!” Oli said, looking a little confused as he almost toppled over pulling his other sock on. I realised I now had to tell Oli my other secret and I knew he was likely to be a lot more persistent in trying to find out who I was seeing. “I'm kinda seeing someone else.” “What!” He exclaimed in amazement. “No you're not, stop lying.” I sniggered at his refusal to believe it. “Yes I am.” “Who?” he demanded, standing with his hands on his hips and frowning. “I can't say.” I said, praying he would accept that. “Who?” he demanded again. “I. Can't. Say.” I repeated slower and louder. He looked thoughtful for a moment, then stared at me grinning. Had he figured it out? “It's Carl, isn't it! You never had detention. You've been having secret bum fun!” I laughed at his choice of words and imagination, but shook my head. “It's not Carl, now drop it cos I'm not going to tell you.” “What aren't you telling him?” Mark asked as he walked in. “About his secret lover!” Oli said in a mocking tone. I flinched at the comment, more from the fact that the reason I couldn't be with Mark had pretty much just been waved in his face. Oli was a bit slower off the mark, but eventually realised what he had said. “Go and shower!” he insisted to me. Not wanting to face Mark quite yet, I happily complied. I took longer in the shower than was really necessary, putting off returning to my room for as long as possible. I needn't have bothered really. When I returned, they were both laughing and joking, Mark's earlier melancholy completely gone. I've never actually asked Oli what he said to him, but whatever it was, it clearly worked. My time in the shower had given me time to think about other things though, namely my powers and the thing had happened last night with somehow possessing both Oli and Mark at the same time. “D'you guys mind helping me with something?” I requested once I was dressed. They both shrugged their agreement. “I wanted to see if I could use my powers on you both at the same time again.” “You sure that's a good idea?” Mark asked, looking a little concerned. “Ah, he'll be fine. If he has the ability to do it, then it makes sense for him to try and figure it out.” Oli insisted. I had them both take a seat, then sat too in a position that would prevent me from falling and injuring myself when I left my body. When they nodded to acknowledge they were ready, I closed my eyes and thought about going into both minds at once. The usual feeling, like getting pulled through a tight rubber tube, enveloped me as usual, but part way through it was like the tube split in two and I was pulled in both directions at once. When I arrived in my destinations, I could still feel myself connected to my other half somehow. I immediately closed my eyes, not wanting to be overwhelmed by the sudden double senses. I could still hear the quiet sounds of the house, seeming to echo as I heard with two sets of ears at once. Gingerly I opened my eyes and found myself looking at both Oli and Mark at the same time. “Whoa this is weird.” both bodies speaking it in eerily perfect synchronicity. I concentrated hard for a moment, then repeated, “This is weird.” but this time only Mark spoke. I thought hard and tried it again, making Oli say it alone too. My head was beginning to throb, which was doubly uncomfortable and actually seemed to get worse as I found myself thinking 'That's because you've got two of them!' I was just beginning to consider returning when I heard something. I thought there was someone else in the room with us for a moment before realising the voices were in my head. “It's not his mind I want inside me!” one voice said. “Strip me strip me strip me strip me strip me!” the other one was repeating. I quickly realised it was Oli and Mark, I could actually hear their thoughts. No prizes for guessing which one was which! Even more disoriented by the sudden realisation of what I could do, I concentrated on returning and felt myself getting pushed back, the two halves of my consciousness recombining and returning to my own head. I took a second to recover, but so did Oli and Mark. They seemed to do it a little quicker than usual though. “Ah, that was.... so strange.” Mark said, staring at me. “How did it feel?” I asked, curious to see if it was any different for them too. “Really freaky.” Oli said, grinning. “It's like, I was in there, and I could see what I was doing, but I had no control.” I looked back in surprise. “So you were awake?” I asked. It was strange. Normally when I possessed someone it's like they blacked out. “I wonder....” Mark started, looking quite thoughtful. “D'you think that maybe a brain can only hold, like, one consciousness.” he pondered. “What d'you mean?” I asked, rubbing my temples slightly as my headache had followed me back to my body. “Well when you took over someone completely, it was like they were pushed out, because your entire mind occupied their head, right?” he explained. I nodded, following so far while Oli just looked blank. “”But when you went into both of us, only half your mind went into each, which meant half of our own minds stayed behind, like... co-habitation!” I nodded. It seemed to make sense, well about as much sense as any of it made anyway. “I could hear your thoughts.” I said bluntly, getting a grin from Oli and a scared stare from Mark. “What, like everything in our heads?” Oli asked. I shook my head. “Nah, more like just the top layer, the main thing you were thinking about.” Mark continued to blush, but I decided not to mention what I had heard. I rubbed my head a little more. “You okay?” Mark asked, looking concerned. “Yeah, that just... hurt my head a bit. You guys fancy going out? I could use some fresh air.” I suggested. They both agreed and we headed out of my room. As we headed to the stairs, Danny was just walking up. “Hey fags.” he said with a smirk as he passed us. I shook my head. I hoped last night might have been a turning point for us, that he might finally start treating me like his actual brother rather than some target for his bile. “You sure we can't mention.... you know what?” Oli muttered under his breath, getting a snigger from Mark. “Yeah.” I said, sighing as we reached the bottom of the stairs. “Hey, you guys mind waiting for me outside. I forgot something.” They headed out as I went back up and knocked on Danny's door. “What?” he called from the other side. I opened the door and looked in. “Whadda you want?” he asked, scowling at me. “I was just going to grab your stuff from last night to I could put in the washing machine while Mum's out, but I guess you don't want me to now.” I said, starting to move back. “Wait.” he called out. I smirked a little, knowing he wouldn't want me to leave it to him. “Yes?” I said casually. “I... erm... oh fuck off.” he said, obviously struggling to say something. I was tempted to do as he said, but instead stepped inside and shut the door behind me. He just stared at me through narrow, suspicious slits. “Why are you always like that?” I asked. “Like what, you fag!” he snapped back at me. I raised my eyebrows. “Like THAT!” “Geez, you're so gay!” he growled in frustration. I nodded. “You know what, yeah, I AM gay. Is that a problem?” I asked, surprised at outing myself, but keen to see his reaction. “Y... you... you are?” he asked, visibly shocked. I just nodded. “Ugh, get out then. This is a no poof zone!” he said venomously. I sighed, turned to his wardrobe and grabbed the soiled sheet and clothing. “What, you gonna run and tell everyone about that, just cos I called you a poof?” he sneered at me. I turned back and shook my head. “No, I'm gonna wash them, like I said I would, because that's what brothers do.” His mouth dropped, whatever vile insult he had planned next failing to emerge. He just watched me as I walked out. I ran downstairs and put the things in the washing machine, adding a load more items from the hamper to avoid arousing suspicion, before heading out to join Oli and Mark. “What's wrong?” Oli asked, the annoyance obviously apparent on my face. “Nothing.” I said, not wanting to talk about it as we started walking. Oli and Mark looked at each other, shrugging and choosing not to probe any further. “Hey, Nicky, we were talking just now.... you know that thing you just did with your powers, splitting your mind...” Mark started. “Yeah.” I said, wondering what he had thought of now. I sometimes thought he understood what I could do better than I did myself. “Well, do you think you could split yourself like that, but only possess one person?” Mark asked. When I frowned in confusion, he elaborated. “I mean, could you take