“Teacher’s lounge. Three o’clock. Sharp!”

Tanner’s teacher handed him back the test he’d taken the week before, with a big X and “See me!!” written across the entire paper.

He never went to class, and spent all day smoking in the stairwell. The teachers in Tanner’s school started off concerned, but that soon turned to being annoyed with him. He was ruining they’re average student grade, and making all the other kids respect them less everyday.

Tanner arrived at the entrance to the teacher’s lounge at three o’clock sharp. He had wanted to be doing other things and probably would’ve miss this meeting, but without realizing it he had spaced out and just walked to the teacher’s lounge.

Mr Bons opened the door, “Nice to see you here, come in.”

Tanner walked in, surprised to see two other teachers there; Mr Cron and Mr Driskel.

“What’s going on?”

“Oh Tanner”, Mr Driskel started, “we’re just here to help you behave better and stop ruining our lives.”

Tanner started backing into the corner as Mr Driskel walked toward him, smiling menacingly.

“Stop! Mr Driskel, you’re scaring me!”

Mr Driskel’s eyes flashed a bright red, and suddenly Tanner didn’t feel so scared. He watched the world around him grow larger, with a blank look on his morphing face. Hair grew down past his shoulders in two side pigtails, and his pants became a skirt as his socks stretched to thigh highs. Little budding breasts grew under his shirt, and he felt sexier than ever before. “So this is about a test?” Tanner giggled ditzily and swayed his hips seductively.

“What the fuck, Carl?”, Mr Bons was really mad at Mr Driskel, “You can’t keep him a student! I’m not having that.”

“But she’s so sexy…” Mr Driskel gave Tanner’s ass a slap.

“You’re a fucking pervert Ted”, Mr Cron had the same powers as Mr Driskel, and used them on him.

“Your magic won’t like work on me sir…

Like, shit!”

Ted quickly shrunk down, and watched his suit turn into a mini dress and crop top white shirt. He felt his face reshape, clearly becoming more dainty and feminine. Then a burst of fat behind him, and Ted reached back to feel a bulging, inflating ass, starting to actually hike up his very short skirt.

“You totally turned me into a student too!”

“No I didn’t. You didn’t see your uniform? It’s just lingerie. You’re gonna be a prostitute from now on, I think you deserve it! You’ll give us a couple of free sessions, and then go live your life a horny prostitute.

“I like the sound of that, big boy...

No... I… I totes love the sound of that!”

Mr Cron offered the virgin prostitute to Mr Bons, but he turned her down saying she seemed to young.

“She’s a twenty three year old virgin, I made her look really young.”

“Nah I’m good”

“Suit yourself.”

Mr Cron had the new Tera bent over a desk, and quickly made work of her while Tanner watched, giggling and touching himself.

Immediately after finishing her orgasms, Tera cleaned the cum out of her and left for the streets.

“Thanks Greg, I’ll let you go first when we’re finished with this one.” Mr Cron snapped his fingers and Tanner’s mind was back to normal, his previous personality tucked away by magic.

“Please change me back! I’ll study and come to every class, I’ll even stop bullying all the nerds! Please!!”

“Oh hush!” Mr Bons rubbed the short sleeves on Tanner’s shirt, making them long and changing the whole shirt from white button down to sheer sweater.  He took off her dress, and started rubbing her pussy through her panties. Slowly her pink lace panties turned into garters and a thong, the thigh high socks becoming black sexy tights.

“I don’t wanna be aOoo my head!

Stop like, doing this! I’m… totes not gonna like give….”

Tanner trailed off as his already pushed together cleavage started lifting toward his chin, his bosom filling with fat and in turn filling him with arousal. Mr Cron circled Tanner’s neck with his fingers as Tanner cried out in ecstasy, and a tight choker formed where he had traced. Tanner’s voice became even sexier, and his mind started to really wander as his eyes glazed over.

Mr Bons snapped, and Tanner was instantly naked. His boobs seemed to defy gravity, and Mr Bons groped them while planting a kiss on his lips. They plumped up, and Tanner could taste strawberry as a tingling sensation began in his growing nipples.

“O Carl… Could I get another one of those?”

“Of course”, they kissed for several minutes, and Tanner changed immensely in that time.

Every body part of his that was groped, Mr Bons changed and made into a perfect female specimen. Blonde highlights now accentuated her flowing locks, and sexy glasses framed her beautiful face.

His hands filled quick with each squeeze, and by the time he came up for air, Tanner was gone. In his place, Traci the bimbo Milf. That’s what she was known as around the neighborhood, even though she had no kids. Her house was known as the ‘Fuck House’ , and she was in a relationship with almost every neighbor. She had daily orgies, and couples were constantly coming over for three ways.

She had always been like this for as long as anyone could remember, and nobody had any idea how old she could be. A lot of times, guys were off doing work and she was too horny to not search out cock. Traci would go out to the high school, and “prey” on the seniors. It turned her on teaching a boy to fuck like a man, and sometimes it was the only source of cock.

“You said I go first right?”

Mr Bons pushed Traci into a chair and pulled her shirt off over her head, sucking on one of her nipples while her arms slipped out of the tight sleeves.

“O my…”

Traci was ready for large size, but Mr Bons’s member was almost twice the size of Mr Cron’s. She moaned lustfully as he swung his erection into her giant boson, hitting it hard and making her boobs jiggle and sting a bit. Then she spat on the monstrous cock, and started stroking.


Each look from her brought Mr Bons closer to finishing, her bouncing breasts doing even more for him.

“I wish I could stop stroking, so I could just stick this thing in me!”


He flipped Traci over, and violently plunged into her tight, wet folds. She cried out in surprise, not ready to be penetrated, but finding herself pushing her ass into Mr Bons and getting him as deep as she could.

Suddenly the doorknob began to jiggle, and Mr Bons quickly pulled out and picked up his pants.
