Benny Takes Control Chapter 1 Josh sat up, looked at his ringing phone and noticed it said 'The Harrisons', which meant they were probably calling to ask him to babysit. He answered with a polite, “Hello.” “Hi Josh.” It was Mrs Harrison. “Any chance you could come over tonight? Usual rate.” “Sure, what time do you want me?” he asked eagerly. “Seven should be okay.” Smiling, Josh replied, “Great, I'll see you tonight.” He put the phone down and lay back on his bed. It had been months since they last asked him to babysit. He thought they might have finally decided that Benny was old enough to stay home alone now, but apparently not. Josh thought back to the first time he had been asked to do it, he had been just a scrawny sixteen-year-old and Benny was only ten. Now, he was on the verge of turning twenty and had almost doubled in size thanks to his work at the gym while Benny had turned thirteen six months ago and seemed to be growing by the day. For Josh, the babysitting had never really been a chore. He enjoyed spending time with Benny as the two boys had always had lots of fun together, playing games, watching movies, thinking up bizarre pizza toppings to order. The fact that he got paid to do it was just a bonus really. Benny was a little smart-mouth too, always coming up with some insult or another for the older boy. Josh would then act annoyed and tell Benny he was in trouble. The younger boy would then run off and hide and Josh would go find him to administer the 'punishment'. More often than not, Benny hid in his room, at the end of the bed. Josh would then sneak in, onto the bed, reach between the gaps in the bed's foot-board, grab Benny and start tickling him as punishment for the insult. Regardless of anything else they did during their evenings together, this always seemed to happen, almost like a ritual. Josh wondered if this would still be the case, thinking about the now-teenage boy and how quickly boys' personalities can change at that age. He put it out of his mind and went about his day as normal. The evening soon rolled round and Josh made his way to the Harrison house, just a few minutes walk away from his own. It was only quarter to seven, but Josh preferred to be punctual. He waited a moment after pressing the doorbell and was greeted by Mr Harrison, who was dressed very smartly. They were clearly going somewhere very nice for the evening. “Hey Josh, thanks for coming.” “No problem Mr H.” he said cheerfully as he stepped inside and removed his footwear. “Ben's in the lounge if you want to go through.” Mr Harrison suggested as he closed the door. Ben? What happened to Benny? Josh walked down the hall and into the lounge where he saw Benny slumped on the sofa, fixated on the TV. He didn't even look round as Josh walked in, not until he said, “Hi Benny.” “It's Ben!” the boy snapped, still not looking away from the TV. Josh looked back at Mr Harrison who rolled his eyes and smiled. “Ben. Don't be rude. Say hello to Josh.” Mr Harrison said sternly, before turning and heading back out. Benny finally turned away from the TV, checked his Dad was gone and smiled. “Hi Josh, sorry about that.” Josh looked confused, but smiled back and sat back down next to the teen. “What...” Before he could ask anything, Benny continued, “Don't worry about it, I'm just messing with them. But really, call me Ben. Benny sounds like such a kiddy name.” Josh chuckled, poked the boy in the side to make him squirm and said, “Okay... Benny!” Still smiling, “I'll get you for that!” His face dropped and he he looked away, just as he saw his Mum coming in. “When they're gone!” he added under his breath. “Hi Josh.” Mrs Harrison said as she stepped into the lounge. “Hi Mrs H.” Josh said back, then looked her up an down. “Wow, you look really nice. Going somewhere special?” A broad smiled spread across her face at the compliment. “Thank you. We're just going out for a meal. We managed to get into Vivada.” I was surprised, it was the most popular restaurant in town. Michelin starred, always full. “We realised Tony's going to be away for our anniversary next week so we thought we'd celebrate tonight instead.” “My parents went there a few months back. They haven't shut up about it since.” Josh replied. “My Dad tried to recreate a couple of the dishes they had. Didn't go well though, we ended up with takeaway.” Mrs Harrison laughed, then said, “I'll just let the professionals do it. Anyway, we're going to head off early as you're here. Have a good evening Ben.” “Whatever.” Benny grunted at her. “And good luck Josh.” Mrs Harrison chuckled. “We'll be back around 11, maybe a little later.” She wrapped a shawl around her shoulders and headed out the front door behind her husband. Near enough the second the door closed, Benny punched Josh on the arm. “What was that for?” he asked, rubbing his arm and pretending it had actually hurt him. “For calling me Benny. I told you, it's Ben.” the younger boy grinned back at him. “Oh really?” Josh said, standing up and towering over the seated boy. “Well I'm bigger than you, and I say you're still Benny. Benny!” He folded his arms in front of his chest, a look of complete smugness on his face. Benny stood up in front of him, revealing to Josh that he had grown about another six inches since he last saw him. He was still nowhere near Josh's height yet though, and his skinny frame looked tiny by comparison. “It's. Ben!” he said loudly and clearly, jabbing a finger into Josh's folded arms. Josh grabbed the finger, twisted the entire arm around behind Benny, pushed him down face first so that he was laying on the sofa then straddled his back, finally pulling the other arm up too. The younger boy was completely pinned, with no way of getting out. “What did you say your name was?” “Ben.” he said defiantly, his voice muffled by the sofa cushions. “I can stay here all night if I have to.” Josh said calmly. “Do you think you can take a whole evening of this?” He started tickling the boy's sides, causing him to squirm desperately and cackle with laughter. A few moments later he stopped and asked again, “What's your name?” “Ben!” More tickling, this time lasting a couple of minutes. Josh was surprised to feel his cock beginning to swell as he sat atop Benny. If Benny didn't give up soon, he was going to have to change position before the boy felt it. “Your name?” “Okay. Okay.” Benny said breathlessly. “It's Benny. You can call me Benny.” Josh released his grip on the boy and let him sit up on the sofa. He sat back down beside him, a big grin on his face as the semi began to subside. In a show of dominance, Josh stretched his arms out to both sides, resting them on the back of the sofa, one going behind Benny and the other one above the empty seat to his right. Benny looked round at him and they both smiled. As Benny caught his breath, he relaxed back into the seat, then slid slightly to his right so that he was leaning against the older boy. “You know I'm going to get you back for that!” he commented matter-of-factly. “It's sweet that you think you'll ever beat me.” Josh replied smugly, bringing the hand down from the back of the sofa to ruffle the boy's already messed up mop of dark blonde hair before letting his hand rest on the boy's shoulder. Benny growled in annoyance, but didn't move, seeming quite content to stay sat like that. The two sat quietly, watching the TV until the show ended. Josh wasn't really watching though, as he kept looking down at the boy cuddled up to him, an array of thoughts flooding his mind. 'I've really missed this kid. This feels nice. This should feel weird. Why doesn't this feel weird? He doesn't smell like a teenager yet. Why am I smelling him? His hair was so soft. Can I play with it again? Will he think I'm weird? Am I weird? Was I getting hard? Because of him or because of friction? Why am I thinking this stuff? God I've missed him. I wonder when I'll get to come over again. Touch his hair again.' He was shaken from his racing thoughts when he felt Benny pull away from him, sitting back up in his seat. “I'll be back in a minute. Toilet.” He seemed a little sheepish as he said it, and seemed to be walking at a strange angle as he left the room. Josh quickly figured out why. 'Stray boner.' he thought to himself, thinking back to how many he got at that age and the awkwardness of trying to hide it. 'Was it a stray though? Was it because of me? Did I make him hard? He made me hard. Why does it matter? Stop thinking about his boner. He's only thirteen. I wonder if he's jerking off now. Stop it. Boner. Stop it. Boner boner boner boner boner boner.' That was it, his mind focussed on that word word, and like a self-fulfilling prophecy, Josh's own cock swelled to full size in moments. “Shit!” he muttered, then rearranged himself so that the boner was tucked into his waistband, covered by his t-shirt. Just as he finished hiding his boner, Benny walked back in. Josh briefly thought about teasing the boy, but thought better of it. People in glass houses, and all that. A little teasing about something else might be in order though. “You okay... Benny?” Benny was about to sit down, he picked up a throw cushion to make room, but instead of sitting he turned to face the older boy and said, “It's Ben... Joshy!” He smacked Josh in the face with the cushion then stood there grinning before realising he was in trouble. “Right. That's it!” Josh said, in his scariest voice. Benny ran. He was out of the room before Josh had even finished standing up. Josh smiled, happy to see that the ritual still seemed to be in place. He started slowly creeping through the house, calling out, “Benny, where are you?” and “I'm coming to get you Benny!” He went into every room, to prolong the young boy's suspense, before he finally headed into his room. The curtains were still drawn, making the room quite dark, but he could see what looked like a huddled by at the end of the bed. He knelt on the bed, lay down on and reached through the railings of the foot-board and grabbed Benny. “Gotcha!” he yelled. To his surprise, it wasn't Benny he had got hold of, but a large pile of clothing. Momentarily stunned by the trick, he lay there thinking about where Josh could be, when two hands reached out from under the bed and grabbed his wrists. He heard a click and felt something cold. Pulling his hands back, he found he could only get them a short distance back through the railings before something stopped them. Looking at his wrists he saw he had been handcuffed. “What the fuck?” Benny climbed out from under the bed, turned on the lights and came to stand by the bedside. “Gotcha!” he said, mocking the older boy. “Very clever.” Josh said, annoyed that he had stumbled into what was very clearly a pre-planned trap. “Now let me out.” He stood up next to Benny, but had to bend over towards the foot of the bed because of the restraints. “Let you out? Why would I do that?” Benny grinned. “Because if you don't, I'll have to break out and I don't want to damage your bed or your little toy cuffs.” Josh said, starting to get frustrated. Benny laughed wickedly. “You're welcome to try, but take a closer look first.” With the lights on, Josh was able to get a better look. The handcuffs were certainly no toy, they were proper heavy duty ones, and the foot-board was chunky wrought iron, each piece solidly welded to the next. Josh sighed as he realised the only way he was getting out, was if the younger boy let him. “Fine, you win.” “Not good enough.” “And I'll call you Ben.” Josh added humbly. “Actually, how about you call me... Sir!” Ben said with a smile. “Fuck off!” Josh exclaimed, not aggressively, more like incredulously. “You know, if you had just called me Sir, I'd be uncuffing you now. Looks like we're gonna have to do this the hard way.” “Fine, Sir!” Josh retorted. Ben laughed again. “Waaaay too late for that, but nice try.” Benny shoved Josh towards the bed. Off balance already from bending over, he easily fell onto the bed and rolled onto his back. The chain between the cuffs had just enough length to let his hands cross over, but now unless he turned back again, they were now essentially pinned in place. The younger boy immediately climbed onto the bed, straddling Josh. “What are you doing?” Josh asked, confused. He could probably have bucked the boy off of him, but for now he was just going to let things play out and hope he would be freed after. Without a word, Ben pushed up the bottom of Josh's t-shirt to reveal his stomach. It was nicely toned, showing the beginnings of impressive abs, a small trail of dark hair running from his belly button down into his jeans. Ben placed both of his hands on it, stroking gently. “Whoa, Benny, stop it.” Josh objected. The 'Benny' had been unintentional in his surprised state. “Sorry, sorry, I mean Ben. You shouldn't be doing that.” “Shouldn't I?” he asked innocently. “I thought you liked it when we touch. You certainly seemed to enjoy it earlier. And if I'm not mistaken...” he shuffled slightly atop Josh's crotch, “You're enjoying this too.” The boy was right. Once again Josh was getting hard and this time there was no denying that it was because of Ben. His soft, smooth hands stroking his stomach had felt amazing, and the way his little ass pressed against the swelling organ even more-so. Nevertheless, he still tried to defend it. “It's just friction. Anything rubbing it makes that happen.” “Really?” Ben asked, clearly not buying it. He reached down to Josh's stomach again, but this time slid both hands up inside the t-shirt until they found his nipples. Josh let out an involuntary whimper as the young fingers found their target. He began rubbing and squeezing them gently, looking the restrained teen straight in the eye as he did so. The swelling cock was now up to full-on raging boner. “Still just friction?” Josh went to speak, but instead came a breathy shudder. He tried again. “... N-no.” “No what?” Ben asked as the rubbing continued. “No... Sir.” he said, finally giving in. Chapter 2 Josh groaned with pleasure. He had no idea how the young boy was causing such intense waves of pleasure just from playing with his nipples, but right at that moment he didn't really care. Ben pulled at bottom of Josh's t-shirt, attempting to lift it higher. Not even realising he was doing it, Josh arched his back to allow it to be slid upwards. The rest of the teen's body was revealed. Ben had felt the slight covering of hair when his hands first started exploring, but now he could see it covering Josh's firm chest. The nipples he had been teasing were rigidly stiff, begging for more attention. As the boy lifted the t-shirt higher, it pulled up over Josh's face and started sliding up the outstretched arms above him. Ben stopped there, leaving it in place as a kind of blindfold for the aroused boy. He sat atop the now-motionless teen and took in the view. This perfect example of teenage sexiness lay half naked, blindfolded and restrained, his to do with as he pleased. Once again Ben placed his hands on the taut stomach and began sliding the hands upwards, enjoying the feel of every inch as Josh stifled a moan. He leaned down, putting his face mere inches from the exposed chest before sticking out his tongue and quickly licking across a nipple. “Fuck.” he heard Josh mutter as his entire body twitched. Another lick. And another. And again. Josh was now panting. Finally he managed to speak again. “Ben, you've got to stop. This isn't right.” “Okay, I'll stop.” Ben said, before taking a nipple between his lips, sucking it, lashing his tongue back and forth across it while his other hand massaged the other. “Or I can do more things like that. It's your choice.” Josh was silent for a few seconds before he just whispered, “More!” “More.” Another lick. “What?” Josh was quickly getting the idea. “More please, Sir.” The myriad of thoughts that had been racing through Josh's mind were now being silenced with every lick and touch of the boy on top of him. Even calling the boy 'Sir' seemed to simply make him more aroused. “Good boy.” Ben grinned, as the older boy fell more and more under his power. He quickly licked one of the nipples one more time, before gently kissing next to it, making a line to the middle of Josh's chest with kisses and licks before heading South. He edged backwards down Josh's legs so that his kisses could reach all the way down to the waistband of the jeans All the while, Josh moaned his appreciation. Ben sat up, then manoeuvred himself round so that he knelt between Josh's legs, reaching across and gently stroking the skin just above the jeans. He brought his hands together at the buckle of the belt. “Shall I go on?” he asked playfully. “Yes.” Josh mumbled. “Yes Sir.” “Ask me to do it.” Ben ordered. “Please Sir, please take off my clothes.” Josh replied without hesitation. Ben couldn't believe Josh's willingness. When he had planned this, he had expected a lot more resistance, but having such a compliant boy at his command was turning him on too. He couldn't wait to get Josh's clothes off, but didn't want to appear to keen. As slowly as he could make himself, he took hold of the belt and undid it, then the button on the jeans before sliding down the zip. Immediately Josh lifted his butt of the bed to allow them to be pulled down. Not wanting to waste any more time, Ben grabbed the underwear at the same time and pulled. It wasn't until the clothing was at about mid-thigh that Josh's cock finally sprang free and slapped up onto his stomach. Ben stopped and stared, open-mouthed. His own cock was about 4 inches hard, which, according to the Internet, was pretty big for his age, but Josh's was something else. It looked like it was easily double the length of his own, and probably twice the thickness too. He knew it wasn't the biggest in the world, but to the small boy it seemed enormous. It looked uncut, but standing at full attention the head had poked free. Coming back to his senses, he continued removing Josh's clothes, leaving him, aside from the t-shirt covering his face, completely naked. He sat and stared at the body laying on his bed. The trail of hair from the belly button was now completely obscure by the rigid cock laying there, although he could see it lead down to a small patch of hair above the base of the monstrous cock. Josh's balls were completely smooth, whether by nature or by grooming Ben didn't know. He really didn't know where to start. For a first time, he was being quite ambitious. The nervous boy gently placed a hand on each ankle before slowly sliding it up the hairy muscular legs, up the thighs until they ended up either side of Josh's engorged organ. Josh was still silent, so Ben figured it was time to make him moan some more. Josh had been precumming heavily, leaving the head of his dick shiny and slick, with a small puddle forming in his belly button. The young boy took hold of the shaft, lifting it slightly, and scooped the pre-cum up before reapplying it directly to the shaft, lubing the entire thing with both hands. “Shit.” Josh gasped as he felt the two hands, slick from his own emissions. Ben continued stroking gently. There was plenty of room for both hands to explore the huge cock, so he let them both slide up and down, occasionally using both together to pump at it slowly. “Oh God. I'm... already close.” Josh stuttered. That acted as a cue for Ben to increase the speed of his strokes. Gradually they grew faster and faster, Josh's pleasure moans quickly changing to breathless panting. “Oh God, oh God.” He was close, right on the verge so Ben stopped, letting go completely. “No, I'm so close.” Josh growled through gritted teeth. Carry on. Please. Please Sir. Please.” The older boy's pleading made Ben's cock throb. He figured it was time to set it free. He stood up beside the bed and quickly removed all of his clothing. His young cock seemed bigger than it had ever been before as it pulsated in time with his heartbeat. He climbed back up between Josh's legs, a blot of electricity shooting through him as he felt the bare skin of his leg press against Josh's. That gave him an idea. Leaning over, Ben lay across the whole of Josh's body, chest against chest, stomach to stomach... cock to cock. Both boys mewed with pleasure at the extent of the contact. Still desperate to finish, Josh started grinding his crotch against Ben's. The young master got lost in the sensations, almost forgetting that he did not want his slave to cum just yet. He knelt up again, leaving Josh thrusting into mid-air before realising the other boy's body was gone. It was time to tease again. He leant forward a little and the head of his boner made contact with the base of Josh's. Continuing to lean, he slid it up the shaft, then back down again. Then up and down again. He could tell both cock's were ready to release a load so he reluctantly stopped. As much as he would have loved to cum like that, he wanted to prolong Josh's suffering. “Tell me, boy.” Ben said as firmly as he could. “Are you a virgin?” “No Sir.” Josh replied weakly. “How many people have to had sex with?” “Two Sir.” “Male or female?” “Female Sir, both of them.” “So I'm your first boy?” “Yes Sir.” “Would you like to cum, boy?” “Yes Sir. I need to, my cock feels like it's going to pop.” Ben gave it a quick stroke and Josh let out a high-pitched whimper. “Yeah, certainly feels that way to me. Have you ever played with your butthole, boy?” “N... No Sir.” Josh replied, a little surprised at the question. Ben said nothing back. He got off the bed, reached underneath it and pulled out a length of rope. He started tying one end of it round Josh's left knee. “What are you doing?” Josh asked breathlessly. “Showing you something.” Ben said back cryptically. With the rope secure round his knee, he stretched it back to the foot-board, looped it through one of the gaps then lead it back down to his other knee. While he was doing it, he cock occasionally brushed against Josh, causing them both to squirm with pleasure. Ben pulled the rope and Josh's left knee raised. The young boy lifted the other knee, then secured the other end of the rope around it. Before Josh could realise what was happening, the rope was in place and he now found himself laying with his legs in the air, completely exposing his arse and hole. “Wait, I'm not sure about this.” “Who said you had a choice?” Ben replied. He reached between Josh's legs and gave the cock a few more strokes, ensuring he stayed as close to cumming as possible. At the same time, Ben swiped a little of the pre-cum from the gleaming head with his finger. Gently he spread it around the outside of Josh's virgin hole. Josh gave a nervous sounding whimper which stopped Ben in his tracks. He climbed off the bed, knelt by the side of it next to Josh's head and reached up. He pulled the T-shirt further up, revealing the older teen's face. Ben leaned in close and whispered, “Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. If you relax your arse, it won't hurt at all, it'll feel amazing.” he planted a kiss on Josh's cheek so gentle that he barely felt it. The restrained boy was amazed. Ben had been so ruthless up until then, so what was that about? He didn't really have time to think about it as the young master was back in place and once again stroking around the hole. Josh couldn't help but admit to himself that the boy's finger really did feel wondrous as it teased him. It was the entry that he was worried about. Without warning, Ben's lubed finger pressed at the hole. By reflex, Josh clenched, but after thinking about what Ben had told him he did his best to relax. The pressure increased and Ben's digit began to slide inside, just up to the first joint. Josh's eyes widened in a mix of shock and pleasure. It was nothing like he imagined. There was definitely some pain but the relaxing had helped and what he felt was mostly pleasurable, especially when Ben gave his cock a quick stroke again. The boy pushed a little further, his finger sliding in to the next knuckle. Josh let out a content moan. “Told ya!” Ben said smugly as he pushed his finger the rest of the way in, accompanied by another stroke of the cock. He began slowly sliding his finger in and out, gradually building to longer and longer strokes until the full length of his finger was emerging then plunging back in. “Shit, that's amazing.” Stopping the finger fucking, Ben replied, “Oh, it gets better.” Ben searched round inside Josh's arse until he found what he was looking for. Josh screamed and almost jumped clear of the bed, only the restraints stopping him from doing so. “The fuck is that?” he yelped. Ben laughed at the older boy's reaction. His own had been very similar the day he found it. “That'll be your prostate.” Ben gave it another poke causing his captive and shake again. “It's like I'm being jerked off from the inside.” Josh exclaimed, pulling at the cuffs and rope holding him in place. Ben poked it again. “Funny you should say that.” He gave it a gentle poke between every couple of words as he continued. “You can make someone cum, just from playing with it.” Josh could easily believe it. Already on edge, the prostate stimulation was just about to make him cum. He was going to say something, but thought Ben might stop again and he so desperately wanted to cum. As if sending his thoughts, Ben slid his finger all the way out. “Oh come on, I was so close again.” He was almost crying as he spoke. “Oh.” Ben said, teasing, “Are you close then?” he gave Josh's boner a few more quick strokes, taking him right up to the edge again. “You know I am!” Josh snapped in frustration. “I tell you what. I'll let you cum, after I've cum.” Ben offered. “Fine, do it. Cum already.” Josh insisted, the thought of cumming clouding everything else. “Really? Even if I said I want to cum... by fucking you?” Ben continued. “Yes, just do it.” Josh demanded without any hesitation. “I'll do whatever you fucking want, just make me cum!” “Whatever I want? Okay, just remember you said that!” Ben said slyly as he stroked some more pre-cum from Josh's dripping cock. He rubbed it onto his own erection, thinking to himself, 'Fuck, this won't take long!' The younger boy knelt behind the older, positioning the head of his dick against the older boy's hole. Gently he pushed. Gradually his throbbing member slid inside. Neither boy had ever felt anything like it. Ben began pulling out then pushing back in, slowly beginning a steady rhythm. Josh had hoped that the prostate stimulation of the fucking would push him over the edge, but angle of Ben's cock meant it was only grazing it, resulting in a gentle but continuous buzz rather than the insane jolts from before. “I'm getting close.” Ben groaned. He looked like he was getting ready to pull out, when Josh looked up at him and said, “Cum inside me.” His request surprised himself as much as it surprised Ben, but it pushed the younger boy over the edge and he began squirting inside of his older captive. It was the most powerful, longest orgasm of his entire young life. For a second he thought he was going to pass out. His thrusts quickly slowed to a complete halt, then he pulled out and sat back. “Oh my God.” was all Ben could manage to say. “Okay, my turn!” Josh insisted. Ben had been planning on teasing Josh for a little longer, but the intensity of his orgasm had given him a slight twinge of pity for the nineteen-year-old's desperate situation. However, just because he was going to let him cum, didn't mean he had to let him off easily. He reached beneath Josh's arse and began lifting it, putting his knee underneath it to support the weight. Then he pulled at the rope, pulling Josh's knees further back. He continued doing this until Josh's back was raised mostly off the bed. The older boy quickly realised what was planned, but honestly, with how close he was to cumming he didn't care. He had no problem cumming in his own face, so long as he could cum. “You ready?” Ben asked. “Fuck yeah!” Josh replied. The young boy grabbed the rigid cock hanging down above Josh's face and started stroking. It didn't take long to push him over the edge. Josh yelled out in pleasure but immediately wished he hadn't as the first shot went straight in his mouth. The several shots following it splatted noisily against his face, completely covering it in the warm, white goo. The orgasm began to subside and Ben let go of the now-spent cock. Josh figured that his ejaculation had signalled the end, but he soon came to realise how wrong he was. A few seconds after the boy had let go of his cock, he thrust his finger back into the recently violated sphincter of Josh's arse and started pressing on the prostate. Josh yelled and tried to get free, but the restraints held him in place. “Ben, Sir, please....” he moaned loudly. “Stop, please.” He couldn't even open his eyes because of the covering of cum across his face. It was all so sensitive that it felt like his cock was on fire. Pure pleasure so intense that it felt like pain. Ignoring the pleas for mercy, Ben continued his assault and eventually Josh's pained whimpers began taking a more pleasured tone. A minute later and the second orgasm began as Ben pulled his finger free. The ejaculation as nowhere near as intense, just a few shots splatting onto Josh's already slimy face, but the orgasm itself felt like nothing the older boy had ever imagined possible. 'Oh fuck.' he tried to say, but only guttural grunts came from his lips between breaths. That had to be it, Josh hoped. There couldn't be anything else after that. Sadly he was wrong again. Orgasm number two had barely subsided when Ben started again. This time he took hold of the still-hard, still-twitching cock and started wanking it at full speed. At the same time, he pushed his two fingers back in Josh's hole. Josh screamed. Really screamed. If the houses in that area weren't so well built, he would have been worried about the neighbours hearing. Instead, he just got to enjoy the sound as he continued wanking and finger-fucking Josh. The older boy was sobbing now, the sensations so intense he simply couldn't handle them any more. Mercifully, it didn't take long before orgasm number three started. A few more squirts of cum added to Josh's face as the orgasm built, and built and built... and he passed out. Josh was only out for a couple of minutes, but when he awoke he found that his arms and legs had been released and Ben was sat beside him on the bed, gently cleaning the cum from his face. He lay there, just looking up at the boy who had been his master, letting the young man clean him up. “Hey.” Ben said eventually. “You okay?” Josh nodded gently and replied, a little hoarsely, “Yeah, I think so.” “You're going to hit me, aren't you?” Ben asked wearily. Josh still didn't move. “Eventually. Just... not right now.” “That's understandable, I'd be pretty pissed too if I was you.” he said remorsefully. “Ya know, this will probably be the last time you babysit me.” “Why's that?” “After the last time you came over, Mum and Dad decided I was old enough to stay home alone. I thought it was great, I got the house to myself. Then I realised it meant you wouldn't need to come over any more, but by then it was too late. The only way I got them to start using you again was by misbehaving and being a total dick.” It all became clear to Josh, the attitude Ben had with his parents, the long gap between babysitting jobs, this was why. “So what was this? A goodbye present?” “Oh. No. This was just my last chance to do something I've been thinking about for a while. And you should know, this may be the last time you babysit me, but it's not goodbye! This stuff is just the beginning.” Ben insisted. “You sound pretty sure of that!” Josh replied, confident that he would never get tricked into another trap like this again. “I am. In fact, from now on, you're going to do whatever I say, whenever I say.” Ben's tone became more serious as he spoke. Suspicious of Ben's confidence, Josh sat up he asked, “And why would I do that?” Ben matched Josh's smile. “Because I have video footage of you, having sex with a minor.” He pointed over at his desk. Josh looked over at the computer desk and saw a light was blinking on the webcam. He jumped to his feet and grabbed the boy by his throat. “You little shit. Delete it. Now!” Ben pulled the fingers from round his neck and pushed the older boy away. Mocking Josh's earlier question, he asked “And why would I do that?” “If you don't I'll rip your fucking head off.” Josh said angrily, raising his fist in the air threateningly. “You might want to reconsider that. If I was smart enough to trap you, do you think I'd be stupid enough to tell you about it if I didn't have a plan. The recording is rigged. Deleting it will automatically send a copy at the same time.” Ben explained smugly. He saw Josh staring at the computer. “And even if you smashed up my computer it wouldn't help. Ever heard of cloud storage?” Josh's face dropped. Ben really seemed to have thought of everything. The sudden realisation of what would happen if somebody got hold of the video hit Josh, terrifying him. He'd be arrested, lose his job, disowned by his friends and family. He couldn't let that happen. “Whadda you want?” Josh demanded through gritted teeth, anger slowly turning to reluctant acceptance. “I want you! You're going to do whatever I tell you to, for as long as I decide I want you as my bitch.” The young mastermind sneered. Josh felt like he was going to throw up. How had he been outsmarted by this kid? What was he going to make him do? The situation was horrific, yet a small part of him, deep inside, was momentarily excited at the thought of being at Ben's command. He thought about having to go through what he had endured earlier again and his cock twitched a little. 'I'm getting off on this?' he thought to himself. 'What's wrong with me?' “Well, I guess I don't have a choice then. What are your orders... Sir?” Josh accepted. “No orders for now, I've had my fun for tonight.” He stated. Josh turned back to the bed and started to dress. The best thing to do was play along for now and hopefully find a way to destroy the evidence later. Then the voices in his head returned. 'Do you really want to destroy the evidence? Call him Sir again, watch how quick you get hard. Maybe he'll fuck me again.' Doing his best to ignore the voices, he started to dress and said quietly, “Come on Ben, lets order a pizza, I'm starving.” “Great idea.” He walked over to the semi-dressed teen, grabbed his arm to turn him around and smiled as he added, “I think I prefer it when you call me Benny.” He gently kissed Josh on the lips. “But only when you're not calling me Sir!” Chapter 3 Josh and Ben sat eating their pizza, watching TV in silence. They had barely spoken since the events in the bedroom, neither of them really knowing what to say. The two boys were sat on opposite ends of the sofa. There was clearly a lot of tension between the two, Benny could feel that, but he was surprised at the lack of resentment he was getting from Josh. The younger of the boys decided he should probably make the first move. He shuffled across the sofa until he was right next to Josh, the reached out and lifted the older boy's arm up onto the back of the seat. Shifting round into a more comfortable position, Benny rested his head on Josh's chest and cuddled up to him. Would Josh push him away, or hold him? Benny wasn't sure which way it was going to go. Thankfully, Josh opted for the latter, bringing his arm down to wrap around his young master. The silence continued a little longer as they sat together until Josh finally broke it. “I don't get you.” “What?” Benny enquired, not quite sure exactly what the question was. “You trick me into a trap, torture me, blackmail me and now you want to cuddle?” Josh clarified his query. “I can't quite tell whether you love me or hate me.” Benny pulled away from Josh, turning to face him. “Love you?” He blushed bright red. “No, I don't mean it in that way. I just mean I can't tell whether you're being nice to me or being nasty.” Ben was still blushing, although he wasn't quite sure why. “Can't I be both?” Josh looked at him quizzically so he continued. “Well you seem to like when I'm nice to you, but you also seem to like it when I'm nasty.” Now it was Josh's turn to blush. The recent realisation of how much he had enjoyed his treatment by the younger boy had been a shock to him. For Benny to have picked up on it and to actually mention it out loud seemed to make it more real and even more embarrassing. “N... no.” he stuttered. “That was just... I only... I didn't...” Benny smiled at his tongue-tied friend. As Josh continued attempting to string a sentence together, Benny jumped round and straddled his lap. Josh went silent. The younger boy reached up to Josh's shoulders and pulled him forward until their lips met. Not just a quick peck this time, but a proper kiss. Both boys seemed to melt into each other, bodies and arms intertwined as the kiss continued, progressing from gentle to passionate. When they eventually parted, mostly due to lack of oxygen, Josh gasped, “Wow.” Benny smiled. He leant forward and nibbled on Josh's ear then whispered to him, “I meant what I said in the bedroom, you're mine.” He began gently kissing Josh's neck a couple of times between each sentence as he continued. “I can be mean to you. I can be nice to you. But whatever I do, just remember you're all mine.” Josh's cock had swollen back to full size with the young boy sat on him, covering him in kisses, but right then he barely noticed it. Instead all he felt was a dull ache in his chest. Not a painful ache, but something else. As he heard Benny talk about being his, all he could think was how happy it made him. Then came the voices. 'You're falling in love with him. He's only thirteen. I'm his. This is illegal and totally immoral. I think I love him. Him? You can't love a HIM, you're straight. I want to kiss him again. He's going to be mean to me? Why does he want to hurt me? I hope he hurts me. Why would I think that? I love him.' He had nothing to say, so he just stared into the boy's big, beautiful green eyes. Benny pulled Josh into another kiss, this time the younger boy pushed his tongue into the nineteen-year-old's mouth. Josh quietly mewed with pleasure as his young master explored him. The kiss probably would have continued for quite some time if they hadn't been interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. Benny virtually jumped off of Josh and to the other end of the sofa in a single leap, leaving Josh to try and arrange himself to hide his painfully obvious erection. “Hi boys.” Mr Harrison called in from the hallway. “Hi Dad.” and “Hi Mr H.” the boys called in unison. Josh looked at the clock. It wasn't even half nine yet. “You're earlier than expected.” “Yeah, Julia's not well so we came home early. Mind hanging around a bit longer while I get her to bed?” Mr Harrison called. “No problem. I'll stay as long as you need.” Josh answered, still willing his erection to subside. As they heard Benny's parents start heading upstairs, he shuffled back across the sofa and resumed his earlier position cuddled up to Josh. As if sensing Josh's desire to get rid of his boner, Benny took this opportunity to antagonise his boy. He placed his hand on the bulge and started stroking. Josh jumped a little as he felt the hand grab his cock. It was still quite sensitive from that third orgasm earlier, so even through the fabric of his underwear and jeans, the stroking was giving some very intense sensations. “Stop it.” he said, pushing Benny's hand away. “Hey.” Benny said sternly, without moving. “Remember who gives the orders here.” He placed his hand back on Josh's manhood, causing a slight whimper from the older boy. A few more strokes and Benny let go of the tormented cock. Sitting up, he ordered, “Give me your phone.” “What for?” Josh asked cautiously. Benny looked at him angrily, grabbed his cock and gave it a particularly hard squeeze, causing a yelp of pain and shock. “Don't question me, just obey!” Josh quickly complied, reaching into his pocket to pull out his phone. “And unlock it.” Benny added before Josh handed it over. He pressed a few things before handing it back. “What did you do?” Josh asked, slightly panicked that he may have sent an incriminating text or something equally bad. “Don't worry.” Benny calmed him. He leant back in to cuddle Josh, but this time just rested his hand on the older boy's chest, rubbing it softly. “I just gave you my number and sent a text to myself so I'd have yours. What's the point of owning you if I can't contact you.” 'He owns me?' Josh thought to himself. Unintentionally, a smile crept across Josh's face. 'Stop enjoying this. What's wrong with you? You've got to get out of this. But it feels so nice sitting here with him, I never want to leave. He's going to torment you.' The last thought, whilst initially meant to be one of the bad things Josh was thinking of just turned his smile into a huge grin. The two didn't speak again as they sat watching TV, they just cuddled happily together until they heard someone coming down the stairs. Benny didn't jump this time, he just sat up but remained at Josh's side as his Dad walked in. “Is Mum okay?” Benny asked as his Dad sat in one of the armchairs. “She'll be fine. She's just caught something nasty. She'll be okay after she gets some sleep.” he explained. “A shame it cut your anniversary celebration short.” Josh sympathised. “Actually, I wanted to talk to you both about that.” Mr Harrison said, leaning forward and looking first at Josh. “Did Julia mention that we were celebrating early?” “Yeah.” Josh replied. “She said something about you being away on your actual anniversary.” Mr Harrison nodded. “That's right. On Monday I'm going away for a week for work. But I'm only going to need to do a couple of hours work each day, the rest of the time is going to be my own, and the place I'm staying is really nice. I thought maybe to make up for tonight, and so we can celebrate on our actual anniversary I could bring Julia with me.” “That sounds like a great idea.” Josh said cheerfully. “What about me?” Benny asked. “Well I didn't think you'd really want to come and spend a week in a hotel in the middle of the countryside with your parents.” Mr Harrison chuckled. “You got that right!” Benny muttered. “So I thought you could stay home.” “A week, all on my own?” Benny asked, half happy, half weary. Mr Harrison shook his head. “No chance matey. I'm not that stupid.” Benny's face dropped and Mr Harrison looked back to Josh. “That's what I wanted to talk to you about. Your Dad mentioned you're not working last time I spoke to him, so I wondered if you'd be able to keep an eye on Benny for the week.” “A whole week?” Josh asked, shocked. He stopped to think about it. 'A week with Benny, with no supervision. He'll torture me.' “I'll pay you pretty well for your time.” Mr Harrison offered. “Go on.” Benny said, almost bouncing off the sofa with delight. Josh turned to look at him and the young boy stared him straight in the eye, then said in as sinister tone as he could manage, “Do it!” Josh's stomach lurched as Benny said those two little words. He took a deep breath and looked at Mr Harrison. “I'll do it.” “Great.” Mr Harrison said happily. “Now, it's getting late, you should be getting to bed Benny.” Benny glared at him. “Sorry, Ben.” Josh stifled a smile, knowing it was all part of Benny's act. “I'll get going then.” Josh said, getting up. Mr Harrison stood up, handed Josh some money and said, “Thanks for tonight, and thanks for next week. We'll call you over the weekend to arrange the details.” “TONY!” a voice yelled from upstairs. “Gotta go.” Mr Harrison said, rushing upstairs, leaving the two boys alone again. Josh headed out into the hallway and slipped his trainers on. Benny had followed him and stood behind him, waiting. “You can go out.” the young boy said, gesturing to the door. “I need to come out with you.” The two headed outside and pulled the door almost closed behind them. They walked down the driveway until they were stood behind the car. Benny hadn't bothered turning the outside light on so it was fairly dark. Josh looked at his master expectantly, not quite sure why he had come out too. “Strip!” Benny ordered. “What?” Josh asked, completely taken aback. “Strip. Now!” Benny repeated. “But... someone might see.” Josh protested. “Then you'd better be quick.” Josh could tell Benny wasn't going to budge on this. Quickly he pulled his clothes off until he was stood in just his trainers and underwear. “Those too.” Benny snapped, pointing at the underwear. Reluctantly, Josh pulled them down and added them to his pile of clothing. Now naked, he stood covering his cock, but doing his best not to touch it as it was still so sensitive. “Happy?” he asked, annoyed. “Very.” Benny said. He knelt down and searched through Josh's pockets. Standing up a moment later, he handed Josh his phone, wallet and keys. He leant down again and picked up the clothes, turned towards the house and started walking away. “Night. See you soon.” Josh realised what he was doing. “Stop, I can't walk home naked.” he hissed, not daring to be too loud and attract unwanted attention. “It's either walk home naked, or sleep on my driveway.” Benny said, without looking back. He entered the house and closed the door, leaving Josh outside. “Shit.” Josh whispered. “Fuck that little bastard.” Realising he had no choice now, he gingerly walked to the end of the driveway and looked out onto the street. There was no sign of life, no cars, no pedestrians so he figured that was as good a time as any. The naked teen thought briefly about trying to dash between objects that could hide him, but figured that would just slow him down. Instead he opted for a full speed dash. He went for it, running full speed down the road. He soon reached the corner that lead onto his own street, the mad run continuing. He had not been bothering to hide his cock as there was nobody around, plus his hands were full with his personal belongings. As he rounded the corner, he was greeted by headlights. “Shit!” he thought. He considered hiding or covering up, but by this point he would have been easily spotted, and running past seemed like the best idea. The car never slowed, but he could almost feel the eyes of the car's occupants burning into his naked body as they passed. The run continued, his semi-hard, sore cock flapping back and forth, slapping against his legs and his stomach causing him to occasionally whimper in pain... or was it pleasure? He finally reached his driveway. It felt like he had been out there, exposed for the world to see for hours. It had, in fact, been less than a couple of minutes. The relief was astounding as he ducked into the garden, now hidden from the street. Now though, he was greeted with a new problem. How was he going to get inside and into his room without being seen. It was only about ten o'clock, which meant there were still people up. No doubt his parents would still be downstairs. His two brothers, fifteen-year-old Nick and twelve-year-old Corey, would probably both be in their rooms, but could still be awake. Speaking of his brothers, Josh realised both of their bedrooms were at the front of the house, and while he was now sheltered from the street, if either of his brothers looked out of their windows now, they would see him quite clearly. He snuck across the garden to the side of the house and round into the back. Thankfully the back garden light wasn't on so he was hidden much better. He found a spot behind one of the bushes and sat down. He figured the best thing to do was wait until everyone had gone to bed, then sneak in quietly and hope nobody came out of their bedrooms. As his heart rate slowly began to drop back down to normal, the adrenaline rush died down. Josh started running the night's events through his head, trying to make sense of them. Handcuffed, stripped, teased, licked, fucked, blackmailed and then locked out naked. It was insane. How had it all happened? More importantly, what Josh really wanted to know was why his cock had now swelled back to full size. Cursing his own perversion, he wrapped his fingers round his straining boner and began slowly stroking it. It was still a little sore, but his arousal from being stuck outside naked and thinking back over the night's events just made him too horny to care. He was just starting to get into it, when his phone buzzed. Thankfully it was on silent, otherwise someone might have heard it and come out to investigate. He looked at the phone. It said he had a text message from 'YOUR MASTER'. He opened it. [R U HOME YET?] [YES, I'M OUTSIDE WAITING FOR PEOPLE TO GO TO BED SO I CAN GO IN] He sent back [U'VE GOT A BONER, HAVEN'T U] Josh considered lying for a moment, but figured it was pointless. His master clearly knew this would turn him on. [YES SIR] [DID ANYBODY SEE U?] [A CAR WENT PAST AND I THINK THEY SAW ME] [DO U LIKE BEING NAKED OUTSIDE?] Josh thought for a moment. He wasn't completely sure he could say yes. His arousal could be from thinking about the things Benny had done, just as easily as it could be from his current situation. [I THINK SO, BUT I'M NOT SURE] he replied honestly. [I'LL HAVE TO MAKE U DO IT AGAIN SOME TIME SO U CAN BE SURE] Josh's cock definitely twitched as he read that. [YOU COULD JOIN ME SIR, I LIKED SEEING YOU NAKED] Josh couldn't believe he had just said that, but as he thought about it he knew he meant it. [IF U R A GOOD BOY YOU WILL GET TO SEE ME NAKED AGAIN. IF U R BAD, U WLL BE PUNISHED] [I'LL BE GOOD SIR I PROMISE] [U CAN BE BAD IF YOU LIKE. I THINK U WILL ENJOY THE PUNISHMENTS MORE] 'Fuck, he's right. Why am I doing this? Who cares, you love it.' Josh thought, conflicted. He decided to test his master. [FUCK YOU, I'M NO PUNISHMENT LOVING PERV] [WATCH UR LANGUAGE BOY OR I'LL GIVE U UR FIRST PUNISHMENT] [FUCK YOU... SIR] Josh's stomach was doing flips. He knew he shouldn't have attempted to anger Benny. He knew he was about to get a horrific order. But he didn't care. Part of him wanted this. [WHERE EXACTLY ARE U?] Josh was surprised at the calm response. [I'M IN THE BACK GARDEN] [GO BACK TO THE FRONT. WALK OUT INTO THE STREET THEN WANK. FILM IT ON YOUR PHONE. IF I HAVEN'T GOT A VIDEO OF YOU CUMMING IN THE STREET IN THE NEXT 15 MINUTES I WILL SHOW THE VIDEO TO MY DAD] Josh was shocked. He hadn't expected something quite so... public. [I CAN'T DO THAT. SOMEONE WILL SEE ME] A minute later there was no response. [PLEASE, SIR, DON'T MAKE ME DO THIS] [THIRTEEN MINUTES] Benny was serious. He had to do it. This time he had nobody to blame but himself. Reluctantly, but still hard, Josh got up and walked as quietly as he could back round to the front garden, then down the driveway. Thankfully in the time it had taken him to get to the front of the house, he had heard nobody go past and there was no sign of anybody approaching. He set his phone to video, placed it against the kerb then ran out into the street, already wanking. Earlier when Benny had been teasing him, Josh had believed that was the most desperate to cum he had ever been, but that paled in comparison to his current desire. “Yes, yes.” Josh muttered, getting close. His cock was throbbing, his balls ached but he continued to stroke faster than he ever thought possible. “Fuuuuck!” he finally called out, louder than he had intended as a few drops of cum shot from his throbbing erection and landed on the road. Just as he was shaking the last few drops from his cock, he heard applause from behind him. Terrified, he turned to see two guys about his own age stood watching him. They must have walked down the road behind him while he was focussed on his masturbation. Josh froze, cock in hand, just staring at them. “Good show.” One of the called out. “When you gotta go, you gotta go.” the other one added. Finally coming out of his daze, he turned and ran, grabbing his phone on the way past. As he took shelter in the garden again, he heard laughter fading into the distance. At least the two guys weren't following, that gave him at least a little relief. Making his way back to the rear garden, he sent the video to Benny and took his seat back behind the bush. A few minutes later came Benny's reply. [I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GOT CAUGHT. THAT WAS TOOOOO GOOD!] [I'VE NEVER BEEN SO EMBARRASSED IN MY LIFE!] [AND I BET U LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT. U'VE DONE WELL BOY.] [THANK YOU SIR] Josh sent back, feeling genuinely happy that he had pleased his master. [I THINK I'M DONE FOR TONIGHT. GOOD LUCK GETTING INSIDE. I'LL MESSAGE WHEN I HAVE MORE ORDERS] [THANK YOU SIR] Josh sent again. The naked teen made himself as comfortable as he could to wait for his family to go to bed. He could feel himself nodding off, so he set an alarm on his phone for midnight, just in case he fell asleep. It was a good thing he did, as the next thing he knew he was waking up to the sound of his alarm. For a moment he was a little disoriented, feeling the slight breeze across his naked body, the grass beneath his bare arse. It only took a second for it all to come flooding back to him though. Once again he made his way round to the front of the house and was delighted to see all the lights were off. Silently, he crept to the front door, slid his key in the lock and let himself in. As he closed the door behind him, he paused to listen for any signs of life. Hearing nothing, he began sneaking up the stairs. Thankfully, the door to his bedroom was right at the top of the stairs so he didn't have to creep past any other doors. He got into his room, shut the floor and literally breathed a sigh of relief. Turning round, he flicked on the light. “Hey bro, had a fun night?” Nick asked, grinning at his naked older brother. Chapter 4 Josh was frozen on the spot. He hadn't even made any attempt to cover himself up yet, he just stood there completely naked in front of his little brother. Nick was sitting on the bed, grinning at the awkward situation his big brother was in. Josh finally came to his senses, grabbing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt off the floor and pulling them on. Now feeling like he had regained a little bit of his dignity, he snapped at Nick, “What are you doing in my room?” “Waiting for you to come in, obviously!” Nick said cheerfully. “What for?” Josh asked, unsure why he would be waiting. “Well when I saw you get home naked, I figured you had to come in eventually. This seemed like the best place to surprise you.” Nick explained. With Nick sat on his bed, Josh took a seat on his desk chair rather than sitting next to him. “You... saw me?” “All of you.” Nick teased. “You've grown since I last saw you.” Growing up without sharing a room, the two brothers hadn't really seen each other naked since they were very young. The fact that Nick had seen him now was excruciatingly embarrassing. Josh was at a loss for what to say, so Nick continued to tease. “I thought it was pretty funny seeing you run around naked in the garden, but seeing those two guys catch you wanking in the street... that was priceless!” “You...” Josh started, but words failed him. This was almost as bad as when Benny told him he had been filmed. The night had already been the worst, and in some ways best, of his life. This embarrassment was just taking it to new depths. Finally Josh was able to think. “Are you done?” he asked angrily. “Because I'd like to get some sleep.” “Why were you even naked in the first place?” Nick asked, a question Josh knew had to be coming but was still hoping wouldn't. Josh thought for a moment. 'Tell him about Benny. He'd think I was a freak. He's your brother, he'll be on your side. Or he'll tease me about that too. I can't believe he waited in here for hours just to tease me. But he stopped when I got upset, he's not that bad. If I tell him, it might all stop. Do I want it to stop? I like having a master. Come on, say something, he's staring at you.' “None of your business.” he snarled. “I suppose it isn't.” Nick said casually. “Oh, by the way, have a look at your emails.” Worried that Benny may have emailed the video or done something else to drop him in it, Josh quickly span round, turned on his computer and opened his emails. The most recent one was from Nick. He could hear his little brother sniggering behind him as he opened it and saw a video attached. Josh felt his stomach tie up in knots. Had Benny sent the video to Nick? He just sat there with the cursor over the video, not daring to click. “Go on, take a look.” Nick taunted, coming to stand at his brother's side. Josh gave in and opened it. As the video popped up, he saw himself sat in the front garden, stark naked. He looked round at Nick in total dismay. “It gets better,” Nick chuckled. “Skip to about 1:23.” Josh did as he said and skipped the video forward. It now showed him sneaking back into the front garden to go out and wank in the street. The video wasn't great quality because of the distance, but it was clear enough to see who it was and what he was doing. “Who else have you sent this to?” Josh demanded, standing up and attempting to intimidate his brother. Nick smiled, not even a little scared. “All your facebook friends, all of my facebook friends, posted it on youtube, sent it to a few porn sites.” “You... haven't!” Josh stuttered, a lump in his throat. Nick burst into laughter. “Of course I haven't. Do you really think I'd just give away leverage like this?” 'Leverage?' Josh thought. This was Benny all over again. For some reason his cock started to swell a little. “Whadda you want?” Josh asked for the second time that evening. “I haven't decided that yet. I mean, I'm sure you realise that you're gonna do pretty much whatever I tell you, otherwise that video goes to everyone you know, right?” Nick explained. 'How could this be happening? Again?' Josh thought. Annoyingly, his cock continued to grow as his brother spoke. “Looks like somebody wants to come out and play again!” Nick said, pointing at the more than obvious boner in Josh's shorts. “Why don't you take those clothes off again.” Josh slowly pulled off the t-shirt, then dropped the shorts to the ground, once again naked in front of his little brother, but this time with his cock reaching for the sky. “Enjoying the show you little fag?” Josh asked angrily. Nick's cruel smile dropped into a furious frown at Josh's words. “What did you call me?” The older brother immediately realised he had hit a nerve. He could probably apologise now and Nick would go easier on him, but part of him, the same part that had told Benny to fuck off earlier, took over again. “I called you a fag, you fag. You getting off on seeing me naked?” “So what if I am?” Nick said angrily. “At least I'm not the perv who gets off on being the victim!” Josh had no retort. His little brother was exactly right. This was turning him on so much that a drop of pre-cum oozed from the head of his dick, dribbling down the shaft. “You seem to like wanking so much, do it again!” Nick ordered. “You want to watch me wank?” Josh asked in shock. Nick let out a disdainful hiss. “You wish. I don't wanna watch you wank, I wanna MAKE you wank. Now take hold of it, start stroking and remember with every stroke, you're doing this because your little brother is making you do it. How does that feel?” Nick's words were meant to hurt and humiliate the older teen, but all they did was turn him on more. Josh started stroking, his oozing pre-cum lubing his cock and relieving a little of the sensitivity from his earlier activities. Josh barely had the nerve to look at Nick while he played with himself, seeing his little brother's eyes boring into his naked body embarrassed him more than being seen by those two strangers. Yet he couldn't help looking once he noticed a very large bulge in the younger boy's shorts. 'Shit, maybe he IS a fag. I probably shouldn't use that word. I'm probably one myself. Why else would this turn me on so much? Oh God it really turns me on. I'm wanking because he's making me. He's in charge.' Josh's runaway thoughts were enough to push him over the edge. With a guttural grunt, he started shooting his fifth load of the night. Having already cum so many times, he was expecting just a dribble, but his extreme state of arousal seemed to have changed that. A huge shot of cum erupted from his rigid cock, shooting across the room to land right at Nick's feet. The following few shots grew shorter and shorter, leaving a trail of cum across the floor from Nick's feet to Josh's own. “You enjoy that?” Nick asked, looking up at his exhausted brother. 'Yes, oh God yes, make me do it again. Please make me do it again.' Josh thought, but said, “No!” “Of course not.” Nick smiled as if he had heard Josh's thoughts. Josh pointed at Nick's bulge. “I think you enjoyed it too.” Josh said, taking the chance to turn the tables a little. Nick turned bright red. He said nothing, just crossed his legs to cover up his boner. “Back off perv. Handle your own cock all you like, but you're not getting your hands on mine.” A moment of silence fell between the two. “I s'pose I'm done here for the night.” Nick said, climbing off the bed now that his erection had subsided a little. The bulge was still fairly obvious though. “I'll think up what else you're gonna do for me, bro. See you in the morning.” With that, Nick was gone and Josh was finally alone. Exhausted, he turned off the light and flopped onto his bed. He lay there, emotionally and physically drained. Finally being free of guys telling him what to do, or putting him in embarrassing situations felt great, yet he felt wrong. Something was missing. He soon realised what it was... Benny. Right then, he would have given anything to have the boy cuddled up with him. He fell asleep, missing his master. When Benny woke the next morning, the first thing he did was rush to his computer to check the video was there, worried last night may have just been an incredible dream. Thankfully, there it was. He skipped forward a little and spent a few moments watching himself tease Josh's amazing, sexy body. Within seconds he was hard. Grabbing his cock and playing with it was instinctual, but a few moments later he stopped himself. 'Why do it myself when I could make Josh do it!' he said to himself. The thought of it turned him on so much that he had to do it anyway, otherwise he'd have probably cum without any external provocation. Benny had always liked Josh, but since he hit puberty it had gone from like, to lust, to... 'Love?' the boy thought to himself. 'I thought I just wanted to get his kit off, that was what the plan was for. Trap him, strip him, make him my sex monkey. That was it. Of course you don't love him, would you really do all the things you have planned to someone you love? I suppose I would if he enjoyed it... and he definitely seems to enjoy it.' He was so lost in thought that he barely noticed he was still stroking his stiff little cock, at least not until he felt the orgasm coming. It was too late to grab something to cum into, so he just cupped his hand and filled it with his cream. Opening his hand, he looked at it for a moment, remembering the amount of it that had been plastered over Josh's face last night, that first shot that went into his mouth. 'I wonder what it tasted like.' he thought. No sooner had the thought crossed his mind, his hand raised to his mouth and the entire load had been sucked in. He swallowed quickly, scared of what he was doing and what it might taste like. The young boy was surprised at how much he liked it, so much so that he raised his hand to his mouth again and licked up the last few drops. 'I wonder what Josh's tastes like.' he thought, licking his lips and making a mental note to find out some time. The cum tasting and thoughts of Josh kept him hard, so he lay back down on his bed, waiting for the erection to subside before emerging from his room. He picked up his phone and scrolled back through the text conversation he and Josh had after the older boy had left. He opened the video Josh had sent, but quickly closed it when he remembered he was wanting the erection to go down, not up. He decided to see if his slave was awake yet. [U AWAKE?] No reply. Josh could have been ignoring him, but it seemed much more likely that he was just still asleep. He briefly considered sending a couple more texts, demanding a reply and giving him a punishment for not getting one, but figured that was a bit too mean. He didn't want to push Josh too far. As much as he could tell the older boy was enjoying his treatment, even he had to have limits. Eventually, Benny figured that a semi was about as far down as his cock was likely to go today and got dressed. He headed downstairs and found his Mum sat in the lounge, still in her dressing gown. “Morning.” she said quietly as he came in and sat down. “Morning. How you feeling?” Benny asked, figuring this wasn't a suitable time for his 'misbehaviour' routine. “Still a bit rough, but better than last night.” she replied. “Got some bad news for you though. Doesn't look like I'll be able to take you swimming today. Sorry.” Benny had completely forgotten about the plans in the haze of horniness that had started his day. His Mum had arranged to take Benny and some of his friends swimming at the local fun pool. She often arranged things like that during the school holidays to help out the working parents who struggled to get child care, or just to give them a day away from the kids. “That's okay.” Benny said. “It's not your fault you're ill.” “I was just about to start phoning round to let everyone know.” Mum said, picking up her phone from beside her. She was just in the process of dialling the first person when Benny gasped. “Are you okay?” “Don't cancel!” Benny said excitedly. “Josh can take us.” His Mum thought for a moment then shook her head. “He's already taking you for a week, plus last night, I don't want to ask too much.” “He won't mind.” Benny said, thinking to himself how he wasn't going to give his slave any choice in the matter. “Why don't you phone the other parents to check they're okay with it, I'll call Josh. He won't say no to me.” Benny was already running out of the room before his Mum finally accepted the suggestion. He took the stairs two at a time in his eagerness to call Josh – he had a wonderful idea to make the day even more interesting. He jumped onto his bed, picked up his phone and dialled. It only rang once before Josh answered. “I'm sorry Sir, I only just woke up, I was about to reply to your text.” Benny's breath caught in his throat. Josh sounded genuinely upset and scared as he blurted out his explanation. He took a breath and replied, “Don't worry, boy. It's fine. But I need to know what you're doing today.” A couple of seconds silence followed, as if Josh was carefully considering what to say. “Whatever you tell me to, Sir.” he eventually answered. 'Wow, I really own this guy.' Benny thought, marvelling at the control he had already exerted over the older boy. “You're taking me and some friends to the fun pool as my Mum's still not well.” “Okay Sir, what time do you want me?” Josh asked compliantly. “They're all coming round here first, at about half 9. If you come round at 10 you can pick us up and drive us to the pool.” Benny instructed. He thought for a moment, then added, “You'll be coming in with us of course. Don't want you getting bored.” “Cool.” Josh replied, now sounding a little happier and more at ease. “I'll dig my swim shorts out.” “Oh yeah, about that... don't worry about them.” Benny said casually. Another brief silence followed while Josh thought about what he had said. Considering the events of the last twelve hours, he thought he could guess what Benny planned. “I'm not going naked. I'll get arrested.” Benny laughed at the comment. “Don't be a moron, I'm not that stupid. I just meant I have some swimwear in mind for you. Although now you've got me imagining you doing it naked. It's a nice thought.” “Look, just... don't get me into any trouble, okay?” Josh said, now sounding more than a little worried. Benny was torn. Should he go all hard-ass and tell Josh he would do whatever he wanted, or should he be nice and put the poor young man at ease. In a rare bout of conscience, he opted for the latter... with a just a hint of hard-ass master. “Do you remember last night, when I tied your legs back and you got scared?” he asked, grinning cruelly. “Yeah.” Josh's voice wavered as he was reminded of the embarrassing moment Benny really too charge of him. “What did I whisper to you?” his tone softened a little. Josh's reply was barely more than a whisper. “Don't worry, I won't hurt you.” “That's right, and I wasn't just talking about... what I did next, I mean it in general. I wouldn't let anything bad happen to my boy.” Benny explained. His chest was pounding. He wanted to say more, but not right now. “See you at 10.” He hung up. Josh sat looking at his phone. 'His boy?' he thought as he leant backwards and flopped back onto the bed. He shuffled round to put his bed back on the pillow. As he lay there, eyes closed, thinking about Benny he wished again that the boy was right there with him. He imagined the pillow was the boy's lap, that his small, delicate hands were stroking his face, brushing the hair out of his eyes. Josh suddenly snapped out of it, coming back to reality as he opened his eyes. This time yesterday, he was just a normal nineteen-year-old, waking up in this bed worrying about finding a job, getting a girlfriend, what he had planned for the weekend. Now, after just a single evening with that evil, manipulative boy it was like he was bewitched. That evil, manipulative... cute, caring, sexy, adorable little man. All he could think about was being with Benny, obeying his every command, pleasing him, holding him, kissing him. 'You don't really like him. He's blackmailing you, this is just your way of dealing with it. Oh really? Then why did you wake up after blacking out, look up at him and think how much you liked him? That was before you even knew about the video.' Josh's internal debate was interrupted the moment he thought of the word video. 