“Mom?! What are you doing in here??

Wasn’t that door locked?”

“Did you just call me mom? I’m your maid, weirdo…”

Clark had been jerking off before his mom barged in, he would’ve been more worried if she wasn’t pretending to be the maid.

“Haha very funny, but I’m kinda in the middle of something here…. I think you should go”

“But master said you need help, he wanted me to help you finish”

“What the fuck are you saying now?”

Clark quickly pulled the covers over his nude body, surprised to see his mom act shocked.

“That’s a naughty little boy…” Mrs Hunt and her son fought with Clark for control over the blanket, then Clark noticed his mom’s boobs had tripled in size.

Immediately Clark was overpowered, his mom saw him distracted and seized the opportunity.

She quickly pulled out a squeeze bottle, and started dousing Clark’s crotch in warm oil.

“”What are you?? No!!!”

Immediately, Clark felt an intense arousal course through him. He lost all focus, and calmed down as the horniness numbed his mind.

“You’re… not… supposed…”

“Master said if I get oil on my titties, they’ll grow even more!”

Mrs Hunt removed her top, exposing massive jiggling breasts to her son.

“Master? What’s this master you-” He was cut off by the sensation of his cock being grabbed by a hand, and felt erect nipples run along his waistline.

He wanted to tell his mom to stop, but was unable to. Clark just sat in orgasmic bliss, listening to his mother’s moans as the oil sunk into her skin. A weird tingle started in Clark’s penis, but he could barely even talk right now, let alone stop the amazing sex he was having.

The shrinking of his face, heavy long lashes on his eyes, and plumping lips did nothing to alert him of anything noteworthy. Then mom came up from Clark’s crotch, giving his budding breasts a tap as she passed over them.

The jiggle of his soft boobs made Clark snap back to reality, and suddenly he wasn’t so lost in bliss…

He cupped his right boob in his left hand as a sinking feeling ran through him, he now started noticing his stiff, plump made up lips and other feminine facial features. He craned his neck to get a look at what used to be his penis, and saw his mother’s pussy grinding into his own.

Clark sat still as his mom lubed her fingers up with oil, and began fingering her new daughter. Suddenly a new scent filled his nostrils, and the morphing boy’s mind began to fog.

He looked around the room, wondering where he was as his mom hovered the bottle of oil over his pert breasts.

“You want Mommy to make everything better?”

“Of course Mommy...”

Mrs Hunt dripped small amounts of oil onto Clark’s breasts, massaging them as she moaned sensually.

“Master said to not use too much on your boobies, they’re very sensitive to the oil. He said no more than three drops!”

In his haze, Clark managed to get a few choked words out, “You… like, totally did like… six?


Clark cried out orgasmicaly as his breasts began inflating, and he heard a man enter the room.

“So this is my newdaughter? Welcome to the family!

You like that little prank I pulled?

I think your mom makes a pretty sexy maid, but we’ll circle back to tgt later maybe…

You two are my lesbian mother-daughter couple now.

And say hi to daddy!”

Huh!? Clark wanted to protest, but just lay back moaning as his breasts filled with fat.

She could feel her mind register what her master said as truth, and felt her mom get up off her body as she continued to withstand her ballooning bosom.

“How many drops did you do?? Her boobs should be done by now…”

“I tried doing three like you commanded, but more came out!”

Mrs Hunt was on all fours as she sexily spoke to her master, ignoring her orgasming daughter’s erotic cries.

Then Clark was silent, and after a few seconds Mrs Hunt let out a surprised yelp. Her daughter was eating her out, presumably because she was now a sex crazed bimbo that saw a perfect pussy dripping onto the sheet next to her head.

Mrs Hunt bit her lip as Clara, her daughter, aggressively ate her out. She backed up into her tongue, and squealed as cum gushed into Clara’s mouth. Then Clara heard a zipper open, and was quickly in front of her new master on all fours. It was like a magic force was pushing her, forcing her to be as close as she could to her master’s cock.

Clara looked over to her mother as the erect cock came closer, hoping to jump the line to get her lips around it.

“Wow, I had to force a full bottle of that oil down your mom’s throat before she would obey me, I didn’t realize just putting some up your pussy would do this to you! I had to command mom over here to be addicted to my cock, but it looks like you already are?”

The girls’ master let the question hang, satisfied when no response besides a giggle came from the horny bimbo. He sat down in a chair a few feet away from the bed, wanting to just take in his new creations for a few seconds.

The two of them came off the bed, following their master’s cock like iron to a magnet.

All the jiggling and bumping into each other, Clara and her mom got so turned on they couldn’t resist the temptation. The two sat on their knees making out for a few minutes while their master watched.

“How many drops did you give your daughter again? Her tits are massive!”

“I think like six? But I had oil on my hands too, so probably more than that...”

“Well it was the perfect amount...

And did you get more on yours??”

“I think my boobs got a little wet while my son transformed…”

“Wow…” The girls could now see their master’s cock start to get hard, and couldn’t resist approaching the throbbing member. A few last kisses, and they leaned forward...

“Slow down ladies…

Let’s do this on all fours on the bed, it’ll be easier to see everything I wanna grab…”

It didn’t take much convincing, and the bimbos were on the bed drooling before Dan finished his sentence.

The girls fought for who would go first, but eventually Clara let her mom go out of respect.

Watching her mother’s lips run along the shaft, Clara imagined her mouth full. Drool continued pouring from her bottom lip as her desired raged, and soon she was lost in a completely thoughtless haze.

It only took a few seconds before Clara’s urges overcame her body, and she grabbed the cock out of her mother’s mouth.

Mrs Hunt almost got mad, but she was proud of her baby bimbo. She wanted to protest and reach for the cock, but could only watch her beautiful daughter’s lips go up and down their master’s shaft as she gave it little sensual licks.