■B1 ・く…動けないっ悪霊の類か? Kkh... I can't move... Is this some kind of evil spirit? ・クスクス Heeheehee ・悪霊なんて酷いなぁかわいい森の精霊だよ How mean of you to call us evil spirits. We're cute spirits of the forests. ・イケメンのお兄さん僕たちと遊ぼうよー Handsome guy, come play with us. ・クスクス Heeheehee ・全部脱がしちゃえー Let's take those all off. ■B2 ・わぁ!お兄さん身体もイケメン~ Wow! Your body is also handsome. ・精霊か…悪意がない分たちが悪いな… Just spirits...? They don't feel malicious so they're probably no... ・あんまり恥ずかしがってないね~? You're not that embarassed, huh? ・ちょっと前に全部脱がされてカチンコチンにされちゃったからかなー? Maybe because you got turned to stone a while ago? ・な…なぜ石化されたことを…? H-how did you know about that...? ・僕らの情報網なめんなよー Don't underestimate how well-informed we are. ■B3 ・肌もツルツルだよー His skin is so smooth too. ・う…触られるたびに魔力が吸い取られているような気が… Uuh... It feels like I get drained every time they touch me. ・わぁ!お腹がすごく硬いよ! Wow! His stomach is so hard! ・しっとりしてるところもあるよ~ But there are other places where he's soft too ・触るとちょっとピクっとして面白いなぁ~ It's so interesting how touching some parts make it twitch. ■B4 ・なんだこれー硬いけどむにむにしてて面白いよ What's this... It's hard but also soft. Very interesting. ・…っ ...Uh. ・き…君たちは何がしたいんだい W-what do you spirits want? ・何って人間を知らなさいって森の長老様が言うからこうやって遊んでるんだよ~ What, you ask? The elder of the forest told us to get to know humans more, so I'l doing that by playing like this. ・ねー Right ・ね~ Right ■B5 ・わわっここも前の人より大きいよ! Wow! He's even bigger here than the last guy. ・待… Wai... ・どこを触って… Where're you touchi... ・ここを触ると僕たちも君も元気になるんだよ~ Touching you here will make both you and us feel even better. ・お兄さんも気持ちよくしてあげるねー! We'll make you feel even better, right! ・ね~ Right ・うっ…あ Uuh... Ah. ■B6 ・やったやった元気になったよ! Hooray, hooray! He felt even better! ・それでもっと触るとたくさん元気が出るんだよ~ If we touch it more, it'll feel much more better! ・な…っくそ…離せっ! Wha... Damn... Let go! ・恥ずかしがらなくても大丈夫だよー It's okay, don't be shy. ・だめだ…振りほどけないっ It's no good... I can't break free. ■B7 ・見て見て気持ちいい証拠も出てきたよー Look, look. There'll be proof that it did feel really good. ・あっ… Aah... ・おっ… Ooh... ・やった~!もうちょっとだね Hooray! Just a bit more. ・まず…いこのままだと出…っ No go...od. At this rate, I'll cu... ・よーしラストスパート Alright! It's home stretch! ・うぐ…っ も…もう Uugh... I'm abou... ■B8 ・イ…クっ Cumm...ing! ・く…っ Kkh... ・あ…ぐっ Ah... Ggh. ・わぁ出た~! Wow! It's here! ・こんなイケメンでもイクって言うんだね!みんな一緒だね A handsome guy like this can also say that they'll come too! Seems like all the humans are the same. ・どこに行くのかわからないけど気持ちよさそうな声だよねー I don't know where you're going to come but it sounded that it felt good. ■B9 ・それじゃいつもみたいに入り口に転がしとこ Then, let's just leave him by the entrace like we usually d- ・あれー?何かまだ動いてない? Oh? Something's still moving? ・えー?全部吸い尽くしたはずなんだけどなー? Huh? Didn't everything got absorbed already? ============================================= ■EX ・おい…クソ精霊どもあんま調子ノってんじゃねぇぞ… Hey... Don't get carried away, you shitty spirits... ・おわぁ~?! Waah?! ・何だこいつー!カッコいいぞー?! What's with this guy! He's so cool?!