'Fuck, Nick's video. What the fuck is he going to make me do to keep that one quiet?' Lost in thought, the teen's hands absent-mindedly began to wander, finding their way down to his cock. A mix of the morning-wood effect and Josh's thoughts had engorged it to full size. “Not a chance.” he said quietly to himself, letting go of himself. “I really don't need to do that again any time soon.” Josh went and showered, still fighting the urge to play with his persistent boner, finally getting rid of the temptation as he got dressed afterwards. He still had half an hour before he had to go and pick up Benny, so he picked up a magazine off his desk and lay back on his bed reading it. A couple of minutes later, he heard his door open. Without even moving the magazine to look who it was, he said disdainfully, “What do you want, Nick?” “How'd you know it was me?” his little brother asked as he made himself comfortable on Josh's desk chair. “You didn't knock, everyone else has better manners.” “Well not everyone has a copy of 'Public Indecency, starring Josh McKenzie, do they?” Nick taunted his big brother, prompting him to drop the magazine to glare at him. “Whatever you want, make it quick, I'm going out soon.” Josh said, his temper already fraying. “Half an hour. That should be more than enough.” Nick grinned before spinning playfully in the chair. “You wanna watch me wank again, gayboy?” Josh sneered. He got up off the bed, stepped towards Nick then stopped the chair mid-spin. “Or maybe you want something else. You looking for a handjob? Maybe you want me to suck your cock, or would you rather suck mine? Maybe you wanna take a ride on big bro's big dick? You certainly seemed pretty interested in in last night, bender!” By the time Josh finished, he was right in Nick's face, almost yelling. The younger brother looked genuinely scared at Josh's anger, hurt by his words. His lips were quivering as his eyes started to water. He pushed Josh aside, jumped out of the chair and dashed for the door. “Nick, wait...” Josh called after him, but it was too late, he heard the younger boy's bedroom door slam shut. Josh headed out into the hall and knocked gently on Nick's door. “FUCK OFF!” Nick yelled, clearly crying. Josh tried the door, but things were wedged behind it to stop him coming in. “Nick, I'm sorry...” “I SAID FUCK OFF.” Nick yelled again. “What's going on up there?” their Dad called from downstairs, hearing the commotion. “I just... it's nothing. Sorry.” Josh called back, giving up and heading back to his room. Ten o'clock rolled around and Josh drove round to Benny's house, parking in the driveway. He found it both disturbing and arousing that the last time he was on that driveway, he had just been stripped by Benny and locked out. Reluctantly, he found himself smiling as he thought about it. There was another reaction too, but he did his best to ignore that. A few moments after he pushed the doorbell, Mrs Harrison opened the door. He immediately noticed a lot of noise coming from the lounge, the boys inside clearly quite excitable. He looked at Mrs Harrison whose pained expression as a result of the noise literally made him laugh out loud. “Guessing you'd like a quick exit?” “If they don't go soon, I may turn violent!” she said, sounding worryingly like she wasn't joking. She turned back towards the lounge and screamed, “BOYS, JOSH IS HERE, TIME TO GET OUT!” The noise level never dropped for a moment as the four boys emerged. Benny lead the charge, immediately followed by the other three. “Bye Mum.” Benny said quickly as he passed her, nudged Josh out of the way and ran to the car. The others gave similarly polite but brief goodbyes. Benny's Mum handed Josh some money. “That's entry for the boys and yourself, some money for lunch and some extra for your time.” “You don't have to...” Josh started. “Consider a tip for being late back with them!” she said, completely sincerely, causing Josh to laugh again. “Okay.” he chuckled. “I hope you feel better.” He turned and headed to the car as she went back inside. As Josh looked at the car, which was barely containing the continued noise, he saw Benny had taken the front seat while the others were in the back. He got in and they quietened. “Josh, this is Greg, Tim and Warren.” Benny said, pointing at them in order from left to right. Josh took a quick look at the trio, all around Benny's age, and all, just like Benny, dressed in shorts and a t-shirt and carrying a bag with the rest of their stuff. Greg was by far the tallest of the group, coming close to Josh's height he had noticed as he passed earlier, but his build was extremely gangly. He was extremely pale, but it was more to do with complexion than health as he had light blond hair to go with it, cut short and spiked at the front. His milky white arms and legs were far skinnier then Benny's. Tim was almost Greg's opposite – short, slightly chubby, dark hair and a fairly tanned complexion. Calling the boy chubby was definitely accurate. Calling him fat would have been an overstatement. He had the kind of body that was waiting for puberty to really kick in before deciding whether he would shed the puppy fat and slim out, or pile it on and go the other way. Warren though, definitely stood out amongst the others. He seemed to have adopted the look of an emo, without adopting the attitude... yet. His hair was jet black, short on one side, long and flopping down over his face on the other. He had two piercings in the exposed ear and probably more on the other side. He was quite tall and slightly slim, somewhere between Greg and Benny in both height and stature. Benny, of course, was the one that Josh really wanted to look at. Driving there, Josh had been worried that his encounter with Benny had magically turned him gay, and made him like all thirteen-year-olds. It was quite a relief that he could look at the boys in the back seat and feel nothing sexual about them. “Hi.” Josh finally said to his passengers. “I'm Josh. So... who wants to go swimming?” And with that, the quietness vanished. It was only a fifteen minute drive to the fun pool, so they were soon piling out of the car and heading inside. The four boys ran straight past the counter, to the protestations of the receptionist who looked sternly at Josh, clearly not amused. “Sorry about that.” he said apologetically. “One adult and four kids please.” He handed over the money and followed the boys through into the locker room. Josh was really getting nervous now about the swimwear Benny had chosen for him. As he went inside, he saw Greg, Tim and Warren just leaving through the door to the pool, having already removed their t-shirts and thrown their bags into a locker. The only other person in there was Benny, who stood wearing just his swim shorts. Josh couldn't help what he did next. He rushed up to the boy, put his arms around him and kissed him. Benny eagerly returned the kiss, which lasted longer than Josh had originally intended. “Sorry about that Benny. I just... had to.” Josh stuttered. “I'm not complaining.” The boy said, grinning. “So...” Josh said awkwardly. “My swimwear?” Benny grinned, making Josh's stomach churn. The young boy reached into his bag and pulled something out. He held it up, revealing it to be a truly tiny speedo. “My Mum bought them for me, but they were too big... plus I told her I'd never wear them anyway. She never got round to returning them.” Josh stared at them, horrified. “They... would barely cover my cock!” he mumbled. As much as Benny was enjoying Josh's reaction, he wanted to go and join the others as soon as possible. He turned again and grabbed something else out of the bag. “Or there's these.” he said, revealing a pair of regular swim shorts. “So the speedo was just to wind me up?” Josh said, relieved. “Well... sort of.” Benny said, smiling once again. “I'm going to let you choose. You can either go with the the shorts and avoid a little embarrassment, or you can go with the world's smallest speedo and have every person out there stare.” “Oh gee, let me think about that...” Josh said sarcastically. “Ah!” Benny said, stopping him before he said any more. “Before you decide, you need to know something. If you choose the shorts, when we're done here I'll go straight home and leave you alone for the rest of the day. But if you choose the speedo, which is the one I REALLY want you to wear, you'll please your master and you'll be... rewarded.” He turned, placed his bag in a locker while leaving the choice of swimwear on the bench, kissed Josh gently on the cheek and headed out to the pool. Josh was alone, staring down at the shorts and the speedo. It was decision time. Chapter 5 Greg, Tim and Warren were splashing around, trying to push each other under and generally climbing all over each other. Their attempts to involve Benny had thus far proven pointless. He seemed completely disinterested in anything except watching the door to the changing room. Finally, after what felt like hours, Josh finally emerged. Benny's breath quivered and his entire body shuddered as he saw the near-naked nineteen-year-old. “He went with the speedo.” Benny whispered, ecstatic. Josh looked amazing, muscular hairy legs fully exposed, chest heaving slightly betraying his nervousness, and most importantly, his cock... his beautiful big cock squeezed into the tiny speedo. He was right about it barely containing him, the stretchy fabric clearly looking strained across his cock, pointed up towards his left hip and his smooth balls. The trail of hair down his belly button spread slightly as the top of his pubes were just showing above the waistband as he walked. His face was bright red, the blushing so bad it was starting to spread down to his neck and shoulders. Benny just stared, completely fixated until he heard laughter from behind him. Josh heard it at the same time, looking round to see Greg, Tim and Warren gathering behind Josh, all laughing. “Nice trunks Josh!” Warren called over to him. “Didn't they have your size?” Greg added. “We can see your cock!” Tim called. Josh instinctively put his hands in front of his crotch, but it really did little to help. If anything, it would have made anyone looking over at that moment think he was actually naked as the swimwear was completely hidden. He figured the best way to avoid any more teasing was to just get in the water, so he decided to run over to the pool. Running, however, was clearly not the best idea. The head of his cock slipped out the waistband, the back and forth motion of his run forcing it sideways, pulling more of it out. By the time he reach the side of the pool to jump in, his entire floppy penis was hanging out causing even louder laughter from the boys, even Benny. Josh crashed down next to them with a mighty splash. Josh had tucked himself back in before popping his head back up out of the water, but the damage was done. The swimwear might have got him a little teasing from the boys, but his accidental dick-slip meant he was at their mercy for the rest of the day. After a little more teasing, Warren decided they should head over to the wave pool first. Greg and Tim quickly followed, but Benny lingered back, following slowly with Josh. “I'm glad you chose the speedo.” Benny said, reaching underwater to stroke Josh's lycra-clad buttock. “I'm not.” Josh said, still blushing. “You will be later.” Benny said with a cute smile. “And regardless of what those guys, or anyone else thinks about your swimwear, I think you look fucking hot. I'd have fucked you right there in front of everyone if I'd looked at you much longer.” “Ah fuck, don't go saying things like that...” Josh pleaded. “Why not?” Benny asked, thinking his boy would have liked it. Josh grabbed Benny's hand and guided it to his crotch. His cock had swollen. Not quite up to a full boner yet, but well on the way. The problem was, the speedo allowed absolutely no room for expansion. Just the tiniest bit of swelling meant Josh had to choose between stretching it to cover his cock and having his balls pop out, or put his balls away and allow the head to poke out the top. The older boy immediately regretted putting Benny's hand on it. “Oh my, that's really quite a... big problem, isn't it!” he teased. “If only I'd thought of that when I got you to wear it.” 'How could you be so stupid? Of course he planned this. The boy's an evil genius. Did you really think he'd just get you to wear something a bit embarrassing and leave it at that? This is going to get a LOT worse before you get that reward. I wonder what it'll be. Will he reward me by being nice, or something mean. Does he know I like it when he's mean? Of course he does. Even Nick noticed that in, like, two seconds. Shit, Nick. He's got that video and now he's pissed at me. Forget the video, he was so upset, I think I really crossed the line.' Josh, lost in thought again, had barely noticed that he and Benny were now with the others, messing around in the big machine-generated waves. Again the boys started splashing each other and throwing each other around, but this time they started on Josh too. 'Shit, if one of them gets too close, they're gonna feel my boner.' he thought, worried. He decided to join in with the playing in a way that would keep them clear of it. Every time one of them came close, he grabbed them, lifted them out of the water and threw them as far away as he could. None of them was heavy, even the slightly-chubby Tim was light because he was so short. Of course, now that he had started they kept on coming back. Over and over he had to grab each of them to throw them. Josh may not have looked at them earlier and been attracted to any of them, but a wet near-naked body is still a wet near-naked body and touching them so much was simply maintaining his unwanted erection. It was only made worse, of course by Benny, who grabbed at the boner under the water every time he got close. The speedo had now worked it's way down beneath his cock so that the whole thing floated out freely, curving upwards as if reaching for air. Josh was starting to tire and the boys weren't getting thrown so hard so they quickly grew bored of the game. Warren again took the lead in suggesting they head up to the first water slide. The rest once again eagerly followed, trailed by Josh who was attempting to think of the unsexiest things he could. The slides all had spiral steps leading up to them, meaning Josh would have to get out of the water. The wave pool shallowed slowly and sloped up to the surface in order to allow the waves to naturally die down, rather than hitting a wall. Josh walked towards the end, the water level slowly creeping down his chest and stomach. It was down to his belly button just as he managed to get his cock shrunk back down to fit inside the speedo. The five of them started up the steps to the slide. Benny had rushed to the front, followed by Tim, Greg, then Warren, with Josh at the back. Josh had considered pushing to the front, but decided he didn't want to give the boys the view of his arse as they climbed. Once again Josh had failed to consider the implications of a decision. Being at the back meant he had a great view of all the boys' arses as they climbed. Warren's, being right in front of him, was obviously the most noticeable and what an arse it was. It was bigger than he had expected it to be on a slim boy like Warren. He would have thought it would be quite small and pert like Benny's, but he was delighted to be mistaken. Josh chuckled as the words to 'Baby Got Back' started running through his mind. 'I like big butts and I cannot lie, you other brothers can't deny, when a boy walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face...' he thought as the climb continued. As amusing as it was, it was once again waking up his cock, which now had nowhere to hide. The head poked further and further out the top. It was a lame, obvious way to hide it, but he wrapped his hand around the exposed part which only served to stimulate it more. It felt like he was wanking his cock with every step. Thankfully as he reached the top he saw that Benny and Tim had already gone and Greg was about to go, so the attendant was clearly a fast worker. Josh stood holding his cock, praying the disinterested looking teen in uniform wouldn't even look at him. Greg slid away and Warren assumed position, ready to go. Just before Warren pushed off, the attendant looked round at Josh. “Dude, you must really like water slides.” He laughed at the pathetically hidden erection. It was just in time for Warren to hear, look round and see it before he slid. 'Fuck.' Josh thought. Being seen by the attendant was pretty bad, but he could avoid coming back up and seeing him again, but Warren had seen too. “Wanna give it a minute to go down?” the attendant asked, still grinning. “Don't worry, happens all the time in here, although most guys have the sense to wear something better to hide it!” “Thanks.” Josh said sheepishly. As he sat in the top of the chute, the cold water flowing over him and down the slide soon did the trick and he was once again concealed. He pushed off and slid, enjoying the ride on the way down, but dreading the ribbing he would get when he emerged. Amazingly, there wasn't any. In fact, the rest of the morning went smoothly for Josh. He got a few cringe-worthy looks from other pool users when they saw his tiny speedo, but there were no more embarrassing boners, Benny seemed too busy playing to torment him any more. He seemed particularly close to Warren, talking to him the most while Greg and Tim often paired off. They had stopped for some lunch at about half twelve, with Benny making Josh sit in the seating area to eat without putting any other clothing on or grabbing a towel, again getting him lots of embarrassing looks. After having a bit of a break after lunch, they headed back into the pool. Time, Greg and Warren had said they wanted to go back and play in the wave pool for a bit, while Benny said that he and Josh were heading to the waterfall. Josh had loved the waterfall when he used to come here regularly. It was a fairly heavy torrent of water and the boys used to challenge each other to see who could stand under it the longest. Josh never won, instead he used to retreat to the cave behind the waterfall. The way the sounds of the fall echoed around the large spherical cave made it sound ghostly. He used to just sit on the underwater bench that went around the edge of the cave, watch the water splashing into the pool and enjoy the sounds and rippling reflected light on the cave roof. As they headed round, Josh was glad to see it was deserted. Most people were either out having lunch, or had left after their morning of fun, while the afternoon rush had yet to arrive. He walked straight through the waterfall and into the cave. Nobody was inside either so he took a seat on the bench. Benny had stood under the waterfall, fiercely doing his best to resist the torrent, and losing. A few moments later, he ducked backwards and entered the cave. He ducked under the water and swam over to Josh, popping up right in front of him. “Hey.” he said, grinning. “Hey.” Josh smiled back. “I mean, hey Sir.” Benny placed a hand on Josh's chest the looked directly into his eyes. “Don't call me Sir, not unless we're doing the really naughty stuff.” “Okay.” Josh agreed. If he had tried to say any more, he wouldn't have been able to as he suddenly found Benny's lips pressed against his own. The boy knelt on the bench, leaning into him, their near-naked bodies pressing together, cocks swelling as they embraced. Still kissing, Benny slid down off the bench and pulled Josh with him so the two were standing, making the taller boy lean over slightly to reach him. He slid his hands down Josh's body until they reached the speedo's waistband. He pulled them down to mid-thigh completely releasing Josh's swollen organ. Benny broke off the kiss, the slid his tongue down Josh's chest until he reached the surface of the water. Taking a deep breath, he ducked under the water and took Josh's cock in his mouth. The older teen gasped in shock and delight, the sound echoing round the cave. This was the first time he had felt the boy's mouth round his cock. Even with everything they'd done last night, neither of them had sucked the other's cock. If this was Benny's first time, he was off to a great start. His technique wasn't perfect, but for a beginner he certainly showed a lot of potential. Benny could hold his breath for quite a while but eventually had to pop up for air. Another gasp and he went down again. Already aroused from the morning's activities, it didn't take long until Josh could feel himself getting close. “I'm nearly there.” he whispered as Benny popped up for his next breath. “Oh, I'll leave it there then.” he said with a grin, pulling the speedo back up. “Save it for later.” Josh virtually growled his disapproval at Benny, but accepted it. Benny Hopped up onto the bench again, but this time knelt up out of the water putting his very obvious erection just above the surface. “You can finish me off though.” he said, pulling his own shorts down to reveal his rigid four incher. Josh didn't need to be told twice. His mouth was around the cock in seconds. He wished they hadn't been in the pool as it was all he could taste. He would have loved to see what it tasted like normally. He smiled slightly, as much as you can with a cock in your mouth, at the thought that he would probably get to taste it a lot in the future. He did the best he could on the small erection, sucking and licking it in the ways he thought would be most stimulating for the boy. This was, after all, his first time sucking cock too. 'Fuck, I'm sucking a cock. I really shouldn't be enjoying this.' he thought, playing with his own cock in his excitement, but being careful not to cum. Whatever he was doing clearly seemed to be working. Benny was staring down at him, eyes full of lust, panting heavily, both hands playing with stiff, wet nipples. He was definitely getting close. With no warning other than a slight tensing of the cock, Benny began to shoot in his mouth. Josh was so shocked as he realised what was happening that he stopped sucking and just felt the orgasm filling his mouth. Then the classic question, spit or swallow. One look up at Benny gave him the answer he needed. The look of ravenous sexual desire wordlessly directing him to swallow. The older boy did as directed while Benny pulled his shorts back up. Swallowing the load was no big deal really. After standing with it in his mouth for a few seconds he had tasted it pretty thoroughly already so down it went. Benny was on him again, arms wrapped around him, enjoying another long kiss when they heard voices approaching. Josh pushed Benny away just in time as two people appeared on the other side of the waterfall. The two boys took that as their cue to leave, both ducking under water to swim under the waterfall. Benny stopped Josh before they caught up with the other three. “Josh, do you think the four of us could overpower you if we wanted to?” Benny asked the older boy. “Probably not.” Josh replied. “Why?” “Well when it's time to leave, I'm gonna tell the others we should rush you and try to steal your speedo. It's no fun if we can't get it off of you though.” Benny explained, swimming a slow circle around his slave. “Yeah, you don't stand a chance.” Josh smiled, especially, he thought, as they had now lost the element of surprise. It seemed unlike Benny to give his plan away like that. “You're right.” Benny said, starting to swim away before he stopped and looked back. “Oh, unless you're obligated to do whatever I tell you. If that was the case, I could order you to let us win.” Josh's expression twisted in pained realisation. “Benny, please, don't do that. This has all been embarrassing enough.” Benny swam closer again. “Well how about this? I think you should decide again.” he said, innocently sweet. Josh immediately decided it wasn't going to happen, but before he could say anything, Benny continued. “What I mean is, PART of you is going to decide. Think about this for a moment. Overpowered by four boys, stripped naked, forced to chase us into the locker room naked with everyone watching. Now, if you're thinking about that and you're not getting hard, I won't do it.” He reached underwater for Josh's crotch and soon found what he was hoping for. “Fuck.” Josh muttered as Benny wrapped his fingers around his boner, both because of the amazing feeling and because of what it meant for him. Benny stood right in front of him, so close he thought the boy was actually going to kiss him out there in view of everyone. He leaned in and whispered, “Thought so.” He pushed Josh back, catching him off guard so he fell back under the water. When he came back up, Benny had gone to join the others. When Josh rejoined the group, he stopped them splashing a moment and asked, “What time do you all need to be home?” “About 4.” Tim said. “Same here.” Greg added. Josh looked round at the other two. Warren just shrugged and said, “Whenever.” Benny smiled. “And as far as my Mum's concerned, you can keep me.” They all laughed, then started pouncing on each other again. Josh looked up at the giant clock across the pool. It was already ten past three. “Five more minutes and we should be getting out then.” Josh called to them, getting grunts of acknowledgement between splashes. “I'll be over near the locker room, come over at quarter past.” More grunts. He took them as agreement. Josh swam over to where they had all got in earlier. He figured if he was going to lose his speedo, it was better to be as close as possible to the safety of the locker room. He thought it was unusual of Benny to pre-warn him of his next embarrassment. 'Maybe he's going soft. He chose to be nice and let me know in advance. Although now you're thinking about it and worrying. You know it's coming. He knows it turns you on thinking about it, so he made you think about it. Fuck, he really is cruel. Now I can't stop thinking about it. Okay, stop, you're getting hard again. Stop thinking about it. Stop getting hard. Damn you Benny, why did you have to tell me?' The terrified teen stood there, desperately willing his erection to go down, to no avail. His heart started racing as he saw the four boys heading his way. He looked pleadingly at Benny, who just smiled back, absolutely delighted at Josh's worried expression. Josh took a deep breath, then said, “Right, let's go guys.” He turned to face the edge of the pool, still hoping that Benny wouldn't go through with it. “NOW!” Benny called out. Josh felt all four boys lunge at him. One grabbed each arm, a third grabbed him round the waist while the fourth, Benny of course, grabbed the speedo. He put up a struggle against the boys, partly by instinct and partly so he wouldn't give away that he had been ordered to lose. It felt like Benny was working in slow motion, the speedo sliding down past his thighs, to his knees, past his shins, ankles and then finally it was gone. “GOT IT!” Benny called, waving it around in the air triumphantly. Greg, Tim and Warren pushed Josh under the water and made a dash for the edge of the pool. They were almost completely out, along with Benny and the speedo, by the time Josh had stood up and looked round. All four boys were laughing and their antics had caught the attention of several other patrons. Josh dashed to the edge and attempted to grab them, all four boys stepping back just far enough to stay out of his reach. “Benny!” Josh called out, hoping that the boy felt he had been teased enough. Needless to say, Benny certainly didn't feel that way. “It's Ben!” Benny snapped back, faking anger. “Come on guys.” Benny turned and ran into the locker room followed by the others. Josh was left standing there, naked, cock still hard and with quite a few people still staring, some even laughing out loud at him. He knew the longer he put it off, the worse it would be. Putting both hands on the edge of the pool, he jumped up onto the edge. As soon as he was up, he cupped his hands together to try and hide his shame. With his cock still painfully hard, it was difficult. He had to hide his boner behind his forearm. It stretched most of the way from his wrist to his elbow and, thanks to its girth, was still easily visible from anyone looking at him from the side. Jumping to his feet while doing his best to keep everything covered, he dashed into the locker room to the sound of cheers and laughter behind him. The four boys were gathered near their lockers, talking and laughing loudly, waiting for Josh to follow them. When they saw him, they cheered too, spurring a similar reaction from the rest of the men and boys in the locker room. Josh was blushing so much he thought the water on his body must have been about to turn to steam as he approached his tormentors. “Lose something?” Benny asked. He threw the speedo up in the air towards Josh. The older boy's reflexes kicked in and he reached up to catch it. Unfortunately that meant he left his crotch fully exposed. All four boys stopped and stared. Greg and Tim had never seen him hard, while Warren had only seen part of it. Benny, of course, had seen it all before, but still stared at the beautiful sight. It only lasted a moment before Josh realised what he had done and covered back up. “All of you, get dressed!” he snapped, walking to his locker and putting in the combination the lock with one hand, while still attempting to cover up with the other. Benny came and stood next to him, opening his own locker. “I hate you!” Josh growled at him. The younger boy just looked down at the poorly concealed penis, looked back up at Josh and said, “Really? It looks more like you love me!” Benny had said it before really thinking about what he was saying. Both boys broke eye contact simultaneously and went about getting their belongings out of the lockers. Ten minutes later, they were dry, dressed and sat back in Josh's car. “Right, you can drop Tim off first, then Greg as they live the closest.” Benny instructed Josh, who still felt like he was blushing. A short drive later and they stopped at the house Tim had instructed. He said a quick goodbye to the others, thanked Josh for the day and then got out. Greg's drop-off went similarly. “Right, where to now?” Josh asked, looking at Warren in the rear-view mirror. “Down there, turn right.” Benny said. It seemed a little strange. Both Tim and Greg had given the instructions to their own houses themselves, Benny hadn't got involved. Why was he suddenly giving directions? Benny continued to instruct Josh, who followed the directions. They were nearing the outskirts of the town and showed no sign of stopping. “Are you sure this is the way to your house?” he asked, again looking at Warren for answers. The boy looked nervous. “We're not going straight to Warren's house. I've got a surprise for you first. Your reward!” Benny explained, looking round at the driver. Josh's eyes widened. He shouldn't be talking about that. Had he forgotten Warren was in the back. “What about...” Josh started. “He's coming to watch.” Benny stopped him, knowing what he was going to say before he had finished. “He got an eyeful of... little Josh earlier. When I mentioned I could give him the chance to see it in action, he jumped at the chance!” Josh again looked at Warren, show had now turned bright red himself. None of them spoke again, aside from Benny's directions, until they pulled up into a quiet lane on the edge of a forest shortly outside of the town. “Where are we?” Josh asked nervously, doing his best to look round but seeing not much more than trees and road. “Doesn't matter.” Benny said, looking round at Josh. “Now strip.” “What, here? With Warren...” Josh started. Benny cut him off again. “Yes here. But you're right, Warren shouldn't watch. Go and stand in front of the car.” Josh slowly stepped out of the car and walked in front of it, staring at Benny in the passenger seat. The boy looked back at Warren and said something too quiet for Josh to hear. A moment later, the door opened and Warren stepped out. The boy looked nervous, which in turn worried Josh. The boy approached him and stood for a moment, just looking. “What's... going on?” Josh asked gingerly. “Benny said this was okay, but if you don't want me to do it...” Warren mumbled. Josh thought for a moment, took a quick look at Benny who was watching intently then looked back to the nervous teen standing before him. “If Benny said it's okay, then do it.” Now given permission, albeit Josh didn't know what he had given permission for, the boy began. Reaching forward, he took hold of the bottom of Josh's t-shirt, slowly lifting it up to reveal the older boy's stomach, then chest. Josh realised what was happening and raised his arms to let the boy remove it. Next, he reached forward and grabbed the belt buckle. The boy's hands were shaking, so Josh took hold of them. “You're shaking. If you don't want to do this, you don't have to.” Josh said quietly, he raised one of his hands to push the boy's long, damp hair away from his face. Warren looked up a him as he did it, flashing Josh his deep brown puppy-dog eyes. No sooner had Josh pushed the hair away, it flopped back down covering half of his face. The boy managed a slight smile. “Thanks,” he whispered back. “I do want to, I've just never... touched anyone like this. Especially not someone so...” the boy stopped himself, breaking eye contact. Before saying any more. Josh let go of his hands, which now shook a lot less. The belt buckle was undone and the top button on the jeans. Josh was beginning to get aroused, his cock beginning to stretch down his left leg. As Warren reached for the zip, his hand grazed gently against the stiffening beast inside. Both boys gasped. The zip slid down and the jeans fell to the floor. Josh stood there in the road, dressed in just his tented boxers, Warren's hands frozen right in front of them. The emo boy clearly wanted to get a closer look at what was inside, as he grabbed Josh's underwear and pulled it right down to his ankles. The boner popped free, Warren almost banging his head on it as he stood back up. That was when Benny got out of the car, carrying Josh's bag. “Okay, step out of them.” he ordered, breaking the silence between the two. Warren stepped back and Josh immediately noticed the boy also had a somewhat prominent erection. Mesmerised by the boy who had stripped him, Josh did as Benny ordered and stepped clear of his jeans and underwear. Benny picked them up, along with the t-shirt warren had dropped next to them and stuffed them all into Josh's bag. He went off the side of the road and put the bag behind a shrub. “What are you doing?” Josh asked, coming back to his senses and suddenly feeling very exposed. “Get back in the car.” the boy ordered. “And you.” He added, looking at Warren. Both complied and Benny joined them. Strangely, Josh felt more naked in the car than he had outside. Maybe it was the feel of the seat under his bare legs, arse and back. The feeling was heightened even more as he followed Benny's lead and put his seatbelt on. “Drive.” Benny snapped. “But, my clothes...” Josh started. “Will still be there when we get back.” Benny finished the sentence for him. Josh started the car and asked, “Where are we going?” “Wherever you like, you can choose.” Benny answered casually, then turned to look Josh up and down. “But I'd avoid anywhere too populated, unless you like spectators.” Josh started to drive and Benny looked back at Warren. “Enjoy that?” he asked. Warren just nodded eagerly. Benny noticed his hand was on his crotch, massaging the bulge. “Well if you want to have a feel, go ahead.!” He gestured towards Josh, then reached over and rubbed the young man's leg. Warren, still looking nervous, looked at Josh in the rear-view mirror for approval. He nodded slightly and Warren smiled, leaning forward. He reached around and his fingers touched Josh's side, triggering an unintentional moan from the driver. Spurred on by the pleasured sound, Warren reached higher, his hand sliding across smooth skin until he felt Josh's pert nipple beneath his fingers. 'Shit, this is just like Benny.' Josh thought, thinking back to last night when the young boy's hands had reach up and first played with a nipple. He looked round at Benny, worried that he was cheating on the boy right in front of him. Benny clearly wasn't bothered. In fact, he was very much enjoying the show too as he rubbed his dick through his shorts. Then Warren's hand headed south. They didn't have far to go. Seated as he was, Josh's huge pole reached most of the way up to his chest, so Warren's hand soon found itself wrapping around the engorged head. “Fuck.” Josh called out as he did it, causing Benny to snigger. The fact that he was driving naked, whilst being groped by his master's friend almost slipped from Josh's mind in the excitement of the sensations, but he was soon shaken back to reality as he passed another car. He slipped down in his seat as far as he could, terrified that the driver of the other car would see him. He need not have worried, the woman didn't even glance at him. That didn't stop Josh feeling like his car had a giant neon sign on the front saying, 'NAKED UNDERAGE HANDJOB IN PROGRESS!' Josh looked at the clock. They had been driving for just five minutes, but as he thought about that he realised it meant even at just 30 miles per hour, his clothes were literally miles away now. As scary as the thought was, it also turned him on a little. Of course, the fact that the second cutest boy in his life was playing with his cock and nipple was also somewhat of a turn on for him. “I think...” Josh gasped. “I think I'm gonna cum soon.” “Stop now then Warren.” Benny instructed. The boy did as he was told, leaving Josh teetering on the brink of orgasm. “No.” Josh whimpered. He had been turned on and teased so many times already today that his balls were starting to ache. “Can we go back to my clothes yet? Someone's going to see me!” Benny sighed. He could tell Josh was extremely nervous, and he did have a point. If they got caught, this would all end and where was the fun in that? “Fine.” he said. “Start heading back. Warren, you can carry on playing, but don't touch his dick, can't have him cumming just yet.” The boy in the back seat eagerly resumed touching the turned on driver, focussing heavily on his nipples as it seemed to turn him on the most. He reached round the other side of the seat so that he could play with both of them. Benny just watched, amused at Josh's steady flow of pre-cum dripping down his shaft and balls. He could see Josh was ready to pop at the slightest stimulation. As they were heading back, a few more cars passed them. A couple of them had looked at Josh pretty closely. From a distance, all they could tell for sure was that he was topless, but that didn't stop him from feeling like they could see every inch of him. When they finally got back to where they had originally stopped, Benny gave his next orders. “Warren, go and stand in front of the car again.” The boy got out and stood waiting patiently for whatever was going to happen next, one hand casually squeezing his bulge. “What do you want me to do?” Josh asked, more eager than he probably should have been. Benny grinned at his slave's willingness. “Go out and strip him like he stripped you. Then, once he's naked, suck his cock. Don't swallow though, I want to see him cum on your face.” The way Benny instructed was so casual you'd have thought this was just a normal day for him. Josh, however, was almost panting at the sound of it. His cock, already primed to explode twitched wildly. Josh jumped out of the car, barely caring that he was naked and walked round to Warren. The boy watched him as he walked closer, a look of anticipation showing in his eyes as he brushed his hair aside again. “Looks like it's your turn.” Josh said to him quietly. Warren looked panicked. Had he not known this was coming? Exactly what had Benny told him? “But only if you want me to. I'm not gonna force you to do anything.” The apprehensive boy looked first at Benny, then at Josh, down to Josh's oozing boner and finally back up to his face. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a moment then said, “Go for it.” That was all the instruction Josh needed. He wasn't slow and nervous as Warren had been, he pulled the boy's clothes off quickly until just his underwear remained. There were wet patches all over the front of the boxers, a particularly large one forming where how erection was now straining at the fabric. 'Geez, this kid precums more than I do!' Josh thought to himself as he saw it. He tugged gently at the sides of the underwear, slowly lowering them. As the boy's stiff meat was gradually revealed, he saw no sign of pubes. At such close range though, he easily saw the slight stubble above his cock. Josh shuddered with excitement as he thought about the boy shaving himself – another worrying self-revelation about his own turn ons. As the cock finally popped free, the boxers dropped to the ground. Josh took a step back, taking in the sight of the naked boy. It was a warm day, but the gentle breeze across his body had stiffened Warren's small pink nipples. He was fairly toned all over, showing neither fat nor muscle, just a big blank canvas of pale, flawless skin. His cock was bigger than Benny's, but nowhere near the size of Josh's. It was cut too, with a big, purple head shiny with precum. Before doing as he had been told by his master, he needed to see something. He stepped behind the boy to take a look at his arse. It was as perfect as it had seemed going up the water slide staircase, two perfect, round milky-white buttocks just begging to be touched. Josh decided it was time to follow Benny's orders and dropped to his knees in front of Warren. Reaching behind the boy and placing his hands, at last, on his amazing rear, Josh pulled him closer, opening his mouth to swallow the cock. There were still traces of chlorine on Warren's skin, but the first taste Josh really noticed was the precum. It was surprisingly sweet, something he would definitely need to try again some time. Warren's face was priceless. Not knowing what to expect, and having never had any sexual contact with anyone before, suddenly finding his cock inside Josh's warm, wet mouth was mind-blowing. He let out an an excited moan of delight, his legs wobbling beneath him. Josh must have felt the wobble as he moved his hands round slightly to Warren's hips and helped him stay upright. Simultaneously, the boy put his hands on Josh's shoulders to steady himself. “Fuck, this won't take long.” Warren said excitedly, leaning a little more of his weight onto Josh's shoulders. Josh slid the cock out of his mouth, looked up at the boy and said,“Just let me know when it's about to go.” He wanted to taste the cum, see how it compared to Benny's, but he knew Benny had ordered otherwise. He figured if he didn't have long left, he may as well have a little fun. He slid his tongue teasingly slow down Warren's cock, from head to base, then continued down to lick the boy's balls. He let out a higher-pitched yelp of excitement in response. He gave the balls a few more licks before sliding his tongue back up. Before putting the boy's cock back in his mouth, Josh sucked his own finger for a moment, ensuring it was covered in plenty of saliva. He replaced it with Warren's cock and let the finger slide down, past the base, past the balls, further and further it want until he felt his finger slide over the boy's virgin hole. “What... I...” Warren stuttered, barely able to comprehend the feelings. Josh continued licking and sucking, lashing his tongue around the swollen prick. He could tell Warren was ready to go, his cock stiffened a tint bit more and twitched between his lips. “I'm gonna...” Warren started, but never finished the sentence. Josh pulled the cock out of his mouth and, at the same time, pushed his finger inside Warren's hole. He only pushed about an inch of his finger in, but it was enough. His cock erupted , right in front of Josh's face. The first two shots went clear over his head. The few that followed coated the older boy's face with shot after shot of thick white goo. Josh kept his finger inserted while he reached up and stroked the last few drops out of the still-spasming tool. Warren had been in pure ecstasy. No wank had ever felt like that. He was glad he had the broad shoulders of the bigger teen to lean on, otherwise he probably would have collapsed to the floor. With a few drops of cum still on the head, Josh pushed it back into his mouth, licking it clean and testing the flavour. 'He tastes like Benny.' he thought happily. As he pulled the cock out once again, he removed his finger too. “Oh my God.” Warren gasped. Suddenly, with no warning, no instruction and no prompting, the boy lunged forward at Josh and started licking his own cum off the shocked teen's face. Benny stared in amazement, rubbing his own cock as he watched. Warren finished off the last drops from Josh's cheek, his hands had slowly moved up from the young man's shoulders, to his neck and were now holding the sides of his head, fingers in his hair. He stared into Josh's eyes, Josh stared back. The two remained locked like that for several moments until Benny interrupted by opening the car door. “Good show you two!” he called out, snapping them back to reality. Warren quickly stood back up, letting go of Josh, who remained kneeling. He was so surprised by the boy's actions, he had almost forgotten how desperate he was to cum. As his hand found its way to it and started stroking, he was soon reminded. “Can I cum now?” Josh pleaded. “Grab your clothes, you can both get dressed now.” Benny replied, ignoring the desperate teen's plea. Warren pulled his clothes back on and ran back into the car while Josh retrieved his bag from the bushes and dressed too. When they were all back in the car, he looked round at Warren, grinning. “Enjoy that?” he asked. Warren was strangely quiet, but nodded eagerly. “Good. I think we should drop you off at home now.” Benny said. Warren leaned forward. “Doesn't Josh...” he started, but was too embarrassed to finish. “Never mind.” he added, sitting back. Benny smiled at his work. All three of them were thinking about Josh cumming, particularly Josh himself who seemed to be struggling with getting his boner into a comfortable position to sit. They drove back into town and Warren took over the directions. They soon found their way to his house and pulled up outside. The boy just sat there for a moment. “Thanks for today Josh.” he said politely and was about to get about before he added, “And thanks to you both for letting me... join in.” “My pleasure.” Josh replied, unintentionally accurately. “No problem.” Ben smiled. “See you next week.” And with that, Warren was gone and all that remained was Josh and Benny, slave and master. “Now, about your reward.” Benny said as he looked round at the frustrated man next to him. “I thought that WAS my reward.” Josh said, surprised at the revelation. “Ha. No. That was for... other reasons.” Benny said cryptically. “Your reward comes later. Time to go home.” Chapter 6 Josh was laying on his bed, desperately trying to think of anything to distract him from sexual thoughts. When he got home with Benny, he had expected his 'reward' to happen immediately. Benny, however, clearly had other plans. He had sent Josh home with an order not to cum until he was told to. When he got in, the first thing he did was jump in the shower to wash away the remnants of chlorine. This of course lead to excessive soaping of his downstairs area and he had been only seconds away from cumming when he managed to stop himself. In response, he turned the shower to cold hoping it would have the desired effect. Sadly, a minute later he was still horny, but now he was cold too. He had dried off, got dressed again and now lay on his bed, trying not to think about his arousal. The problem was, it left him free to go over the events of the last twenty four hours in his mind. His encounter with Benny, the blackmail, the multiple embarrassments at the pool, the naked drive and outdoor antics, meeting, stripping and sucking Warren. The new boy stuck in Josh's mind. What was the deal there? He definitely didn't feel the same way about Warren as he did about Benny, the attraction had simply been physical, heightened by a day of excessive arousal. Although at the end, after he had licked his own cum off of Josh's face... were they about to kiss? But Benny had interrupted. Had he planned that? He seemed to have planned every other detail. But why would he involve someone else? Benny had said that Josh was 'his boy'. If that was the case, why would he have ordered 'his boy' to do those things with someone else? The important question though, was why was Josh enjoying all of it. In his mind, he was still straight. He could look at the poster on his wall of the model with her boobs hanging out and still get turned on. Yet that boy... or rather now, those boys... It was all too much for Josh to understand. He turned over, buried his face in his pillow and groaned loudly in frustration. Rolling back over, he glanced at his desk chair and the encounter that morning with Nick ran through his head. He figured he should try and speak to him again. There wasn't much he could do about the rest of his situation, but at least he could try and resolve things with Nick. He left his room and walked down the hallway to Nick's door, then knocked on it gently. “Who is it?” his brother asked from the other side. “It's Josh.” was all he could say back. Silence from Nick. 'At least he's not telling me to fuck off, that's progress.' he thought to himself. “Can I come in?” he requested. More silence. Josh was about to give up and walk away when Nick called out, “Okay.” He opened the door and stepped inside. Nick had been sat on his bed playing on his xbox, the controller now down by his side while the game remained paused on screen. “Can I...” Josh asked, gesturing towards a chair. Nick just shrugged non-committally which Josh took as a yes. He sat down and looked at Nick, his little brother staring back angrily. He immediately wished he had planned what he was going to say as his mind had gone blank. “Are you gay?” Josh blurted out, even surprising himself with the question. Nick's face looked much as it had that morning, a mixture of fear and anger. “GET OUT!” he shouted. “No, wait, I don't...” Josh stuttered, struggling to recover from his unexpected outburst. “I SAID GET OUT!” Nick demanded, jumping to his feet. “Nick, please, listen to me.” Josh pleaded, looking almost as upset as Nick. The younger brother stood glaring at Josh, slowly calming down, his expression softening as he saw what appeared to be genuine regret on his big brother's face. “Nick, I promise, I wasn't trying to offend you. I'm not really sure why I asked, just something made me think....” he trailed off. “Anyway, if you are, you can tell me.” Nick slumped back down onto the bed in silence, eyes still fixed on Josh. “What I meant to say was... I'm sorry about this morning. I was WAY outta line saying that stuff to you, calling you those things. I know I upset you and I'm really, really sorry.” Josh apologised. Nick still didn't speak, so Josh figured it was time to go. As he stood up, Nick finally spoke. “I am.” Josh looked at him, confused. “You are what?” “I am... what you first asked about.” Nick said hesitantly, avoiding saying the actual word. “Gay.” Josh corrected him. Nick flinched as he said it. “Okay, I'm gay.” Nick said, frustrated at being made to say it. “But if you're just planning on using that as insurance against the video....” Josh threw his head back, chuckling slightly as he ran his fingers through his hair, rubbing the back of his neck. “No, I'm not planning anything. Use the video any way you want, make me do whatever takes your fancy, I'm not really bothered. I've got bigger problems.” Now it was Nick's turn to blurt something out without thinking. “Do you really get turned on by being told what to do?” Josh's jaw flapped as he kept trying to talk, but words failed him. “There, how do you like it?” Nick taunted now that the situation was reversed. He realised Josh hadn't meant any harm by his question, so he should probably help his brother out now in return. “Sorry, you don't have to answer that.” Josh was relieved to be let off the hook, but he thought for a moment how brave Nick had just been in admitting he was gay. If Nick could do that, he could do this. “Yes, I do. It's a... fairly recent thing, but yeah, I really do.” “So is that why you came home naked last night? Somebody made you?” Nick asked, less intrigued and more concerned what his brother might be involved in. “Yeah.” Josh nodded hesitantly. He wondered how much he could really tell Nick, but chose to err on the side of caution and say no more. Nick started laughing. Still chuckling slightly he replied, “So someone makes you do that, then you get in and I made you... do that. Sucky night for you.” He was still laughing to himself as he looked over at Josh and saw shifting nervously in his seat. “Wait a sec, is THIS turning you on now?” Josh wanted to the ground to open up and swallow him. He really was getting extremely turned on by his brother's comments and it was starting to show. 'You freak.' he thought to himself. 'Stop enjoying this. Even if this sort of fucked up shit does turn you on, that's your brother.' “So I'm guessing you really did enjoy what I made you do last night.” Nick said knowingly, thinking back to his big brother's humiliation. Josh could do nothing to hide it now. The bulge stretching down his leg was now undeniable. He continued to curse his own body's reaction. “I could make you do it again.” Nick said, sitting up and looking a little more serious. “Would you like that?' 'YES!' his brain screamed at him. This time he listened. “Yes.” he said meekly, then added, “But I'm not allowed.” A huge smile slowly spread across Nick's face as he figured out what his brother meant. Whoever was controlling him had told him he wasn't allowed to cum. Someone had this much control over Josh? Nick realised his own dick was beginning to swell as he thought about it. He wanted to have the same power over the embarrassed young man sitting in front of him. “You're not allowed to cum? That's priceless.” Nick said cruelly. “So who is it? Who's the boss?” This was Josh's chance to come clean, share his problem but would he understand? If Josh himself was having a hard time accepting the fact he was messing around with someone so young, how would Nick react? More importantly, would Benny allow him to tell? So scared of doing something his master wouldn't approve of, Josh replied, “I'm not telling you that.” “Pfft, you're no fun.” Nick said dismissively, gently squeezing his bulge. “Wait, is it a she... or a he?” Josh stared at the ground, unable to look his brother in the eye. “It's a he?” Nick concluded. Now it was his turn to ask. “Josh, are you gay?” No!” Josh snapped, far too quickly. He thought for a moment then added, “I don't know. I'm straight, I like girls, but lately... things have happened with... guys.” “Oh, you're bi!” Nick said casually. It was like a switch flicked in Josh's mind. He had been so caught up in his debate between the girls in his past and the boys in his imminent future that he had considered the two as completely separate things. At no point had he even considered anything in between. “I'm... bi!” he said aloud, suddenly feeling like a great weight had been lifted off his chest. “Wow, you're really not the quickest, are you?” Nick said playfully. “Had you really not realised?” Josh shook his head, almost starting to smile. “So, I'm gay, you're bi. If Corey's straight then Mum and Dad have got the entire set.” Nick joked. “Yeah, they'll be so proud.” Josh said sarcastically, making Nick laugh. He was glad he had patched things up with his little brother. Out of Corey and Nick, the older was definitely his favourite, mainly because their youngest brother was an antagonistic little shit. “So... we've, like, bonded and stuff now. Any chance you'll be deleting that video?” Nick smiled sweetly. “Nice try Josh, but you're not getting off that easily. I think you need to give me a replay of last night.” “I told you, I can't.” “That's fine.” Nick accepted, “But if you don't, the video goes on the internet.” Josh felt like the weight lifted from his chest had just been doubled and thrown back on. “Threaten me all you like, but you can't do anywhere near as much harm as my ma....” Josh stopped himself, realising he was about to refer to Benny as his master, right to Nick's face. He hoped he had missed it, but no such luck. “Your master?” Nick was positively beaming. “You... have a master?” The younger brother felt his cock twitch just a little at the mention of the word. He had to get in on this, it was the hottest thing he had heard in quite some time. “Just... just leave it.” Josh muttered as he felt the wet patch forming at the tip of his cock. Nick got up and stood right in front of his big brother. “Okay.” he said. “If your master won't let you cum, will he let you make someone else cum?” Josh couldn't believe what the boy was saying. More devastatingly, he couldn't believe he was turned on by it. “Y... yes, I'm... allowed.” Josh stuttered, beginning to shake in anticipation of what was to come. Nick undid his jeans, sliding them down to mid-thigh, his underwear doing very little to hide the boner within. Josh felt his hand raising, unintentionally, reaching for the swollen meat. His breaths were getting ragged, verging on hyperventilation. “I can't.” he whimpered. “You're my little brother.” Nick couldn't believe how much his brother's discomfort was turning him on. If he didn't do something soon, he was probably going to cum in his boxers without any outside help. He grabbed his cock and said, “Maybe I'm your... not-so-little brother.” Josh looked ready to cry, his hand was mere inches away from Nick's straining prick. Suddenly, he raised both hands to Nick's stomach and pushed him away, hard. The younger boy stumbled backwards, luckily finding the bed behind him to break his fall. “What the fuck?” Nick called out as he landed. “Stop it. I can't do this stuff with you.” Josh insisted. 'What, you can suck off a thirteen-year-old boy in the middle of nowhere, but suddenly this is unacceptable? Just do it!' He thought, but remained seated. Nick pulled his jeans up and fastened them, then sat up cross-legged on the bed, staring at his brother. “You really wanted to do it.” “No I didn't.” Josh lied. “Whatever.” Nick shrugged. “Look, thanks for coming in, I'm glad things are cool between us, but if you're not gonna help with this...” He grabbed his bulge. “... then I'll see you later.” Josh got up, his straining dick rubbing on his leg torturously. What he really wanted was to dive on top of Nick, but something was still holding him back. “See you later.” he said quietly as he turned and left. Josh retreated to his own room, sitting down in his chair and casually swinging back and forth as he contemplated his situation. 'He's my brother, so I can't do that stuff with him. But he wants it, and I want it, so why not! Eventually he'll make you anyway, he'll threaten you with the video and you'll just give in. But what if he didn't have it, then he couldn't make me. Yeah, but he does have it. What about Benny? Does taking orders from Nick count as cheating on Benny? Why do I care? He's blackmailing me too. But I do care, I don't want to fuck things up. Maybe I should tell him.' Before he had a chance to think himself back out of it, Josh picked up his phone and sent a message to Benny. [I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING. MY BROTHER NICK HAS A VIDEO OF ME COMING HOME NAKED LAST NIGHT. HE'S TRYING TO MAKE ME DO THINGS WITH HIM.] Benny's response came quickly. [SEX THINGS?] [YES] [DO U WANT ME TO MAKE HIM STOP?] [HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?] [DO U WANT ME TO MAKE HIM STOP?] [YES, I ONLY WANT TO TAKE ORDERS FROM YOU] [GOOD BOY. NOW DO EXACTLY AS I TELL YOU] ***** Nick was just starting to fall asleep when he heard his phone vibrate. For a moment he considered ignoring it and going to sleep. As soon as he picked up the phone, he was glad he hadn't. It was a message from Josh. [COME TO MY ROOM] The boy jumped out of bed, pulled on a pair of boxers and a t-shirt and opened his door as quietly as he could. It was gone midnight so he expected Corey and his parents would all be asleep, but he figured it was still best to be quiet. He didn't bother to knock on Josh's door, he just walked straight in. As he entered, he saw his big brother sitting in bed, topless, covered from the waist down. He closed the door behind him. “You called?” Nick said, cautious but hopeful of what he thought was about to happen. “Delete the video.” Josh said blankly. “No chance. That video makes you mine.” Nick said through a devilish grin. “I tried.” Josh said, prompting a confused look from Nick. “I don't have any choice then.” Josh threw back the covers, revealing the rest of his naked body. His cock was solid, standing up against Josh's stomach now that it had been unleashed. “What are you doing?” Nick asked, taking a slight step back. “Whatever you tell me to.” Josh said, staring straight into his brother's eyes. Nick was caught completely off guard by Josh's sudden and absolute submission. Earlier when he had been teasing him, he had been in charge, plus part of him knew nothing was really going to happen. Now though, here he was, naked, waiting for an order. He froze. Josh realised the first move was going to be up to him. He walked over to the frozen teen, standing so close that their chests were almost touching. He grabbed Nick's t-shirt and pulled it off, throwing it aside. His gaze was fixed on Nick, who stared intently back. Without looking down, Josh took hold of Nick's boxers and pushed them down. They fell to his feet and Nick kicked them away. As he did it, the movement made his swelling cock knock into Josh's, sending jolts of electricity through both boys. Josh went and sat on the bed, leaning against the wall and spreading his legs to give Nick a perfect view as he stroked his cock with one hand and fondled his heavy balls with the other. Now with a better view, Josh finally took the time to examine his little brother. It was like looking in a mirror showing a reflection of himself four years ago. Nick had the beginnings of pretty nice muscle tone across his chest and stomach, but without the working out Josh had done in his late teens, Nick was likely to remain at that sort of build until he reached Josh's age. Their cocks were identical, but Nick's was just about an inch smaller. The boy also had a small patch of hair at the base of his rigid prick and his balls were smooth, but this was probably natural for Nick as opposed to Josh's regular grooming. The younger brother still stood still, watching in amazement. “Come on boss, I'm literally at your command.” Josh enticed him. The boy finally moved, at last embracing what was happening. He knelt on the bed, between Josh's feet, then shuffled forward until he could reach Josh's boner. He tentatively wrapped his fingers around it. “It feels just like mine.” Nick said, sounding both surprised and delighted. He hadn't been ordered to do it, but Josh reached down and grabbed Nick's rigid boy-meat. He was right, it felt like grabbing his own. Nick gasped. 'Come on, you're finally in charge.' he thought, 'Do whatever you want.' He let go of Josh's cock and pushed his brother's hand away from his own at the same time. He knelt up, raising his chest to Josh's head height. “Suck my nipples.” he said, trying to sound assertive, but still just sounding nervous. Josh reach round to Nick's back and pulled the boy's body closer, parting his lips slightly and placing them around his little brother's nipple. Nick leaned on the wall behind his brother for support, mouth agape at the incredible feeling of the lips on one of his favourite spots. Josh sucked and licked, alternating between nipples, his movements also making his chest press against the younger boy's manhood. Nick pulled away and now stood, his feet either side of Josh's legs. He squatted slightly, leaving his cock pointing right in Josh's face. “Suck it!” he ordered. He was expecting Josh to immediately take it into his mouth, following the instruction literally. Instead he was pleasantly surprised when he felt Josh's lips and tongue around his balls, slowly working their way up the shaft until the head finally slipped between his lips. Josh slowly took more and more of the boy's dick into his mouth, going as far as he dared without making himself choke. He held it there for a moment, sliding his tongue around the shaft, then pulled back slightly to allow his barrage of licks to engulf the head. Nick was clearly enjoying Josh's work, a series of whimpers and moans streaming from him. Nick pulled out quickly and Josh looked up at him curiously. “I was about to cum. I don't wanna end this too soon.” Josh smiled, reached up around Nick's waist and threw him down onto the bed. He took the cock back into his mouth, attacking it as vigorously as he could. “What are you...” Nick started, but it was too late, the orgasm started. “Oh, ooh, fuck, fuck.” he mewed as he shot squirt after squirt of cum into his brother's mouth. It felt like it was never going to end, but he didn't see a single drop escape Josh's expert mouth. Nick lay there, panting heavily as Josh released his not even remotely softening penis. “Fuck, I said I didn't want to cum yet.” “No.” Josh said, laying down at Nick's side. “You said you didn't want to end this too soon. You're allowed to cum more than once ya know!” As he said it, his mind flashed back to the previous night, his three orgasms at Benny's hand. He knew this wouldn't be as rough as Benny had been with him. Nick looked sideways at his grinning brother. “So... are you allowed to cum yet?” “Fuck yes. I haven't cum all day, I'm gagging for it!” Josh said, painfully honestly. Nick looked at Josh, nervous again. “I've never... done anything... with anyone before. Would it be okay if I just...” he took hold of Josh's boner and stroked it. “I don't know if I'm ready to suck yet.” Josh smiled and nodded. “I told you, you're the boss. Do what feels right.” Nick got back between Josh's legs and started stroking. Josh closed his eyes, revelling in the sensation as his little brother stroked his cock, caressing the shaft, teasing the head, occasionally fondling his balls. “Damn, you're good at that.” he muttered. Suddenly, he felt something soft and warm slide against his straining erection. Opening his eyes he looked down and saw Nick had started licking it. “Turns out I AM ready.” Nick said, stopping the licking for a moment and grinning broadly. “Fuck.” Josh said, laughing at Nick's eagerness. The younger boy resumed licking, then a few moments later slid it between his lips. He could only fit about half of it in his mouth, but he started sliding it in and out, licking it as it went. His hands continued playing with the rest of it and Josh's balls. It wasn't long before Josh was groaning loudly. “I'm gonna cum soon.” he said, a wave of relief washing over him as he was finally going to be allowed to cum after his torturous day. Nick sat up and resumed stroking the twitching meat and moments later it started. It was like a fire hose going off. The first two shots went clear over Josh's head, splatting audibly against the wooden headboard, shots three and four covered Josh's face, five and six hit the underside of Josh's chin and his shoulder respectively. The seventh to tenth shots formed white puddles of cum all over Josh's chest and stomach. A few more dribbles from the spasming cock added to the pool forming in his belly button. Nick was still holding onto Josh's dick as he stared at his older brother. “Shit, is that a normal load for you?” he asked, amazed at the quantity and distance he had achieved. Laughter mixed in with Josh's panting. “No.” he said breathlessly. “That was the result of a VERY long day. The distance is about normal though.” he added proudly. Nick stared at the pools of cum all over Josh, thinking how his big brother had swallowed his own cum just a few minutes ago. “That woulda drowned me!” he said, smiling. Then he had an idea. “You seem to like cum. Get eating!” Josh complied quickly. He had tasted his own cum last night so he knew it wasn't awful. He scooped a large blob from his cheek and licked it from his finger while Nick watched, engrossed. Josh scooped up some more from his chest, then raised the finger towards Nick. “Want to try it?” he asked, teasing. Much to the older boy's surprise, Nick leant forward and licked his finger clean, then sat back as he analysed the taste. “Well?” Josh asked. No answer needed to be spoken, Nick lunged forward and started licking the cum off of Josh's body. “Ah shit!” Josh gasped as he felt the boy's tongue and lips all over his body. Nick eventually sat back up, wiping his mouth clean as he did so. “So what now?” he asked. “Think you can cum again yet?” Josh asked, looking up at the excited boy. Nick looked down at his boner. “Certainly looks like it. Why? What you got in mind?” Nick realised he wasn't in command any more, but he didn't care. This was all too exciting. Now it was Josh's turn to look nervous. He stared Nick in the eye and asked, “Wanna fuck me?” “You're a bottom?” Nick asked, surprised. He realised that probably wasn't the answer he was meant to give there, but he was amazed. His brother was so big, so tough, it was hard to imagine him letting someone fuck him. “Not exclusively.” Josh replied. As he said it, he was a little surprised to find that not only was he thinking about getting fucked by Benny, but he was seeing images of Warren, of that perfect arse. 'I wanna fuck Warren?!' Josh thought, surprised. “That's surprising. Figured you'd be a top.” Nick said casually. “You've... thought about that?” Josh asked, shocked as he realised Nick's comment implied he had given some thought to the subject. Nick blushed. “Just a little.” “I think I'll take that as a compliment.” Josh said happily, putting his brother at ease. “So bro, what are you?” Nick shrugged. “I'm not sure, never tried either. I do like stuff up... there, though.” Josh found his cock swelled a tiny bit at the thought of that. “Can we try both?” Josh sat up so he was face to face with Nick. “Sure, but... I'm not small. I don't want to hurt you.” “Don't worry.” Nick said, pushing Josh back down. “I can handle big. Now turn over and get on all fours.” Josh did as he was told and got in position. As he did so, he reached down by the side of the bed and grabbed a bottle of lotion. Silently he handed it to Nick who took it and started applying it to his dick. Then, hesitantly at first, he began applying it to Josh's hole. As he heard mews of delight coming from his big brother, he started sliding a finger inside, ensuring he was fully lubricated. As he pulled his finger out, he started pushing the head of his cock against the puckered hole. Nick shuddered as he began to slip inside. It was so tight and warm, it sent shots of pleasure through his entire body. From the noises Josh was making, he was presumably feeling a similar reaction. The younger brother slowly slid further and further in until his balls were pressed against Josh's arse. He pulled back slowly before pushing in again, gradually building up a rhythm. He continued the slow thrusting, in and out, placing his hands on Josh's back for balance as he did it. As the fucking continued, Nick leant forward, pressing his body against Josh's back, hands sliding down to explore the bigger boy's torso. He felt the hair on Josh's chest and stomach slide between his fingers, felt his stiff nipples as he explored the muscular chest, his hands exploring every inch of the huge young man beneath him. Nick slowly increased the speed of his thrusts as the pleasure increased, gradually working closer and closer to his second ejaculation of the night. “Aah, aah, aah.” Nick called out, seconds from shooting. He pulled out and shot a second, smaller load across his brother's arse and back. No sooner had he finished cumming, his tongue was lapping up the creamy white seed. It tasted slightly different to Josh's, but he loved it anyway. Josh shuffled round on the bed so that he was laying on his back again with Nick knelt between his legs once more. “What position do you want?” Nick asked, eager to continue. “Turn round and lean over.” Josh instructed. “I gotta lube you.” The younger boy complied, resting his head on the bed while his arse remained up in the air pointing right at Josh. He knelt there waiting for Josh's fingers to start applying the lotion. What actually came was somewhat different. Before he knew what was happening, Josh's tongue was in his crack, licking around his hole. “Fffffuck!” he yelped with pleasure. Josh continued licking around the hole, occasionally pushing the tip of his tongue a short way into it. Each time he did, he got another yelp of delight from his little brother. Finally sufficiently wet, he grabbed the lotion and lubed up his own cock, now completely rigid again. Instead of kneeling up to fuck Nick, he lay back down on the bed and instructed, “Turn around.” The boy turned to see Josh laying there, one hand holding his cock so it was vertical. He immediately knew what his brother intended. He climbed over the horny teen and began lowering himself. He felt the head pushing gently at his hole. Lowering himself a little further, the entire head popped through his hole, the muscle tightening around the shaft as the thickest part of the head passed through. Josh was in heaven. It felt nothing like fucking the two girls he had been with, this was on a whole new level, and it had barely begun. Nick lowered himself further and further until the whole of his brother's rigid prick filled him up. Nick marvelled at how it felt. The toys, vegetables and other random objects he had experimented with had felt nice, especially when they hit that one spot, but feeling the smooth, hard thickness of a cock inside his rear was beyond amazing. The young boy started sliding his hole up and down over Josh's shaft, both boys groaning. Josh could feel the orgasm building slowly as he looked up at Nick who was completely engrossed in it. The older teen sat up, reached a hand up behind Nick's neck and pulled him closer. Their lips pressed together as they kissed, eventually parting slightly as tongues were exchanged. Nick continued pumping up and down on Josh as the two kissed. “I'm gonna cum soon.” Josh gasped, parting the kiss for a moment. Nick looked him straight in the eye. “Cum inside me!” he said, half ordering, half pleading before resuming the kissing. Suddenly remembering the moment he had whispered those very same words to Benny, Josh began cumming. Nick felt the cock buried deep inside him filling him with Josh's spunk. The kissing continued and Josh's hands were now all over him too. It was enough to push him over the edge again. His cock twitched wildly, squeezed between the two boys' bodies. It was a small load, but the orgasm accompanying it was intense. Both finally finished, the kiss parted, Josh flopped back down and Nick manoeuvred the softening dick out of his hole. Thoroughly exhausted, Nick collapsed on top of Josh. The older brother reached his arms up round Nick's back, holding him in a gentle hug as the younger boy rested his head on Josh's chest. They both lay there together for a few minutes, catching their breath and enjoying the closeness. Eventually, it was Nick who moved. He climbed off of his brother and started pulling on his boxers. He looked back at Josh, who hadn't moved. “That was amazing.” he said happily. He picked up the t-shirt but didn't put it on. Instead he bunched it up and wiped the remnants of his last orgasm from his stomach. “Yup.” was all Josh could say back. Nick smiled and headed for the door. “Night bro.” he said. Josh tilted his head to loom round as he left. “Night.” he said, a twinge of sadness in his voice. Nick headed back into his room and lay back down in his bed, his head buzzing as he thought about what had just happened. Once again he was moments from sleep when his phone vibrated. He picked it up and saw it was another message from Josh. [I'M SORRY] was all it said. Josh looked at it, reading the two words over and over, trying to think what Josh could have to be sorry for. The things they had just done felt great. He shrugged, deciding to ask him in the morning. Just as he was about to put the phone down, it vibrated again. Quickly he opened the message, thinking it may be a further explanation from Josh. Confused, he saw it was from a number he didn't know. [DELETE THE VIDEO. JOSH ISN'T YOURS, HE'S MINE. AND NOW, SO ARE YOU!] Attached was picture of Nick, with Josh's cock in his mouth. Nick stared at it, shaking. “What the fuck?” Chapter 7 Josh woke up and, realising it was Saturday morning, decided to stay in bed. As it was the weekend, his parents would be home. He had gotten used to having his brothers at home because of the school holidays, but his brothers AND his parents together were a bit too much. Staying in bed and out of the way was clearly the way to go. He looked for his phone, eventually realising it was on the floor. He had fallen asleep the previous night with it in his hand, waiting to see if Nick would reply to his message or just storm back in when Benny revealed their trap. He felt bad for setting up his little brother, but he figured that if Nick was blackmailing him, he deserved it. 'Did he, though?' he asked himself. 