control of one person while still retaining control of your own body?” I stopped mid-step and stared. The thought had never even occurred to me. My mind suddenly reeled from the prospects of such an ability. The main drawback of my ability was my own lifeless body I left behind. This could eliminate that problem entirely. “Hello. Are you still there?” Oli asked, waving a hand in front of my face. “I think he's gone. He's not in you is he?” he asked Mark. I sniggered. “Sorry, just... lost in thought. I'm still in me!” I insisted and carried on walking. “I think I may need to experiment a bit more, but maybe later. My head's already pounding!” ***** The three of us ended up meeting Carl after he messaged me to see what we were up to, which quickly eliminated any possibility of any further experimentation with my powers, but as a result I ended up with a thoroughly normal day of hanging with my friends, something I ended up enjoying immensely. Inevitably we ended up back on the conversation about who else was gay at school, but I ended up a little distracted when a message from Riley arrived. [Hey, feels like I haven't seen you for ages, how you doing?] Oli and Mark saw me grinning at the message and guessed it was my 'secret lover'. After some initial pestering for me to tell them who it was, I asked them to let it drop and they agreed, leaving me to reply in peace. [Hey sexy, yeah it's been waaaaay too long. I'm good, but missing you!] [I was hoping you'd say that. I don't suppose you're free tomorrow are you?] He asked. I thought about it. Normally if I was free I'd just hang with Oli, but we had made no formal plans yet, so I replied, [I am. Why, what do you wanna do?] [I thought we could spend the whole day together. Ken's out all day so you could come over early and stay as late as you're allowed.] He suggested. My heart almost pounded through my chest. A whole day! So far we had barely managed to steal more than an hour together, and even that had been amazing. All day to be alone, all day to touch him, all day for him to hold me. [THAT SOUNDS AWESOME!!!!] I sent back excitedly. [Great, well Ken will be going quite early, around 6, want me to come and pick you up?] [No, sitting in that car and not being able to touch you would be torture. I'll walk, it's not far. I'll be there as early as I can.] I sent back. I meant it too. If Riley was right in front of me, I'd jump on him, regardless of who was watching or how much trouble we would be in. I glanced guiltily at Mark for a moment. He had been okay with me since we left the house, Oli's words obviously having been exceptionally effective, but that still didn't make it any easier knowing how much he wanted me. I knew I wanted him too, but my feelings for him paled in comparison to the mind-numbing desire I felt for my sexy teacher-man. The four of us ended up hanging around in the park, just chatting and mucking about. I had been worried at first that the others might not get on well with Carl, but with the common ground of our sexuality, and an almost fanatical desire to talk about boys, he soon fit right in. It was a relief really, I'd become quite fond of Carl during our week of detentions and it was great that it looked like our friendship could continue outside of that setting, and especially that he could get on so well with the others. I still noticed the strongest connection was between Mark and Oli though. I actually found myself a little annoyed at Oli's infatuation with Martin and Mark's feelings for me, it was like they had absolutely no consideration for who I wanted them to end up with. As we sat in the park, I ended up laying on the ground with my head resting in Oli's lap as his hand casually stroked my chest, not sexually, just affectionately. As I stared up at him, I thought for a moment how I could probably use my powers to manipulate him and Mark into a relationship, but quickly dismissed the prospect, knowing it wouldn't be the right thing to do. As the conversation once again ended back on boys, spurred by a couple of guys jogging past in the world's tiniest shorts, I decided to try out what Mark had suggested that morning. I randomly picked Danny as my target, partially just because I was wondering what he was up to. I thought about how it had felt going into two minds at once and attempted to recreate the sensation. Seconds later, I found my mind assaulted by the increasingly-familiar sensation of seeing through two sets of eyes at once. One was still looking up at Oli and listening to Carl and Mark discuss which jogger was hotter while the other was in Danny's room, playing video games. A quick glance to Danny's side revealed he wasn't alone, Liam was there, the boy from across the street who had helped me achieve my first megagasm. I smiled. Danny was often so solitary. I wondered if that may have been part of the reason for his hostility towards me. Until recently I'd never had the biggest circle of friends, but I had never really been alone. It was nice now to see him playing with someone else. I concentrated for a moment, seeing if I could hear his thoughts the way I had picked up on Mark and Oli's. 'Just ask him. Do you want to sleep over tonight? Just ask him!' Danny kept repeating in his head. Despite how much he had pissed me off earlier, I couldn't resist helping him out so without looking away from the video game, I just said casually, “Hey Liam, fancy sleeping over tonight?” “Sure.” Liam said with a shrug, like it was really no big deal. It was a huge deal to Danny though. 'Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.” he thought. It was strange but I could actually feel how happy he was. “Which one would you pick?” Carl asked me, reminding me that I was still in my own body too. “Both at once!” I replied with a grin as I realised I could still control my own body. Mark's theory had been right. I quickly returned from Danny's body, feeling satisfied with both the way I had helped him and the successful test of my powers. As with earlier though, I found the experience quite draining and ended up quite glad that I was already lying down. Through a mix of tiredness from last night, exhaustion from using my powers and just the gentle serenity of the surroundings, I soon found myself drifting off to sleep as the other continued chatting. I must have been really sound asleep as when I woke up, it wasn't Oli's lap my head was resting on, it was Carl's. He and Oli must have swapped at some point without even waking me up. As I blinked and shielded my eyes from the Sun, realising who I was looking up at, he noticed I was awake and smiled down at me. “Sleeping Beauty awakes!” he grinned at me. “Save the sarcasm.” I groaned, aching slightly from laying on the firm ground. “Who's being sarcastic? You look so cute sleeping.” Carl insisted. I blushed at the comment. Cute? Me? I tried to brush off my embarrassment with a little humour. “So you've just been sitting there watching me sleep like some creepy stalker guy?” “No, of course not. I gave you a quick hand job too!” He said with a shrug. “What?!” I exclaimed, looking down at my crotch. Carl burst into laughter and I realised he was just messing with me. “You're a dick.” I said unhappily, but couldn't help smiling at his laughter. “Where are the other two?” I asked, looking round momentarily before dropping my head back onto his leg. “They got hungry so they've gone to get us some food. They wanted to wake you, but I said I didn't mind staying with you.” Carl explained. “You know, you're nowhere near as much of a dick as I thought you were at first!” I sniggered. “So I'm just a BIT of a dick?” Carl asked, looking slightly annoyed for a moment, before grinning again, “Yeah, I suppose that's about right.” I rubbed my eyes and groaned. “God, I still feel exhausted.” I complained, feeling like I'd just fun a few miles. Carl ran his fingers through my hair and said, “Go back to sleep if you like, I don't mind.” “You just wanna touch me inappropriately while I'm asleep, admit it!” I giggled. He shrugged. “Hey, I gotta get it somewhere, I can't see Mark or Oli putting out as long as they're together.” “What? They're not!” I said, a little confused. Carl frowned down at me. “Seriously? But they... should be!” I sat up suddenly, wincing a little from a slight pain in my side, but ignored as I said loudly, “Yeah, I know, right! They're so perfect for each other!” “Totally! So what's the problem?” Carl enquired. It felt great to see that I wasn't the only one who could see it. “Well Oli's got a thing for my brother and Mark's... kind of... into me!” I said, blushing a little. “I