Chapter 16 — Can I Have A Hug? _January 12, 2003, Chicago, Illinois_ 🎤 Steve {br} {psc} "I haven't been fucked like that since college," Allyson said groggily when we woke early on Sunday morning. "I need a shower before I walk Jess to the hospital," I said. "I assume you're on shift today?" "No," Allyson replied. "I have the day off because I'm seeing my son, but I don't pick him up until 9:30am." "You're welcome to stay for breakfast." "Can you come back to bed after you walk Jess to work?" she asked invitingly. "I'm betting this is a one-off, so if I could get one more…" "I'll clear it with the Empress of the Universe!" I chuckled. "Kara?" I laughed, "No, her daughter, Birgit! She and I usually cuddle in the morning before breakfast. Let me get my shower; you can stay in bed." Allyson stayed in bed while I went into the bathroom. I showered quickly, then put on clean clothes I had in the Playroom before going out to the kitchen to find Jessica eating breakfast and drinking tea. "Is she conscious?" Jessica asked with a smirk. "Barely!" I poured myself some tea and sat down with Jessica while she finished eating. When she finished, the two of us put on our winter gear for the walk to the hospital, as it was only about 10°F outside. "Thank you for the waiver," I said. "You're just disappointed that Lucy wasn't available! I saw that look when you saw her naked!" "So I'm a sucker for redheads!" I chuckled. "Especially with pubic hair!" "Don't like the modern trend of a shaved mons?" "I prefer neatly trimmed, as you well know, but it doesn't bother me except for redheads!" Jessica laughed, "And, your best friend is Public Enemy Number One!" "A crime against humanity if there ever was one!" I chuckled. "I should report him to the International Criminal Court!" "You don't believe they have any jurisdiction!" Jessica challenged. "But they believe they do!" I countered. "But forget the silliness! A question I should have asked before – what were the terms of the waiver?" "None, really, other than our usual rules and that she could have an overnight. I told her dalliances were typically one or two encounters but that it was up to you, minus needing permission for an overnight. For last night, I was OK with it because I knew Kara and Suzanne wouldn't be home until after midnight, and neither Yuriko nor Natalie had asked. I took a warm bubble bath, then went to sleep. Did Allyson say something?" "Just that she assumed it was a one-off occurrence, and I think that's probably wise." "Probably. I still say you should create a sign-up sheet for your Thursday sessions that begin this week! Your schedule would be booked solid like Katy's is for the bed-and-breakfast! It's just too bad most medical students are paupers!" I chuckled, "There is this little thing called the law, too. And if I was going to do _that_, then I'd have taken Anthony up on his offer to conduct interviews!" "Setting aside your reasonable objection, you have to admit it could be fun!" "It's not as if I'm lacking attention! There appear to be plenty of available girls who are eighteen and older, not to mention Emma is moving to Chicago, and Keiki plans to stay with us for the summer." "What about the art student?" "She'll be at the house today, and we'll see how she does at Philosophy Club. Did you see that Jesse is having his Hangout on alternate Sundays at the house?" "Because Libby is graduating, right?" "Yes." We reached the hospital, and after a hug and kiss, Jessica went into the ER, and I turned to walk home. When I arrived, Birgit was waiting for me, and I decided my best course of action was to give her ten minutes of cuddling before I returned to Allyson. Birgit laughed when I told her and accepted the ten minutes, then I returned to the Playroom and got into bed with Allyson. We had a long, slow screw, which was something we hadn't done the night before, with Allyson demanding I fuck her brains out at the start of each coupling. This time, though, I declined and enjoyed the embrace of her incredibly tight pussy on my shaft as I slowly moved in her. She had five orgasms before I had my release. "That was different," she said as we lay next to each other on our backs. "That's my preference," I said. "Not that I have ANY objections or complaints!" Allyson laughed softly, "Obviously, given how much you enjoyed it!" "OK to ask a question about what you said before about not having had sex like that since college?" "You know how medical school and Residency are, right?" "Only vicariously," I replied. "Who had the time or energy? I was a typically wild college student and had threesomes, and the group encounters I mentioned. That more or less ended when I started medical school, and I cracked down and focused on studying. I married as a Resident, and my husband was conventional, and given how tired I was all the time, our physical relationship was mediocre, at best. "I got pregnant right after I became an Attending at Loyola, and about a year after my son was born, things kind