'He didn't actually do anything particularly mean to me. What if he's pissed at me again? He should be. I just hope he doesn't think everything we did was part of the trap. Oh God, I fucked my little brother. Well he fucked me first, so that makes it slightly more okay, doesn't it! Nope. Not even a little bit. Never again. I can't let any of that happen again.' Josh resolved, promising himself to make sure the situation never occurred again. As he checked his phone, he was surprised to see no messages. He figured there would at least be some kind of response from Nick, even if it was telling him to go fuck himself. Nothing from Benny either. As relieved as he was to be free of orders, he found himself messaging Benny anyway. [MORNING. YOU OK?] As always, Benny's reply came quickly. [MORNING. I'M GOOD, HOW U FEELING AFTER LAST NITE?] [IT'S COMPLICATED. DID NICK REPLY TO YOUR MESSAGE?] [IT'S COMPLICATED. GOT GOOD NEWS 4 U THO. I'M BUSY 2DAY, SO UR FREE 2 DO WHATEVER U WANT] Josh was curious about the first part of the reply. Were things actually complicated, and if so why, or was he just mocking Josh's previous message? He soon forgot about it as he considered the rest of the message, after deciphering Benny's text talk. [THANKS. HAVE A GOOD DAY THEN] [U2] Josh lay there, suddenly at a loss for what to do. He found it a little disconcerting how quickly he had adapted to following someone else's orders. The thought of doing what he wanted for the day almost felt wrong. When he had showered and dressed, he figured it was time to face Nick. He knocked on the boy's door but got no answer. He knocked again – still nothing. Slowly he opened the door and looked inside. The bed was made and Nick wasn't there, so he headed downstairs and into the kitchen. As Josh walked in, he found his Mum, Dad and youngest brother all sat eating breakfast. “Morning.” he said casually to them. “Wow, up before lunchtime. Special occasion?” his Dad asked sarcastically. Josh flashed a fake smile. “Wow, you're a funny, funny man.” He sat at the table and poured himself some cereal. “Anyone seen Nick this morning?” His Mum and Corey both shook their heads. His Dad, who was just finishing a mouthful of toast nodded. As he swallowed, he said, “Yeah, he went out really early. Said he had some things to do today and that he'd be back in time for dinner tonight.” Josh looked concerned. He couldn't remember the last time Nick's Saturday morning hadn't consisted of playing on his xbox. Suddenly having plans the day after... everything that had happened seemed somewhat suspicious. He put it out of his mind for a moment, telling himself it was nothing to worry about, that Nick probably just needed some space. “So what are you all doing today?” “I'm going out for the day with Annabeth.” his Mum replied, smiling. “Your Dad's taking Corey to his football match and then he's been roped into chaperoning the team afterwards.” “Yeah, I can't wait.” his Dad said flatly. The parents of the boys on the team took it in turns to take the team out for something to eat and some form of entertainment after their matches on Saturday mornings. Josh's Dad really hadn't been looking forward to his next turn; his last one had ended up with a lifetime ban from two different businesses! “Wanna come and help?” Josh smiled cruelly. “Not even a little bit!” They finished breakfast and half an hour later, Josh was alone in the house. Still worried about Nick, he decided to go out for a walk, seeing if the boy had gone off to any of his usual places. The first place he decided to check was the park. It was only a ten minute walk away and Nick used to love going there and hanging out on the swings or skimming stones on the lake. It was a nice day, which meant the park was already fairly busy. People jogging, walking their dogs, bringing their kids to play, teens from the nearby college laying on the grass studying or just hanging out with friends. As Josh looked at the small groups of youngsters, he told himself he had to message a couple of his friends later. Since leaving school, he'd drifted away from them and he rarely made the effort to reach out to them any more. Heading down to the lake, Josh saw a group of four boys kicking a football around. He immediately recognised three of them – it was Greg, Tim and Warren. The fourth boy he had never seen before. He considered just carrying on walking, not quite sure what he'd have to say to the boys, but that turned out not to be an option. “It's Josh!” Tim called out, pointing over to him as he saw the familiar face. Greg and Warren looked round too. As Warren eyes made contact with Josh's, both boys froze in place. “Come on.” Greg said, nudging Warren as he and Tim ran over. The mesmerised boy followed shortly behind, with the fourth boy following after him. “Hey Josh.” Greg said happily as he reached him. “Hey guys, you okay?” he said timidly, thinking back to the embarrassment he had endured in their company yesterday. The feeling intensified as Warren reached them. All Josh could think about was standing face to face with Warren on the back road, both of them naked and nervous. He gave a shaky smile to the boy, who returned it awkwardly. “We're good.” Greg replied for them all. “Thanks again for yesterday. I don't think we'd have had anywhere near as much fun without you there.” Josh cringed a little, knowing the boy just meant that it had been an entertaining day, but feeling like he was referring only to Josh's humiliating moments. “You're welcome.” he said, recovering slightly. “I hadn't been there in years, it was fun.” The fourth boy had now joined them and stood to Warren's side. He was quite a short boy, around Tim's height. He had a very slim build and short golden brown that hair was messy, but intentionally so. His small size and delicate features made him look much younger than the other three, although Josh suspected he was a similar age. Greg saw Josh looking at him. “Oh, sorry, Josh, this is Sam. Sam, Josh.” he introduced them. Josh was about to say hello when Sam grinned devilishly. “You're the speedo guy, aren't you!” The older boy looked thoroughly deflated. “Oh good, I'm glad that's spreading.” he said through a fake smile. The four boys laughed at his reaction. “Sorry.” Tim said, “We've only told a few people.” “Don't worry about it.” Josh said, shifting uncomfortably as the embarrassment was starting to arouse him. “Anyway, you should get back to your game. I was just looking for someone.” The boys said their goodbyes and ran back to kick the ball around some more while Josh continued down to the lake, starting down the path that surrounded it. The path was lined with tall trees, which had grown over to hang above the lake, making the route Josh walked nicely shaded from the blazing Sun. He had been walking for a couple of minutes and had yet to pass anyone, this was clearly a less popular part of the park than the main area. Suddenly he heard a voice behind him. “Hey, Josh, wait for me!” He looked round and saw Warren running towards him. He felt like his heart had just jumped up into his throat as he saw the boy approaching. “H... hey Warren.” Josh stuttered nervously. He didn't know why the boy had this affect on him. When Warren reached him, he stood facing the older teen in silence. “You... okay?” he asked, curious as to why the boy had followed him. Warren looked down at the ground, his hands starting to shake. Josh stepped forward, placed his hand under Warren's chin and tilted it up to make the boy look at him. “Warren, are you okay?” The young teen's mouth quivered, obviously trying to stop himself from crying but it didn't work. He whimpered slightly before he completely burst into tears. Josh pulled the boy into a hug, Warren's arms wrapping around him and return, squeezing tightly. Eventually he stopped crying, but continued to hold on to Josh. It was the older boy who eventually let go, prompting Warren to do the same. He looked round and saw a bench a short distance down the path. He put his arm around Warren's shoulders and lead the boy towards it. They sat down and Warren stared nervously down at his hands. “Is this about what happened yesterday?” Josh asked quietly. Warren nodded. “Oh God, did I hurt you? Or make you do things you didn't want to?” Warren quickly looked up at Josh in response to the question. “No.!” he said emphatically. “When I told Benny I'd seen your boner, he said he'd let me see it up close if I wanted. He let me do those things because I asked him to. What you did... felt amazing. ” Josh almost laughed with happiness as he heard the boy say that, but his distressed state was enough to keep his emotions grounded. “So what's wrong?” he asked, gently stroking the boy's arm. Warren pulled his phone out of his pocket. Josh had a feeling he knew what he was going to see, as well as who was behind it. 'Benny. What did you do now?' He was right. Warren pressed a few buttons then turned the phone to show Josh a video of the two of them. “Benny filmed us.” Josh said, tearing up again. “And he says he'll show this to everyone if I don't do everything he tells me.” “I'm so sorry.” Josh said, reaching up to push the hair aside from the upset boy's face. “Benny's... a little out of control. It's not just you he's doing this to.” “He's got you too, hasn't he. That's why you did everything he told you yesterday.” Warren said. Josh just nodded. 'But in my case, I like it!' he thought to himself, but didn't let on to Warren. “Look, this whole 'doing whatever he wants' thing, it sounds scary, but so far he hasn't done anything that's really nasty. I think he's mostly just playing. I don't think he'd do anything that would really hurt you.” Warren looked at him hopefully. “Really?” he asked. “Yeah.” Josh replied. “In fact, he's only told me to do things I really wanted to do, that I ended up enjoying.” He couldn't believe this. He was essentially confessing to enjoying being Benny's personal bitch. He was confessing something else too without realising it. “So... the stuff with me... you wanted to do that? You enjoyed it?” Warren asked, almost smiling now. Josh considered playing it cool, but decided to take the chance to try and cheer the boy up. “Doing things with a hot little guy like you? Who wouldn't!” “You think I'm hot?” Warren asked, the smile now fully formed. “Scorching.” Josh grinned back at him. “Thanks.” Warren blushed. Josh thought for a moment, unsure whether to try and change the subject or ask what was really on his mind. His curiosity got the better of him in the end. “Yesterday, after you'd... erm, cleaned me up, I got the feeling that... maybe... erm, you might have been about to... kiss me.” Warren nodded. “I was. I don't know why, I was just there, and you were there and I felt this urge and...” “And then Benny interrupted.” Josh finished the sentence. 'It always comes back to Benny.' he thought. “Yeah.” Warren said, “He interrupted. If he hadn't, though... would you have... kissed me back?” Josh stared at the boy. He knew the answer, but decided to show him instead of saying it. He leant forward and kissed him. Warren opened his mouth slightly to let Josh in. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before they both pulled back. “Well that answered that.” Warren said, smiling. “So I'm guessing you're probably gay then?” Josh smiled, thinking back to yesterday's revelation. “Actually no. As it turns out, I'm bisexual.” “Cool.” Warren smiled at the answer. “And how about you?” Josh asked. “Me? I'm thirteen. I'd probably get off with anyone who offered. I don't need to pick a side yet, I've got years.” Warren explained. Josh was amazed at the level of self-awareness the boy had. It was something Josh had never had at that age, and probably still didn't today. “So is that what I am? Anyone who offered?” Josh asked, pretending to look hurt. Warren gently punched him in the arm. “Afraid so.” “And here I thought you was gonna sit here and confess your undying love for me.” Josh said, only partly joking. Warren's face turned serious for a moment. “Actually, if I was three of four years older, I probably would.” Josh stared, stunned as Warren spoke. “I know six years isn't a huge age gap, ya know, for an adult, but nineteen and thirteen, that's just not gonna work.” Josh felt like he had been punched in the stomach, his feelings for Benny suddenly jumping to the forefront of his thoughts as reality set in. At the same time, he was secretly disappointed at Warren's lack of interest in him. Warren was worried by the pained expression on Josh's face. He would have liked to flatter himself by thinking it was because of him, but he figured was something else going on there. Not wanting Josh to get too lost in thought, he reached over and stroked Josh's cheek, then said, “Look, I may not be in love with you, but you're the first guy I was ever with. That's always gonna make you special to me.” Josh was broken from his thoughts by the truly sweet comment from the boy. He was lost for words until Warren added, “Well, at least until someone fucks me, then you'll be long forgotten.” Both boys laughed, but stopped as their eyes met. “Do you... want someone to fuck you?” Josh asked nervously. “I was just kidding.” Warren smiled. “But now that I think about it... well I've never tried it. Do you want to... do it?” Warren's arse. Was Josh actually being offered Warren's arse? That perfect, round little butt. That was it, instant boner. He couldn't answer. Warren looked down at the tent in Josh's shorts. “Wow, you REALLY want to fuck me, don't you?” Josh blushed bright red. Wanting the boy so much was embarrassing, having him know it, having him see it show so openly was a hundred times worse. “Sorry.” Josh muttered. “Don't be. It sounds hot.” Warren smiled. Josh thought back to yesterday, when he had made Warren cum. He had slipped a finger into his hole, but it was so tight. “Have you ever put anything up there before?” Warren shook his head. “No, nothing. Well, except your finger.” He quivered with excitement as he remembered it. “Then... no, actually I don't want to do it.” “What? Why not? It certainly looks like you do.” Warren demanded, confused. “You're so much smaller than me, and my cock is pretty big...” Josh started. Warren reached down and squeezed the boner. “Yeah, I can see that.” Josh almost jumped out of his seat in surprise. “What I'm saying is, I think if I tried to fuck you I might actually hurt you, or cause some kind of damage.” Warren understood. Putting the boy's well-being before his own, very obvious, horniness seemed like a very sweet gesture. He smiled at the nervous, aroused young man then leaned over and kissed him gently on the cheek. “I see what you're saying.” Josh couldn't believe he had just talked the boy out of it. His cock might never forgive him, especially right now as it felt harder than it had ever been in his entire life, a fact that Warren definitely took notice of. “For being so nice, I think maybe I should help you out with this.” he said, stroking his hand down the constrained erection. “What, here?” Josh asked, looking round nervously. The path stretched quite far either way, eventually curving round a corner, while the far side of the lake was too distant to make anyone out clearly. “We've been here a while and nobody's passed yet.” Warren pointed out. “Go on, get it out.” Josh quickly complied, undoing his shorts and pulling out his cock. The boy quickly took hold of it and started stroking it up and down. “Ah, yeah.” Josh gasped with pleasure. Warren pulled at Josh's shorts and boxers, so the older boy raised himself slightly off the bench to allow him to pull them down to his ankles. “T-shirt off.” Warren instructed as he continued playing. Nervously, Josh looked both ways down the path, terrified that someone could appear at any moment. Seeing nobody either way, he pulled his t-shirt up and over his head, dropping it to the floor next to the bench. Being naked now just turned the young man on even more, his cock oozing streams of pre-cum as Warren stroked it. As the boy continued, his hand getting more and more slippery, he leaned over towards Josh's chest and took a nipple between his lips. Josh grunted with delight. The stroking continued as Josh edged closer and closer to release. His breathing started to speed up and his whimpers of pleasure slowly turned into yells, not caring if anyone heard as he started to shoot. Warren watched in amazement as Josh's cum-explosion began. The first shot cleared the path and splashed into the lake, while the following ones left a gooey white trail leading from the water to Josh. The last few dribbles oozed out and slid down Warren's fingers. Looking at Josh, he raised his hand to his mouth and tasted it. Coming down from his orgasm, Josh suddenly felt very exposed. He stood and pulled up his shorts, then slipped his t-shirt back on. He didn't really need to rush as nobody had appeared yet, still leaving the two of them alone. “Fuck, that was good.” Josh said happily. “Yeah, I noticed.” Warren said, looking at the cum that was slowly melting into the path. Josh looked round at the boy, seeing the he, too, was hard. “Your turn?” he asked, gesturing towards the bulge. “You're not getting me naked here!” Warren insisted. “Who said anything about being naked?” Josh smiled. He stood up, making the boy stand with him, moved behind him and wrapped his arms around. His hands began rubbing the boy's body through his t-shirt, working up to feel the stiff little peaks of his nipples. As he did it, he buried his face in Warren's neck, kissing and licking his way around to the back, then on to the other side. Warren was amazed at the feelings. The bigger boy's strong arms around him felt amazing, the fingers teasing his nipples sending jolts of pleasure straight down to his rigid dick, while the kissing around his neck felt like nothing he had experienced before. Josh pulled one of his hands back round and wet a finger with his mouth before reaching down the back of Warren's shorts. He felt his way down the crack of the boy's flawless arse until his slicked finger found the hole. He slid his digit back and forth across it a few times. Warren's legs shook, but the arm wrapped around him by the bigger boy helped him remain standing. Josh started to push his finger inside as Warren gasped in astonishment. The finger went in all the way. Josh thought about the fingering he had received from Benny, remembering fondly that first moment he had touched the prostate. He searched round for Warren's, quickly finding the target and pressing his finger gently into it. That was all it took. Between the neck-kissing, nipple teasing and prostate stimulation, Warren began shooting a load inside his underwear, the warm wetness slowly engulfing his entire cock as the cum soaked in to the fabric. Josh gave one more quick press on the prostate, prompting a yelp of pleasure from the boy before he slid his finger out. Warren turned to look at Josh who looked exceptionally pleased with his work. “See.” he said. “I didn't even need to get your cock out.” “You fucker.” Warren said angrily but smiling, then reached down to adjust his wet package. “That feels so weird.” Josh chuckled to himself. “So how did the finger feel?” Warren's eyes widened. “Fuck, that was intense.” “Yeah.” Josh nodded, then raised his finger. “Look at the size of my finger. Now think about my cock. See now why fucking you would have been a bad idea?” Warren gulped and nodded. “Y... yeah, that thing woulda split me in half. I think I need to practice on my own first before I could take that.” Josh's mind raced as he imagined what the boy meant. “Come on.” he said, putting his arm round Warren, leading him back towards the park. “You need to go and find your friends. What do they think you're doing anyway?” “Talking about you.” Warren answered casually. Josh was a little worried, curious to see what conclusions the other boys might jump to. They found them in the same spot they had been earlier, still playing. “What have you guys been up to?” Greg taunted them as they approached. “Have fun with your boyfriend?” Sam added. “Yeah, he gave me a blow job. It was amazing.” Warren replied. Josh almost choked. The boys all started laughing and Josh realised they knew Warren was just joking. If only they knew how close he was to telling them the truth. “Yeah, like anyone could actually find your tiny dick.” Tim replied, prompting a quick kick in the shins from Warren. “See you guys later.” Josh said, walking away. “Bye Josh.” Greg and Tim called out, while Sam just waved. He looked back and saw Warren watching him. They both smiled as Josh turned and walked on. Josh's visit to the park hadn't gone quite the way he expected, but it had definitely been enjoyable. He suddenly remembered what had triggered the conversation with Warren in the first place... Benny. What was the boy up to? He already had control of Josh, now he had his claws into Warren. He thought about Nick. During the conversation he had with Benny about Nick's video, he had just asked his master to make his brother delete the video, but might he have had other plans there too? He headed home, wondering exactly what the boy had in store for him. ***** Nick got home just in time for dinner on Saturday evening. Josh attempted to get him alone before they ate, but he didn't get the chance. After dinner, Nick sat with his parents in the lounge watching TV and playing on his phone. Figuring the best way to talk to him was by text message, he sat with them in the lounge and pulled out his phone. [HEY, ARE YOU OKAY?] [YEAH, I'M FINE. WHY?] [AFTER LAST NIGHT. I THOUGHT YOU MIGHT BE PISSED AT ME] [WHY WOULD I BE PISSED, IT WAS FUN] Josh was confused. Had Benny not sent him the message? [WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN TODAY?] [SEEING MATES] [YOU DON'T HAVE MATES] [FUCK YOU] [MAYBE LATER ;-)] Josh immediately cursed himself for his automatically flirty reply. He had sent it without even thinking. [YOU'RE SO FUCKED UP] Josh hesitated before he replied, looking up at Nick. [I KNOW] Nick looked back, seeing his brother's pained expression. [SORRY, I DIDN'T MEAN THAT] [IT'S TRUE THOUGH. I REALLY AM] [THEN SO AM I. I ENJOYED LAST NIGHT AS MUCH AS YOU DID] Josh thought back to the morning, when had promised himself that the thing with Josh was just a one off. It would have been so easy now to continue it, but he had to remain strong. [YOU KNOW IT CAN'T HAPPEN AGAIN, DON'T YOU?] [WHY NOT? WE'RE NOT HURTING ANYONE] [I KNOW, BUT IT'S WRONG] [IF IT'S SO WRONG, THEN WHY ARE YOU GETTING HARD?] Josh looked down, terrified of what was showing and that his parents might notice. [MADE YOU LOOK!] Nick's next message teased. [THAT WAS MEAN] [AWW, HAVE I BEEN A BAD BOY? DO I NEED TO BE PUNISHED?] Josh stared at his little brother and gulped, unable to respond. [OR MAYBE YOU'VE BEEN THE BAD BOY. DO YOU NEED LITTLE BROTHER TO PUNISH YOU] [STOP IT] Josh really was getting hard now. [BUT YOU'VE BEEN SO NAUGHTY. NAUGHTY BOYS DESRVE TO BE PUNISHED. I THINK YOU NEED A GOOD SPANKING] [SERIOUSLY, STOP IT, WE'RE NOT DOING THIS] [JUST IMAGINE BEING STRIPPED, BENT OVER MY KNEE AS I SPANK YOUR BARE ARSE] “Josh, are you okay?” his Mum asked, looking round at him. He was breathing heavily and had turned very pale. “Yeah.” his voice quivered. He cleared his throat. “Yeah, I'm fine.” Nick struggled to contain his laughter. [THIS IS JUST TOO MUCH FUN] Nick sent [YEAH, FOR YOU] [I CAN MAKE IT FUN FOR YOU TOO] [NO, I TOLD YOU, WE'RE DONE. YOU CAN'T MAKE ME DO ANYTHING WITHOUT THAT VIDEO] [NOT TRUE, I CAN MAKE YOU GET HARD] [STOP IT] [I CAN MAKE YOU CUM] [NOT IF I DON'T LET YOU] [BUT YOU WILL LET ME. LOOK AT YOURSELF. TELL ME YOU DON'T WANT TO DO THIS] [OF COURSE I WANT TO DO THIS. MY POINT IS THAT WE SHOULDN'T] [I KNOW, AND DOESN'T THAT JUST MAKE IT MORE FUN?] Josh paused, taking a moment to fight every natural urge. But his brother was completely right and he knew it. [YES] [THEN LET'S DO IT] [PLEASE NICK, I CAN'T] [YOU CAN AND I THINK YOU WILL, BUT I'M BORED OF TRYING TO CONVINCE YOU. IF YOU WANT TO DO IT AGAIN, COME TO MY ROOM AT MIDNIGHT. DON'T COME AND I'LL NEVER MENTION IT AGAIN] Nick got up out of his seat. “I'm bored, I'm going to my room.” he said, heading out to the hallway. Josh remained seated until his erection has subsided enough for him to get up and leave too, he had some thinking to do. ***** It was 11:55. Nick sat on his bed, staring at the door. He knew his brother would come, he just had to. He saw how turned on he was during their text messaging. He thought about what Josh had been saying, about it being wrong. He knew his brother was right, but frankly he just didn't care. Fun was fun. So long as everyone consented... eventually, then no harm done. 11:59. It was nearly time. Listening carefully he heard Josh's bedroom door open and careful footsteps creeping down the hall. The door opened and Josh appeared. “I knew you'd come.” Nick teased. Josh shook his head. “Sorry bro, I only came to tell you it's not going to happen.” Josh said flatly. Nick sniggered at the poor attempt at resistance. “You could have come in here any time to tell me that, or sent a message, but you're here, now, exactly when you got ordered to. You can't help yourself, you just have to do as you're told.” Josh wanted to argue back, but he couldn't. “Okay, take your clothes off.” Nick said, getting up from his seat as Josh undressed. As the older boy stood there, naked and hating himself with every second, Nick took hold of his arm and lead him towards the bed. He made his big brother lay down and raise his hands together above his head. The younger boy reached down to the floor and picked up his school tie, then bound Josh's hands together, looping the tie around part of the headboard. He pulled at Josh's hands, ensuring they were secure before climbing back off. Josh had already been hardening before, but as his brother bound him he grew to full stiffness. “How does that feel?” he asked, smiling. “I don't know.” Josh said weakly, “Good I suppose. What are you going to do?” “What would you like me to do?” Nick teased, gently running his fingers across Josh's chest. “Are you... going to punish me?” Josh asked cautiously, not sure whether he was trying to avoid it or suggest it. “Well that's not really up to me.” Nick smiled, walking away. Josh watched as he headed over to the computer and pressed the power button on the monitor. “It's up to him.” he added as Benny appeared on the screen. Chapter 8 [DELETE THE VIDEO. JOSH ISN'T YOURS, HE'S MINE. AND NOW, SO ARE YOU!] Nick read the message over and over. It couldn't be real. Yet there was the picture, of him just moments earlier sucking his brother's cock. [WHO IS THIS?] he sent back. [DELETE UR VIDEO, OR THE WHOLE WORLD GETS TO SEE U AND JOSH] Panicking, Josh went to his computer and deleted the video before replying. [IT'S DONE, I DELETED IT. NOW WHO ARE YOU?] [WHO AM I? I'M UR NEW MASTER] [I'M ASSUMING YOUR JOSH'S MASTER THEN] [AND YOURS] [NO YOU'RE NOT] [YES I AM. U WILL DO WHAT I TELL U OR I WILL SHOW UR VIDEO TO EVERYONE] [NO YOU WON'T, BECAUSE IF YOU DID THAT YOU'D BE HURTING JOSH TOO AND I THINK YOU LIKE HAVING HIM AS YOUR LITTLE PLAY THING] Nick replied, taking a moment to start thinking about it. He suddenly regretted his quick decision to delete the video. [FINE, U WIN. BUT THE VIDEO IS GONE SO NOW JOSH IS ALL MINE] Nick was intrigued. He wanted to know who this guy was, and he most definitely wanted to keep a little control over Josh. The things they had done seemed a bit freaky at first, but he definitely wanted to do it again. [HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT SHARING?] [WHAT DO U MEAN?] [I THINK JOSH COULD LIVE WITH HAVING MORE THAN ONE MASTER. YOU WOULD BE THE ONE IN CHARGE OF COURSE, BUT YOU CAN'T ALWAYS BE HERE. I LIVE IN THE SAME HOUSE AS HIM, I CAN BE IN CHARGE OF HIM WHEN YOU'RE NOT ABLE TO] The reply took some time, whoever this mysterious master was, he seemed to be giving this some serious thought. He eventually replied. [I LIKE HOW YOU THINK. WE SHOULD PROBABLY TALK ABOUT THIS IN PERSON. CAN YOU MEET ME IN THE MORNING?] [SURE, WHEN AND WHERE?] [AT 9, IN THE PARK, ON 1 OF THE BENCHES BY THE LAKE] [OK, BUT HOW WILL I KNOW WHO YOU ARE?] [DON'T WORRY NICK, I KNOW YOU] [YOU DO? WHO ARE YOU? TELL ME!] [C U IN THE MORNING] And with that the messages stopped. Nick lay there thinking about what had just happened. He was pretty pissed at Josh for setting him up, but the fact it appeared to have backfired on him made it a little easier to take. Now he was just curious about who he'd be meeting. He would finally get to see who was able to take control of his big brother. ***** Nick's alarm woke him at half 8. Normally the thought of being up that early on a Saturday would have been horrific, but Nick was glad today. A quick shower later, he was dressed and heading downstairs. He heard the TV on in the lounge so he looked inside to see who else was up. “Hi Dad.” he said, seeing his Dad sat on the sofa watching the news. “Wow, up before lunchtime. Special occasion?” his Dad joked without looking away from the TV. “Ha, funny.” Nick sneered back. “I'm going out.” “Where you going?” “Just got some things to do, probably be out of your way all day but I'll be back for dinner.” Nick explained. He wasn't sure how long he would actually be, but figured it was best to play it safe. “Okay, have fun.” his Dad said back. “Thanks, and have fun with Corey's team.” he laughed, knowing how much his Dad was dreading it. Nick headed out of the house and made his way to the park. Understandably he was quite nervous. Going to a park to meet a stranger, it was virtually a text-book bad idea, but his curiosity had taken hold and refused to let go until it had been sated. It was looking like it was going to be a nice day. The park was fairly empty at the moment, except for a few people walking their dogs. 'They'll be the ones that find me.' he said to himself as an old woman walked by with her dog trailing behind. 'It's always the dog walker that finds the dead body.' He pushed the thoughts out of his mind as he headed to the lake. Making his way along the path, he couldn't see anybody there at the moment, but he decided to walk further. He rounded a corner and saw a boy sat alone on one of the benches. As he got closer, he recognised him as Benny, who Josh sometimes babysat. It all hit him at once. Of course it was Benny. He cursed himself for not figuring it out sooner, but there was no way he could have expected the great and powerful master to be the little kid from round the corner. Then came the slowly dawning realisation that Josh had admitted that he was really into his 'master'. Josh, his big brother... with this kid? Suddenly he had images of Josh, sat at the kid's feet, completely dominated by him. It was a weird thought, but definitely arousing. “You!” Nick exclaimed, both shocked and annoyed. “This is all you?” He stopped in front of the bench, just staring at the boy. “Hi Nick.” he said, smiling smugly. “How the hell did you end up Josh's master?” he demanded. He was still struggling to comprehend it. He had figured Josh's master had threatened him with violence, or overpowered him somehow. Benny replied calmly. “Are you gonna sit down and talk or just stand there spoiling my view?” Glaring at the boy for a moment longer, Nick gave in and sat down. “I don't get this. How did this happen?” Nick asked, his voice quieter now. “Actually, it was pretty much the same way it happened with you. I happened to get some video footage of Josh doing something that would be... harmful to him if it got released.” Benny explained. “As it turns out, I probably could have just given him an order and he'd have happily followed.” Nick laughed, thinking of his brother's willing compliance. “Yeah, he's really into that shit.” “And so are you, by the sounds of it. My side of it, I mean.” Benny smirked. Nick's laughter stopped as he turned bright red. “Yeah... kinda.” Benny considered letting him squirm, but his eagerness to talk to another boy who shared his interests took over. “No need to be embarrassed, I like it just as much as you do. Bossing Josh around is without a doubt THE hottest thing I've ever done.” “I'm with ya there.” “So... about this idea of yours. How exactly would that work?” Benny asked, finally getting down to the point of their meeting. “I dunno.” Nick shrugged. “I thought maybe I could do things to him at home during times you can't be there, ya know, make it so he's always following your orders.... or mine if you don't have any?” “Ah, that's it!” Benny grinned. “You know that if I tell him not to do anything you say, he won't disobey me. You just want my permission to keep bossing him around.” Nick nodded, blushing again. Benny sat back in his seat, thinking about the proposal. “It's... not a bad idea. But what's in it for me?” Nick thought for a moment then replied, “You get to give Josh more orders.” Benny shook his head dismissively. “Nah, if I want to give him orders, I can message him or just tell him in advance. I'm gonna need more than that.” Nick looked round at the boy nervously. “W... what did you... have in mind?” Benny reached out and stroked his hand down Nick's back, causing the older boy to quiver with excitement. His touch was electric. “Maybe Josh isn't the only McKenzie boy I'd like to have some fun with.” “What sort of fun?” Nick asked, leaning back towards the younger boy as his hand continued to roam, doing his best not to show how much he was enjoying it. “The sort I've had with Josh.” Benny said. He couldn't believe what he was doing, this wasn't the way he had planned it, it was better. Could he really get the middle McKenzie boy into bed too? Nick pulled away. “Sorry, I'm not into that crap. I don't get turned on being ordered around, or being made to do stupid things.” Benny leant towards him, replacing his hand on the boy's back. “No, not that stuff, just... the regular stuff. Like the things you did with Josh last night.” “Ugh.” Nick said, raising his hands to rub his face. “I forgot you watched us do all that.” “Yeah, sorry.” Benny replied, his grin implying he wasn't even remotely sorry. “But you should know, it was insanely hot!” “Really?” Nick said, secretly proud of his performance. “Yeah.” Benny confirmed. “Why do you think I want... you?!” Nick was doing his best not to smile, but failing miserably. “Okay.” he finally agreed. “I'm in. When do we start?” “That's so what I was hoping you'd say.” Benny beamed with happiness. “Now I've got something in mind for Josh that I'll be needing your help with, but that won't be until tonight.” “Oh... okay.” Nick nodded, expecting more than that. He noticed the boy was still smiling knowingly and realised there was more. “And?” “And as that's not until tonight, I thought maybe we could do something to occupy your day!” Benny suggested, his hand sliding down onto Nick's thigh. Nick put his hand onto Benny's, the feeling of skin on skin sending shivers of anticipation through his entire body. “Sounds good to me.” “Great.” Benny said, jumping up from the bench. “Let's go back to my house.” “Ugh.” Josh scoffed. “You know where I live, why would you make me come all the way down here if we were just gonna end up back at yours?” “Dramatic effect, of course.” Benny said happily. “I love that shit.” he said, mocking Nick's earlier phrase. Nick got up, laughing at Benny. “You're a weird kid, you know that!” Benny just flashed his impish smile at Nick, grabbed his hand and lead him back down the path towards the park. As they walked, Nick wasn't sure what was exciting him more, the things he was about to do with Benny, the stuff planned later for Josh or the fact that this evil, sneaky, gorgeous boy was holding his hand. So far his encounters with other boys had been entirely sexual in nature, so the sensuality of just holding hands was an entirely new feeling for him. He looked at Benny as they walked. He was definitely cute, but the attraction was entirely physical. When the cleared the lakeside path and entered the main area of the park, they saw a few people starting to fill the place. Benny let go of Nick's hand. He was bold, but even he got nervous of showing his love for boy-on-boy action in public. “So you never said, what is it you've got Josh doing on video?” Nick asked as they walked. “I trapped him with some handcuffs, stripped him, fucked him and made him cum three times.” Benny said, so matter-of-factly that Nick thought he was joking. “Ha, funny. What is it really?” Nick asked. Benny just looked up at him and raised his eyebrows. Nick stopped dead in his tracks. “Seriously?” “Yep.” Benny said, loving the older boy's shock. “Fuuuuck!” Nick exclaimed, then a thought occurred to him. “Can I watch it?” “Maybe if you're good.” Benny taunted him as he started walking again. Nick followed. Nick thought about Benny's description. “Hold on though. If he was restrained, and you were, presumably, doing all the work, anyone watching the video would know Josh was innocent. He could just say you forced him.” “That's why the audio is as important as the video.” Benny explained. When he saw Nick's quizzical look he continued. “I told him I'd stop if he wanted, and he asked me for more. He asked me to take off his clothes. When I was playing with his dick he asked me to keep going. I said I wanted to fuck him and he told me to do it. It's all there. I may have forced him into that position, but he's the one that begged me for the rest.” Nick was getting aroused just hearing about this video. He HAD to see it. Just as they were leaving the park, Nick quickly looked round. He noticed four boys entering the park further down the road and stopped to look. One of them, the blonde boy, was much taller than the other three. The two short ones were opposite ends of the scale, one skinny, one chubby. Then there was the fourth boy. Jet black hair flopping down over one side of his face. Nick just stared, something about the boy captivated him. Had he been on his own he may have found some excuse to walk back through the park and take a closer look at such a cute boy, but unfortunately Benny hadn't stopped walking and he didn't want to fall too far behind. “Where've you been?” Benny asked, just noticing Nick running to catch up with him. “I was... I...” Nick stuttered. “Whatever.” Benny said, shaking his head. “Now hurry up.” As they passed Nick's house, he thought back to Thursday night, looking out of his bedroom window at just the right moment to see Josh appear, stark naked. If he had looked a minute earlier or later, he'd probably be sat in his room now playing xbox instead of following this crazy kid to do who knows what. “I can't believe you made Josh walk all the way round here naked.” Nick laughed, following the reverse of the route his brother would have taken. “Neither can I. I never planned that part, it was totally a spur of the moment thing. I'm glad I did though.” Benny commented, also realising that if it hadn't been for Josh's naked stroll then Nick wouldn't be involved now. “I'd say it worked out well for both of us.” Looking round to make sure nobody was looking, Benny reached across and grabbed Nick's cock through his shorts. The older boy didn't even flinch, but he did feel his cock start to swell. They finished the short walk to Benny's house, the younger boy occasionally teasing Nick's cock to continue its stiffening. They made their way inside and took off their shoes just as Mrs Harrison was walking through the hallway from the kitchen towards the lounge. “Hi Mum.” Benny said cheerfully. He was too happy to put on his 'disgruntled teen' act. Besides, he had got what he wanted from it. More actually. A whole week of Josh. His cock tingled at the thought of it. “Hi Benny.” she said, then looked to Nick. He had positioned himself carefully, right behind Benny to hide his now obvious erection. “Oh yeah, Mum, you remember Nick, Josh's little brother.” “Of course.” she said, placing the face. “Wow, you've grown since I last saw you.” Benny reached a hand behind his back and grabbed Nick's boner. “Yeah, he has, hasn't he!” Now Nick flinched, and blushed, but manage to stutter a shaky, “Hi Mrs Harrison.” “I know you're busy getting ready for next week, so we'll stay out of the way in my room.” Benny said quickly, then headed towards the stairs, Nick following close behind just to conceal his embarrassment. “You little fucker!” he growled at Benny as they climbed the stairs. “Sorry, too good to resist.” Benny laughed. The two boys headed into the bedroom and closed the door behind them. Nick wasn't wasting any time. He walked towards the computer desk and asked, “Can I see it then?” Benny walked the other way and sat on the bed, leaning back slightly and staring at Nick. “What's it worth?” “Oh, like that, is it?” Nick said, slowly pacing towards the bed. Benny just stared at the older boy as he approached, wondering what he was going to do. Nick pushed him back so he was laying flat on the bed, then leant over him, holding himself slightly above the boy as their mouths pressed together. This wasn't like the kiss between Josh and Nick, which had been slow, sensual, caring. This was all passion and heat and desire. Their tongues duelling in their mouths as if fighting for control. Nick's fingers found their way into Benny's hair, gripping it tightly, pulling at it. In return, Benny's hands grabbed onto Nick's back, fingernails digging in through the fabric of his t-shirt. They eventually parted, both panting, eyes fixed on each others'. “Fuck, you're hot.” Benny gasped. Nick rolled off of Benny and lay beside him, catching his breath. “You're not so bad yourself.” he said back. He took a quick look around the boy's room. In a lot of ways it was much like his own; computer, TV, bed, xbox, posters of anything other than girls, but not anything so obvious as to give away his secret. “I've got an idea.” Nick said as he looked back at Benny. “You like games, right?” “What kind of games?” Benny asked, not quite sure where Nick was going with this. “The naughty kind!” Nick replied, biting his lip. “Okay.” Benny said happily, getting the idea. “What are you thinking?” “Grab your xbox controllers. Have you got Superspeed 4?” Benny jumped up, grabbed the two controllers and pulled out a game. “Yep, got it when it came out. But... how's this naughty?” “Strip Superspeed. We race. Loser takes off an item of clothing.” Benny's little cock twitched in his boxers. He had seen Nick naked on the webcam last night, but seeing it in person, up close, and best of all, against his will. It was almost enough to make him drool. The two boys sat on the floor facing the TV and started playing. Benny suggested they make it the loser of each tournament that lost the clothing rather than the loser of each race. That way it would take longer and he could drag out Nick's torment as he gradually stripped. As Benny had hoped, the first tournament ended with his voctory. “Come on then. Get it off!” Benny cheered at the resentful-looking Nick. The older boy reached down and pulled off a sock, but Benny objected. “Nope, socks count as one thing. Both off.” Nick did as Benny said without saying a word. He had hoped to win the first round to put the boy off guard and gain a psychological edge. The thought that he might lose and end up naked in front of the him had never occurred to Nick in his haste to find a way to get him naked. Admittedly he could have just undressed Benny, who would have no doubt let him, but making him do it as a forfeit really appealed to something inside. They were just about to start the second tournament when Benny's phone buzzed. He picked it up and said, “Hey, it's from Josh.” [MORNING. YOU OK?] “I'll just be a minute.” Benny excused himself as he replied. [MORNING. I'M GOOD, HOW U FEELING AFTER LAST NITE?] [IT'S COMPLICATED. DID NICK REPLY TO YOUR MESSAGE?] Benny looked round at Nick and smiled. He decided not to give anything away and just sent back, [IT'S COMPLICATED. GOT GOOD NEWS 4 U THO. I'M BUSY 2DAY, SO UR FREE 2 DO WHATEVER U WANT] [THANKS. HAVE A GOOD DAY THEN] [U2] Benny put his phone down and they started the second tournament. The second tournament came to an end with Nick calling out, “Fuck it!” He had just been beaten to the finish line at the last second by Benny. Benny was delighted at Nick's frustration, and decided to worsen it. “No socks this time big boy, show me some skin!” Nick pulled his t-shirt off and threw it in Benny's face. He was annoyed to be losing, but it came with some advantages – Benny couldn't keep his eyes off the shirtless boy beside him and it was definitely distracting him. The third tournament began and it was clear that Benny was going to lose. Finally winning a round, Nick turned to Benny and taunted him. “Loser, loser. Get 'em off!” Benny just removed his socks and started the fourth round. Still finding himself sneaking occasional glimpses at Nick, he narrowly lost again. “Show me some skin!” Nick said, throwing the boy's words back at him. The younger boy was determined not to let Nick have three in a row and managed to stop himself from being distracted. Once again he found himself in first place as Nick swore at his controller, as if it was to blame. Benny looked Nick in the eye, then down at the boy's shorts. With a disgruntled sigh, Nick slid his shorts off and threw them aside. Benny was fixated by the sight of Nick in his underwear. Not only because of his slim, sexy body, but because he had a raging erection that was tenting his boxers. Now with a new distraction, Benny found himself losing again. “Your turn.” Nick said happily as the sixth tournament concluded. Benny stripped, revealing his cock to be in a similar state to Nick's, albeit a few inches shorter. “Okay, let's make this more interesting.” Benny suggested, realising this was the last tournament and one of them was about to get naked. “Loser strips, and then has to give the winner a blow job.” Nick looked round at the boy, taking in every near naked inch of him and nodded, so the final tournament began. Going into the last race of the tournament the boys were tied, the last race would determine who got the forfeit. Nick raced like he had never raced before, leaving Benny miles behind. The younger boy was muttering under his breath, annoyed at Nick's good fortune and what it meant for him. Benny carried on racing anyway, if only to show good sportsmanship. He noticed something strange as he approached the finish line. There was Nick's car, sat just short of the line, motionless. As he sped past it, he looked round at Nick. The older boy was staring at him, breathing heavily, a hungry look in his eyes. Without any prompting, Nick stood and pulled down his boxers revealing his boner. Benny marvelled at how much it looked like Josh's, only a little shorter. He didn't have much time to enjoy the view though as Nick dropped back down the floor and pounced on Benny. Before he knew it, his boxers were off too and his cock was engulfed in the older boy's eager mouth. “You... lost on purpose!” Benny exclaimed between moans. “Well with a 'punishment' like this, do you blame me?” Nick said, removing the boy's erection from his mouth for a second. Benny just lay there, enjoying the sensations of his second blow job in as many days, and by brothers too. The thought of that alone pushed him dangerously close to cumming. Nick's mouth soon had him even closer. He chose not to give Nick any warning, wanting to surprise the boy with his load. He felt it getting closer, and closer, and closer, and then... nothing. Nick stopped. Benny stared down at him. “What are you doing?” “Enjoying myself.” Nick said impishly with a mean smile. He licked the boy's shaft, making it twitch. He kept repeating the motion, watching it dance for his entertainment. Occasionally he slipped his mouth around it again, just to keep the boy right on the edge. It seemed like Nick was happy to keep on teasing Benny, until the younger boy got an idea. “Make me cum now and I'll let you watch Josh's video.” Nick didn't say a word, he just took the boy's cock in his mouth and finished him off, several shots of cum shooting into the back of his throat as Benny stifled a scream. “BENNY!” Mrs Harrison called out, just as he was coming down from his orgasm. Both boys jumped. They had been so wrapped up in their game, and the forfeit, that they had almost forgotten that Benny's parents were at home. “Fuck.” Benny called out. He quickly pulled his clothes back on and ran out of his bedroom to see what she wanted. Nick sat waiting, considering putting his clothes back on too, but instead chose to sit there naked, playing with his still-hard dick. A minute later, Benny walked back in, closed the door and leaned on it, a huge smile on his face. “What's up?” Nick asked, intrigued by the boy's happiness. “Mum and Dad are gone. They said they needed to go out and get some stuff for next week. They'll be out most of the day!” Benny explained. “So we're alone?” Nick asked. “Completely.” Benny said, pulling his clothes off as if to emphasise the point. “Then it's video time.” Nick said excitedly. “And put the volume up full. I wanna hear Josh beg!” Benny went to his computer and brought up the video. He directed Nick to sit in the chair and gave him control of the mouse. Nick started watching, casually playing with his erection. Benny stood behind Nick, half watching the video, half watching him. By the time it got to the part where Benny was sucking on Josh's nipples, Nick was jerking his cock at full speed. “More please, Sir!” Josh called out from the video. Nick clicked it back a few seconds. “More please, Sir!” His breathing grew erratic as he watched. “More please, Sir.” Josh called out on the second repeat. Benny could tell Nick was about to cum, so he reached round and grabbed the boy's wrist, stopping the motion. “No.” he whispered in Nick's ear. “Don't cum yet.” Nick looked round at him, panting heavily and nodded. He let the video play and continued stroking his cock, but slowed down now, enough to remain on the brink of orgasm without quite getting there. “Please Sir, please take off my clothes.” video Josh pleaded. Nick stopped stroking and held his cock, clearly holding back his orgasm, his brother's words almost pushing him over the edge. It reached the part where Benny stripped naked too. It prompted Nick to reach out behind him and stroke the Benny's naked body, showing his appreciation of how good the boy looked on screen. Nick was still playing with his cock, but now he barely had to touch it and it started twitching towards climax. “No, I'm so close. Carry on. Please. Please Sir. Please.” video Josh begged. Nick could definitely sympathise. The conversation Benny and Josh had about Josh's butthole nearly finished Nick off once again. He could no longer even touch his cock. It was like a bomb waiting to go off on a hair-trigger. Josh got fingered, then fucked. Nick's fists clenched and his body started shaking every now and then. “Cum inside me!” video Josh pleaded. Nick whimpered with pained pleasure and Benny thought that might have been enough to finish him off, but he was still going as he watched his brother's humiliation. Video Benny began stroking video Josh's cock and the first orgasm started, smothering Josh's face with his own cum. Nick was now fidgeting in his seat, desperately holding back the explosion. He was expecting that to be the end, just as Josh had on that first night. Like his brother, Nick was surprised when he saw Benny insert his finger and starting poking his brother's prostate again. “Ben, Sir, please.... Stop, please.” video Josh begged. Nick leaned in closer to the monitor, watching Josh's anally induced orgasm. Nick was now constantly whimpering, more aroused than he ever thought humanly possible. That had to be the end. Video Benny inserted two fingers into Josh and started stroking his cock simultaneously. Nick literally stopped breathing. Josh was screaming. Nick had never heard any sound remotely like that coming from his brother. Still holding his breath and staring wide-eyed, he watched as the third orgasm began and the screaming stopped. The video came to an end. Nick gasped, finally taking a breath, almost hyper-ventilating. Benny stood behind him, leaned forward and rubbed his hands over Nick's chest. “Breathe.” he whispered quietly to him. “Just breathe.” Nick leant his head back against Benny's chest, allowing the boy to soothe him as he regained his composure. “Holy... shit.” he eventually gasped. His cock was bright red, twitching in time with his pulse. He looked round at Benny, his face deadly serious. “Do it to me!” he demanded. Benny was shocked. Of all the responses he had expected from Nick after watching the video, this was one he had never considered. “Do what to you?” “Make me cum. The way you did to Josh.” Nick panted desperately. “You want me to make you cum in your face?” Benny laughed. Nick still looked serious. “No, not just that, all of it. Tie me up, edge me for as long as you can, then make me cum over and over again. Please.” Benny couldn't believe it. What he had done to Josh had been intense, but he figured it was a one off. Now he had this boy. This beautiful, sexy, naked boy sitting in front of him, begging to go through the same thing. “Are you sure?” he asked, stroking the still-breathless boy's reddened face. “Completely, It was amazing. I wanna feel what he felt. Or more.” Nick insisted. Not waiting for Benny's answer, he got up and lay down on the bed, raising his hands above his head. The younger boy was quick to follow Nick's lead. He went and grabbed the cuffs he'd used on Josh and put them on Nick, securing his hands above him. Next he pulled out the rope. Instead of using it to tie Nick's legs back and raise his arse, as he had with Josh, he instead tied Nick's feet to the opposite end of the bed so that he was trapped laying flat on his back. “Should we have, like, a safety word?” Benny asked, thinking about things he had read on the internet while planning his activity with Josh. “So that you can get out of it if you have to?” Nick shook his head. “I don't wanna get out. Do your worst. We won't stop until you decide to.” Benny's own dick swelled a little more hearing that. “And you said edge you for as long as I can? Are you sure? I've literally got all day.” Nick nodded. “Okay.” Benny said, leaning down and giving Nick a quick kiss. “Here we go.” He grabbed Nick's t-shirt off the floor and tied it around his head, blindfolding him. Benny started the teasing. Stroking Nick's straining cock, then sucking his nipples, a lick of the cock, some kissing, stroking the cock again, sucking on his balls. It was slow, but intense. Nick felt his orgasm gradually growing from the tiny little touches and nibbles. Not being able to see where Benny was going next just added to the pleasure. He would feel fingers on his cock, then the next second lips on his neck. This wasn't what Nick had expected, thinking the boy would go straight to the full-on sucking and wanking. The gradual build-up was worse in a way as he knew what was to come. Nick finally felt the orgasm he had denied earlier getting close. He started taking deep breaths as Benny sped up his sensual assault. “I'm gonna...” Nick started, but able to sense the boy's imminence, Benny stopped just in time. Then nothing. No touching, no sound, nothing at all. Nick had no idea how long it lasted. Blindfolded, he was unable to look up at the clock. Then he felt movement on the bed. Benny was returning, but the touching didn't resume. Nick felt the boy's breath on his cock, he could sense that he was holding it just clear of the sensitive shaft. Knowing the boy's mouth was so close, he thrust his hips in the air, trying to make contact with it, but Benny was gone. More time passed before Benny wrapped his fingers around Nick's cock once again. And the routine started over. Licking, stroking, touching. This time Benny slipped a finger down beneath Nick's balls, sliding teasingly over his hole, occasionally pressing, never entering. Again the orgasm built, creeping closer to the final release. Again he stopped at the last moment. “No.” Nick whimpered, more turned on as he remembered Josh reacting similarly. Benny stroked the tormented meat a few more times, taking it to the brink and back time after time. Nick was growing more and more desperate, pulling at the restraints, his entire body bucking whenever Benny pulled away in a vain attempt to maintain the physical contact for just a few more seconds. “This is too much.” Nick gasped. “I don't know how much more I can take.” “Say the safety word and it'll stop.” Benny said calmly, stroking Nick's throbbing member to the verge once more. “We don't have one.” Nick cried, his body convulsing as he was denied release once more. “Exactly. Remember what you said. We won't stop until I decide to.” Benny taunted. He moved away again, watching the naked boy writhe in a terrible mix of pleasure and discomfort. Feeling he had left the boy to cool down for long enough, Benny leant over to whisper in his ear. “How long do you think we've been going?” “I don't know. A couple of hours, maybe three.” Nick answered, his voice shaky. Benny looked at the clock. He wasn't far off, it had been just over two hours of torture now, but this was a chance to make it worse. “It's been fifty-five minutes.” he whispered, causing the boy to cry out in distress. “And we've got a good few hours to go.” Nick actually started crying now. Benny's nicer side almost got the better of him, considering letting the boy go, but thought better of it when he stroked Nick's chest and the crying mixed in with definite moans of pleasure. He began his playing once again. This time when he slipped his finger into Nick's crack, he pushed it inside. Keeping it there, he alternated between teasing Nick externally and internally. This time, as the orgasm verged on completion he stopped the teasing but left the finger inserted, touchng the prostate every time he had given Nick a few seconds to calm down. The edging continued for nearly two more hours. One time Benny got Nick close to cumming just from playing with his nipples over and over. Another time just from prostate stimulation. Once just from licking, sucking and teasing his balls. The terrorised teen seemed to lose the ability to speak by the time Benny tired of playing with him, any question he asked just got answered with a series of moans or cries. Benny finally decided it was time to let it end. He pulled the blindfold off, making Nick squint at first as his eyes adjusted to the light. Once it had, he looked at Benny and murmured, “Can I... cum?” The tormentor nodded and Nick looked like he was ready to cry with relief. Undoing the rope from one leg, Benny pulled the boy up into the position he had put Josh in days before. It was much easier with Nick though as he was much lighter than his big brother. Nick gasped occasionally as things came into contact with his cock, every touch now feeling like a bolt of lightning was passing through him. Nick lay there, looking up as his own cock pointed down into his face, just a few inches from his mouth. Benny then appeared above it. “Open wide!” he ordered. Nick did as he was told and opened his mouth, ready to receive. Benny counted the strokes out loud as he jerked Nick to his long-desired release. “One, two, three.” “Yes, yes, yes.” Nick muttered in time with the strokes while keeping his mouth open wide. “Four, five, six.” “Yes, ah, yes.” “Seven, eight, nine.” “Yes, oh, I'm gonna...” Before stroke number ten, it started. Nick's balls danced, his cock twitched violently in Benny's hand and thick ropes of cum started shooting straight down into the gaping mouth. Nick's mouth filled quickly from the heavy load. He swallowed what he could but it started dripping out the sides of his mouth. Benny squeezed the last few drops out. Nick swallowed another mouthful and looked up at Benny. “Just like Josh!” he insisted. The younger boy knew immediately what he meant. Licking his finger, he slid it into Nick's exposed hole and started pressing the boy's tender prostate. Just like his brother, it didn't take long until the boy was shooting a second load in his own face. Benny looked down at him again. Eyes wide and barely able to breathe, Nick nodded. He inserted a second finger, thrusting the two digits all the way in and out whilst he took hold of the boy's stiffness, still dripping from ejaculation number two. Nick's teeth clenched, his hands in tight fists, indecipherable whimperings coming from him. The anal assault continued in time with the stroking until Nick let out a guttural scream. A third load dribbled from his battered cock, a couple of squirts dropping to the back of his throat as the scream continued, almost making him choke. Benny pulled his fingers out and was about to let go of the boy's prick when Nick looked up at him, eyes wild. “More!” he snarled. “Are you...” Benny started, amazed that the boy wanted more. “MORE!” he shouted. “You want more? Fine.” Benny said happily. He stood up, leaned over the boy and pushed his cock into the moistened hole. Going straight up to full speed, Benny fucked the exhausted boy as he stroked his dangling cock once more. Benny had been understandably aroused by his hours with Nick, so he thought his own orgasm wouldn't take long. It was long enough though. As he stroked Nick's cock in time with the fucking, he felt it twitching in orgasm a fourth time, the hole around his thrusting cock clenching too. He continued stroking throughout the fourth orgasm and beyond. Fifth came soon after. Nick was crying again. “Ah, fuck, fuck.” Benny called out as he got closer. He pulled out just as Nick's sixth orgasm began. His balls had no more cum to shoot. Much like the fifth one there was no ejaculation, just shuddering jolts of pleasure through Nick's body. Benny shot his second load of the day over Nick's hole and arse cheeks, a few drops overshooting and falling down to join Nick's own cum on his face. “Thank you, oh, thank you, thank you.” Nick was gasping. Benny didn't know if he was thanking him for the orgasms, or for stopping. Either way, he buried his face into Nick's crack and started licking up his own load, causing the boy to squirm with pleasure one last time. Benny stood up and immediately began to release Nick from his restraints. The boy's legs flopped heavily onto the bed like dead weight while his hands remained above his head, seeming too exhausted to move them. Benny lay down next to him, using a handful of tissues from beside the bed to wipe the remnants of Nick's second, third and fourth ejaculations from his face. Using a clean tissue, he also wiped the boy's eyes, still damp from his crying. Finally finding the energy to move, Nick wrapped an arm around Benny and pulled him closer, whispering, “That was amazing. Thank you.” The younger boy rested his head on Nick's chest as the two of them recovered. Minutes later, they had both fallen asleep. ***** “BEN, WE'RE HOME!” Both boys sat up in unison, panicking that they had been caught. As they realised that the voice wasn't coming from inside the room, they relaxed and lay back down, still holding each other. “I can't believe we fell asleep.” Nick said, yawning and rubbing his eyes with his free hand. “Are you kidding? After what I did you you I'm more surprised you woke up!” Benny said in genuine amazement. They both laughed. “It's getting late.” Nick said, looking over at the clock. “I should get going.” Before he got up, he turned to face Benny and kissed him, delicately this time, more like gratitude than passion. He got up and retrieved his clothes. “Hey, before you go, my plans for Josh...” Benny started. ***** It was quarter to midnight. Benny had been awake for five minutes, having set an alarm to make sure he was awake to help Nick enact his plan to reveal their collusion to Josh. He was sitting at his computer when, exactly on cue, an invitation to start a video chat popped up. He accepted and Nick appeared on screen. “Hey.” Nick said, smiling. “Hey. So... do you think Josh will come?” Benny asked. “Definitely. If you'd seen how turned on he was earlier. There's no chance he can resist.” “Great. Now turn your monitor off, we don't want him to hear you talking to me.” Benny insisted. Nick laughed. “You wasn't kidding, you really are all about the dramatic effect.” Benny smiled back as Nick turned the monitor off. Benny could now see Nick's room on his screen, while Benny was no longer visible on the other end. Josh entered Nick's room just before midnight. Benny watched excitedly as the two boys talked, as Nick, playing his part so well, turned his brother on and coerced him into the restraints. “Are you... going to punish me?” Josh asked on screen. “Well that's not really up to me.” Nick said as he walked towards the camera and pressed a nearby button. “It's up to him.” The room lit up and Benny knew the monitor was on and he was now visible to Josh. “Did someone mention punishment?” he asked, smiling wickedly. Chapter 9 Josh stared blankly at the monitor, struggling to comprehend what was happening. A few seconds earlier he had been at his brother's command. Now suddenly Benny was involved too. That meant Nick knew about him and Benny, about him and this kid. How had he reacted when he found out? “What's going on?” he asked wearily, suddenly feeling very exposed as he lay there naked with his hands tied above his head. Nick looked at Benny on screen and they both laughed. The plotting had been worth it if only to see Josh's reaction in that moment. “So all of this, it wasn't you...” he said, looking at Nick, then looked over to Benny, “You set it up?” “Well it's half and half.” Nick started. “I suggested getting you restrained like this so we could both have some fun with you.” Benny continued. “But the stuff in our messages, that was all me.” Nick said, walking back to his naked brother and running a hand from his ankle, all the way up his body to his face. Josh moaned at the touch. “So you like to be punished then?” Benny asked, already knowing the answer. “Yeah, he does.” Nick answered for him. “You shoulda seen how hard he got earlier when I suggested he needed to be punished by his little brother, isn't that right, bro?” The younger brother reached out and gave Josh's balls a quick squeeze. “Yes.” Josh replied weakly, flinching at the pain. Once again he cursed his own body for its reaction to the situation as his cock twitched and a drop of pre-cum oozed out. “Go for the nipples!” Benny ordered. The accomplice followed his instructions, reaching up to Josh's stiffening nipples. Grabbing both at the same time, Nick pinched them hard, twisting a little. Josh grunted in pained delight, his cock straining at the arousal. “I think he needs a spanking.” Benny said. From the way his arm was moving, it was clear that the boy was masturbating as he watched the two brothers. Nick looked round, somewhat disappointed. “I don't think we can do that.” he explained. “It would be quite noisy, especially if Josh yells. We might wake people up.” “Never mind.” Benny said, his arm slowing down. “That can wait until next week.” Nick looked from Benny, to his brother and back to the screen. “What's happening next week?” Benny smiled as the thought about it. “He hasn't told you? My parents are going away. He's going to be looking after me for a whole week.” Nick's eyes widened at the news, his mind filling with ideas. “Oh, I've just thought of a few suggestions to occupy your time. We so need to discuss this.” “Yeah we do.” Benny replied, excited at the thought of verbalising all the naughty thoughts he was having. Josh just watched on, listening, still struggling to comprehend his two tormentors working together. He knew that their treatment of him would become more extreme as the boys plotted in unison, a knot in his stomach growing at the thought of what he was going to have to endure. Yet he found his cock still twitched as he considered the possibilities. “What shall we do about him now then?” Nick asked, talking about Josh like he wasn't even in the room. “Yeah, he really looks like he needs to cum.” Benny said. “Is that right, boy?” Nick asked, looking round at him. Being referred to as 'boy' by his younger brother should have infuriated him. Instead it only served to turn him on more. Without thinking, he automatically replied, “Yes Sir!” Nick smiled at his comment while Benny laughed out loud. “He's probably been hard all night just thinking about this.” Nick said to Benny, but making sure Josh could hear clearly. “Boy?” “Yes Sir. All night” Josh replied again. This was torture. Having the boys talking about him like this, treating him with such disregard, why was it having such a physical effect? “If he was a good boy, maybe you'd be able to... lend him a hand.” Benny said suggestively, watching Josh squirm on the bed. “But he's not a good boy. He needs his punishment.” Nick continued. Josh was bucking his hips in the air at the mention of punishment, as if trying to fuck something that wasn't there. “And what's the best punishment for a boy who really wants to cum?” Benny asked. “No.” Josh whispered weakly, realising where this was heading. “Not cumming, of course.” Nick commented. “Please, Nick, Benny, please. Please Sir. Sirs.” Josh asked. He was blushing bright red, barely daring to look at the two boys as he desperately pleaded with them. He couldn't understand why he needed it so badly. Was it the restraints, the conversation or the thought of not being allowed to cum? Of course it could have just been natural. Being home so much, and constantly horny, Josh had got into the habit of masturbating several times a day. Despite the abundance of arousing events that day, Josh had so far only cum once, when Warren had given him the handjob in the park. But no, this was something more. He continued to plead. “Come on, I really need to cum. Make me cum. I'll do anything.” He immediately regretted saying that, expecting some kind of response from his masters. “We know you will.” Nick said happily. “Yeah, you'll already do anything we tell you.” Benny pointed out. “Then untie me.” Josh requested. “I'll do it myself.” “Go on then.” Benny replied, prompting Nick to look round at him, confused. He didn't openly question Benny, knowing that as much as they were partners, Benny was still in charge. The boy saw his confusion and just nodded with a wink. Trusting Benny's judgement, Nick walked over and untied his brother's hands. It was difficult as his struggling had tightened the knots, but the hands eventually fell free, immediately moving down to the desperate young man's crotch. Not caring that he was wanking in front of his brother and another boy, Josh pumped his hand up and down the shaft furiously, the orgasm already teasingly close. “Yes, fuck, yes.” Josh began to gasp as he felt it about to begin. “Stop!” Benny called out. Josh couldn't believe how quickly he stopped at the boy's command. His hand was still on the shaft, the orgasm still a mere few strokes away. Nick laughed at the Josh's distressed expression. “I've changed my mind. You're not allowed to finish yourself off.” Benny said, his comment made worse by the fact that he was clearly playing with himself as he said it. “Josh, you can go now. Nick and I need to talk.” Benny said dismissively. Josh stood up, not quite sure what was happening. “Y... yes Sir.” he said in response. “But no cumming.” Benny ordered. “None at all, not until you have my permission.” Josh was just leaving when Nick grabbed his arm. “Wait a sec.” “What's up?” Benny asked. “Just because he can't cum, that doesn't mean I can't.” He pulled Josh's arm so that he knelt down on the ground. Once his brother was in position, Nick pulled his shorts and underwear down to his ankles and pulled his shirt off over his head. “Wow, you think you've got another load in you?” Benny asked, shocked and impressed at the teen's stamina after their session earlier in the day. Nick just smiled knowingly back at him. Josh was intrigued. What had the two boys been up to? Before he had much time to really think about it, Nick had grabbed his head and pushed his cock into the older teen's mouth. He wasn't hard to begin with, but it only took a few seconds to grow to full length. As he sucked the boy's hardening dick, he played with his own too. That was until Nick reached down and slapped his hand away. “None of that.” he insisted, refusing his big brother any self-gratification. He looked round and saw Benny watching them. The thought of the young boy observing the blow job turned Nick on even more. He swung round slightly in his chair to give Benny a better view, Josh shuffling along the floor to follow. Nick soon felt his balls beginning to tighten as he got closer to shooting in Josh's mouth. He grabbed the back of Josh's head, hair caught between clenched fingers. Holding the boy's head in place he began bucking his hips, fucking his brother's mouth. He was pushing it deeper and deeper, Josh gagging a little at first, but soon getting used to it. He continued thrusting as he shot his load, his balls smacking hard against Josh's chin. Several squirts dripped down Josh's throat as he finished his brother off. Nick let go of Josh's head and sat back into his seat. The older boy just knelt there, dazed. “Have fun?” Benny asked, smirking. Nick panted as he looked round at the boy on screen. “Fuck yeah, he can really suck.” Josh tried not to smile at the comment, but the glowing approval of his little brother filled him with happiness. “Hmm.” Benny said, stroking his chin in a comedic attempt to look like he was thinking. “Maybe I should put those skills to the test too.” “Good idea.” Nick smiled at the boy then looked down at Josh sinisterly. “What?” Josh asked nervously as he saw the look on the two boys' faces. “I want you to run round here to my house. I don't want to risk waking my parents, so come round to the back garden, I'll be waiting there.” Benny ordered. “Okay.” Josh said. He didn't really want to go out this late, but the thought of giving his master a blow job certainly made it worth the effort. He looked round at the floor behind him and grabbed his underwear. “What are you doing?” Nick asked. “Getting dressed so I can... oh.” he said, realising eventually what the two boys had planned. “I never said to get dressed.” Benny said sternly. “You'll come as you are, no complaints.” “Can't I just...” he started, but Nick cut him off. “That sounds like a complaint to me.” the younger brother said. “And I just said no complaints. You failed to follow my order, so you will be punished.” Benny said angrily. Nick looked round at the on-screen master and asked, “What shall we do?” Benny smiled as it came to him. “Grab your tie again. Tie his hands behind his back.” “What? No.” Josh exclaimed in protest. “Is that another complaint?” Benny snapped. “No Sir.” Josh said quickly, not wanting to make things worse. Nick went and picked up the school tie he had used earlier to restrain Josh. He pulled the bigger boys hands behind him and started tying the wrists together, ensuring that there was no way he could pull free. “Okay, so unless there are any other complaints, you need to come round.” Benny said, staring excitedly at his slave, kneeling naked on the floor, arms restrained. Josh kept looking back and forth between his two tormentors, hoping one of them would indicate that they weren't really going to make him do this. Obviously no indication was forthcoming. Being careful not to fall over, Josh climbed onto his feet. He looked at the door , then turned to Nick. “You're gonna have to let me out of the house.” he said, embarrassed at making the request. “See you soon.” Benny said as he saw Nick leading Josh out. Josh probably felt more scared just walking down the stairs naked than he had when he was out on the street, knowing that if his brother or parents left their room now, there would be nowhere to hide. Thankfully they made it to the front door with no other signs of life from upstairs. Nick opened the door and a waft of cool evening air engulfed Josh's entire body. It wasn't a cold night, but it definitely felt slightly more chilled than inside the house. Cautiously he stepped out of the door, feeling the cold paving slabs beneath his bare feet. He turned just before Nick closed the door and asked, “Wait, how do I get back in? I don't have a key.” “Don't worry, I'll stay down here and let you back in.” Nick said, then gave Josh a quick slap on his bare arse and closed the door. Panic gripped Josh. He felt more naked than he had on Thursday night. For some reason, feeling the cold ground underfoot just enhanced how exposed he felt. On top of that, his hands were tied behind his back so he had no way of covering the seemingly-permanent erection he had. He thought that the fear and cool air might have been enough to make the throbbing boner wilt a little, but alas no, it continued pointing up and away from him. He started walking slowly down the driveway, but sped up a little as he remembered Corey's bedroom also overlooked the front of the house. The last thing he needed was another boy filming him for blackmail purposes, despite the fact that the thought of it made him tingle with excitement. He reached the end of the driveway and nervously peered out into the street. A car was approaching so he stepped back to wait for it to pass. He looked out again once it was gone and saw nobody else either walking or driving his way. He ran. As fast as he could, which was substantially less than normal as his bare feet and restrained hands made him very nervous of tripping. Houses blurred by and as he got closer and closer to the corner that lead onto Benny's road. He was about three houses from the corner when he suddenly heard voices. He stopped, listening for where they were coming from. It was ahead of him. As quickly as he could, he ducked into the nearest driveway and lay down on the ground behind the low wall that edged the street. He hoped he had been just in time as the source of the voices, two young women, rounded the corner and headed his way. If they had seen him, or even if they just walked closely enough to the wall, he would be easy to spot as he lay there naked, face down. The grass underneath his body and pressing against his cock was a completely new sensation for the young man. The two women got closer, walking slowly as they talked. Closer, closer, until they were right next to Josh, mere feet away from the naked boy. He held his breath. The talking continued and the voices started moving away from him. He took a deep breath, struggling to his feet once again. Another quick check and he was on his way, soon rounding the corner. The end of Benny's driveway was in sight, but suddenly seemed like a lot further down the road than it usually was. The running continued. He finally ducked into the correct driveway just as a car sped past. Breathing a sigh of relief, he quietly walked up the driveway and onto the path leading to the back of the house. As promised, he found Benny waiting there for him. Josh's heart pounded as he saw the boy. It had only been yesterday afternoon, after coming home from the pool, that Josh had last seen Benny, but it felt a lot longer. He walked up to the boy and, before he could say anything, leant down and kissed him. Benny's hands grabbed at Josh's body as they kissed, causing both boys to murmur delighted moans into each other's mouths. Benny pulled away, ending the kiss as Josh stood up straight. “Anyone'd think you were glad to see me.” he said, squeezing Josh's stiff prick. “I really am.” Josh said completely honestly, not even fazed by the young hand wrapped around his shaft. “I believe you ordered a blow job.” he smiled. “I did.” Benny said excitedly. “But not here.” He started walking further up the garden, using Josh's cock to lead him. He stopped right at the back of the garden, in a small round patch of grass furthest from the house. There were no lights shining directly onto that area, so anyone looking from the house would see only darkness, but the moonlight was sufficient for the boys to see each other. “Can you untie me?” Josh asked in a whisper. “I suppose so.” Benny said, moving behind Josh to release his hands. As soon as he was free, he turned to face Benny and kissed him again, this time wrapping his arms around the boy, who did the same. As they kissed, Josh pushed the boy's shorts down and lifted his t-shirt, parting the kiss to allow him to pull it free. He knelt down and removed Benny's trainers and socks too, leaving him stood in just his boxers. Josh couldn't make out a great amount of detail, but the moonlight shone down one side of the boy, accentuating his slim, toned figure, the narrow waist and chest, the skin glowing white and flawless. The pale light of the moon was also just enough to show the bulge in the boy's black boxers. The older boy stroked Benny's chest, enjoying the gentle cooing noises the boy made when his fingers grazed the nipples, stiff from the cool air. His hands slid down the smooth firm stomach until they reached his underwear, pulling it down. Benny stepped out of one side and used his foot to move kick them over to his other discarded garments. “I've never been naked outside before.” Benny whispered nervously. “I have!” Josh quickly replied, sounding rather annoyed, but it soon passed. “How does it feel?” Benny's hands were rubbing over his own body, revelling in his nudity as he replied.