don't blame him!” Carl grinned with a wink. “Fuck off!” I said bluntly back to him, reluctantly smiling. “But you see it too then?” Carl nodded. We continued talking about it until we saw the other two heading back with a load of snacks and drinks. We never reached any kind of decision about how we would do it, but we had pretty much agreed that we were going to make them get together! Unfortunately, Carl had to leave mid-afternoon. After a quick verbal goodbye to the others, he smiled at me and pulled me into a hug before running off. “Looks like you've got ANOTHER admirer!” Oli joked. I could have killed him. The look on Mark's face was painful at his comment, but I did my best to bypass it. “No, it's nothing like that. We just get on well, that's all. We developed a bond when we were doing time, you see. You wouldn't understand, it's a detention thing!” I joked, thankfully getting a laugh from the other two. Keen not to let the conversation slide back into something potentially depressing, I said happily, “You were right Mark, about my powers. I tried it out earlier. I was controlling Danny while still controlling myself.” “Yeah, I thought you'd tried something.” Mark said, nodding gently as the three of us wandered aimlessly down a path through the park. “When you got all sleepy. You seem to do that after you've exerted yourself with it.” There he was doing it again. How was he so astute at picking up every little aspect of my powers and how they affected me? I wondered what else he might have thought of and decided the simple way to find out was just to ask. “Hey, you... seem pretty good at figuring out this thing I can do. Anything else you're thinking?” Oli was stood between us, his head darting from side to side as Mark and I spoke, as if watching a verbal tennis match, but remaining unusually quiet. “Yeah, kinda... well a few things really.” Mark said, his brow furrowing as he considered the question. “Well I'm feeling a little more alert now.” I said as we turned down the path towards the playground. “I could try something.” We stopped when we reached a bench, Mark and I sitting on it normally while Oli climbed up and perched on the back of it, looking down at us both. “Well, I was thinking about how much you possess someone, if that makes sense.” Mark started. “We know you can take them over completely, and we know you can share, but I was wondering if you could maybe do it... a bit less?” I wasn't quite following. I looked up at Oli who just shrugged, not that I really expected him to grasp it any more than I did. “What I mean is, could you go into someone's mind, but still let THEM be in control?” Mark explained. Once again I couldn't help being impressed by his ingenuity. “Why don't I try it!” I said. “Oli, wanna be the guinea pig?” “Sure, fine by me.” Oli said with a grin. “Okay, give me a second.” I said, attempting to relax my body as I closed my eyes. I visualised what I could already do, imagining my mind as a giant circle. I thought about sending my mind whole, the entire circle, as I had been doing from the start. Then I imagined splitting the circle in half and just sending that, as I had with Danny earlier. Then came the next step. I imagined jast a smaller segment of the circle breaking away and going into Oli. “Whoa.” I said as I felt that part of my mind transferring. I opened my eyes and found myself seeing double again. “Well I'm in Oli.” I said from my own body. “Well?” Mark asked, looking up at Oli. “I... I don't feel anything!” Oli stuttered, presumably expecting something more. “But I'm definitely in there. Here, try this.” I said, turning away and covering my eyes. “Mark, hold up any number of fingers.” Mark raised a hand with three fingers up in front of Oli. “Three.” I said. “Four.” I added as he raised a fourth. “Ah, that's so freaky.” Oli called out, staring round at me wide-eyed. “So you're in my head right now? What am I thinking?” “The same thing you always think when I'm in your head. You want me to make you strip, and it's making you super-horny!” I laughed. Oli shrugged. “He's not wrong.” he sniggered. “Oh my God.” I said, looking down. I had a very obvious erection showing. “How did that happen?” “Awesome!” Mark said excitedly, jumping up from the bench. “That was going to be my next test. I figured you can see and hear from the mind you're in, so I wondered if you could feel other things too. Oli's getting horny, but you can feel it!” “Does it work both ways?” I asked, reaching down and grabbing the bulge. Oli flinched and nearly fell off the bench. “That's a yes then!” Mark laughed. I smiled but groaned. “Okay, that's enough.” I said, returning the part of my mind from Oli's head back into my own. Mark and Oli both seemed more excited than me about the prospects of what this could mean for my antics. Personally I was just struggling to stay awake again! I got home shortly before dinner, as 'requested' by Mum. When I got there, Mum told me dinner was nearly ready and to head straight into the dining room. As I passed the lounge I saw Danny and Liam sat on the sofa with a couple of pizza boxes on the coffee table in front of them. It looked like Mum had made the same arrangements for Danny that she had for me, which I hoped should cheer up the miserable little git a little. “Hey Danny, hi Liam.” I said, poking my head in. “Hi Nicky.” Liam said with a polite smile. “Hey.” Danny said, looking uncharacteristically cheerful. Part of me had actually expected him to be unpleasant to me again, having a friend there to show off in front of, so I was quite surprised. “You staying over, Liam?” Liam nodded happily. He was a sweet kid and I felt a sudden surge of embarrassment over what I had experienced in his body, followed by a twinge of guilt over getting him caught by his Mum. It passed quickly though as I noticed a slightly worried frown spreading across Danny's face. I shot him a questioning look and he jumped off the sofa. “I'll be right back.” he said to Liam, who was grabbing another slice of pizza. The boy nodded in response as Danny headed for me and went out into the hallway. “Whassup Danny?” I asked as I followed him, tilting my head as I looked down at him. “I just... sorry, about earlier.” he said in barely more than a whisper. I could understand his reluctance. Apologising was very much not his style so I decided not to rub it in. “No problem, bro.” I said casually with a shrug, turning to head towards the dining room. “Nicky.” He said, grabbing my arm. As I looked round at him, he looked like he had tears in his eyes. “What do I do... if it happens again tonight.... with Liam there?” he asked, blushing profusely and fighting back tears. “Hey.” I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Don't even worry about it. I'm sure it won't.” “Yeah, but what if it does?” he asked insistently. “Then... you message me again and I'll take care of everything, discreetly!” I reassured him. Obviously I was confident it wouldn't happen again... as I had no intention of making it happen again, but he really didn't look sure. “Trust me, I'm your big bro. Now, can I hug you without you calling me a fag or something?” Already embarrassed about the conversation, he seemed to turn a brighter red as I reminded him of how mean he was to me, but he nodded anyway. I leant down and pulled him into a quick hug. I expected him to just stand there while I did it, but he wrapped his arms around me too and held on tightly. As we let go, I smiled and said, “Go on, your pizza's getting cold!” He didn't say anything, but smiled weakly back at me and nodded before running in to rejoin Liam. I still didn't know what to make of him. I suspected that by tomorrow he'd be back to his old self again and I'd just be 'faggot', but I continued to hope for some kind of breakthrough. As I joined Mum and Dad in the dining room for dinner, my mind lingered on him. His situation reminded me a little of Mark's. I had hurt them both with my powers and ended up with better relationships because of it. It was confusing to think that good things kept coming from bad deeds, but that seemed to be the way it was going. I tried not to over-think it, instead focusing on what ways I could use the new aspects of my power. ***** As I sat in my room that evening, chatting away to Mark, Oli and Carl in the group Whatsapp conversation Oli had started earlier, I started thinking about Danny again. I wanted to check up on him, but didn't want to disturb him. I figured it could be a good excuse to practice with my powers some more and decided to try occupying his head without controlling him. A few moments' concentration and I found myself in his head. To reduce the headache I seemed to get from too much sensory input, I made myself lay down on my bed and close my eyes, focusing solely on Danny. As I entered his mind, I heard Liam mid-way through a sentence. “... woke up and I was naked and Mum was just staring. I could have died!” Danny started laughing. A sweet, innocent laugh, not like the cruel taunting laugh that normally followed one of his insults. “Oh, that's harsh.” Danny giggled. I didn't know Danny COULD giggle! “After that, she made Dad have 'the talk' with me. I don't know who was more embarrassed, me or him!” Liam chuckled. “I've not had that yet.” Danny said. I could feel him smiling. I could feel something else too... my own body was getting aroused. Danny was actually getting turned on by the conversation! “I bet my dad would chicken out and get Martin to do it.” “Or Nicky!” Liam added, then smiled. “I like your brothers, they're pretty cool.” I felt Danny shrug. 