Amelia expands her food horizons by trying Lezveioan cuisine before Aeidou stretches Amelia’s sexual horizons with warm Lezveioan affection. (Draft) Remiel's Enlightenment - Chapter 11 by Zmeydros (Edited by Tiliquain and Secretskunk) On the table were some of the translucent candy-bar things, fist-sized loaves wrapped in large leaves, triangular pyramids with sides that looked like toasted white bread, small burritos wrapped in translucent lavender stuff that the candy bar things were made of, and a small pile of thick pancakes made out of a yellow flour that reminded me of cornmeal. There were no utensils to be seen in this restaurant and I couldn't find one person using them, so I assumed Lesveioans preferred all food to be finger food. The leaf-wraped loaves were the biggest, so I grabbed one and started unwrapping it only to have Aeidou say, "You eat the leaves too. They're tender and very good." She picked one up and bit into it. Taking a bite, the the first taste that hit me was like spinach with a hint of basil from the leaf while the layer underneath was similar to the outside of a tamale, but somewhere between lentils and sweet-potato in taste. The filling reminded me of lomein noodles in a peanut butter and honey sauce. At least that's the closest I could get to discerning the flavors. It wasn't something I would've made for myself, but the peppery-sweet aftertaste somehow made me want more. Aeidou grinned as she she picked up one of the translucent lavender candybar-like things. "Seems you like sivik'u'i. I think you should try laba'i next." After setting it on my plate, she worked on finishing her own sivik'u'i. I picked up the laba'i she'd put on my plate and tried it. My eyes went wide, it had a texture somewhere between hard cheese and bread. There was even a bit of crunch on the bottom, which was lightly browned. The taste was eggy and mushroomy with a hint of citrus. It was addictive and I couldn't stop eating it until I'd finished it. "Okay, I loved that," I said. "Flour made from a tuber that lives in brackish marshes is turned into dough and then fermented for twelve to eighteen hours before it's baked. Fried chips are made out of it too, but I think they lack the depth of flavor you get from this method of preparation: a bake where you heat the bottom a bit more than the top," she said. "Well, it's amazing and I'm guessing the burrito thing uses that stuff made into flatbread?" I asked. She nodded. "What do you want to try next?" I grabbed one of the white toast pyramid things. The outside was stretchy and spongy, having way more give than I expected. As I bit into it, my eyes widened at the custardy inside, but then I frowned at the taste of that custard. After a good chuckle, she said. "We have a saying: there are no neutral opinions on ei'twoh the crustacean jelly in the center of those pyramids," she said. "People often joke that it's not edible because most edible things have an 'i' at the end in standard Lesveioan and that word came from a langauge that has a very different grammar." "It's even more potent than Vietnamese fish sauce: way too fishy for me," I said. "I wouldn't go as far as saying it's inedible though," I giggled. "It's heavily fermented and I can only enjoy it if I take my time with it," she said, before taking a bite of one. "Wait, do you have crustaceans on your planet?" I asked. "They're close enough. We have crabs, they seem to evolve everywhere," she said. I laughed. "So true!" Curious if I liked the bread part on its own, I pulled a bit off and tasted it. It was very moist and took more effort to chew than normal bread. It tasted almost like sweet grass with a little coconut in it. "This bread is really good. I'd like to try something else with it someday or maybe have some on its own." "It's very good as brat buns," she said. "One of my friends makes currywurst using that bread for the bun." "That sounds really good," I said, picking up one of the yellow pancakes. My brow furrowed as I took a bite. It tasted exactly like a corn pancake, but in the center was a paper-thin slice of a very flavorful meat that was close to bacon. I immediately grabbed another one. "Lesveioans love corn meal, masa, corn flower, polenta and all sorts of other things made from corn. The taste appeals to us even more than humans and those are corn pancakes with ka'bei'i: very thinly sliced fatty meat that we use to add flavor to things. We use it similarly to how humans use cheese," she said. "This is one of my favorite examples of Leszveioan-human culinary fusion." "Well, it's my favorite thing so far. The flavors are perfect for each