of came to a head with my husband. We split amicably, and since then, I've had two boyfriends and a few lovers, but we never really clicked. I clicked better with you than any of them! Jess was kind enough to share! Jess found a creative solution to the problem, and despite being unconventional, it seems to have worked well." "There were some rough patches," I said. "I think that's true for every physician, but especially women. My rough patches led to divorce, and Lucy's convinced her not to have kids or marry. Al Barton had his during medical school and Residency, which I'm positive you know." "I do. Are you dating now?" "There's a guy I see from time to time for dinner and companionship, but it's obviously not serious, and I know he has other girls he sees. As contrary as it seems, I'm actually happy working, spending time with friends, and only getting laid occasionally. I know other female doctors like that, too. Jess could rent you out and make a fortune!" I laughed, "Probably not the best idea, for a host of reasons." "For most guys, I'd say it was their fantasy, but given you have five women you live with and permission to play around, it's not yours. I have no right to ask this, but what is YOUR fantasy?" I chuckled, "Asks the pretty doctor who demanded I fuck her brains out five times last night!" Allyson laughed, "OK, sure, but everyone has fantasies." "I've lived mine!" "I suppose so, if things I infer from what Jess has said are true! We're obviously going to have to get up soon, and there is one thing we didn't do last night." "Only one?" I chuckled. "You're not THAT naïve!" Allyson laughed, "Did I use the word 'only'?" "No." "The pretty blonde doctor would like to fellate the handsome man and have him ejaculate in her mouth." "The handsome man won't object and requests the pretty doctor conclude with a French kiss with his semen still in her mouth!" "I only ever had one guy who was OK with that, and it was back in college! And he didn't request it!" "Does the idea turn you on?" "Yes!" "That's why!" Allyson kissed me, then moved down and gave me a slow, sensual blowjob, easily deep-throating me but ensuring she backed off when I twitched so that my cum ended up in her mouth rather than down her throat. After the last spurt, she moved on top of me and ground against me, lowering her mouth to mine. Her lips parted, and our tongues tangled in the cum she hadn't swallowed. We kissed until Allyson had brought herself off, then got out of bed and went to the bathroom to shower. We washed each other, dried off, dressed, and then went to the kitchen to have breakfast with Kara, Suzanne, and Birgit. ————— {br} 🎤 Birgit {br} After breakfast, I went up to my room and decided I needed to talk to Katy. Normally, I would have IM'd her, but I chose to call her because it was easier. Fortunately, she had time to talk. "What's up?" "Something just doesn't feel right," I said. "Physically? Emotionally? Mentally?" "Dad would say I'm mental!" "Takes one to know one!" Katy declared, and we both laughed. "Emotional, I think," I said. "Struggling with sex and relationships, like a normal teen, now that you're past the 'new toy' stage?" "Yes," I admitted." "Have you thought about what you want now that you have it out of your system?" "As if!" I giggled. "Birgit," Katy said sternly, "if you want advice, you need to be serious." "Sorry. That's just it, I don't know." "Has something happened?" "You know about what happened with Peter, Philip, and Bob." "It sounds to me as if you regret your behavior. Not the sex, but how you handled the relationships." "I guess." "Do you have someone you're seeing now?" "Tomás." "Do you like him? I mean more than just as a sex partner?" "Yes." "Perhaps you should consider having him as a boyfriend and see how that works out. It's a High School relationship, and nobody really expects those to be permanent." "I mean, I could," I replied, "but I invited my friend Bob to go to Saint Martin in March, and I already messed up with him once by making plans then changing them because of another guy." "If you had to choose between them, which would you pick?" "Bob, I think, but he has a friend named Meghan who he does stuff with." "I infer that means they're doing more than just hanging out." "I think so; I mean, I'm sure, but I don't know it for a fact." "I think you're going to have to choose, Birgit." "Dad didn't have to!" I protested. "And your dad suffered emotional trauma for years, and a whole gang of people were caught up in the drama while he searched for a solution. And even when he found the solution, things weren't all sweetness and light for almost a decade. It was only after he returned from Japan that the drama basically subsided. I wouldn't advise his path for anyone, and you've said you eventually want to marry and have kids." "I hadn't thought about that," I admitted. "I was just thinking about his wives and girlfriends." "I'm sure you know about some of the ones where things not only didn't work out but