Amelia and Aeidou get sidetracked before their meal arrives and Amelia ends up getting her favorite appetizer, twice. *This draft is after a major edit and is probably the final draft. Do tell me if you spot something.* (Draft) Remiel's Enlightenment - Chapter 10 by Zmeydros (Edited by Tiliquain and Secretskunk) The light fixtures above our heads repeated the voluptuous shapes from the entrance, looking incredibly lewd without outright depicting anything erotic. This establishment didn't need to put porn up for people to know what happened in here, they could see it for themselves. Two tables over, a pair of lesbian newlyweds were making out while they sat in the laps of Lezveioans who were clearly enjoying being inside them. Every so often, they'd grab translucent lavender-colored candy-bar-like-things on a plate next to them and share it as part of their kiss. "Always nice to see human couples who share an attraction to our kind," Aeidou said. My head whipped toward her so fast, I got dizzy. I don't know why I cared if anyone in here noticed me staring, but it was just one of those feelings I couldn't shake. "Is that a common thing?" Aeidou nodded, "We're very popular with couples because we're known for our conscientiousness and openness around sex. It also helps that we run places like this where it's safe for people to explore their sexuality without judgement or human cultural expectations." Scrolling down on the menu that my implant had suspended above the glass tabletop, I asked, "Do you think humanity meeting your species is why Earth is so sexually open now?" "I'm sure we've contributed, but Earth was pretty sexually open by the time humans met us, otherwise they would've been far less able to form a friendship with my species." "That's a good point," I said, still having no idea what to order. The descriptions were in English, but most of the ingredients were Lezveioan. They had descriptions like "fruits from wetland guava-persimmon bush," but these were alien plants and they probably tasted nothing like their descriptions. Seeing my confused expression, she said, "Would you like help ordering?" "Yes, please," I said. "You haven't had our food before, correct?" she asked. "Never even looked at a Lezveioan menu," I said. "How about I just set up a sample platter for us? If you don't like something, I'll be happy to eat it." "That sounds perfect." My foot was twitching to some very old school Earth trance music while I waited for her to put in the order. The herm band had stopped playing right after we sat down and the fennec had put on some music. Now the band was mingling with fans throughout the seating area. Every one of the band members seemed completely at home in the nude and when people glanced at their bulges, they just got a proud twinkle in their eye that made my whole body warm. The hyena bassist was the band member I just couldn't take my eyes off of. She was currently fucking an orange Lezveioan who had her tail buried deep in the hyena's pussy. The hyena was so beautiful from her beefy arms and legs and wide body to the fuchsia highlights on her mohawk and the tip of her tail. I'd never thought about hyena hybrids before, but it was such a good look and she carried herself with a confidence that reminded me a lot of Ramda. The Lezveioan drummer was talking to someone, the iridescent yellow that underlaid her blue scales flashing me as she gestured. She looked to be trapped in a conversation she wasn't especially enjoying with a taller orange Lezveioan. Her eyes kept darting in Aeidou's direction whenever she seemed bored. As I turned to look back at Aeidou, my eyes drifted across her snout, neckline, and chest and the moment I was staring down into her cleavage, she said, "Need something?" she asked, her ears fanning wide with interest. "I was just realizing that Lezveioans are not as shark-like as I thought," I said. "Instead of shark skin, I'm seeing tiny round scales?" "Yes. The closest comparison to an Earth species would be semi-aquatic lizards. Like iguanas or sailfins," she held a hand out across the table so I could get a closer look. "The differences being that we're human-sized, sentient, and warm blooded, of course." Her hook-like claws had been carefully blunted. They were wider at the base than the tip and I wasn't sure how they worked because it didn't look like she'd filed them into that shape. There was this stretchy, semi-translucent webbing that went a bit past the first knuckle on each finger. As she flipped her hand over, I caught a flash of purple iridescence amongst her red-splotched pink scales and my gasp of awe got her to smile wide. The pink scales on her palms were a lighter pink and larger, looking far more protective. "Early in our evolution, we actually had the same niche as semi-aquatic reptiles, but eventually outgrew it, literally and figuratively," she says. I smirked at her comment as I felt her palm, my fingertips finding the scales smooth, but slightly grippy, kinda like a human palm, but more leathery. "Do you have thicker scales in other places that get a lot of abrasion or just your palms?" I asked, blushing as I realized what Aeidou might do with that. With a big toothy grin, she said, "Mind if I take off my clothes?" "Y-you want to take off your clothes? Like right now?" I asked. "Yes," she said. "I'd prefer to not to be introducing you to Lezveioan anatomy in the middle of sex and I'm in the mood to sate your curiosity." As my gaze drifted to the dozens of nearby patrons who were naked, some of them having sex, my heart started fluttering as my cheeks got warm. I was the only one here that would feel much of anything