other," I said, my mouth still full of my last bite. I didn't want to stop eating to talk: it tasted that good. Aeidou started eating one of the pancakes between bites of the pyramid thing and we both took some time to just get food down. My sips of water were interspersed with bites of the delicious pancakes. I ate two of them and then picked up one of the burritos. When I was about to bite into it, I felt something run up the side of my leg and yelped, dropping the burrito on my plate. She laughed. "Not the reaction I was going for." "S-sorry," I said. Moving her tail further up my leg, she said, "Is it better now that you're not surprised?" I nodded, blushing. She finished off the pancake she'd been working on and picked up the burrito. Following her lead, I did the same. Before I could bite into my burrito, I breathed out a moan, feeling her smooth scales against the bare skin of my inner thigh. Then she stopped, leaving her tail there while rubbing at me sensuously. Biting into the burrito, I was assulted by something gooey that I knew wasn't cheese, but set off all the same delicious notes. It went really well with the laba'i flatbread and there was a meat like smoked chicken along with a veggie that was like green bean mixed with potato. Lastly, there were tiny slices of what I could've sworn was leek. It had that same odd position between onion and garlic. Just as I was about to tell Aeidou how good it was, her tail slid along my cock and then wrapped around it. Since she'd caught me right after I'd swallowed, I could moan without any risk. Her tail was muscular and gripped firmly and I was fully hard in like ten seconds. She purred out the words, "You're preing so much that I wish I was in your lap." My face flushed as I stammered, trying to think of something to say. "Apologies, but I've eaten enough that hunger is no longer my main concern," she rubbed the end of her tail on the head of my dick. I gasped and humped into her tail. With a sigh, she said, "Let's finish eating so we can play." Even though I was very embarrassed, I ate that alien burrito as fast as I could while remembering to chew fully. She left her tail coiled around my dick, squeezing a bit whenever she felt me get even a tiny bit soft. My heart was pounding and I kept looking around as if someone was going to spot us and throw us out. I had to keep reminding myself that I'd already sucked her cocks in here and no one had even cared. Pausing after eating two-thirds of her burrito, she said, "The sauce inside is made of something similar to fermented oatmeal. It is very nutritious to humans and our kind, both." "It seems like Lezveioan food has lots of fermented things," I said. Aeidou nodded. "We spent a lot more of our societal development without refridgeration. We had no fossil fuels, so we had to figure out simple ways to power things using the wind and sun. It's amazing what we accomplished without electricity or refridgeration." "Wow, so no refridgerators or AC for a long time?" I said. "Much more of our industrial development was done without them than your species," she said before taking another bite of her burrito. As I tried to speak, she tugged on my cock, making me squeak. She laughed. I blushed. "I love the noises you make," she said. "Lezveioan noises are awesome too," I said. "I'm glad you think so." She took the last bite of her burrito. There was only a couple bites of my burrito left, but I couldn't concentrate. Something about the way she was looking at me had me short of breath and I couldn't resist the urge to thrust lightly into her tail. She responded by gripping it harder. I grabbed the table and gasped while moaning. It almost sounded like a chirp. "You finish your food, I'll let you relax for a moment while I get the server to box up your leftovers," she said. "My leftovers?" I asked. "I've been eating all this for decades and you've never had it before. It makes far more sense for you to have it, well except the one thing you didn't like," she said as she extended an arm and did a Lezveioan wave to get our server's attention. While she talked to the server, I finished my burrito and had another of those corn pancakes. I was gonna be addicted to them at this rate. She said, "There's a Lezveioan human fusion restauraunt chain that's much cheaper than here that makes a comprable version of those. I'm sending you the info on it for later." "Thanks!" I said, barely aware of what she was saying. she was still nude and so freaking hot and I was in a daze. "The server will pack our stuff up and save it for when we leave," she said, standing up. Her cocks were out