"Grab some seat, we're coming outta hyperspace!" Greez called out to Cal as the Mantis approached its destination. Cere and Merrin were on a mission of their own - and had left the "boys" to handle this particular mission, attempting to locate another surviving Jedi on a planet in the far Outer Rim. Cal quickly grabbed a seat and pulled himself on. "easy on the stabilisers Greez!" he groaned "where exactly are we?" he asked "I'm not feeling the presence of any Force users...let alone a Jedi!" The ship dropped back to Sub-light speed over a large, green planet. "Heading for Raxus." He told Cal simply. "Dunno why you can't sense anyone, we got the intel." He reminded Cal as he started to bring the ship in - before it lurched suddenly to a halt with a grinding noise. "What?" Cal was thrown into the seat in front hitting hit head on the seat back."Greez...what was that?" he said as he sensed something wasn't right "We're caught in a tractor beam." Greez groaned as he flicked several switches and pushed a couple levers forward. "They're pulling us in." Cal looked back at a rear screen, "that's not an imperial ship...why are they pulling us in?" he asked as he got up ready to do battle "Kid, that's a Haxion Brood ship." Greez groaned. "You try and fight them, they'll kill us both and atomize our bodies. We gotta try and talk our way out." Cal rolled his eyes and grumbled quietly as he put his light sabre away. "then you better get talking Greez! I'm not really the ambassador type!" "Relax, kid. I got this." Greez promised as he swung his chair around and headed back towards the holotable and the doors. The ship rumbled and shook as a massive clang sounded when the docking clamp attached, and the doors hissed open to reveal three figures in heavy armor - one with an orange cape. He just watched as the three humanoid figures entered the Mantis. He kept his hand close to his hips in case things go south. "Greez." The figure in the center greeted unamusedly. "Hey, Vicrul!" Greeze responded cheerfully, as if seeing an old friend. "How've you been, you old pirate? So good to see you!" "Where is the Brood's money, Greez?" Cal glared at Greez and mouthed "brood money?" at the pilot and captain of the Mantis Greez grimaced slightly. "I'm - I'm working on it." He answered swiftly. "I've got a good long-term charter right now, should bring in more than enough to cover - " "The Brood is not interested in excuses." "uh Greez...what's going on? you owe these guys?" he asked "They run some casino moons in the Bogden system." Greez explained quickly. "Listen, can you just cut me an extension for - like - an extra 10%?" "No." Vicrul said coldly. "We will collect now." Cal eyed the guys nervously and looked back at Greez "But I don't have the money now!" Greez emphasized. "Suddenly, darts loaded with knock-out toxins were firing at Cal's neck. "We will collect another way." "ahhh.." he cried out as he pulled the dart from his neck and felt numb suddenly "G..greez…" he groaned weakly as he swayed on the seat "should have juusssst...gone on the attack...." he thought as his vision blurred and he blacked out(edited) The Brood soldiers quickly advanced, seizing Cal as he collapsed into unconsciousness, and fitting him with a black metal collar with a blinking red indicator light that turned green as the collar slammed closed. It connected several nodes to his neck, severing his connection to the Force. He would awaken a short time later, in a pair of binder handcuffs, without his lightsaber - slumped on the floor of an unfamiliar hallway. he blinked and groaned, finding his wrists bound. He tried using the force to break the cuffs but to his surprise and horror he couldn't sense the force "huh?" "He's awake." A digitally distorted voice called out as Cal was seized by two men - each holding him by the bicep - and began to be dragged down the hallway. "huh? hey! get off me you Brood flunkies!" he shouted as he wriggled while he was dragged The two men ignored Cal - dragging him through a door at the end of the corridor to what he could quickly recognize was a Carbon Freezing chamber. "you gotta be kidding me" he cried as he saw the freezing equipment and machinery making him struggle mor The two grunts audibly struggled, hauling Cal forward to roughly shove him down the drop into the freezing chamber as the liquid carbon began to be sprayed around him almost instantly. "Nooo let me out!" he cried as liquid sprays over him the goop felt cool over his exposed skin The goop clung tightly to him, beginning to rapidly encase his body as it began to tighten and stiffen around him to paralyze him into a block. He let out a silent cry as he felt his body become stiffer