-Mini story Explicit Pinkie Pie! by Colonist! Pinkie: You know, it’d be awfully selfish of me if I were to hog the party’s chief refreshment to myself. You: Wait, what!? Who are you calling a refreshment! Pinkie: Oh, silly me! I get all kinds of variables mixed up together in my head with all the party planning that I sometimes forget that x can equal y which can equal z! Rainbow: So much math… Sunset: You’re not making any sense, Pinkie. Sci-Twi: Clearly she’s referring to the transitive property. Sunset: Wouldn’t that be x equals z if y equals z then? Sci-Twi: You’re forgetting the “if x equals y” part in there, but yes. Rarity: That’s a divine number of variable there, darling, but what does it add up to? Pinkie: Hehe, out of all the random parties I’ve thrown, I completely forgot that this one had its own theme to it! Applejack: Not to question your already awesome parties, but how’s this one any different than any other random party that you’ve previously thrown? Pinkie: I was going to announce it halfway through, but what the heck, I opened that present a little too early. It’s a “Dummy Appreciation” party! Everyone but Pinkie: Huh? Pinkie: I’ve kept my ear to the ground, and I know that each and every one of you girls has managed a score with our friend here. I figured that I’d be the final topping on that desert, the cream of that pie, the - Rarity: Darling, enough euphemisms! Pinkie: I was going to complete the whole set at the end of the party! Though I couldn’t decide if I was going to do that before or after you guys left. I just couldn’t help myself! Applejack: Well, I can honestly say that I do really appreciate our friend and his “stick-to-it-tiveness” with helping out. Sci-Twi: Always willing to be the dependent variable in any experiment. Rainbow: Always willing to be the lesser athletic standard to lift my spirits. Sunset: Always willing to roll with the punches…literally. Rarity: Always willing to be a good model…clothes model. Fluttershy: Always willing to be more awkward than I am in awkward situations. Pinkie: And always willing to be our adorable little dummy head! You: … Everyone but you: … You: Okay, I know I’m supposed to feel appreciative, but holy shit did all of that sound somewhat backhanded! Whoa! Everyone: … *A couple seconds pass before everyone bursts out in raucous laughter at both the absurdity of the tribute and the common understanding that the banter and ribbing were all a natural part of your friendship with them. Heck, when you think about it, what you have with these girls is stronger than friendship. You trusted them with your thoughts and doubts, and they’ve done the same with you. If anything, hooking up with them all had only served to somehow strengthen your overall mutual trusts via resultant exchange of carnal knowledge and desires. When one took the sum of everything that had transpired between you and these seven gals, one could say that you found a way to remove the “friend zone” from the aforementioned friendships, and in doing so had created friendships with benefits: a genuinely visceral and emotional benefit for all involved. The thought of how everything seemed to fit together so beautifully makes you smile.* Pinkie: All right, that’s enough of the sentimental break in the action! *You feel Pinkie hoist herself off your center stick and dab the leaking fluids from herself with a nearby napkin. You swore that was what she was last doing before you found yourself being moved from the sofa and balanced on a spinning bar stool in the span of a split second. It’s Pinkie, of course!* Pinkie: Time for the main event! You: Oh, now I’m a main event? Pinkie: Or…transitive property, right! You’re the main party game! You: Game? Rainbow: If you keep repeating everything that she says, I’m gonna suggest that we just make you the chief pińata for the rest of the party - with non-blindfolded players and a cricket bat! Pinkie: No, no, we want to keep him happy - especially down there! Wanna know what we’re gonna play? Rarity: The suspense is killing me! Sunset: Something tells me that this isn’t something trivia-related. Sci-Twi: Darn it… Pinkie: Ladies and hapless guy, I give you…”Spin The Dummy!” You: What!? Pinkie: Don’t give me all the credit though. I got this idea from a certain girl in this room…someone who shared a very particular fantasy with me… *The girls all give each other quizzical glances for some moments before all the glances eventually mutually settled on the most suspected girl in the room.