'Yeah, they are.' He thought. “Meh, whatever.” he said. “Hey, have you ever wondered what it might be like to... erm...” Liam started, but his confidence seemed to drain away with every word until he finally trailed off. “To what?” Danny asked. 'Jerk off someone else, please say jerk off someone else!' I could hear him think desperately. I was amazed at the thoughts going through his head and immediately began to wonder if Danny might be more like me and Martin than he realised! “To... erm.... play with.... someone else's.... thingie.” Liam finally completed shyly. 'Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!' ran through Danny's mind, but he once again played it cool. He shrugged and replied, “Sometimes.” I'm not sure what made me do it, but I had a sudden urge to speak but just thought, 'Why? D'you wanna try it?' It came as quite a surprise to me when Danny actually said the words. Did we just think alike or had I just influenced him into saying it? “Yeah!” Liam said happily, groping at his cock through his jeans. I knew I should leave. I knew it was weird, and wrong, a perverted to stay, but I couldn't help myself. Curiosity and hormones simply got the better of me. “D.... do you... wanna do me first?” Liam asked nervously. I could feel Danny's heart pounding, his cock throbbing. Through the connection, I was feeling the same thing. To say he was horny would be a fairly substantial understatement. 'Take your clothes off.' I thought. “Why don't you take your clothes off.” Danny said. I still didn't know if there was a chance he was saying it of his own accord, or at my influence. Liam laughed nervously, but quickly pulled off his shirt, jeans and socks, then stood nervously in just his tented briefs. His bulge looked smaller than I remembered, but wondered if that may have simply been because I was now seeing it from a different perspective. 'Take them off, pleeeeease take them off.' I could hear Danny thinking, but he remained silent as Liam just stood there. 'You take them off for him.' I thought. Seconds later, Danny was moving forward, reaching for the underwear. Liam stared in terrified excitement as his small erection popped free, Danny wasting no time in grabbing hold of it. “Whoa.” Liam said with a shudder as he felt Danny's hand on his previously-untouched erection. Danny grinned, obviously enjoying it as much as Liam. I remained in his head, watching the show and feeling less and less guilty about it the hornier I got. “I need to lay down.” Liam eventually said, laying down on the bed. Danny sat beside him, resuming his eager stroking. His hand was on his own cock, rubbing eagerly until Liam reached out and grabbed it. “Hey, save something for me to do!” Liam joked, his words slightly juddery from the waves of pleasure Danny was causing. “Okay.” Danny said back, releasing himself. A minute of stroking later, Liam began to whimper more loudly, his orgasm rapidly approaching. “Shit, shit, shit..... fuuuuck!” He moaned in ecstasy as his entire body began to twitch. That was when I stepped in. I concentrated on taking control and took over Danny's arm, but ensuring I didn't take over completely. It was important that he saw what he was doing. I continued stroking Liam's cock right through the orgasm. “I'm done.... you.... can stop.” Liam gasped. “Not yet.” I said happily. “Just go with it.” Liam's eyes widened but he smiled and nodded, laying back and closing his eyes. He continued whimpering, his cock ridiculously sensitive as I stroked him closer and closer to a second dry orgasm. “Holy.... whoa....” Liam gasped as his body was rocked by a second wave of intensity. One hand grabbed at the bed while the other found its way onto Danny's leg, squeezing tightly. “I'm gonna keep going.” I said as I continued stroking. As soon as I had said it, I relaxed my control on Danny's mind, hoping he would continue what I had started. He did. His hand kept moving even after I had relinquished control. Feeling like I had done enough, and wanting Danny to have some of this private moment actually stay private, I returned to my own body. As soon as I was fully back in my own mind I found myself suddenly feeling very alone. I had quickly got used to sharing someone else's head. I also had another problem... a raging erection. I quickly thought of a way to resolve both problems. [Gimme a blow job!] I sent to Martin. I didn't care about the lack of subtlety, I knew it would get the job done. I was right. A minute later, Martin appeared at my door and quickly got to work. All he said before was, “Don't forget to pay me back!” and then we were straight down to it. Then came the second part of my plan, the way to fight off the loneliness of being alone in my head. It helped that it was also a particularly devious prank too. I concentrated on Oli, sending a small part of my consciousness to him. As I took in the images he was seeing, I realised he was sitting in the lounge with his parents watching a movie. Perfect! A slight croak escaped his mouth as he was hit by the surge of arousal I brought with me, his cock rapidly expanding. I could feel a smirk spread over my own face as I felt him shuffling in his seat to hide the erection. Martin was wasting no time in getting to work on my cock, his lips quickly sliding up and down, his tongue lashing at the head on each stroke. Of course, that meant that Oli was feeling it too. “Ah.” Oli moaned before quickly squeezing his lips together. “You okay?” Oli's Mum asked, looking round at the noise with concern. “Y... yeah.” Oli managed to force himself to say with a very weak smile. 'Nicky, get out of my head!' Oli thought. I wondered if I could find some way to talk back to him, but figured that was something for another day. For now I just lay on my bed enjoying the blow job and remained in Oli's head sharing the sensations with him. I kept sniggering, getting confused looks from Martin. It was just so funny feeling Oli getting closer and closer to orgasm and trying so hard to conceal it from his parents. His jaw and fists were clenched, his breathing was getting faster, his chest pounding. “Fuuuuck!” I called out as I filled Martin's mouth with my spunk. Simultaneously, Oli erupted in his underwear. “Aaah.” he moaned, but started coughing, attempting to cover up his orgasm, but getting very strange looks from his parents. I couldn't take it any longer. I left Oli's mind, returned to my own and burst into laughter. Wiping cum from the corner of his mouth, Martin stood up and looked at me in confusion. I quickly filled him on on the new aspect of my powers and what I had just done and pretty soon he was laughing just as much as I was. We only stopped laughing when my phone beeped. I picked it up and immediately burst into laughter again. I turned it to show Martin. It was a message from Oli. [YOU CUNT!] Chapter 15 To say I woke up a bit excited on Sunday morning would be a colossal understatement. I had wanted to go to sleep early the previous night just so it would be morning sooner, but I just couldn't manage it, thoughts of my day with Riley keeping me wide awake. Fortunately I had Oli to keep me company via text message. After my prank, he had been furious, but very quickly saw the funny side of it. One of the things I loved about Oli was that he never stayed mad for long. I think the longest he's ever held a grudge is about half an hour. So with the initial annoyance out of the way we continued chatting late into the night. I kept trying to steer the conversation back onto the subject of him and Mark, but every time I did he just started talking about how much Mark liked me before managing