“Scary, but I feel safe doing it here with you. Nobody except you is going to see me.” 'Nobody except you.' Josh considered Benny's words. This was just them, just him and Benny. No Nick, no Warren, just a boy and his master. He dropped to his knees slowly, his lips kissing their way down the younger boy's body until he felt Benny's stiffness under his chin. Moving past it, he licked Benny's balls a few times then slid his tongue up the slim shaft to engulf his expectant prick. “Ah, God, yeah.” Benny moaned. This was different from the cave yesterday. Then it had been rushed, both boys scared of who could have seen them at any moment. This time though, Josh's movements were more careful, more delicate, savouring the taste of the boy's cock while working him gently towards climax. The younger boy could feel himself getting close, so he pulled his cock from Josh's mouth and tugged at the older boy's arms indicating he wanted him to stand. Benny placed his hands on Josh's chest, each one mostly covering one side, with gap in between them. The warmth of the boys hands on his slightly chilled skin felt awesome, particularly the stiff peaks of his nipples. Benny leant forward and placed a kiss on the centre of Josh's chest, then kissed a straight line down, his hands following alongside, down the smooth patch of skin between hairy chest and navel, mimicking Josh's treatment of him moments earlier. He continued to copy the older boy, licking the balls before swallowing the cock. As his master sucked him, Josh could finally feel his release getting closer. In a way it was all he wanted, but in another way it terrified him. He thought back to Thursday night, when he had been ordered to jerk off in the street. It had been scary, but insanely exciting standing there exposed for the world to see. As soon as he had cum though, it was like a switch flipped in his head and common sense returned. In seconds he went from thinking, 'Holy crap this is amazing' to 'shit, I'm naked, hide!' He considered what it would be like if he had that reaction now, the fear gripping him as he faced the naked run home. Both other times he had made the run, he had been turned on enough to make it fun. So distracted by his thoughts, he barely noticed he was getting close to cumming until it was almost too late. “I'm gonna cum.” he gasped, immediately prompting Benny to stop. “No, you're really not!” Benny said, smiling as he stood to face Josh, eyes glinting in the moonlight. “Now finish what you started.” Josh grabbed the boy, swung him round and lowered him gently to the ground. Josh lay above him, positioned like he was about to do push-ups. He gradually lowered himself down to kiss the boy once again before shuffling down to finish the blow job. As he resumed, Benny groaned and writhed beneath him. His hands were out to the side, gripping at handfuls of grass as his fists clenched. Benny suddenly reached up and grasped a handful of Josh's hair, pushing his head right down so his nose pressed into the boy's stomach as he shot into his slave's mouth, holding Josh there until his cock finished twitching. When he finally let go, Josh lay down at the side of him, once again enjoying the feeling of grass on his body. Both boys lay staring up at the night sky. It was completely clear, the sky filled with tiny dots of light around an almost full moon. Benny looked round at Josh and thought for a moment how lucky he was, and how completely content he felt right then. He grabbed Josh's wrist, lifting the arm up above him, rolled onto his side to put his head on Josh's chest, pulled the arm around him, then draped his own arm across Josh's stomach. Josh smiled as he felt the top of Benny's head nuzzle against his chin. He gently stroked the boy's back with the arm he had pulled around him. The older boy couldn't help smiling at the way Benny had cuddled up to him, it just made him so happy. He tilted his head slightly to the side and kissed the top of Benny's head. They lay there for a few minutes, Josh not even caring how badly he needed to cum, until the older boy finally moved. “Nick's waiting to let me back in. I don't wanna leave him too long in case he falls asleep and I get locked out.” Josh explained. Benny suddenly wished he had given different orders, something that would have allowed Josh to stay longer, but he didn't want to let it show. He just jumped up and grabbed the tie from the ground a short distance away. “Oh come on, do you really have to?” Josh pleaded. “That sounded like another complaint.” Benny replied, grinning deviously. Josh sighed and turned away from Benny, placing his hands behind him. He felt the boy tie the hands securely, but as he finished, Benny could feel part of the tie was still hanging down, gently caressing his butt cheeks as he stood there. His master moved round in front of him, reached between his legs and pulled the dangling half of the tie through. “What are you doing?” Josh asked as he felt the boy handling his swollen organ. Benny said nothing, he just proceeded to loop the tie around Josh's cock and balls and secure it in a small knot. As if his dick wasn't already hard enough, it now seemed to swell a little more as the makeshift cock ring kicked in. Josh squirmed a little and soon realised the boy had pulled tied it so tightly, that even the slightest movement of his arms tugged painfully as his manhood. Josh stood there, barely daring to move as Benny started getting dressed. The younger boy looked round at him and said, “What are you waiting for? A goodnight kiss?” 'Yes!' Josh thought, but didn't say anything. Instead he started walking, the movement quite uncomfortable. “Will I see you tomorrow?” Josh asked weakly without turning around. “Probably not.” he replied casually, now walking past Josh, dressed aside from his socks and trainers which he carried. “But I'll see you Monday, when the real fun can begin!” And with that, the boy was gone, back into the darkened house. 'Fuck.” Josh thought. 'Let's just get this over with.' He started to run down the garden, but within just a few steps he had to stop, biting his lip to stop himself from screaming out. Attempting to run was just too painful as the binding pulled at his package. 'Great, a nice slow walk.' he thought sarcastically. Once again he found himself peering out into the street, annoyed about how many times he had now endured this humiliation. This one felt worse though. His cock was absurdly swollen, bright red and feeling like it was about to burst and on top of that, he had to take it so slowly too. After two cars had passed, he started walking. As he saw another car approach and ducked behind a tree waiting for it to drive by. It passed and he walked on. Thankfully he met no pedestrians this time, but more cars passed him, each time forcing him to hide behind something, dragging the walk out for even longer. When he eventually made it home, he made his way to the door and gently bumped it a couple of times with his shoulder. As promised, Nick let him in, the younger brother staring in shock as he saw the state of Josh's cock. Not only was it swollen now, it was oozing a steady stream of pre-cum. He reached down and gave the head a quick rub. Josh nearly doubled over from the sensitivity of it. “Please. Untie me.” Josh begged. “Up in your room.” Nick directed him and the two headed back upstairs. Once they were safely inside, Josh pleaded again. “Untie me, please Nick.” “I will... in a minute.” he said teasingly, reaching up to tweak one of Josh's nipples playfully. The older boy gasped. Nick knelt down and undid the tie from around his cock, but left the hands tied behind his back. Josh sighed with relief, but only for a second, gasping again as Nick took hold of his cock and stroked it. They both knew it wouldn't take long, so Nick went as slowly as he could. Josh looked confused as he saw Nick looking round the room. Even more confusing was when the boy stopped the stroking to go and pick up an empty glass that was sat on Josh's desk, then returned. He soon sped his hand up, listening happily as his brother's gasps grew more and more pleasured. “Ffffuck.” Josh called out as he started to ejaculate. Just as he did, Nick raised the glass to the tip of Josh's spasming prick, collecting every single shot of the boy's huge load. Josh was getting used to these intense orgasms. It seemed like his activities with Benny and Nick were making him cum more and harder than he ever thought possible. No sooner had he finished shooting, Josh found himself being pushed back onto the bed, landing on his arms uncomfortably. Nick climbed on top, sitting on his older brother's chest. Had he not been restrained, Josh would have been able to throw him off easily, but laying on his tied hands all he could do was lay there helplessly at the younger boy's mercy. “What are you doing?” Josh demanded. “Well it's bed time, and everyone knows warm milk helps you sleep.” Nick taunted him, waving the glass in front of his face. “No.” Josh moaned. He had tasted his own cum before, but being fed his own load by Nick in this way just felt completely humiliating. “Open wide.” Nick ordered. Josh stared at him, mouth remaining tightly closed. Nick reached back with his other hand and squeezed the bigger boy's balls. Josh yelled out, then looked at Nick, mouth reluctantly held open. The younger brother started to tip the glass slowly, watching in delight as Josh stared at his own cum moving closer and closer to tipping out. The first few drops fell into the waiting mouth, a look of vicious glee on Nick's face. The rest of the load followed, dripping stickily between Josh's lips. He swallowed. When it was all gone, Nick climbed off, rolled Josh over and untied his hands. The younger boy placed the glass back on the desk, walked over to the door and left, glancing back one last time but not saying a word. Finally able to move, Josh stretched for a couple of minutes to regain the feeling in his arms then lay back down, tired and aching. His phone vibrated. At this time of night he knew it couldn't be anything good. It was from Benny. [WHAT WAS MY LAST ORDER BEFORE YOU LEFT NICK'S ROOM TONIGHT?] Josh panicked, realising he may have just been set up. [NO CUMMING WITHOUT PERMISSION] [NO, IT WASN'T JUST WITHOUT PERMISSION, IT WAS WITHOUT PERMISSION. FROM ME. AND WHAT DID U JUST DO?] [IT WASN'T ME, IT WAS NICK] [DID U CUM?] [YES] [DID U HAVE MY PERMISSION?] [NO] [THEN U'VE DISOBEYED ORDERS. THE PUNISHMENT WILL BE SEVERE] [I'M SORRY SIR] [I WILL C U MONDAY, TIL THEN NO CUMMING, AT ALL] [OK, SORRY SIR] Josh put his phone down and curled up in his bed. Just as he had the last two nights, Josh lay there wishing Benny was with him. Tonight though, he had other thoughts in his head. Something Warren had said stuck in his mind, 'nineteen and thirteen, that's just not gonna work.' Josh knew the boy was right, any application of logic or rational thought to the subject would have made that painfully clear, but Josh's thoughts were anything but rational. Thirteen or not, he wanted Benny, he wanted his master with him, just like they had been earlier tonight under the stars. ***** Benny's Mum phoned quite early the next morning to talk about Josh's week with Benny. They had stocked up the fridge and freezer with food as well as providing some money for occasional takeaways, provided every possible emergency number as well as their full itinerary and left more money for any activities he decided to do with Benny. Josh couldn't help thinking that the activities Benny had planned were quite different from what his Mum was thinking they might get up to, but obviously never mentioned it. Josh figured it was a good time to also tell his parents that they wouldn't be seeing much of him over the next week, something they certainly didn't object to. They seemed happy enough to be rid of him for the week. Up early again and knowing he had no orders to follow, Josh sat in his room considering what to do with his day. Remembering the promise he made himself yesterday, he picked up his phone and sent a message to Liam, one of his best friends from school. [HEY, HOW'S IT GOING?] A few minutes later he got a reply. [FINE HERE, BUD. THOUGHT YOU'D DISAPPEARED. ALL GOOD?] [YEAH. WHAT YOU UP TO TODAY? BE COOL TO CATCH UP.] [I'M MEETING RYAN AND A COUPLE OF OTHER GUYS LATER IN THE PARK. GONNA HAVE A FEW CANS, KICK THE BALL ABOUT, NOTHING BIG. WANNA COME?] [SOUNDS GREAT, I REALLY NEED A DRINK!] And the plan was set. There was a shop down the road, just past the turning to Benny's street, so Josh went out and bought some beer. He laughed to himself as he passed the little wall he had hidden behind the night before, imagining what he must have looked like. A little later, he headed down to the park and made his way to the area Liam had said they would be, soon spotting them already kicking the ball around. They were all in great shape, dressed in shorts and various types of sleeveless tops to soak up the Sun, as was Josh. He was a little relieved as he saw looked at them though. Running round together and looking as good as they did, it could have been the opening scene of some cheesy gay porn, but Josh felt nothing. There was no attraction. He was beginning to accept that he was bi, but the thought of looking at guys, particularly his friends, and being attracted to them still just felt a bit too weird. As Liam saw Josh approaching, he cheered then kicked the ball towards him. Josh stopped the ball, kicked it into the air, keeping it bouncing with one foot before kicking it straight back to the others. Ryan stopped the ball, picked it up and headed over to their small stash of booze as Josh added his own to the pile. His two friends greeted him with punches to his arm and fist bumps while the other two guys with them stood nearby. “Josh, this is James and Dale.” Liam introduced them. They all said hi, doing casual handshakes or fist-bumps as Josh looked at them. 'Why do I recognise them?' he asked himself, struggling to place them. From the looks on their faces and the confused looks between them, James and Dale were having the same thought. In unison, the realisation hit all three of them. Broad smiles spread across the two guys' faces as Josh's eyes widened in fear. 'Fuck. It's them.' he thought. After Josh had finished wanking in the street at Benny's command on Thursday night, he had turned round to see two guys cheering. It was James and Dale. Josh stared at them, hoping they could see in his eyes how desperately he wanted them not to say anything. If the two guys had recognised the look, they would have ignored it anyway. They burst into laughter as they recognised the panicking young man. “What?” Liam asked, looking at them. “Yeah, what's so funny?” Ryan asked, feeling like he had missed something. James and Dale were still laughing so hard they could barely talk. When they eventually stopped, Dale looked at Josh with a smile, then round at Liam and Ryan. “You remember the naked guy we said we saw Thursday night.” 'Fuck, they'd already told people?' Josh thought. “Yeah.” Liam said, confused. At the same time, James and Dale both pointed at Josh and started laughing again. The other two guys' eyes widened as they realised what that meant. They joined in the laughter as Josh stood there, blushing heavily and inwardly cursing Benny. He tried to talk, to defend himself, but nothing came out, the humiliation stunning him into absolute silence. “What the fuck, dude?” Liam asked, still giggling. Josh thought about it. There was no way to deny it, not now, but he needed an excuse. It suddenly occurred to him. It wouldn't do anything to alleviate his embarrassment, but at least it would explain his actions. “It was a forfeit. I lost a bet.” he lied. As the laughter died down, he was relieved a little as Ryan seemed to reduce the focus on him. “Tough bet dude. I had a to streak once on a bet.” “I remember that!” Liam said, now laughing at Ryan. Josh breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that it was going to end up a lot worse than that. The conversation quickly moved on and the five of them started drinking and returned to kicking the football around. The day felt normal to Josh, his earlier embarrassment aside, and it felt great just hanging with his friends. For a brief moment, he thought today would be clear of the kind of stuff he had endured the last few days, but he soon realised that wasn't going to happen. He was just finishing a beer when he heard two of the guys behind him. He missed what James said first, but Ryan's response was quite clear. “Oh yeah, well let's make it a bet then!” Chapter 10 Josh sat quietly, amazed how quickly his quiet day with his friends seemed to be devolving into chaos. Ryan, one of Josh's oldest friends, the six foot four, dark-haired, tanned behemoth was more muscles than brains. He was the one who had started it. James, the pale-skinned, strawberry-blonde eighteen-year-old was a clear six inches shorter and, being so slim, was probably about half of Ryan's weight. The smaller guy had managed to piss Ryan off by beating him at whatever game they were playing, Josh wasn't sure what exactly, he had been busy drinking and chatting to Dale at the time. Ryan had taken the defeat rather personally and insisted it was a fluke, that the smaller guy wouldn't stand a chance of doing it again. James had, in turn, insisted that he could, which lead to Ryan shouting out, “Oh yeah, well let's make it a bet then!” That was when Dale and Josh had stopped talking to watch. Josh had cringed at the mention of a bet, worried it would bring attention back to him following his earlier embarrassment. He was also quite annoyed to have his conversation with Dale interrupted, Josh had been really enjoying talking to this new friend. Josh was gradually finding himself starting to take notice that he was pretty nice to look at too. The nineteen-year-old had heavy stubble and curly dark brown hair, the front hanging just above his stunning hazel eyes. His loose tank top showed off his hairy, nicely muscled chest, not quite as bulky as Ryan, but he had definitely put a lot of work into it. His biceps were bulked up nicely too, showing the kind of toning Josh had once been aiming for. But now they had been interrupted. Liam stepped in to adjudicate the conflict as he often did in things involving Ryan. He was the shortest of the group, but his muscle tone was similar to Ryan's, so if it came to a physical conflict he could definitely handle the bigger guy. It wouldn't come to that though. As aggressive as James and Ryan's conflict sounded, it was well-natured and playful at heart. “Yeah.” James eventually said back. “Make your bet, I'll take it.” As it turned out, it had been target practice with the ball, the guys taking it in turns nominating a specific place for the other to hit. “Okay, five rounds, Liam can pick the targets and be referee to keep it fair.” Ryan demanded. Liam nodded his agreement. “What you betting then?” James asked, smiling confidently. “Twenty!” Ryan snapped back at him angrily. “Money? Pfft, that's dull. Besides, I'm broke, we're drinking the last bit I had left!” James replied, pointing over to the rapidly growing pile of empties. “What then?” Ryan asked, unsure what else they could play for. James grinned and looked round at Josh. He froze, nervous about what was coming. “Hey Josh, you seem to have had the most experience with bets lately, what would you suggest?” The rest of them all looked too and laughed as Josh blushed. He hoped it had just been done to humiliate him, but they all looked on expectantly, waiting for his answer. What could he say? Part of him knew what he wanted to suggest... anything that would get these guys naked. He fought that urge, knowing that a suggestion like that would probably make his friends think he was gay. The others continued staring. Panicking, he just called out, “Spanking!” He didn't know where it had come from. It was probably still on his mind from his conversation with Nick yesterday. They looked shocked but not appalled, so he explained, “Loser gets spanked by the winner. Two spanks per cheek for every target the winner hits.” James and Liam starting cheering and clapping, while Dale just laughed. It was only Ryan who didn't look impressed. “On the bare arse, too!” Dale called out. The other guys renewed their cheering as Josh looked round at Dale in surprise. The other boy blushed a little as he saw Josh staring. “That's lame.” Ryan called out. “You scared?” James called out in a mocking tone. “Fuck you!” Ryan snarled back. “No, that can be the next bet!” Dale shouted out, prompting Josh to stare again, gulping at the thought of it. “Fine. Let's just do it.” Ryan eventually gave in. Liam named the first target and James took his shot. He hit close enough for Liam to give him the point. Josh and Dale got nominated as ball boys, taking it in turns to run after the ball and bring it back to the challengers. Josh placed it in front of Ryan and smiled as he saw how serious he looked. He really didn't want to lose this. Ryan took his shot and hit too, this time Dale running to get the ball back. The game continued for the next few rounds, Liam naming the targets, Ryan and James both hitting them, Josh and Dale bringing back the ball. It was now the start of round 5, the score was tied. Liam looked round and saw a narrow tree a short distance away. “That tree trunk.” he said, pointing at it. “Hit anywhere in the top half, but below the first branches.” “No problem.” James said happily, Ryan muttering angrily behind him at the younger guy's optimism. He took a few moments to aim, took his run-up and kicked the ball. It flew through the air and hit the tree trunk exactly on target. As Josh returned with the ball and placed it in front of Ryan, James walked up behind him. “No pressure. Just lose this and your arse is mine!” he taunted. Josh swallowed hard. He was getting extremely turned on by all of this. He managed to rearrange himself so his swelling cock was tucked inside his waistband, but he was sweating nervously as he waited to see what would happen. The run-up, the kick, it flew and smacked into the tree trunk, but barely above the ground. Ryan looked horrified as Liam called out, “And that's a miss. Hit too low. Our winner is James!” The smaller teen raised his arms in the air and started running around wildly as he cheered, circling Ryan a couple of times. Dale retrieved the ball and came back just as Josh, James and Liam were gathering around the loser. “Now.” Liam said, smirking. “You gonna do this like a man, or do we have to take you down?” Ryan was tempted to fight. He may have been able to overpower a couple of them, but with all four ganging up on him he knew his chances were slim. The best thing to do was just get it over with. “Whatever, you pervs wanna see my arse so bad, here it is.” He turned round, bent over and pulled the back of his shorts and underwear down to reveal his rear. It was much paler than the rest of him, contrasting more with the dark hair lining his crack. “Five targets, that's ten spanks for each cheek.” Liam said, laughing at his friend's awkwardness. James took his position ready to spank, but stopped to ask Ryan, “Do you want all ten on one cheek, then the other, or would you prefer if they took it in turns?” It prompted a laugh from the other guys watching. “Just fucking do it.” Ryan said angrily. James smirked at how much he was annoying the bigger man and raised his hand. He brought it down with an almighty slap on the left cheek. “You fucker.” Ryan yelped, standing up straight and jumping away from the hand. As he did it, his shorts nearly fell down and he had to grab them quickly prompting more raucous laughter from his viewers. “He just.. caught me by surprise.” Ryan insisted, re-assuming the position. SLAP. Down came the first spank on the other cheek. Ryan yelped again but didn't move this time. SLAP. Number two on the left cheek. James continued until each side had endured five. The big man's cheeks were already turning bright red and he had more still to come. James started with the second round of five, getting into a steady rhythm as his hand came down. Josh was glad he'd had the foresight to tuck his cock away otherwise he'd have been full on tenting by now. Dale, it seemed, had not thought of that. Josh looked round amazed as he saw Dale's shorts stretched several inches outwards as he stared at the hand striking Ryan's hairy arse. The spanking came to an end and Ryan quickly pulled up his shorts, rubbing his sore cheeks through the fabric. Dale came out of his daze and turned away, sitting down by the drinks pile as he hid his boner. Josh figured he had the right idea and joined him. The rest soon followed and grabbed another drink, Ryan being very careful as he sat down, much to James' entertainment. “That was too good.” Liam said, chuckling as Ryan struggled to get comfortable. “Yeah, maybe for you!” Ryan snapped, disgruntled. “Hey, it could have been worse.” James replied. “You could have ended up wanking naked in the middle of the street, right Josh?” Again they were all laughing at Josh, but he knew they were just harmlessly teasing which made it a lot less embarrassing as he laughed along with them. “Look, if you wanna do that, make another bet. I'm happy to name your forfeit.” “I'm game!” James replied happily, dropping the rest of the group into silence. “No, I don't mean let's have a wank in the middle of the street. I just mean... that bet was fun.” “Not for me!” Ryan chipped in, restarting the laughter. “See, fun. So come on, who's got a challenge?” James asked. “How about keepy-uppy!” Dale suggested, throwing the ball up in the air. “Have a few goes each, whoever does the worst, loses.” They all looked from one another, shrugging in general agreement. “And the forfeit?” Dale asked. Again all eyes fell on Josh. 'Go on. Suggest it. See what they say.' he thought to himself. Struggling to think of anything better, he decided to go for it. “Strip keep-uppy?” Again, silence. Again broken by James. “Yeah, each turn whoever does the worst, takes something off.” “No way.” Liam protested this time. “I'm not getting naked here. Way too many people around. Someone'll call the police.” “That's your concern!” Ryan exclaimed. “Getting arrested. You wouldn't mind stripping out here, just so long as you don't get arrested?” Liam laughed, seeing his point and replied, “Hey, I got nothing to hide, unlike you pencil-dick.” Ryan just grabbed his cock through his shorts and snapped back, “Bigger than yours, tinky-winky!” “Or we could just compare dick sizes.” James laughed. “Like you'd stand a chance, little boy.” Ryan said, turning his attention to the smaller teen. “Look.” Dale said, before things got carried away. “If you wanna do this, I know somewhere a bit more secluded.” Ryan was fired up. He jumped to his feet and grabbed some of the drinks. “Come on then. I'll kick all your arses.” “Well that seems fair, I just spanked yours!” James retorted with a grin. Ryan was not amused. The other guys got up, grabbing the rest of their stuff. Josh took the bag of empties and followed at the back. So far he had remained mostly uninvolved in the banter, still embarrassed about what Dale and James had seen a few days before. “This way.” Dale said, leading the way. “We've gotta walk round the side of the lake.” They were heading the same way Josh had gone the previous morning, the way Warren had followed. Josh's cock had remained hard all the time they had been talking. It now seemed to stiffen a tiny bit more as thoughts of Warren popped into his head. Just as the five of them were about to start down the lakeside path, Josh spotted a bin. “I'm just gonna get rid the empties. I'll catch up.” he called out as he headed away from the others. When he reached the bin, he considered just dumping the whole bag in the general waste section, but he'd always been a keen advocate of recycling and couldn't resist sorting the things out. He took the cans and bottles out of the bag one at a time, making sure the last few drops were tipped out then dropped them in the right hole. He was about half way through it when hands suddenly grabbed his waist. He yelled out in surprise and dropped the bag. “Ha, made you jump!” Dale said, moving round to the side of him. “You fucker.” Josh said, smiling as he leant down to retrieve the bag. “Sorry, couldn't resist.” Dale said, flashing a beautiful smile at Josh. Josh thought he felt his heart literally skip a beat. 'Wow!' he thought as he stared. Dale looked nervously from side to side, wondering what Josh was staring at. “What?” he asked. Josh looked down at the bag and continued sorting. “S... sorry.” he stuttered. “Did you come over here just to scare me?” Dale laughed. “I'm not quite that vindictive. I noticed my bag was mostly full of empties too so I thought I'd come and get rid of them.” “Oh, okay.” Josh said, not daring to look at him again. “Why so shy all of a sudden?” Dale asked as he sorted his cans and bottles into the recycling bins. 'Because I recently realised I'm bi and suddenly every guy who pays me any attention becomes immediately irresistible to me.' Josh thought, but obviously couldn't say it. “Just nervous about the game I guess.” Josh lied. “You mean nervous about hiding your boner?” Dale asked, smiling cheekily again. Josh panicked, looking down. “Dude, relax. I'm in the same boat.” Dale said casually, reaching down to squeeze his boner, tucked up into the waistband like Josh's. Josh chuckled with relief. “I didn't realise mine showed.” “It doesn't really, you can only see it if you're really looking for it.” Dale explained. “That's okay then.” Josh said in relief. It took a second to really think about what Dale had said. “Wait, so does that mean you were...” “Let's catch up to the others.” Dale interrupted him, his turn to blush now. Josh dropped the last item into the bin and followed as Dale walked away. They walked quickly to try and catch up, neither of them speaking. “Took ya long enough.” James called out as they caught up. The three of them had stopped on a bench, the same one Josh had been sat in the previous morning with Warren. “Where are we going anyway?” “It's not much further.” Dale said, now leading the way. A couple of minutes walk further down the path and Dale stopped . He moved to the back of the path and pushed aside a few branches of a hedge, revealing a fairly large gap. He walked through and the other four followed close behind. They found themselves on a narrow overgrown path that wound through the trees. Eventually, the trees cleared away into a wide open space. There was rusty old playground equipment dotted around, some still standing, some collapsed. From the way the path had overgrown, it was clearly a very long time since the area had been used. 'How the hell do you find a place like this?' Josh thought to himself as he looked at it in wonder. The trees around the old playground had grown tall and leaned inwards over the space, shading a lot of it, but leaving a big enough gap for a broad patch of sunlight to get through. “Whoa. Cool place.” Liam said, impressed at the find. “Nobody's gonna call the police in here. So who's up for a game?” James said, throwing the ball down on the ground. There didn't seem to be any complaints now. A little hesitance, but they were all working their way through more beers which seemed to reduce it. James went over to the ball, obviously intending to go first. He rolled the ball back, slipped his foot underneath it and licked it up into the air. He kept kicking it up into the air as he and most of the others counted. One of his kicks sent it flying a bit too far for him to recover and it dropped to the floor. “Fifteen.” Liam commented and James nodded his agreement to the number. James didn't look happy. “Crap start.” Ryan went next and easily reached James' score. Another couple of kicks after, he grabbed the ball and stopped. “Seventeen.” he said happily. James nodded his reluctant agreement. “Why did you stop?” Dale asked, confused. Ryan smiled. “No prize for coming first, you just don't wanna come last. No point going for hours when I've already beaten little Jamie.” James gave him the finger. “Ah, good point.” Dale replied, relieved in a way. He wasn't great at the game, but he thought he should be able to beat fifteen. He stood up and went next, doing the same as Ryan and stopping once he had exceeded James' score. “Fuck.” James muttered, one step closer to losing the first round. Liam went next and only just managed to get sixteen, causing James to swear under his breath, convinced Liam was about to miss a couple of kicks before. All eyes turned to Josh as he was last. He was quietly confident. He hadn't played keepy-uppy for quite some time, but he used to be exceptionally good at it. Without breaking a sweat, he had reached sixteen. His confidence growing, Josh kicked the ball right into James' chest. “You lose.” he said happily. James caught the ball, dropped it to the floor and put his foot on it. “Shoes count as one, so do socks!” Liam insisted. “Whatever.” James replied. He reached down and lifted his top, pulling it off over his head and throwing it aside. Josh couldn't help staring the the younger guy's chest. Nicely toned but not particularly muscled, with a light covering of blonde fuzz. Josh's imagined that was just how Benny would look in a few years. “What the... why would you start with that? You like showing off or something?” Dale asked as he looked at his best friend removing his top. James just shrugged. He kick the ball into the middle of the circle the guys had unintentionally formed. “Someone else can go first this time.” “Fine by me.” Ryan said. He stepped into the middle and started the next round. Barely even having to move, he kept the ball up for fifty kicks then let the ball drop to the ground. “That's enough to beat any of you pussies!” Ryan taunted, clearly trying to regain some of his macho pride after the spanking had obliterated it. Without really thinking about it, they followed the same order as the first round. Dale took the ball next and managed thirty-three. When he passed thirty, Ryan looked momentarily nervous, but soon returned to looking smug when Dale dropped it a few kicks later. Dale watched intently as Liam went next. He stopped when he had Dale's score beaten and passed the ball to Josh, who also beat it. It came round to James' turn, so now it would be either him or Dale. Josh watched eagerly as James kicked, not only for the pleasurable sight of the shirtless guy, but because he was happy with either outcome. It just made a nice change for Josh not to be losing at something. Dale let out a groan as he counted James' thirty-fourth kick. “Is it too late to get out of this game?” Dale asked, begrudgingly removing his shoes. It was Dale's turn to go first so he started once again. Without shoes on, he found it extremely difficult and after just three kicks he missed the ball. He looked distraught. “Fuck, that's really hard without shoes.” He looked at James as the realisation of James' earlier choice hit him. The shirtless boy just smiled. “I'd better have my go. Wish me luck beating that score.” Liam teased, reaching for the ball. “Forget it.” Dale said angrily. “I lose that round.” He pulled his socks off and threw them down with his trainers. The others laughed at his annoyance. Liam started the next round, scoring just seventeen. Dale had a glimmer of hope in his eyes. Even barefoot he thought he might be able to beat that. Josh went next, stopping at twenty. James next, eighteen. Ryan snatched the ball from James and kicked it into the air. He was doing well as usual, but as he stepped aside slightly, his foot slipped and he missed the ball, ending with a score of nine. Liam breathed a sigh of relief as James openly laughed in Ryan's face. “Fuck off, that wasn't fair. I should go again.” Ryan shouted angrily. “Sorry, you had your go.” Liam responded happily. “You know you wouldn't have let anyone else have another go.” Ryan knew he was right and begrudgingly accepted the answer. Now it was all up to Dale. He only had to beat nine. A few seconds later, the ball was dropped to his feet as he smugly looked at the mountain of muscle stood before him and said, “Ten. That means... oh, you lose, don't you Ryan!” Ryan didn't hesitate for a moment. He had no qualms about showing off his body, and he didn't want to leave himself at a disadvantage like Dale had. He was topless seconds later. The other guys all looked on as he stood, flexing slightly. It had been a couple of years since Josh had seen the guy shirtless. He had always been well built, but had clearly been working on it a lot since he left school, pecs bulging, a very defined six-pack and biceps the size of James' legs. Whether natural or shaved, he had no body hair at all, giving him an almost plastic appearance from the waist up. “Yeah, you should stare, bitches. This is what a real man looks like!” Ryan said confidently. “Compensating for something, pencil-dick?” Liam asked, completely devastating what little pride Ryan had built back up. “I got nothing to compensate for.” Ryan said, trying to regain some ground. “Whatever. My turn to start.” Josh said, eager to continue the game. He started his turn. It was amazing how quickly the skills were coming back to him. He kept going and going, passing a hundred. He stopped at one hundred and fifty. “And that's what a real score looks like!” Josh said, cheekily mocking Ryan. Liam and James laughed while Dale stared at Josh, smiling. Josh looked back and smiled in return, their eyes locked for a few more seconds than they probably should have been. James took his turn next, getting an new personal high score of fifty two. Ryan followed, taking great pleasure in beating James by a single point. Dale went next. He was getting used to doing it barefoot, but still couldn't score past forty, finishing with thirty eight. So this round came down to Liam or Dale. Again Josh watched eagerly. If Liam lost he would probably choose to remove his shirt, and if Dale lost, it was his next logical choice. Either way, a cute guy was gonna strip. 'Cute guy?' Josh thought to himself. 'That sounds so wrong. Meh, you'll get used to it. Now come on Liam, high score!' He smiled to himself as he realised he was hoping to see Dale take off more clothing, but stopped before anybody could notice the dopey grin. Liam's go began and ended with a cheer as he hit forty. Dale looked unimpressed. Josh wondered if Dale was still suffering from his earlier erection problems, and if he was, how he would continue to conceal it as he removed his top. He saw the nervous young man pull the waistband of his shorts up a little and figured he had just left it tucked into the waistband of his boxers, with the shorts covering up the tip. Up went the tank top, joining his footwear behind him. Josh was almost drooling at the sight. He had gotten a pretty good idea of what his body was like earlier, but seeing it fully exposed now was fantastic. The muscles, the hair, the barely concealed erection. The next round passed quickly. By the time it came to Josh, Dale was once again in last place with a rather pathetic eleven. 'Dale in his underwear! Dale in his underwear!' Josh was screaming inside his head. He couldn't believe how much he wanted to see it, but as he looked round at Dale he saw the terror in the boy's eyes. 'He knows I know he's got a boner. Just look at him, his eyes look so sad. He's virtually begging me not to beat his score and embarrass him. But if I don't do it, he'll just have to do it next round. That doesn't matter, look at those eyes.' One more look at Dale and Josh knew what he had to do. He kicked the ball up. One, two, three, four, five, Josh faked a slip and the ball fell to the ground before he hit six. The other three cheered at his first loss while Dale stared at him and mouthed, “Thank you.” silently to him. That was enough to make any loss now worthwhile. Josh was now left with a problem though, what to remove. If he removed his shoes, he would be in the same predicament as Dale, but if he removed his shirt, the top two inches of his cock poking out of his waistband would be exposed. He deliberated for a moment then dropped to the floor, pulled off his trainers and socks, then slipped the shoes back on. The other guys just stared at him, then at each other. “Why didn't we think of that?” Liam asked. “Cos we're not afraid of showing some skin out here!” Ryan said, flexing again. “Dude, he was naked, in the street, remember. I'd say he's got fearless pretty much covered!” James exclaimed in response. Instead of feeling embarrassed at the reminder, Josh felt strangely proud of himself. He looked round at Dale whose eyes continued to linger on Josh. 'He's definitely into me. He has to be. But look at him, he's as straight as they come.' he thought to himself, staring back. The game continued. Thankfully the next time it came round to Josh, Dale wasn't the worst score, it was Liam so he happily had his turn and beat Liam. James beat it too, so that round's loser pulled off his top. Josh once again stared at a body he hadn't seen for some years. He was as well muscled as Ryan, which was unsurprising as they worked out together. Liam, however, was not smooth like Ryan, his coarse light brown hair spread wide across his chest, then tapered down in a triangle, almost like it was pointing at his cock. Dale's turn to start again. He kicked the ball up, but as it came back down for the first point-scoring kick, he caught it at the wrong angle, his toes bent back painfully and he yelled out in pain as the ball bounded to the ground. “You okay?” James immediately asked, worried about his best friend. “Yeah.” Dale said, distraught at his failure to score. “It only hurt for a second. I guess we know who loses this round.” Josh was both dreading and anticipating the next move excitedly. He wanted to see how obvious the erection was, and by extension, how big dale's cock was, but at the same he felt painfully sorry for the embarrassment he was about to endure when the others saw it. Dale took a deep breath, then fiddled with his waistband a little, freeing his boner so that it didn't poke out the top of his underwear, then pulled down his shorts. Now free of its binding, the still-present erection stood out massively in the boy's tight boxer briefs. James, Ryan and Liam cheered as the shorts were pulled down, and grew even louder as they saw the big bulge. Judging on first appearances, he would have guessed it was maybe pushing seven inches. It was definitely closer to Nick's size than Josh's. 'You're comparing the dick size of another guy... against your brother.' he thought, shaking his head at how wrong it sounded. “Come on, are you really surprised?” Dale asked in response to their reaction. “You get the gay guy to play a strip game with a bunch of hot guys then act surprised when he gets hard? Let's find some tits and see how you react!” Josh laughed at the comment for a moment before it sunk in. 'The gay guy? Did he really just say that?' he thought, looking to the others in shock and waiting for their response. “Good point.” James said. “Actually I think I'd be offended if you were looking at this and didn't get hard.” He gestured towards his own body. 'Wait, they know? He's out and they're not bothered?!' Josh thought, truly astonished. He knew his friends had changed since school, but this was incredible. Anyone suspected of being gay back at school had been teased mercilessly. Maybe Liam and Ryan were finally growing up. Josh realised he probably needed to do the same. The fact that he had expected a reaction from the others probably said a lot more about him than it did about them. 'Psychoanalyse yourself later you fuckwit. Look at the pretty boy!' he thought, remembering Dale was now nearly naked. One more loss and it would all be on show. Dale passed the ball to Liam, sighing, and said, “Let's get this over with.” he knew as much as everyone else did what was coming next. Liam scored forty two, Josh beat it, James scored twenty nine, Ryan stopped at thirty and the ball was back to Dale once more. He snatched the ball from Ryan and dropped it to the ground. He looked round angrily at the other guys. “You know what, I'm not even going to bother playing. I lose. All you straighties can get a good look.” He pulled his underwear down to the floor and stood there naked, seven inches of thick cock standing out from his dark bush. While James, Liam and even Josh cheered for the naked teen, Ryan called out, “Loser, loser!” “Come on, no need to be a dick about it!” Josh said in a poor attempt to defend Dale. “Why not? He lost! I knew I couldn't lose that!” Ryan boasted. “Gays and sport don't mix.” There it was. A flash of the way Ryan had been back in school. Now looking more upset than embarrassed, Dale pulled his underwear back on as James shouted at Ryan. “Whoa, not cool dude. Really not cool.” Josh was so mad. He barely knew Dale, but he already felt protective of him, so the insult was hard to swallow. More than that though, Ryan had accidentally insulted Josh too. Not even having a chance to think about his response, Josh shouted out, “Really? Well I'm gay and I beat your highest score!” This time Josh got the reaction he had been expecting. Liam, Dale and Ryan just stared, James laughed at the way Ryan's comment was shot down so spectacularly in flames. “You're gay?” Ryan and Liam asked in perfect unison. Josh was a little shocked too. Outing himself had definitely not been on the agenda today, but here he was. May as well go all in. “Well... bi actually, but close enough.” “Since when?” Liam demanded. 'Thursday.' Josh thought, inwardly smiling. “It's pretty new.” was all he said. The revelation had completely stopped everything, giving Ryan a couple of seconds to think about what he'd said. He looked over at Dale and said quietly, “Sorry bro, I was outta line.” Dale smiled, accepting Ryan's apology mainly because he actually looked genuinely remorseful. “Ah, no big deal.” “Actually, I think maybe we should put Ryan's comment to the test.” James said, an idea forming in his mind. Ryan and Josh were clearly the best players there. Why don't we go for another bet, just those two, one-on-one. Straight versus sort-of-gay.” Josh and dale both laughed at James' choice of words to describe Josh, while the smile returned to Ryan's face as things returned to normal. “No problem. The forfeit?” “Loser strips everything else off.” James suggested. “Then runs a lap of the lake.” Liam added. “Then jerks off!” Dale finished. Josh and Ryan stared at each other in disbelief. Josh didn't revel in the thought of the forfeit, but after the last few days it seemed like a fairly minor inconvenience. On top of that, his confidence in his ball skills had grown quickly. “Okay then.” he said calmly. Ryan was cornered now. If he refused after Josh had accepted, he would look like a total coward, or like he didn't think he could beat the gay boy in the challenge. “No problem, I'm happy to kick arse again.” Liam pulled a coin out of his pocket and said, “Flip for who decides the order. Ryan, call it in the air.” He flipped the coin. “Heads.” Ryan called out before it landed. They all rushed closer to see. “Tails it is!” Liam called out. Josh smiled. “Okay, Ryan can go first.” Ryan took the ball, found the flattest spot he could find and started kicking it up as the others watched. Both Liam and James were keeping counting quietly under their breath, while Josh just stared intently. He was distracted though as he felt a hand on his back. He looked to his side and saw it was Dale, still wearing just underwear, who was touching him delicately. Josh smiled at him, the returned to watching Ryan's challenge. He seemed to be showing no signs of stopping, confidently breezing past Josh's earlier high score of one hundred and fifty. Ryan was starting to get smug, showing off with his kicks and looking over at Josh to taunt him. It ultimately proved to be his downfall as one of the kicks, meant to show off, instead just bounced straight ahead of him too far to retrieve for the next kick. “I got One hundred and eight four.” Liam said, looking at James who had also heard counting. “Same here.” James agreed. Ryan was annoyed that he had slipped but was trying his best not to let it show as he walked over to the group and handed Josh the ball. “Let's see what you got then.” he said, feigning more confidence than he actually had. “Okay.” Josh grinned. “But then we'll all get to see what you've got!” He looked down at Ryan's shorts then up at the others. Josh took his position where Ryan had been standing, took a deep breath and looked at his audience. He could tell everyone except Ryan was rooting for him. Their support was even more encouraging as he considered the earlier revelation about his sexuality and how little they had been bothered. Ever since things started with Benny, it had been one of his biggest fears, but as James pointed out earlier Josh was a pretty fearless guy. Josh began, carefully keeping the ball up, his kicks remaining simple and controlled. Show-boating was what had ended Ryan's turn and Josh was not about to lose the same way. Aside from that, Josh was determined to win. Not only to rub it in Ryan's smug face but also so that, for once, Josh wouldn't be the one who ended up naked. 'Naked Ryan.' Josh thought to himself. He looked over the his opponent. 'Not that he's exactly wearing much now. Okay, stop thinking about that. Pay attention or you're gonna lose. Fuck, what was I up to?' “What am I up to?” Josh called out when he realised he had lost count. “Hundred and twelve.” Dale called out quickly. Hearing the number helped, but the fact it came from Dale almost hindered him just as much. The sound of his voice made him flash back to when the handsome stud had pulled down his underwear earlier. 'I'd have sucked that right there.' he thought, getting annoyed at being distracted again. He tried to put the thoughts out of his head as he continued. Again he had no idea what he was up to, but he suddenly heard a cheer from Dale, Josh and Liam, while Ryan looked like he had been kicked in the gut. Josh smiled as he realised it meant he had won. He kicked the ball high into the air. “And that...” he said, then span round quickly, kicking the ball as it came back down, sending it flying straight into Ryan. “... is how you win!” he finished the sentence with the biggest smile he had ever felt. “Time to pay up.” Liam said to his best friend, smirking at his misfortune. “Fine.” Ryan snapped. He kicked off his footwear then pulled down his shorts and briefs. He had been quite justified earlier in defending the size of his penis. It was soft, but still hung a good four inches long, thick too, nestled in a small carefully trimmed patch of dark hair. Until he saw it erect, it was hard to tell its actual size, he could still be a grower or a shower, but he definitely had enough down there to satisfy. As Josh caught a view of his rear, he noticed the cheeks were still slightly red from his spanking. Ryan quickly covered up with his hands, his arms pushing his pecs together to make man-cleavage as he did it. “Let's go then.” James said, leading the way back to the lakeside path. They all emerged from the gap and looked expectantly at Ryan. “I'll be right back.” Ryan said, trying to sound casual despite how terrified he looked. He started running, glad that nobody was in sight on their part of the path. As the group watched on, Ryan was just about to reach the part where the path curved out of sight when a man walked round the corner. He almost jumped in the lake as he saw the naked man running his way, to the entertainment of the guys watching, but then Ryan was gone. “You know what the best part is.” Dale said happily. The others looked at him prompting him to continue. “By the time Ryan has lopped round the whole lake, he'll have to pass that same guy again!” They laughed as they thought of the man finally walking the rest of the way round the lake and being confronted by Ryan for the second time. They stood waiting for Ryan to emerge on the opposite side of the lake. It was quite far and it was hard to make out any great detail, but a large man running nude might just stand out a little. Ryan appeared and they cheered, just as the man who Ryan had passed walked by, looking strangely at Dale who was still in just his underwear and the two other shirtless guys. “Having fun, boys?” he asked, smiling. “Yeah.” James said, smirking. “Sorry if our friend made you jump.” “No big deal.” The man shrugged. “Just a bit of fun, isn't it!” The man carried on walking, but James called after him. “Hey, could you do us a favour?” The man looked back. “Depends what it is.” “Our friend should be coming back round in a minute. When he's near, could you just say 'Hi Ryan, how's Nicola?' please. That's his Mum's name, it'll totally freak him out if he thinks you know her.” James requested. The other three burst into laughter, as did the passing man who agreed to do it and carried on. By now Ryan had disappeared out of sight again, but they knew he would come back into sight on their stretch of path at any moment. The man was just about to reach the part that curved out of sight when Ryan came running round, now slower than when he started. They were too far away to hear, but they could see the man speak. Ryan stopped in his tracks, causing the other four to fall into hysterics. They were still laughing when Ryan got back to them, panting and sweating. Saying nothing, he pushed past them and headed back down the path, his cheering spectators following close behind. As they re-entered the old playground, Ryan went for his clothes. “Forgetting something?” Josh asked, taunting as he referred to the rest of the forfeit. “Oh come on, isn't that run enough? You got any idea how busy the park is now?” Ryan complained, but it just prompted more laughing. “Besides, unlike most of you, I'm straight. I'm not gonna get it up or cum with all you guys around me.” Josh stared at him, thinking. “Okay, I'm not gonna just let you off the hook, but I'll give you a chance to get out of it. I've got an idea, but it involves all you guys. Who's game?” There was a general murmur of agreement. They figured they'd come this far, may as well see what else was going to happen. Josh went and picked up five of the beer cans and a little stone from the ground. He dropped the stone into one of the cans then carried them over to the others. “What's the game, Josh?” James asked, clearly excited about whatever was about to happen. “Well Ryan, you said you probably couldn't make yourself cum yourself, so you don't have to!” Josh explained. Ryan looked massively relieved. “We're all going to pick a can. If you get the one with the stone, you get out of the forfeit completely.” “Worth a shot.” Ryan said, reaching for the cans. “Wait.” Liam called out before he could grab one. “What exactly happens if one of us gets the stone?” Josh grinned, happy someone had asked in time. “Then Ryan still doesn't have to jerk off.” Josh explained, Ryan smiled in relief and the others looked confused. “Because the person who gets the stone has to make him cum instead!” “Nuh-uh. No way, not a chance!” Ryan insisted. “Best get jerking then. We'll get comfortable for the show.” Josh replied, taking a seat facing Ryan. His confidence was growing by the second. This performance was worthy of his master who probably couldn't have manipulated the situation any better than he was doing now. “And what about us?” Liam asked. “I don't wanna jerk the big moron off.” Ryan and Liam both needed convincing. James and Dale had remained silent so far, Josh taking that as a sign that they were at least willing, if not eager. “Okay then. Well let's say any guy who refuses to complete a forfeit gets stripped by the rest of us and left here naked when we leave. You thought running round the lake was embarrassing, try walking home naked!” Josh suddenly found himself thanking Benny and Nick for their cruelty, it had been the perfect inspiration. “Fuck. Okay, one in five chance anyway, probably won't be me.” Liam said, accepting his part on the game. “So, Ryan. Are you playing with us?” Josh asked, pointing to the cans. “Or just playing with yourself?” “One in five chance.” he repeated Liam's words. “Whatever, can we just get it over with.” Josh looked to the rest of them and they all gathered. One by one they picked up a can, keeping it completely still. “Okay, shake.” Josh ordered. In unison, they all shook their cans. Ryan's face dropped as he realised the rattling wasn't coming from his tin. As one, they all looked at Josh, whose tin contained the rattling stone. “Fuck.” Ryan muttered. “Bollocks.” Josh exclaimed. He had counted on his luck continuing a little longer. Instead the plan had backfired a little, or so it seemed. As he thought about it, he got quite excited at the thought of handling Ryan. “Okay, let's get this done.”he said, approaching Ryan while the other three watched in silence. Ryan sat down on the floor, then lay on his back putting his arm over his face. “Just cos you're doing it, that doesn't mean I have to watch you do it.” He explained as he did it. “Besides, this won't work anyway. You're not gonna make me cum cos I won't even get hard, not with a dude touching me.” “Sure of that, are you?” James asked as he moved closer to watch the show. Ryan removed his arm and looked up at the younger guy. “Yeah, unlike most of you, I'm actually straight.” “Okay, new bet.” James said. “Fuck's sake, what now?” Ryan demanded, sitting up, doing everything he could not to look at Josh who was knelt beside him. “If Josh can't make you hard in ten minutes, he stops and you can get dressed.” James said, smirking knowingly. Ryan huffed in frustration. Once again freedom was dangled in front of him. “And if he can?” “Then he makes you cum as planned, but then you get to return the favour.” James finished. “You're on.” Ryan agreed quickly. “All I have to do is not get turned on by a guy? This one's mine.” He lay back down. Liam, Dale and James all stood behind Josh as he leant in to begin, Ryan laying back down and covering his face. Josh took hold of Ryan's soft cock and watched as the big guy squirmed. He began stroking it, gradually getting faster. “Five minutes.” Liam said, looking at his watch. Ryan still showed no sign of growth, so Josh resorted to other methods. He leant over and took the cock in his mouth. “What the fuck?” Ryan called out as he felt it, but didn't move, concentrating hard on making sure his cock didn't react. Josh continued his oral barrage, ecstatic as he felt the shrivelled organ slowly start to swell. Gradually, it filled more and more of his mouth. “Time!” Liam called out. Ryan's cock was completely hidden inside Josh's mouth. He slowly slid it out as the others watched. As the tip slipped out from between his lips, it remained pointing straight up into the sky to the sound of cheering. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Ryan was muttering to himself, infuriated at his own penis' reaction. “May as well carry on then.” Josh said, going back down onto the stiff dick in front of him. Silence fell across the group again as Josh sucked and licked. The cock was extremely thick, stretching his mouth a little, but was shorter than Nick's cock by about an inch, making it fit all the way into Josh's mouth without making him choke. Josh couldn't believe what he was doing. Coming out to his friends was one thing, but actually sucking cock in front of them was something entirely different. He couldn't figured what he was enjoying more, having an audience for new hobby, or the fact that Ryan was so obviously enjoying the blow job but trying to pretend he wasn't. Ryan's lips were pressed together hard, doing everything he could to stifle his moans of enjoyment, but as he felt the orgasm approaching, he couldn't hold it in any longer. He opened his mouth, gasping and moaning. Leaving it right until the last second, Josh pulled away from Ryan just in time to make the frustrated man shoot a load all over his own abs, the cock swinging back and forth as it twitched. The naked man lay there for a minute after he had cum, not wanting to remove his arm and face the others. Earlier in the day, he had thought the spanking he received was the most embarrassed he could ever feel, then the run round the lake took the top spot, but this blew both those things out of the water. Getting a boner because of a guy, having a guy make him cum, it was humiliating and sadly he knew it wasn't over. Finally sitting up and looking at the other guys, his face turned as red as his arse cheeks. There was no laughing now though. They all knew how embarrassing it must have been for the guy, and at least he'd had the nerve to go through with it. Most straight guys would have outright refused. “What, so now I gotta jerk Josh off too?” Ryan asked calmly, his embarrassment levels already so high that nothing he said now could make it worse. “Maybe not Josh.” James suggested. “Let's let the cans decide.” Nobody really objected to anything any more. All limits and restrictions seemed a distant memory. James gathered the cans together again and shuffled them round before putting them down in the middle of the group of guys. Again they all took one and on James' instruction, shook them. This time it was Liam holding the one with the stone. Liam stared at Ryan, Ryan stared back, both looking appalled at the thought. “No.” Ryan said flatly. “I've had enough of this shit. I'm not doing any more.” “Fair enough.” Josh said. “If you don't want to do it, we can't make you. I think it's time to leave, guys.” Josh walked away from the naked man, reaching down to grab his clothing. “Hey, what you doing with those?” Ryan called after him, climbing up off the ground. Josh just carried on walking as he spoke. “You remember the deal. You refuse, you get left here naked.” “Whatever.” Ryan said, refusing to back down. He watched angrily as Josh headed down the narrow path, closely followed by the other three who were hastily pulling their clothing back on. The four of them were walking along the path by the lake when they heard the shout behind them. “Fucking twats. Get back here, I'll do it.” “I thought he might say that.” Josh smiled. James and Dale laughed. Liam didn't though, knowing what this meant for him. They made their way back behind the very angry and very naked Ryan. “So, what? I gotta jerk Liam off?” Ryan said, standing with arms folded in front of him as then others spread out around him. “You've just gotta make him cum. Jerk him off, suck him, whatever you like. For all I care, you can let him fuck you.” Josh said, joking. As he looked round he saw Dale squeezing his boner through his shorts. “Whatever.” Ryan said dismissively. “C'mon Lee, get all that off. If I had to do it naked, so do you.” Liam pulled his tank top back off and was just reaching for his shorts when he said, “Hey, how is this fair? I never lost anything but I still have to do this.” “That's just how it goes.” James said, happily safe from any forfeits so far. Liam muttered something under his breath, but removed his clothing and stood in front of Ryan anyway. Not even daring to make eye contact with his friend, Ryan reached out and took hold of Liam's limp cock. It hung down about three inches, over quite big low hanging balls. Ryan looked like he was going tom throw up, while Liam looked equally unimpressed. After a few minutes of awkward tugging, it remained as flaccid as it had been at the start. “Come on, we'll be here all day at this rate!” James heckled them, getting very angry glances from them both. “Maybe Ryan needs some help to get him started.” Dale said, walking towards them. He knelt in front of Liam, pushing Ryan's hand aside for a moment and took the cock in his mouth. Much as it had been for Josh and Ryan, it didn't take long before Liam responded to the oral stimulation. Josh stared happily as Dale sucked Liam to full hardness, then pulled away and placed Ryan's hand back on it. Ryan pumped at it violently, clearly keen to just get it over with as soon as possible. His vigorous treatment was making Liam gasp in both pleasure and pain. Unintentionally, he found himself leaning against Ryan for support, for a few moments neither man seeming bothered about the skin-on-skin contact. By the time Liam's gasps indicated he was ready to shoot, his head was pressed against the taller guy's chest. “Ah, yeah.” Liam moaned quietly, then shot several thick strings of cum onto the ground. Ryan found he was breathing almost as heavily as his friend when they finished. The two stood leaning on each other for a few moments after Liam had finished, catching their breaths accidentally making eye contact and jumping away from each other awkwardly. The two young men got dressed without any objection from Josh or the other two, then walked over to face them. “Can I make a suggestion?” Josh said, prompting worried looks from most of the group. “No more bets, lots more drinking!” The suggestion got a cheer as they grabbed a few more beers and opened them. They decided to stay there in the playground. On top of the fact that Ryan was keen to avoid seeing anyone in the park after his naked run, the general seclusion was quite pleasant and the shade of the tall trees overhead kept the area pleasantly cool. They had all been sitting round talking, when Ryan decided to go and start kicking the ball around again. Liam followed first, and then James, leaving Josh and Dale alone. At first it was a little awkward, both young men turning a little shy after the events of the day, but they soon relaxed as the conversation flowed. The afternoon passed quickly and, compared to the morning, uneventfully. It was only when the booze ran out that they started thinking about leaving. Ryan and Liam had gone first, by now a tiny bit drunk and had parted with excessive amounts of hugs. Josh had been ordered not to leave it so long without seeing them next time, which he made a mental note of. Bets and forfeits aside, it had been great just to catch up with his mates. When the other three decided to go, they had walked slowly back through the park, talking all the way. James and Dale's route took them right past Josh's house, so he walked that far with them before saying goodbye. He had got a fist-bump from James who decided to get one last taunt in as he said, “Nice to meet you Josh, with clothes on anyway!” Josh had blushed, particularly as he realised they were stood only metres away from where they had seen him. James started sauntering away as Josh turned to face Dale. “It was... really great meeting you.” Josh said, staring down at his feet. “Yeah, you too.” Dale agreed, also looking away. At the same time, they both leaned forward into a hug, which held a few seconds longer than a normal goodbye hug. Their eyes met as they parted. 'Kiss him, kiss him!' Josh's brain was screaming at him, but he couldn't do it. A few seconds later, it looked like Dale was going to do it instead, but the second he began to lean in, James jumped on him from behind. “Come on. I wanna go home!” he said impatiently, getting Dale into a headlock. The younger guy dragged Dale away, who eventually broke free. As he did, he looked back at Josh, smiled and raised his hand to wave slightly. Josh smiled back, waved too then headed into the house. Chapter 11 Josh stood at the end of Benny's driveway, just watching the house. The thought of being alone with Benny all week was a nerve-racking dichotomy of fear and delight, the constant flitting between the two emotions messing with his head. One second he was horny as hell, desperate to get his hands on the boy, the next he was almost too afraid to move in anticipation of the cruelties the boy had in store. Still working up the nerve to approach the house, he was greeted by Mr Harrison who emerged from the front door, lugging a huge suitcase in one hand and a bag in the other. “Hi Josh.” he said, struggling. “Need a hand Mr H?” Josh asked, walking up to Benny's Dad. “Nah, I've got it, but thanks.” he insisted as he made his way to the rear of the car. Josh looked at the size of the case and joked, “Are you going for a week or a month?” Mr Harrison laughed, then pointed to the small bag. “That's mine.” he said, then pointed to the giant case. “That's all hers!” “I heard that.” Mrs Harrison called from an upstairs window. “Don't listen to him. He's packed much more than me!” Josh laughed as Mr Harrison just shook his head and mouthed, “It's all hers.” “You heading off soon then?” Josh asked as the case was loaded into the car. Mr Harrison closed up the car and headed back inside with Josh following. “Yeah, just sorting the last few bits.” he explained. “Is Benny around?” Josh asked, noticing the boy's absence. “I don't think he's up yet. Do me a favour and go see what he's up to.” Mr Harrison requested as he headed into the kitchen. Josh made his way upstairs and knocked gently on Benny's door. He got no answer so he crept in, closing the door behind him. Benny was still in bed, fast asleep. He was curled up in a semi foetal position in the middle of the bed, facing towards the door. Josh walked over and stared down at him. He looked so innocent as he lay there, breathing steadily. The older boy sat down on the side of the bed, reached over and started stroking his fingers through the boy's hair. Josh was sat there for a couple of minutes before Benny started to wake up. He opened his eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the light and looked up at Josh. He smiled sweetly then sat up and threw his arms around the older boy. Josh wrapped his arms around the boy's small frame, holding him tightly in return. When the hug eventually parted, Benny lay back down. “Can you always be the first face I see in the morning please.” he said sleepily. “I can't promise you always, but this week I'm yours.” Josh said happily, his earlier fear had vanished the moment he saw the boy. “Good, because I've got some serious plans for you!” Benny said, grinning devilishly. The fear was back, Josh's stomach lurching as he considered the possibilities. Changing the subject he said, “You need to get up, your parents are going soon.” He got up and walked towards the door. “Okay,” Benny said, “But I'll just need a minute.” “What for?” Josh asked as he looked back. Benny threw back the covers. He was naked and his four inch erection was pointing straight out above him. “Morning wood!” he laughed, reaching down to touch it. “Well stop playing with it then or it's never going down. I should imagine there's gonna be plenty of that once your parents are gone.” Josh said, accidentally reminding himself of what was to come. Benny laughed at Josh, knowing he was completely correct. He got up and started getting dressed. By the time he was done, the erection had subsided and it was safe for him to leave the room. The two of them left and headed downstairs where Mr and Mrs Harrison were both standing in the kitchen, finishing off cups of tea. “Good timing.” Mrs Harrison said as the two boys came in. “We're just about ready to leave. All the numbers I mentioned are on the list on the table, with the money.” “Thanks.” Josh said, looking over at it. “Now you behave.” Mrs Harrison said, looking at Benny. “And do whatever Josh tells you.” Both boys struggled to contain their laughter at the last part. If only she knew! “Yeah Mum, I'll be good.” Benny said meekly. “And try not to wreck the house.” Mr Harrison added. “I won't Dad.” Benny huffed. “We'll be fine.” Josh said, playfully rubbing his hand through the boy's hair, messing it up even more than it already was. “Okay then. Have a good week and we'll see you next Monday.” Mrs Harrison said, giving Benny a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. “Yeah, have fun without us.” Mr Harrison chuckled, following her and hugging Benny too. “Thanks, you too.” Benny said, almost bouncing with excitement as he waved them off. And with that, the two boys were alone. Benny walked up to Josh and demanded, “Give me your bank card!” Josh was taken a little by surprise at the order. He had expected Benny to kiss him, or a hug, maybe even an order to strip. Extorting money out of him was a new trick. “What for?” Josh asked, worried by the fact that he was already complying with order and reaching into his pocket before he had even finished questioning it. “Don't worry, I'll give you some money back, plus Mum's left loads of money on the table for us to do things that I doubt we'll have time for. Now hurry up. If I want next day delivery I have to order before 10.” Benny said, rushing him. “Next day delivery for what?” Josh asked, more curious than worried. “Wait and see.” Benny said, snatching the card from Josh and running out of the room. A second later he looked back in and said, “Wait here... and get naked!” He disappeared again, quick footsteps pounding up the stairs. Josh smiled at the order. Now that was the Benny he had been expecting. Josh found it a little weird to be stripping there in the lounge, but he figured he had better get used to it for the week. With Benny still upstairs, Josh sat down in the middle of the sofa and waited, feeling like he was waiting outside a head teacher's office for something bad to happen. He couldn't help thinking of the message from Benny he had received on Saturday night. 'You've disobeyed orders. The punishment will be severe.' Josh wondered what it would be and, whether he would enjoy it on some level, as he had with every other torment that had been inflicted upon him. He found himself thinking back to the day before, to James and Ryan's bet. The spanking Ryan had got was fairly mild, but Josh had been completely aroused by it. Would he feel the same if he was on the receiving end of it? He had thought he was going to find out when Benny and Nick had him restrained. It was only the fear of waking their parents that had stopped Nick from doing it. No parents now though. 