Entry 19611120 - Backstory 8 - Discoveries _November 20, 1961, Milford, Ohio_ When Fran woke on Monday morning, the afterglow of Sunday afternoon had worn off, and the cold, stark reality that she might be in a family way nearly overwhelmed her. She managed to get control of her emotions while she went through her usual morning routine for a school day. If her monthly didn't come by Thursday, she would be in serious trouble. Having a baby would mean no college, and probably a 'shotgun' marriage to Ben, though thankfully Fran's father did not own any guns. Fran did her best to conceal her nervousness at breakfast, and got out of the house before her sister as she usually tried to do. She saw Beverly and Allison and hurried to catch up with them. "How was your date?" Allison asked. "See any of the movie?" "Yes!" Fran exclaimed. "Who goes to the drive-in and watches the movie?" Beverly asked. "That's for old married people with kids!" "Did you even give him a 'good night' kiss?" Allison asked. "I didn't say I acted like a nun!" Fran protested. "So what DID you do?" Beverly asked. "Relieve the pressure with your hand or maybe your mouth?" "Don't be disgusting!" Fran insisted. "You have no idea what you're missing!" Beverly exclaimed, licking her ruby lips suggestively. "You've done that?" Jennie Peters asked, having quietly come up behind them. "Sure!" Beverly exclaimed. "Guys like it and it's fun! If you do it, they'll go down on you and THAT is worth swallowing!" "Ewww!" Fran and Allison exclaimed. "How does it work?" Jennie asked, intrigued. "You're seven!" Fran protested. "So what! I didn't say I was going to do it, I just want to know how it works!" "You know those Popsicles you like so much?" Beverly asked. "Like that. Just don't bite!" "What did you mean about swallowing?" Jennie asked. "When a guy gets really excited, he shoots out sperm which is how he makes a baby in you. But it can't do that in your mouth, obviously. So you just swallow it!" "Ewww!" Fran and Allison exclaimed again. "Any guy who you do that for will absolutely use his mouth between your legs, and THAT is heavenly!" Beverly declared. "And a guy who will kiss you after you suck him is a keeper!" "You've done all that?" "Sure! Like I said, it's fun!" Bobby Block came out of his house, so the girls knew they had to change the subject. They walked the rest of the way to Milford Main talking about what they planned to do over Christmas break, though Fran's family didn't celebrate Christmas. Chanukah started on December 3rd, and lasted a week, so it would be over before school let out on December 20th. Fran was preoccupied during the entire morning, thinking both of how it had felt to be with Ben, but much more about what might have happened because of that. She needed to talk to someone, but wasn't sure who. Beverly knew way more about sex than anyone else Fran knew, but she wasn't sure she wanted Beverly to know that she'd been with Ben. Allison was probably a better choice; she didn't know as much about sex as Bev, but she had done it with Bobby Block. At lunch, she managed to get Allison away from the rest of their friends. "What's up?" Allison asked. "I saw Ben yesterday, too," Fran said. "And we went to his house..." "You're no longer a virgin?!" "No." "How was it?" "To die for!" Fran said dreamily, but then remembered the reality of her situation. "But we didn't use a rubber." "Oh, no!" Allison gasped. "When is your monthly?" "Tomorrow or Wednesday, according to my diary." "I don't know for sure, but I think you're too late in the month to be in a family way. Bev would know, I think." "I don't want Bev to know!" Fran exclaimed. "You have to keep my secret!" "What's the big deal? All of us have done it now!" "I don't want it spread around and you know Bev can't keep her mouth shut any more than she can keep her thighs shut!" "Don't be catty, Fran," Allison advised. "I don't want a reputation!" Allison rolled her eyes, "Nobody besides Bev, Jennie, you, and me know about Bobby and me. And he sure isn't talking because he'll never get it again if he talks, and he knows it!" "Do you believe all that stuff Bev says?" Fran asked. "I think Bev has done stuff we don't even know about!" Allison declared. "I'm worried about Jennie, too," Fran replied. "She's only in second grade." "We were just as curious," Allison said. "But we didn't hang out with anyone old enough to tell us about it. What will you do if Ben knocked you up?" "Die!" Fran exclaimed. "I don't want to get married now and a baby would make it impossible to go to college. I hope you're right about it being too late." "I thought you were insistent on using a rubber." "We kind of got carried away." Allison nodded knowingly, "If I hadn't stopped Bobby and made him put on a rubber, that would have happened to us, too. And I was right in the middle of my monthly cycle, which is the best time to get pregnant according to Bev. Her dating the pharmacist's son is to our advantage." "How many times have you and Bobby done it?" "We