to somehow segue onto his feelings for Martin. I eventually gave up and we just started discussing my powers again. My prank on him had given him an endless stream of ideas for things to do with my ability. I had a feeling it was going to be a long school week once we went back on Monday! I finally managed to get to sleep though, but ended up waking at shortly after six. I knew Riley had said his house mate would be gone that early, but I knew Mum wouldn't like me going out so early. I lay there willing the time to pass and cursing that time manipulation wasn't part of my power! I suddenly remembered the sleepover going on down the hall, thinking about the intimate situation I had left Danny and Liam in. I decided to quickly sneak a peek and see how it had ended up. I concentrated on Danny, taking over his mind completely. He had obviously still been asleep as his eyes were closed when I entered his mind. I opened them and looked round cautiously. I realised that both Danny and Liam were together on Danny's bed, not exactly cuddling, but with their limbs tangled enough to indicate they probably had been before going to sleep. I lay there just enjoying the closeness of another body beside me, not really thinking about or caring who it was. I wondered if this, along with our brief burst of brotherly love the night before, might actually start to change Danny a little. Whether he was gay or just experimenting, surely this would sway him away from calling me things like fag and bender. Not wanting to risk disturbing either of them, I returned to my own body. I stayed in bed watching videos on YouTube until I heard movement in the hallway. I waited a little longer before having a quick shower (well, as quick as you can when you only have one hand available and have to keep the other one dry!) I dressed and dashed downstairs into the kitchen where I eagerly poured a bowl of cereal and started scoffing it down at breakneck speed. “In a hurry, are you?” Dad asked with a frown as I shovelled in another mouthful. “Hey, I'm a popular guy, lots to do!” I said with my mouth half full. “I noticed that.” Dad said with a slight smile and nod. I stopped mid-chew and looked at him, tilting my head slightly as my brow furrowed. “You just seem to be much busier these days. It's nice to see, that's all.” Dad said casually, looking down at the newspaper on his iPad. I swallowed the half-chewed cereal. “It's not just me... Danny actually has a friend. Now THAT'S weird!” I said with a slight snigger. I saw a hint of a smile flash across my Dad's face. I could usually tell he was on my side when it came to dealing with Danny, but he remained ever the impartial father, not wanting to show favourites and visibly pick sides. “Don't be mean.” He scolded me totally unconvincingly. “Yes Dad.” I said back, still sniggering. “Hey, what time's dinner tonight?” “Probably late, after seven I'd say.” Dad replied, then gave me a puzzled look. “Going out?” “Yeah.” I said, attempting to sound casual. “I should be out all day... if that's okay?” Now it was Dad's turn to smirk. “Hot date?” he asked. I blushed profusely making the answer blindingly obvious, but protested anyway. “No, just doing something with friends.” I sat there dreading him making fun of me, or pointing out my embarrassment, but thankfully it never came. “That's fine. I'll let your Mum know.” “Thanks Dad.” I said with a slight sigh of relief. I quickly finished my breakfast and was out of the house within minutes. I slightly regretted turning down Riley's offer to pick me up, but it was a nice morning so the walk was quite pleasant, even with my cock stiffening every couple of minutes in anticipation before finally going down again. By the time I reached Riley's door and knocked, my heart was pounding. As soon as the door opened, I surged forward, wrapping my arms around Riley's waist and holding him tightly. He took a step back, making me move along with him, then shut the door and put his arms around me too. “I missed you.” He said, kissing the top of my head. I didn't reply. I couldn't. The immensity of my feelings just completely overwhelmed me and all I could so was stand there and hold him. It finally died down after several minutes and I managed to reply, “I missed you too, so much!” As we parted he looked at me, frowning gravely. “What's wrong?” he asked. When I looked at him quizzically, he reached up and wiped a tear from my cheek. I looked at the drop of moisture on his finger then stared at him in shock before wiping my face. I hadn't even realised I was crying. “I... I'm just... I'm so happy to see you.” I stuttered truthfully. He smiled, staring at me affectionately. “Come on, let's go before you set me off too.” He said, placing a hand on my back and guiding me through to the lounge. I sat down on the sofa, feeling a little bit embarrassed about my reaction to seeing him. He didn't say anything as he sat beside me, he just leant back into the sofa and pulled me to him, holding me silently. It was exactly what I needed to calm my nerves, sitting there, feeling him pressed against my side, his arm wrapped around me. I felt bad interrupting the peaceful moment, but I had something else on my mind and I couldn't hold it in any longer. “Hey... erm... how about we... go to your bedroom”? I requested nervously. He grinned down at me. “A bit keen are you?” he asked with a wink. “I just... want... you!” was all I could say, and I meant it! “Come on then.” He said, still smiling, but looking at me now with a lusty gaze to match my own. As he lead me upstairs, we entered his room. I'm not sure what I was expecting from his bedroom, but I was pleasantly surprised by what I saw. It was mostly tidy, just with a few random items of clothing dotted around. The decoration was fairly neutral, the large windows flooding the room with light. A few pictures hung on the walls and a couple of movie posters. His bed was a king-size and I couldn't help thinking that there would be plenty of room for us to have some fun. I pulled off my t-shirt before jumping onto the bed, turning to face him as I bounced. He smiled, pulling off his own top as he came over to join me. He grabbed hold of me and pulled me into a kiss. It started gently, sweetly, affectionate, but within a few minutes it had turned into an almost ravenous devouring, hands grasping at each others' bodies as we rolled around. Every now and then I would feel a twinge of pain as his weight pressed down on my ribs, but it soon passed and the kissing continued. When we finally had to stop and catch our breaths, he was positioned above me, staring down into my eyes, supporting most of his own weight on his elbows positioned either side of me. “Would you...” I started, but then stopped, nerves getting the better of me until he gently kissed my cheek and nodded. I tried again. “Would you... like to fuck me?” The look of shock on his face was both endearing and scary. I wondered if I had taken it too far. Had I suggested something he didn't want? The look of surprise soon softened into something more caring. “I'd love to, but... are you sure you want that?” I nodded enthusiastically. “I'm guessing you've never... done that?” he asked cautiously. In a way, I actually had. I had been in the body of someone who was getting fucked so I had an idea of how it felt, but now didn't exactly seem the best time to bring that up. I decided to be honest about everything else though. “I've fucked someone, but never the other way round.” He smiled again. “Just like me then!” He kissed me briefly. “And you're really sure you want to do this?” “I want you to be my first!” I said, my hands caressing his sides. “Okay, but.... let's take it easy, alright?” he said, climbing off. Once he was clear of the bed he removed the rest of his clothing. I don't know whether it was from the kissing or the prsopect of what we were about to do, but he was already hard. I removed my clothes too, then sat on the side of the bed, facing him. I had never felt so nervous about anything in my life, and it obviously showed! “Hey, relax.” He said, brushing my cheek with his fingers. “You just... lay back and I'll take care of everything!” I smiled back at him and lay back on the bed. He climbed over me again, but this time he nuzzled his face into my neck. He started working his way down my body, kissing, licking and stroking as I raised my hands to place them under my head. I closed my eyes and mewed happily as he touched every inch of me. He goal had presumably been to get me to relax and it most definitely worked, I had never felt as serene as I had in that moment. His