'And what about Nick?' Josh thought. 'Him and Benny said they were planning stuff, I thought he might have made an excuse to come with me so he could take part.' His thoughts had started to get him aroused so his cock was starting to swell just a little when Benny finally returned. Benny went through the pockets of Josh's discarded clothing and returned the card, then carried the pile out of the room. “You won't be needing these today!” Benny said as he did it. Josh smiled as the boy said it, excited at the thought of things getting started. He was hoping he might get a chance to cum soon. It had now been about a day and a half since he last shot a load, and for a guy who was used to doing it several times a day, the pressure was starting to build especially considering some of the exciting things he had witnessed since his last ejaculation. “Okay Sir.” Josh just said quietly in anticipation. “We can get started in a minute, I'm just waiting for someone.” Benny explained, about to sit down. Before he could, the doorbell rang. Josh looked panicked for a moment, but Benny just smiled as said, “Right on time.” He went out into the hallway and opened the front door. When he came back in, he was followed by Nick “Hey bro,” he said, grinning. Josh felt himself blush just a little, which he knew was silly. Nick had now seen him naked plenty of times, but sitting there so openly he just felt unusually exposed. “I figured you'd be coming.” Josh said, attempting a casual tone but failing somewhat. “I will be, as soon as you make me!” Nick said, winking. Benny laughed and went to sit on the sofa next to Josh. Nick took the seat on the other side of the naked teen. Josh gulped. In the last few days he'd had some very intimate moments with Nick and Benny, but to have them there next to him, both at the same time was a little bit daunting. Benny reached over and started stroking his chest, casually playing with the chest hair and occasionally pulling at the nipple. At the same time, Nick began stroking his leg, slowly up and down, gently reaching further and further into his inner thigh, stopping just short of entering his arse crack or touching his balls. Josh sat there in bliss, his head tipped back onto the sofa cushion, his eyes closed. The two boys added their other hands to the activity and Josh let out a pleasured, quivering sigh. Josh's cock was rigid now, pointing straight up at the ceiling, the tip moist with pre-cum. He was loving the feeling of the four delicate hands exploring his body, but hated that so far they had completely avoided his favourite part. The two boys knelt either side of the older boy, hands still wandering, but now using their mouths too, licking Josh's chest, kissing his neck. Both gradually worked their way up to nibble gently on his ears before following his jaw line with a series of soft kisses. Their mouths met on top of Josh's, the three mouths merging into the first three-way kiss any of them had ever encountered. Tongues went from one mouth to another, wet lips opening and closing as they got lost in each other. Benny began to pull away, prompting Nick to do the same, both of them returning to a seated position either side of the naked man. “Wow.” Nick gasped. “Yeah.” Benny agreed, shocked at how intense it had felt kissing the two brothers at the same time. “Do I get any hep with this?” Josh asked, wrapping his fingers round his solid shaft. “Not from us.” Nick said. “And you can take your hand off of it too.” Benny added. “You're still under orders. No cumming until I give you permission.” “And when's that gonna be? I'm already gagging for it.” Josh said, immediately regretting admitting it as he saw the two boys smile. “It'll be when I say it is. But thanks for reminding me... I believe you're still owed a punishment from Saturday night for not following that order.” “Oh yeah.” Josh said with a sigh. “That.” “Yeah, that.” Nick said happily. “So, what should we do with you?” Benny asked, standing up to face the two seated boys, not caring about the erection tenting his shorts. “Oh, I know.” Nick said, jumping up next to Benny as thought of it. 'This is so rehearsed.' Josh thought to himself, but didn't dare to speak it for fear of incurring a greater wrath. “Didn't you say something about spanking?” Benny asked Nick. “Yes I believe so. Something about not being able to do it with other people around.” Nick replied. “But there's nobody else around now, is there?” Benny asked, continuing the charade. “No, it's just us. Looks like you're getting a spanking, big brother.” Nick said, finally looking back at Josh. Josh had known it was coming, but that didn't really make it any easier to look forward to, although his earlier question about enjoying being in Ryan's place was about to be answered, at least that was one positive thing. It was little consolation though. “Okay boy, stand up.” Nick ordered. “Yes Sir.” Josh replied compliantly, standing up. Nick took the seat Josh had just vacated, sitting on the edge so his knees poked out as far as they could. “Get over here.” Nick ordered, gesturing to his lap. Josh approached his brother and bent over, Nick guiding him so that his cock hung down between his brother's legs. The position was a little awkward for Josh, having to balance on his toes and outstretched hands to keep his cock in place and his arse where Nick wanted it. “How many do you think?” Nick asked, looking over at Benny who was just standing and watching the interaction. “Let's start with ten.” Benny suggested. “And I think he should count them out loud as you do them.” “Good idea.” Nick said with a grin, still part of their rehearsed plan. “And if he says anything other than the number, start again from one.” Benny added. Nick gave no warning. His hand came down hard on Josh's left cheek with a loud slap. “Ow!” Josh called out. “That's not a number.” Benny snapped. “Start again.” Again Nick's hand fell, stinging Josh's other cheek this time. He managed to avoid yelling out, inside just saying quietly, “One.” “Good boy.” Nick said softly, rubbing his hand over the stinging area. A few seconds later he raised his hand and slapped it down hard again. “Two.” Josh called out. SLAP. “Three.” SLAP. “Four.” SLAP. “Five.” Josh had his eyes closed tight, his fists now clenched tightly against the carpet. The worst part was that with every spank, his cock twitched desperately between Nick's legs. At least he knew now, had be been in Ryan's place yesterday, he most certainly would have enjoyed it. As the sixth slap came down and he counted it, he imagined it had been him getting spanked by the slim, cute red-headed James. Seventh spank, he counted aloud. Now James was removing his top in the strip game, revealing the lightly-haired chest. Eighth spank, Josh calling out the number. James had taken the rest off, and was now spanking Josh again before pushing his hard cock between the reddened cheeks. SLAP. “Aah yeah.” Josh called out, so lost in his fantasy he had forgotten to say the right number. Coming out of his daze, he looked round at Benny who smiled. “Oh dear, that wasn't the right number, best start again.” Josh whimpered, SLAP. “One.” SLAP. “You've gotta stop.” “Start again.” Benny ordered. Nick's hand fell again, Josh gasped with pleasure rather than pain. “No, you've got to stop.” Josh insisted. “Aww, does it hurt the little boy too much?” Nick taunted him, spanking his brother again. “Not that.” Josh yelled out. “I'm gonna cum!” Nick and Benny both stopped. Benny dropped to his knees to examine Josh's dangling cock. There was a thick rope of pre-cum from cock head to carpet. Benny scooped it up and rubbed it over the straining organ. Josh shook and gasped, nearly shooting. “Geez, he's not kidding, he's really ready to blow.” Benny laughed as he looked up at Nick. “Shall I stop then?” Nick asked. 'No, faster.' Josh thought, eyes squeezed tightly closed. “No.” Benny said. “Just... take it a little slower.” He heard a weak whimper from Josh and smirked. Nick started again, this time leaving a little longer between spanks. By eight, Josh was panting heavily between slaps, but still managed to call out the number. SLAP. “N... nine.” By now, his arse cheeks were throbbing with pain almost as much as his cock was with pleasure. Finally came the last spank, Nick seeming to put all his strength into it. “TEN!” Josh called out. The younger brother just pushed Josh off and he slid limply onto the floor, breathing heavily and rubbing his stinging rear. “You having a go?” Nick asked casually, as if the naked young man in front of him was nothing more than a game to be passed around and shared. Benny knelt down beside Josh and placed a hand tenderly on his arm. “No, I think that's enough of that for now.” Despite his gentle demeanour, the tone of his voice was still stern. “Thank you.” Josh whispered to his master. He rolled onto his back and just looked up at Benny who played with his chest again. “I like your chest hair.” Benny said as he gently pulled at some. “Have you ever shaved it?” Benny moved his hand down to the line of hair on Josh's stomach. “No.” Josh replied. “I like it too much.” He smiled, enjoying the peaceful moment, knowing the torment would probably resume pretty soon. Benny leant down and kissed him. As the boy pulled away, Josh looked up and saw Nick still standing there. He blushed a little. Being naked and hard in front of his brother was embarrassing but he'd gotten used to it now, but the tender moments like his kiss still felt weird to do in front of him. “So what now?” Nick asked, standing there adjusting his boner. Benny looked at Nick with an evil smile, worrying Josh a little. His fear was soon alleviated though as Benny said, “Let's do something to help reduce that stinging.” That sounded nice to Josh, so he couldn't understand why Nick smiled back too. “You help him up, I'll go and get the stuff.” Benny shot out of the lounge as Nick helped Josh up off the floor and directed him to stand in the middle of the room. When Benny came back in, he was carrying a plastic bag from which he pulled a long strip of fabric. At first Josh thought they were going to tie his hands again, but instead Nick took it and tied it around Josh's head, blindfolding him. “Why do I need this?” Josh asked cautiously. “It's a thing to do with senses. Ya know, lose one and heighten the others.” Nick explained. “Yeah, we're gonna help you relax so we'll be touching you a lot, we just want you to enjoy it more.” Benny added innocently. Josh was sceptical but went along with it. A few moments later, he felt something wet and cold being applied to his burning arse. It certainly was reducing the stinging, the boys had been truthful about that. Each of them had taken a cheek, their hands gently rubbing. Eventually their hands started working away from their original target, one working down a leg while the other headed round the front. “What are you doing? I don't sting anywhere else.” Josh commented. “Shh, we're busy.” was the only reply he got. Knowing better than to argue, he stood there and let them work away on his body. Whatever it was they were rubbing in, they seemed to be getting it all over. Plenty of it too. As concerned as he was, he had to admit that it felt great having them touch him all over. The two boys continued going until they had covered every inch of him below the neck. It had taken some time and Josh was starting to feel a bit of a tingle in the first areas they had touched. When the touching had ended, he stood for a moment before asking, “What now?” “Just wait.” Benny snapped at him. He fell silent again. A few minutes later, he felt the blindfold being removed. Immediately he looked down. Every inch of his body was covered in white goo. “Sorry.” Nick said, grinning innocently. “We got a bit carried away with the lotion.” “Just a bit!” Josh said, unsure why they would have used that much. “You can go and have a quick shower to wash it off if you like.” Benny said. Josh frowned at them. He knew there was something going on, the two of them weren't exactly subtle, but he couldn't think what. He left the room and headed upstairs to the shower. “This is gonna be good.” Nick smirked, doing his best not to laugh out loud in case Josh heard. “Yeah, just wait for it.” Benny agreed. They heard the shower go on, a minute for it to warm up, then Josh would be getting in. “Any second now...” “WHAT THE FUCK!” They heard Josh scream from the shower. The two boys immediately burst into laughter, collapsing onto the sofa. They were still laughing when Josh came back down, drying himself off with a towel as he walked. “I'm gonna fucking kill you!” he swore as he came in. Nick and Benny couldn't help admiring their work as he entered. Josh now stood there, completely bald from the neck down, not a single hair remained. “That was hair removal cream. Why would you do that?” Josh demanded, furious. As he looked down, it didn't even look like his own body any more, it felt like he was looking at someone else. “Aww, don't be like that.” Benny said, walking up to the angry young man. “I told you the punishment would be severe, this is all your own fault really.” “No, it's his!” Josh said angrily, pointing at Nick. “He tricked me.” “Didn't hear you complaining at the time.” Nick smiled wickedly, remembering the massive load he had made Josh shoot. “I look like a fucking kid!” Josh said, taking another look down. Benny stopped laughing, stood up and walked up to Josh, standing inches away from him. “Yeah, like I said, this is your punishment. Disobey an order again and it'll get MUCH worse!” Josh was actually a little scared as the boy spoke, his tone so serious. Even Nick stopped his giggling and just looked at his accomplice. “Understand?” Benny snarled. Josh nodded. “Yes.” “Yes, what?” he snapped back. “Yes Sir.” Josh answered quickly. Benny's expression softened, reaching up to stroke Josh's now hairless chest, whispering, “Good boy.” Nick got up to join them. “Hey, at least your boner's gone down for once.” he laughed. It was actually quite a novelty for Nick and Benny. Josh had always been hard when they'd got him naked before, seeing him like this made quite a change. “Yeah, well stop looking at it or you'll set it off again.” Josh smiled, relieved that the tension had dissipated as quickly as it had appeared. “So what you got planned next for me... Sirs?” Josh figured he should keep things going. The boys plans can't have been endless. Maybe once he had done all they wanted they would leave him alone, not that he really wanted that, but he still used the argument to justify his thoughts. “I think you deserve a break.” Benny said, smiling. “So let's play a game.” At first Josh was a little curious, but as he saw the confused look on Nick's face he became even more-so. Was Benny going off script, or had he got things planned that even Nick didn't know about? 'What am I thinking? Of course he's got things planned. That devious little fucker's like a horny Bond villain!' he thought. “What's the game?” “Actually it's one for Nick.” Benny replied, Nick's look of confusion now turning to dread. “Wait... what?” Nick stuttered as the two boys looked at him. “Well if we're not letting Josh cum today...” Benny started. “What?” Josh snapped, looking distraught. Benny glanced at the naked boy but ignored his outburst, then looked back to Nick and continued. “Like I said, if we're not letting Josh cum today, someone else is gonna have to do it in his place. After all, a day without cum just isn't worth getting up for!” “We never talked about this.” Nick said cautiously. He knew the sort of thing he had discussed with Benny, and the thought of being on the receiving end was a lot less exciting than inflicting it on Josh. “Actually we did.” Benny said gleefully. “But you just thought it would be happening to Josh.” “Crap.” Nick muttered, flopping heavily down onto the sofa. “Which game is it?” “Wait here, I'll be right back.” Benny said, dashing out of the room. Josh just looked at Nick, smirking a little. “I don't know what you're laughing at baldy, there's much worse to come for you!” “Yeah,” Josh said smugly, “But I've been expecting it. You thought you were free. You should know by now that Benny's the boss.” “I do now.” Nick said, sighing. Benny ran back down the stairs and came in holding a pack of cards. “Oh come on, not that one.” Nick pleaded. “What one?” Josh asked excitedly. “What are we doing?” “Oh it's a nice simple game, should only take a few minutes. But the potential forfeits are... well, let's just say you might be glad I gave this one to Nick.” Benny explained. “Awesome.” Josh beamed with delight. “So how does it work?” “It sounds more complicated than it is. First we reveal the cards one at a time and Nick has to guess what suit it is. For each one he gets wrong, a minute gets added to his forfeit.” Benny explained. Nick was fidgeting uncomfortably now that he knew what was coming, while Josh was just getting turned on, his cock slowly reaching upwards. “And what's the forfeit?” “The cards get to decide that too.” Benny smiled. “Nick picks one card and that determines it. Club, he gets wanked, heart, he gets sucked, diamond, he gets wanked and finger-fucked, spade, he gets sucked and finger-fucked.” “Oh.” Josh said, sounding a little disappointed. “Is that it?” Benny laughed as Nick just looked more and more nervous. “Think about it. If his forfeit goes for thirty minutes, that's thirty minutes of continuous wanking or sucking. If he cums, we just continue. You know how it feels if you try and carry on right after!” “Oh God, yeah, super sensitive. That's, like, torture.” Josh realised, suddenly more excited about the prospect. “Yup.” Benny said, nodding. “But I think Nick might actually enjoy it if Saturday is anything to go by.” “What happened Saturday?” Josh asked, looking back and forth between the two boys. “Later.” Benny insisted. “Now shall we get started.” The three boys sat on the floor, Josh and Benny side-by-side opposite Nick. They started picking up cards as Nick began guessing their suit, the used cards being placed into correct answers and incorrect ones. They worked quickly, and soon the last card had been picked up and guessed. Nick looked down at the two piles of cards. The win pile was woefully thin. Josh counted the losers then happily called out, “Thirty-seven losers.” “That makes thirty-seven minutes.” Benny said happily. He took the cards off of Josh and gave them a quick shuffle, the fanned the deck and held it out towards Nick. “Okay, choose your torture.” Nick looked at the cards, slowly reaching out a shaking hand. He pulled one out, looked at it then turned it towards Josh and Benny. “That'll be a diamond then. A thirty-seven minute wank, with fingering for you little Nicky.” Josh called out excitedly. “Not necessarily.” Benny interjected, both of the McKenzie boys looked at him, puzzled. “I'm gonna give you a chance here. Could make things worse, could make them better. Wanna risk it?” “What do I have to do?” Nick asked, knowing by now to always be suspicious of Benny's offers. “Just pick a card. If it's a club, the forfeit gets passed to me, if it's a heart, your time gets halved.” Benny explained, casually shuffling the deck as he spoke. Nick just looked at Benny, knowing there was more. “And the other two?” Benny continued. “If you get a heart, your time gets doubled, on a club it gets tripled.” Nick took a moment to think about the options. Worst case scenario, nearly two hours of it, but it was just as likely that Benny could end up with the forfeit. The thought of the boy ending up on the receiving end of something for once definitely appealed. “Okay. I'll do it.” Josh was loving every moment of it. For once he was free of the manipulations, and even with Benny's potential twist he still wouldn't be involved. Now he wasn't sure who he would rather see suffering. While it would be nice to see Benny on the receiving end for once, seeing how nervous Nick was about it was really turning him on. Once again Benny offered Nick the cards. Hand still shaking, he reached out, picked one and looked at it. Benny breathed a sigh of relief as he saw Nick's face. It was a heart. “Ooh, double time!” Josh said excitedly. Benny stood and pulled at Nick's arm, making the boy follow him. Josh got up and walked behind them, stiff cock bouncing excitedly as he went. When the three of them got into Benny's room, Nick was quickly stripped and pushed onto the bed as Benny grabbed the cuffs that both brothers were now intimately familiar with. Josh watched excitedly as his naked brother had his hands secured in place. “Come on.” Benny said, gesturing for Josh to join them on the bed. He climbed past Benny and over Nick so that the restrained boy had one of them on each side of him. Benny reached down and grabbed the bottle of lotion. Throwing it to Josh he instructed, “You start with the back, I'll take the front. We can swap when we need a change.” Nick watched nervously as Josh began lubing up his fingers. “What was it then, one hour and fourteen minutes?” Josh asked. “Yep. So let's begin.” Benny said, taking hold of Nick's limp dick. As he did so, Josh quickly lubricated the boy's hole and worked a finger inside. It didn't take long before Nick's cock had stiffened and the boy was moaning pleasantly at the stimulation. Nick knew it wouldn't be long before the pleasure turned to discomfort so he did his best to enjoy it for now, bucking his hips. The motion was working in perfect time with Josh's finger and Benny's hand, increasing the sensations of both stimulations. The build up was slow and teasing. Normally he would have hated the fact that it was taking so long for them to make him cum, but today it was a great relief. Nick's moans gradually got louder as his first orgasm edged ever closer. In response, Josh sped up his finger-fucking while Benny pumped a little faster at the boy's rigid boner. Nick finally exploded. With the motion of his cock from Benny's wanking, every shot of cum fired off in a different direction, several splats landing on each of the other boys as well as Nick's body and the bed. As he shot, Nick looked at the clock, grateful that he was not blindfolded this time. It had been seventeen minutes since they started. Nearly a quarter of the way didn't seem so bad, but the sensations that followed soon changed that opinion. “Fuck.” Nick called out as his cock felt like it was on fire. Once he had tried to carry on jerking off after a particularly good orgasm, hoping to achieve an immediate second but the sensations were just too intense and he stopped after a single stroke. That wasn't an option this time though. Josh had seemed to slow down a little, perhaps in sympathy, and was now sliding the finger slowly in and out without catching the boy's prostate. Benny, however, continued to stroke at full speed. “No. No, stop. Stop, please.” Nick called out, pulling at his restraints. He curled his legs up to try and push Benny away, but the younger boy gestured towards them and his big brother straightened them back out, sitting on them to keep him flat as he continued the fingering. His cock feeling like it was being stabbed with a million tiny needles, Nick continued calling out. “Benny, please, please, no more.” His begging went ignored as the torturer continued his work. The sensations very slowly became a little more bearable, but only just. Nick's whimpers of pain soon gave way to a the return of his happy mewing. Josh slipped a second finger in. As he did it, Nick's eyes opened wide and he stared at Josh who just smiled back. Nick could feel another orgasm getting closer just as Benny looked at the clock and said, “Twenty-five minutes. You're about a third of the way there.” As he spoke, Nick let out a loud yell as he shot again, much smaller squirts flying around as Benny wanked him. Nick was back to begging as the orgasm subsided and he was just left increasingly sensitive. Josh had not slowed down this time either, the attack on the boy's prostate rivalling the younger boy's cock-pumping. “No.... no more... aah.... no more. Please, please Benny... it's... aah... it's too much.” Nick gasped, his body once again thrashing around in an attempt to get free. “Sorry Nicky, you've still got a while to go yet. Best get used to it.” Benny taunted the desperate boy. Josh could almost sympathise with his brother. As desperate as Nick was for it to stop, Josh was equally desperate for his own stimulation to begin. His cock had remained rigid since the game started, once again oozing copious amounts of pre-cum onto Benny's bed sheets. “Please, please stop.” Nick continued to beg. As it went on, all he could mumble was “Please” over and over again amongst his ragged breaths. Benny couldn't believe how much it turned him to have the boy literally begging him to stop. Hearing the boy's desperate pleas was turning him on so much at one point that he was worried he may cum without so much as touching his cock. Determined to make the boy beg some more, he took a handful of the lotion and continued stroking it into Nick's dick. The boy seemed a little relieved by the coolness of it at first, but the slipperiness of Benny's lubricated hand was soon causing torturous waves of pleasure-pain once again. The third orgasm came even quicker than the second, this time just two small squirts of cum flying from the boy's boner. But as it subsided, Nick's begging turned to tears. Sobbing uncontrollably, Nick gasped, “Josh, please, please, make it stop, please.” Josh stared at Benny in response, wordlessly mouthing, “Do we stop?” Benny shook his head, mouthing back, “I'll carry on, but you can stop. Go look after him.” The older boy climbed off Nick's legs, Benny climbing on in his place, although the intense sensations had sapped all of the boy's strength anyway. Josh moved further up the bed, nearer to Nick's face. He stroked a finger gently through the crying boy's hair, then wiped away a couple of tears. Nick had stopped begging, but his crying continued as he looked helplessly up at his big brother. “Josh...” was all Nick could say. The older brother leant down and kissed Nick on the forehead, the put his mouth near the boy's ear and whispered. “Come on, you can take it. Us McKenzies are strong, remember.” “No.” Nick whimpered back, “It's too much. I can't take it.” Benny continued stroking, the cock now spasming every few minutes with nothing more than the occasional dribble coming out. Josh continued caring for Nick, whispering encouragement to him, wiping away tears or gently stroking his cheek or chest. “Fifty minutes Nick, you're doing great.” Josh said happily. Another twitch of the boy's cock and he began screaming. “No, you've gotta stop.” he called out. “Josh, please, I mean it, I can't take any more.” Josh couldn't take it any more either. He looked to Benny and demanded, “You've gotta stop now.” Benny looked at him angrily. “We'll stop when I say we stop!” he snapped. “No, you'll stop now.” Josh reached out and grabbed Benny's wrist, pulling it clear of Nick. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.” Nick repeated over and over. “What are you doing?” Benny demanded. “Remember who's in charge here.” “I know.” Josh snapped back at him. “You're the boss, the master, you're in charge, I get it. But I'm not gonna sit here and let you hurt my little brother.” Benny stared at Josh. He had never seen him genuinely angry like that before. He looked down at the naked boy on his bed, his eyes squeezed tightly closed, still quietly whispering thank you. He got up off of the bed and ran out of the room. Josh undid Nick's restraints, the younger brother immediately grabbing onto him. He lay there for a minute, holding his little brother in his arms, letting him recover. “I'm so sorry Nick, I should have stopped that a lot sooner.” Nick looked up, still holding onto Josh and said, “It's okay. I'm fine.” When Nick eventually let go, Josh got off the bed. “You can probably get dressed.” he said, “I'm going to find Benny.” Nick just nodded. Josh left the bedroom and quickly checked the upstairs rooms. With no sign of him, he headed downstairs. Benny was in the lounge, sat on the floor in front of the sofa, knees pulled up tightly against his chest, his head resting on them. He looked up as he heard Josh walk in. The older boy sat down next to him. “Things got a bit out of hand in there.” he said quietly. “I... I don't know why I did it. I just got so caught up in everything. Is Nick okay?” Benny said, holding back tears. “He'll be fine.” Josh said confidently. “But that can't happen again, you got that?” Benny nodded, thinking for a moment before he said, “I'm guessing you want to stop all that stuff then?” “Hey, you're the boss, you're the one with the video. I do what you say.” Josh said, shrugging. Benny paused again. After a few moments of silence, he replied, “Josh, I'd never really send that tape to anyone, even if you refused to do anything with me ever again.” Josh looked round at him and nodded. “I know. Same way I know you're not smart enough to set it up to auto-send if I forced you to delete it. I'm not stupid, ya know.” Benny looked confused. “If you knew that... then why are you... going along with all of this?” Josh took a deep breath. It was a good question and he needed to answer it for his own benefit as much as for Benny's. “Look, Benny, when you did... what you did to me, you... woke something up in me, something that would have probably never woken up without you. It's kind of messed with my head, made me think about who I am, what I like, that sorta thing. I'm not completely sure why, but I really like the stuff you make me do, and having you make me do it. I guess I'll figure stuff out eventually, but for now, I may as well just roll with it.” “So you don't wanna stop?” Benny asked, almost beginning to smile. “If you've got orders to give, I'll follow.” Josh said, then pulled the boy close and kissed him on the cheek. “But I love my brother, so don't ever hurt him again or this is over. I like following your orders, but I'm a brother first.” “Aww, that's really sweet!” Nick said from the doorway, grinning. “Fuck.” Josh muttered. “How much did you hear?” “I heard you pledging allegiance to your little master there and then declare you're in love with me.” Nick said, walking over to join them. Benny jumped up. “Nick, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...” Nick cut him off before he could say any more. “Forget about it little dude. No harm done.” He pulled Benny into a playful hug. Josh stood up, suddenly a little embarrassed to be naked with the two clothed boys but trying to ignore it. “No harm done then. And I didn't declare I was in love with you, that's just your wishful thinking gay-boy.” He pushed Nick away gently as he spoke. “Now, unless you two evil geniuses have more plans, how about we grab some snacks and watch a movie?” The two boys happily agreed to Josh's plan and ten minutes later they were sat on the sofa, bowls of popcorn and cans of coke by their sides. Josh was in the middle again, still naked, with the two boys either side as they had been earlier in the day. After finally picking a movie, Josh was about to press play when an alarm went off on Benny's phone. Benny and Nick looked at each other excitedly. “What was that?” Josh asked. “That's a reminder for our next activity.” Benny smiled. Not saying another word, both boys leant down and began sucking on Josh's cock. “Ah, yeah.” Josh said happily, the two boys almost kissing each other with Josh's erection between their two mouths. Nick continued working on the head as Benny gave some attention to Josh's balls, licking them roughly. The older boy could feel himself getting closer to cumming, hoping that Benny's earlier comment about not being allowed to cum today had been forgotten. At the last moment, both boys pulled away leaving Josh gasping. They both sat up as if nothing had happened. Still feeling painfully close to release, Josh looked from one of them to the other and asked, “What was that?” “That was our entertainment for the afternoon.” Nick said. “Yeah.” Benny agreed. “Every time my alarm goes off, you get edged.” “And how often is the alarm set to go off?” Josh asked, dreading the answer. “Every half an hour.” Benny replied with a grin. “Oh, wonderful.” Josh said sarcastically. It was going to be a long afternoon. Chapter 12 As the movie neared the end, Josh realised he had absolutely no idea what had happened in it as he had been so distracted. Three times throughout the film Benny's alarm had gone off and the two boys had set about teasing Josh's cock to the verge of orgasm again. As soon as they finished playing with the older boy, they cuddled up to him, Josh sitting with an arm around each of them. So for the nineteen-year-old victim of Benny's machinations, it was all just a fuzzy blur of sexual tension and heartfelt tenderness. Sitting there holding them, he couldn't help thinking about the two boys. He loved them both, in very different yet disturbingly similar ways. He had always been close to Nick, sibling rivalry never really being an issue as the boys got on so well, but things had obviously changed after the last few days. He knew what he had been doing with his brother would be considered completely unacceptable by anyone viewing from the outside, but it had just brought the two boys closer. The new, sexual aspect of their relationship was just a physical manifestation of their increasing closeness, shared sexual orientation issues, similar sexual interests and, above all else, it just a lot of fun for them both. Then there was Benny, this little man sat on his right, so full of excitement and passion and raw sexual curiosity. In the space of a few days Benny had gone from absolute virgin, to sexual master of two other boys. Three actually, Josh corrected his own thoughts as he remembered Warren had got caught up in Benny's games too. Josh wished he had been able to decipher the cause of Benny's actions. For the boy to show such dominance, so fast and over such a large scale, there was probably a reason. Ultimately it didn't matter why, the fact was that Josh was hooked. 'If you've got orders to give, I'll follow.' Josh thought, reflecting on his earlier conversation with Benny. It was a relief to have confessed to Benny that he was following orders now by choice, rather than simply being blackmailed. That relief was little consolation to Josh in understanding his own reasons for such willing subjugation. Josh laughed quietly to himself. 'It's amazing the crap I'll think about to distract myself from how much I fucking need to cum.” It turned out to be very useful that Josh was sitting with his arms around the two boys. Having them in that position stopped him from playing with himself, which he wanted to so much. He needed to cum more than any other time he could remember since he started masturbating all those years ago. As the movie credits rolled, Josh realised both Benny and Nick had fallen asleep. Figuring he couldn't really move without waking them, he closed his eyes for a moment too and before he knew it, he had fallen asleep with them. They all awoke fifteen minutes later when Benny's alarm rang again. Nick barely even opened his eyes as Josh looked down at Benny and said, “Can't we turn that off for a while?” The younger boy fiddled with his phone for a minute then slipped it back in his pocket. None of them showed any sign of movement, clearly the morning had exhausted them all. Josh figured if they were going to nap there together, they may as well be comfortable. He nudged Benny aside and lay on his back along the length of the sofa, manoeuvring Nick to lay beside him, his younger brother happily nestled into the side of him. Benny ended up laying right on top of Josh, head on his chest. Josh thought about the last few nights when he had fallen asleep wishing Benny was with him. Smiling at finally having his wish, he fell asleep again, arms and legs intertwined with Nick and Benny. Josh awoke a couple of hours later. He lay there happily holding his little brother and his master as they snoozed. They probably would have slept a lot longer had they not both been woken by a ringing phone. This time it was Nick's. Waking with a start, he pulled it out and looked at it, eyes struggling to focus. “It's Mum.” he said before he answered it. “Hi Mum.” Benny smiled up at Josh, not moving from his place on top of the older boy. He started moving around, grinding his crotch against Josh's, slowly arousing him. “Yeah, I'll be back for dinner.” Nick said to his Mum. “No, I'm not sure what they're doing. Yeah, I'll pass you over. Josh, Mum wants to talk to you.” He handed the phone to his big brother. Josh took the phone and immediately noticed Benny tap Nick's arm to get his attention. The youngest boy sat up, revealing Josh's hardening cock. Nick immediately knew what he had in mind. “Hi Mum.” Josh said. As soon as he started speaking, he felt both Benny and Nick's mouths around his cock again. He almost gasped but managed to restrain himself. “No we... we don't have anything planned yet.” Josh continued, barely managing to keep his voice level as he spoke. The two boys reached up and each played with a nipple as they continued sucking on the older boy's rigid dick. “I don't.... ah, I don't know, I'll ask.” Josh said, the stimulation now starting to really affect his speech. He held the phone aside and asked, “Benny, wanna come to our house for dinner tonight?” Without removing the cock from his mouth or letting go of Josh's nipple, Benny held up his other hand and gave a thumbs up. “Yeah, we'll... aah, we'll be there.” Josh said, gasping heavily half way through. “Yeah I'm fine, I just... stubbed my toe. It stings. Bye Mum, see you later.” He hung up the phone and threw it at Nick. “You guys are seriously cruel.” Josh said, half laughing, half angry. “Sorry.” Nick said, releasing Josh's balls from his mouth so he could speak. “It was too good to resist.” “You fuckers.” Josh said with a begrudging smile. “Just checking, but you are gonna let me get dressed to go home for dinner, aren't you?” Benny let go of Josh's cock, looked up at his slave and said, “Maybe if you're good.” ***** Everything considered, the rest of the afternoon passed fairly normally. The boys played video games, Josh occasionally joining in but mostly just leaving them to it. Of course, Benny had reset his alarm so every half an hour the older boy was set upon by Nick and Benny. It was starting to take less and less time to get Josh close to cumming. A few times during the day Josh had considered going off to the toilet and relieving himself as the need to cum was so strong, but he resisted. At the moment his desire to follow Benny's orders was his greatest motivator, but with each edging he could feel it slipping a little. 'Maybe he's never gonna let me cum.' Josh had thought at one point. 'Maybe he's just gonna keep pushing me until I give in and do it myself, just so he can punish me. I wouldn't put it past him, the devious little git. Maybe I should go and cum and hope he doesn't notice, that'd soon stop him.' That was the time Josh came the closest to giving in, but still he resisted, disobeying his master still not coming easily to the desperate young man. “You'd best finish up.” Josh instructed the two boys. “It's quarter past five, we should be heading home soon.” Nick and Benny were in the middle of playing Superspeed 4. The two boys had found it highly amusing when they started playing it, but Josh couldn't quite figure out why. By now he had come to accept that his little brother and his master had, at some point, become quite good friends. They were entitled to their own private jokes. “Now,” Josh said when the boys had stopped playing, tidied themselves up a little and gathered near the front door. “Can I get dressed now please?” Benny looked disappointed. “Aww, I was hoping you'd go like that.” he smirked, but turned round and walked into the kitchen. He came back a moment later with Josh's clothes and handed them to him. As the older boy dressed, he was amazed how different his clothes felt against his now hairless body. The fabric seemed to slide over his skin more easily, feeling like it was gently caressing him. He found it a little arousing, but did his best to ignore it. Amazingly they were all ready to go and it wasn't even half five yet. He'd thought he was going to be trying to herd the boys out for ages. If anything, they seemed almost keen to go. They left the house and started slowly walking down the road towards Josh and Nick's house. Just as they reached the turning onto their road, it hit half five and Benny's alarm went off. Josh looked at his young master in a panic. 'They wouldn't....” Josh thought. 'Fuck, who am I kidding, the bastards probably planned it!' Nick and Benny both smiled cruelly at Josh as he stood there looking dismayed. “Oh come on guys. Here?” “Yeah.” Benny said seriously. “Right here. Now get it out.” “Someone's gonna see me.” Josh insisted, looking round at the cars that were passing. “Well the quicker you do it, the less chance there is of somebody seeing, so hurry up bro.” Nick insisted with a grin. Josh took a few steps towards the large tree in the grass verge beside the road. He put his back to it, then looked nervously in all four directions from the crossroad. Benny and Nick stood either side of him, shielding him a little. With cars still passing but no pedestrians in sight, Josh unzipped his jeans and pulled his cock out. Josh couldn't believe his misfortune. Of all the times not to have an erection, now was the least desirable. He just wanted to get it up, play with it until the boys were satisfied and put it away before he got spotted. Thankfully, the risk of getting caught and having the two boys watching soon helped him grow and seconds later he was desperately pumping away at his cock. He was getting close, panting heavily, almost angrily at the position the boys had put him in. It would serve them right if he shot his load right there, that would probably ruin their plans for him. He decided he was going to do it. It wouldn't take long now, he was so close it would just take a few more seconds. “Stop!” Benny snapped. Josh wanted to continue but found himself almost uncontrollably obeying. He carefully slid his smooth cock back inside his underwear and zipped back up. The boys resumed their walk as if nothing had happened. Josh struggled to keep up, his erection rubbing against his underwear and the feeling of the clothes on his hairless body were keeping him annoyingly close to his latest denied orgasm. Thankfully, Josh's swelling had mostly reduced by the time he got home. He went in with the boys following close behind. Josh and Nick were greeted by their parents as they went into the kitchen where their Dad was cooking, their Mum walking in and out setting the dining table. “Hi Benny.” Mrs McKenzie said after greeting her own children as she saw the boy. “Hi Mrs McKenzie.” Benny said politely, turning a little shy. He hadn't seen either of the McKenzie parents for quite some time. “Thanks... thanks for having me.” Benny barely dared to make eye contact with the two adults, attempting to shield himself behind Josh and Nick. Josh was amazed to see the change in the boy. Having spent the last few days seeing Benny as his fierce, confident master, seeing him suddenly turn into this kid, feeling shy around these relative strangers was quite a shock. Josh found his feelings split again. Part of him was almost buzzing with joy seeing his master turn so humble. He wanted to taunt the boy, knowing his taunts would trigger some deliciously cruel treatment in return. Maybe a rough fuck. He knew Benny hadn't cum all day and thought about the huge load the boy could fill him with. His other side, however, was shocked by his own thoughts. For the first time since all this started, Josh saw Benny for what he was... a thirteen-year-old boy. A child. A knot formed in his stomach as he thought about that word. Child. He knew everything he had done with Benny was consensual. Nothing the boy had engaged in was forced or tricked but did that really make it okay? Josh's heart was racing, for a moment he thought he was going to throw up. “I'll be back in a minute.” Josh said, dashing out of the kitchen and up the stairs. Benny and Nick looked at each other, confused. They could tell something was wrong with Josh but didn't want to arouse suspicion by running after him. Instead they went back into the hallway and into the lounge. “Hi Cor.” Nick said, seeing his little brother sitting in an armchair playing on his 3DS. “Hey.” Corey said, not allowing himself to be distracted from the game. “This is Benny.” Nick introduced the boy. “Hi.” Benny said politely. “Hi, whatever, can't talk, concentrating.” Corey insisted, eyes fixed on the screen of his device. Nick just looked at Benny, shrugged and smiled. The two boys sat on the sofa on the opposite side of the room to Corey. “What do you think was up with Josh?” Benny asked, looking at the door. “No idea, but did you see how pale he went?” Nick said, looking worried. “D'you think it was something we did?” Benny said quietly. He needn't have bothered being quiet, Corey was so engrossed in his game that the two boys could probably have stripped and started fucking right there on the sofa and he wouldn't have noticed. “I dunno. He seemed okay coming over here.” Nick said, shrugging. “Maybe I should go and check on him.” Benny suggested, starting to get up. Nick reached out and gestured for Benny to stay put. “No, I'll go. You stay here and enjoy the company.” Nick said, grinning as he looked over at his inattentive little brother. He got up and headed upstairs. He didn't bother knocking on Josh's door, he just walked straight in. Josh was sat on the edge of his bed, his face buried in his hands. Nick squatted in front of his brother, reached up and took hold of his hands and pulled them away. His face exposed, Josh looked at his little brother, tears in his eyes. “Oh my God, what's wrong?” Nick asked, still holding onto Josh's hands. “He's thirteen!” Josh said, his voice distressed. Nick just looked at him, confused. “And you're just realising this now?” he asked, unsure where this had come from. “Yes. No. I...” Josh stuttered, frustrating himself with his inability to verbalise his conflicted thoughts. “I know he's thirteen, I'm not saying I didn't. It's just... I forgot... I don't know... I forgot how young that is.” Nick was starting to get the idea. It was something he hadn't really thought about much. At first when he saw Benny sat on that bench, revealed as Josh's mysterious master, it had flashed through his mind that his nineteen-year-old brother had been intimate with someone younger than himself, but the thought had got lost amongst the hormones and the excitement. “It's not like you're hurting him. I mean, he's the one calling the shots.” Nick replied. “It's not about hurting him. It's about... it's about right and wrong.” Josh explained. “And what you're doing is wrong?” Nick asked. “You don't think so?” Josh asked incredulously. “No, well yeah it's illegal and stuff, but you enjoy all this crap, and I know Benny does. I mean, seriously, he absolutely adores you.” Nick replied honestly as he looked up into his brother's eyes. Josh just sat for a moment, taking in what Nick had said as his little brother stared at him. He let go of Nick's hands and tipped backwards to lay on his bed. Running his fingers through his hair, Josh took a deep breath. “I love him.” Josh said, almost as if he were reluctantly accepting the fact. Nick stood and looked down at Josh. “And I'm pretty sure he loves you too.” Josh looked at Nick for a moment, sat back up and put his arms around Nick's waist, his head pressing into his little brother's stomach. “What do I do?” he asked. Nick placed his hands gently on Josh's shoulders. “I can't tell you that. All I can say is, don't beat yourself up over it. Nobody's getting hurt.” “Not true.” Josh said, thinking back to what had happened earlier with Nick's forfeit. Nick knew what he was thinking without having to say a word. “That was... different. And besides, you stopped it before I really got hurt.” He pulled away from Josh a little, leaned over and kissed his brother on the cheek then smiled. “Thanks for being there.” Josh pulled Nick back into the hug for a moment, then stood and headed for the door. “I'm being stupid. Let's go back downstairs.” “You sure? You still... don't seem right.” Nick said, concerned. “Thanks, but I'll be fine. Hey, where's Benny anyway?” Josh asked as they headed for the stairs. “I left him in the lounge with Corey.” Nick replied. Josh stopped and looked back at him. “You left Benny with Corey? Alone? You do realise he's probably filmed him doing something embarrassing and blackmailed him into taking his clothes off already!” Josh joked with a grin, making his younger brother laugh. ***** After dinner, and dessert, and a lot of questioning by the McKenzies about every single thing they could think to ask Benny about, the meal finished. Corey had retreated back to the lounge on his 3DS. “Come on, we should get going.” Josh said, “Thanks for dinner Dad.” He headed into the hallway to put his trainers on with Benny following. “Oh, I never thanked your parents for dinner.” Benny said, heading back into the dining room, as Nick came out and headed towards Josh. “Hey. Glad I got you alone. You gonna be okay?” Nick asked quietly, looking back to where Benny had just been. “Yeah, thanks for earlier. I think I just needed to get it out.” Josh said. He stood up, kissed Nick on the forehead and gave him a quick hug. “You need to talk again, I'm here. Remember I can do more than just give blow jobs!” Nick said with a sly grin before walking away. He bumped straight into Benny who emerged from the dining room. The two boys looked at each other, moving side to side in an attempt to get out of each other's way. Eventually Nick grabbed Benny on his arms and moved him aside, then walked past, laughing at their impromptu dance. Benny laughed too, but the merriment soon dropped from his face. “Nick. I just wanted to say again... about this morning...” “Not a problem.” Nick said casually. “Already forgotten. Night.” With that, Nick was gone. Benny slipped on his trainers and walked out as Josh opened the door then closed it behind them. “That was nice.” Benny said cheerfully. “I like your family.” “Really? Do you want them?” Josh offered jokingly. “You know you love them too.” Benny insisted as they walked. Josh just shrugged non-committally. As they reached the end of the driveway, Josh headed right to go back to Benny's house but stopped as he realised Benny wasn't with him. He looked back and saw Benny had turned the other way. “Where you going?” Josh asked. “Let's go to the park.” Benny suggested. Josh pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked the time. “Too late. It gets locked up at seven and it's nearly eight.” “Who cares, let's just sneak in then.” Benny grinned, taking a few steps backwards and gesturing for Josh to follow. Josh shook his head but couldn't being amused by Benny as he followed the younger boy. His earlier concerns were still floating through his mind as he walked with the boy, but he decided to try and follow Nick's advice. It was difficult, but once Benny started squeezing his cock every couple of minutes the horniness took over and it suddenly got a lot easier. Josh was glad Benny's alarm didn't go off at eight. It had gone off during dinner, triggering the three boys to burst into laughter, much to the confusion of Corey and his parents. Benny had apologised and turned the alarm off so it wouldn't interrupt their meal again and didn't appear to have resumed it. When they reached the gates to the park they found it was locked just as Josh had said. Benny didn't let that stop him though. He climbed up the fence and hopped down onto the ground on the other side. Checking for anyone who might be watching, Josh followed. Once inside, Benny took hold of Josh's hand and the two walked along slowly. Neither spoke, both of them just enjoying the peace and quiet. Josh had seen the park quiet before, but he had never been in it when it was closed before. It was almost creepy how quiet the area was. As the two boys neared the lake, they marvelled at the sight of the setting sun reflecting off of the lake. It was still about half an hour until sunset, but the Sun was just starting to sink behind the tall trees on the opposite side of the lake. The oranges and yellows in the sky reflecting off of the lake and bathing the area in a beautiful golden glow. Benny stopped walking, reached up behind Josh's neck and pulled his head down into a kiss. The older boy wrapped his arms around Benny, then stood up straight, lifting the boy as he did so, maintaining the kiss. Benny wrapped his legs around Josh's waist and the two stood for a several minutes, wrapped up in each other, kissing in the golden light. When Josh finally lowered the boy to the ground, Benny pulled at Josh's clothes, indicating he wanted them removed. Josh said nothing, he just looked round nervously as he began to undress. Even though he knew there was nobody around, being naked in such an open, visible public place was scary. He wondered what Benny was going to make him do. As he looked at the lake and the path surrounding it, remembering Ryan's naked run the day before. Maybe the boy had something like that in mind. As Josh looked on expectantly, Benny pulled off his t-shirt, adding it to the pile of Josh's clothes before pulling down and stepping out of his shorts and underwear. Josh took a deep breath as he looked at the boy standing before him, completely exposed. The younger boy jumped at him. Josh caught him as Benny wrapped his legs around the naked man again, Josh's arms found their way back around him too. The two kissed again, this time with the added exhilaration of skin on skin, enhanced by Josh's recent smoothness. A few moments later, Josh dropped to his knees and tipped Benny back to lay on the grass, letting go of him. Josh kissed his neck, slid his tongue down the boy's chest, another kiss, the tongue slid further, a kiss on the stomach. Benny mewed with delight as he felt Josh's tongue reach his stiff cock. Several times the older boy licked it before taking it into his mouth. Benny closed his eyes, lost in the feeling of his slave's mouth around his organ. He considered letting Josh make him cum like that, but before he finished, Benny pushed him away. Following Benny's wordless directions, Josh rolled over onto his back then pulled his knees back exposing his puckered hole to the fading light of the sunset. Benny moved down in front of Josh and buried his face in the man's hairless crack, licking around the hole, pushing his tongue in. The tongue fucking made Josh gasp with pleasure as the boy worked, the sound seeming amplified in the eerie silence of the park. When he eventually stopped licking, Josh almost asked him to continue, that was, until he felt Benny's erection pushing at his hole instead. Josh relaxed his hole as Benny pushed his way inside. Benny's cock wasn't big. Josh knew he could take a lot more, but feeling the whole of the boy's organ inside him was enough to excite Josh beyond belief. Benny started pumping in and out, the boy almost seeming to glow from the setting Sun behind him as Josh looked up. As he had expected, because of the boy's lack of release throughout the day, it didn't take long before he was moaning excitedly and shooting a heavy load inside of Josh. The older boy moaned happily as the boy's warmth began to spread inside him, his sounds intermingling with Benny's own pleasured moans. He continued thrusting until every drop had been shot then pulled out. Josh lowered his legs and Benny leant forward, laying on top of him. The two naked boys lay there holding each other as the Sun finished setting. Josh considered asking Benny if he was allowed to cum yet, but he didn't want to interrupt the beautiful moment so he just lay there, his erection pressed beneath the younger boy's body until he finally climbed off. Still without saying a word, Benny started to get dressed, Josh doing the same. Fully clothed now, Benny started walking back to the exit of the park, once again holding Josh's hand. It wasn't until they were clear of the park that either of them spoke, almost as if talking would shatter the illusion of the experience they had just shared. “So what do you want to do when we get in?” Benny asked, the first to speak, not even acknowledging what they had just done. Josh turned to him with fake look of surprise on his face. “You mean you don't have anything planned for me?” “Not tonight.” Benny said, not responding to Josh's expression in the slightest. “Most of that stuff will be starting tomorrow.” Josh's mind was swimming with possibilities. What had he got planned? Benny snapped him out of this thoughts before he could get too distracted. “Still no cumming tonight though, just to be clear.” He reached out and squeezed Josh's cock. “Oh come on. I think my balls might actually explode if I don't cum soon.” Josh pleaded. Benny stopped walking, turned to face Josh, grabbed the neck of his t-shirt and pulled his face close. “You won't cum and you won't mention it again. That's. An. Order!” he said sternly. “Yes Sir.” Josh gulped. They carried on walking, neither saying another word until they reached Benny's house. “So what do you wanna do?” Josh asked as they made their way inside. “I don't know yet.” Benny said. The two boys sat down in the lounge. Benny pulled his phone out and sent a quick message. The reply came just as quickly and Benny jumped back up out of his seat. “Okay, follow me.” he ordered Josh who followed obediently. They went up to Benny's room and the younger boy took a seat at his computer, turned it on and opened up Skype. Once it was on, he turned to Josh and snapped, “Strip!” Josh immediately did as ordered and stood naked in front of his master. “Good boy.” Benny said sweetly. “Now, we don't want you giving in to temptation and doing anything naughty.” Benny picked up the restraints that had been discarded earlier when Nick had been released, securing Josh's hands behind his back. “What do you want me to do Sir?” Josh asked eagerly. There was something about being restrained under Benny's command that just got him really excited. An incoming call popped up on skype. “Just sit and watch.” Benny ordered, then want back to the desk chair and answered the call. As the video feed started, Josh saw that it was Nick. From where he was sitting, he could see both his brother and Benny quite clearly, while Nick had a clear view of him sitting behind Benny too. Was this going to be like the other night? Was he going to get played with for the pleasure of the two horny boys? Spanked? Punished? He had to stop thinking about it, the thoughts were turning him on too much. “Okay, take your top off.” Nick said to Benny. Benny lifted his t-shirt, exposing his chest to Nick, then dropped it back down. “Nah, you first!” Benny smiled. Nick pulled his t-shirt off, exposing his chest to the watching boys. “Your turn.” he said, a hand rubbing over his chest. “Okay.” Benny agreed, then pulled his own top off. “Your turn again.” Nick moved around a little on screen, the lifted his shorts up and said, “Done!” Benny followed Nick's lead and did the same, removing his shorts without showing any more skin on cam. “Let's see the goods then.” Benny requested. Nick stood back from the camera, revealing his near naked body, erection obvious in his underwear. Josh watched, mesmerised. He had initially thought he was going to get played with, edged again, dreading the prospect. Somehow this was worse. Were the boys really going to just play with each other and ignore him? He would have given anything right then to have Benny playing with his straining cock, even if it was only to tease him. “And you?” Nick asked. Benny stood and revealed his body to the older boy watching him. “Okay, on three?” he asked, to which Nick nodded. “One.” “Two.” Nick added. “Three!” both boys said in unison. At the same time, they pulled down their underwear, two young stiff cocks popping free. Josh let out a groan of pleasure, making his brother and Benny giggle. Both boys returned to their seats, sitting back far enough to show everything to each other. Benny started stroking his little four incher, his other hand alternating between playing with his nipples and caressing his balls. Meanwhile, Nick began stroking too. As he did so, he spread his legs wide and slouched in the chair, revealing his hole to Benny and Josh. He licked a finger and slid it inside. Josh gasped again. Seeing the two boys pleasuring themselves but not being able to touch himself was torturous. His cock was twitching helplessly, pre-cum oozing down the shaft, tickling his balls as it dribbled down. Nick slipped a second finger in. “Mmm, mmm, mmm.” he moaned each time his fingers teased his prostate, still tender from Josh's vigorous fingering earlier in the day. “I'm gonna cum.” Nick called out. “Not yet.” Benny ordered, Nick immediately slowing his stroking in response. Seeing his little brother following Benny's orders was almost more than Josh could take, his cock so strained it felt like it would go off at any moment. Nick continued slowly fingering and stroking, his moans getting more and more high-pitched. “Can I... cum yet?” he gasped. From the look on his face, he was getting desperate. “Not yet.” Benny repeated, his own stroking speeding up a little. “Sir... please.” Nick gasped weakly, fingers still working away. “Okay, now.” Benny gave the permission. Literally seconds after permission was received, Nick's cock erupted. Covering the boy's face, chest and stomach with his cream. He quickly stopped playing, not wanting a repeat of the sensations he had been forced to endure at Benny's hand. “Ah fuck!” Josh called out, making his little brother grin as he casually sat picking up globules of cum and sucking them from his fingers. “Where do you think I should cum?” Benny asked, his stroking slowing a little as he got close. “Behind you!” Nick said, looking at his naked brother sat behind the boy. “Good thinking.” Benny agreed. Still stroking, he got up and walked over to Josh. He knelt on the bed next to the older boy. Josh subconsciously opened his mouth as the cock came near, hoping it was heading that way. Instead, with a yell of intense pleasure, Benny shot his second load of the evening all over Josh's smooth chest. Nick was watching intently from the computer screen. Josh was gasping, his cock pulsating. As Benny leant over to lick his cum from Josh's chest, the older boy closed his eyes. “Oh fffff....” It took every ounce of strength Josh had to hold back the orgasm, but he managed it. Benny took the last drop of cum in his mouth, then kissed Josh, pushing the cum into his mouth. Josh eagerly accepting it, wishing he could taste more or that the kiss would have lasted longer. Benny climbed off the bed. “Thanks for that.” he said casually to Nick as he approached the computer. “No problem, night guys.” Nick said, then hung up. Benny clicked off his monitor. “Did you enjoy that?” Benny asked, climbing back onto the bed next to Josh.. Still on the brink of orgasm and breathing heavily, Josh just nodded. Benny let the desperate man recover a little before releasing him from the restraints. “Wanna watch another movie?” Benny asked. Josh looked at him and then down at his own still solid prick. “Don't worry, I won't put the alarm back on.” Relieved at that news, Josh smiled and nodded. They decided to watch in the lounge as the TV was a lot bigger than the one in Benny's room. Neither of them bothered to get dressed though, the two of them cuddling up together on the sofa to watch the movie Benny had chosen. “Get me a drink.” Benny ordered a few minutes into it. “Get it yourself.” Josh laughed. The laughter didn't last long as he felt Benny's small fingers wrap around his balls and squeeze. “Ow!” He jumped up out of the seat. “What was that for?” “It was a reminder.” Benny said sternly. “Of what?” Josh asked, gently cupping his balls in one hand. “That I'm the boss. I've been lenient today, easing you in, but don't get too cosy. When I give an order, you obey. Immediately!” Benny was now standing right in front of him now, poking his finger into Josh's chest as he spoke. Josh gulped, his cock swelling in response to his master's aggression. “O... okay.” he stuttered. “Okay?” Benny said, disgusted. He slapped Josh, hard, the older boy looking back at him in shock. Josh grabbed his stinging cheek, a look of fear spreading across his face as his cock reached full length. “I mean, yes Sir!” “That's better boy. Now, I think I ordered a drink.” Benny said, some of the anger fading. “Yes Sir.” Josh replied quickly, then ran out to the kitchen. Benny collapsed back down onto the sofa, his legs shaking. “Holy fuck.” he whispered to himself. He had thought about doing that a lot earlier in the day but decided against it, thinking it may be too much for Josh to handle. He was close to doing it earlier when he told Josh to stop asking about cumming, but lost his nerve. He didn't know where he had found the courage to do it now, but he was glad he did. As scary as it was, the power felt amazing, especially seeing how much it had turned Josh on. That, in turn, had tuned the young boy on too. He reached won and grabbed his stiffening cock. 'The bitch is back.' Benny thought with a smile. Chapter 13 Josh awoke with a moan. He had rolled onto his stomach and the pressure on his swollen cock caused a slight twinge of pain. He rolled onto his back, looking briefly at the back of the boy curled up next to him, still sleeping soundly. He reached down and took hold of his cock, his fingers barely meeting as he grasped the shaft. 'Fuck, I gotta cum so bad.' he thought to himself. He reached up and rubbed his cheek, still slinging slightly from the slap Benny had given him last night. Thinking about it made his cock dance. He slid his hand up and down the length of his manhood but let go after just a couple of strokes. 