do homework at his house every day after school!" Allison giggled. "It helps that my mom and his mom both work! Are you and Ben going to do it again?" "I want to," Fran said hesitantly. "You don't sound convinced." "I've been thinking about Sam. He asked me out and I told him to ask again." "Bev would date them both!" "Obviously, but that just seems wrong to two-time a guy. Would you be happy if Bobby was two-timing you?" "I'd cut it off with my mom's carving knife! So what are you going to do?" "I don't know. I'm sure Ben will ask me out again, and I want to see him again, but if I turn Sam down too many times, he won't ask again." "Fran Sorkin! Did you screw Ben simply because he's a dreamboat?" "He is to die for!" Fran gushed. "But you'd rather date Sam?" "I don't know," Fran sighed. "I have bigger things to worry about right now." They ate their lunches and then went to find their friends. "Alan invited me to dinner at his house," Nancy said just as Allison and Fran walked up. "And you're going?!" Bev asked. "He's really nice," Nancy protested. "He's boring because he's so hung up on church." "Well, I like him!" "He's a Senior and you're in eighth grade," Allison said. "What will your parents say?" "I'm just going to his house for dinner. I'm not allowed to go on a regular date until I'm a Sophomore." "Is anyone doing anything this Friday?" Jennie asked. "We don't have school, so I thought we could go bowling then get burgers and after that, ice cream. Mom said it would be OK." "Boys, too?" Allison asked. "I'd want to bring Bobby." "Sure! Then I can invite Kent. Fran?" "I don't know," Fran replied. "You could ask Sam," Allison prompted. "Let me think about it," Fran replied. "How about you, Bev?" Jennie asked. "There are other balls I plan to finger!" Bev declared. "Don't be gross, Bev!" Nancy declared. "I'll invite my friend Linda," Jennie said. "It'll be fun." The warning bell rang so they all quickly headed to their classrooms so that when the tardy bell rang, they would all be in their seats. _November 22, 1961, Milford, Ohio_ Wednesday was even more unnerving than the previous two days, as Fran still hadn't started her monthly. If it didn't start before bed, then she was very likely pregnant. She was never more than a day off, and she'd been due on Tuesday. Fran wondered if she could tell by looking in the mirror. She slipped off her nightgown and panties, then moved to stand naked in front of the full-length mirror. She put her hands on her stomach and tried to decide it anything had changed. Sometimes when she had her monthly she felt bloated, but she'd never looked in the mirror to see if it was visible. Her stomach was mostly flat, though there had always been a slight bulge where she knew her womb was. She tried to decide if it was larger than usual, but it didn't seem so. She turned to look sideways and didn't see anything different about her breasts either. Fran turned back to face the mirror and looked her body up and down, remembering how thrilling it had been to be naked in front of Ben and to see him naked. Her left hand, seemingly on its own, moved downwards, her fingers sliding over her soft pubic hair, while her right hand moved to cup her own breast... "FRANNIE!" Esther Sorkin called out. "Breakfast!" Snapped out of the spell, Fran quickly dressed, taking the time to put on her belt and a sanitary napkin, just in case, brushed her hair, then went to the kitchen to join the family for their morning meal. "Mom, can I go to a party at Julie's house on Friday afternoon?" Elizabeth Sorkin asked. "Who's going to be there?" "Just a bunch of kids from school. Her mom will be there. I'll eat dinner there, too. Julie's mom is going to make spaghetti and meatballs for everyone." "You may go, but you need to be home by 10:00pm." "Thanks!" Elizabeth exclaimed. She was careful not to seem too happy, because she didn't want her mom to be suspicious. They were going to play 'Spin the Bottle' and 'Seven Minutes in Heaven' and Elizabeth planned to arrange things so she could end up with Kenny! The thing between his legs was SO cool, and she wanted to SEE what she'd touched, and she'd let him see her, too. "Fran are you going bowling on Friday?" he dad asked. "Ben hasn't called, so I think so," she replied. "Is Sam going to be there?" Elizabeth asked. "No troublemaking from you, young lady," Joshua Sorkin said sternly. "Unless you'd prefer not to go the party on Friday." "Sorry, Daddy!" Elizabeth said quickly. "You could call Ben," Esther suggested. "We did NOT raise our daughters to be that forward!" Joshua declared. "They're proper young women, and if Ben doesn't call, then Fran can speak to him at the synagogue on Saturday. Ben's a fine young man and I'm sure he has a good reason for not calling." Fran thought Ben was probably just as nervous as she was, and that he was waiting to hear from her what had happened. She'd told him Wednesday, and she was pretty sure he'd call later in the day, or, possibly Thursday evening. She ate her breakfast