caused all manner of emotional trauma." "Aunt Bethany, Becky van Hoek, and Michelle York," I said. "You are remarkably well informed!" "Maybe," I said. "I think there's something very important about Dad that I don't know." "And unless he's willing to share, as much as it annoys you, it will have to remain unknown. If you had your dream situation, what would it be? And I don't mean with your dad!" "I don't know," I said. "That's just it." "Nobody can tell you, Birgit. You have to figure it out. Let me ask you this — if you had it to do over again, would you handle things with Philip differently?" "Yes," I admitted. "I kind of freaked out when he said he loved me." "Typically, it's the guy who freaks out when the girl says that first, at least in High School. Have you tried to get in touch with him again?" "I sent him a card around Thanksgiving, but he didn't answer. I hurt him pretty badly." "That is a fairly common occurrence in High School when you're trying to figure out relationships. You make mistakes and learn from them, so by the time you graduate college, you're ready for a legitimate adult relationship that you intend to last a lifetime. May I make a suggestion?" "Sure." "Don't go to bed with any new guys until you figure out what you want. If you just want to fuck, then be prepared for the consequences. If you want a relationship, you have to nurture it and work hard at it. It's not easy, and it's not meant to be easy." "Matthew and Chelsea?" "The exception that proves the rule," Katy said. "But you can't count on that happening. Seriously, think about what you want, then figure out how to achieve your goal. I'll let you go, but call or IM any time, and I'll see you in June." "Thanks, Katy," I said. I hung up and considered what to do. I had an idea, so I used speed dial to place another call. "Doyle Residence; Lilibeth speaking." "Hey, it's Birgit. I owe you an apology." "For?" "We agreed to be BFFs, and I haven't really talked to you in almost a month. Want to come over?" "Sure! What time?" "Come over for lunch at noon." "Great! See you then!" I closed my phone, then sat down to do my math homework. ————— {br} 🎤 Jesse {br} I left church as soon as the Divine Liturgy ended and headed to Hyde Park. I had Aunt Jessica's car with her MD plates and 'park anywhere' sticker, so I drove straight to the hospital and parked in the reserved lot, then walked to the diner to meet Angelina. "Hi," she said when I walked in. "Hi!" The hostess directed us to a booth and left menus. The waitress came to get our drink orders, but Angelina and I both knew what we wanted, so we placed our food order as well. "What did you want to talk about?" I asked once the waitress brought our Cokes. "I miss you," she said. "You know you're welcome to hang out with us and come to our Hangouts," I said. "I know, but I _miss_ you." Beating around the bush would not do either of us any favors, and that meant I had to take a direct approach, though I could be nice about it. "I like you," I said. "But nothing has changed except that it's less than eighteen months before I leave for college. I'm going to UW-Madison, and I'll only come home on breaks. During the summer, I'll probably coach hockey camps in Madison or up in Minnesota. That makes a committed relationship difficult at best." "And would mean you couldn't sleep with every girl who asked!" Angelina countered. I refused to take the bait. "If you recall the conversation we had last September, I made the point that it wasn't about that. I mean, yes, I have the freedom, but the other freedom is more important. I don't want to answer to anyone for my time. I don't want to be forced to choose between my friends and family, or things I want to do, and a girlfriend." "And have sex with whoever you want!" "If you remember, I said if I was forced to choose between my friends and sex, I'd choose my friends every single time." "And when you get married?" "The equation is different, but I'd still want to spend time with my friends, hang out with my dad and my brothers, and do stuff I wanted to do. Yes, it would be a compromise and one I'll make to marry and have kids. But I'm not even seventeen until next month, and I don't think it's smart to tie myself down. I'm happy for you to hang out with us and to be friends, but that's the limit." "If you think I'm going to have sex with you, you're insane!" "I'm going to point out that you're the one who keeps bringing it up. If you don't want to have sex with someone, then don't. If you do, then do. But you shouldn't use it as a weapon or a bribe or anything like that." "You can be a real jerk!" Angelina growled. I thought about pointing out that she had shown up for our group outing and had asked me to have lunch, not the other way around, but I saw no point. "I'm sorry you think so," I said. "I've been nothing but honest with you from day one." "Except when you deny it's about having sex with as many girls as you can!" "You're free to believe whatever you want, but