tongue eventually found its way onto my balls, making me giggle a little. He licked them for a few moments, but instead of moving up as I had expected to lick my boner, his tongue moved downwards. He nudged my legs apart, spreading them wide and suddenly it felt like a jolt of electricity burst through me. “Whooooa!” I moaned, my hands grasping at the pillow, my eyes rolling back as I tried to look down. He pulled away for a moment. “Never been rimmed either then I'm guessing!” he giggled. He didn't wait for an answer before diving back in, attacking my hole with his tongue. I lay there, writhing with pleasure as his tongue worked its magic. My cock was oozing precum excitedly. I felt a little disappointed when he stopped, but his tongue was soon replaced with a finger, sending a whole new wave of feelings through me. He pushed gently, until just the tip entered me. “Haaa.” I moaned in surprised pleasure. “If I hurt you, just say stop.” Riley whispered to me. I just smiled back and nodded for him to continue. The finger continued inwards until the whole thing was inside. He pulled it back out slowly until just the tip remained, then slowly slid it back in again. My eyes were closed as I enjoyed the sensations but ever time I peeked down at him, he was grinning up at me, obviously loving every second of pleasure he was giving me. When he pulled the finger out completely I thought he was done, but moments later the finger returned accompanied by a second one. I felt a slight twinge of pain for just a second as they pushed into my hole, but I did my best to relax and it soon passed. He resumed his finger fucking, but this time bent his fingers slightly, bringing them into contact with my prostate. “HOLY FUCK!” I called out as he found that magic spot. My fingers were gripped so tightly into the pillow under my head that I thought I might rip right through it. “You like that then?” he asked with a giggle. All he got back from me was a pathetic whimper. It felt like I was being jerked off from the inside and it was starting to edge me closer and closer to cumming. “I'm... I... you're... make me.... cum.” I gasped as his fingers continued probing. I was getting closer and closer. I tried to speak, but my body refused to respond, my back arching, fingers tearing at the pillow, toes curled. He stopped right at the last second, leaving me torn between relief and disappointment at not cumming. After a few seconds I had recovered enough to lay flat on the bed and look down at him. He was stroking his own cock, lubricating it. The look on his face was almost enough to make me cum. It was pure ravenous lust. “You sure?” he asked again as he positioned the head of his cock against my desperate hole. “I want you inside me!” I pleaded. He nodded and I immediately felt pressure against my sphincter. It began stretching open to allow him inside. His cock was significantly bigger than his two fingers and he could tell I was struggling, so pulled back out. He pushed in again, getting just a little further, stopping once again as he saw my face contort with pain. It took three more partial entries before I felt the whole head pop inside me. “Oh my... aaaaah.” I moaned, eyes wide, panting. I released one of my hands from the pillow and reached down towards him. He immediately grabbed it with his own hand, squeezing gently. He returned to his back and forth method, but this time just pushing a little further inside me before pulling back to just keep the head inside. As he shifted slightly on one of his inward strokes, I felt pressure against my prostate again and my cock twitched, making me moan excitedly as my hand squeezed his. He obviously picked up on the pleasure he was causing at that particular angle and continued it. After four more thrusts I called out, “Fuuuuuuuuck!” as my cock erupted. It twitched wildly without a hand around it, catapulting cum all over us both. “Looks like I can make you cum without touching it too!” he teased, but I was barely able to even hear his taunt. He continued thrusting in and out until I felt his pelvis pressing against my rear, he was fully inside me. He paused for a moment, staring down at me as I recovered from the orgasm. “Kiss me.” I begged. He seemed more than happy to comply, leaning down towards me as I stretched up to him. Even the pain in my side wouldn't stop me. Our lips met and he began slowly pumping in and out of me as we kissed. When it parted, I flopped back on the bed but he remained hovering over me. “Oh God, I love you!” I whimpered, completely caught up in the moment before freezing as I realised what I had just said. Not only had I said it, I'd said first! His face scared me, just a blank stare. I thought I had made a big mistake until he whispered back, “I love you too!” We both laughed, chuckling slightly from relief. He sped up his pumping and I started to feel like I was going to cum again. From the noises he was making, it was clear he was getting close too. Another minute of fucking and he began whimpering excitedly along with me. “Shiiiit!” he called out as he started to shoot inside me. As he did it, he grabbed my cock and stroked it. It took mere seconds of stimulation before I was shooting along with him, me adding to the load still on my stomach as he filled my insides with his hot spunk. “Oh... my.... God!” he gasped between laboured breaths. “Uh huh!” I agreed. My cock felt like it was on fire as it recovered from the double load while my rear was starting to ache. He pulled out then flopped at my side. He reached down and played with the cum on my body. He scooped some up on his finger, raised it to his lips and sucked it off as I watched in aroused amazement. He reached down again and scooped up a little more. I opened my mouth subconsciously. He moved his finger towards my mouth and I raised up a little to meet it, but at the last second he pulled it away, licking it himself once again with a giggle. He returned the finger once more and this time fed my spunk to me. For the remaining jizz, he leant down and sucked it all into his mouth, then moved back up to kiss me. My cum mingled between our mouths as we embraced. When we finally parted, he lay back with his head on the pillow beside mine, looking sideways at me. I smiled as I looked back. “You said you love me!” he said, a look of pure amazement in his eyes. I blushed a little, but replied, “And you said you love me too!” Neither of us said another thing as I cuddled up against him. He slipped an arm around my shoulders. Exhausted from my first fuck and two orgasms, I quickly nodded off as we cuddled. I'm not sure how much later I woke up, but as I looked up I realised he was asleep too but remained holding me tightly, even unconscious! I shifted slightly, resting my head on his chest and let myself drift off again. The second time I woke up, he was awake before me, staring down at me. I smiled up at him then returned my head to resting on his chest. Waking up with him was absolutely amazing, but that started me thinking about other things. With each breath I took, I could feel the smile fading from my face, replaced by something else. “Hey, you okay?” he asked, tilting his head to look down at me. I sniffed slightly. “It's just.... waking up with you... it's amazing!” I started. “And that's.... bad?” he asked, confused at my apparent sadness. “Riley, what we're doing, it's not even legal for another... thirteen months. And even once it's legal, it'd be another two years until we could tell anyone without you losing your job.” I explained what was troubling me. “That's more than three years before I can wake up with you every morning.” He didn't say anything back, obviously considering what I had just said. He finally asked, “Does that mean... you don't want this? Do you... want out?” I could hear the fear in his voice. I sat up and stared round at him. “Oh God, no. I was... I just thought YOU might want out!” He reached up and stroked my cheek before sliding his fingers through my hair, his hand coming to rest against the side of my head. “If I have to wait three years to spend every night with you, I'll wait three years. Hell, I'd wait thirty!” “Me too.” I said happily. In a matter of seconds I had gone from almost crying tears of sadness, to fighting back tears of joy. It still made me sad to think how tough it would be waiting that long, but knowing we both wanted it made it so much easier. I stretched then rubbed my eyes. “I can't believe you let me fall asleep, how much of our day have you let me waste?” I demanded slightly grumpily. He chuckled as he sat up to face me. “Okay, firstly