quickly in hopes of getting out of the house before Elizabeth as she usually did. She accomplished her goal, and walked quickly to where Allison was waiting. "Well?" Allison asked. "No," Fran replied. "It HAS to come today..." "Don't lose your composure, Fran. It's not uncommon to be a day or two early or late. I asked my aunt about it last night. Of course, she thought I was asking for myself, but I had just had my monthly, so I could say I was safe." "So you actually did homework?" Fran asked. "It would be WAY to messy and if my mom saw sheets like that, she'd skin me alive!" "Does your aunt know you and Bobby are doing it?" "Yes. She's the one I got the best information from. She got pregnant before her boyfriend went to England for the war, so they got married the night before he had to ship out." "No honeymoon?" "They already had it, obviously, if she was pregnant!" "I just can't be pregnant!" Fran fretted. Bev came to join them so that ended the conversation and they headed for school. Fran had difficulty concentrating all morning, but when she went to use the facilities at lunch, she saw the first telltale signs of her monthly and was greatly relieved. She'd dodged a bullet and resolved to never make that mistake again! She skipped out of the ladies' and quietly shared her good news with Allison. Her happiness was dashed later, when it was bedtime, and Ben hadn't called. Fran hid her disappointment from her parents, but wondered what was wrong with her that had caused Ben not to call. He'd said he liked what they did, but Fran wondered if maybe he expected her to do something else; perhaps use her mouth the way Bev talked about. It seemed gross to Fran, but Bev said it was fun and that she liked doing it. Fran just couldn't imagine herself doing it. Fran undressed, put on panties and her nightgown, and got into bed. She hadn't touched herself since she'd been with Ben, but thinking about being with him made her want to. She closed her eyes and thought about what they'd done together, but didn't want to rub herself because she was afraid of making a complete mess due to her monthly. She had an itch, but couldn't scratch it, so she did her best to relax, and eventually fell asleep. _November 24, 1961, Milford, Ohio_ Thanksgiving had been typical for the Sorkins, and it was their turn in the rotation to host the extended family. Fran and Elizabeth were both glad that turkey was considered kosher, because they really liked it. Fran was disappointed that Ben hadn't called, but she was looking forward to seeing Sam. Elizabeth was antsy all morning, because she was anticipating the party. They left the house at the same time, with Fran walking to Bev's because Bev could borrow her dad's car to drive to the bowling alley, and Elizabeth walking to Julie's house for the party. Fran just took her purse, but Elizabeth had prepared for what she wanted by secreting her dad's penlight in the pocket of her winter coat, because without it, it would be too dark in the closet to see. She was sure he wouldn't miss it, and it would be back in his desk before morning. "Did Ben call?" Allison asked when she came out of her house and joined Fran for the walk to Beverly's house. "No," Fran groused. "I don't know what his problem is, either." "Did you call him?" "My dad doesn't think a 'proper young lady' should call a boy, so I have to wait to see him at the synagogue tomorrow." "He's a complete idiot if he doesn't want to see you again, Fran; you're a catch!" "I'd rather have strawberry blonde hair like yours!" Allison giggled, "Bobby really likes my hair...and not what you can see right now!" "You're SO bad Allison!" They arrived at Bev's house, and when Bev opened the door, the three of them went straight to the car so they could drive to the bowling alley to meet the rest of their friends. Fran decided that if Ben was going to be such a dork, then, if Sam asked her on a date, she was going to say 'yes'. It served Ben right, and he could forget it, if he thought Fran was going to be with him again if he treated her this way. While Fran and her friends were on the way to the bowling alley, Elizabeth talked to her friend Julie about how they'd play their games with Julie's mom at home. "Don't worry," Julie said. "The old bat will be in the kitchen all afternoon. She's baking bread and making the sauce and meatballs for the spaghetti. She almost never goes down to the basement because she doesn't like the stairs. Dad had a plumber install the washing machine in that small room next to the kitchen so she didn't have to go up and down the stairs. That's why they bought this ranch-style house." "What rules are we using?" "Spin a bottle and whoever it points to gets to pick their partner. They go into the pantry closet for seven minutes and do whatever they want. But the guy has to ask the girl, and if she says 'no' that's it. Any guys who get fresh and do stuff without permission have to leave and never come back." "That should keep the toads in line," Elizabeth