'No, no cumming. Benny would kill me!' Doing his best to try and ignore the problem, he turned to his side and watched his young master sleep for a few moments. He reached out and slid an arm under the boy's neck, moving his whole body right up against Benny's back as he did so, spooning the sleeping teen. Benny stirred slightly, moved a little to get more comfortable in Josh's arms but remained asleep. With his free hand, Josh gently ran his fingers up and down the boy's arm, enjoying the silky soft feel of his skin. As Josh lay there, face nuzzled into the boy's neck, fingers gently exploring his body, his mind wandered back to the previous evening and the mini breakdown he had. His own doubts about what he was doing with Benny, coupled with Warren's words, 'nineteen and thirteen, that's just not gonna work' should have been enough to stop him ever doing anything with the boy ever again. Yet here he was, holding the boy in his arms, almost exploding with happiness and contentment. Benny began to move, twisting round on the spot to face Josh, the bigger boy's arm still wrapped around him. “Hi.” he said sweetly with a sleepy smile. “You're so beautiful.” Josh replied. The compliment was unplanned, but as he saw the gorgeous boy looking at him, he just had to say it. Benny said nothing in response, he just kissed Josh gently on the lips and lay back in place. “See, I told you I'd make sure mine was the first face you saw.” Josh said, thinking of the promise he had made to Benny the previous morning. Benny's eyes suddenly widened. “Oh my God, it's morning. We need to get up.” He sat up in the bed. “Aww, no more cuddles?” Josh asked, putting on a sad face. Benny smiled at him, gave him another quick kiss and then jumped over him to get out of the bed. “Sorry stud, I'd love to cuddle, but I don't wanna miss the delivery.” “Oh yeah, I forgot about that.” Josh said, stretching. “You gonna tell me what you ordered?” “Nope. Now listen out for the door while I have a shower.” Benny said happily, dashing out of the room. Josh's hands soon found their way back to his still swollen shaft. Benny popped back in a minute later and said, “And no wanking, the rule still stands.” “Fine!” Josh said, raising his hands in the air. “I won't touch it.” Once Benny was done in the shower, Josh went in after. He had to be very careful cleaning his erection, he was so sensitive he almost shot a load just soaping it up. Once he had got out and dried off, he went downstairs to find Benny. He hadn't bothered dressing, figuring the boy would just tell him to strip anyway. Benny was sat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen eating a bowl of ridiculously unhealthy-looking cereal. Josh looked at it and opted to make some toast instead, popping two slices of bread in the toaster. “Just so you know, when the delivery comes, you'll be answering the door.” Benny said between mouthfuls. Josh immediately knew the boy meant to embarrass him, but asked anyway. “Do you mean naked? Cos I really don't wanna do that.” “No, of course not.” Benny said shovelling more sugar-coated junk in his mouth. Josh was relieved at Benny's sudden kindness. He should have known better than to get his hopes up though as Benny continued. “You'll be wearing a towel, which you will 'accidentally' drop when accepting the package.” “Ah, Benny, please...” he started, but his master gave him a stern look, much like the one right before he had slapped him last night. Josh said no more. Much like it had been when he had been pre-warned of his next embarrassment back in the swimming pool, Josh found himself really wishing he didn't know what was coming next. After he ate his breakfast, he sat there in the lounge watching TV with Benny, dreading the prospect of the doorbell ringing. Every now and then he glanced round at the towel Benny had provided for him to wear. It wouldn't be difficult to make the towel drop when he needed to, the thing was so small he would struggle to get it to stay on in the first place. When the doorbell finally rang, both boys jumped out of their seats, Benny virtually throwing the towel at Josh who wrapped it around his waist. He walked out slowly into the hallway and pulled the door open. The delivery man was in his early 30s and looked very much like he disliked his job. When he saw Josh stood there in the towel he barely even flinched. “Delivery for you.” he said flatly. He tapped a few buttons on his handheld device and passed it to Josh. “Sign here please.” Josh reached out and took it. As he did so, he took a breath in and stretched a little at the same time. All if took was that slight movement and the towel dropped away to the floor. He looked down at it, then up at the delivery guy who just smirked. Not wanting to appear panicked, he just signed his name on the device and handed it back. He reached down for the towel and tried to wrap it back around him, but a few seconds later the man outside was handing him a large box. Reaching out to take it, the towel dropped away again. Josh stood there holding the large item in his arms, leaving himself completely visible from the waist down. Worst of all, the embarrassment was starting to turn him on, his cock visibly curving upwards with each passing second. He struggled to turn around in the hallway carrying the large package, but he eventually put it on the ground behind him. He turned back to close the door, now fully aroused, giving the stranger a perfect frontal view. Blushing heavily, Josh just stuttered, “Have a good day.” and closed the door on the man who was now laughing out loud. As soon as the door was closed, Benny ran out into the hallway, laughing hysterically. “I can't believe I just did that.” Josh groaned. “And I got hard too!” Benny, still laughing, walked over to him and gave the stiff cock a few gentle strokes, pulled Josh into a quick kiss and said, “You did very well, boy.” Josh couldn't help smiling despite his embarrassment. There was something about pleasing his master that filled him with endless joy. As the boys turned to head into the lounge, the doorbell rang again. “He probably wants another look!” Benny giggled. He walked to the door and looked out of the little window to the side of it. “You can get it.” Josh looked quite worried. Dropping the towel and giving the illusion of it being an accident made what he did excusable so the victim was less likely to react badly. Just opening the door to a stranger completely naked could only be intentional. Josh took hold of the handle, pushed it down and slowly pulled the door open. “Wow, now that's a greeting!” Warren said happily from the doorstep. “Warren, what are you doing here?” Josh asked, shocked to see him stood there. “I invited him.” Benny said from behind him. “Now are you gonna let him in or stand there flashing the neighbours all day?” Josh had been so shocked to see Warren that he had almost forgotten he was naked. Benny's comment shocked him out of it and he jumped aside, eagerly closing the door behind the new arrival. “I'm just gonna get rid of this.” Benny said, picking up the large box. “You two go into the lounge.” He started manoeuvring the box up the stairs as Josh headed through the door. Warren followed, giving the older boy's arse a cheeky pinch. Josh jumped and looked back at the boy as they entered the lounge. “I didn't know Benny had invited you. Any idea what he wants?” he asked, slightly concerned at the boy's presence considering what had happened to Nick the day before. “Actually he didn't really invite me, so much as order me. He said if I didn't come he'd post the video of us on the Internet.” Warren explained, taking a seat. “But you said he's just messing around with all this, right?” “I dunno.” Josh said, the response making Warren look a little nervous. “He WAS messing around, but he seems to be starting to take it a lot more seriously.” Warren just shrugged. “Hey, it's all been fun so far. Let's just relax and go with it. Things start going wrong we can worry about it then!” Again Josh found himself amazed at the boy's resolve. How could someone so young be so calm, so rational. “Besides, last time I followed Benny's orders, I got a blow job from a hot nineteen-year-old. If that's the worst that's gonna happen, I think I'll live.” Josh smiled cheesily at Warren. “You think I'm hot.” “And old. Don't forget old too. I'm guessing that's what happened to all your hair? Fell out from old age?” Warren joked. Josh had completely forgotten about his recent de-hairing. The boy pointing it out like that suddenly made him squirm with embarrassment. “Oh yeah, that.” “I'm guessing that's Benny's handiwork.” Warren said, entertained by the older boy's embarrassment. “Yeah, punishment for... something.” Josh said, not wanting to give the whole story. “Something?” Warren probed. He wasn't that curious, but as he realised talking about it was making Josh uncomfortable, he just had to ask more. “For cumming on Saturday night without permission.” Josh said, avoiding looking at the boy. “You need permission to cum? That's amazing!” Warren laughed. “So when did you last cum?” “Saturday night. He's not let me cum since.” Josh explained. Warren reached over and stroked Josh's leg in an attempt to teasingly increase his arousal. “Wow, you must be gagging for it by now.” Josh just nodded. “I don't know how much longer I can resist.” “Funny you should say that.” Benny said, walking in, having listened to the end of the conversation from outside. “I'm gonna help you resist.” “What you gonna do to him?” Warren asked eagerly. “Right now, nothing. We need to let him calm down a bit before I can do anything.” Benny said, jumping onto one of the armchairs and putting a small box down on the arm. “So let's just play on my xbox until he goes down.” Josh was embarrassed having the two boys talking about him like that. The boys started playing on the xbox which had been moved into the lounge to use with the big TV. As Josh played, his mind kept wandering onto what Benny might have planned which just served to prolong his persistent erection. As they came to the end of a game, Warren looked round at Josh and called out, “Looks like he's ready.” Benny quickly grabbed the box and pulled out the item inside. He had Warren cover Josh's eyes while he got to work with his new toy. Josh felt Benny playing with his cock, then felt cold metal closing around his balls, then his cock. “All done.” Benny said. Warren uncovered Josh's eyes and the two of them looked down where Benny had been working. There was a small metal device completely encapsulating his cock, the back of it lopped round his balls too. “What's that?” Warren asked in shock. “That, is a chastity device. And once I do this...” Benny started, then reached over and clipped a small metal padlock onto it, “... he won't even be able to touch his cock without my permission.” Josh reached down and tugged at it. It was secure. There was no way he'd be getting it off without the key. “So no cumming yet I'm guessing.” Josh said sadly. “Afraid not. Well, not for you anyway. I've got a feeling me and Warren are gonna be cumming quite a few times today.” Benny looked up at Warren. “Unless you've got any problems with that?” Warren was transfixed by the device, still staring at it. “No, that's fine with me.” he said, tearing his eyes away from it to look at Benny. He suddenly wondered what he had agreed to, but soon found his eyes wandering back to Josh. Benny smiled at Warren's fascination. “Stand up.” He ordered Warren, who obeyed immediately. Standing in front of Josh, Benny slowly undressed the boy. As more of Warren's body became exposed, Josh began to squirm. “Ow.” Josh muttered quietly. He pulled gently at the metal contraption encasing his cock. Benny chuckled sinisterly. “I forgot to mention it may hurt a little when you start to get hard.” Benny pulled down Warren's shorts, revealing his underwear-clad bulge. Josh stared at it longingly, moaning slightly. Up until then, he had hated his near constant erection, wishing over and over for it to go down, or for release. Now though, not being able to get a boner was even worse. Watching his master strip Warren was exciting and he would have loved to feel his cock swelling at the sight of it, knowing Benny would probably touch it, tease it, edge it. Benny turned Warren to face Josh, then from behind pulled down the boy's underwear, releasing the swollen meat right before his slave's eyes. Josh reached up to touch it, but Benny snapped, “Hands down!” Josh obeyed and lowered his hands, staring straight ahead at the boy's tool. Warren remained silent, unsure of what Benny was going to do. As he looked down at Josh and the device, he felt Benny's hands reach around from behind him and grab his rigid dick. Both of them wrapped around the shaft together making Warren gasp happily. Benny was only the second person who had ever touched him like that. It felt even stranger that the first man to have touched him in that way was sat right in front of him, watching him get his cock stroked by another boy. Having the older boy's eyes examining him while Benny touched him seemed to make every touch more electrifying, especially the mixed expressions of pain and desire on Josh's face. Benny's hand continued stroking as Warren leaned back against him, enjoying the feeling of the other boy's body pressed up against him. One of Benny's hands slid away from Warren's cock, working its way up his smooth stomach, over his chest, grazing a nipple on the way past, eliciting a gentle moan from both Warren and Josh simultaneously. The older boy moved his hand over his own body, mimicking Benny's teasing of Warren, slowly becoming breathless in anticipation. Seeing the effect their display was having on Josh was enough to push Warren over the edge. With a pleasured whimper, he shot several blasts of cum at Josh, hitting his chests and splatting heavily down onto his legs and crotch. Josh had to cum. If he thought he had needed it before, it was nothing compared to that moment. As he felt Warren's warmth hitting him, he grabbed for his cock, momentarily forgetting the restraint. Benny teased the last few drops from Warren's slowly softening prick, flicking them onto Josh before letting go and moving round to get a better view of Josh. He smiled as he took in the results of his handiwork, Warren catching his breath and Josh still panting with excitement as he looked down at the globs of cum working their way down his chest. “My turn.” Benny said happily. With the other two watching, he pulled off his clothes and gave his stiff cock a few quick tugs. He climbed up onto the sofa, placing a foot either side of Josh. “Open up.” Josh did as ordered and opened his mouth wide as Benny lowered his cock into it. When his cock was fully engulfed, his balls against Josh's chin, he pushed a little further, forcing the older boy's head back against the sofa cushion. Once Josh's head was back as far as it would go, Benny started fucking his mouth. Warren watched excitedly. He had seen Benny naked before, but not with a boner. To see the boy strip in front of him so casually, play with his cock and mount Josh was shocking. Benny looked round at him and ordered, “Clean him up!” He pointed at at the cum and Warren knew immediately what he meant. It was no big deal for Warren to lick up his own cum, he often did it anyway when he was jacking off at home. Now was a little different though. He wasn't just licking it up, he was licking it off of the naked man sat before him. He leant over and eagerly got to work. As his tongue made contact with Josh's stomach, the older boy grunted with pleasure, muffled by Benny's cock. Benny stood there fucking Josh's face, occasionally glancing down at Warren as he licked Josh clean. He could feel himself getting close so he slowed his thrusting a little. Warren had finished retrieving his cum and was now just licking Josh for his own pleasure. As much as he enjoyed seeing Warren do it, Benny was annoyed that the boy had done something without receiving an order. “If you're so keen to lick, my arse could do with some attention!” Benny barked at him. He was glad he had Josh to lean on as his legs quivered a little as he heard himself being so forceful. Warren looked up at Benny nervously, weary of the order. Gingerly he moved upwards until his face was right behind the boy's milky white cheeks. Placing a hand on each, he pulled them apart slightly, revealing the boy's tightly puckered hole. To get to Benny's arse comfortably, Warren found himself straddling Josh's lap, his slowly re-stiffening cock pressing into the older boy's stomach. Poking out his tongue and leaning forward, he gently licked across Benny's hole. “Fuck yeah.” Benny moaned in a whisper. His face fucking slowed almost to a standstill as he felt Warren's tongue begin to explore. Josh was struggling to breathe with Benny's cock filling his mouth, especially as his excitement was growing from what else was going on. Feeling the other boy's tongue all over his torso, then feeling him climb onto his lap, it was making his heart race as he thought, 'Fuck, if my cock wasn't locked in that thing, Warren would be sat right on top of my boner. He'd be riding my cock while he licks Benny's arse. Ow. Ah, stop trying to get hard, it won't work.' Warren continued licking at Benny's hole, pushing the tip of his tongue against it every few licks, every time getting a little further in. As he did it, he was grinding his now-solid cock against Josh's stomach. Benny felt his imminent orgasm growing. He resumed fucking his slave's face, knocking Warren back a little as he did it. “Ah, ffffffuuuuuck!” Benny called out. He grabbed a handful of Josh's hair, forcing his cock as far as he could into the older boy's mouth. He shot his load straight down Josh's throat, not pulling his cock out until it began to shrink a little. Warren climbed off of Josh and stepped back as Benny dismounted. “Well,” Benny said, smiling as he turned and saw Warren's erection. “Looks like you're ready to go again!” Warren just nodded eagerly in response. Benny turned back to Josh, bent over and buried his face in the older boy's neck. Josh closed his eyes, moaning contentedly as he felt his young master kissing him. Benny pulled away for a moment, looked at Warren, at his own arse sticking out then back to Warren. “What you waiting for?” Warren's eyes widened as he realised he had just had an invitation from Benny to fuck him. Without thinking about it, he dashed forward and pushed his cock into the boy's waiting hole. Fortunately it was still fairly wet from the tonguing it had received minutes before, allowing him to slide in fairly easily. As Benny felt the boy's solid tool work its way inside, he groaned with pleasure, the sounds muffled by Josh's neck which he continued to caress with his mouth. The older boy was in hell again. Benny's nuzzling, the sounds he was making, the look on Warren's face as he felt his cock entering Benny, it was all too much for him. His cock continued attempting to swell, but continued to be held back by the chastity device attached to him. Eventually he just closed his eyes, it was just too painful to see such a beautiful sight without being able to physically enjoy the stimulation of it. Warren was gradually building speed as he got used to the feeling of Benny's tight hole squeezing around his shaft. Even thought he had cum such a short time before, the intensity of the sensations were already giving him the early tingling of an imminent orgasm. As he saw Josh close his eyes, he felt a twinge of excitement at how much this must have been killing Josh. For a moment he felt bad taking pleasure in Josh's suffering, but it soon passed. He leant forward, draping his body across Benny's back, his face just reaching Josh's. As Josh continued to squeeze his eyes as tightly shut as he could in a vain attempt to ignore what was happening, he felt soft lips pressing against his own. He opened his eyes to see it was Warren kissing him. He raised his arm and grabbed hold of the back of the boy's neck, pulling him deeper into the kiss. His other hand went up without him even thinking about, but it found Benny instead of Warren, also grabbing the back of his neck. He sat there, one boy kissing his neck, the other his lips, the two boys thrusting back and forth in opposition as they fucked. The kissing continued as Warren began to whimper with excitement, his second load shooting deep inside Benny, who in turn also moaned with delight. Warren continued the fucking for as long as he could before his cock became too sensitive. He pulled out, ending his kiss with Josh at the same time. Benny turned and sat down next to Josh, leaning heavily on the older boy as he did so. Warren copied and sat the other side of him. “Damn that was good.” Benny said happily, a hand casually stroking Josh's leg. “Totally.” Warren agreed. “Was it good for you too?” Benny asked cruelly, his hand making it's way down to Josh's caged cock. The older boy just glared in response. “Aww, sorry Josh, would you like to cum?” “Yes!” Josh said eagerly at the thought of it. “I could take that thing off, then me and Warren could take it in turns licking your cock. Would you like that?” Benny asked, sliding his hand up Josh's smooth body until he reached a nipple. “Yes!” Josh called out again. Warren got the idea of what Benny was doing and also placed a hand on the older boy's chest. “Or we take turns sitting on your big cock. We could ride you until you shoot inside one of us. Does that sound good?” “Yes!” Josh said, his voice now more of a desperate whimper. “Or I could bend over and let you fuck me while Warren fucks you. He's very good at it!” “Yes.” Josh whimpered again, not caring that he hadn't even been asked anything that time. The two boys' hands continued stroking his hairless chest. “Maybe not.” Benny said, letting go of Josh which prompted Warren to do the same. “I don't think you really want it.” “I do. I want it.” Josh said aggressively. “I don't know.” Benny said, looking at Warren. “I think maybe he should beg for it.” “You're right. You're his master, he should definitely beg you to let him cum.” Warren added. Josh could see what the boys were doing. They were trying to humiliate him for their own entertainment. Part of him refused outright to give in to them. Fortunately that part of him was easily ignored. “Please Sir. Please, you have to let me cum I want it so bad.” “Hmm, not bad.” Benny said casually. “But you can do better than that.” Josh didn't care that he was saying this stuff in front of Warren. In fact, it seemed to be turning him on even more. He slid off of the sofa and dropped his head down to Benny's feet. “Please, I beg you, Sir, Master. Please, please just let me cum, I need it so badly. Please master, please.” “Okay, you can cum...” Benny said. As he did it, Josh popped his head up, smiling ecstatically, until Josh added, “... is what I'd be saying if your bits weren't locked away. But they are, so I can't. Sorry.” Josh's eyes watered a little. He couldn't believe that he was almost ready to cry, just because he was so desperate to cum. “Sir, no, please. At least tell me when I can cum, just so I know how long I have to wait.” “No, it's more fun this way. Now don't mention it again, or you'll get another slap.” Benny said, gently raising his hand. “Sorry Sir.” Josh said quietly, flinching back a little at the gesture. It made his cock tingle a little. “Now, how about we do something else for a little while.” Benny suggested. “Good idea. I'll need a little while before I can go again.” Warren smiled, playfully stroking his limp cock for emphasis. “Ok, but before that...” Benny said, smiling as a thought occurred to him. He got up and dashed to the door. A quick run upstairs then back down and Benny was stood there holding a bottle of lubricant and black rubber butt plug. “I wanna try this out first.” “On who?” Warren asked nervously. He fear turned into a smile though as he saw Benny grinning at Josh. “Stand up and grab your ankles.” Benny instructed as he almost skipped over to the slave boy. Josh did as ordered, the closed his eyes as he felt the two boys poking at his hole. He felt a sudden drop of something wet and cold. It soon warmed up as the two boys spread it around and into his hole. A few moments later, after the plug had been lubed up too, he felt the tip of it pressing into his slick sphincter. “Aah.” Josh called out more in surprise than pain. It felt so different from Benny's or Nick's cocks. As it began to slide inside him, it widened rapidly until it reached the point where it exceeded the width of Nick's cock which had, thus far, been the biggest thing inside him. He felt his hole stretching wider and wider to accommodate it until suddenly it narrowed and his own clenching muscle pulled it in further as it gradually shrunk around the large tool. “Now stand up.” Benny ordered now that the toy was inside his slave. Josh stood and gasped as he did. The plug suddenly found its way onto his prostate. “How does it feel?” Warren asked, curiously. “Big!” Josh replied, a little breathless at the feelings it was causing. Benny smiled at the young man's mixture of pleasure and pain. It was exactly the reaction he had been hoping for. “Okay, now let's go find something else to do.” Josh looked at Benny, asking a question he already knew the answer to. “Are you just gonna leave it in?” “Yup.” Benny said happily. “Although there is one thing I forgot.” He moved behind Josh, reached up to the plug and flicked a switch. The toy began to buzz as the vibrations started. “Haaaaa.” Josh called out, dropping to his knees and then leaning forward to stand on all fours. “Fuck.” he whimpered quietly as the vibrations sent wave after wave of pleasure through his body. At least in that position it wasn't pressed against his prostate any more. “On your feet, boy!” Benny snapped. With a yelp, Josh stood up again, his legs shaky. “Y... yes Sir!” “Right, NOW we can do something else.” Benny said, smiling wickedly. ***** The rest of the morning passed fairly innocently, the two younger boys entertaining themselves with video games, TV and teasing Josh. They had decided to remain naked, knowing that Benny's slave would enjoy the view, and he definitely was. Josh could barely take his eyes off of them. With the vibrating plug increasing his enjoyment and the chastity device holding him back, the tortured young man remained in a constant state of semi arousal. It wasn't so bad when Josh could remain seated as he found the best positions to be in to keep the vibrations off of his prostate. It was only when he had to move around that it got worse, the plug moving back and forth as he walked. When he had gone to make some lunch for himself and the boys, they had stopped playing their video games and instead sat at the breakfast bar watching him work. His constant yelps and moans as he walked around the kitchen soon had the boys rigidly hard again. So, of course, the two horny boys couldn't help playing with themselves, the sight of which only added to Josh's teasing. After they had eaten, and the boys again teased Josh while he washed up the dishes, they found themselves back in the lounge. “So what now?” Warren asked. “I think I wanna try out some more of my new toys.” Benny said, the smile on his face worrying both Josh and Warren. “Come on, let's go upstairs.” Benny lead the way, with Josh right behind him with Warren at back. Walking up the stairs, Josh felt Warren reach up and push on the plug. It pressed firmly against his prostate, causing him to yell out while his legs wobbled. Benny looked round, once again unamused at Warren's actions. Maybe it was time to teach the boy to follow orders. The three boys headed into the guest bedroom, where Josh would have been sleeping had he not been sharing a bed with Benny. 'At least it's gonna look like it's actually been used now!' Josh thought to himself as they walked in. The room was quite large and bright, fragrant from a couple of bowls of pot pourri, decorated with lots of pinks and florals. In the centre was a large four-poster bed. “Get on the bed.” Benny snapped at Josh, then turned to Warren. “You stay there.” The young master walked back out of the room and crossed the hall into his own bedroom. As he left, Josh climbed onto the bed. He looked round at Warren. The boy's expression betrayed his nervousness while his straining cock revealed his continued arousal. Benny walked back in moments later with an armful of assorted objects. Silently he approached Josh, made him flip over onto his stomach and began securing his wrist to one of the posts at the head of the bed. He had decided to use the new rubber restraints. The cuffs he had been using until then were strong, but he was worried that someone may notice the marks left on the wrists of the boys he restrained. The new rubber cuffs would leave a lot less marks. With one wrist secure, he walked round to the other side of the bed and started on Josh's other wrist. His arms were stretched out so far apart that he could barely move from side to side so for now he just lay his head on the pillows and waited. With the two arms secured, Benny pulled out two lengths of rope to secure his feet to the other two posts. Warren just stared at the boy in action. He was unsure what was about to happen, but the sight of Josh being secured into place was making his balls tingle with excitement. When Benny had finished tying the ropes, he gestured for Warren to come over to the bed. Cautiously Warren approached until he stood right beside it, then climbed on to kneel beside Josh. “What are we going to do?” he asked quietly. “WE aren't going to do anything. YOU are going to do something.” Benny said firmly. “Best take this out first though.” He reached over to the base of Josh's butt plug and pressed the button to turn it off. Josh's sigh of relief soon turned to a moan of pleasure and pain as Benny began to pull it out. His hole stretched quickly to allow it to slide out, then shrank back down as it emerged. The older boy took a few deep breaths, relieved to finally be free of it, but now worried about what was next. Benny got off of the bed, placing the butt plug down, then walked over to the last item he had brought in. It was a large wooden paddle, the main body of it about a foot and a half in length and eight inches wide. Six large holes were drilled into it in two lines of three. The boy picked it up and handed it to Warren who just stared at it in shock. “What do I do with it?” Warren asked, the paddle shaking in his hand. “You're going to spank Josh with it.” Benny said so casually that it sounded like it was just a normal part of his everyday routine. “What?” Warren and Josh exclaimed at the same time. First he looked at Warren. “I said you're going to spank Josh. I won't repeat myself again.” Then he turned to Josh who was desperately trying to look round at the tool in Warren's hands. “And you can shut the fuck up. I don't want another word from you until I say so. Understood?” Josh just nodded, then turned to bury his face in the pillows as he prepared for the inevitable. Warren looked terrified. The thought of hurting Josh, Benny's strict tone and stern expression, it was all a bit of a shock after such a playful morning. He raised the paddle, then looked at Benny who just nodded and smiled wickedly. He let it limply drop down onto Josh's bare arse, the impact barely making a noise. “What the fuck was that?” Benny called out in disgust. “Do it again and do it properly!” Again Warren raised the paddle, this time dropping it a little harder, making a quiet slap as it hit. “That was pathetic. I'm gonna give you one last try. Do it properly or you're going in Josh's place!” Benny threatened him. Even more scared than he was before, Warren raised the paddle one more time. Josh looked round at him, Warren stared back, frozen. Josh gently nodded his head and put on a weak smile, trying to tell Warren it was okay to do it. The paddle fell once more, this time with some effort behind it. The loud smack as it hit Josh's cheeks brought a broad smile to Benny's face, especially as he heard Josh's shout, muffled by the pillows. “Good boy.” Benny said to Warren. “Now, again!” The paddle was raised and smacked down once more. Josh whimpered into the pillow. He was sure it was even harder then the last one. Once again he felt the discomfort in his crotch as his cock attempted to swell within the device. He heard Benny call for another hit, the paddle striking down moments later. Again he cried out into the pillow. Warren looked distraught. He could tell how much he was hurting Josh and he hated every second, yet for some reason his cock was beginning to drip pre-cum. “Now five of them.” Benny ordered gleefully, playing with his boner as he spoke. Warren took a few deep breaths, then began. The paddle coming down rapidly five times in succession. Josh had yelled out on the first one, but let out a continuous scream after the second spank landed until the fifth one was done. The older boy tipped his head to the side, breathing heavily and whimpering slightly from the pain. Warren looked at Josh's reddened face and dropped the paddle. “Pick it back up.” Benny ordered. “No, I don't want to do this any more.” Warren said, standing back from the bed. “Really? Because it looks like you're enjoying this as much as I am!” Benny sneered, pointing at Warren's rigid cock. Josh momentarily forgot his pain. It was quite distressing to see Warren getting upset. The boy was usually so cool and calm. Seeing him now on the verge of tears made Josh want to jump up and hug him, but the restraints removed that option. He nearly called out to him instead, but remembered Benny's orders to remain silent and reluctantly obeyed. “Now, get back here or you'll take his place!” Benny said sharply, his eyes fixed on Warren's. Warren again looked at Josh who, through slightly teary eyes, smiled again. He decided to obey Benny's command, even though he didn't like it... or did he? He couldn't deny that he was hard as a rock. As he climbed back onto the bed and shakily picked up the paddle again, he looked at Benny for his next instruction. “Right, for that, things are gonna get a bit worse for Josh.” Benny said angrily. “Don't move.” Again he ran out of the room. “Josh, I'm sorry.” Warren whispered. “Shh, it's okay, just do what he says, I can take it.” Josh replied quietly. Benny ran back in holding a large bottle of lubricant. As he jumped back up next to Josh, he opened it and squeezed some onto his hand. He rubbed it onto Josh's blazing arse. The older boy was very confused. He had said he was going to make it worse, but the cool gel felt very soothing. “Hold out the paddle.” Benny commanded. As Warren held it out, he squeezed more lube onto the upward facing side of it and smeared it across the whole area. “Okay, now do it again, wet side down, and do it HARD!” Josh suddenly realised the purpose of the lubricant. Once, back in his school days, one of the other boys had slapped him on the back in the changing rooms with a wet hand. It stung like a bitch and left a bright red hand mark on his back for days afterwards. Realising how much worse the next hit would be, he buried his face back in the pillows and did his best to prepare for the imminent pain. Warren closed his eyes and swung the paddle down, wet wood meeting wet arse with a loud crack. Josh screamed in agony. It stung worse than anything he could have imagined. The young man's scream made both boys' cocks twitch with delight. “Again!” Benny called out. CRACK. Another scream. “Again!” CRACK. The boy was sobbing helplessly now, pulling at the restraints and squirming to get free. “AGAIN!” CRACK. Warren was disgusted with himself. Gradually he found himself not dreading Benny's command, but anticipating it eagerly, his cock bouncing wildly as he moved, pre-cum streaming from it. “AGAIN!” Benny yelled manically, wanking furiously. CRACK. It was the hardest one yet. “Benny.” Josh sobbed weakly, looking round at his master. Hearing Josh speak snapped him out of it. He knew he could continue, and Josh would probably take it, that was how obedient he seemed to be, but the boy was clearly in agony. “Enough.” Benny said as Warren raised the paddle again in preparation for the next strike. “Okay.” Warren said, seeming to also come out of his spank-induced trance. “Undo that side.” Benny said as he started untying Josh's limbs on his side of the bed. Josh rolled aside as his arm and leg on Benny's side were released. Benny sat in the middle of the bed, leaning back on the headboard. As Warren finished releasing Josh's other arm and leg, the older boy curled up into a ball, still crying in pain, resting his head on Benny's lap. “Shh, it's okay, it's over now.” Benny whispered quietly to Josh as he gently stroked his fingers through the crying boy's hair. Warren sat there, confused by his own feelings. He felt a sudden wave of nausea as he thought about the pain he had just inflicted, and the enjoyment he had got from doing it. As he looked over at the slave, being comforted by his master, he saw the boy's glowing red arse. A couple more strikes and he would probably have drawn blood... and he had been ready and willing to do so until he was ordered to stop. As the thoughts flowed through Warren's confused mind, he found his cock still remained rigid, slick with pre-cum. Josh's crying stopped and he found himself breathing heavily as he recovered. Laying there with his master, feeling the boy's fingers in his hair, hearing the gentle whispers of support, it almost made the pain worthwhile. Worst of all though, was the constant ache in his crotch. Despite the pain it caused him, his cock continued attempting to engorge. “Hey, you okay?” Benny asked as he looked over at Warren. Warren's hair had flopped down and covered most of his face, but the expression on the visible part made it painfully clear that he was most certainly not okay. Benny gestured for him to come closer. Warren crawled across the bed and curled up in a similar position to Josh on Benny's other side. As he felt Benny's hand start to gently rub his back, he reached over to Josh, who was laid there with his eyes tightly closed, and placed a hand on his arm. Josh opened his eyes and saw Warren laying opposite him. He smiled at the boy who attempted to smile back, but just ended up looking sad. The three boys remained like that for several minutes. Josh and Warren both recovering while Benny basked in the success of his plan. He had wanted to show Warren who was in charge and this had most definitely done the trick. He felt a little bad for using Josh the way he had though, although he quickly reminded himself that his slave had probably enjoyed every moment of it, despite the yelling and tears. “Okay, I think we've all had enough of this sort of thing for now. Let's go out for a while.” Benny said, finally breaking the silence. Josh looked up at him, worried at the mention of going outside. Benny smiled as he realised Josh's concern. “Don't worry, you can wear clothes!” Both boys laughed and even Warren joined in a little. Josh sat up, wincing slightly at the pain in his rear. “Before we go...” he said gingerly. “I could help you take care of them.” He pointed to the boy's cocks, both of which were still fairly enlarged. “Not gonna say no to that.” Benny smiled, looking at Warren. Warren finally smiled too. “Me neither!” he added. “Okay, both of you, kneel up and put your cocks together.” Josh instructed. The two boys did as they were told, putting an arm around each other to steady themselves on the soft mattress. They turned slightly towards each other so that their cocks met. Josh positioned himself so that he came face-to-face with the duo of dicks. He opened his mouth wide and took them both into it at the same time. Josh compared the two cocks with his tongue. Benny's was a couple of inches shorter than Warren's and thinner too, but both had their own unique flavour to them. Warren's was sweeter, mostly from the coating of pre-cum covering most of it. Thrusting his head back and forth on the two cocks, he looked up at the boys and saw that they had started kissing. Once again he found himself desperately wishing his cock was free. The thought of stroking his cock while sucking the cocks of the kissing boys just kept running through his mind, over and over. He heard the boys groaning into each other's mouths as first one cock and then the other began to twitch between his lips. In almost perfect unison, the two young dicks pumped their thick loads into Josh's throat. The amount of it surprised him and he choked a little, but managed to keep them in his mouth until they had finished. Letting go of the boys' softening organs, Josh knelt up in front of the them both, put his arms around them and pulled them close, giving each of them a quick kiss on the forehead. They grabbed him back and, as one, they fell onto the bad, laughing. “Fuck.” Warren chuckled as he lay there tangled up with the other two. “Is it always this intense?” Josh and Benny looked at each, smiled, looked back at Warren and replied, “Yes!” “Come on then.” Josh said, pulling free of the two boys' grasps. “Let's go out.” Once the three of them had retrieved their clothes, Warren and Josh stood by the door, ready to leave. A few moments later, Benny emerged from the dining room, stuffing something into his pocket. They didn't walk anywhere in particular, they just wandered aimlessly, enjoying the warm weather and chatting endlessly. Amazingly, the things they had done together never even came up. It wasn't intentional, as all three of them seemed quite happy and open about their new hobby, they just seemed too busy talking about everything else that popped into their minds. Josh felt an occasional twinge as from the contraption on his cock, or a slight wince of pain as his clothing rubbed against his sore arse, but he never mentioned it. Despite the lack of conversation of a sexual nature, Josh still found himself distracted by the thought of cumming. It had been nearly three days now since he last shot a load. He realised it was actually the longest he had done without doing it since he first started masturbating. Benny couldn't hold him back much longer, Josh's need to cum was becoming all-consuming. He was so engrossed in the conversation with the boys and his own thoughts that he barely even noticed Benny handing him an envelope as they approached a post box, the younger boy instructing him to put it in. Josh glanced at it briefly as it slid into the slot and noticed it was addressed to Benny. “Wait, what was that?” he asked curiously, interrupting the conversation. “It was some mail, obviously.” Benny said dismissively as he carried on walking. “But you addressed it to yourself!” Josh commented, keeping up with him. “I know.” Benny said, smiling. “Why would you send something to yourself?” Josh continued to probe him. Warren just followed along, as curious as Josh but letting the older boy ask the questions. “Because I wanted it out of the house until I was ready to use it.” Benny answered, stopping and grinning knowingly. “Benny, what was it?” Josh asked, worried that he already knew. “You know you asked when you'd be allowed to cum.” Benny said, grinning sadistically. Josh just nodded wearily. “Well it looks like I can answer you now. You'll be able to cum in two to three working days, when your key gets delivered back to my house!” Chapter 14 Josh lay there in a daze. Handcuffed to the bed, blindfolded, vibrating butt plug inserted once again, vibrating nipple clamps adding to his torture. It would have all felt amazing had his cock not been locked away in that damn chastity device, he could imagine it may have even been enough to push him over the edge and make him cum. In fact, he was starting to feel the beginnings an orgasm building anyway, simply from the prolonged prostate stimulation. They had been home for half an hour now. Half an hour since he found out that the key to his freedom was now working its way through the mail system and wouldn't be back in Benny's possession for a few days. Josh hadn't taken the news well. He had been secretly hoping that Benny would let him cum soon, but knowing that it simply wasn't possible now had dashed all hope. His complaints over the situation are what had now earned him this punishment. As soon as they got home he had been stripped, restrained and then inflicted with the various vibrating toys to tease him. The blindfold was intended to disorient him and make him lose track of time and it seemed to be working. Josh had no idea how long he had been laying there so far. A couple of minutes ago the doorbell had rang. Josh panicked momentarily, wondering if it was someone who might need to see who was in charge and that they might find their way inside and discover him. Explaining his current situation would be a little difficult. His worry continued as he heard someone walking up the stairs. They entered the room, approached the bed and stood there for a moment, then reached down and grabbed the blindfold. As it was pulled away and Josh's eyes began to focus, he saw Warren stood there alone. Josh tried to say something, but he hadn't realised just how much the ongoing stimulation was affecting him and all that came out wavering whimper. Warren reached down and removed the nipple clamps, turning them off as he did it the reached between Josh's legs and turned off the plug too. Josh panted happily. “Thanks.” he said between heavy breaths. “And hi.” Warren smiled as he took a seat on the bed. “Hi to you too.” “What's going on? Where's Benny?” Josh asked, noticing that Benny hadn't followed behind him. “He's downstairs.” Warren said, clearly looking concerned about something. “What's he doing?” “He's talking to my brother.” Warren replied nervously. “What's your brother doing here? And what's Benny talking to him about?” Josh asked, now looking as concerned as Warren. “He came to pick me up, but Benny answered the door. When they came back into the lounge, he just told me to come up here and wait with you.” Warren explained. He lifted his legs up onto the bed and lay next to Josh, resting his head against the older boy's chest. Josh wished he could lower his arm around the boy's shoulder, but his wrists were still secured to the bedposts. “Hey, don't worry. Whatever Benny's talking to him about, it's probably nothing. Maybe he's seeing if your brother can bring you over another day this week. That'd be pretty cool.” Warren looked up at Josh and smiled. “Yeah, it would. Today's been fun. Well, most of it anyway. I'm still really sorry about hurting you.” “It's not a problem. Would you think I was weird if I said I actually enjoyed it?” “Yes.” Warren replied quickly, then thought for a moment and added, “But I think you're weird anyway, it's one of the reasons I like you.” “One of the reasons?” Josh asked, smiling. “What are you other reasons?” “Great sex, of course!” Warren said. They both laughed. “And... I dunno, I feel like I can talk to you... about anything.” “You can.” Josh replied immediately. “If you ever need anything, I'll be there. If you ever wanna talk about anything, I'll listen.” Warren held tightly onto Josh. The two of them lay there for several minutes until Benny called from downstairs. “Warren, time to go.” he called out. “That didn't take long.” Warren said as he jumped up. “I don't know whether that's good or bad. Anyway, I should put you back the way I found you.” Before Josh could object, the butt plug had been turned back on, the nipple clamps returned and the blindfold slipped back over his eyes. Josh felt Warren's lips press against his own for a moment, then then boy pulled away, whispered, “See you soon.” and left the room. Once again Josh found himself laying there in torturous pleasure, his concept of time slowly slipping as the sensations returned. He wasn't sure how much later it was when Benny finally came to release him. After the nipple clamps had been removed and the butt plug gently pulled out, the blindfold came off. “Thank you.” Josh gasped. He had been breathing heavily for some time now. The prostate stimulation had been holding him right on the brink of an orgasm that just wouldn't come. “Are you going to complain about wanting to cum?” Benny asked, staring down at Josh with an expression the older boy was now learning to be wary of. “No Sir.” Josh replied timidly. “Good boy.” Benny replied, then started undoing Josh's wrist. Once both wrists were free, Josh sat up and started undoing the rope around his right ankle while Benny took care of the left. “So are we alone now?” Josh asked, stretching now that he was able to move. “Yeah. Warren left a while ago.” Benny replied, sitting next to his slave. 'And what about his brother?' Josh thought, but didn't want to say anything. He wasn't sure if he was meant to have spoken to Warren earlier and didn't want to get the boy in trouble with the increasingly-strict master. “What time is it?” “About half five. Was gonna leave you there til six but I got bored waiting for you.” Benny replied. “Good, I'm not sure how much more I could have taken.” Josh said, wincing a little as he rubbed his aching nipples. “What shall we do tonight?” Benny just shrugged in response. “How about... ordering a takeaway and a movie marathon?” Josh suggested. Benny turned to him grinning, nodding happily. “Great. I'll order the food for later, you go and start picking films. Erm... would it be okay if I... erm... wore clothes tonight?” His tone was very passive, almost apologetic as he made his request. “Sure.” Benny replied, feeling a momentary pang of guilt at how scared Josh sounded at making even such a simple request. He reached up and kissed the older boy on the cheek, then got off of the bed, leaving the room with Josh trailing behind. Josh ordered Chinese food to be ordered later in the evening, then made his way into the lounge where Benny was just plugging a memory stick into the TV. “So what we watching?” Josh asked, dropping down onto the sofa. Benny jumped on next to him and replied, “I downloaded all the Saw movies.” Josh looked round at the boy, concerned. “I think you might be a bit too young for them.” he commented. “Officially I'm too young for a lot of things I've done today, but that didn't stop me doing them!” Benny said back cheekily. Benny's comment made Josh chuckle, but those two words stuck out again, too young. He tried not to dwell on it though. “I just mean it might... bother you a bit. I've seen most of them, they're pretty gory.” “Aww, you're worried about me. Isn't that sweet.” Benny teased. “I've already seen the first one, I think I'll be okay.” “Okay, if you say so.” Josh said, suspecting Benny may soon change his tune. He picked up the remote and started Saw 2 playing. Less than 4 minutes into it, Benny had already cuddled up closely to Josh, holding onto him tightly. The countdown on the first death trap reached zero, the trap triggered and Benny buried his face in Josh's shoulder. Josh smiled momentarily at the scared boy in his arms, slightly smug about how right he had been. He picked up the remote control and pressed pause, just as 'Saw II' appeared on screen. “How about we pick something else?” he whispered quietly in Benny's ear. Benny just nodded, still holding on tightly. Josh pressed stop and sat holding the boy for a few moments until he sat back into his seat. “You must think I'm such a wimp.” Benny said, looking down at his hands. “Go on, say 'I told you so' or something.” Josh could tell how upset the boy about it the boy was. Considering the treatment he had received at Benny's hand, or command, over the last few days part of him wanted to tease him about it. He couldn't do it though. Seeing him look so sad broke his heart. “It's no big deal. Go pick something else, we can watch whatever you like.” “Okay.” Benny replied timidly. He could tell Josh was letting him off the hook.. He got up, grabbed the memory stick from the TV and ran up to his room. A few minutes later, Benny came back down and plugged the stick back in. “What have you gone for?” Josh asked. “Avengers.” Benny said back happily. He sat back next to Josh and the film started playing. As it started, Benny looked up at the older boy. “Josh.” “Yeah?” he replied, not looking away from the TV. “... Thanks... for not being a dick about all of that.” the younger boy said so quietly it was almost a whisper. Josh put an arm around the boy, pulled him close and kissed the top of his head. “No big deal.” “You know what, because you were so nice... I'm gonna let you wear clothes to answer the door when the food comes!” Benny said, grinning cheekily up at Josh. ***** Josh awoke to the feeling of something poking his face. As he opened his eyes and looked up, he saw Benny, naked and thrusting his rigid cock against his lips. Without saying a word, he opened his mouth and let the boy thrust his meat inside. It only took a few seconds before Josh found his mouth filling with spunk. As he swallowed it, Benny lay back down on the bed. “Sorry about that.” he said. “I was wanking for ages waiting for you to wake up. When I couldn't wait any longer, I figured I shouldn't waste a good load!” Josh raised his hand to wipe a little drool from his lips then looked sideways at Benny. “I can think of worse ways to wake up.” “I'd have woken you with a blow job, but... ya know.” Benny said, grabbing Josh's caged cock. Josh felt a sudden surge of frustration as his balls tingled at the thought of getting the blow job before he realised there was no chance of it happening. “Yeah, thanks for reminding me. So what have you got planned for me today?” “Oh I've got a surprise for you today.” the master replied. “Let me guess, it's not a good one?” Josh asked wearily. “Oh I don't know, you might like it. Anyway, we should get out of bed, Nick'll be here soon.” Benny replied, stretching his arms out above his head. As he looked round at Josh he saw the concerned expression on his face. “Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt him. I'll save that for you.” He slid his hand under Josh, making him jump as his fingers pressed into the still stinging flesh of his arse. “Ow.” Josh called out as he jumped away from Benny's hand. “Good. So what's he coming for? I mean, I know he's coming here to do, like, sex stuff, but is there something in particular you need him for?” Josh asked, still concerned about what might be in store for his little brother. Benny had seemed genuinely sorry that he had hurt Nick on Monday, but the way he had made Warren spank him yesterday still worried him. “He's just going to join in with today's... activity.” Benny replied cryptically. “Anyway, it's time to get you ready. If you need to go to the bathroom, you should go now, you won't get a chance for the rest of the morning.” Josh took Benny's advice. When he returned to the bedroom, Benny put a blindfold on him and handcuffed him to the bed. “Okay, today you're going to follow every order I give you without question or hesitation.” “Yes Sir.” Josh replied. “Also, as long as your blindfold is on, you won't say another word. Speak even a single word and you'll get the paddle.” Benny threatened. “Nod if you understand.” Josh nodded silently. “And just in case you decide you can handle the paddle and figure it's worth it to break the rules, if you speak a second time, or fail to follow an order... Nick gets the paddle instead of you!” Benny continued. As he made his last threat, Josh opened his mouth to protest, but Benny quickly put his hand over the older boy's mouth. “Careful, one word and you're a step closer to hurting your little brother.” Josh closed his mouth and just nodded again. “Good boy. Now get comfy, I'll be back later.” Benny said, leaving the bedroom. Josh did his best to get comfortable on the bed, his hands attached to one corner of it. 'Do what he says, no matter what it is. I can't let Nick get hurt. Fuck I need to cum so bad. What's he going to make me do? What's he going to make Nick do? What's the surprise? I reeeeeeally need to cum. I wonder where the key is.” Josh mind was racing, but without much else to do, it was all he had to occupy him. 'Thirteen and nineteen, that's just not going to work. Was Warren right? Maybe Warren's coming back? Maybe that's the surprise! He's right though, isn't he. How could I keep doing things with Benny without anybody noticing? And what am I gonna do, keep secretly sleeping with him until he turns sixteen? Fuck. But I love him. Or do I? God I need to cum. I love being with him, I love following his orders, but is that all it is? I wonder how I'd feel if someone else was giving the orders? I liked it when Nick did it and I'm not in love with him. I wonder how I'd feel taking orders from Warren. Or maybe a girl. Holy shit, is that the first time I've even thought about girls since all this started? Orders from a girl, that could be fun.” Josh paused for a moment. The pain in his crotch as he had been thinking about the three boys suddenly died down. 'Fuck, did I just get turned off thinking about girls? Or was it just talking orders from them? Fuck you Benny, you've totally fucked up my head. Come on, he's not totally to blame. You're the one who's enjoying it. And you can't blame Benny for Sunday. You're the one who got the guys stripping. I can't believe how much Ryan and Liam have bulked up. It was hot seeing them naked though. And Dale too, damn he was hot. It's a shame James never got naked. Dale really was hot. And those eyes, those amazing hazel eyes.' Josh let his mind linger on the events of Sunday as he lay there, his cock twinging a little as it strained against the chastity cage. It was worth it though, thinking about the guys stripping, thinking about Dale, his body, his cock, his eyes, how close he had been to kissing him when they said goodbye. He was only shaken from his fantasising when he heard the doorbell ring. 'That'll be Nick.' he thought, imagining what he and Benny could be doing now. Once again he found himself worrying about his little brother and what Benny may have been doing to him. He trusted Benny, he wouldn't be laying there blindfolded and handcuffed if he didn't, but the incident on Monday had woken something in Josh. Was he just being protective of his little brother or was it something else? The two boys had become friends, and clearly done some things together, was there perhaps some kind of jealousy? But jealous of what? Of Benny giving his attention to another guy? Of Josh doing things with HIS master? Josh lay there for several more minutes thinking it over, getting quite frustrated at the thought of the two boys downstairs without him. Again it was the doorbell that interrupted his thoughts. 'Wait, who's that then?' he thought. 'Maybe it IS Warren.' Once again the restrained young man's mind started racing at the prospect of having Benny, Josh AND Warren to play with all at the same time. The thought of it made him want to break free of the handcuffs, take a hacksaw to the chastity device and just stroke his cock furiously. When the doorbell went for a third time, Josh got really confused. Maybe one of them was just a delivery or something. It was about ten minutes later when he finally heard someone coming up the stairs. “Okay Josh, we're all ready for you.” Benny said, sounding abnormally happy. 'We? We who?' Josh wondered, but his adamant refusal to put his brother at risk stopped him from even considering speaking. Benny released the handcuffs and made Josh stand, then slowly lead him out of the bedroom, blindfold still in place. Benny had planned today very carefully, and Josh falling down the stairs and breaking his neck would ruin everything, so Benny took his time helping Josh down. Once they were in the downstairs hallway, Josh was walked carefully into the lounge and left standing in the middle of the room. “Okay, we're all here, so let's begin. Now, you've all been warned what will happen to you if you speak or remove your blindfolds. If any of you want to break the rules and leave, now's the time to do it!” Benny started. Nobody spoke, moved or even seemed the breath, the room eerily silent. Josh felt Benny's hand on his shoulder. “Okay, the person I'm touching now will be known this morning as Slave One.” Benny explained. Josh felt a sudden burst of happiness in amongst his dread at the thought of being Benny's primary slave. Benny let go of his shoulder and moved away from him. “You are Slave Two. You're Slave Three. You're Slave Four.” Josh heard Benny say, hearing the boy move to, presumably, touch each of the other three to indicate their designations. 'So there ARE three other guys here. Blindfolded too. I know there's gonna be Nick and Warren, but who's the third?' Josh wondered. He didn't have long to think though before his next instruction came. “Okay, so Slave One is going to sample your cocks, so that he can decide the best positions for what's next.” Benny said to the room. He grabbed Josh and lead him to the sofa, making him kneel. Josh raised his hands and found he was kneeling between someone's legs. He ran his hands up them, feeling that they were covered in fairly sparse, soft hair, the skin silky smooth as his hands made his way up the thighs. Benny could see that Josh was going to need very little in the way of instruction, but decided to tell him what to do, if only to make the other slaves aware of what was coming. “Okay, Slave One will suck each of you for a couple of minutes and maybe have a quick feel of your body so he can get a picture of what he's working with.” Josh's hands reached Slave Two's waist, then worked his way up the stomach. It was firm and smooth, going higher he felt a tight hairless chest, with small solid nipples. He had a feeling this may have been Nick, but there was one sure way to find out. He slid his hands back down, bringing them together through a small bush before grabbing the boy's already solid shaft. He stroked his hands up the full length of it before leaning forward to swallow it. Sliding the large cock in and out of his mouth a few times, he was now sure of it. That was his little brother's cock. Pleased that he was able to recognise it, he also found himself a little alarmed that he had been able to do so that easily. “Right, Slave One that's enough. Move to your right and you'll find Slave Three, it's his turn.” Benny ordered. The master was now removing his own clothes as he watched his slaves obeying his commands, his four inch cock pointing up to the ceiling excitedly. Josh pulled Slave Two's cock out of his mouth and put his hands on the boy's legs. He reached out to the side to grab Slave Three's leg. Grabbing hold of it, he used it as a guide to help him shuffle along into the right position. As he knelt between the next boy's legs, he felt that they were completely smooth, slim too. Exploring higher up, his hands slid across the stomach. It was nowhere near as toned Slave Two's, but the boy definitely wasn't overweight. He heard Slave Three's breath speed up, either from excitement or nervousness, blindfolded it was hard to tell. He felt the rest of the body, finding it smooth and untoned, like a pile of clay waiting to be shaped into a more adult body. Moving his hands down to the boy's cock, he felt the faintest wisp of pubic hair above a short, slim cock. If he hadn't known Benny was stood behind him, ready to give his orders, he would have thought that the boy was him. He took the young cock in his mouth, Slave Three letting out a breathy moan as he did it. Benny only allowed Josh a few seconds of sucking before calling out, “Okay, onto Slave Four.” Josh did as commanded, letting go of the boy and making his way to the side again, this time finding a much larger, much hairier leg to guide him. 'What the fuck?' Josh thought. 'That last one wasn't Warren and there's no way this leg is his. Who the fuck are they? How many guys has that little psycho got under his command?' Josh soon found himself too distracted to think much more. Knelt between the legs of Slave Four, he took his time feeling his way up the legs, starting down at the ankles and gradually making his way up to mid-thigh. It was such a different feeling from the last two. Over the last week he had been through a lot of encounters with boys, but this felt like a man. Josh's caged cock, which so far had just been at a slight ache as followed Benny's orders suddenly found itself really starting to hurt. Josh's hands explored in the same way he had with Slaves Two and Three, first rubbing Slave Four's stomach. It was as hairy as his legs, but also firm, clearly defined abs rolling beneath Josh's wandering hands. Josh found himself whimpering excitedly a little, while Slave four did the exact same thing. It just turned Josh on more to know that the naked man was enjoying it as much as he was. Next he found well defined pecs, covered in thick but soft hair, and sporting two bullet-hard nipples, a quick stroke of which made his chest tense as he took a sharp breath in. Finished with the chest, Josh slid his hands down to try out Slave Four's cock. His exploration of the man's body had started to arouse him, Josh finding his hands around a slowly hardening shaft. A few quick strokes and it was up to full size. It was a good length, feeling almost as long as his own. He felt a sudden surge of pride that out of all the cocks he had encountered recently, his own was still the largest, but as he considered the average age of the boys involved, it really didn't surprise him that much. But still, Slave Four had a very enjoyable cock, one that Josh couldn't wait to get in his mouth. He slid it between his lips and heard a deep voiced gasp from above him. Benny could see how much both Slaves One and Four were enjoying what they were doing and decided not to let them get too into it, there would be plenty of time for that later. He grabbed Josh's shoulders and pulled him away. “Well there we go then, it's time for Slave One to make some decisions.” Benny said, as he directed Josh to kneel and wait. “In our next... activity, Slave One will be making all of us cum, but how he does it is up to him.” Benny stood there explaining, while stroking his fingers through Josh's hair, the older boy leaning against him, enjoying the feeling. “Slave One, you will pick one person to fuck you, one for you to suck, and two for you to jerk off. Once you have decided, I will position you for you to do all four at the same time, do you understand?” Josh froze for a moment. Pleasing four guys at the same time, he wasn't sure if he was excited or terrified, it was probably both. He had to decide too, and knowing Benny, he wouldn't have long to decide. After a few moments he just nodded to indicate he had understood the instructions so far. “Okay, now I will ask you who you want in each position. As you can't talk, you will just raise your hand to show me the number of the slave you want to do. I will be designated number one.” Benny continued. “So, let's start with who will be in your left hand.” Josh thought for a moment, then lifted his hand, raising three fingers. “Okay, that's Slave Three in your left hand. And in your right?” Josh thought once again. He decided to go for Benny, hoping that his master wouldn't mind missing out on fucking him or getting another blow job. He raised his hand to show his choice. “Okay, I'll be in your right. Now, who do you want to suck?” Benny asked, looking over at Slaves Two and Four, both of whom, judging by the state of their cocks, looked more than happy with the options remaining for them. Josh was unsure which of the remaining two to pick. He had loved sucking Slave Four's cock, but if he chose Nick instead, he could get fucked by Slave Four. He raised his hands with four fingers up. “Slave Four it is, which means Slave Two gets to fuck you.” Benny announced. Slaves Two and Four both smiled slightly, clearly looking forward to what was coming next. “Let's get you all in position then.” Benny set about manoeuvring all the guys into place. First he got Josh laying on his back in the middle of the floor. Slave Three was easiest to position, making him kneel shortly to Josh's left. Next he guided Slave Four round to kneel behind Josh's head, guiding the large young man's hands to Josh's face so that he could find Slave One's mouth when they started. After that, he put Slave Two down between Josh's legs, lifting them up onto the boy's shoulders. Before assuming his position at Josh's right hand, he rubbed some lubricant into Josh's hole and then slicked up Slave Two's solid dick in preparation. With everyone finally in place, Benny explained a little more to them all. “Okay, we're all ready, time to begin.” Silently, they boys all started. Josh reached around to find the cocks of Benny and Slave Three, while Slaves Two and Four found their way into their designated holes. Josh's sense were overwhelmed. Just feeling the two small cocks in his hands felt quite exciting, but as Slave Four leant forward and pushed his cock into the waiting mouth, then Slave Two rammed all seven inches straight inside his arse he was struck by an even greater wave of excitement. Josh lay there struggling to breathe, the cock filling his mouth and the slave's balls slapping against his nose with every thrust. He had been worried at first about maintaining focus on all four cocks at once, but he need not have worried. Two and Four were quite happily thrusting into his mouth and arse respectively, needing very little work on Josh's behalf, it was only the cocks in his hands that took much effort. He quickly found that wrapping his whole fist around them as he did when playing with his own wasn't really an option, the slim shafts getting lost in his grip. Instead he stroked them gently, thumb on one side, two fingers on the other. He could already tell Slave Three was getting close, the young boy thrusting desperately into his hand. It only took a couple of minutes before he felt the small cock twitching between his fingers as a small drizzle of wetness covered his hand. He let go of it and let his hand rest on the boy's leg as he attempted to continue his focus on Benny. Focussing, however, was becoming an bit of a problem. Slave Two's fucking had started to tease his prostate and he could feel his own orgasm beginning to form, despite his restricted cock. Meanwhile, his tongue lashed at the cock fucking his throat. He had been so distracted by the other three, he had barely noticed that Slave Four's cock was going in deeper than any cock he had swallowed before, Josh feeling a mixture of pride at his cock-sucking abilities and shock at how easily it was coming to him. Slave Four's legs were pressed against either side of Josh's head, muffling his hearing, but even past the strong thighs he heard the young man grunting loudly. He soon found out why, the cock pulling out of his mouth just in time to shoot a heavy load across Josh's face and chest. Almost as if pushed over the edge by the sound of Slave four cumming, Slave Two pulled out of Josh's stretched hole and shot too, the boy's load landing in almost exactly the same place as the previous one. As the chain reaction continued, Benny moaned quietly and began to shoot, Josh's hand continuing to pump at the cock until the last drops had oozed out. All four of them sat there, catching their breaths, Josh laying between them covered in their cum. He reached down to his encased cock, desperately wishing for his release. He had just experienced what was probably the most sexually exciting moment of his life and he wasn't even able to get a boner. Nearly four days with no cumming and suddenly here he was, covered in slowly cooling jizz, the smell of it surrounding him as it dripped down his face and body. “Well, that was fun. I gotta say, you all looked great doing that.” Benny teased the four blindfolded boys. “Okay, let's get you all back on the sofa.” One by one Benny put them back in their seated positions but leaving Josh still laying on the floor. “So I've got a question for you all. Raise your hands if you've ever been fucked before.” Benny asked. He looked round at the raised hands and commented, “Two of you. Okay. Now raise your hands again if you've ever fucked a guy before.” Again he looked round and added, “Three of you, interesting.” 'If Slave Two is Nick, then me and him have both fucked and been fucked, which means out of Three and Four, only one of them has any experience.' Josh thought, still attempting to deduce their identities. “Last question, raise your hands again if you'd LIKE to be fucked.” Benny smiled as all four of his slaves raised their hands. “Wow, all of you, that's a definite bonus. Well as you're all so keen to get fucked, you'll be happy to hear that that's exactly what you'll be getting next. As for who fucks who, you've already determined that for me. Slave One is currently unable to fuck, so he will be bottoming. Fucking him will be the Slave who came first, which I believe was you, Slave Three. You'll be getting fucked by the next person to cum, which was Slave Four. You'll be fucked by Slave Two and finally I will be fucking Slave Two.” Benny explained. Josh sat there, thinking about Slave Three. Getting fucked by him would likely feel a lot like when Benny fucked him on their first night together. As much as he wished it had been Slave Two or Four fucking him, he was still looking forward to feeling the young boy inside him. Then another thought occurred to him. 'Four's gonna fuck Three? He'll split the little guy in half. Shit, Benny's gonna let someone else get hurt. I'm gonna have to say something. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Damn you Benny, why do you always have to take things too far?' Josh sat there with his fists clenched, ready to speak up. 'Although...well maybe I should give the kid a chance. Benny's about the same size as him, he's probably taken things that size before. Okay, if it sounds like he's being hurt, THEN I'll speak up.' While Josh had been lost in his thoughts, Benny had started shifting the other three slaves slightly, moving them so that their arses were hanging off the front of the sofa while they lay back on the seat. He went over to his box of toys which he had brought down into the lounge while preparing earlier and pulled out a short, thin vibrator and the bottle of lube. “Slave Two, I already know you'll have no trouble taking my cock, but I'd rather make sure you're ready for it anyway.” He slicked up the toy and Slave Two's hole, then pushed the toy inside and switched it on. The buzzing sounded so loud in the near-silent room. “Now take hold of it, keep fucking yourself with it.” As Slave Two took hold of the toy and began sliding it in and out, Benny returned to the box and pulled out a larger, thicker vibrator. This time he approached Slave Four. “Okay Slave Four, this is about the size of Slave Two's dick, let's see if you can take it.” Josh listened excitedly as Benny lubricated the toy and then put his fingers up to the young man's hole. Slave Four grunted as he felt the boy's fingers working on his hole, gradually working their way inside. “Here it comes.” Benny said as he pressed the tip of the vibrator against the slicked sphincter. “Mmm!” Slave Four moaned through gritted teeth, very clearly using all of his willpower not to actually speak or call out. Josh found himself playing with his own hole as he sat there listening. The fourth slave moaned again as the vibrator was turned on, the buzzing of it blending in with the toy Slave Two was still using. “Take hold of it and keep playing.” Benny ordered, letting the man take hold of it. “Now, Slave Three. It's your turn.” Josh's body tensed. This could be it. He could be about to get himself in a lot of trouble with his master and, if the earlier threats were to be believed, get Nick into trouble too. Benny once again went to the box and pulled out a toy around the same size as the one he had used on Slave Four, but this time it was just an ordinary dildo rather than a vibrator. He knelt in front of Slave Three and began moistening the young boy's hole. He was mewing contentedly as he felt the master's fingers on him, then in him. Then came the time for the dildo. Benny pushed the tip of it inside the boy, slowly and gently, the boy continuing to make happy noises in response. As it started to push further inside, stretching his virgin hole as it went the moans of happiness gave way to loud groans of pure pleasure. 'Fuck. This kid's loving it... Awesome!” Josh thought happily, relieved that he didn't need to stop the proceedings. “Okay, you take over.” Benny said quietly, stroking the boy's leg. He reached down and took hold of the dildo, slowly pulling it most of the way back out before sliding it inside once again. “Well I'm gonna let you all get on with that for a while.” Benny's cock had been rigid since he used the first toy, he now stood playing with his cock as he watched the three young men fucking themselves with the assorted implements. Next he turned his attention back to Josh. His first slave was sat there patiently, a hand reaching down beneath his chastity device to play with his hole as he listened to the other three fucking themselves. The master knelt down in front of him and pulled him into a kiss, their arms wrapping around each other. Benny totally lost track of time as he made out with Josh on the floor, enjoying a moment with his favourite slave. It was only when he heard whimpering coming from the sofa that he turned to look at the other three. Slave Three looked like he was ready to cum. “Okay, take 'em out.” Benny ordered, standing up and pushing Josh away. The three seated slaves removed their toys, all sitting there holding them until Benny took them. “Now, I was gonna suggest we do all the fucking at once, but with those blindfolds on your co-ordination might be a bit shit. So why don't we start with... Three, you fuck One, Two, you fuck Four. One, up on all fours.” Josh responded immediately to the command, kneeling while leaning forward to put his hands on the ground. Next Benny took hold of Slave Four, making him kneel in a similar way to Josh, but opposite him, the two slaves faces right next to each other, their cheeks almost touching. While Benny was busy moving the other slaves behind their respective bottoms, Josh found Slave Four had started leaning into him, their cheeks now touching. Sucking Four's cock, getting fucked by Slave Two, hearing the boys fucking themselves with their toys, that had all been a massive turn on for Josh, but this sudden contact with the other slave sent new and different waves of exhilaration through him. He pressed back against the man. The first two bottoms braced themselves against each other as Slaves Two and Three, now moved into position, began pushing into them. Josh barely felt Slave Three's small stiffy inside his hole, the short tool barely reaching inside more than a couple of inches. He could tell that Slave Four's experience was quite different though as Slave Two's large cock pushed into his hole. The noises Four had made earlier had got Josh excited, but hearing them now, right up against his ear was something else entirely. He continued to rub his head against the side of the moaning young man's, both of them gradually moving their mouths towards each other's. Slave Three was thrusting faster and faster, already close to cumming before he felt his cock inside Slave One. Now he was mere seconds from shooting his second load. A few more thrusts and he shot his small load inside of Josh. Just as Josh was about to moan his satisfaction at feeling the boy's load enter him, his mouth met with Slave Four's. The two of them kissed ferociously as Slave Three pulled out. Slave Four was in heaven, his cock throbbing and flowing with pre-cum as Slave Two slowly fucked him and Slave One kissed him. Suddenly he felt hands reaching under his chest to tease his nipples. It couldn't have been the boy fucking him, his hands were firmly grasped either side of his buttocks, pulling him back and forth as he fucked. Similarly, it couldn't have been the young man kissing him as his hands were beneath him supporting his own weight. He figured it must have been the master, enjoying the thought of the boy touching him. Slave Two was marvelling at the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of the man's arse. It was like fucking Josh, but hairier. The sounds he was making turned him on even more, especially when he heard the sounds become muffled by the sound of kissing. He wanted to stay slow, enjoy the feeling for as long as he could, but as his second orgasm of the morning began its first tingle in his balls, he found himself involuntarily speeding up, his balls slapping against the man's arse. He wanted to shout out in ecstasy as he started to shoot inside the tight hole, but kept his lips pressed tightly together. Slave Four was moaning excitedly into Josh's mouth as he felt the boy's cream spreading inside him, but he continued to kiss Slave One. The feeling of the boy's load was intense, but still couldn't compare to the ongoing kiss, something about the young man had him hooked. Benny had been watching the entire ordeal, just staring as Josh and Slave Four kissed. To begin with he found it quite stimulating, until he realised just how much both men were enjoying it. He found himself suddenly overwhelmed by a wave of jealousy. There was no way he was letting Slave Four have him. Josh was his, his boy, his toy, his property. Perhaps he would have been able to tolerate the kiss if he himself had ordered it, but seeing them do it voluntarily was intolerable. He pulled them apart without a word. “Right.” Benny said, barely hiding his anger. “Time to switch.” He got up and pulled Slave Two up onto his feet then pushed him roughly onto the sofa. Next he positioned Slave Three into the same pose he had put Josh and Slave Four in for their fuckings. Leaving Josh where he was, Benny roughly manoeuvred Slave Four behind the waiting hole. “Now fuck him.” Benny ordered. Timidly, Slave Four reached out and took hold of the boy in front of him, pulling him back against his oozing cock. He took his time easing his large cock inside the small boy, not wanting to hurt him. Josh listened closely, also worrying about the smallest member of the group, despite how arousing he found the thought of the two fucking. Once again his fears were assuaged as he heard the boy moaning happily. Benny, still annoyed about the kiss between his boy and Slave Four, went over to the box and picked up the wooden paddle. Walking back to Slave Four, he took a handful of his hair and leant down to the young man's ear. “This is gonna hurt, but you make a single noise and you know what I'll do!” Benny hissed at him. Benny let go of Slave Four's hair, swung the paddle back and smacked it against the young man's bare arse with a loud smack. Josh, Slave Two and Slave Three all jumped at the loud noise while Slave Four clenched his fists and gritted his teeth as he stopped himself from yelling out in pain. 