You never thought about it too much, but your roommate John was always bringing the hottest chicks over. You’ve even seen him bring back two or three girls at a time, and couldn't believe it. He didn't seem like such a great guy; in fact, he was kind of an ass, but girls could barely control themselves around him.

One day he got really drunk and told you his secret, his cock is magic and any woman that makes him hard will become insatiable for his cum till he finishes inside them. This was all fun and good till finals week, when John didn't leave the dorm for over a week.

You began to think about his cock infrequently, not even noticing the salivating and increasing occurrence of it. Soon you masturbated to the thought of him fucking girls, and you always came when he did.

This morning you woke up and paused in the mirror, were your eyes always so round? Your nose and chin looked smaller too, but your eyes and eyelashes were the most pronounced…

You could see John look into the bathroom inquisitively, and you felt his heart rate pick up when his eyes locked onto yours. It didn't take long for you to figure out what was happening, but by that time John was already slowly approaching.

His bulge throbbed violently, and you could feel yourself change with each throb. Your height went down over a foot, and your breathing picked up as well as your voice became more feminine and luscious.

Your hair began creeping down your slimming neck, and your breathing picked up as your shoulders slimmed. A feminine gasp escaped your lips as a growing pressure built up in your chest, and the rough material of your shirt made you moan as it rubbed your growing nipples.

“No!!” You scream, releasing yourself from John’s grasp on your hips and grip on your mind. “Keep that… Mmm… thing away from me!” You say, placing your hands on your hips and trying to give John a stern look.

Looking into John’s eyes made your stomach instantly flutter though, and you felt your body become turned on as your small hands stroked smooth skin. Your sweatpants fell down your waist a bit as you felt your shirt begin to shrink up your torso and reveal a sexy belly button.

You took a deep seductive inhale, lifting up your shirt and giggling as the cold breeze made your nipples perk up. You then saw John undress, and snapped back to reality.

You could feel your old self slowly gain control of your senses, but the craving for John’s member remains.

“Get your pants back up you creep!

You think I’m just gonna fuck you cuz of that magic cock??

I’m a dude! Change me back this instant!! You yelled, trying to avoid staring at the throbbing cock in front of you.

You felt the arousal building up, and an insatiable craving to be filled overcame you. Your mind screamed now as you took a step toward John, and you managed to run off to your room to relieve the immense feeling.

After a few minutes your body felt relaxed, and you could barely lift yourself out of the massive wet spot you created. You then sensed John’s presence at the door, and all the relief you felt dissipated as your pussy became flush with arousal again. John barged into the room and grabbed your ankle, something you thought would feel less delightful.

Your giggling screams could be heard three apartments over as John threw you onto the bed and pulled your panties down. Your inner self fought hard as his cock slipped between your thighs, and soon you were pushing John off yourself.

“You’re making a big mistake!

Every time i cum now your body will react, and it won’t stop till I cum inside you.

Understood?” John asked, staring deep into your eyes and turning you on even more.

The thought of John cumming inside you made your heart race, and you moaned as you massage your pussy. “I’m not sleeping with you, asshole!”

“Alright, have it your way…” John shrugged, walking out of the room stroking himself.

A few minutes later your phone vibrates, and it’s a text from John; ‘Done’.

“Done? What could he- Ooo!” A shot of erotic bliss interrupted you, and you know what John meant by “Done”.

Your clothes felt restrictive, and you breathe a sigh of relief once your body is completely nude. A pulsating started in your womanhood, and you felt moistness down below as your body convulsed in ecstasy. Your nipples felt explosive as your boobs jiggled, and you cried out orgasmically as your hips expanded outward.

Your previously flat body was coming into its own, and soon your chest decided to join the fun. Moans caught in your throat as the euphoric sensation in your pussy traveled up your torso, settling in your A cup boobies. The jiggling you felt before was nothing compared to what was happening now, your inflated boobs now bounced delightfully as multiple orgasms burst through your womanhood.

You felt the folds inside you tighten as they cried for cock, and you knew if John was in the room you’d be on top of him. Luckily he just came before, so he was taking a little nap. You hoped he didn’t plan on tormenting you with this, but didn’t realize John knew that if he went sexless long enough the closest man would change for him. He didn’t think you could hold out so long, but took solace in the fact that you would eventually fuck him and be exponentially sexier when you do.

Your week went exactly the opposite of how you would’ve liked, within the first few days you took to really appreciate the times John would finally cum. He just kept himself as close to you as possible, which made your sex drive go crazy!

Once he jerked off it meant he would leave you alone, and you got to climax from the changes every time. Your cravings would be increased as well, but you’d been able to hold off on actually leaving the room. John figured this out though, and had a solution for you.

“Could you like, put that thing away please! I thought you were only doing…” You trail off as John closes the door to your room, spacing out as you watch John’s hand stroke his enormous erection. “Doing that in private… O fuck…” It takes all your willpower to not get your plump lips around the thick shaft, but all those thoughts disappear when you see the fountain of jizz pump from John’s cock.

Your jaw drops, and you can’t even focus on the intense orgasm building up inside your folds. A drop of cum lands on your hand, and without a thought your mouth is sucking hard on it. The taste is beyond anything you could imagine, and you wiggle your hips as you imagine the delicious liquid shooting up inside you.

“Fuck! I’m not getting hard, Candi. Could you help me out, please?”

You wince, wanting to correct John about your name, but forgetting what it actually was.

“O daddy, you don’t need me to get you hard! Your big cock is so wonderful, I just need to like, walk over and you’ll be ready to fuck me!” You giggle, making your bouncy way over to the couch where John sat recovering.

“This better not wear off before I undress you, those intricate silk and leather outfits cost me a fortune!” John said, looking your body up and down.

“These outfits actually make the change like, totally take longer! They restrict my boobies and ass, and it really turns me on and like, makes the orgasm last way longer!!”

John watched, nodding as your bust grew even larger. He sat in his favorite position on the bed, and motioned for you to come over. You could only giggle and walk over, trying to make your hips swing as much as possible. His large cock throbs in anticipation, and you salivate as you turn around on your knees.

“You’re gonna do the honors, Candi.

Just lean back, and enjoy!” John says while he moves you in place, right in front of his cock.

You lean back and feel your virgin lips separate, but a gasp escapes your lips as the orgasmic change ceases. Your mind suddenly comes flashing back, and you try jumping away from John.

Without a second thought you lean back and, “O shitttttt”.

You’re no longer a virgin now and try squirming off the twelve inch cock, but you turn around, and looking into his eyes makes you lose control again. This time there would be no stopping it, and your heart skips a beat as your tight folds are penetrated for the first time.

“Very good…” John says, smirking as he grabs your hair and pulls.  

You could feel the veins in John's cock throb, and his grunting thrusts fill your body and senses with euphoria. You feel an orgasm unlike any you’ve felt before build up, and pick up your pace as your boobs swing freely.

Suddenly John grabs your neck, and your body freezes.

“Like, what are youOoooooo…”

He’d been going soft on you before, and the building orgasm explodes as your soft body is dominated by brute strength. John cranes your neck, and the orgasm intensifies as you stare into each other’s eyes amidst powerful thrusts.

He then pulls out of you and cums on your back, laughing evilly as the warm liquid pools up in the now growing small of your back.

The direct cum contact intensifies the changes even more, and you moan as your ass explodes behind you. A weird arch develops in your back as well, making you realize it's gonna be pretty hard to clean that cum. That doesn’t mean you don’t want more…