and colder "Nooo….can't move..." he thought in panic The pressure and tension around his body only increased as the block finished forming, pressing him tightly from all sides as a crane lifted out his carbonized form. He felt hazy and vaguely felt himself being lifted out of the pit his body felt heavy and stiff His encased body was floated along several hallways into a cargo hold as the ship jumped to hyperspace he was dumped in a cargo hold not feeling time passing as the ship made its way to whatever destination it was going. He just stayed tense and frozen in anguish in his block The frozen block of Cal, several hours later, was removed from the cargo hold and carried into a spartan, dimly lit room as the controls were punched to defrost him. he felt a suddenly warmth pulsing through him as his aching tense muscles began to loosen and the liquid stone turned back to liquid. He fell forward as his muscles spasmed with pins and needles, he fell into a foetal position "urrghhhh….wha...how..." it felt exactly like when he got out of the freezing water at Ilum. "Stand up." A digitally distorted voice ordered him. He tried to pick himself up but the cuffs made it difficult. "Who's that? I'm not following anyone's orders!" "Stand." The voice ordered again, before an electric-tipped whip cracked across his back. Cal writhed in pain as the electricity lashed his back "arrrgghhhhh!" he cried out before he slowly weakly got to his feet his face contorted in an angry grimace "Stand up." He was roughly commanded again. reluctantly he stood "who are you?" he shouted Cal found himself facing a young man in tight, expensive looking purple and gold clothes, the crackling electrowhip in his hands. "Name?" "Cal Kestis!" he replied with a false politeness "Your name is now Pleasure Servant 51." He informed Cal bluntly. "Huh? No way!" he said defiantly "It's Cal Kestis" The whip smacked across his body again. Cal hissed in pain making all his muscles tense as the electrictiy arced through him. He was barely able to stay standing from it but he held on strongly "What is your name?" "Pl..pleasure servant 51..." he replied bitterly The man chuckled bemusedly. "Your job is to pleasure the men and women who come to this ship." "This ship? What is this place?..." he groaned The whip cracked again. "What is your purpose?" "T..to pleasure men and women" he replied as he shivered from the sound of the whip cracking "How do you accomplish that?" "I..I don't know..." he answered honestly "With your mouth, hands, and ass." Cal was confused "my hands mouth and ass? how what?" "You suck cock and kiss, stroke cock, and get fucked with Men, and with women you eat them out or fuck them." His brow furrowed "I've...never done that before.." Cal had no experience of sexual pleasure(edited) "You'll learn, eagerly. Won't you?" He demanded "l..like I have a choice?" he groaned The whip cracked again. Cal winced at the cracking noise "alright...ok..I'll learn..." The whip cracked again, clearly seeking a more definitive answer. Cal groaned as the whip crack made his body respond with submissiveness. "I'll learn to pleasure eagerly" he responded with a weak glare "Good Slut." He praised mockingly. "That's what you are, you know. A slut." The words ran mockingly though his mind "I'm just a..slut" he repeated The man uncuffed Cal. "Strip." He ordered he felt the tight cuffs come off and he rubbed his wrists "how about..no" he said as he lunged forward to grab the whip, even without the force he was still agile and skilful now he was free of the cuffs The masked man was anticipating this movement, and a painful electrical shock hit Cal from the collar Cal screamed as his body was paralyzed by a powerful shock from his neck tensing every muscle again The man laughed mockingly, pulling the whip back to himself. "Try again." He mocked Cal groaned as he reluctantly began to strip, peeling off the high impact clothing and rigger jacket till he was naked The masked man chuckled slightly. "You're very defiant. Feisty. We will break you of that." He mocked Cal just glared, holding his tongue as the cold air soothed the electrical ravaged flesh "Now. What is your name?" He looked at the masked man with disdain "Pleasure Servant 51..." The words left a bad taste in his mouth. "what have you done to Greez?" he demanded Having suddenly remembered what had previously occurred. "Your concern is irrelevant." The masked man said flatly. "What is your purpose?" "to pleasure losers like you!" he muttered as he looked for a way to get out of the situation The whip smacked across Cal's bare skin. He spasmed with pain as more electricity arced through him searing his back. "arghh!" he screamed as