* Fluttershy: Eeep! Rainbow: Bwahahahaha! That g uilty look gives it all away; I knew that you’d definitely come up with a kink like this if it’s what I think it is. Geez, swear it’s always the quiet ones. Fluttershy: Pinkie! You said you wouldn’t tell! Pinkie: I didn’t, hehe! They figured it out all by themselves. It’s pretty obvious otherwise, wouldn’t you say? Applejack: Well shucks, Shy. We’re all friends here, and no one’s judging you. Heck, if I didn’t just have my turn with him the other day, I’d give everyone a nice demonstration of how I think your game works. Why don’t you do the honors of taking the first spin? Rarity: Hmph, generosity was supposed to be my line… Applejack: I said that I already had a turn the other day, princess! I’ll be back. I’m going to grab another cider. *Fluttershy hesitantly approaches the bar stool that you’re planted on. You know that you’re planted on it for sure; you can feel the super-gluey hold of the planted bubble gum on the seat. Your ass wasn’t going anywhere until Pinkie did something to free you. You grip the opposite sides of the seat to balance yourself upright, and Fluttershy spins the stool seat as hard as she can in one direction. You realize mid-spin that much like a swing set, you’re able to somewhat control the momentum. You don’t have much of a preference, but Sci-Twi sticks out to you at the moment, and you adjust your legs to try and make the spin stop when you’re facing her. It works.* Sci-Twi: Me? Pinkie: Yeah, exactly how it works! *Sci-Twi approaches you and kneels. Looks like you made a fairly good choice here. You had just gotten off not too long ago, and a old fashioned blow was a good way of getting it back up and into action.* You: Hey, Pinkie? Pinkie: Yes? You: You said that I was the main refreshment? Pinkie: Yes? You: And the main event? Pinkie: Yes? You: And the main party game? Pinkie: Yes? Rainbow: Augh, so many yeses! I wanna be the one to be screaming that! Rarity: *gasp* Rainbow! So unladylike! Sunset: We’re all ganging up on one guy and sharing the dick between all of us. Ladylike left the building the moment that Fluttershy gave him a spin. Sci-Twi: So our friend has just confirmed with Pinkie that the transitive property is at play here… You: What I’m asking is…how long does this game last? Pinkie: Why until the end of the party of course! You: The end of the evening isn’t too far off. Pinkie: What’s time got to do with that? You: Wait, you don’t mean - Pinkie: You’re relieved once all of us has our slice of pie! Errr, or would that be a load of pie in this case? In any case, we can’t leave all our guests unsatisfied, now can we? You: Are you nuts!? Pinkie: Nope, but you got a couple good ones down there. I know because you willingly accepted the special hors d’oeuvres earlier: oysters and ginseng tea! You: You…what!? You gave me aphrodisiac foods on purpose!? Pinkie: Hey, you accepted them! You: But I don’t have that much…errr…pie for everyone! I only managed a six-shooter in one day! Rainbow: Hehe, revolver dick. Applejack: Don’t worry, partner. You only got five shots to make. I’ll take our last tryst as credit for today. Rarity: Goodness, I better be next spin after Sci-Twi gets him going. I want a generous helping of pie before he starts to sputter out. Applejack: Geez, I know that you like rock-hard gems, but this gives a new meaning to the adjective! Rarity: Yes, I do indeed love jewels, farmer - especially if they’re going to be his “family jewels.” When it’s a choice between dick and diamonds, well - Sunset: Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, yeah, yeah. Who could’ve saw that coming? Rarity: No, what I meant to say is that dick is a girl’s best fuck! Rainbow: Heh, now who’s unladylike? Rarity: You’ll eat those words when it’s my spin! Rainbow: You’re on! Bet I’ll do more reps that you! Fluttershy: I don’t mind going last…I mean, if he’s going to be a little raw and worn down after the next three, then he’s going to need my tender loving care at the end of it all, right? *You lean your head back as Sci-Twi continues to work on your knob. You do so not just out of sheer enjoyment, but to quickly hide your growing grin on your face. You’re doing your absolute best to refrain from laughing at the banter between the girls. Even with something as crude as what’s happening right now, there still is room for the usual dynamics between everyone involved. Quite the bunch of friendships!* You: Augh…friendship is benefits…friendship is…is…oh, fuck it. Fluttershy: Um, we’ll certainly try our best to do so. Everyone: Fluttershy! Fluttershy: …unladylike? Applejack: Eeyup.