and slowly rubbing against each other. "I have the urge to put you on display as I pleasure you. Mind if we go to the bathouse area?" "Whatever you want to do, I'm hot all over and I've never felt quite like this," I said, feeling up my breasts as I reveled in the sight of her plump ball sac and dicks. There was no way this was really happening, was there? She wanted to shove inside me, like I was a woman. I didn't have words. "You sure? I feel like it might be a bit too far too fast," she said. "Please, just fuck me! I don't care where," I said and then put my hand over my mouth as I stood there in disbelief of what I'd just said. Aeidou's ears fanned wide as she stared at me for a moment before giving me a big toothy grin. Then she grabbed my wrist and led me across the dining and dancing hall, saying, "Remember, we can stop at any time and there will be no judgement." As we got up to a set of glass doors decorated with intricatly-arranged thin slices of wood, Aeidou's tail cupped my ass. I smelled seawater as the second set of doors slid open. To my left were well-insulated multi-paned floor-to-ceiling windows looking in on a public bath stylized like ocean shallows complete with tide pools. Nude humans, Lezveioans, and a few hybrids, were enjoying the water, hanging out on the periphery, or having sex right out in the open while others watched. Half the non-Lezveioans were herms and happy as could be having their junks on display. Lezveioans came in a wider array of colors than I imagined and some had been modded to have otter-like fur. There was a light green one, a light blue one, two red ones, a few pink ones, five light orange ones, and a coppery tan-colored one. A third of the Lezveioans were in a herm pile in the center of that pile were two herm hybrids. One was a fox with black hair, a bushy tail, and dark blue eyes, and the other was a short spotted bunny with a giant horsecock that was even bigger than Ezzie's. Somehow, a Lezveioan was fitting that dick inside herself and it was making a rise in her abdomen. As I watched the fox and bunny hold hands while making out, I couldn't help but imagine myself in the middle of it. Most of the tide pools were big enough for people to sit in and the terrain was rocky instead of sandy: not what humans tended to do with indoor beaches. To my left, there was a big natural-looking pool that had room for about twenty people. It was only about half-occupied at the moment, but there was a massive orca herm who had to be at least eight feet tall in the pool, making it look small while she fucked a Lezveioan who was buried in her massive cleavage. That jealous feeling came back full force and I set my purse on the floor before pulling off my dress. It didn't matter that this was in public: the rush, the euphoria was incredible. For so many years, I'd had no idea why I ached deep inside when I got super horny. It was something that I thougth I couldn't do anything about, but right now I knew exactly what needed to be done. Something needed to go inside me soon or I was going to lose my mind. Aeidou went up to the wall of lockers opposite the windows. She used her implant to pop a locker open, put her clothes in it, and then turned to me. Her ears fanned very wide when she saw I was already mostly naked. My heart pounded as I took off the bag the shoulder bag I'd already put my panties in. After stuffing my dress in it, I undid my bra and my breasts fell out of it. Feeling them hanging heavily on my chest out in the open air, I moaned and my cock throbbed. Putting my bra in the bag, I handed it to Aeidou. My cheeks felt numb from the intensity of my blush: I'd never been naked within view of strangers before. "Those synth breasts are so attractive on you," she said putting my bag in the locker. That change of subject made me feel bubbly and like I couldn't smile enough. After a happy giggle and bouncing on my feet so I could feel my tits jiggle, I said, "They're amazing!" When she bent down to get my purse, her face was within milimeters of my dick. With a purr, she ran her tongue across my balls and the underside of my shaft. I moaned and pred right into her mouth. She sucked on my cock head to get it all, while purring. Grabbing her head, I stomped my feet, feeling so vulnerable, exposed, and horny. She shoved her muzzle on all the way and then gave me hard and fast oral where she kept licking behind my balls to make me squeak. Then she pulled off and helped me out of my shoes before putting the rest of our belongings in the locker and closing it. Turning around and taking my hand, she led us into the bathouse. I paid