he fell to his knees. "What is your purpose?" He demanded "to pleasure people with my mouth ass and hands..." he groaned as he coughed dryly. His fingers still twitched from the shock. "I gotta get this collar off me" he thought as he felt the power blocking accessory. "How will you pleasure them?" The man demanded " suck cock and kiss, stroke cock, and get fucked" he replied dispassionately. He'd have to play the game till he found a way to escape. The masked man nodded slightly as he pressed a button on a cuff, opening a door at the far end of the room. Soft music was emerging through it. He turned to look at the door sliding open hearing the soft music "Go." He was ordered. He glared back at the masked man and then went over to the room that opened up still testing the hold the collar had around his neck He'd rather drink swamp water from Degoba than follow the guy's order The other side of the door revealed a Party in full force: well-dressed men and women wandering around and chatting as the music played, and some disappeared into side rooms with nude young men like Cal. Cal was a little self conscious that he was naked as he tried to stay unnoticed in the party. A young man with blond hair reached over as Cal walked past, fingering his hole curiously. Cal instinctively recoiled thrusting forward away from the finger as he turned to look at the blond young man. The blond frowned slightly, stepping forward to forcibly grab Cal and roughly ramming his finger into Cal's hole. Cal gasped as he tried grabbing the finger in his hole The man glared at Cal. "Stop it." He ordered "Noo...you stop..." he groaned The man glared, and slapped Cal across the face - hard. "You don't tell me what to do." He snarled. He gasped in pain but he'd felt worse. He rubbed his cheek and glared back at the man Even without his force powers he could probably take this guy easily "Now apologize." The man demanded. "No! I don't even belong here!" he growled as he swung his fist at the young man The young man was his and crumpled to the ground. Electricity sparked through Cal's collar, as guards materialized out of nowhere, beginning to hit and kick him as he was shocked. "Arrghhh!" he screamed as the collar shocked him and he was assaulted, he tried to defend himself balled up on the floor. The guards beat him for a few minutes, before roughly seizing him and dragging Cal out of the room. Cal felt weakened by the battering and shock and he flopped limply as he was dragged out of the room groaning He was roughly thrown through another door, landing hard on a cold metal floor as he heard the door slam and lock behind him. He was in a lab of some type, staffed entirely by droids. He yelped as he was thrown to the ground with force. He shielded himself with his arms to cushion his fall but the cold metal ground bruised the outside of his elbows. His whole body ached and bruised as he stayed laying there for a moment his breath heavy and ragged The droids looked at Cal curiously as he lay there, breathing heavily - before robotic arms were quickly seizing his limbs to pick him up and restrain him. Cal gasped as he was suddenly picked up by his arms and wrists and couldn't move them in the metal binding. "Hey...let me go..." he cried weakly with his voice cracking "You have been submitted for programming." One of the droids informed Cal in a monotonous tone. "Programming?!" he cried "No...!" he struggled but the bands holding him were too strong The droids moved him into the lab, forcibly restraining him to a table as a screen pulled into view, beginning to flash a hypnotic spiral. "Ufghh! get off!" he squirmed and pulled at the restraints on the metal table. He saw the spiral on the screen and instinctively squeezed his eyes shut A needle jabbed into his neck - overloading him with adrenaline to force his eyes open. He gasped again as he felt a surge of energy from the adrenaline pumped into his neck. His eyes suddenly opened in shock The hypnotic spiral remained directly in front of his field of view as he lay there. Cal grunted as he forced to watch the spiral no matter where he looked. "no...gotta resist.." The droids simply stood, waiting as the spiral continued. "o..ok...nothing's happening...." he sighed in relief as the spiral didn't seem to have any effect and the droids seemed to stay still. He tried to struggle again to free himself The droids' hands moved to hold him flat to the table as the spiral continued, relaxing him. He grunted as he was held flat against the table, but felt more relaxed as his breathing became more regulated The spiral slowed down slightly, aiming to deepen his relaxation. his breathing slowed in time with the spiral making him