it's only been an hour and secondly, it wasn't a waste. If I hadn't let you fall asleep, I never would have seen how cute you are doing it!” I blushed at being called cute then sheepishly replied, “Well I suppose it was nice to snooze together like that.” “It was.” he agreed with a grin, laying back down and gesturing for me to rejoin him. As we lay together again, I let my hand gently caress his body. I really loved his muscles and a fine soft hair covering them. I had never really been into hairy guys before, always preferring guys my own age with similar development to my own, but there was something about him that was just completely irresistible. My fingers found their way onto his nipple, making him shudder. I giggled at the reaction and did it again, watching excitedly as his cock twitched quickly to full firmness. “You little tease.” he sniggered. I felt him nudge me in response to my teasing I pulled my hand away and said, “Sorry, I'll behave. Don't wanna set you off again!” I had absolutely intention of behaving, but he didn't need to know that! I moved my head slightly so that every breath exhaled through my nose would go straight across his sensitive nipple. Within a few breaths, his cock was dancing in time with my breaths. “I know what you're doing!” he said flatly. I had to stifle a giggle as I kept doing it, getting a growl from him. I couldn't resist his twitching cock any more, I moved down and took it into my mouth, sucking eagerly. Now it was his turn to lay back while I did the work. I slid it in and out of my mouth as I let my other hand caress his balls. He was soon moaning happily as he approached his second orgasm of the morning. “Oh, ohhhh, yeah.” he moaned as he coated the back of my throat with a surprisingly large load. I swallowed the lot, then returned silently to my previous position on his chest as his hand came to rest on my back. “I wonder how many times I can make you cum in one day!” I mused quietly as his cock softened. He laughed, but stopped as I looked up at him, biting my lip playfully. “Oh God, you're serious, aren't you!” “Maybe.” I smiled innocently as my fingers found their way back to his nipple. “Ah no, come on!” he pleaded as I began squeezing it. “Aaah.” I moved up and pressed my lips against his, prodding them open with my tongue to explore inside as he returned the gesture. I continued playing with the nipple as we kissed, feeling twinges of excitement as his moans echoed into my mouth. Once we parted, I was delighted to see that despite cumming mere minutes before, my teasing had got him hard once again. I returned my head to his chest, replacing my fingers on his nipple with my lips. “Oh god, oh god, oh god.” he whimpered as my tongue lashed at the sensitive nub. I reached down and took hold of his cock, making him jump slightly, it was still extremely sensitive from his last orgasm. I started stroking slowly, letting my nipple-teasing do most of the work. His whimpering sounded more like crying every now and then and I kept looking up ensure it wasn't! Despite the noises he was making, it was apparent he was definitely enjoying it. It took quite a while to make him cum again, but when he did his entire body spasmed, bucking me off of his chest as he yelled out in pleasure. I managed to keep hold of his cock, stroking it until he couldn't take any more and nudged my hand away. “Holy sh... I mean... that was... oh... fuck!” he gasped as he came down from the extreme high of his third release. I sat staring at him, very pleased with my work as he panted his way back to normality. “Well that's three, and I've only been here a couple of hours!” I said happily. “Oh fuck, no more, please!” He said, half laughing, half whimpering as he reached acorss and placed a hand on my leg. I shrugged casually. “I suppose I can let you have a bit of a break for now.” “That's very kind of you!” he sniggered, sitting up and shuffling to the edge of the bed. “Hey, where are you going?” I demanded, moving behind him. I wrapped my arms around his chest and rested my chin on his shoulder. He grabbed my arms and tilted his head against mine, enjoying the feel of me pressed against him for a few moments. He turned his head, kissed my cheeks and said, “I'm getting dressed before you pounce on me again!” “Fine.” I said, nuzzling my head against his. “But don't get used to it. I want you naked as much as possible today!” He laughed at my keenness then stood as I let my arms slip away from him. I quickly dressed at the same time and jumped back onto the bed. I suddenly found myself a little nervous about what we would do next. So far, all of our time together had been taken up by kissing and sex, but I knew we couldn't exactly do just that, despite my seemingly insatiable desire to make him cum. What exactly could we do if we weren't doing that? “What would you like to do?” he asked with a sweet smile, obviously thinking the same sort of thing as me. I wondered what to suggest. A Sunday on my own or with Oli would normally consist of playing video games, reading comics or watching movies, but he was a grown-up... he would do grown-up things. I didn't want to sound immature so I opened it up to him. “Well what would you normally do on a Sunday?” “Well I'd normally go for a workout at the gym, but you've pretty much given me a workout already!” He said with a grin, moving to stand in front of me. He placed his hands on my shoulders, staring down at me. “Other than that, I wouldn't do much, it's kind of my day to relax.” “And how does a teacher relax?” I asked, grinning up at him as my hands found their way round onto his bum. He pulled away from me, making me scowl at having to release his buttocks, but he walked across the room and pulled open a large cabinet door. I stared in amazement. It was full floor to ceiling with video games, graphic novels and blu-rays. “Something wrong?” he asked with a grin. “I... you... that...” I stuttered. I shook my head and just said, “That's not what I expected!” He laughed at my response and replied, “Hey, don't let the muscles fool you. Underneath I'm pure geek!” “Oh God.” I said, staring down at the ground. “What? What's wrong?” he asked, momentarily panicking as he dashed over to kneel down in front of me. “You're actually too good to be true. I've gotta be dreaming. I know I'm just gonna wake up and second!” I said, then grinned at him as he realised I was only playing with him. He laughed and pulled me into a hug. “Nope, I'm all real.” he whispered in my ear. He left me exploring his collection as he went off to make some drinks. I was so engrossed in it that I didn't even hear him come back in, so when I felt his arms draping down over my shoulders it made me jump a little. His giggle earned him an elbow in the ribs. I spent the next hour trying out a load of different games. I offered to pick all 2-player ones but he said he was happy to just watch. We ended up sitting on the floor, with me between his legs, his arms around my waist as I leaned against him. As I played, he occasionally nibbled at my neck or ear, distracting me from the game, but I wasn't complaining! Eventually, I put down the controller and just leaned back against him, enjoying the feeling of his arms around me. When my stomach made a lour rumbling noise, he laughed and said, “Guessing you're hungry then?” “Starving!” I replied dreamily as I took hold of his hands. We got up and headed down to his kitchen. I sat at the breakfast bar, watching as he set about making us some lunch. We had said we loved each other, we had fucked, we had made each other cum multiple times, we had kissed more times than I could count, but I still felt myself blushing every time he peered round and caught me watching him. Once lunch was prepared, we took it into the lounge and started watching a movie, cuddling up together to watch the rest of it after the food was all gone. We paused the film half an hour later to go and get dessert. As we cuddled again after scoffing down dessert, I started playing with his nipples. By the time the film was done, he was virtually on edge. Seeing how much I had turned him on had got me pretty aroused too. As the credits rolled, I sat up and looked round at him. “You know how you were the first guy to fuck me....” I said tentatively. “Yeah.” he said, his eyes narrowing slightly. I squirmed a little in my seat, subconsciously playing with my bulge. “Well I was wondering... could I be your first too?” I asked quietly, blushing. He grinned, his head tilting slightly. “You... want to fuck me?” he asked with a one-sided smirk. “Sorry, it was a stupid idea.” I