believing something doesn't make it true." She gave me a dirty look, and I half expected her to get up and leave, but she stayed sitting. The waitress brought our food, and Angelina ate without saying a word. I saw no point in trying to start a conversation, as I was positive it would return to the same point — she wanted me to be her boyfriend, and I wasn't interested. It wasn't her; it was _anyone_, and that was true even if I didn't get laid again until college. Of course, the chances of that happening were small, but it was a true statement. It was also the case that I was going to visit Akiko in Japan in six months, and if I had to choose between the two of them, Akiko would win hands down. The same was true for Larisa, even though she and I hadn't done more than share a few kisses. When we finished eating, I paid the bill, left a tip, and Angelina and I walked outside. She said nothing and simply began walking in the opposite direction of our houses. I shrugged and walked across the street to where I'd parked the car so I could drive home. ————— {br} 🎤 Birgit {br} Lilibeth and I ate lunch, then went up to my room to listen to music and talk. "I'm sorry we haven't talked," I said. "You said that before," Lilibeth replied. "It's OK. With the holidays and stuff, we were all busy. And if you're worried about Libby, we're not a couple. And I know she wants to be with a guy and a girl and have all three do stuff together. You know that could never work for me." I smiled, "You've made that clear! Are you going to get back together with your girlfriend in Boston?" "Maybe. We talk, but she's seeing someone and is serious and exclusive. How are things with you?" "Other than with boys, pretty good." "Well, if boys are a problem…" Lilibeth teased. "You can make me scream?" "Yes! But I know you prefer boys. What's going on?" "I'm trying to figure out what I want. I've messed things up with some guys, and now I'm not sure what to do. My friend Katy suggested just being with one guy, but that creates a problem." "Why?" "Because I invited Bob to go to Saint Martin, but he can't be my boyfriend because of Meghan, and if I ask Tomás to be my boyfriend, I can't take Bob to Saint Martin, and it would be the second time I basically blew him off for another guy." "Girls, Birgit! Girls! We're soft, cuddly, and drama-free!" I laughed, "Have you met my sister Stephie?" "And what was it that caused her drama? A boy!" "You might have a point," I giggled. "In all seriousness, is there any reason you can't just spend time with Tomás and not be with anyone else before your trip? That seems like a workable solution unless Bob thinks he'll be your boyfriend because you're going to Saint Martin together." "No, he's OK with just being a fuck buddy, and we didn't make any plans except the trip." "And Tomás?" "Him, too." "Then what's the problem? I mean, unless you have some burning need to have another dick, it sounds like everything is good. And you're getting your dose of pussy, too. Be happy with your situation because it's pretty good. The only way it could be better is if we had a regular sleepover!" "You're really that interested in me?" "Duh! You are super sexy, you're fun, you taste good, and you know how to make me orgasm! I know you like guys, but I promise no drama, and I won't be jealous of Tomás, Bob, or Libby. And you absolutely enjoyed it, even if you prefer boys." "Your parents will allow sleepovers?" "Sure! You have two beds, but they don't have to know which one I'm in!" I giggled, "That sounds like something I'd say!" "I have one more thing to offer," Lilibeth said. "I'll use your personal massager on you, and you can use it on me, so long as you promise to NEVER try to put it in me." "Is it OK if I think about it?" "Obviously! Tell me about the trip to Saint Martin." ————— {br} 🎤 Steve {br} "And we meet again!" Jackson declared as he, Natalie, Suzanne, and I sat in the sauna after lunch. "Is the plan still the same?" "Yes," I replied. "Though with all the new people, we need to talk about creating a third chapter." "How many new people?" "At least six," I replied. "I hate losing some long-term attendees, but having a third chapter is a huge step." "Who would you want to lead it?" Natalie asked. "Logically, I think it has to be Elizabeth and Ben," I said. "There are close to a dozen people who are in the Western suburbs, and that's a good core group. I'm not thrilled, but we can't have fifty people in the group, and we'll be close to that. More than thirty is unwieldy, but we'll lose several to graduation over the next two years." "Who are the new people?" Jackson asked. "John, Tabitha, and Libby, who used to attend the Hangout, Danielle, and Shaye, all of whom will be here today. You met Emma at the impromptu session, and she'll be here in June." "Who's Shaye?" Natalie asked. "A student at the School of the Art Institute I met a few weeks ago. Over the summer, we'll likely have my friend Keiki here as well, though only for the summer because she's