feel more relaxed, "feel...funny..." he sighed "Just breathe." One of the droids instructed him. "Feel yourself relax and get sleepy." he followed the order and just breathed feeling relaxed even as adrenaline ran through his system "Sleep until you are told to awaken." The droid ordered. his eyelids fluttered as they slowly couldn't stay open and Cal fell into a trancelike sleep The droids stepped away from the table as Cal drifted into sleep and the masked man from before emerged from the back of the room, moving to the table. "What is your name?" "cal....kestisss!" he mumbled unaware of the masked man's reappearance(edited) "No." He informed Cal's sleeping mind. "You are Pleasure Bot 51." "I am Pleasure bot 51....." he repeated as his closed eyes twitched as his mind was vulnerable "You have never been Cal Kestis." "never been Cal...K..kestisss…" he slurred "It brings you great joy and great pleasure to serve." The masked man ordered. "great joy and great pleasure to...serve..." he repeated monotonously "You serve others by giving them pleasure." He instructed the hypnotized young man. "You bring them pleasure by letting them use your body how they wish." "I serve others...give them pleasure...let them use my body....." "You are submissive and meek. Dutiful and obedient." "submissive meek...obedient..." "What is your name, and what is your purpose?" "I am pleasurebot 51, I serve others by letting them use my body for pleasure..." The man in the mask chuckled. "When you feel pleasure, it will make you proud to know you serve. When you feel pain, it will make you proud to know you are used." "I feel pleasure...proud serve....feel pain...proud to be used...." he muttered as his cock twitched(edited) "Awake." The masked man ordered. Pleasurebot 51's eyes snapped open. "Why am I here?" he asked in confusion "You have been selected for upgrading." The masked man informed the Pleasurebot "upgrade sir?" he asked "was my pleasuring not satisfactory?" "It was." The man lied. "But you are to be improved to enhance your users' pleasure." He felt a surge of pleasure and pride from the words. "it would give me pleasure to know my user's pleasure is enhanced" he recited like a recording "Excellent." The masked man said as the droids began to connect Pleasurebot to machinery. PB51 felt another wave of pleasure from the masked man's commendation. Then felt connections and plugs being stuck into him The connections began to take over his life support "oooh….uhhh!" he moaned in an oddly mechanical way as he felt the machinery keep him powered and functional An injection was pressed to his neck, containing a chemical which would begin to convert his skeleton to steel He felt a jab inserted into his spine and felt a constant static and coldness taking over his bones "what is this sensation sir?" he asked the masked man it felt highly pleasureable "The upgrade is beginning." He told PB51 bemusedly His body shivered with excitement at the prospect of upgrade. "I can give a better service?" he asked "You will give perfect service." He promised as the former human's skeleton became fully metal, and the next injection began to turn his skin to rubber. he felt his bones getting heavier and smoother as another injection made his skin tingle and get smoother too "How do you feel, toy?" The masked man asked as the droids began to sever PB51's limbs to make them motorized joints "It feels painful....I want to scream but it turns me on...." he replied as he felt his arms and legs being severed from his body "Pain brings you pleasure." The man reinforced "Pain brings me pleasure" he repeated as the pain from his limbs being separated from his body became pure bliss making him moan As they were reattached, his motors began to whirr and his as they were moved. he moaned as his limbs were reattached, he could feel the whirr and hiss of motors and pistons "I feel different...so .weird!" "But so eager to please." He prompted the correlation "I feel so eager to please...." he repeated "You feel complete and happy." He prompted "I feel complete and happy..." The droids finished working on his joints, undoing the straps to lift PB51 from the table. PB51 moaned at the touch of the droids that lifted him off the table He was carried to a vet of boiling black latex. "Your upgrade is nearly complete." "yes..." he moaned as he saw the vat of latex He was held over the vat as the droids fitted his lips and ass with rims to stretch them open. He couldn't help but moan in pleasure as a rim was fitted over his ass and mouth keeping them open wide "Oooh...oohhh!" The droids began to slowly lower him into the boiling latex feet-first, moving slowly and deliberately "Ooooh...oohhhh!" he