about her getting nude. "It's okay if not, it was just an impulse I had," she said. "No," I said, immediately running out of words. "Have I offended you?" Her ears drooped. "No, umm, you can..." I couldn't say it even though I doubted anyone could hear me. "Get naked?" Her ears fanned with excitement. "Nod if I've understood correctly." I nodded, my crotch warming. As she exposed her tummy by pulling off her long, low-V neck blouse, I realized most Lezveioans had torsos a bit on the long side which led to them being several centimeters taller than humans on average. Her bra was made out of a sheer red fabric that showed her modest breasts and large nipples. Her bra didn't look especially supportive, but her breasts didn't hang quite as much as human ones. And, come to think of it, there weren't any Lezveioans with pornstar breasts in here. Lots of them had moderate breasts that stood out more due to their pertness than their size. As Aeidou pulled her bra off over her head, I saw that the scales under her chin were larger than the ones on her neck. She rubbed her nipples and made a moaning purr as she arched her back. Her nipples got longer as they hardened, like twice the length of any human nipples I'd seen. Longer than the ends of my pinky fingers. "Our nipples get a lot more erect than human ones when we get excited," she said as her hands went to work unbuttoning her pants in front and back, freeing her tail. She slid her pants down revealing balls nearly as big as Ramda's, and a sheath that was a bit wider horizontally than vertically. All Lezveioans had pretty sizable balls, but considering they had twin shafts, it kinda made sense. I figured the sheath was wide because of the two pricks as well. Below her balls were some thicker scales on her inner thighs and ones on her knees that were a bit bigger than the scales that covered her elbows. She moved to my side and turned away from me, putting her round buttocks and thick tail right in front of me. "My tail might interest you." Now that it was naked and in front of me, the impressive width of her tail was even more obvious. It was easily a third the thickness of her torso and flattened out dramatically on the underside, the cross section practically a bell curve with the edge where the bottom met the top surprisingly thin. These thin flaps reminded me of shark fins; firm, but still elastic. If I pushed into one with a finger, I could make it curve at the edge, but it resisted deflection. It seemed like it would be useful for moving through water. Remembering the hyena and Lezveioan from earlier, I asked, "Are you able to manipulate stuff with your tails?" She grabbed my wrist with the end of her tail and then stuck the tip between my fingers before squeezing. "In antiquity, we hunted a lot in the shallows while there were strong waves or tides. We used the end of our tail to anchor ourselves." Her tail started twitching to the beat of a rather bouncy minimalist techno track that was playing in the background. "Oh neat, just how dexterous can they be?" I asked. The scales on the underside of her tail were like the ones on the palms of her hands, but thicker and a bit more slick. Near the tip, they were not exactly rough, but grippy. "As with all limbs, it all depends on the natural aptitude that person has as well as how much they practice manipulating things with it. I'm pretty good at wrapping mine around things and moving them, but I can't write my name or use tools that require precision." Aeidou looked at the Lezveioan drummer. "Heta'u can steal things from people's pockets with hers. She's not a thief, she just likes showing off." Aeidou chuckled, which had a bit of a purr to it. I don't know why I found it sexy, but it got me squirming. "Did she do something funny just now?" I asked, trying to avoid staring at Aeidou's scaly package. "No, I was remembering a time when Heta'u's intricate twirling of her drumsticks led to her losing one in the middle of a song. A crowd member tossed it back and she just had to show off by catching it with her tail. Then, since she never knows when to quit, she played the rest of that song with her tail holding that drumstick. But her tail isn't quite as nimble as her hands and her drumming sounded terrible even though she looked indomitable while doing it," Aeidou said, untangling her tail from my hand. Heta'u noticed Aeidou looking at her and waved that odd Lezveioan way, opening and closing her hand. Aeidou waved back. Then she turned to me and pointed at the scales that covered her muscular inner thighs, she said, "Can you guess why these are here?" I was too busy staring at her balls and sheath to realize she was talking to me and looked dumbly up at her. "I'll take that as a 'no'." She chuckled. "One thing humans often complain about is chafing due to their thighs rubbing together. My species spent lots of time going in and out of the sea and without these smooth scales, we'd probably get a lot of chafing. We have thick thighs due to our bodies being specialized for leaping into the water after prey." She grabbed my hand gently and brought it toward her right inner thigh. "Here, feel them. I think you'll like it." As I got butterflies in my stomach, my hand came into contact with the satiny scales between her legs. No human skin, nothing I'd ever touched, felt this smooth. A long, drawn out, "Wow," was all I managed to say. "You can reach up higher," she said. My wrist brushed her balls as I moved my fingers up. I froze, feeling the heat between her legs. "Don't worry, I knew what I was asking you to do. You can keep going if you'd like," she said. The blush on my cheeks spread down