going to Stanford. And starting in June, Jessica will join us because her schedule is changing, and she'll have Sunday and Monday off." "Cool," Jackson observed. "Did construction start on your new building?" "They're tearing down the old Annex," I replied. "Everything is going according to schedule. How are things at M & M?" "Great! I'm working with Jennifer on a custom test rig for a company in California, but I can't name them." "I totally understand," I replied. "I take it everything is good with Holly." "More than! Her pay is obscene, but you knew that, I'm sure." "And to think that could have all been mine!" I chuckled. "All for the low, low price of divorcing Jessica, dumping Kara, and marrying Samantha!" "What?!" Jackson asked. "He offered me a million bucks a year to become his protégé and take over the family business, and Samantha was part of the offer! Of course, she was more than willing and has maintained ever since we'd have been the ultimate power couple. I said we are that now, just minus the sex, and she pointed out that was true about her parents, too!" Suzanne, Jackson, and Natalie all laughed. "And I bet you weren't tempted," Jackson said. "Not a bit," I replied. "Not even for a second." ————— {br} 🎤 Jesse {br} I had just arrived home when my mobile phone rang. "Go for Jesse!" "Hi, Jesse! It's Anna Lundqvist!" "Hi, Anna! How are you?" "Great! What are you doing at the end of February?" "School, ice hockey practice, and hopefully playoff games. Why?" "We have «sportlov», or sports vacation, the week of February 23rd, and I wondered if you'd like me to visit!" "The State Ice Hockey Championship final is on the 23rd, so hockey will be done. That means no practice and no games, but I'd still have school, which gets out at 2:45pm. If you can deal with that, then sure!" "Cool! Ask your moms and let me know, OK? My mom will want to confirm with them." "One sec," I said. "They're here." I muted my phone, then went to the living room. "One of the girls I met in Sweden wants to come visit during their break, which is the week of February 23rd. It won't cause any conflicts with hockey because the State Championship final is the 22nd." "She's welcome to visit," Mom One said. "She said her mom will want to confirm with you." "Now?" "One sec." I unmuted the phone. "Mom One says it's OK. Did your mom want to talk to her now?" "Yes, if that's OK." "It is. Let me give her the phone." I handed the phone to Mom One and waited while she spoke briefly to Anna, then spoke to Mrs. Lundqvist. It was obvious everything was cool, and Mom One handed me the phone. "Hi!" Anna exclaimed. "I'll make flight reservations and call you with the details! I'll try to arrive on Friday evening and leave on Saturday afternoon." "Great! If we make the championships, you could see our game. Let me know!" "It's OK to sleep in your bed with you, right?" "Yes. My moms are like Swedish parents." "Great! See you!" "See you!" I closed the phone and slipped it into my pocket. "Let me guess," Mom Two smirked. "A smoking hot blonde?" "Of course! My height, blonde, with toned muscles. Think Viking warrior princess!" "What sport does she play?" "Football, of course!" "I assume she'll stay in your room?" "Yes. She actually asked, and that's when I said the thing about you being like Swedish parents." "We didn't see you yesterday after your lunch. What happened?" "I'd say Zahra is going to have some restrictions on seeing me. I just hope it doesn't mess things up with Birgit. On the plus side, Adi's dad let her start coming on Friday nights again, but that was contingent on Zahra and Zaida being there, plus Ali and Jamal. I'm afraid both Zahra and Zaida will be restricted, and that would probably mean Adi wouldn't be able to hang out with us." "There's not much you can do about that," Mom Two said. "Muslims tend to be extremely conservative, and you know they can't marry someone who is not Muslim." "Actually, it's a double standard," I said. "A Muslim man can marry a Christian or Jew, and they can keep going to their church or synagogue, but a Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man." "And right there is a reason to reject it all as nonsense!" Mom One said. "Not to mention their views on LGB people." "Oh, I know," I replied. "And I wasn't thinking about marrying her, but I enjoyed hanging out with her, and she liked hanging out with me. But don't worry, my tall Swedish girl doesn't go to church, nor does Larisa, and Akiko is basically secular but observed traditional Japanese religion, which is a mix of Shinto and Buddhism." "Narrowing down the field?" Mom Two asked. "Those are the three girls I like the best out of all of the ones I've hung out with." "CeCe?" "I did like her a lot, but she was ready to get serious, and I'm not. As I said to Angelina, I'm not even seventeen, and I don't want to get tied down and have to answer to a girlfriend about how much time I spend with my guy friends, or hockey, or whatever. You know what happened with Nicholas