said. "True, but if they never get kissed or anything, they'll get upset. So somebody has to kiss them, at least once or twice." "Let Kelly or Brenda do that! They'll kiss ANYONE." "I'll talk to them when they get here." An hour later, all the guests had arrived - a total of sixteen, evenly divided between boys and girls, and all of them in ninth or tenth grade. Julie checked to make sure her mom was busy, and then they sat in a big circle. Julie moved to the center and spun the bottle, and to Elizabeth's delight, it pointed directly to her. "Kenny Griswold!" Elizabeth declared. Kenny quickly jumped up, and he and Elizabeth went into the large walk-in pantry and closed the door. It was pitch black, except for a tiny amount of light that came in at the bottom of the door. Elizabeth wasted no time, and put her arms around Kenny. He did the same and they kissed for a minute. He knew he had permission from the previous time, so he moved his hand to Elizabeth's breast. Elizabeth responded by running her fingers along Kenny's manhood, the broke the kiss. "I want to see it," she whispered. "It's too dark to see," Kenny said. "I have a small flashlight!" Elizabeth giggled. "And I'll show you mine!" "Yes!" Kenny quickly agreed. "Pull down your jeans and boxers," she instructed. Kenny, who had a rubber in his pocket that he'd bought in the men's room at the gas station, hoped he'd get to use it, but he wasn't sure Elizabeth was ready to go all the way. He quickly undid his belt, unbuttoned his jeans, pulled down the zipper, pushed the jeans down, then lowered he boxers, allowing his erection to spring free. Elizabeth clicked the end of the penlight and knelt down, shining it at Kenny's groin. "Whoa!" she gasped. "It's so big! Can I touch it?" "Oh, yeah," Kenny replied, hoping he didn't lose it as soon as she touched him. Elizabeth reached out her hand and grasped Kenny gently, and his dick twitched, hard. He nearly lost it right there, but managed not to. "He likes me!" Kelly giggled. She carefully ran her fingers along his firm shaft, then gently ran her fingers over the sack that hung below his manhood. Kenny was in heaven, but he was struggling very hard not to make a total mess. He was afraid that if he did lose it, Elizabeth would be very upset. Elizabeth was totally engrossed in his manhood, moving the light and her head so she could thoroughly examine it. Remembering something one of the older girls had said in the locker room, she considered what to do next, then went for it, kissing the tip of Kenny's throbbing manhood. Kenny groaned and knew he was on a hair trigger. "If you keep doing stuff, I'll make a huge mess!" he whispered urgently. There was nothing to clean up with, so Kelly considered what to do next. She didn't want to stop, but if he shot sperm, everyone would know what they had done. There was only one thing to do, she decided. She parted her lips, leaned forward, and took about an inch of him into her mouth. Instantly, he groaned and his manhood pulsed, then warm, sticky fluid shot out of it and into Elizabeth's mouth. She flinched, but didn't release him, taking the six or seven shots. It didn't taste bad, and with no real options, she swallowed, then released him and stood up. "That was fun!" she giggled. "Urk, er, ah, yeah," Kenny replied, his brain spinning from the surprise pleasure. Elizabeth giggled again, then handed Kenny the penlight. She pulled her fuzzy sweater up over her head, then reached around and unhooked her bra. She pushed the straps off her arms and let it fall away, then unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans, and pushed them and her panties down past her knees. "You turn to look!" she declared, handing the penlight to Kenny. He wasted no time, shining the light first on her breasts, which he touched, causing Elizabeth to shiver, even though she was hot, not cold. Kenny directed the light down, seeing Elizabeth's very sparse pubic hair, and then puffy lower lips which glistened in the light. He tentatively moved his hand down and ran in through her lower hair, then touched Elizabeth in a way that made her squeak. "That's my pleasure button," she whispered. "Just rub gently." Kenny nodded and used his fingers to rub Elizabeth who was so excited that it only took a minute before she shuddered and groaned. She was totally surprised when Kenny brought his fingers up to his face, smelled them, then licked them. "Do I taste good?" she asked. "It's strange. I guess it was strange for you, too." "It was, but I'll do it again if you lick me!" "TIME!" Kelly called. "Ugh!" Elizabeth groaned as they both quickly pulled up their pants. Thirty seconds later, all their clothes in place, the opened the door to the pantry. Kelly stepped in took a deep breath through her nose and laughed softly. It smelled like 'girl' and Kelly was jealous. She'd have to get her turn, hopefully with the hunky Mike. Elizabeth, on the other hand, was thinking about how she could be alone with Kenny so they could continue playing the game!