moaned as the heat of the boiling wax burned and melted onto his rubbery skin painfully send ing him into pangs of pleasure The boiling black liquid latex was coating his body, seeping into his skin and starting to convert it. "Thiss feels so arousing!" he thought as he felt his skin being converted by the black latexseeping into his skin The droids dropped him fully into the vat, submerging him in the viscous liquid He screamed in pleasure as his body was completely submerged sending him into pitch black searing and merging to his skin changing it After several minutes, he was withdrawn from the latex by a pair of clamps, which carried him to hang in midair so he could dry, his skin shining black, featureless latex with his open ass and mouth. His eyes were even covered, but he could still somehow see. He felt like he was in the dark, isolated for ages even though it was only several minutes. He wasn't breathing, he could feel a heart beat. Finally he felt clamps attach to him and pull him out. He watched as the excess black latex flowed off him as he was carried and suspended for his latex skin to dry out. He had no idea that he was completely devoid of features aside from his open round mouth and ass a groan echoing from the rimmed lips He hung there for hours as the latex dried, the air teasing his seemingly even more sensitive latex flesh as if he'd been given 50 times more sensors on his latex coating As he dripped dry, the man in the mask watched the process intently, eyes never leaving PB51. After three hours, he was moved forward along a conveyor belt holding his clamps. Hot molds were pressed over his head, hips, and feet. another echoed moaned escaped from the featureless lips as he felt his hanging position shifting and intense pressure pressed over his head and feet and hips from hot moulds which kept him highly aroused, he just wanted to keep feeling it The molds gripped his body, squeezing it tightly as it reshaped his body, the warmth feeling pleasurable and distracting he moaned in pleasure feeling the moulds heating and pressing on his face and groin and feet making his motors twitch "sensory...overload...." he thought The molds began to cool slowly around him. he felt the pleasure subsiding again as the moulds cooled making him whimper The molds popped open, freeing the bots' new ears and tail as the clamps lowered him onto his new paws. his paws felt puffy and large and he felt a new appendage waving above his open rimmed ass, something about his head felt different as if his audial sensors had moved. He could feel himself being lowered and his firm latex pads pressed onto the metal ground "Status Report, Pleasurebot 51." The masked figure ordered He stood straight like a droid "all systems functioning 100%" he replied automatically from somewhere in his unmoving mouth "require visual confirmation of new upgrades and form" He wanted to see what he looked like A mirror ascended from the floor to show PB51 his new muzzle and latex cat ears, tail, and cock. he looked at himself in the mirror, looking different to the image he had stored his memory bank, of him before upgrades.. He was completely sealed in smooth black latex and looked more like a blank cat form with a featureless head, the rimmed mouth now framed by a handsome flat muzzle and two triangular latex ears twitched on the top of his head. He had no eyes from what he could see yet could still see. "require vocal updates to match form?" he requested "Proceed to update vocal systems." He instructed "updating.....installing vocal pack....." he said and suddenly found himself purring "meowww...update complete!" he said as his voice pitch was raised to make him sound cute "Perfection." The masked man said softly, reaching to rub the Pleasure Bot's ears. He wanted to moan as the touch felt amazing, a need to be petted added to his programming, but it came out as a lewd mewl. His robotic limbs shivered as his motors began to run through checks and diagnostics looking like he was performing a robotic dance "All systems operating?" He asked as he continued to pet PB51 "mowwrr….all systems functioning at optimal level..." he mewled cutely, not a single shred of the former Jedi knight could be detected in the new sex droid "Pleasurebot 51 standing by...awaiting assignmeownt!" he reported as he stood straight to attention The masked man laughed slightly. "Go back to the party then. Find someone to pleasure." he nodded acknowledging the command as he walked out of the lab, wiggling his bubble butt sexily as his internal map guided him back to the party room happily flirting with the guests without a hint of self-consciousness A different young man to the one who had