and Stephie — she had a fit because he wanted to play video games with us. I'm not signing up for that crap!" "I wasn't trying to push, Jesse," Mom Two said. "I was just asking about CeCe because you two were pretty close and spent a lot of time together." "We did, but in the end, the distance was a problem. It's the same thing I said to Angelina — in eighteen months, I'll be at UW-Madison and won't come home except on breaks. It'll work for Mikey and Nicole the same way it did for Jerry and Mia — they're the same age and can go to college together." "Just do what you think is right and what makes you happy," Mom One said. "In the scheme of things, it's not too long before you set out into the world and start a career and then a family. Six years is not a long time, even if it seems like it right now." My phone rang, and I answered, and when I hung up, I let my moms know I was going to Uncle Dave's house to hang out with Peter, Nicky, Albert, and some other guys. ————— {br} 🎤 Steve {br} We ended up not discussing _Aesop's Fables_ at Philosophy Club as introductions, and then the discussion about forming a new chapter consumed most of the time. Just before it was time to end, the doorbell rang, and Yuriko answered it, then came to the great room. "Steve-sama, there are two police detectives at the door." "OK. I'll be right there. Trish, Liz, and Julius, would you join us in the kitchen, please?" "What's up?" Trish asked. "I suspect it's about Danielle's friend who disappeared about a week ago. Liz knows the details." I went to the door and saw Detectives León and Madison, who had investigated Jackie Williams' murder. "Detectives, how can I help you?" "Hi, Mr. Adams. Are you armed?" "No. My firearms are locked away." "Could we come in? It's a bit cold out." "We can go to the kitchen," I said. "Same conditions as before." "Agreed." I led them to the kitchen, where my trio of lawyers was waiting. "Detectives León and Madison, Liz Crane, my corporate and personal attorney, Julius Crane, criminal defense attorney, and Trish Fitzpatrick, civil rights attorney. "Mind if I asked who tipped you off we were coming?" Detective León asked. "Nobody," I replied. "I have a group of friends over, and that included these three attorneys. If you've looked into me at all, you know my firm provides software for law firms, so you pretty much can't find a time when I don't have a least one attorney present." "What's this about, Detective?" Liz asked. "Nadia Granger," Detective Madison said. "Her body was found last night." Liz put her hand on my arm, so I remained quiet. "Mr. Adams spoke with Deputy Randolph of the DeKalb Sheriff's Department and provided everything he knew." "We have a copy of that report." "Then you know she left here by taxi, which was confirmed by American Taxi, and was dropped off in Lincoln Park about twenty-five minutes later. My client hasn't seen nor heard from her since she left here and can prove his whereabouts both with electronic records and personal testimony." "Will you allow us to ask him questions?" Detective León inquired. "May I have five minutes, please? We'll step into the hallway there, which leads to the servants' quarters." "OK," he agreed. My three lawyers and I stepped into the hallway that led to the Playroom and shut the door most of the way, though I stood so the detectives could see my back. She quickly brought Julius and Trish up to speed. "Did you have _any_ interaction with her of any kind after she left?" Liz asked once she'd finished explaining. "None." "I have to ask — was there any physical contact between you and Nadia?" "No," I replied. "She was in the Indian room with my wives, then she and I sat in the wingback chairs in my study. When she left, I walked her out and paid the cabbie more than the fare plus tip to Union Station." "DNA?" Julius asked. "That's what I suspect," Liz said. "Steve, they'll likely ask for a DNA swab to rule you out. I need to know right now if they'll turn up _anything_." "Not a thing," I said. "Not even a kiss or hug. I don't even think I touched her hand. But to answer your question directly, there is no chance they will find my saliva or semen on the young woman. None. That was the only time I saw her, and literally nothing happened." "Are you willing to give them DNA if they ask?" Liz inquired. "I'll follow your husband's advice on that one, given his history in the Public Defender's office. My DNA is actually in some file somewhere because it was part of a failed paternity suit." "They'll never find that," Julius said. "Normally, I'd say 'no' and make them get a court order. Liz, do they have probable cause?" "They can probably make it from instant messages and her visit here." "Then you're better off just coöperating," Julius said. "That is, if you are positive." "Absolutely positive. And as Liz said, I can account for every minute. Heck, I have video from the security system here at the house. They'll show exactly when she arrived, when she left, and they should show