'That was the paddle!' Josh thought, panicking. He jumped up onto his feet. “Slave One, sit back down. NOW!” Benny called out as he saw Josh move. He swung the paddle again. Slave Four remained silent, but as his whole body jumped in response to the hit his cock pushed hard into Slave Three, the sudden jolt making him call out in pain. Benny swung the paddle again, this time Four yelled out at the same time as Three. “STOP!” Josh called out, pulling off his blindfold. He looked towards Benny who was staring back, paddle held in the air. “W.... what?” Josh stuttered, looking in total dismay at Slaves Three and Four. It was Dale, balls deep in his little brother, Corey. Chapter 15 Josh stood rooted to the spot, refusing to believe what he was seeing. There was his youngest brother, Corey, kneeling naked and blindfolded on the ground. Dale, the young man Josh had met a few days before who he had been so hugely attracted to at the time, his cock impaling Corey. Then there was Benny, the young mastermind behind everything that was happening, stood behind the blindfolded Dale, wooden paddle held in the air ready to strike again. Finally, sat on the sofa, well clear of all the action was the middle McKenzie brother, Nick. This wasn't possible. He knew Nick was there so he was no surprise. Seeing Dale was a shock and he couldn't quite figure out how Benny had got him there yet. But Corey? How could the boy be involved? How could Benny get him caught up in this? Suddenly the realisation hit him. He had already sucked, jerked off and then been fucked by Corey and now the boy was kneeling there with Dale's huge cock inside him. Josh's breathing was growing heavier and heavier as he stared at the scene, his entire body shaking. Moments earlier, he had called out to stop Benny from hurting Dale and, by extension, Corey, but that was before he even realised who it was that was getting hurt. Benny had already gone too far by inflicting the unnecessary pain, but knowing now who his victims were seemed to make it a hundred times worse. The shocked young man raised his voice to speak, but nothing came out. Benny could see how angry his slave was. He threw the paddle to the floor, then ran across the room and dragged Josh out, through the hallway and into the kitchen, closing both doors behind them. “What... the fuck...” Josh gasped at Benny. “Josh, I'm sorry, that's now how things were supposed to go.” Benny said back, cutting him off. “You... I just... how...” Josh stuttered, so much anger and confusion running through his mind. He stopped, took a deep breath and tried again. “That's my little brother. You were hurting my little brother.” Benny started crying as Josh towered over him, fists clenched, pure rage in his eyes. “I didn't mean to. I only wanted to hurt Dale.” “Oh that's okay then. Go back and fucking carry on!” Josh shouted at the sobbing boy. “You kissed him.” Benny whimpered, shrinking away from the furious young man. “Wait, is that...” Josh started, turning away from him in disbelief. “That's why you were hurting him? Because we kissed?” Wiping tears off of his face, Benny just quietly sniffed, “Yes.” “You hurt Corey, and Dale, because you got jealous? Have you got any idea how absolutely fucking ridiculous that is? Haven't I already made it pretty clear that I'll already do whatever you tell me to? Seriously, look, I can't even touch my cock without you letting me and you think you need to be worried because I kissed a guy?” Josh said, his voice now dying down a little as he paced back and forth. “But all that bollocks aside, you got Corey involved in all of this? Nick got into this himself, and he's old enough to decide what he wants to do, but Corey's just a little kid. I mean... just... how could you?” “He's only 8 months younger than me!” Benny said in his defence. Josh glared at him. He probably wasn't thinking the same thing as Benny though. While the younger boy seemed to be implying that he felt Corey was old enough to be involved, because he himself was, Josh was thinking from other side, that neither boy should be doing any of the things they had done that morning. “Age aside, he's my little brother. You knew how I felt about you hurting Nick, but you thought I'd be okay with you getting Corey involved?” Benny was still crying heavily, his reply coming in bursts between sobs. “I thought... you might... enjoy having him here. You... you like doing things... with Nick...” The boy once again had a point. When he had spent the last week fooling around with under-age boys and his brother, could he really be angry about his twelve-year-old brother's involvement? He stopped for a minute, trying to think what to say. He was beginning to calm down now, the initial shock of seeing Corey fading a little. “Look, I'm just not comfortable with Corey being involved. How much does he know about who's been in that room this morning?” Josh asked calmly. Benny continued wiping away tears. “He only knows I was there for sure, but he knows you're staying here this week, and he knows Nick is involved somehow so he's probably guessed that much.” “Okay, we're gonna go back in there, you're going to apologise for hurting him, give him back his clothes and then send him home.” Josh ordered. It felt strange telling Benny what to do, but he knew this had to be done. Benny just nodded his response. The two of them made their way back into the lounge. Surprisingly, all three of the others had still kept their blindfolds on, unaware of what had happened after Slave One's outburst. They may have simply assumed that he had been taken out by the master to be punished for speaking. They had moved around a little though. Dale was now sat on the floor, his back against the side of the sofa, while Corey was on the sofa, huddled into Nick's side. As Josh saw them, he wanted to go over and wrap his arms around both of his brothers, but figured the best thing to do right then was let Benny do as he had been told and send Corey home. Benny picked up Corey's pile of clothing from the corner where it had been placed on his arrival, then took the boy's hand to lead him out into the hallway. Josh closed the door behind them but listened closely with his ear pressed up against it. “Corey, I'm really sorry if I hurt you before.You need to go home.” Josh heard Benny say through the door. “It's okay, it didn't really hurt, I just... got a bit scared.” Corey replied. Josh's heart broke as he heard his brother speak. He had never really gotten on well with the boy, finding him to be quite annoying and antagonistic, so hearing him being so timid and talking about being afraid, his brotherly instincts kicked in. “But do I really have to go? I wanted to see who the others were.” “Sorry, it's... it's for the best.” Benny replied. A few moments later he heard the front door, open then close before Benny came back into the room. “What now?” Benny asked meekly, barely daring to make eye contact with Josh. Josh looked down at the boy. He honestly believed that Benny had gotten Corey involved because he thought Josh would enjoy it. And his jealousy over his kiss with Dale was almost sweetn in a way. He could tell that Benny was truly sorry, but his anger was still too great to even think about forgiving the boy. “You two can take off the blindfolds now.” Josh called out to the two remaining slaves. He wasn't looking forward to explaining to Dale exactly what was happening. What was he supposed to say? 'Hi Dale, remember me, the guy you almost kissed? Well we just did and it made my thirteen-year-old master so jealous he beat you with a paddle. The boy you was fucking? Oh yes, that was just my little brother, nothing strange about that. And on that subject, this is Nick, my other brother.' They both removed their blindfolds. Dale looked over to where Josh and Benny were stood, Josh suddenly realising this was the first time Dale was seeing him naked. He noticed the young man's eyes looking up and down his hairless body, lingering for a few seconds on the chastity device. “Josh?” Dale asked, confused. “Erm... hi Dale.” he said back awkwardly. “What? Dale?” Nick asked, jumping up from the sofa to look at the young man sitting on the floor. “Nick?” Dale responded, now even more shocked. “What are you doing here?” Nick and Dale asked in unison, staring at each other. Josh glared once again at Benny, knowing that the devious boy had played some part on this. He then turned his gaze on his brother and Dale. “You two... know each other?” he demanded. “Yeah, we... kinda hooked up the other night.” Dale replied, suddenly wishing he hadn't as he saw the expressions on both Josh and Nick's faces. “You... hooked up... with my little brother?” Josh asked, the anger beginning to return to his face. It was like seeing Dale fucking Corey all over again, but this time with Nick. He knew that Nick had fucked Dale earlier at Benny's command, but the thought that this man had defiled his little brother infuriated him. “He's your brother?” Dale asked, completely confused by everything that was happening. “Josh, calm down.” Nick insisted. “It's not as bad as it sounds.” Josh's anger was turning to bewilderment. He sat down in one of the armchairs and buried his face in his hands. “Look, I don't really know what's going on here, but I think I should probably go.” Dale said, standing up and walking over to his clothes. He dressed quickly and headed for the door. Before walking out, he turned back to the three remaining boys and said, “I think things got a bit out of hand here, but to begin with this was all... kinda fun. And Josh...” Josh looked round at the mention of his name. “... maybe we can talk some time.” Josh's gaze moved awkwardly between Dale and Benny, worried that the comment might trigger another outburst. Instead, Benny just stared down at the ground. Josh nodded at Dale and smiled at him as he left. The sound of the front door closing behind Dale seemed to echo forever through the silent house. None of the remaining three moved or spoke for several minutes. “It was Corey, wasn't it?” Nick finally asked, prompting both of the others to look up at him. “Slave Three, I mean, it was Corey, wasn't it?” Josh and Benny both nodded. “Why did you send him home?” Benny opened his mouth to speak, but didn't know what to say. Instead he just looked round at Josh. “Whadda you mean, why? It was Corey!” Josh said, shocked that Nick would even need to ask. “Yeah? So?” Nick snapped back. “He's your little brother!” Josh said angrily. “Yeah, and I'm yours, but I'm still here!” Josh stood up and stomped over to stare Nick in the eye. “That's different. You wanted to be here, you're into all this shit as much as I am. Corey was here by force.” “No he wasn't.” Benny said quietly from behind him. Josh turned to face the boy, Nick standing at his side. “What?” “He was in here today because he asked to be.” Benny said, worried that his explanation might anger Josh again. “He... he... asked?” Josh stuttered. Benny nodded. “He told me he suspected what you two had been doing and he wanted to get involved.” “And you thought throwing him straight into what we were doing today was a good idea?” Josh said, his earlier rage now returning a little. “No. It wasn't my idea. Today was just meant to be us three and Dale. He followed you here, Nick. He was watching through the window as I made you strip and blindfolded you, then he knocked on the door and told me he wanted to join in.” Benny explained. “You could have said no!” Josh snapped. “I did!” Benny insisted. Nick sniggered. “C'mon Josh, think about that for a moment. Imagine saying no to Corey. When you ever known him to accept being told he can't do something?” Josh looked at his brother, his expression softening a little as he realised Nick was right. He looked back at Benny. “He said if I didn't let him in, he'd go and tell your parents what you're doing here.” Benny added. A brief smile flashed across Josh's face at the thought of Benny being on the receiving end of some blackmail for once. “Okay, fine, maybe this wasn't all your fault, but you still took it too far.” “Again!” Nick added, thinking back to his forfeit on Monday. “I know.” Benny said, starting to cry again. “I never mean to, I just get... caught up in it.” His anger about Corey's involvement now dying down a little, Josh found himself feeling slightly sympathetic to Benny. Josh crossed the room towards him, the younger boy edging away slightly, unsure of the older boy's intentions. Josh pulled him into a hug and held him tightly as he cried. “Look.” he said, pulling out of the hug but keeping his hands on Benny's shoulders. “These things keep happening and it's getting harder and harder to forgive you. If you want to keep doing this stuff with me, you have GOT to stop hurting people... except for me... sometimes.” His voice trailed off a little at the end, a little disturbed that the thought of suffering at Benny's hand still aroused him. “Okay, I'll stick to the fun stuff from now on then.” Benny replied, wiping his eyes. “Thank you... Sir.” Josh smiled, his young master smiling back. “You two are insane.” Nick chuckled, looking at his brother holding the young boy. “Fuck, Dale must think we're all crazy.” Josh had near enough forgotten about Dale's involvement in the morning's events. “Oh God. I can only imagine what he thinks about me now!” “Want me to text him?” Nick asked. “Why d'you have his number?” Josh asked, letting go of Benny and returning to Nick. “He gave it to me after we...” Nick started, then stopped as he saw Josh's face. “After you... what?” Josh demanded. “We just made out a bit, then I sucked him off, that's all.” Nick explained, the encounter sounding a lot more innocent in his mind than when he verbalised it. Josh looked shocked. “Oh, is that all? You just met up with a stranger and sucked him off, that's fine then!” he said, sarcastically. “How did you even meet him?” “After you and me... started doing things, I started looking online for where to meet guys. I read about a place nearby that guys go to sometimes, to... hook up. I went Sunday night, I met Dale and... things happened.” Nick explained. Josh felt like his heart was being ripped out. Obviously he knew the things he had done with Nick, and suspected things had happened between Benny and Nick, but the thought of his little brother going out cruising, it was shattering and remaining illusion he had of the boy's innocence. He wasn't sure whether it made it better or worse that it had been with Dale. On one hand, he knew Dale was a nice guy and that Nick wasn't at any risk. On the other side of it though, Josh thought about how much he liked Dale, about their almost-kiss Sunday afternoon, about how he would have liked to see what might have happened between them, but now his little brother, both of them actually, had already been there before him. “Just... give me his number. Benny, can I have my phone back please?” Josh asked. His phone had been taken away with his clothing so he had no idea where the boy had put it. A few moments later, Benny returned with the phone while Nick retrieved his own one from his clothing, slipping on his underwear as he did it. [HI DALE, THIS IS JOSH. CAN WE MEET?] Benny also went to put on some clothes on after he saw Nick dressing. Josh sat on the sofa staring at his phone, willing Dale to reply. He fortunately didn't have to wait long. [HI JOSH. HAVE YOU GOT THINGS SORTED THERE? IF YOU HAVE, I'M FREE NOW] [I WOULDN'T SAY SORTED, BUT IMPROVED. WHERE SHALL WE MEET?] [I HAVEN'T GONE FAR, I'M JUST DOWN IN THE PARK, AROUND WHERE WE STARTED ON SUNDAY] [OK, I'LL BE THERE AS SOON AS I CAN] Benny was still not back in the room, so Josh said quietly to Nick, “Hey, I need to go out and see Dale. You okay to stay here with Benny?” “Sure.” Nick replied with a smile. Josh headed out to see where Benny had gone. He saw the boy had left his clothes on a chair in the kitchen. After dressing, he went upstairs and found Benny in his room. “I'm gonna go out and see Dale. Nick's gonna stay here with you until I get back.” he explained to the boy. Benny just nodded, so Josh turned to leave. “You like him, don't you?” Benny asked quietly, sitting down onto the bed. Josh stopped, took a deep breath and turned back, walking over to sit beside his master. “I'm not gonna lie... I do.” Josh said. Seeing that Benny was about to respond he quickly added, “But I love you.” The comment made Benny completely forget what he was going to say. Instead he just stared at Josh and said, “You... love me?” “Of course I do. How could I not? You've literally changed who I am.” Josh explained. “But... I'm not IN love with you.” “Y... you're not?” Benny asked, his eyes filled with sadness at the comment. “Benny, I can't be in love with you. This stuff we're doing is fun, it's... amazing actually, but that's all it CAN be. You're thirteen, I'm nineteen... that's just not going to work in the long run. I meant it when I said I love you though. Does that... make sense?” Josh asked, not sure if he even understood it himself. “I love you too.” Benny said quietly. “But I understand.” Josh gave the boy a quick hug then stood up to leave. “I can still make you do stuff though, you'll still follow my orders, right?” Benny asked as Josh headed to the door. Josh looked back, grinning. “How could I not?” he repeated his earlier wording. “So get thinking, Sir!” He headed back downstairs and left the house. As he headed down the road, he suddenly realised that he was going to speak to Dale, but had absolutely no idea what he was actually going to say. Every scenario he could think of ran through his mind, dozens of different things he could say first, it was hard finding a single place to start. The options were still juggling through his mind when he reached the park. He headed towards Dale as he saw him sat in the same spot where they had been on Sunday morning, facing down towards the lake. As he approached the young man, he settled on his opening sentence, then Dale turned and saw him. Those beautiful hazel eyes met Josh's and everything he had thought of on the way there vanished from his mind. Dale patted the ground beside him, wanting Josh to sit down. “Hey.” Dale said quietly as Josh sat. “Hi.” Josh replied, unsure of exactly what he was supposed to be feeling right then. The two young men just looked at each other in silence, both struggling to find what they wanted to say. “Crazy morning.” Dale eventually managed to say. Josh just nodded. “Look, about Nick...” “It's okay.” Josh cut him off, the mention of his brother shunting him out of his stupor. “Nick told me what happened between you guys. It's a bit of a shock, but it's fine.” “Oh, okay.” Dale said, nodding gently and looking down at the ground in front of him. “I... have another brother too.” Josh said. He hadn't been sure whether to tell Dale about Corey. He had managed to get the boy out of the house without either of them seeing each other so it would have been easy to just never mention it again. He wasn't really sure why he had even mentioned it now. “His name's Corey. He was... the other boy, the one that left before you took off your blindfold, the one that you...” Josh couldn't bring himself to say it, not once Dale had looked round at him. “How... how old is he?” Dale mumbled. Josh's jaw trembled. “He's twelve.” Dale looked horrified. “I did.... that... with a... Oh God I think I'm gonna throw up.” Josh reached out and rubbed Dale's back. “Oh fuck, Josh, if I'd known...” “I know.” Josh cut him off again, still rubbing Dale's back as he edged a little closer. “But... you know Benny's only thirteen, don't you?” Dale nodded, eyes fixed on the ground as he took deep breaths. “Yeah, I know, but he said I'd only be doing things with boys who were older.” This was one of the possibilities that Josh hadn't considered on his way to the park. He just assumed that Dale knew what he was getting involved with. Any anger he had about Dale doing things with his brother's melted away from Josh as he saw how disturbed the young man was about his involvement. Josh got a little closer and put an arm around his broad shoulders. Dale leaned against his side, resting his head on Josh's shoulder. “I'm really sorry you got caught up in all of this.” Josh said quietly, then a thought occurred to him. “Wait, how DID you get involved in this?” He cursed his own stupidity for not asking earlier, or even asking Benny. Corey's involvement was simple enough, but Dale was just a friend of a friend, how could Benny have found him? “It was last night, when I went to Benny's house to pick up my brother.” Dale started. Josh pulled his arm away from Dale and shuffled away. Dale staggered a little, but steadied himself as he looked round at Josh. “What's wrong?” “Warren's your brother?!” Josh said, more statement then question. “Yeah. Do you know him?” Dale asked wearily, his eyes widening as he saw the look on Josh's face. “Josh, do you KNOW Warren?” Josh was trembling. He could tell from Dale's tone exactly what he was asking. Ever since he started messing around with Benny, then Nick, then Warren, his biggest fear had been discovery. Anyone finding out about his activities was likely to be repulsed by the thought of it and Josh would probably end up getting arrested. Now, being discovered by Warren's own brother, it felt a million times worse than he had ever imagined. As Dale stared at him, he just nodded. “You... and Warren? You and Warren! How? When?” Dale demanded, standing up and towering over Josh. Josh cowered a little, then thought, 'Hold on, he fucked Corey... and got off with Nick.' Climbing onto his feet to stand face-to-face with Dale, he snapped, “You've got some nerve getting pissed at me. YOU FUCKED COREY!” The two boys glared angrily at each other, fists clenched, ready to strike. As the staring match continued, both their expressions gradually changed, anger fading into frustration, neither of them truly wanting a fight. “Let's just... sit back down and you can tell me how this all happened.” Dale said, slumping onto the floor. Josh sat beside him again. He sighed heavily. “It started last Thursday...” ***** Dale had remained silent throughout Josh's story. Josh hadn't told him everything, just about how Benny had trapped him in the first place, the day at the pool when he met Warren and what Benny made them do afterwards and the things that had happened the previous day with Warren. One part he had consciously chosen to leave out was his conversation with Warren by the lake on Saturday morning. Although there had been some sexual contact, he felt that the moment he had shared with the boy had been so personal that it should stay just between them. Josh felt like he had been talking for hours. “And that... pretty much brings us up until today, which you already know about.” He stopped and looked round at Dale, expecting some kind of response, most likely not a good one. Instead all he got was silence. “Dale?” “Sorry, I just... don't know what to say to all of that.” the other boy replied. “Yeah, I can understand that.” Josh said, nodding gently as he thought about the tale he had just recounted. All at once like that, it was a lot to take in. “I suppose you think I'm some kind of disgusting pervert now?” “Well if you are, I am!” Dale said back, turning to face Josh. “What do you...” Josh started to ask, but then Dale moved his leg, revealing a very obvious erection. “That... turned you on?” Josh smiled as he saw the expression on Dale's face. It was one he had become all too familiar with over the last week, the look of someone who was shocked and ashamed by their own arousal. “I'm a freak!” Dale said, dejectedly. “Hey, I've been there. You should try being spanked by a thirteen-year-old and getting a boner, that'll really freak you out!” Josh couldn't believe he was laughing about it, especially not with Dale. “Don't say things like that, you're gonna make it worse!” Dale said, awkwardly smiling. Josh blushed a little as he found himself staring at the bulge. “Sorry, won't say another word about it.” Dale smiled back and an awkward silence hung between them, the two occasionally exchanging glances. “Ya know Sunday afternoon,” Dale eventually said, “When we were saying goodbye...” “Yeah.” Josh said, his eyes now fixed on Dale's. “If Liam hadn't interrupted, I think... I would have tried to kiss you.” Dale finished. Josh's heart raced as he saw how nervous Dale was over the confession. “I... wanted to kiss you too.” Josh stuttered back nervously. He had never felt quite like this before. With Benny it was mostly physical attraction, with Nick it was brotherly love and with Warren it was like finding a kindred spirit in the blossoming sexuality and curiosity. With Dale though, it was something more, something new and exciting. “Well, technically we did already kiss now though.” “Oh yeah.” Dale said, remembering his intimate moment with 'Slave One', right before everything had fallen apart. “Well that doesn't count, I didn't know it was you.” Josh laughed at the comment. “Sounds fair enough to me. So we've never kissed. Maybe when we say goodbye today it'll happen.” “I was... thinking a lot sooner than that.” Dale replied. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against Josh's. It felt like the world had stopped and disappeared around them. Suddenly Benny, Nick, Corey and Warren, slaves and masters, it all melted away into nothingness and all that remained was Josh and Dale, the beautiful man wrapping his arms around him. As they parted, the kiss felt like it had lasted forever yet only lasted a fleeting moment at the same time. Dale remained close to Josh, his hazel eyes fixed on Josh's, their noses almost touching. Josh leant forward and kissed him again for a moment. “Wow.” Josh sighed. “I second that wow.” Dale smiled in response. “Wow.” Josh repeated. “You already said that.” Josh replied, laughing at Josh's dazed expression. “Wow.” Josh said, joking, prompting Dale to peck him gently on the lips again. As the two sat there, Dale's hands began feeling their way down Josh's body. Josh closed his eyes and moaned happily as he felt Dale's hands exploring him. Suddenly, the hand moved down to his crotch. Josh opened his eyes suddenly as Dale's hand hit metal. “Yeah... I meant to ask about this...” Dale said, pulling gently on the chastity device. Josh was blushing bright red. “Benny... put that on me, to stop me from cumming. Just so you know, that's also reason I have absolutely no body hair at the moment. It got removed as punishment for cumming without permission.” “Wow.” Dale said, letting go of it. “That's pretty tough. When did you last cum?” “Saturday night.” Josh replied. It seemed so long ago now. “Fuck, so we did all the stuff on Sunday, then you've done all the stuff with Benny and still haven't cum? I must have jerked off about a dozen times when I got home Sunday. I was so horny I went out cruising...” Dale stopped as soon as he realised what he was saying. Josh smiled at Dale's worried expression. “Don't worry about it. You went out cruising and hooked up with a guy that just happened to be my brother. No big deal.” It still bothered him a little, but considering he himself had done much worse with Nick, he couldn't really criticise. “Thanks.” Dale said quietly, then remembered what they had been talking about. “So you've gone all this time without cumming, you must be going crazy!” “Yeah, thanks for reminding me!” Josh said, faking his annoyance. “Man, we've really got to change the subject.” Dale said, fidgeting awkwardly. Josh smiled as he saw his chance at revenge. “Well not being able to cum is pretty bad, but I should imagine being in the state you are right now, and not even being able to touch it must be pretty... hard!” “Stop it.” Dale insisted, not sure whether to laugh or frown. “Sorry.” Josh chuckled. “Right, subject change. Oh, I just remembered, you know the night you and James saw me out on the street.” “Not as much of a subject change as I wanted, but, yeah of course I remember.” Dale answered. “Well that was an order from Benny, not a lost bet. That's the sort of thing he... usually likes to make me do.” Josh explained. Dale grinned. “So... is it just Benny you like taking the orders from, or would you take them from anyone?” Josh found himself both worried and aroused by the mischievous glint in Dale's eye. “Erm... anyone... I think.” “So if I ordered you to strip naked right here, would you do it?” “Well, no, because there are still people around and somebody would call the police on us or something, but so long as it's not gonna get me arrested or hurt anyone, yeah I'd probably do what you tell me to.” Josh explained. It felt weird being so open about his fetish with Dale, but kind of liberating too. “Okay, well that's definitely gonna be useful to know. If I'd known that on Sunday, things might have gone a bit differently.” Dale said, thinking back to the games they had played with their friends. “That was so hot.” Josh said happily, thinking about what had happened. “It's just a shame James never got naked, he's the only one I didn't get to see.” “Yeah, that's a BIG shame!” Dale said, winking. Josh's face lit up at the intimation. “Really? You've seen it?” Dale just grinned broadly. “More than just seen it? You and James? He's gay?” “Yeah I've been there, but he's as straight as Ryan and Liam. But there've been a few times when he's been particularly horny and I've... leant him a hand!” Dale explained happily. “So... how big are we talking?” Josh asked eagerly. “Eight?” “Bigger.” “Nine?” Dale pointed upwards, Josh's eyes widening. “Ten?” Dale nodded. “Fuck off, you're just messing with me!” Josh said dismissively. Dale just shook his head, still grinning and said, “It's like he's got a third arm!” “Okay, now THAT I've got to see.” Josh said, laying back on the grass and shielding his eyes from the Sun. Dale lay next to him, tucking his erection into his waistband. The bulge was still fairly obvious but he didn't seem to care. Looking at Josh, he said, “You might get the chance. I get the feeling Benny's gonna try his little blackmail thing on all five of us.” “What? How?” Josh asked, looking to his side. “With the video.” Josh thought back over the videos Benny had collected but couldn't think how any of them could be of use against anyone except himself and Dale. “What video?” “The one of what we did on Sunday. You... didn't know?” Dale asked, confused. “He filmed us? The little fucker must have been following me! So is that how he made you join in with us today?” Josh asked, annoyed but not surprised at the revelation. “No, he tried that first, threatened to show it to people, but I told him I was already out and I'd got nothing to hide. Then he threatened to use some video of Warren if I didn't comply.” Dale explained, staring up into the sky. “Which I'm guessing would be the video of you and Warren.” “I guess so. Threatening your brother sounds like typical Benny though. That's what he started doing with me today, he threatened Nick.” “Yeah... about that... do you do a lot of stuff like that with your own brother?” Dale asked, tilting his head sideways to look at Josh. He thought for a moment, debating how much to reveal, ultimately figuring that honesty had worked well so far. “Only since things started with Benny, but yeah, I've done a few things with Nick. Have you... ever....” “With Warren?” Dale asked, finishing Josh's question for him. He looked back up at the sky for a moment, thinking, then looked back. “Just once. He was eleven at the time and I was seventeen. He came into my room and caught me wanking. He asked what I was doing so I told him, then ended up showing him how to do it. Nothing since then though.” “So you don't think me and Nick is weird?” Josh asked, slightly relieved. “Well yeah it's weird, but it's... kinda hot too.” “Really?” Josh grinned. “Cool.” Then came a few minutes silence again, but this time much less awkward, both boys just laying there enjoying the Sun and the company. As Josh lay there, ideas started forming. “Would you... like to do things with Warren again?” he asked timidly, looking expectantly at Dale. “I dunno. Maybe, I hadn't really thought about it. Wait, is he gay too?” Dale asked. Josh hesitated, almost replying without thinking. “It's really not my place to say. When we spoke about it, it was... ya know, in confidence.” “That's cool, I understand.” Dale said, smiling politely. “But hey, I suppose I wouldn't mind doing some stuff again. Why d'you wanna know anyway?” “Well, Benny's been getting a bit out of control with his power trips, I thought maybe something a bit lighter, a bit more fun might take the pressure off a bit. So maybe we could have, like, a slumber party or something.” Josh explained. “I can guess the sort of games you've got in mind.” Dale grinned. “But that sounds fun and I bet Warren would be up for it too, he's already complaining he's bored and we're less than two weeks into the school holidays.” “Great, I'll suggest it to Nick and Benny and see what they say.” Josh said happily, sitting up. “Not so fast.” Dale said and pulled him back down. “If I'm gonna have to share you tonight, I want a bit more time with you all to myself now.” Once again Dale pulled Josh into a kiss, the two boys laying side by side. “Well I suppose I could spare a little bit more time.” Josh said between kisses. Once the kissing stopped, Josh put his hand on Dale's bulge. “I think I should probably take care of that for you.” “You wanna go back to the playground?” Dale asked, referring to the secluded area they had used for their games on Sunday. “Nah, too far. Besides, this thing feels like it might just go off on its own before we get there!” Josh teased, giving Dale's boner a quick rub. “Let's just go in there.” Josh pointed to a large cluster of trees and bushes a short distance behind them. Dale looked a little surprised, but still jumped up onto his feet. Josh lead the way, looking round to make sure nobody was looking as they pushed their way between two of the bushes. Nobody even gave them a second glance, the few people around too occupied by their own activities. There was a small clear area in the middle around the base of a large tree. Josh turned to face Dale and pushed him against the tree, kissing him hungrily. As they kissed, Dale lifted Josh's t-shirt off over his head and dropped it to the ground, his hands rubbing over Josh's smooth chest. Josh copied and removed Dale's top, pausing for a moment to enjoy the view up close of his hairy, well muscled chest. “Fuck, you're hot!” Josh whispered. “You too.” Dale replied, planting a kiss on Josh's chest. “Or at least you will be when you hit puberty!” “Sexy AND funny, you've really got the full package.” Josh grabbed Dale's erection through his shorts as he said the word 'package' making him gasp. They kissed again, this time Josh moved his kisses onto Dale's cheek, then down his neck. Dale tipped his head back to rest against the tree as Josh kissed from one side of his neck round to the other, then started working down to the chest. A few kisses down the stomach and Josh was down onto his knees, tugging at the waistband of Dale's shorts. He pulled them down revealing the boxer-brief covered penis, several wet patches dotted around from his pre-cum. Josh put his lips around the shaft, through Dale's underwear, licking the material until the wetness soaked through to the cock underneath. He moved up the shaft a little, continuing his licking until the entire length of Dale's erection was wet with his saliva. Dale was already breathing heavily, running his fingers through Josh's hair. The kneeling boy started licking at the head of the cock, still hidden inside Dale's boxer-briefs. He raised a hand and slid it up inside the leg of the underwear, his fingers massaging the writhing man's balls. “Ah, fuck.” Dale gasped, his breathing becoming more erratic. As Josh continued licking through the material, he felt the cock start twitching. “Oh God, oh God, oh God.” Dale muttered as it started. Josh sat back and watched Dale orgasming, some of the spunk staying inside the underwear, some of it soaking through and dripping down the front. Once it had stopped, he leaned forward again and sucked some of the boy's cum from the underwear, his tongue touching the cock making Dale gasp once again at the sensitivity of it. Once Dale had caught his breath, he looked down at Josh who was still knelt in front of him. “You fucker, you actually made me cum in my pants!” “Yep.” Josh said, standing up and wiping his mouth. “That was for the puberty joke!” “Shut up!” Dale said, trying not to smile. He pulled Josh into another kiss, the two boys making out for several minutes before pulling their clothes back on. A quick check to make sure nobody was looking and they headed from the bushes. “Let's go.” Josh said as they emerged. “We've got a slumber party to arrange.” Chapter 16 “Look, if you're having a sleepover, you can't invite Nick and leave Corey out, can you?” Mrs McKenzie said, happy at the thought of getting the kids out of the way for a whole night. Josh thought about her question and couldn't find any way around it. He could say Corey was too young, but he was only six months younger than Benny, so that was a no go. He could just say Corey was really annoying, but she would just tell him they need to learn to get along together and that a sleepover would actually help. He could be honest and just say he was planning on doing very naughty things and he didn't want Corey involved, she couldn't exactly argue with that one. She would, however, kill him! “Fine.” Josh sighed. “But I'm only gonna ask him, I'm not gonna force him to come if he doesn't want to.” “Wonderful. Now where's your Dad, I want to give him the good news!” she said, smiling happily. “Wow, it's great feeling so wanted!” Josh said sarcastically as he headed upstairs. He wasn't looking forward to seeing his youngest brother after what he had witnessed that morning, especially after finding out that the boy had been there voluntarily. As he reached Corey's door, he knocked and called out, “Hey Cor, can I come in?” “Whatever.” the boy called from inside. Josh opened the door and looked inside. Corey was laying on his bed, playing on his 3DS, not even breaking his focus to look round at Josh. “Hey. You okay?” Josh asked quietly, still unsure whether to talk about the morning. “Yeah I'm fine. Whadda you want?” Corey asked impatiently. “We're having a party, a sleepover kinda thing tonight at Benny's house and I wondered if you wanted to come.” Josh answered. Corey closed the 3DS and glared at Josh. “What, now you suddenly want me there?” “Well... erm...” Josh stuttered, not sure how to respond. “You couldn't wait to get rid of me this morning!” Corey snapped, sitting up onto the side of the bed. “You just had to ruin my fun, didn't you?” “No.... no, I wasn't trying to... ruin anything. I was just... worried about you.” Josh explained as he stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. “I thought you were getting hurt.” Josh's honest concern for him took a lot of the anger out of Corey's argument, the young boy finding it hard to be annoyed at Josh for trying to be nice. “Cor, I don't know how much you know about what's been happening, but that stuff you got involved in this morning, it's pretty grown up stuff.” Josh said, taking a seat next to his little brother on the bed. “Yeah, I know, and I was enjoying it until you fucked it up. I know it's you that told Benny to send me home. I recognised your voice when you shouted at him to stop.” Corey explained. “Yeah it was me, and if I had to do it over I'd do exactly the same thing again. Not everyone who was there, was doing it willingly. I thought Benny might have been forcing you to do things you didn't want to do.” Josh replied. “You may be the most annoying little fucker in the world most of the time, but you're still my bro.” Corey just looked sideways at Josh who looked back. “Something's... different about you.” Corey said inquisitively. “You've changed.” Josh was surprised at the boy's comments. He knew his sexual interests had been rapidly changing over the last week, but that had been consuming so much of his attention that he hadn't really thought about how else it could be affecting him. If Corey had picked up it, it must have been fairly noticeable. “What do you mean?” he asked, thinking the boy might have just been referring to his boy-on-boy activities. “You... I dunno... you just seem... more open. If we'd had this conversation a month ago, you probably would have just got me in a headlock and threatened me with violence until I promised to never mention it again.” “What, you mean like this?” Josh said, grabbing the boy round the neck and pulling him into a loose headlock. “Get off of me you freak.” Corey called out, struggling to get free. Laughing at his little brother, Josh let him go and said, “Look, maybe I'm.. I dunno... growing up, maturing, crap like that, but this is me.” “Well you're still a freak.” Corey insisted. “And you're still the most annoying kid I've ever met. So I suppose some things will never change.” Josh smiled. “So this sleepover thing, will there be more stuff like we did this morning?” Corey asked. Josh nodded, but added, “It's not gonna be quite as intense, and nobody should get hurt, but yeah, that sort of thing.” “Great.” Corey said with a huge grin. “I'll be there.” “Are you sure?” Josh asked. “Are you kidding? I've had a stiffy all day thinking about it all. If I have the chance to do it again... I'm taking it!” Corey said excitedly. 'Fuck, he's a hornier little bitch than Nick.' Josh thought to himself. “Hey, this morning... were you Slave One?” Corey asked timidly. Josh just nodded. “So you sucked my dick and wanked me off? Ha, you're my bitch!” Corey started laughing as Josh blushed, remembering what he had done with the boy. “I'm not your bitch, and you call that tiny little thing a dick?” Josh said back with a cruel grin. “Fuck you, you've got seven years on me and I bet yours isn't much bigger!” Corey argued back. “I've got eight inches, that's like three of yours!” Josh taunted back. “Oh yeah? Prove it!” Corey challenged him. Josh stood up, reaching for his waistband, more than happy to show off his assets. That was when he remembered the chastity device. He had already gotten so used to wearing it that he had completely forgotten it was even there. “Erm... I can't.” he said gingerly, sitting back down. “Cos you're lying!” Corey insisted. “No it's just...” Josh started. He was hesitant to tell Corey about his predicament, but figured that if he'd be joining in that evening, he'd find out eventually anyway. “I'm wearing this... device. It stops me from getting a boner or doing anything like that.” “Show me!” Corey said, jumping off the bed to stand in front of his big brother. “Show me, show me, show me, show me.” he called out as Josh hesitated. Josh pulled down his shorts and underwear to mid-thigh, revealing the cage over his hairless crotch. “Awesome.” Corey grinned. “So who's got the key?” he asked, looking at the small padlock on it. Josh sighed in frustration. “Nobody, it's making its way to Benny's house in the post.” “You'd better hope it doesn't get lost on the way!” Corey grinned wickedly. “And where's your pubes? You look like a little kid, even I've got more hair than that!” “Oh yeah? Prove it!” Josh laughed as he threw Corey's own words back in his face. “What?” Corey said, his enthusiasm suddenly deflated. “Prove you've got more hair than me. Come on, show big bro that you're not a little baby any more.” Josh teased him. Corey took a few steps back, then undid the button on his jeans. He took hold of the waistband, but then froze, eyes fixed on Josh. The older brother could see Corey's nervousness. He decided to help him out, so he stood up walked over to him, knelt down and gently pulled the boy's hands away from the jeans. No longer being held up, Josh found the jeans just fell to the ground with a quick tug, bunching around the boy's ankles. “You wasn't kidding about that stiffy!” Josh said, smiling up at Corey as he saw the small erection tenting his briefs. He took hold of the underwear and slid it down, watching amused as the boner popped free and pointed straight up in the air. It was topped by a small patch of fair hair. “I guess you were right about the hair too.” Corey just stared down at Josh nervously, not daring to move or speak, barely even breathing. Josh moved closer to the small erection, stopping just before his lips made contact with it. Looking up, he said shakily, “Tell me what you want me to do.” “S... suck it.” Corey whimpered with a wavering voice. That was as much of an order as Josh needed. He took the boy's cock in his mouth all the way until his nose pressed against the small patch of pubes, balls against his chin. Corey just about collapsed as he felt the sensation, his knees buckling as he doubled over towards Josh. The older brother pulled away, catching Corey as he staggered. He put his arms round the boy, lifted him up and then dropped him onto the bed. With Corey now laying flat, Josh returned to sucking the boy's straining boner. After sliding his lips up and down the length of it a few times, Josh opened his mouth wider and sucked the boy's small, hairless balls into his mouth too. “Ah, oooh.” Corey moaned as Josh's tongue lashed at his cock and scrotum. “I think... I gonna...” He never got a chance to finish the sentence, his words instead replaced by more moans of exhilaration as he shot a small load into his brother's throat. Josh released the boy's tool from his mouth and sat up, looking down at the laying boy. “You dirty cock-sucker!” Corey grinned. Josh just nodded and smiled. “I didn't hear you complaining!” “Well it beats having another wank!” Corey said back casually as he pulled his briefs and jeans back on. Josh stood up and headed for the door. “I'll message you a bit later once I know what time thing are gonna start. See you later.” By the time he closed the door behind him, Corey was already back on his 3DS, as if the encounter had never even happened. As Josh left the house and headed back to Benny's, he pulled out his phone to text Dale. [MY MUM INSISTED WE INVITE COREY TONIGHT, WILL THAT BE A PROBLEM?] Dale's reply came a few moments later. [IF IT'S OKAY WITH YOU, THEN I'M OKAY WITH IT. WARREN'S IN TOO.] [GREAT, SEE YOU LATER] When Josh reached Benny's house, he let himself in and found Nick and Benny sat in the lounge playing a video game. They paused it as they heard Josh get back. “Hey guys.” he said, sitting down into one of the armchairs. “You were ages. Did you get everything sorted with Dale?” Nick asked. Josh saw Benny's face drop a little at the mention of Dale. “Yeah, he's fine. I told him about everything and... he's cool with it. I went home and spoke to Corey too, cleared the air a bit.” He looked straight at Benny. “So no harm done.” Benny smiled with relief. He had been worried the entire time Josh was out that he had ruined everything and that his fun would now be coming to an end. “Also, I've arranged something for us all to do tonight.” Josh said, hoping his arrangements would meet with his master's approval. “I thought we could have a sleepover type thing tonight.” Josh was relieved to see both boys' faces light up. “Awesome!” Nick said happily. “Who's coming?” Benny asked eagerly. “Well it'll be us three, obviously.” Josh looked at Nick. “I checked with Mum, she's fine with it. But... she did insist that we invite Corey too, but he's okay with all the stuff we'll be doing.” “Are you sure?” Nick asked, his look of concern matching Josh's own reaction to the idea. “Yeah, he's... up for it!” Josh said, smiling slightly. “I also invited Dale and Warren.” “Cool.” Benny grinned happily. “Who's Warren?” Nick asked. Josh thought about it. With the amount of time he had spent with Nick and Warren over the last few days, he had never even noticed he had never been around them both at the same time. It felt strange to think that two boys he had been so intimate with were still strangers to each other. “He's Dale's little brother.” “And he's hot!” Benny added happily. Josh found himself smiling too as he thought about the cute boy, his mind wandering a little onto his brother, Dale. Then came the thought of the two of them together. He was shaken from his daydream by the all-too-familiar pain is his crotch of another attempted erection. “I've got some AMAZING ideas for things we can do tonight.” Benny said excitedly, jumping up onto his feet. “I need to go and prepare some stuff.” As Benny was about half way up the stairs, he heard Josh behind him. “Benny, wait.” he called out. Benny turned, walked down a few steps and sat down. Josh walked up a few steps to bring his face to the same height as Benny's. “Whatever you're planning, keep it... calm!” Josh's tone was as serious as Benny had ever heard it. “I've already given you more chances than I probably should and you keep letting me down and hurting people. If ANYTHING like that happens again, we're done. You understand.” Benny just nodded, a little scared of the look Josh was giving him. The older boy could see he was scaring Benny, so he smiled, leaned forward to give him a quick kiss and added, “So make it fun, make it embarrassing, make it weird, you're great at that sort of thing, but save the pain for just us, okay?” “Okay.” Benny replied, smiling once again before continuing up the stairs. ***** Nick and Benny had been hyper-actively overexcited all afternoon about their plans for the evening, the two of them repeatedly disappearing to plot something or whispering quietly to each other. Josh probably would have been quite annoyed with him if he hadn't found their enthusiasm so endearing. Josh's own feelings about the night were mixed. On the positive side, he knew it was going to be fun, it would be good for Benny and he was going to get to spend more time with Warren and Dale. On the negative side though, the thought of spending a whole evening doing naughty things with cute guys and not even being able to get hard was likely to be torturous. The two boys had quietened down a little when Corey arrived at about six. Nick suddenly switched to big brother mode, finding every word that came out of Corey's mouth annoying while simultaneously watching him like a hawk whenever he was near Benny. The biggest change though was in Benny himself. Outside of a situation where he was the 'master', he became very shy with the new arrival. Josh wondered if it was partly because he still felt bad because he had almost hurt him that morning, or perhaps he was just scared because he knew both of the young boy's older brothers were watching his every move. By the time Warren and Dale rang the doorbell, all three boys had relaxed a little and the situation felt a lot more natural. Josh was in the kitchen when the last two arrived, so Nick jumped up to go and answer the door. “Hi Dale.” Nick said as he opened the door, both boys blushing slightly as they saw each other. “Hey Nick.” Dale smiled back at him. Nick stood aside and let Dale passed, revealing the boy stood behind him. Nick just stared, suddenly flashing back to Saturday morning. He had been on his way home with Benny, just leaving the park when he had seen the group of boys when one of them caught his eye. He had wanted to stop and watch the beautiful boy but instead had to follow Benny. Now though, here he was, stood on the doorstep looking even cuter up close. Warren saw the boy staring at him, wondering why he cautiously said, “Hi, I'm Warren, you must be Nick.” Nick looked down at the ground as he realised how long he had been staring at the boy. “Yeah, I'm Nick... erm, hi.” Warren stepped forward and gave the nervous boy a friendly hug, catching him completely by surprise. When Warren let go, Nick's slight blushing had turned gotten worse, leaving his face glowing red. Warren just walked past Nick and Dale, slipped off his shoes and headed into the lounge. Dale looked round at the blushing boy and grinned. Quietly he whispered, “Has someone got a crush?” Nick looked horrified that it had been so obvious. “No, fuck off!” He closed the door, looking away from Dale and taking a deep breath for a moment, trying to regain his composure. “Aww, don't worry Nicky, I won't tell.” Dale teased him. “Hi Dale.” Josh said as he walked through the hallway and straight into the lounge. “Yeah... I...” Dale stuttered as he saw him, now his turn to get flushed. Nick saw the older boy's reaction and started laughing. “Oh, got a bit of a crush have we? Don't worry, I won't tell!” Despite his embarrassment, Dale couldn't help laughing. He grabbed Nick, threw him over his shoulder and walked into the lounge. When he saw Warren sat on the sofa, he couldn't resist messing with Nick a little more. He threw him down onto the seat, flat on his back so his head ended up on Warren's lap, looking up at him. “Hi again.” Warren grinned. Nick said nothing, he just sat up and turned round into a seated position, glaring angrily at Dale. “Oh yeah.” Josh said, noticing Corey looking at the two new arrivals. “Corey, this is Dale and Warren. Dale, Warren, this is Corey.” The three boys said hi to to each other slightly awkwardly, Dale looking a little embarrassed as he was formally introduced to the boy he had fucked that morning. “And Warren, this is Nick.” Josh added, patting Nick on the head as he stood next to him. “Yeah, they've met.” Dale said, grinning wickedly as Nick continued to blush. An moment of awkward silence fell across the room. Benny had always been the boy in charge, but his shyness had returned and he now stood as speechless as the others. As it had been his idea, Josh felt it was his duty to keep things moving, so he thought for a moment and said, “Right, I'm gonna go into the kitchen and order some pizzas for later. Nick, Benny, I think you had some ideas for... entertainment, didn't you?” As Josh left, Dale, Warren and Corey all looked at the two planners expectantly. Benny's shyness slipped away a little as he grinned at Nick. “I thought we could start off easy, a bit of an ice breaker. We're gonna play spin the bottle!” Benny said happily. “Nick, go and get the bottle from the kitchen.” Nick ran out of the room, happy to be away from Dale's teasing. As he entered the kitchen, Josh, who was sat at the breakfast bar studying the pizza menu looked at him with concern and asked, “You okay? Your face is really red.” Nick snatched the empty bottle off of the counter where Benny had left it earlier. “Dale's a dick!” Josh laughed at his brother's annoyance. “What did he do?” Nick thought about it, unsure whether telling Josh about his crush would just lead him to more teasing. He decided to give Josh a chance. They had gotten much closer over the last week, so maybe that would make him a little more sympathetic. “I kinda like Warren and Dale keeps teasing me about it.” A huge smile spread across Josh's face. “Aw, don't tell me you're gonna tease me too.” “No.” Josh said happily. “I was just thinking that you and Warren would make such a cute couple.” “Shut up.” Nick said, annoyed at his brother's apparent taunt. “I'm not teasing you, I really think you'd be adorable together.” Nick just smiled stupidly at the thought of it, then he looked at Josh a little more seriously. “Benny told me you're kind of into Dale too.” “Oh, he mentioned that?” Josh said with a sigh. “Mentioned it? After you left earlier, he was distraught. He wouldn't even stop crying for about half an hour. He's really into you.” Nick said quietly, looking back to make sure nobody was coming in. “Fuck, I didn't think he'd take it that badly.” Josh said remorsefully. “Can I tell you something? Promise you won't ever mention this to anyone?” “Sure.” Nick replied, taking the seat next to his big brother. Josh took a deep breath then looked Nick straight in the eye. “I love him. Like, completely and utterly adore him. I know he's just a kid, but I love him so much.” “But?” Nick asked, knowing there was more. “But... he's just a kid. How could I ever be in a relationship that's not only illegal, but that I'd also have to hide from everyone we know?” Josh asked, knowing Nick probably couldn't give an answer. Nick put his hand on Josh's leg, rubbing it gently. “You've pretty much answered your own problem there. You and Benny can't work, you know that and he probably knows that too, but that won't change how you feel. Anyway, what about Dale?” “Oh yeah.” Josh said, suddenly smiling at the thought of the beautiful young man in the next room. “I know that look.” Nick said happily. “He's really into you too, ya know.” “Really? Are you sure?” Josh asked happily. It was fairly obvious from their encounter in the park earlier that Dale was physically attracted to Josh, but the prospect of it leading to something more was something he had not yet been sure of. “Very!” Nick reassured him. “Hey, if you get together with Dale, I'll be able to say I've sucked off your boyfriend!” Josh just shrugged. “Well if you get together with Warren, I'll be able to say the same thing!” Nick's face dropped. “You... and Warren?” “Yup.” Josh replied. “Nick, Josh, hurry up!” Benny called from the lounge. Nick looked round in the direction of the yell, then back at Josh. “Twice!” Josh added and a cheeky wink. “Now get back in there, I won't be long.” Speechless, Nick stood up, grabbed the bottle and headed back into the lounge. Josh finished looking at the menu and ordered the food to come later that evening before going in to join them. As he entered the room, he saw the five of them sat on the floor in a circle, a space left between Nick and Corey for him to join them. As Josh saw the bottle he looked at Benny and said, “Spin the bottle? That's a bit tame for you, isn't it!” “Hey, it's just to get us started, and it's not that tame.” Benny assured him. “It's strip spin the bottle. You spin the bottle, whoever it points at you have to kiss, but also you remove an item of clothing from each other.” “Awesome.” Corey said excitedly, all the other guys laughing at his enthusiasm. “Oh yeah, socks don't count, they're dull, so take them off now.” Benny added. Josh did as he was told and pulled off his socks, noticing that all the others had already done so. Benny clearly wanted them all naked as soon as possible. 'Easy game for me.' he thought. 'They've all seen me naked already, and I've kissed them all too... except Corey. I suppose that'll be a bit weird.' “Who's first then?” Josh asked. “Who do you think?” Benny said back with a grin. “Fine.” Josh said, pretending to be a little annoyed, but in reality very much looking forward to it. He reached forward and span the bottle, all six of the boys watching intently as it span, finally coming to a stop pointing at Warren. Josh looked at Nick for a moment, feeling a little guilty about the prospect of kissing the boy his brother liked, right in front of him. It also felt a bit strange to think about kissing Warren in front of his big brother. “Do it do it do it.” Corey called out excitedly as Josh and Warren began moving towards each other. “And make it a proper kiss, too!” Benny called out as they neared each other. The two boys were knelt in the middle of the circle, facing each other and only inches apart. Josh reached down and lifted Warren's t-shirt up over his head, then threw it behind him onto the sofa. Warren copied him and the two shirtless boys leant into each other as their lips met. Their arms wrapped around each other as they both got lost in the kiss, forgetting where they were for a moment. “I think that's long enough.” Nick called out after about fifteen seconds. He blushed once again as Dale winked knowingly at him. Josh and Warren parted, looking slightly guiltily at each other as they got back into their previous positions. “Okay, Nick's next.” Benny said, indicating for the order of play to proceed clockwise around the circle. Nick reached out and span the bottle, both hoping for and dreading the possibility of it stopping on Warren. He was almost relieved when it came to a halt pointing at Dale. The two of them moved into the middle of the circle, Dale immediately pulling off Nick's top. Nick lifted Dale's tank top, watching excitedly as the young man's hairy chest was revealed. Dale raised his arms but Nick couldn't reach all the way up to remove it completely, so Dale finished raising it and threw it aside. With his hands still raised, Nick rubbed them gently down Dale's arms, past his shoulder and onto his chest where they paused for a few moments, gulping as he looked into his eyes. “Get on with it!” Corey called out, who had his hand inside his underwear playing with himself already. Nick and Dale both laughed, then leaned into their kiss, embracing for just a few seconds before letting go and sitting back down. “My turn.” Benny said happily as he looked round at the four shirtless guys and Corey. He span, not really minding who it landed on. It stopped pointing at Nick. As the two boys were sat next to each other, they didn't need to move into the middle of the circle, but Nick stood up to allow Benny to remove his shorts, pulling the younger boy's t-shirt off as he did so. Nick looked round nervously at Warren as Benny removed the shorts. He wasn't self-conscious about his body, he knew he had absolutely no reason to be, but he felt really awkward being stripped in front of the cute boy, a feeling only made worse when he looked round and saw his little brother staring at his body and playing with his dick inside his pants. As he stepped out of the shorts and knelt back down, he kissed Benny, barely giving it any of his attention as he worried about the boys watching him. At least he didn't have a boner, that would have just made it a hundred times worse. Now red across his face and right down his neck onto his shoulders, Nick sat back down and stared at the carpet, terrified to make eye contact with anyone. He was so distracted by his embarrassment that he didn't even notice Warren spin the bottle. It was only when he heard the others cheering that he looked at it... it was pointing straight at him. “Woohoo, first to get naked. Way to go Nick.” Dale called out, to the cheers of Benny, Josh and Corey. Nick went from bright red to pale white in a matter of moments as he looked at Warren, who just smiled sweetly back at him. Suddenly he felt Josh's hands on him, pushing him to stand up. Reluctantly he got up onto his feet, Warren doing the same and moving in front of the nervous teen. “Sorry.” Warren said, Nick's fear now painfully obvious. “It's ok.” Nick whispered back. “You can go first if you like.” Warren said quietly, taking Nick's hands and placing them against the wasitband of his jeans. Nick took a deep breath, undid the button then pulled the jeans down, revealing the boy's underwear. Standing up, Nick's breaths were getting a little ragged as Warren looked him in the eye and took hold of the waistband of his boxers. Warren leant down as he pulled the underwear down to Nick's ankles, the four spectators cheering loudly as he did it. He stood back up slowly, taking a moment to stop and inspect the nervous boy's cock before moving back up to eye level. “And now... we kiss.” Warren whispered, pushing his hair aside. Nick was frozen in place, so Warren moved closer, his body pressing right up against Nick's as their lips met. Nick's body visibly relaxed as they kissed, his arms lifting up behind Warren's back to hold him. Warren kept one hand on the boy's bare hip, the other sliding up his back and into his hair. Kissing Josh, kissing Benny, neither of them could compare to this feeling for Nick. He wanted to keep going forever, and it seemed Warren wouldn't mind if it did, but Benny clearly had other plans. “Yeah, enough, come on, let go!” the boy called out trying to get them to finish. The two boys finally parted, smiling happily each other as they moved apart. “Haa, Nick got a boner!” Corey called out, pointing at his brother's crotch. Nick had most certainly got a boner, his cock pointing up to the ceiling. Embarrassed, he covered it up with his hands and then looked at Warren nervously. The other boy just put a hand behind Nick's neck, pulled him into another quick kiss then whispered in his ear, “Don't worry, you got me hard too!” Nick looked down at the bulge in the boy's boxers. Smiling but still covering up, Nick sat back down between Josh and Benny as Dale reached for the bottle and span. “Why's it never me?” Corey asked, annoyed as he saw it pointing at Benny. Dale laughed at the boy's reaction, then stood to face Benny, who he towered over. Benny looked up at him, nervous for just a moment before pulling the big man's shorts down. Josh watched closely, his eyes fixing on Dale's crotch. He hadn't changed his underwear since their encounter in the park, so there was a faint cum stain showing over the head of his once again erect cock. Josh smiled as he saw it. Dale leaned down to pull Benny's shorts off. On the way back up, he wrapped his arms around the boy's waist and lifted him up, bringing him up to eye level. “Ready?” Dale asked. Benny didn't reply, he just grabbed Dale's head with both hands and pulled him into a kiss. Josh wasn't sure how he felt as he watched. The boy he loved in the arms of the man he was beginning to love. He didn't know whether to be turned on or nervous. The kiss lasted a few seconds before Benny pulled away and Dale lowered him back to the floor. Josh looked round at Benny as he sat back down, worried that his master might be annoyed with him somehow for liking this other man. Instead, he was surprised to see Benny smiling back at him and giving him a thumbs up. What did this mean? Did Benny approve of his choice in men? He wanted to take the boy aside and question him, but he couldn't. “Okay. Josh's turn.” Benny said, deliberately not looking at Corey. “What about me?” Corey asked, looking sad to have been skipped. “Sorry, if you're wearing all your clothes, you have to skip your go. That's the rule.” Benny replied, clearly making the rule up on the spot. Josh leaned over to his little brother and whispered, “Never let Benny know you really want something, he's mean like that.” “But... I wanted a go.” Corey whined. “Don't worry.” Josh answered, staring at Benny who grinned wickedly. “He's mean but he always gives everyone a go eventually!” He reached out and span the bottle, secretly hoping it would land on Corey, just to give his youngest brother the chance to join in. Again it looked like Corey would have to wait as it pointed to Dale. The boy was still playing with his dick. Josh wondered how he had managed not to cum yet! Josh had been so caught up in Corey's frustration that he took a few moments to realise he was about to get Dale naked and kiss him. Coming to his senses, he eagerly stood up and waited for Dale to pull down his jeans. “Come on, don't keep me waiting!” Josh said happily as Dale got up too. The other nineteen-year-old moved closer to Josh then kissed him, their lips parting and their tongues probing each other's mouths. As they kissed, Dale reached down and undid Josh's jeans, letting them drop to the floor, while Josh slid Dale's underwear down as far as he could without breaking their embrace. As Josh felt the naked man pressed up against him, he desperately wished to be rid of the chastity device. The thought of his own hard cock pressing against Dale's filled his mind as he moaned happily into the other man's mouth. Benny watched closely, part of him distraught at the sight of Josh with another man, but another part of him massively aroused by the show. As he sat watching, he felt Nick's hand grab his own, squeezing gently. He looked to his side and smiled at Josh's brother, nodding gently to indicate he was okay. Nick smiled back but kept hold of the hand anyway until Josh and Dale finally let go of each other. Warren looked round at his brother as he sat back down. “That was so fucking hot!” he said, his eyes wide. “Yeah, I can tell!” Dale grinned, looking at the wet patch on Dale's underwear. The boy quickly moved his hands to cover up, suddenly embarrassed at the thought of his brother seeing his heightened arousal. “Nick's already naked, so we skip him too.” Benny said, making up another rule as he span the bottle. Nick looked annoyed but knew better than to argue with Benny. The bottle ended up pointing at Josh. “Great.” Benny said. He jumped up, pulled down his own underwear then virtually jumped onto Josh. The older boy tipped backwards, ending up flat on his back as Benny sat on top of him before leaning down to kiss him. The two boys lay there kissing for a few moments. Josh's mind raced as he kissed the boy. It felt so amazing having his master kissing him. All he wanted to do was lay there enjoying the boy's touch, but the doubts he had about their relationship kept popping up too. Eventually he sat up and pushed Benny gently off of him. The younger boy reached down and slid Josh's underwear off, twirling it round hi finger as he moved back to his seat. The other boys stared, still not used to seeing Josh's chastity device. “Warren, your turn.” Benny said, still playing with Josh's underwear. Nick laughed quietly, not meaning to vocalise his excitement at the prospect of Warren's imminent nudity. Dale smiled at the boy, who frowned back at him. Warren took the bottle, spinning it quickly and staring at Nick as it went round. He looked down as it stopped. It was pointing at Dale. “Well... this should be pretty weird.” Warren said, standing up. He gestured towards his underwear and said quietly to Dale, “Could you....” Dale suddenly looked very nervous. He had talked about this sort of thing with Josh in the park earlier, and had convinced himself it was no big deal, but suddenly here was his little brother, waiting to be stripped naked before they kissed. His large hands were actually shaking by the time they reached Warren's boxers. He looked up nervously at his little brother who just smiled back. Down they went, the boy's boner springing free and pointing right at Dale's face. Staring at it for a moment, he jumped up onto his feet, blushing as brightly as Nick had earlier. “Are you sure?” Dale asked quietly. “He's sure!” Corey called out from behind Dale. Both boys laughed along with Nick, Benny and Josh, the boys comment shattering the tension entirely. Still laughing slightly, Warren said, “I'm sure.” That was all Dale needed to hear. He leaned down to pull his little brother into a kiss, much gentler than his kiss with Josh had been, but no less passionate. “Ah, fuck!” Corey moaned, his fist pumping away at his small cock as he watched the two brothers together. Josh looked at Nick for a moment, thinking back to the first kiss they had shared. Nick noticed Josh staring and looked round, smiling at him as he had a pretty good idea of what he was thinking. When the two brothers ended their kiss and sat back down, both of their cocks rock hard and dripping with pre-cum, Benny called out, “Well we're all naked, so I guess that's the end of this game.” Josh smiled, knowing he was teasing Corey who still sat there fully dressed. For a moment he considered warning his little brother to stay quiet, but part of him wanted to see what Benny had planned, if only to check that he was not going to get carried away with anything again. “Hey, what about me?” Corey called out. “Of course, how could I forget. You'd better get naked too. Come on everyone, grab a seat.” Benny said, heading to the sofa. The other four followed as Corey just sat there looking confused. Once they were all seated, Benny looked at the boy and said, “Come on then, stand up and take your clothes off. We're all watching!” Corey looked delighted as he stood up. Getting his clothes removed as part of the game would have been okay, but being ordered to just strip in front of everyone, like he was putting on a show, suddenly it felt very different. “What, just... take my clothes off? Here?” Corey asked, smiling broadly. “Well you could go and do it in the garden in you prefer!” Benny replied with a wicked grin. “Come on everyone, give him some encouragement. Strip, strip, strip, strip.” As Benny started the chant, the others all joined in. “STRIP, STRIP, STRIP, STRIP.” Corey stood there, finally pulling his hand out of his underwear, his boner tenting his shorts a little. Josh realised Benny was attempting to be mean to embarrass the boy, but it clearly wasn't working, Corey was loving the attention. The chant continued as Corey slowly lifted his t-shirt, resulting in cheers and applause from his audience. Throwing the t-shirt aside, he grabbed the waistband of his shorts and underwear. Taking a look at the cheering boys in front of him, he smiled and pulled them both down at the same time. Finally naked, he got an even louder cheer from the group. “Good boy.” Benny called out. “Now, as a reward, you get to choose who to kiss.” Corey's smile grew into a massive grin as he purveyed the naked group. He walked towards the sofa, then climbed onto Benny's lap. Benny had expected him to pick any of the others, so having Corey straddling him came as a very pleasant surprise. The two boys kissed for just a few seconds before Corey jumped off and stood in front of them all, once again playing with his cock. “What are we doing next?” Corey asked eagerly. Dale turned to Josh who was sittingu immediately to his left, rolled his eyes with smile and said, “It's gonna be a long night!” Josh stared into his eyes, mesmerised then replied quietly, “I sure hope so!” “Okay.” Benny said jumping up from the sofa and turning to face the others. “Next up is a game that I'm gonna call... The McKenzie Speed Wank Challenge!” They all laughed at the name for a moment before quietening down to let Benny explain the details. “Well there are three McKenzies here and three non-McKenzies, so you three,” Benny pointed to Josh, Nick and Corey, “will each partner up with one of the others. Then it's up to you to see how fast you can make your partner cum using just your hands.” “Oh my God.” Josh said, half laughing, half frowning. “How do you come up with this crap?” Benny ignored the question and continued. “There will, of course, be a forfeit for the losing couple.” Josh turned just in time to see Nick flinch at the mention of a forfeit, the cruel punishment he had endured on Monday still fresh in his mind. Josh turned back to Benny who had seen the boys exchanging worried glances. “Don't worry, it's nothing that'll hurt or get you arrested.” Benny assured them all, but looked directly at Josh as he spoke. “So who's with who?” Nick asked, excited at the prospect of being partnered with Warren. “Let's make it random. Everyone on your feet.” Benny directed. As they all stood, he positioned himself, Warren and Dale in a triangle, with plenty of space in between them. “Josh, you first. Stand in the middle, close your eyes and spin round a few times, then reach out until you grab someone.” Josh did as he was told and stood in the middle. He covered his eyes and span on the spot, staggering slightly but being kept in place with nudges from the three surrounding him. When he stopped he reached out and felt nobody there, so moved his arms to the left. He felt an arm. He opened his eyes and saw it was Warren. “You and me again.” Josh smiled at the boy. “Do it like you did at the lake and we've got this won!” Warren said happily. The comment got a few strange looks from the others as the two boys smiled knowingly at each other. Benny moved opposite Dale and said, “Nick, your turn.” Nick moved between them and spun round with his eyes closed. As he reached out and opened his eyes, he found he had grabbed Benny. “Okay, I can work with that.” Nick said, squeezing Benny's cock. Benny gasped and pushed Nick's hand away. “So it looks like Dale and Corey.” Corey stared up at the huge-looking man, then down at his cock. He looked nervous, but once again played with his little stiffy. Dale seemed equally nervous, looking at the boy's oldest brother. Josh could sense Dale's trepidation, but smiled and nodded his approval. “Looks like we're all set.” Benny said as the pairs all stood together. “Oh, one more thing.” He ran out into the kitchen and came back holding a pint glass. “When you cum at any time tonight, cum in this. The forfeit from one of the games is gonna be drinking it.” The boys all looked at each other nervously. Most of them had swallowed a load or two in their time, but the thought of having to down so many loads in one go was quite intimidating. “Hey, on the subject of forfeits, I think maybe you should tell us what this one will be now.” Warren demanded. “If you two lose, you'll probably say something really easy.” “Yeah, good point.” Josh said, smiling at the thought of the two schemers losing. “Okay.” Benny nodded. “One member of the losing pair has to run to the house across the street and ring the doorbell... naked!” “You'd better be fast kid. I'm not losing this one!” Dale said, putting an arm around Corey, who just nodded nervously at the big man. Each of the couples got into position. Warren was stood with Josh right behind him, his arms draped down over the boy's shoulders, Dale was sat in an armchair with Corey kneeling in front of him and Benny was laying on the sofa with Nick sat on his legs. “Okay, everyone ready? Three, two, one... go!” Benny called out. On his command, all three McKenzie brothers got to work on their respective cocks. Josh reached round Warren's waist to take hold of the cock with one hand, caressing the boy's balls with the other. Over on the armchair, Corey had reached up and grabbed Dale's cock, the seven incher giving plenty of room for both hands to hold it. He had worked a little of the man's pre-cum down onto the shaft allowing his hands to easily slide up and down the rigid pole. Nick was working just as quickly on Benny's cock, teasing his smooth balls at the same time. Grunts and moans of excitement filled the room as the rapid wanking continued. Nick looked round and felt a pang