quarreled with Cal was eagerly and gamely flirting with the Pleasurebot he sidled up to the young man and nuzzled his shoulder with his featureless face mewling needily he was programmed to be completely submissive and obedient, and he giggled as he was flirted at letting him have access to his rimmed ass he nodded acknowledging the command as he walked out of the lab, wiggling his bubble butt sexily as his internal map guided him back to the party room happily flirting with the guests without a hint of self-consciousness A different young man to the one who had quarreled with Cal was eagerly and gamely flirting with the Pleasurebot he sidled up to the young man and nuzzled his shoulder with his featureless face mewling needily he was programmed to be completely submissive and obedient, and he giggled as he was flirted at letting him have access to his rimmed ass(edited) The young man reached to grope PB51 firmly. "Hey kitten." He murmured. he mewled in response not flinching from the grope "yes sir?" "You're a good kitten, aren't you?" The young man asked. "meeooww….yes sir!" he purred enthusiastically as his oral and anal tunnels moistened The young man smirked. "Got anywhere... more private?" He asked playfully PB51 checked his map to find a free private booth The man, meanwhile, was rubbing his hands across PB51's smooth body. "yes.. The executive suite is currently unoccupied meow" he replied as he rippled with the hands rubbing his smooth black latex body. If he knew better he'd have thought he looked like a member of the Sith "Take me there." The man ordered. "yes sir" he assented and guided the young man by the hand up a flight of opulent stairs to a series of grand doors most of which had a red light above it aside from one which was green which PB51 knew was an unoccupied suite and the door opened up for him having scanned his pecs The young man looked around curiously as they proceeded to the unoccupied suite, the doors opening to reveal a large, plush bed and virtually nothing else in a large room. The man stepped through the doors behind PB51, and immediately dragged him to the bed by the tail. He mewled cutely as his slick paws slid across the floor backwards as he was pulled by the tail. His body still aroused by the merest touch and tweak. The young man threw him down onto the bed, moving to straddle him quicky as he kissed him roughly He moaned lewdly at being thrown into the silky sheets of the grand bed and pushed into the kiss enjoying the roughness he was treated with. The man kept the kiss rough and deep as his hands slid to start fondling PB51's cock He writhed sexually as he was roughly kissed moaning lewdly at his hard rubbery cock being fondled. It sent waves of pleasure though his artificial body The man's other hand began to rub and tease the rim of the Pleasurebot's ass, squeezing its cock firmly He continued to suck on the man's lips unable to stop unless prompted. He gasped as his ass rim was teased. A finger rubbing the edges making him shiver with anticipation The man broke the rough kiss slowly. "Strip me." He ordered the shining latex bot. "yes sir" he mewled cutely as his slick motors and pistons whirred and hissed grabbing at the man's smart jacket and peeled it off The man shifted to allow PB51 to remove his jacket, hungrily eyeing the feline figure he pulled the jacket off and let it flop to one side as he began to undo the trousers "Good kitten." The main praised as his trousers were opened and removed, revealing his already hard cock. "Mmmmeowrrrr...thank you sir" he said as his hidden eyes focussed on the huge hard cock "Suck me." He ordered His body shifted on the command moving his head to face the huge hard cock and slid it into his oral fuck hole and began to suck on it his internal pumps began to work sucking the man's member The client moaned thickly as PB51 went to work, gripping his feline ears and beginning to fuck his mouth He purred as the cock thrust back and forth in his hole which produced thick lubricant to keep it sliding with ease as he sucked on the member dutifully The man gasped and moaned thickly as he kept vigorously fucking the hole. "Fuck yes." He grunted. "Purr for me, kitty." HE purred even more avidly as his ears were pulled more The man gasped thickly as his cock twitched, and he shot a load of cum into PB51's mouth hole PB51 bucked and groaned as he avidly sucked up all the cum as the load shot out. His own permanently hard rubber cock twitched and pulsed with arousal The man panted as he pulled his cock out of the latex hole. "Fuck..." he groaned He licked his rim once he pulled out to clean his hole as he lay there waiting for more commands feeling great sense