the cab. The camera at the back of the house will show the cars were there and also that I didn't leave." "Do they know about the security system?" Trish asked. I chuckled, "No, and neither did the FBI, if you recall!" Trish laughed, "_Birgit versus the FBI_ would be a smash hit if you could release it somehow!" "I could put it on," I said. "But I think the FBI would object vehemently!" "They would!" Trish agreed. "I'd offer the detectives the video from your security system. Again, we could make them fight for it, but I don't see the point." "There is one thing to consider," I said. "My usual reaction is to refuse to coöperate. If I suddenly coöperate, that might lead them to think I'm guilty." "Yes, and we could go down the whole Vizzini route and tie ourselves in knots," Liz said. "Julius, I think he can talk to them because his alibi is rock solid." "Then let's do that," Julius said. "Steve, if I touch your arm, stop talking, and I mean mid-syllable." "Got it." I opened the door, and we rejoined the cops. "Mr. Adams will answer any relevant questions you ask," Julius said. "Thank you," Detective León said. "Mr. Adams, can you corroborate the information provided to Deputy Randolph?" "Absolutely. I can provide you video from our home security system. It will show her arriving, her leaving, her getting into the cab, and me returning to the house. In addition, the camera in the back will show that all cars registered to this address were in the driveway and will show I didn't leave the house."" "We'd like those, please. Do they have time and date stamps?" "Yes. I'll need to transfer them from the hard disks to videotapes for you. I'll preserve the originals as well." "We can't have those?" "No. It would disable the system. It records on hard disks like you'd have in your home computer." "When can you get those to us?" Detective Madison asked. "What time period do you need?" "I'd say from fifteen minutes before she arrived until 6:00am the next morning." "OK, I replied. "That will show me walking my wife to work at the hospital. I'll give you until 6:30am so you can see me return." "Did you have intimate relations with Miss Granger?" Detective León asked. "No. Not even so much as a hug." "Would you be willing to provide a DNA sample?" "Yes." "And can you provide the names of anyone who can verify your whereabouts from 5:00pm on the 3rd until 5:00pm on the 4th?" "Yes. That will be a long list because it will include everyone at the karate dōjō where I teach, as well as about two dozen men, a third of whom are active duty Naval officers with whom I had breakfast. And if I add in the restauranteur, his wife, our usual waitress, and my kids, you're going to have a list of over a hundred people." Detective Maddison laughed. "OK. How about two names from each location?" "I can do that." "May I make a call?" Detective León inquired. "Certainly. Use the phone behind you on the wall." He made a call, and I deduced he was arranging for an evidence technician to come to the house to supervise transferring the video to videotape. "Mr. Adams," he said after he finished the call. "A technician will be here tomorrow at 8:00am to supervise transferring the video." "It'll take hours," I replied. "The system isn't designed for high-speed transfer, so it will take an hour for every hour of video you want, which is about ten. If you want to speed it up, we'd need to use a video production system, but that will likely cost a few thousand dollars to rent for the time we'll need, plus the cost of the engineer to hook it up." "The CPD or DeKalb Sheriff would need to cover those costs," Liz interjected. "And if you're thinking of removing the equipment, we'll want a warrant, and you'll bear the costs of doing the transfers." "I guess we're in for a long day tomorrow, then," Detective Madison said. "The same tech who supervises the transfer will swab your DNA." "OK," I agreed. "I'll be here." "Thank you for your coöperation, Mr. Adams," Detective Madison said. "Trish, would you show the detectives out," Julius requested. Trish did as he asked, then returned. "One of us should be here on Monday," Julius said. "It should probably be me." "I'll sign a personal retainer," I said. "This clearly isn't NIKA business. Let's go back to our friends." We went back to the great room, and I asked Danielle to join me in my study. "The detectives were here because they found Nadia's body last night." "Oh, no!" she gasped. "What happened?" "The police didn't say." "They suspect you?!" I nodded, "Yes, but I have a solid alibi, corroborated by video and electronic records, plus a bunch of people who saw me." "How can we find out what happened?" "When they charge someone," I said. "Danielle, they asked for my DNA." "You think she might have been raped?" "I don't know, but they asked if I'd had sex with her. I didn't, of course." "Oh, God," Danielle said. "Can I have a hug?" I nodded, held out my arms, and she stepped into them, buried her face in my shoulder, and began sobbing."