more attention to her dicks than where we were going and we ended up in a corner next to a rock that was smooth and somewhat flat on top. Aeidou kissed me deeply while cupping my balls with one hand while teasing my right nipple with the other. I moaned into the kiss and fidgeted, not knowing what to do with myself. She reached behind herself with one arm and got lube from an automatic dispenser. Maintianing the kiss, she moved her hand down behind me and lubed my entrance thoroughly before gently pressing her finger into me. I yelped and grabbed onto her, pressing her fully-hard cocks against my belly. I couldn't stop moving, it was like my body wanted her fingers in as deep as possible. It made my cock feel incredible, my nipples sparkle with pleasure, and my whole body tense up. She just kept at it, making little circles with her finger until I relaxed. That's when it felt so good I was moaning loudly. I felt so vulnerable, in a good way that I didn't even know was possible. Breaking the kiss, she said, "If you're ready, spin around and stick that beautful ass out." I didn't know it was possible to be horny enough to not feel doubt, but turning around and bending forward was so damn easy. How could something so vilified by everyone I'd grown up with feel this natural? I needed someone inside me and there was only one way I could do that. Only one way to scratch that itch given my current anatomy. As I watched her line her left cock up with my opening, I moaned, shivering with expectation. Why did I want this? I took a deep breath. No, it didn't matter why. I wasn't going to let myself chicken out, I had to stick with this until she came inside me! When her tapered tip touched my sensitive ring, I pressed backwards against it immediately. "Mmmmnnnhhh!" she purred out as she shoved inside me. "I feel like a sex goddess around you." I moaned with my mouth wide open, overcome with sensations I was barely able to separate: being stretched open felt satisfying, the way she was holding my hips gave me a feeling of safety, and the way her dick was rubbing against my prostate as she slid in felt unbelieveably exquisite. "Your pussy feels so good!" she said. I pressed back against her, needing to have more of her inside me, needing to feel her crotch meet mine. The problem was that I'd never had anything in there and she got thicker with every added inch. About two-thirds of the way in, things got tight enough that my body clenched to stop her from advancing. I groaned in frustration. She took some of the pressure off, saying, "Don't forget to breathe." As I took a couple deep breaths, the tiger hybrid lead singer and guitarist of the punk band walked through the sliding doors into the bath. Scanning the room with her blue eyes that shaded to green in the center, she quickly caught sight of us. Her confident strut as she walked toward us made her look like the herm in charge while adding a hypnotic sway to her heavy balls. Looming over those balls was a big sheath with the tips of two tapered cocks poking out of it. Her sleek athletic body mixed lewdly with her being so hung, but somehow her thick dragon-like tail balanced out her look a bit, making her even more attractive. The upper part of her tail had fur and continued her beautiful tiger stripe pattern while the underside had scales. When my eyes made it to her feline muzzle, I couldn't get past how cute it was. I'd never seen a feline hybrid this close up and naked, which wasn't surprising due to where I grew up, but it was still distracting enough that I briefly forgot I had Aeidou inside me. Seeing that she had my attention, the tiger laid back on the rock in front of us with feline grace. Then she lifted her balls out of the way, strings of her wetness connecting the back of her sac to her voluptuous equine pussy. "I got really wet watching you tease each other in the restaurant. Want to help a girl out?" She asked with a giggle. Aeidou offered no escape from how much I wanted to lick this tiger out when she said, "Ooh, Amelia, your cock's twitching. Isn't Mei incredible?" Mei brought the scaly end of her tail up to her mare pussy and gasped as she shoved several inches in, while looking into my eyes. Then she pulled it out and brought her tip up to my lips. "Taste tests are free." I licked her femme nectar off of her tail, marveling at how it tasted like really good sweetened black tea, a flavor that always seemed to make things better. It was so embarrassing how little self control I had when it came to tasting people. And I also had no self control when it came to staring. Mei's equine clit was easily as