said, staring down at the sofa. “You know I've never been fucked before.” he said, reaching out and placing his hand under my chin to tilt my head back up. “That's because I've never wanted anyone to.” He leaned forward and kissed me for a few seconds, his hand still under my chin. “But I want you to!” He looked as nervous as I had been before he fucked me, which just made him look even more adorable than usual. I couldn't believe he was going to let me, that he actually wanted me to do it. He jumped up from the sofa and flashed a cheeky grin at me. “But you're gonna have to catch me first!” He dashed for the stairs. I ran after him, following up to his room where he had stopped, standing beside the bed. I took a running jump at him, wrapping my arms and legs around him. He staggered back and fell onto the bed with me on top of him. “Caught you!” I said happily as I planted another enthusiastic kiss on his lips. By the time we were naked, I was in no mood for foreplay or the sensual teasing he had done to me before our earlier fuck. I just lubed up quickly, applying a little to his hole too, then started pushing in. “Aaaah.” he moaned happily as I pushed inside him. He was tight, but I suspected that despite his anal virginity, he had enjoyed a few toys before. Kneeling there thrusting into him with his legs over my shoulders was quite a different experience to what I had done with Mark. While I had enjoyed the feeling of him riding my cock, the control had been his so I was subject to his desires. Now though, I could do what I wanted, changing my angle to pound at his prostate more or less whenever I felt like it. As I positioned myself to maximise his prostate stimulation, I grabbed his cock and started stroking. Already on edge from my earlier nipple teasing and pushed even closer by his first experience at bottoming, it only took a few strokes to make him shoot a small load on his stomach. Looked like his tank was finally starting to empty! He definitely enjoyed it though based on the gasping noises and huge grin plastered across his face. I wanted to go faster, to cum quickly, but I was enjoying it too much. I wanted it to go on forever and more importantly, I wanted to get another load out of Riley! That was when the idea popped into my head! As I stared at him, I allowed a small portion of my mind to enter his head. Suddenly I could see myself, but more than that, the sensations I was experiencing doubled. I could not only feel myself fucking Riley, but I could feel him getting fucked. He obviously felt it too, his eyes widening with shock as he suddenly felt both things at the same time. It must have been especially disorienting for him as he had no idea why he was feeling it! I did my best not to listen to his thoughts, my intrusion into his head was meant purely to increase our sexual pleasure, not to spy on him, but I couldn't help it. There was one thought running through his head over and over, it was like he was screaming it at me. 'I love him, I love him so much, I love him!' I almost cried. Being the one to say it first, I had been worried that he had just said it back reflexively, but that fear was now assuaged. He loved me as much as I loved him. With tears in my eyes, I gasped in ecstasy as he reached for his cock. It was beyond belief. I was simultaneously feeling myself fucking, getting fucked and getting jerked off. With a whimper so high-pitched I was convinced only dogs would be able to hear it, I shot inside him, triggering his orgasm too. My entire body convulsed with wave after wave of mind-boggling, toe-curling pleasure. Still cumming, I collapsed forward onto him and allowed the part of my mind in his head to return to me. All concept of time seemed to vanish as I lay there on him, gasping desperately to regain my breath as he did the same. “Holy... fucking... shit!” he groaned when he regained the ability to speak. All I could do was laugh sympathetically. He took a few more deep breaths and added, “No, seriously, that was... that was insane. Oh my god!” “Yeah, not that I've got much to compare to, but that was good, right?” I asked, seeking his already-obvious approval. “Good?” he chuckled. “Good doesn't come close!” As I attempted to move, our bodies seemed almost stuck together, glued by a mix of cum and sweat. “I think I need a shower!” I giggled. He reached up and took my head in both hands, pulling me up to kiss him. He smiled as we parted and said, “Yeah, me too.” He let his hands slide down my back, cupping my buttocks. “Wanna share one?” “Hell yes!” I said eagerly, jumping off of him. By now I had gotten used to the dull ache in my side from my exertions. I took it as a good sign that I could actually work through it, hopefully it was a sign that I was healing well. I followed Riley into the bathroom where he turned on the shower, adjusting the temperature and complaining about how he had to readjust it every time he used it because his house mate liked it a different way. Once it was running the way he liked it, he stepped in. I followed, but had to keep my cast away from the spray. “I forgot about that!” Riley said, looking at my arm as the water ran down his head onto his body. For a moment I couldn't respond, mesmerised by how good he looked wet! When I shook myself out of it, I frowned a little as I realised my cast would likely stop us enjoying the shower together as much as I had hoped. “Hey, why don't I give you a hand!” He said with a sweet smile. “You just keep the hand dry, I'll do the rest.” “Okay.” I said quietly, blushing a little. He started washing me, lathering up my body with shower gel. He looked like he was enjoying touching me as much I was enjoying his careful attention. I closed my eyes as he shampooed my hair then rinsed it out. In between touched, he washed himself too and within a few minutes we were both spotlessly clean again and I expected him to turn off the shower. Instead he stood behind me and pulled me against him. I was already semi-hard from his touches, but as he started kissing my neck and shoulder, I was soon back up to full stiffness. His hands were slid under my arms, wrapping around my stomach and quickly working downwards. “What are you...” I started before he interrupted. “Well I'm at five and you're only at three. You need to catch up!” he growled in my ear. I would have protested if the low rumble of his assertion hadn't turned me on so much. Instead I just let his hands start working their magic. I closed my eyes, submitting to his control. His body pressed against my back, the warm water flowing over us, his hand caressing my chest, the stroking of my cock, it was a sublime medley of sensations. As amazing as the orgasm felt, I was sad when it happened. I just felt so close to Riley in that moment that I wanted to stay frozen like that forever. I remained in a daze until I felt the water stop flowing. “All done.” he whispered in my ear before nibbling it gently. As we stepped out, he grabbed a towel and dried me off, peppering my body with gentle kisses over each area he dried. We headed back to his room and dressed as I picked out another game to play, insisting that Riley join in with me. It was weird. Despite the obvious age difference, it was just like hanging out with my best friend. Obviously he was no replacement for Oli, but it just felt great to realise we could spend time together in a non-sexual way. As we played, I ended up making a challenge out of it, with the loser having to remove an item of clothing for each game lost. Inevitably this soon led to us both being naked, which in turn led to us both getting hard. Amazingly, neither of us made a move. Perhaps it was from mutual sexual exhaustion, or perhaps we were just enjoying what we were doing. Either way, we both remained naked and hard until I looked at the clock and realised it was almost time to go. “You look.... almost happy to be going!” he said, frowning at my smile as we both re-dressed. “No, it's not that.” I said as I thought about it. “It's just.... every other time I've had to leave here, I've always been secretly worried that you wouldn't want me to come back.” “Aww.” he said, pulling me into a momentary hug. “But you don't feel that this time?” he asked. I shook my head as I grinned. “Nope. You love me, I love you... I'll be back!” I said happily. He couldn't help smiling along with me as he thought about it. “I guess you're right.” We only kissed goodbye five times for a change, significantly less than at my last visit. He again offered to take me home but I said I was looking forward to the walk and soon set off on my way with a final kiss.