my neck as I reached up under her balls, finding warmth and more smooth scales. The back of her sac was resting on my wrist, feeling nice and heavy. Although Aeidou wasn't moaning, I could feel a vibration, like purring and hear her breathing deeply. I looked up at her, my hand freezing again. If I reached up any higher, I knew I'd bump into her sex. Running the tips of her claws lightly across my scalp, she said, "You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. I won't be disappointed if you stop and I will welcome you if you continue." What made Aeidou so different from Ezzie and Ramda is that even though I nearly had my hand against her snatch and we were in public, I felt far less nervous than I should've been. It was like she radiated calm along with her sex appeal. Having about ninety percent of the courage I needed, my eyes darted around to nearby tables and found only the hyena was keeping an eye on us. Everyone else was watching a Lezveioan laying atop a table who was getting utterly destroyed by two others. I gulped and took a deep breath. Feeling my breasts rise and fall, I felt giddy: maybe I wanted the hyena to see me. As my fingers came into contact with Aeidou's plump, hot slit, she let out this gentle coo that made my heart soar with happiness. I started feeling around, my prick tenting my skirt within seconds. Her pussy lips twitched against my fingers as very viscous wetness developed. I'd never felt something so smooth and well-lubed in my life. Spreading her legs, she said, "If you want to see my cocks before our food arrives, all you have to do is keep going." Biting my lip to stifle a moan, I felt around to see if I could find a clit or something. Instead, I found this row of ridges on a flap of stretchy skin that was at the front end of her snatch that made her gasp when I touched it. It got stretched taut when her pussy lips were parted. There was another one at the back of her slit. She squeaked and grabbed my shoulders. "Some people call those Lezveioan clits. We call them fulcrums because they're often what tips us over the edge toward orgasm." "Makes sense," I said, wishing I was more comfortable talking about this stuff. "We also get a lot of sensation from penetration. We often make love by moving our cocks inside each other, after all." She got a twinkle in her eye. "If you push in with three fingers, I'd enjoy that very much and you'd learn something." Easing three fingers into her, we both gasped. Not only did her pussy have muscles like Ezzie's, there were ridges inside. They were spaced further apart near her entrance, but as I pressed in, the space between them decreased. Feeling her twitch around my fingers got me to squirm in my seat as pre wetted my skirt. Her deep purr got stronger until her twin cock heads poked free of her sheath. As inches of her dicks spilled out of her, she moaned sharply. Her cock tips aimed themselves at my mouth, but then she growled as she took control, making them point up instead of out. I think I'd developed some sort of oral fixation from sucking off Ramda and Ezzie because, without even thinking, I grabbed her shafts and guided them into my mouth. Then I was staring at her crotch with her dicks shoving themselves further and further in as her snatch grabbed at my fingers. I could tell she was trying to hold her hips back as she grabbed handfuls of my hair, saying, "Oh Amelia!" That's when my brain sorta crashed. I couldn't even remember how I got into this situation or that we were waiting for our meal. I just started licking at her shafts and bobbing my head. I couldn't help it, her pre tasted like caramelized lamb with a hint of mint. I'd never tasted pre with this much umami and the way my breasts were bouncing felt amazing as I sucked her off. In fact, I felt beautiful, desired...I desperately wanted to make Aeidou cum in my mouth while I was dressed like this. Making me feel even more like eye candy, the hyena walked up next to Aeidou with a full hard-on and grinned at me before grabbing the back of Aeidou's head and giving her an open-muzzled kiss with lots of tongue. Several seconds into the kiss, Aeidou was stroking the hyena's length and pre started to bead at the tip. The hyena was hung like Ramda and I couldn't resist pulling my mouth off of Aeidou's twin shafts to catch the pre before it fell to the floor. She tasted like honeycomb and apple. The hyena shoved the end of her dick past my lips. "Beatrix!" Aeidou pushed the hyena's shoulder making her step back so her dick was no longer in my mouth. "You're going to wait your turn this time." Beatrix growled playfully. Aeidou swatted her nose. "Bad yeen!" My heart started pounding. Two herms were fighting over me...This was amazing! Aeidou grabbed my head and looked into my eyes, her ears were fanned and her cock tips were millimeters from my lips. "You ready to make Bea even more jealous?" I dived onto her cocks, getting my face flush with her crotch and clenching my eyes shut as I fought my gag reflex. She started thrusting, slapping my chin with her balls while her cocks slid over each other and explored my mouth. It was like the world's most delicious French kiss as I moaned around her dicks and attempted to keep up using my woefully under-equipped human tongue. As I breathed through my nose and fought my gag reflex so I could give her the best experience possible, her tail fumbled up my side until it found my prick. Then, part of it pressed up against my dick while the end reached up and fondled my breasts. I moaned and got butterflies throughout my whole body. Aeidou was now letting loose warbling moans like the Lezveioan that had been pressed