big as Ezzie's and I couldn't stop thinking about sucking on it. Aeidou grabbed my hips and took a couple steps forward to put me in reach of Mei, saying, "If you're interested in her, go ahead. She's one of my favorite people." "Are you sure it's okay? W-were you hoping for one on one?" I asked, having no idea how sex with more than one person worked. "If I'd wanted one on one sex, this is the last place I'd bring you," Aeidou said before pushing on my back to make me lean forward. "Don't worry about me, dive in and enjoy." Mei carressed my chin with a paw-padded hand. "You want some dessert, gorgeous?" I leaned into her hand, feeling tingly from her paw pads and fur pressing against my smooth skin. Being covered in fur like her had to feel amazing. And she was so beautiful... I nodded weakly, staring once again at her snatch. Then she reached for the back of my head, grabbed my hair, and pulled my face to her muff. I shivered and moaned, feeling her clit bump up against my nose as her whole cunt smeared wetness on my face. As I shoved my tongue into Mei to taste more of her, Aeidou started thrusting into me while making a slight wavy pattern with her cock. I felt so whole with her dick in there, like I was loved and safe and desired. I moaned and gasped and felt tingles across my whole body. Her thrusts were pressing me into Mei's muff, making her balls bounce against my cheeks. Taking Mei's huge clit into my mouth, I sucked on it and let Aeidou's powerful thrusts bounce it in and out of my mouth like a little dick. Mei yowled and grabbed her dicks as they shoved further out of her sheath. I could now see clear feline bumps on them and their thick tapered shape. Grabbing Mei's buttocks, I went at her stretchy pussy with reckless abandon. Aeidou's right dick reached under me while she backed off a half inch. Then, as it wrapped around my cock, she said, "Time to make you feel like a herm." "Oh, I can help with that," Mei said. "Well, if Amelia wants to stick her cock in me, that is." "NGH! Yes!" I said, practically hissing through my teeth, both at the idea of me fucking Mei and the unbelieveable sensation of Aeidou's muscular shaft stroking mine. The tips of my ears were burning while my nipples felt far more sensitive than normal: I don't know if I'd ever felt anything more erotic. Aeidou pushed me forward and the tip of her prick entered Mei. Time slowed for me until I could count my own heartbeats. The head of my cock got closer and closer to Mei's equine snatch and then I felt her smooth, slippery, and warm flesh parting for me and Aeidou's prick. Both Mei's pussy walls and Aeidou's shaft gripped my dick while Aeidou pulled back and slammed her cock into my ass. As I saw Mei's twin dicks move while she stroked them, I nearly came on the spot. My mind and body were overcome with arousal and pleasure: this was unfathomably hot and felt so good...I was the middle of a herm sandwich! Gripping my breasts, Aeidou started going harder, using me to fuck Mei who was panting and gasping and stroking herself like mad. Shooing Mei's hands away, I dicks and shivered from feeling them twitch and move in my hands as I stroked them. Pre was everywhere, her bumps felt amazing, and I was gasping and squeaking. When Aeidou let go of my breasts to grab my hips, Mei grabbed my breasts and I yelped, barely holding back an orgasm. As she tugged on my nipples, I felt her tail move beetween me and Aeidou. Then Aeidou purr-screached as Mei stuffed Aeidou's pussy with the end of her tail. After a few minutes, none of us cared about lasting and I felt the tips of Aeidou's cocks thickening. I couldn't get enough of the way her prick stretched my ass or Mei's strong equine passage gripping Aeidou and my cock to make everything more intense. Then there were the knots inflating at the base of Mei's dicks which I squeezed to make her cry out in ecstasy. Aeidou gasped and then let loose a warbling moan as both of her dicks pulsed from base to tip, the tips flaring inside me and Mei. Grabbing my ass and squeezing, Aeidou made little fast thrusts while her dicks undulated in ecstacy. It was too much for me, especially when Aeidou's left prick started squirting hot jizz into me. The tight ball of pressure from me holding back my orgasm exploded. My mouth flew open, my whole body tensed, then I made quick instinctual thrusts into Mei before jamming myself in as deep as I could get, pressing her clit and balls firmly against my groin. I screamed as I came inside her, feeling like I'd been lit on fire. My prick shot ropes of cum inside her to add to the mess Aeidou was already making. Mei's