of pride at satisfying his user The man looked down on him and smirked. "Spread your legs." he dutifully lay back and spread his legs to give the man full access to both his cock and ass "meeeoowrrr...yes sir!" He shifted on the bed, cock already hardening again as he pressed its tip to PB51's rim he mewled sensually as the tip pressed on the rim The man grunted and thrust forward into his anal passage roughly "mewwoor…..yesss…...ooooh….use me!" he begged as the cock pushed deep into his hole The man started fucking him roughly PD51 moaned and mewled perversely as the cock thrust roughly into his hole he touched himself all over letting his hands slip over his slick black latex pecs The man grunted and gasped as he powerfully fucked PB51, ramming his latex prostate repeatedly PD51 grunted and panted, he didn't need to breathe but he mimicked breathing raggedly yelping every time his prostate triggered "C'mon." The man grunted thickly. "Scream for me." He screamed and yelled on command as his prostate was struck "oooohh….OOOOOOH...yeeessss YESSSSSS!" he cried The man grinned, increasing the speed and force of his rough thrust his outstretch legs twitched and his body shivered with pleasure as the man powered into his anal passage with more force and speed. "mmmmeeeeeeewwwwrrrrroooowwww!" he screamed "yes...fuck me.....owwww!" Grunting and groaning in aroused joy, the man rammed Pleasurebot 51's prostate again as he came explosively. He let out a lewd feline howl as his body bent impossibly backwards as the cum hit his prostate and filled him up. The sensation overwhelmed his processors making his mind overheat and glitch an spark. His vision glitched and crackled. The man pulled his cock out of PB51, smirking down at him as he quickly dressed himself and left the room. It lay there as its motors glitched a twitched from the overheated processors trying to reboot, currently his mind looping the orgasmic sensation over and over. "Error...error...!" it repeated as some of Cal's mind came back online but had no control "Meooww...what...where am..I...can't move??" he thought A mirror across the ceiling would allow Cal a glimpse of his new body. "Braack...what in Ilun? I...look like a Sith cat....thing...!" he thought as he glimpsed hi reflection "PB51 report back to service." The order arrived to his internal computer. "Huh...PB51...that's...me?" he thought even as his body got up robotically and then strutted out wiggling his bubble butt through the door "Huh...no....stop!" he cried out in his mind "PB51 reporting back to service...mewrr!" he repeated His body carried him back to the party, where hands began to grope and caress him as he walked among the crowd. He tried to flinch to cry out "don't touch me!" but all he did was brush his ass on potential users and giggle as he was touched and groped. A hand spanked his ass firmly as he walked. He meowed with pleasure as his ass jiggled from the spank "Oooh...yes meowwww!" he said as he looked back at the source of the spank "arrghh…..that h...feels good!" he thought He was surprised by that feeling Another hand teasingly stroked his cock - and another toyed with the rim of his ass. "Oooh yeah use my body!" he giggled as he stopped so that hands could toy with his rim and his cock "oh...stop...why does this feel good....feel like...I need.....!" he thought trying to stay mentally focussed Hands were now roving all over his body He mentally screamed as he moaned, writhed and touched himself while the other hands touched his body "Oooh yes...I love this.....using me gives me immense pleasure!" he said He was quickly grabbed, moved towards a side alcove, as someone began to make out with him. He gasped as he was grabbed and pulled into an alcove. His body returned the kiss as his mind was both aroused and horrified "what is happening to me....this is messed up....I got..gotta bre..preak...pleasure my user!" he thought "Huh??" He was ground against firmly as the man shifted suddenly to start sucking his latex cock. he shivered as he moaned and mewled as the warm mouth enveloped his rubber column. "feels so right...." he thought The man kept sucking his rubbery cock as someone else began kissing PB51, both mens' hands rubbing over his smooth body. His mind and body felt so aroused as he had two users now to please at once "must...pleasure user....more users..." he thought his body moved and rippled with the hands touching and rubbing his smooth muscles His pleasure spiked as they kept feeling and rubbing his body, his mind relaxing into its role. "Oooh yesss…" he thought as he felt himself relax from all the arousing sensations. His whole body shivered with pleasure from the multiple sensations.