up against the glass. She had less control of her shafts and her hips as she got up to the edge. Instead of trying to do much more with my exhausted tongue and jaws, I just bobbed my head faster while using my free hand to stroke the part of her long, slender dicks that I couldn't get in. "Ah-Amelia, I'm about to--haaah!" she started bucking faster. "And it comes out really hard! Be careful!" My eyes widened as the tips of her dicks flared, tripling in thickness and her snatch started tugging on my fingers, rubbing those ridges against them rhythmically. Powerful contractions ran up her pricks as she screeched and got a death grip on my hair. The cum that gushed out of her was thicker and richer in taste than what I'd had before. It lacked some of the sweetness of Ezzie and Ramda's cum, but the soy-sauce-like umami was incredible. The hint of mint made me want more after every swallow. And there was more, a lot more. By the time Aeidou's last spurt splashed against my throat, I was in a daze, feeling hot all over. She'd cum about as much as Ramda. As I sat there with her dicks still in my mouth and her thick girl juice leaking down my arm, Aeidou let go of my head and Beatrix grabbed me. As I looked up at Beatrix's bulky, powerful form, she growled, "My turn!" and started fucking my face. Her dick was hard, delicious, and so much like Ramda's that my whole body was tingling. It felt natural to reach up between her legs and find a canine pussy waiting for me. Putting fingers inside her, I moaned around her cock and found stamina I didn't even know I had. My tongue lapped across the underside of her dick, as I sucked with all my might to make sure I impressed her. Every time she nearly withdrew, I flicked my tongue across the tip of her prick, making her gasp and growl and shove back in hard. "Hey! Bea, she's inexperienced and you have to be careful. She might need a break." Aeidou sounded very concerned. "She's shoved most of her hand into my cunt, Aeidou. She's not inexperienced, she's a-Aaaah! herm slut!" Bea said. I squealed in delight at what she'd just called me, feeling my prostate twitch as my lower abdomen got full of a weightless feeling and my nipples hardened. If I hadn't been sucking her dick, I would have been giggling and rolling around on the floor. Bea's knot was getting bigger and I had to be very careful with my teeth even though she was giving me barely any time to breathe. Desperately wanting to taste her load and knowing my aching jaw muscles didn't have long left, I grabbed her knot and squeezed while shoving a fourth finger into her canine pussy. She grunted and then yipped and then did a really badass hyena laugh as she parked her massive balls against my chin and let loose a torrent of her salty cream. I struggled to swallow with my jaws spread so far open and a bunch of it fell from the sides of my mouth onto my dress. I drank as much as I could and when it was all done, she grabbed me, pulled her dick out, and lifted me easily to my feet, forcing me to remove my hand from her snatch. Then she hugged me fiercely as she made out with me, sharing the taste of her cum and the fruity, chocolate-like something she'd eaten before walking over. I grabbed handfuls of her spotted hyena fur and pressed myself against her, a complete stranger, touching our crotches and breasts together. She grabbed my ass and squeezed until I gasped and broke the kiss. Her body was so well-muscled that I felt like I'd never make it out of her arms. As we both panted and my cock dug into her balls through the pre-soaked fabric of my skirt, the server came by and set three steaming towels down, and then put our food platter in the center of the table. Bea sent me her contact info and then said, "We play here once a month. Look me up next time we're in town. You give very good head." Then she let go, picked up one of the towels, and trotted off with a confident swagger. With a big smile on her lips, Aeidou ran her claws across my scalp. "I really like you." Her pricks were a bit softer and starting to retreat into her sheath. Pulling my face back so I could speak, I said, "Oh?" She grabbed one of the warm cloths that smelled like lavender and lemon with maybe a hint of rose. The fragrance was gentle and calming even though it was definitely alien. As she cleaned cum off my chin and where I'd smeared it on her bosom she said, "Even though you seem very embarrassed and a bit overwhelmed, you couldn't resist putting Beatrix and my dicks in your mouth. Ramda and Ezzie described you very well." "Thank you," I said, blushing. "For what?" "For just letting that happen," I said. "And making things so much less awkward than they could've been." "There's no reason to be awkward. Sex is as natural as the sun rising each day and whatever your preferences, you should go after them as passionately as you can," she said. "Because only then will you find the limits of your own capacity to feel pleasure." What she just said was something I wanted to live by, take into myself and never let go of it. It felt so sane compared to the way I'd been raised that I didn't even know what to do with it yet. But I was sure if I spent more time with her, I'd start figuring it out. As she pulled the towel away, I looked into her raspberry red eyes. Even though she'd just cum in my mouth, I could see that same confidence and calm sexual interest she'd had since the moment we met. I wanted more from her and she knew it. After planting a kiss on my lips, she used a towel to wipe off her sheath, pussy, and balls, saying, "Let's eat, but not too much. We have rigorous post-dinner exercise planned." END OF CHAPTER 10 DRAFT