eyes opened wide the moment both me and Aeidou were cumming. Then her head flew back, her back arched, and her pricks showered cum all over her breasts as her knots swelled to full size. Her pussy convulsed around me and Aeidou while she kept squirming, her flexible feline skelton alowing her to grind like a pornstar. Her hands smeared her cum all over her bosom as she grabbed at her breasts and tugged on her nipples, a bit of milk coming out of her nipples to mix with the thick white cream that she continued splattering all over her front. When I finally stopped moaning at the top of my lungs, I flopped forward, splatting against the legendary mess on Mei's front. I'd never felt this relaxed or satisfied before: it felt like my body had the consistency of warm pudding. Aeidou gently moved her dicks from time to time to get Mei and I to twitch and gasp. I felt so wonderful, but I also felt like the odd one out. Both of these women were gorgeous hybrids while I had pasty human skin, no muzzle, and no pussy. If only I could have a body like Mei's or Aeidou's or Ramda's or Ezzie's. What was wrong with me? After all they'd done for me, why was I letting my brain ruin this moment? Mei must have sensed I was ruminating uselessly because she gently guided my mouth to one of her nipples, saying, "You did this to me, so you should get to enjoy it." Wrapping my lips around her nipple, I shivered at the satisfying soup-broth-like taste of the cum covering it and then sucked down warm creamy milk that had just a hint of chai flavors. That hint of chai was like a tease my senses and I found myself sucking harder than I'd intended to. "GAH! FUUUCK!" Mei said as she bucked her hips and gasped. Were her nipples as sensitive as her clit? Sucking and licking at her nipple, I tried to answer my question. She came, making Aeidou and I gasp and shudder. Her pussy was strong and our dicks were really tender from what we'd just done. Wanting to make Mei do that again, I went for her other nipple and thrusted lightly inside her, my heart racing. I felt so powerful, so freaking wonderful with Mei's cum smeared all over my tits and me making her writhe in ecstasy. Pressed up against her while flicking my tongue on her nipple and sucking on it, I got her off again, her pussy twitching as she ground her clit against my groin and her cocks got a bit harder. After her third orgasm, Mei grabbed my head and pulled me into a kiss where her whiskers, wet nose, and rough tongue assaulted my senses. It took a couple seconds to process it all, but then I was kissing back, sharing the taste of her milk with her. Breaiking the kiss, she said, "Mmm, I normally stick to doing stuff with hybrids these days, but you're way too much fun for me to overlook." She sent me her contact info. "I'm gonna be around until the end of next week, so don't be shy, okay?" "Though I appreciate the offer, there's not much to me, honest. You'd probably have more fun with your hybrid friends," I said. "Let me guess, the only thing keeping you from being modded is your Trinity upbringing and a rather scary work contract?" Mei said, running her blunted claws across my scalp. "Did Aeidou tell you about me or something?" I asked. Mei said, "You may not realize this, but the trinity accent is rather strong. It's like if the Australian accent was put in a whiskey barrel and aged in Mississippi. And it's pretty obvious you want to be some sort of herm hybrid. I could tell from the way you looked at me when you first saw me, that hint of jealousy at the edge of your wonder. It felt like I was looking at myself before I got modded." "Hint of jealousy at the edge of your wonder," Aeidou said. "Sometimes I don't know whether you're writing a song or having a conversation." Mei laughed, making Aeidou and I groan from the way it tensed the muscles in her abdomen. "That makes two of us. I'm gonna make a note of that line, though, I think that would work well in a song about a trans herm egg." "Egg?" I asked. "It's slang for someone who's trans but hasn't fully figured it out or acted on it yet. Be careful where you use it, though. It's rather insensitive to label people as eggs before they hatch and start growing into their true selves. It's better to use 'egg' to refer to the time before they knew they were trans," Mei said. I bit my lip, a wave of emotion blindsiding me. "Oh, I'm sorry, hon," Mei grabbed Aeidou and squeezed me between them to deepen the lazy cuddling we were already doing. "Is something wrong?" Aeidou asked. My stomach felt sour, but being squished between them was helping a lot. "A-am I a trans herm egg?" END OF DRAFT