of jealousy as he saw Warren leaning back against Josh, his brother's hands working quickly on the boy's prick, the head shiny with pre-cum. Next he looked to his youngest brother. This was probably the first time Corey had ever touched another guy's penis and he seemed to have taken to it like a natural. Dale was sat with his head tipped back, his eyes closed as he breathed heavily, occasionally grunting. Finally Nick looked down at Benny. He, too, was looking round the room at the others. Thankfully he seemed to be enjoying the sights as Nick felt his cock beginning to twitch. “Get off, I'm gonna cum.” Benny called out. Nick jumped off his legs, allowing the boy to stand up after grabbing the pint glass. “Ah, fuck, fuck, ah, yeah.” Benny called out, then started shooting his load into the receptacle. Several shots oozed down the side of the glass and pooled at the bottom. He turned to Nick and the two boys high-fived. “Yeah, winner, right here!” Nick called out, pointing to himself. The others attempted to ignore them, but the pressure was now on. Corey began stroking faster, making Dale call out in both shock and pleasure. Josh did the same, increasing the speed on warren's cock, the boy remaining silent apart from his rapid breathing. Nick and Benny watched closely, unsure of who was going to lose. The answer came quickly as Warren turned to Benny and grabbed the glass. He shoved his cock into it and added a second load to the supply, remaining completely silent until the last drop had oozed out. Dale's breathing grew heavier and the others could tell he was close. Warren ran over with the glass and handed it to Corey. He pointed the man's cock down into it as much as he could just in time. “Oh God, yeah.” Dale called out. The first shot completely missed the glass, instead landing on Corey's arm, but then he repositioned the glass to catch the rest. Dale took a few more deep breaths as the orgasm subsided, then looked round at the small crowd in front of him. “I'm guessing we were last.” he said unhappily. Corey just looked at him and nodded. “Come on then. Forfeit time. Which one of you is going?” Benny asked, not giving them any time to recover. Dale looked at the small boy kneeling front of him and said, “I should probably do it.” Josh smiled as he realised Dale was just being chivalrous and looking out for the younger boy. They were both surprised when Corey said, “Nah it's okay, I'll go.” Without waiting for any argument, Corey got up and headed to the front door. The others all followed closely behind. As Corey opened the door, he pointed down the driveway to the house directly across the road. “That one?” he asked. “Yeah,” Benny said, grinning. “No problem. Be right back.” Corey said casually. He dashed out of the door, down the driveway and onto the pavement. He stopped for a moment, checked for traffic and crossed the road at top speed. A few seconds later he was at the front door of the other house and pressing the doorbell. “Oh my god, he's insane.” Nick said, laughing along with the others. “Yeah, he's certainly not shy!” Dale added. The boy started running back down the driveway, again stopping before crossing the street. Just as he got to the side nearest Benny's house, a young couple walked by. Benny just looked at them, smiled and said, “Hi.” before running back towards Benny's house. Josh quickly closed the door before the couple could see the rest of them standing there, but pulled it open a little just as his little brother reached it. Back inside, Corey stood there triumphantly, a huge grin on his face, his cock still standing erect. “Well that was easy.” he said, prompting a cheer from the others. “So, Benny, what's next?” They all looked at the Benny expectantly. “Who's up for Truth or Dare?” he asked. Chapter 17 As the six naked boys all headed back into the lounge, they didn't return to the floor where they had been before, instead sitting on the sofa and armchairs. Nick had sat in the middle of the sofa with Josh and Dale either side of him, Warren had taken one of the armchairs while Benny and Corey had squeezed together onto the other one. “Okay, truth or dare, simple rules, anyone can come up with the question or the dare, you can't have two truths in a row and if you refuse to do a dare you get the forfeit.” Benny explained. “What's the forfeit?” Dale asked. “If it's anything like the last one, Corey might do it voluntarily.” The whole group laughed as Corey raised his arms into the air triumphantly. “We can decide that if it happens. I get a feeling most of us'll be happy with the dares we get!” Benny said, still chuckling at Dale's comment. “I suppose I'm first again?” Josh asked, once again faking his reluctance. As Benny nodded, he added, “Let's start with a truth then.” “I've got a good one.” Benny said keenly. “Out of the five of us, whose cock do you like sucking the most?” The entire group stared immediately at Josh. The question had caught him quite by surprise, it was definitely not the sort of thing he had expected to be asked so soon. He thought back over his experiences with all the boys now waiting for his reply. If it was a matter of size, it would have been a close call between Nick and Dale, but Benny had asked which one he had liked. Suddenly his mind flashed back to Friday afternoon, in that country lane, hearing Warren's delighted stuttering as he ran his finger across the boy's hole while he sucked him. Then feeling the boy licking the cum off of his face. His cock twinged as it attempted to stiffen once more. Hesitantly, taking a quick look round at Dale first, Josh answered quietly. “Warren's.” “Boo-yah.” Warren called out happily, pumping one fist in the air as he grabbed his cock with the other. “Who's next?” Josh asked, quickly wanting to change the subject. “How about Warren?” Benny suggested, Warren's hand dropping down limply as he realised he had made himself the next target. “And from now on, whoever answers or does the dare picks the next player.” “Fine. Truth too.” Warren said, looking round the room for who might come up with a question for him, not sure if he might have been more sensible choosing a dare. “I know.” Corey said with an almost manic smile. “How often do you think about Dale when you're jacking off?” “Oof, nice one!” Benny called out as he heard the question. Both Warren and Dale's faces contorted into a look of sheer terror and embarrassment. “I... erm... well... erm...” Warren stuttered. “Come on.” Josh said with a smile. “If I answered, so can you!” Dale was now staring at his little brother. The fact that the boy hadn't immediately replied 'never' already told him the boy did it, the question now was just how much. “Maybe....” Warren started, looking quickly at Dale before staring down at the ground. “Maybe... three... or four times... a week!” Corey and Benny started laughing and cheering at the boy's humiliation, even more-so as they saw Dale fidgeting uncomfortably in his seat, his cock definitely swelling a little. “Corey's next!” Warren said sharply. Josh found it quite strange to see Warren so flustered, but the boy's shame, along with the thought of him jacking off thinking about his brother, was a huge turn-on. Again the cock cage felt tighter. “I'll take a dare.” Corey said excitedly, casually playing with his seemingly permanent erection. “Of course you will.” Dale laughed. Josh threw his hand in the air, like a schoolboy desperate to shout out an answer. “I've got one for him.” the boy's eldest brother said excitedly. He dashed out of the room and upstairs into the spare room before running back down. He grabbed the bottle of lube from Benny's box in the corner then held up a butt plug. “Until you're next turn, you have to keep this in... AND you're not allowed to touch your dick.” Corey looked a strange mix of excited and worried. The plug wasn't big, but he hadn't got much experience with things being inserted yet. On top of that, not being allowed to touch himself was going to be difficult. Ever since he first got hard he hadn't been able to keep his hands off of it. “Whatever.” Corey said, sliding out of the seat and onto the floor. He knelt down and pointed his butt up at his big brother. “Stick it in then.” Josh was a little worried that in his eagerness to suggest the idea, he may have gotten Corey into something that was going to hurt him, but if he had managed getting fucked by Dale earlier in the day, the small butt plug should not really present a challenge. He smothered the toy in lubricant then realised he probably needed to do the same to Corey's hole. He felt the eyes of everyone else in the room fixed on him as his fingers began caressing the boy's crack. Corey moaned gently and reached out to stroke his solid shaft, all three and a half inches of it, but Josh smacked the hand away. “No touching, remember!” Josh finished preparing his little brother and began pushing the toy inside him. Again Corey moaned, getting a little louder as it got wider and wider. “Fuck!” Corey called out as he felt it pop all the way in, his hole contracting around the narrow part. “Okay, you can sit back down.” Josh said, gently slapping Corey's arse. The young boy stood up carefully, testing how the toy felt as he moved around. “That's not so bad.” Corey said nonchalantly as he sat back next to Benny. “Oh yeah, I forgot this.” Josh said, thrusting his hand between the boy's legs to grab the end of the device. He flicked the small switch and it began buzzing. “Haa.” Corey yelped as the vibrations spread through his insides. “That's... oh, shit... how long.. does it stay in?” he asked, breathing heavily. “Until your next turn. So I suggest you get things moving quickly.” Josh said, jumping back onto the sofa next to Nick. “Okay. Dale can go next.” Corey said quickly. All eyes turned to the young man who took a deep breath and said, “Truth.” He immediately regretted the choice as he remembered the question his little brother had been asked moments before. Before anyone else had a chance to speak, Benny called out, “Who's the better cock sucker, Josh or Nick?” Dale looked to Nick sat by his side, then at Josh who leaned forward to look around his little brother. He thought for a moment, thinking back to his brief encounters with the two brothers. Having them both staring at him, along with the rest of the boys, made it almost impossible to think. “I couldn't pick. They're both great.” He eventually answered. “Boo.” Warren called out. “Lame answer. You get to go again for that!” Benny insisted. “And as you can't have two truths in a row, you'll take a dare. Anyone got one?” “Yeah, I think I do.” Josh said, smiling over at Benny. “You're getting so good at this.” Benny replied cheekily. “I'm so proud.” “Hey, I learned from the best.” Josh said, winking back at the boy. “Dale, you have to do whatever it is Warren imagined you doing last time he had a wank thinking about you.” Nick actually gasped as he heard his brother's suggestion. Dale and Warren both looked horrified, while Benny and Corey were virtually bouncing for joy, although in Corey's case that may have been a residual effect of the butt plug vibrating inside him. “Aw, come on.” Dale said, sitting forward to look at Josh. “Really?” Josh grinned at the uncomfortable-looking young man then looked over to Warren. “So what was it Warren? Last time you had a wank over Dale, what was he doing?” Warren's mouth flapped, the boy clearly attempting to talk but either too shocked or too embarrassed to manage it. “I think it's a bit too late for to get shy around us. So what was it?” Josh continued to probe. “He was...” Warren started, disturbed by the fact he seemed unable to stop staring at his brother. He finally tore his gaze away and stared instead at Josh before he finished, “fucking you!” “Ha!” Corey called out happily. “That one backfired on you, bro.” Josh could understand how Corey could see this particular turn of events as a backfire, but that's most definitely not what it was. Josh found himself smiling as he looked at Dale, who was doing the same. “Fine by me.” he said. “Same here!” Dale added, standing up. “Just make it a couple of minutes, I don't want anyone cumming until the next game.” Benny ordered. Josh and Dale both nodded. Dale grabbed the bottle of lube from the floor where Josh had discarded it previously and began stroking his rapidly stiffening cock. It felt a little weird to be touching himself like that in front of Warren and the other boys, but the thought of fucking Josh was all he could really think about. “Lay down on the floor.” Josh ordered, taking the lube off of Dale and applying some to his own rear. Dale did as Josh told him and lay flat on his back, holding the shaft of his penis to keep it pointing up. Josh stood over him and then squatted, lowering his arse towards Dale's boner. He felt the tip of it press into his crack and moved slightly to align it with his hole, the head easily sliding inside him. Both boys gasped with pleasure as it began, their moans growing louder as Josh continued to lower himself until the entirety of Dale's erection was inside him. “Oh my God.” Dale gasped, his eyes closed as he felt Josh push upwards and then slide back down. As Josh began to get into a steady rhythm, he looked around the room. Three of the observing boys were playing with their cocks, it was only Corey who wasn't. Josh was impressed by his little brother's restraint. The boy was staring at the two young men fucking like it was the most exciting thing he had ever seen. That, along with his already heightened state of arousal and the butt plug vibrating in his arse, would probably have been enough to make most boys give in and start wanking. Corey was clearly made of tougher stuff though. Josh reached down to caress Dale's chest, running his fingers through the short dark hair and teasing his nipples with his fingertips. His touch must have aroused Dale even further as he began bucking his hips to fuck Josh harder. “Ah, yeah.” Josh called out. Dale opened his eyes as he heard Josh speak. Seeing the sexy young man riding him, his face a mix of embarrassment, excitement and pure exhilaration, was almost enough to push Dale over the edge. He sat up and kissed Josh, the shock of it slowing fucking down massively, much to Dale's relief. As the two young men kissed, Josh opened his eyes and looked sideways. He was worried about what this might be doing to Benny. It can't have been easy for the boy to see Josh being so intimate with another man. He was pleased to see, however, that Benny actually seemed to be enjoying the show. Before turning his full attention back to Dale, Josh took a glance at Warren. This had been his idea, his wank fantasy and he was very clearly enjoying seeing it be played out in real life for him. “Okay, that's long enough.” Benny called out, partly to keep the game moving, but also because he could tell that Nick and Warren were as close to cumming as he was. The other boys stopped jerking off as Josh let go of Dale and stood up. Josh reached down and helped Dale to his feet, the two young men holding hands just a few moments longer than was necessary before returning to their seats. Dale, who remained slightly breathless, turned to the boy next to him and said, “I think Nick needs to have a turn.” “Okay....” Nick said calmly. “I think I'll have... truth, no, dare. Wait, truth. No, dare, I'm gonna stick with a dare.” “Are you sure about that?” Warren asked, teasingly. Nick just blushed a little and nodded. “So who else has a suggestion?” Benny asked. “I think me and Josh have done our share. And I think little Corey here might be a bit too distracted to come up with anything.” “What?” Corey asked, looking up from his stiffy at the rest of the boys to the sound of laughter. “So I guess that leaves you and Dale.” Benny said, looking at Warren. “What have you got?” “I know.” Dale said, still slightly breathless. “We've seen Corey being fearless outside, and I think most of us know what Josh has done outdoors, so let's see if Nick's as brave as his brothers. You have to go and lay on the front lawn and wank for two minutes.” Nick just shook his head. “No way, I'm not doing it, I'll take the forfeit.” “Well before you agree to it, you should probably hear what it'll be.” Benny suggested. “If you refuse to do your dare, we'll just lock you out of the house naked for the rest of the night!” Nick looked distraught. Although the forfeit sounded much worse, he was still considering it. At least he could find somewhere to hide if he was locked out. But if a stranger walked by while he was wanking, there really isn't any explanation for that. “Come on guys.” Nick pleaded. “Please, give me something else. At least leave stuff like that til it's dark.” Benny and Dale looked at each other and shrugged. “Okay.” Benny said. “You can choose which of those dares to do later. But that doesn't get you off the hook now. Let's think of something you can do in the meantime.” Dale grinned and said, “I've got another one.” He leaned over and whispered something in Nick's ear. Nick pulled away and stared at Dale in horror. “Hey, it's either that or you're going outside!” Dale said sternly. “What? What is it?” Benny asked, desperate to know what had been suggested. Nick closed his eyes and rubbed his face before standing up and taking a deep breath. “I hate you!” he whispered to Dale. He turned and walked slowly over to Warren. Dale's little brother looked up at Nick nervously, unsure of what Dale might have ordered. “Do it.” Dale called out. Nick looked back at him then stared at Warren, a tear forming in his eye. “Warren... I think you're... you're really cute and insanely sexy and when you kissed me before it was... it was totally amazing and I think I really like you.” By the end of it, Nick was visibly shaking. Warren stood up, wrapped his arms around Nick and pulled him into a hug. Nick just stood there, arms frozen by his sides, totally unable to move. “Did Dale dare you to say that?” Warren whispered. “No.” Nick whispered back, almost crying. “He just dared me to tell you how I feel.” Warren pulled away slightly, just enough so that he could look Nick in the eye. He placed a hand on the older boy's cheek, leaned in a kissed him softly on the lips for just a second. “How about tomorrow, you and me do something together.” “You mean... a date?” Nick stuttered, his eyes wide. “Yeah.” Warren smiled warmly. Nick smiled back at him and said happily. “Yeah. Yeah, sure. That'd be... awesome.” “Awwwwww.” Dale and Josh called out from the sofa. “Young love!” Josh added, smiling even more as he saw Nick turn and give him an angry look. “Shut up.” Nick snapped at him. He ran back to the sofa to hit his brother, but the older boy quickly overpowered him and threw him on the sofa, sitting his chest. “Get off!” Nick called out. “I will... eventually. For now though, pick who's next.” Josh ordered his little brother. “Me.” Corey called out. “Please pick me. Please Nick. Aah.” It was very clear how turned on the young boy was. His hands were edging closer and closer to his bright red cock as he arched his back in an attempt to reduce the pressure from the butt plug. “Benny!” Nick called out, much to Corey's disappointment. Benny hesitated for a moment. After all the things he had done to the others, he thought that taking a dare might be a little risky. Instead, he said, “I'll take a truth.” The room went silent. Either nobody knew what to ask him, or they were worried that their questions might anger the young master and bring out the bad side of him that, by now, they had all had a glimpse of. “Anyone?” Benny asked. “Ask me anything. Really, it's okay.” “Get off me.” Nick insisted, finally getting out from underneath Josh. As he sat back up in his seat, he called out, “I've got one for you. Out of all the videos you've secretly taken, which one is the hottest?” Benny smiled, not even having to take a second to think about it. “The first one.” “You and Josh?” Nick clarified. “Yeah, that's the one. So fucking hot.” Benny said happily. “Gotta agree with you there.” Nick smiled back at him. Josh turned to his brother in shock. “You've seen it?” he demanded. “Yeah, Benny showed it to me at the weekend.” Nick explained. He blushed a little as he remembered his own reaction to seeing it at the time. “Fuck.” Josh said, closing his eyes and flopping back in his seat. He had done a lot of similar stuff to that video with Nick, but to know that his little brother had seen his first time, seen him so completely under Benny’s control, it was pretty humiliating. Nick and Benny both just smiled at his reaction. “Okay, who's next then?” Benny said. Corey's hand had been holding onto his for the last few minutes, squeezing gently as waves of pleasure passed through him. The boy's desperation was so arousing. He looked round at the younger boy, reached up and played with his nipple then slid his hand down, stopping just short of the boy's little cock. “I think it should be....” Corey whimpered as Benny paused, waiting to hear his name. “Warren.” Benny called out. “Nooo.” Corey whined in frustration. Warren smiled a little at Corey's situation, then sat forward in his seat and said, “Well I had truth last time, so I suppose I gotta have a dare.” “Sixty-nine with Dale.” Corey called out before anyone else could make a suggestion. It seemed that the boy had decided that if he had to suffer, he was going to try and make everyone else suffer too. “You heard the boy.” Benny said, looking from Dale to Warren and back again. “Down on the floor, big boy.” Dale couldn't even look at his little brother as he got down onto the floor. He lay in the same position he had been in minutes before with Josh. Warren walked over silently to join him, kneeling just behind his big brother's head. They had clearly both decided to just get it over with as quickly as possible to try and reduce their embarrassment as Warren quickly leaned over across dale's body and took the older boy's cock between his lips. As he did it, Dale reached up and pulled Warren's cock into his mouth. The two boys lay there, sucking gently on each other's cocks, both being careful not to make the other one cum. Apart from not wanting to disobey Benny's earlier order, it was already weird enough to be sucking on each other's dicks, a mouthful of their own brother's spunk just felt a bit too strange. Dale couldn't stop his hands from exploring Warren's body though as they reached up to stroke his chest and firm stomach, before sliding round to his back, then down to his pale arse cheeks. His fingers were just entering the boy's crack when their activity was stopped. “That's long enough.” Benny called out. Warren quickly jumped up, his cock even harder than when he started. He couldn't help wondering how far Dale's wandering hands were going to go if Benny hadn't stopped them. “That looked so hot.” Nick whispered to Dale as he sat back next to him. “Who's next?” Corey demanded. “I think it should be Benny again.” Warren said, smiling as an idea occurred to him. “And as you've got to have a dare this time, I've got a great one. Benny, I dare you... to show us all the video of you and Josh!” “What?” Josh called out. “No!” The idea terrified Josh. The thought of Corey seeing it too was just too much for him to accept. On top of that, Dale and Warren would see it too? Warren wasn't so bad, he had already witnessed first hand the things Benny could order him to do when they had gone for the drive after swimming. Dale knew the basics about what had happened between him and Benny on that first night, but for the guy he liked to actually see him at the boy's mercy was just too embarrassing. “Sorry stud, it's not your dare to refuse.” Benny said as he got up out of his seat. “I'll be back in a moment.” Benny left the lounge and headed upstairs to get the video. “I don't know what you're so worried about.” Nick insisted, looking to his distressed brother beside him. “It's nothing to be ashamed of, seriously, it's probably the sexiest thing I've ever seen.” “No.” Corey whimpered again. The others all laughed at the youngest boy's expression as he thought about watching something so exciting while already so aroused. “Come on Warren, change the dare to something else, don't watch the video.” Josh pleaded. “No way,” Warren said back. “I wanna see it.” “Me too.” Dale added. Josh turned round to stare at him, blushing a little. Josh just sighed, giving in to the inevitable. On the bright side, at least he wouldn't be the only one suffering for a change. He may not have been able to get hard, but that may have been a blessing. Corey was clearly ready to cum at a moment's notice, but Nick, Dale and Warren weren't far behind him. Seeing them so turned on, but not being allowed to cum was quite satisfying and if the video was as good as Nick said it was, then by the end of it they were all going to be pretty desperate for release. “Okay, I've got it.” Benny called out as he came back into the room. He plugged a memory stick into the TV then grabbed the remote, sitting down in front of the sofa between Nick and Dale. “Now, no touching yourselves, I don't want anyone going off before I say so.” He pressed play and his bedroom appeared on screen. “I can't watch this.” Josh said. He stood up and headed out into the hallway, taking a seat on the stairs. As he sat there, he could very faintly hear the sounds of the video, but he did his best to block it out. A couple of minutes later, Josh looked round as Dale emerged from the lounge. Without saying a word, the naked young man came and sat next to Josh. “You're missing the show.” Josh said unhappily. “I know.” was all Dale said back. Josh paused for a moment, unsure of what was going on. “Why?” he eventually asked. “You clearly didn't want me to see it, and as hot as I'd probably find it, I couldn't do something that I knew would upset you.” Dale explained. Josh just stared into Dale's beautiful hazel eyes, choked up a little at the gesture. “I... I don't... erm...” Josh stuttered as he thought about it. He took a breath and tried again. “Thank you.” “You're welcome.” Dale said back happily, his hand stroking Josh's leg. “Besides, I'm so fucking horny right now that I don't think I'd have been able to watch it without jacking off.” Josh grinned. “Okay, just give me a second to picture that!” “What, you mean this?” Dale asked as he stood up and turned to face Josh. His cock had softened slightly, but soon shot back up to full length as his fingers wrapped around the shaft. He stood there, slowly stroking his cock as Josh stared up and down his entire body. “Fuck, what I wouldn't give to be doing that right now!” Josh said weakly, grabbing his caged cock. “Sorry, I'll stop.” Dale said as he saw the frustration on Josh's face. He sat back down next to him. “So... Warren and Nick.” “Yeah, that was really sweet what you did in there.” Josh said, thinking of the dare Dale had given his younger brother. “I don't think Nick saw it that way.” Dale chuckled. “Err, no. He looked just about ready to punch you. But hey, it paid off, our little brothers are going on a date.” Josh said, sounding almost proud. “Maybe... we should make it a double date.” Dale said hesitantly. “Wait, did you just ask me out on a date?” Josh asked as he thought about the suggestion. Dale just shrugged, looking a little like he was regretting proposing the idea. “Forget it, was just a stupid thought.” He stared down at the ground, his face reddening. “Dale.” Josh said. He leaned over and rested his chin on Dale's shoulder, his lips barely an inch away from his ear as he whispered, “I'd love to.” Dale turned his head to face Josh, his lips immediately pressing against the other boy's. Their hands began caressing each other, laying back on the stairs as they made out. They remained there, kissing and holding each other until Benny finally came out to find them. “Hey, video's finished.” Benny said, interrupting them from their kissing. “Yeah, we're coming.” Josh called out. “Not yet you're not.” Benny said with a wink. As Josh and Dale walked back into the room, they saw Nick, Warren and Corey all frozen in their seats, fists clenched, clearly all fighting the urge to touch themselves. “You enjoy that?” Benny asked, looking round at Warren. “Holy fuck.” Warren gasped, his eyes wide and his breathing shallow. Corey's whimpering was now an almost continuous moan. “Let's put him out of his misery then.” Benny said reluctantly. “Corey's turn.” The boy was so close to cumming that he couldn't even comprehend what was happening around him. It wasn't until Josh approached the boy and flicked the switch on the butt plug that he realised what was happening. “I'm gonna take it out, okay?” Josh said to his youngest brother, getting a slight nod in return. He grabbed the base of the toy and began easing it out. “Oh my God.” Corey yelped as it emerged. “Does this mean... I can touch myself now?” “Yes.” Benny answered, the boy immediately grabbing his cock in response. “But you can't cum yet.” “What? Why?” Corey demanded. “Because I said so.” Benny replied sternly. “And what'll you do if I cum without your permission?” Corey asked. Nick found himself staring round at Josh's hairless body. That had been the last punishment Benny had given for cumming without permission. Aside from the few fine hairs above his cock, Corey was already smooth, so Nick wondered what kind of punishment Benny would think of for him. “If you cum without my permission, you'll get another forfeit.” Benny insisted. “Your forfeits don't scare me.” Corey insisted. He sped up his fingers on his small erection and a few moments later he was gasping. “Give me the glass.” Benny was annoyed that the boy was disobeying him, but pleasantly surprised that he had remembered glass of cum. He handed it to Corey who stood up, pointed his little dick into it and shot several squirts of jizz into the slowly growing puddle in the bottom. “He's gonna regret that, isn't he!” Nick said quietly to Josh. “Yeah, I'd say so.” the older brother replied. Corey just looked at Benny and shrugged. “Do your worst.” Benny just smiled wickedly. “Not right now, but you'll be punished for this later.” “Whatever.” Corey said, as he sat down again. “What's next then?” Warren asked as he sat playing with his straining erection. “Nothing.” Josh interrupted before Benny could start anything else. “The pizzas should be here any time now, so I say we stop for food and carry on after. That ok with everyone?” There was a general murmur of agreement and the boys started dressing. With the exception of Josh, they all seemed pretty resistant to the idea of getting dressed as they all very clearly needed to cum. Even Corey was already hard again as he started pulling on his clothes. ***** Josh was just in the process of clearing the pizza boxes away when Benny decided to announce his next planned activity. “Okay. Nick, take your clothes off and Warren, grab me a blindfold from that box.” Benny instructed as Josh came back in. Nick was slowly removing his clothes as he asked, “What are we doing?” “I think I'll call this game... erm... oh, I know, it's called the Edge of Glory!” Benny said happily, changing the name from its original plan. “You'll wear the blindfold and one of us will either wank or suck you off. You have to try and guess who it is.” “Okay.” Nick said cautiously. It sounded far too straight-forward for one of Benny's games, there had to be a catch. “And?” “And if you get it right, that person will make you cum and the game will end.” Benny explained. “And if I don't get it right?” Nick asked as everyone else watched on in anticipation. “Then they'll stop, just before you cum and someone else will take over.” Benny said, smiling wickedly as he revealed his plan. “So if he keeps getting it wrong...” Dale started. “Then he keeps getting edged, that's right. Anyway, get down on the floor, it'll give us easier access.” Benny explained. Nick finished removing his clothes and lay down on the floor, looking quite unhappy at playing the victim. “Why me?” “Well you're the only person who hasn't cum yet. Well, except for Josh, but he can't.” Benny answered, making all the boys look round at the older boy who squirmed uncomfortably as the entire room was reminded of his forced impotence. “It was going to be called the Edge of Corey, but he shot his load before dinner, so that leaves you.” Nick glared angrily at Corey who just shrugged. Warren approached the naked boy, looking him up and down before handing the blindfold to him. “Thanks.” Nick said, blushing a little as he took it. It was almost a relief to put it on. He knew the other boys were still staring at him, but at least now he couldn't see them. As he sat there, waiting for the games to start, his cock began stiffening in anticipation. He felt himself blushing a little more knowing that Warren could see him growing. Silently, Benny pointed to Josh, indicating that he was meant to go first. Josh reached down, took hold of Nick's cock and started stroking it. He found it difficult to resist doing more. The boy's nipples had stiffened too, pointing up and just begging to be licked. Josh shifted slightly as his cock cage grew uncomfortably tight again. “That's Dale.” Nick called out. Benny raised his finger to his lips indicating for the rest of the boys to remain silent. “Am I right? Is it Dale?” Nick asked. He was again greeted with silence. “Wait, do I have to wait to see if I cum to know if I'm right?” No response. “Okay, well I won't be waiting long.” Josh could tell Nick was right. The boy's body was writhing beneath his pumping fist, already getting close to cumming. Josh would have loved to continue, to make his little brother shoot a massive load over himself, but just as Nick started moaning in anticipation, he let go. “Fuck.” Nick called out, bucking his hips in the air in the vain hope of making contact with his mystery wanker's fist. For a minute, nobody moved, all awaiting Benny's command. Eventually he pointed at Corey who eagerly moved down to his brother's side. He took hold of the shaft with both hands and started pumping away at it. “Oh shit.” Nick called out, almost sitting up as he doubled over from the sensation. “That's Benny I think.” Corey smiled as he heard Nick's incorrect guess, knowing what it meant for the blindfolded boy. He continued stroking up and down at top speed. Josh stayed at Corey's side. He was worried the inexperienced boy might not know when to stop, a suspicion that appeared to be correct. Nick was moaning once again, his cock beginning to twitch and Corey showed no signs of stopping until Josh grabbed his arms to halt him. “No.” Nick called out as he felt the stimulation stop just short of the point of no return. A drop of pre-cum oozed from his cock and stretched down onto his smooth stomach. Josh and Corey stood up as Nick was once again given a few moments to catch his breath. Next Benny pointed to Warren who took his place next to the naked teen. Instead of wrapping his fingers around the boy's shaft, he leant down and took it between his lips, running his tongue over the head as it slipped inside. “Fuck.” Nick called out. The warm mouth engulfing his organ felt amazing, almost enough to make him shoot his load instantly. “Tha....” he tried to make his next guess, but stopped mid-sentence as the mouth slid down the length of his shaft once again. “Is that Josh?” he asked breathlessly. “Ah, aaah, oooh, fuck, fuck.” His lips were quivering as he felt himself nearing the brink once more... then the mouth was gone. He took a few deep breaths, using every ounce of willpower he had as he resisted the urge to stroke his own cock so he could cum. Next up was Dale, who took the same approach as his little brother, swallowing the boy's cock, but taking it a little slower, gradually easing Nick closer and closer to climax. “Ah yeah, that's good. Is that... I dunno. Is that Benny?” The slow suck worked on him gently, Nick moaning incoherently as he was teased painfully closer and closer to his repeatedly denied orgasm. As Dale pulled away, leaving the desperate boy gasping once again, Nick reached down and grabbed his cock. “Sorry, I gotta cum.” “Ah, no you don't.” Benny called out. He reached down and pulled Nick's hand away, so the naked by just grabbed his cock with the other hand. Josh leant down and pulled the second hand away too. “Grab the handcuffs from the box.” Benny ordered Warren, who went over to grab them as ordered. Benny cuffed Nick's hands together, then slid him round on his back. He pulled the cuffed hands above the boy's head, lifted the corner of the sofa and lopped the cuffs behind the foot of it as he dropped it back down. “Okay, for that I'm gonna make it worse.” Benny said, happy at the escalation. As Nick lay there, he wondered what Benny might have in store for him, Perhaps the butt plug or one of the vibrators. He soon found out what the boy had planned as he felt first one mouth surrounding his left nipple, then another mouth on the right one. “Oh fuck.” Nick mumbled as he took a few deep breaths, the two tongues lashing at his solid nipples. Benny directed Warren to go again, the boy this time deciding to stroke Nick's cock. He did it gently, enjoying the feel of the boy's stiff tool in his hand, and enjoying the sight of him writhing in pleasure even more. “That's... it's... aaah, it's Corey.” Nick called out. Seconds later, Warren let go as he felt Nick getting close. As he felt the fingers releasing his cock, the near-orgasm seemed to linger for even longer than before, the nipple-licking clearly helping to sustain the sensation. Mouths licking his chest began to change over as the boys all took their turns edging the cum-deprived boy, wrong guess after wrong guess coming from him. Josh went again, then Benny, Warren again, Dale, Corey, Josh, Dale. It was on dale's third go when Nick finally guessed right, whispering, “Is it Dale?” The edging had gone on so long now that he was barely even remembering to guess. He had thought the edging Benny made made him endure on Saturday had been pretty intense, but that had been relatively gentle as he had been given several minutes between teasings. Now though, it was an almost continuous stream of hands and mouths on his cock. It felt like he was now enduring a non-stop pre-orgasm, every touch of his cock like a jolt of electricity, the tongues on his nipples beginning to sting a little. Hearing the correct guess, Dale had assumed he was supposed to finish the boy off so he sped up his wanking. That was when Benny had pulled his hand away with a cruel grin, shaking his head. The other boys soon realised that he had no intention of letting it end so soon. Nick had no way of knowing whether or not he was right without them telling him, so they simply continued taking it in turns to play with the boy for a few moments. Josh went again, then Benny, Corey, Warren, Dale. They got into a regular pattern, each of them taking it in turns to tease the solid prick of the tortured boy. They had each taken three more goes before Nick finally guessed correctly again, this time as Corey was stroking him. “Right at last!” Benny called out, surprising everyone. He reached down and pulled the blindfold off, allowing Nick to see his little brother sat next to him. Benny lifted the sofa to release the boy's hands as he gestured for Josh and Dale to pick him up. They each grabbed an arm and lifted him, holding the limp boy between them as Corey continued playing with the tired cock. Benny watched eagerly, the cum glass now held in his hands. “Ah, oh God, oh fuck, fuck, fuck fuck fuck fuck.” Nick called out as he finally started to shoot. Benny got the glass in place just in time to catch the first shot. Nick's cock was bouncing around wildly as shot after shot flowed in to join the other loads, the boy almost screaming as he unleashed one of the most intense orgasms of his life. If it hadn't been for Josh and Dale holding him up, he would have collapsed onto the floor as his legs went weak. “Ah, ah, fuck, ah.” Nick called out as the orgasm slowly began dying down. Benny lifted up the glass to show the rest of the boys. “Don't forget, someone's drinking this!” he called out happily. He swirled the contents round, the glass barely a tenth of the way full so far. “And there's gonna be lots more in here by the time that happens!” Nick was still recovering from the intensity of his orgasm, his entire weight currently held up entirely by the two older boys. They carried him over to the sofa and dropped him into a seat. “Fuck, that was... wow!” “I hope you've got plenty left on you Nicky, you're gonna need it later!” Benny teased. “Don't worry, I've got plenty left for that.” Nick said, winking. “For what?” Corey asked curiously. “Wait and see!” Benny answered, rubbing the young boy's head. “Well it's getting pretty dark out there now. I think it's time for Nick to finish his dare from earlier.” All eyes turned to the recovering boy on the sofa. “Wait, what dare?” Nick called out in surprise. “You're going outside.” Benny insisted. “Shit.” Nick muttered, hoping that it had been forgotten. “Now, what were the choices again, Dale?” Benny asked the older boy who smiled as he took a seat next to Nick. “It was either lay on the front lawn and wank for two minutes, or get locked out of the house naked for the rest of the night.” Dale recounted, much to Nick's dismay. “That's right.” Benny said, trying to pretend he had forgotten. He could tell from Nick's expression that he was dreading the thought of both options, so he decided to offer him an alternative. “If you're struggling to decide, I might be able to help.” “How?” Nick asked, understandably cautious of any offer of kindness from Benny. There was always a catch, “You could let the cards decide.” Benny replied, picking up the deck of cards from the coffee table where they had remained since Monday. “Draw one card. If it's a heart, you wank for two minutes, if it's a diamond, you get tied to the tree and if it's a club, you don't have to do either.” Nick's eyes lit up at the possibility of being let off the hook, but then came the question. “What if it's a spade?” Benny grinned wickedly. “You'd get... a different forfeit, but you don't get to know what it is in advance. So... you making a choice or taking a card?” Nick looked around the room. The expression on Josh' face made his opinion quite clear... don't trust Benny. The others though were mixed. “Take a card!” Corey insisted. “Just do the dare. Two minutes and you're done.” Warren added. “But you've got a one-in-four chance of getting that club.” Dale pointed out. “Come on Nick, what'll it be?” Benny hurried the boy along, holding out the pile of cards. Nick looked once again at his older brother, then shrugged and said, “Fine, I'll take a card.” “Idiot.” Josh muttered under his breath. Benny fanned out the cards and held them up to Nick as all of the others moved in closer. Nick reached out and took one, keeping it hidden as most of the group held their breaths. He lifted the card and looked at it without letting any of the others see. “Fuck it.” he muttered, then turned the card to reveal the seven of spades. The rest of the boys cheered. “Fine, what is it then?” “You're gonna have another wank, but this time it's gonna be in the park, naked of course.” Benny explained. “Oh yeah, I forgot to say, you're gonna be walking there naked too.” Nick looked terrified. He sat there and just shook his head. “No way. I won't do it.” “Yeah, I thought you might say that, so I thought up an even worse forfeit to go with it.” Benny answered with a smile. “Refuse to do it and you'll get taken out onto the street, tied to a lamp-post naked and blindfolded and left there for an hour. Nick was starting to look angry. He knew there was no way he was getting out of this and that Benny would just keep making it worse if he did. At that point, the best thing to do was take the dare, get it done with and move on. “Fine. Let's go to the park then.” he said angrily. Chapter 18 “You ready for this?” Josh asked, stifling a smile. The six boys were all gathered near the front door. They were all dressed now, with the exception of Nick who remained naked in readiness for his dare. Josh felt a little sorry for the boy, having endured similar experiences at Benny's command over the last week. However, he also found it incredibly exciting, the sight of his nervous, nude brother standing there about to be exposed to the world. “No.” Nick said back unhappily. “Who cares, we're going anyway.” Benny ordered. He pulled the front door open and a gust of cool evening air enveloped them causing Nick to shudder. “After you.” Benny gestured for Nick to step out first. Nick looked round at the other boys. Corey and Josh were both grinning, Dale was doing his best to look like he wasn't enjoying it too and Benny looked as happy as he always did when he was inflicting embarrassment on other boys. Nick couldn't bring himself to even look at Warren though. The two had barely even made eye contact since they had arranged their date, mostly because Nick was either too embarrassed to look or because he was busy enduring Benny's next torment. Not wanting to keep Benny waiting, he took his first few tentative steps out of the door. He had not even been allowed to put footwear on, so he soon felt the cool concrete of the driveway beneath his feet. He stared nervously down towards the road. Anybody going past now would have a perfect view of him, but he knew that by the time he made it to the park that was probably going to happen anyway. The other five followed him out and Benny locked the door behind them. “Come on.” Benny said, slapping Nick's bare behind as he passed him. “The sooner we get going, the sooner it'll be over with.” Nick knew Benny was right, but that still didn't give him much encouragement to follow the boy. Eventually he started walking as a couple of the others passed him. He hoped he could try and stay in the middle of the group to give him at least a little cover. Before they reached the end of the driveway, Benny turned round and held up his phone. “Smile for the camera Nicky.” “What? No!” Nick insisted, attempting to shield himself with his hands. “Yes. And no covering up or you'll get these.” Benny said, then pulled a pair of handcuffs from his pocket. Nick stared at them for a moment, remembering how he had made Josh go outside naked with his hands tied. It had been a lot more exciting when he had been on the other side of it. Reluctantly he dropped his hands to his side and carried on walking. Corey moved up next to Benny, watching the phone screen as his brother was recorded while Dale, Josh and Warren stayed behind the naked boy. They made their way out on to the street and started walking, Nick noting thankfully that there was nobody else around. Nick had never felt so naked in his life. His cock was soft now, but hung a little longer than usual following his extreme stimulation earlier. It flopped around limply as he walked, slapping against one leg and then the other. He looked around nervously, constantly looking out for anyone who might see him. They were just reaching the corner of the road when Warren moved up to walk next to Nick. “You okay?” he asked. “Whadda you think?” Nick snapped, staring down at the ground, thankful that the darkness helped cover his blushing. “Sorry, stupid question.” Warren said back apologetically. “Sorry, I... shouldn't have snapped.” Nick said, realising that Warren had only asked out of genuine concern. “It's okay. I understand, this must be pretty scary.” Warren said quietly, doing his best to ensure that Benny's filming couldn't record their conversation. “Just a bit.” Nick replied. “Don't you find it a little bit exciting though? I know when I've done things outdoors it's always been pretty fun. I suppose they were in fairly secluded spots though.” Warren rambled. Nick found himself looking round at the boy as he walked. “What stuff have you done outside?” “I stripped a guy and sucked him off, then he did the same to me. Then another time I gave a guy a hand job in the park.” Warren explained. “Was that with Josh?” Nick asked frankly. Warren looked shocked. He was unaware that anyone else knew about the things he had done with Nick's older brother. He just nodded a little, looking quite nervous in anticipation of Nick's reaction. “Fuck, why'd you have to tell me that stuff?” Nick said in frustration. “You're making me get hard.” Both boys looked down at Nick's crotch. The boy's cock was beginning to lengthen, now sticking out a short way from his body and waving side to side instead of slapping on his legs. “Sorry.” Warren smirked. “If it makes you feel any better, seeing you do this has had me hard since we left the house!” “Dude you're killing me here. That's just gonna make me harder.” Nick said unhappily. Nick suddenly looked round as he saw headlights approaching. He looked round for somewhere to hide in a panic. “No hiding.” Benny ordered, sensing Nick's intentions. Nick glared angrily at the younger boy once again, then stared at the ground and continued walking as the car passed by. As he looked down though, all he could see was his own erection now standing proudly, so stiff that it barely even moved. “I'll leave you to it.” Warren said with a smile. He reached down and gave Nick's cock a quick stroke before falling back to rejoin Dale and Josh. Nick found himself alone again, trying to ignore his little brother and Benny who were walking ahead of him, taking it in turns to hold the phone recording him. By now they had passed Nick's house and were more than halfway to the park. Much to Benny's disappointment, only one car had passed them so far. As they neared the park though, he heard a sound that brought a huge smile to his face... voices. Turning onto the street a short distance ahead of them, a group of girls, all around Josh and Dale's age. They were walking straight towards the boys. Benny's cock twitched as he saw the look of absolute dread on Nick's face as he looked over at the girls. The rest of the boys did their best to act normal as the two groups headed for each other. Suddenly one of the girls pointed over at them, said something to her friends and then they all started laughing and howling, clearly catching sight of the naked boy. The girls were still making a lot of noise as the two groups passed each other, the girls calling out things like, 'Nice dick', 'warm night, isn't it' and 'look at the gay boy'. Nick did his best to ignore them, following Benny's order not to cover up for fear of getting the handcuffs. As the girls passed, they kept looking back and called out things about Nick's cute little white arse. Eventually the noise of the girls faded into the distance as they boys reached the edge of the park. “I fucking hate you!” Nick snapped at Benny as they stopped at the fence, making the rest of the boys laugh. “Do you? Cos it kinda looks like you're enjoying this.” Benny chuckled back, pointing at Nick's still-stiff dick. “Anyway, let's get into the park... unless you wanna wait for more spectators?” Benny climbed over the fence first, leaving his phone with Corey. Nick went next, Corey filming him from behind to get a good view of his big brother's rear. As Nick reached the top of the fence, Corey passed the phone through to Benny who recorded the naked boy climbing down the other side. The other four followed closely behind. “Fine, we're here, can I get it out of the way now?” Nick requested. “No, not yet. There's something else we need to take care of first. Everyone follow me.” Benny headed down the path towards the lake. The others all followed, curious to know what else the boy had planned, hoping that they wouldn't be his next chosen victim. Nick relaxed a little. He knew that very few people came into the park after it was closed. In all the time he had done it, he had yet to meet anyone in the main area of the park. He was still a little self-conscious as he walked along naked, especially whenever he glanced at Corey and saw the phone still pointing his way. Benny seemed to be looking for something as they neared the lake, eventually calling out, “Perfect, that'll do. Over here guys.” They all gathered near a small tree and awaited Benny's instructions. “Corey, take your clothes off.” He took the phone from the boy and turned it on the youngest McKenzie brother. “Me? Why?” Corey asked, a little surprised. “Because you shot a load earlier without my permission. I told you there would be consequences.” Benny answered sharply. Nick laughed at his little brother's expression, glad to no longer be the only target of the young master. Corey shrugged and pulled his clothes off, dropping them to the floor. “Wow, getting naked where NOBODY can see me. Like I haven't already done worse tonight.” 'Don't talk back.' Josh thought, knowing that it would only make the situation worse for his youngest brother. Benny took hold of Corey by his shoulders and pushed him backwards until he was leaning on the tree. As Corey looked on, confused about what was planned for him, Benny pulled the handcuffs he had used to threaten Nick with earlier out of his pocket. He reached down and attached them to Benny's wrist. “Wait, no.” Corey called out, realising what was about to happen. He stepped away from the tree and turned to face Benny. “Guys.” Benny said, looking at Josh and Dale. The two older boys knew immediately what the boy in charge wanted. They each took one of Corey's arms and moved him back to the tree. They pulled his arms behind him around the trunk and Benny connected the cuffs to his other wrist. “Fuck you.” Corey called out angrily as he struggled pointlessly against the restraints. “Maybe later.” Benny said, kissing Corey on his cheek and winking. “So how long does he have to stay there?” Nick asked, playing with his cock at the sight of his naked and restrained little brother. It was almost as exciting as seeing Josh tied up. “Until we get back.” Benny replied casually. “Get back? You're leaving me here? Where are you going?” Corey asked, getting a little agitated. “Shh.” Benny said, pressing a finger to the boy's lips. “If you make a lot of noise, you'll just attract people's attention, and who knows what they'd do if they found a naked, blindfolded boy tied to a tree in the middle of the night.” “I'm not blindfolded.” Corey said, then immediately realised what was next. Benny picked up the boy's underwear and put it over his head, completely blocking his vision. “Okay Corey, we'll see you later.” Benny called out as he started walking away. Josh hesitated, clearly reluctant to leave his little brother in that position. Benny saw Josh and pulled him a short distance away then whispered in his ear, “Don't worry, we're not going far. We'll be able to keep an eye on him, I just want him to think we've left him.” “You sneaky little bastard.” Josh whispered back, then called out loudly, “See ya Cor.” The group moved further along the lake, leaving the naked boy alone but always keeping him in their direct line of sight. As they gathered together once again, Benny gave the next instructions. “Each of you can have a turn at doing whatever you want to Corey, just don't let him know it's one of us. If he thinks strangers are playing with him it's gonna totally freak him out.” “Wow, you're just pure evil!” Nick said with a wicked smile. “Oh you have no idea, you don't even know what I've got planned for you yet!” Benny said, reaching over and tugging on Nick's cock. “Now, leave him there for a few minutes, then one of you go over and take your turn. Don't make him cum though. Or hurt him.” Benny felt Josh's hand rub his back as he added the last comment, showing his gratitude for following Josh's request to stop things getting carried away again. As much as he knew Josh was still his bitch, it was nice to have the older boy's approval. “And what do we do til then? What you got planned for Nick?” Dale asked eagerly. Benny peered round at Nick who looked terrified. He also looked insanely hot as he stood there naked in the twilight, his cock standing to attention. He thought about the rub on the back he had just got from Josh and decided to try and impress the older boy with his kindness once again as he still felt he was making up for the things he had done wrong. “You know what... forget the rest of the dare. I think just coming here naked was enough. Let's just... enjoy the evening and torment Corey a bit.” Nick's expression suddenly turned to absolute glee. He lunged forward at Benny and pulled him into a hug. “Thanks.” he whispered to the boy who smiled happily at Nick's gratitude. “You're welcome. And if I'd brought your clothes with us, I'd even let you get dressed now.” Benny added as Nick let go of him. “Yeah... thanks for that.” Nick replied, suddenly less happy at the prospect of walking home naked too. “I could help you out with that.” Dale said, patting the naked boy on the back. He pulled down his shorts and underwear, stepped out of them then pulled the shorts back on. He handed the boxer-briefs to Nick who quickly pulled them on. They were quite loose on him as he was so much smaller than Dale, looking more like shorts, but at least they covered part of him up. “Thanks.” Nick said gratefully as he looked at Dale. He was suddenly hit in the face by another item of clothing. It was Josh's shirt, his brother now stood there in just his tank top. “And thanks to you too.” He pulled the shirt on and did up a couple of buttons. It was also much too big for him, but he was covered up at least, which was quite a relief. “Why don't you go mess with Corey first.” Benny suggested to the now-clothed Nick. “Okay.” Nick said happily as he bounded off towards the tree. As he ran, Dale's underwear slipped down to his knees almost making him trip. The other boys laughed at the sight of it, but did their best to remain quiet for fear of alarming Corey to their proximity. When Nick neared his little brother, he coughed. “Who's there?” Corey asked, sounding a little scared. Nick said nothing. Instead he just approached and placed his hands on the boy's shoulders, then slowly slid his hands down to play with his hard little nipples. “Stop it.” Corey said weakly, with absolutely no conviction. Nick was very conscious that this was his little brother and despite the things he had already done with Josh, doing anything too sexual just seemed a bit wrong. He wondered if this was how Josh had felt when they first started messing around together. It would certainly have explained his initial reluctance to do anything with Nick. Despite his own misgivings, Nick could see how much the nipple teasing was turning Corey on as his little prick was stood to full attention, so he leaned down and took one of the boy's nipples between his lips. “No, don't do that.” Corey moaned, his tone a mix of fear and pleasure. Feeling that he had messed with his brother enough, Nick let go of him and headed back to the others, walking this time to avoid a similar slip to before. When he got back to the others, he saw Dale and Josh sitting together a short distance away from Warren and Benny who were chatting quietly. He joined the two younger boys and sat down with them. “What did you do?” Benny asked as Nick sat. “I just played with his nipples a bit. He REALLY seemed to like it though.” Nick explained. “He sounded really scared too.” “Don't worry about that. Remember he's not in any actual danger, it's all in his head.” Benny insisted. Even though he knew Benny was right, that still didn't stop him feeling a little sympathetic for the boy. Then he remembered the prolonged edging he had endured earlier that he would have been spared if it hadn't been for Corey and any sympathy evaporated. “So what were you guys talking about?” Nick asked, realising he had probably interrupted a conversation. “Dicks.” Benny said back bluntly “What about them?” Nick asked. “We were talking sizes.” Benny answered. “Corey's clearly got the smallest, then me, then Warren, and Josh has the biggest. We just weren't sure how yours compared to Dale's.” “Oh.” Nick said, suddenly a little embarrassed. Thinking about Warren discussing his cock was both arousing and embarrassing at the same time. Doing his best to try and act naturally he replied, “I suppose it depends what you mean by biggest. If you're talking length, I think mine's a bit longer, but if you're talking thickness it's definitely Dale.” “Maybe we can just make you compare when we get home.” Benny said happily, thinking about what he could make Nick and Dale do. He looked round at Dale, smiling, then remembered what else they were meant to be doing. “Hey, you two go and take your turn with Corey.” “Yes Sir.” Josh replied, half seriously, half playfully as he and Dale started to get up. The three boys watched as the two young men approached the youngest of their group. The darkness made it quite difficult to see what they were doing, but it appeared Josh had also gone for the boy's nipples while Dale was on his knees playing with his cock. “So...” Benny said, distracting the other two from Corey's torment. “Josh and Dale!” “Yeah, they... seem to like each other.” Nick said, blushing a little as it felt almost like Benny was talking about him and Warren. Warren could see the sadness on Benny's face. “You ok?” he asked, concerned about his friend. “Yeah, I just...” Benny started, but couldn't say any more. “He... likes Josh.” Nick explained. “Oh.” Warren said, nodding. “I don't blame you. I was really into him. At first, anyway.” “But you're not now?” Benny asked, unsure how it could have changed so quickly. “Well I still think he's hot,” Warren started, then saw the slightly unhappy expression on Nick's face, “Not as hot as his little brother of course, but yeah, he's hot. Problem is, he's an adult, and I'm... not!” While Nick tried to stop smiling after the compliment he had just received, Benny just stared at Warren. “What?” Warren asked, slightly disturbed by Benny's lack of response. “You're right, but that doesn't make it any easier to see him with Dale.” Benny said sadly. Warren shuffled next to him and put his arm around the boy. “I know, I'm totally with you there, but he seems happy with Dale and I want him to be happy.” Warren explained. Benny suddenly realised Warren truly did know how he felt. Warren had always been more mature than the rest of the boys they were friends with, so he always seemed fully in control of his emotions which made him quite hard to read. But now, that subtle tone in his voice, the way he was holding onto Benny so tightly, they were the slight cracks through which his closely guarded feelings could finally be glimpsed. Benny's heart may have been breaking, but it was at least some solace to know his friend was feeling exactly the same thing. “I think it was pretty obvious Josh liked him right from the start. Even watching the video it was obvious.” Nick said, oblivious to the two boy's heartache. “What video?” Warren asked. As far as he knew, Josh and Dale had only just met that day. “Oh yeah, sorry, I'm kinda losing track of who knows what.” Benny said, a little confused as he dropped out of his Josh-induced daze. “I filmed Josh on Sunday hanging out with some of his friends, Dale was one of them.” “Hanging out? They did a bit more than that!” Nick insisted. “He sent me the video and it's hot stuff!” “What did they do?” Warren asked eagerly. ***** “Ah fuck, fuck, I'm gonna cum.” Corey moaned as the two mystery mouths worked his nipples and cock. Just at the last moment, they pulled away. “No no no no no carry on, please, please carry on.” Dale smiled up the boy's older brother who grinned back as they heard the boy pleading for more. He gestured back towards the other three and started walking away. Josh quickly followed behind him. “That was fun.” Dale whispered. “Not for Corey!” Josh smirked back, looking round at his restrained little brother who was thrusting his hips in vain. “Woulda been even more fun if it was you tied up there!” Dale added with a wink. Josh stopped walking. “Okay, gonna need a few seconds to deal with that image.” he said, grinning hugely. “You like being on the receiving end of that kinda stuff then?” Dale asked as the two continued walking. Any embarrassment over the subject had been replaced by absolute horniness on Josh's part as he nodded excitedly. “I'll definitely keep that in mind.” Dale whispered as they got back to the other three. “I'd maybe give him a few minutes before the next one of you goes. We got him pretty close.” “Awesome.” Benny said with a cruel smile. “So what have we missed?” Josh asked, sitting down between Warren and Benny. Warren was grinning and playing with his cock through his shorts. “Actually, we were just talking about what you two got up to on Sunday.” “Oh yeah, that.” Josh said, suddenly remembering what Dale had mentioned earlier about Benny recording it. That was another conversation they needed to have some time. “It sounds hot.” Warren said, still touching himself. “It was.” Dale agreed happily. “I need to see that video. I wanna see Liam and Ryan naked.” Warren said, not at all ashamed of his eagerness. “Apparently it's Liam that would have had the most to show.” Josh said. “Apparently he's pretty well hung.” “He is!” Warren exclaimed excitedly. The whole group just stared at the boy. “And how do you know that?” Dale asked sternly. Warren suddenly realised he had revealed too much, but there was no getting out of it now. “One time when you and him were fooling around... I was watching!” Dale glared angrily at his little brother, then his face softened as he started to laugh. “I can't even pretend to be annoyed at that you horny little fucker.” Warren looked relieved to see his brother wasn't annoyed at the invasion of his privacy. “He really is hung though, isn't he!” Warren said, holding his hands about a foot apart. “Can we change the subject please, this is starting to hurt!” Josh said, grabbing at his cock cage. “Sorry, we'll talk about something else.” Benny said, stroking Josh's leg. “Warren, go play with Corey.” “Aye aye Sir!” Warren said, saluting as he stood up, making the other boys laugh as he ran off. Nick watched him walking away, then looked back at the others and realised they were all staring at him. “What?” he asked gingerly. “Nick's in love. Nick's in love.” Josh teased him. Nick was now past the point where that kind of being bothered by that sort of thing. His feelings weren't secret, he actually had a date with Warren and it was pretty clear the feeling was mutual. All Josh's teasing did now was remind him how happy he felt so he just smiled back and nodded energetically. Before any of them could say anything else, they noticed Warren running back towards them. "Hey, erm... Corey's crying." Warren called out to them. They all jumped up and ran back over to the restrained boy who was sobbing uncontrollably. Josh reached out and put his hand on Corey's shoulder, but he jumped away and called out, "No!" Josh pulled the blindfold off of Corey and knelt down so that his face was just a little lower than his little brother's. "Hey, it's okay, Cor, it's just us. We've just been messing with you. It's just us." Corey continued crying, but it softened a little as his eye began to focus on Josh in the dim light. Suddenly he flopped forward as Benny released the handcuffs. Josh caught his little brother and wrapped his arms around him, holding him tightly. "I was really scared." Corey whispered to Josh as he squeezed his big brother. "I thought you'd left me behind." "I'd never do that. We were here the whole time." Josh whispered back, rubbing the boy's bare back. Josh looked round and saw Dale stood with Nick and Warren either side of him, all three looking concerned about Corey and a little upset at the part they had played. Benny emerged from behind the tree, almost in tears himself. "Josh..." Benny started, but couldn't say any more. "It's okay, bud. This one's not your fault." Josh said to the distraught boy. Corey pulled away from his bog brother and wiped his eyes, then looked round at Benny. "I'm sorry we scared you." Benny said weakly. Corey said nothing back, he just hugged him. When he let go, he looked round at the others, wiped his eyes again and said, "Sorry, I kinda ruined your fun." "Don't be daft." Warren said. "I'm sure Benny's got plenty more we can do." "Okay." Corey said with a weak smile, then turned to Benny and asked, "So what's next, boss?" "Well... as you're naked, and there's this big lake right here, how about... skinny-dipping!" Benny suggested. The cheer he got from the others told him it was the right choice. Of course, Benny had more in mind than just skinny-dipping, but he didn't need to mention that yet. "Last one in walks home naked!" Corey called out as he ran down to the water. The other five followed closely behind, pulling off their clothes as they went. Seconds later, all six of them were in the water completely naked. Considering how warm the day had been, the lake had cooled down pretty quickly, the water already slightly chilled, but it didn't bother them. They were soon splashing around, pushing each other under and climbing over each other. Warren and Benny were playing the same game with Josh that they had been at the swimming pool on Friday, charging at him just to be thrown away again. Seeing how fun it looked, Corey and Nick joined in. Nick, being the biggest of the four boys was hardest to throw any great distance, while Corey's small frame made him the easiest projectile, Josh throwing him at the others to keep them at bay. Dale was just stood back, watching Josh play with them. Eventually he called out, "My turn!" and charged at Josh. As the two young men collided, Dale's momentum knocked Josh over, both of them sinking under the water for several seconds. By the time they came up, they were locked in a passionate kiss. The four boys decided to leave them to it and began splashing each other once again. As the two naked men held each other close, Dale flinched as his cock touched the metal of Josh's chastity device, the metal having cooled very quickly in the water. "You have NO idea how much I wish you didn't have that thing on right now!" "What would you be doing if I didn't have it on?" Josh asked, slightly distracted by the four splashing boys behind Dale. "Wait and see." Dale said cheekily. "Oh you tease!" Josh called out as he lunged at Dale. The two of them toppled back and fell right into the middle of the other four. That was when it became a total free-for-all. Arms and legs everywhere, splashing and pushing, all of them enjoying a few moments of completely innocent fun. For several minutes the wrestling continued until it began to gradually die down, the boys moving into the shallower water at the edge of the lake. Nick and Warren found themselves floating together, holding each other as they looked up at the night sky while Josh and Dale did the same, the park returning to eerie silence. Suddenly Josh sat up and looked round. "Hey, where's Corey? And Benny!" The other three sat up and looked around too. The lake was still and undisturbed with no sign of either boy. The moonlight allowed them to see pretty far up into the park as they continued peering round. "Fuck!" Nick called out. "What's wrong?" Josh asked, panicking that something bad had happened to the two boys. "Our clothes are gone. The little fuckers have done a runner with our clothes!" Nick said, pointing back to where their clothes had been discarded on the way into the lake. Warren started laughing. "What's so funny?" Nick snapped. "I guess you're gonna be walking home naked after all." Warren grinned. Chapter 19 The four boys stood naked on the shore of the lake, desperately scanning the area for any sign of Benny and Corey. Alas the two youngest boys seemed to be long gone leaving the four nude teens completely stranded. “I'm gonna kill 'em!” Nick said angrily. “Come on, are you actually surprised by this?” Josh asked, shrugging as he patted his brother on the back. “Especially with Corey involved. It was probably his idea!” “Fine, I'll kill them both.” Nick retorted angrily, shrugging away from his brother's hand. They all stood for a few more moments, contemplating their next move. “Hey, I've got an idea!” Warren said, surprisingly cheerfully. “I bet they're expecting us to just come running after them, so how about we mess with their plans and do something else.” The other three all turned to face Warren. “Like what?” Nick snapped. “Go for a coffee? That'd go great wouldn't it. Oh yeah, hi, excuse our nakedness, four lattes please!” Warren stepped closer to Nick and Put his hands on the boy's arms, staring into his eyes in the moonlight. “Actually, I was thinking... maybe we could have that date we mentioned.” Suddenly Nick's angered expression softened as he considered Warren's suggestion. “And I'm pretty sure you two wouldn't mind some time alone together either.” Warren added, looking first at his big brother, then at Josh. “That's...” Dale started, ready to immediately dismiss his little brother's suggestion. “... Actually, that's a pretty nice idea.” He looked at Josh, his smooth naked body, still wet from the lake glistened as the light of the moon caught the water beading on his chest. Josh nodded his agreement, then all three looked to Nick who just shrugged and said, “Okay then. But can we find somewhere a little less open?” They thought for a moment. “How about the old playground!” Josh suggested, thinking back to the secluded area he had gone to on Sunday with Dale and their friends. After a quick explanation for the two boys who had never been there, they all agreed and headed along the lake path, the four of them pairing off into couples. Josh and Dale were chatting immediately, but Nick and Warren walked along in silence. First Nick would look at Warren, but turn away when the younger boy looked back at him, then he in turn would look away when the older boy glanced round again. Nick wanted to say something, anything, but no words would come out. As he struggled to think what to say, he felt Warren's hand take hold of his, their fingers interlocking and the thirteen-year-old moving slightly closer to his side. Suddenly the words weren't needed, the two of them simply walked along happily hand-in-hand. “Oh my God, they're so cute.” Dale said as he saw his little brother take Nick's hand. Josh just chuckled and said nothing. 'Should I do that? Was he hinting I should do it too? Is it just a really kiddy thing to do? I wanna hold his hand. No, screw that, I wanna feel his entire body pressed up against mine. Fuck, stop thinking like that, you're making it hurt. I really need to get this lock off my cock. That key had better arrive back tomorrow. Stop thinking about that, you've got the sexiest guy in the world walking naked next to you, think about that! I'm gonna hold his hand.' Before Josh could act on his last thought, Dale did it for him, taking hold of his hand. Josh looked down at it, then up at Dale's face and smiled as he saw the beautiful young man grinning at him. “Can I ask you something?” Josh asked. “When did you know? That you were gay, I mean.” “Well I've pretty much been gay all my life. I always liked other boys, but it wasn't until I was about eleven that I knew there was a word for it.” Dale explained. “I guess you're not quite like that.” “No.” Josh replied quietly, thinking about how much things had changed in the last week. “I... never even thought about it. Looking back, being straight wasn't a choice or a cover or anything like that, it was just normal to me. I hadn't even thought about any other possibility. Then... Benny!” “That musta been so weird, suddenly experiencing the stuff you did.” “That's an understatement!” Josh said, laughing slightly. Dale paused for a moment, not sure whether he should ask his next question. He decided he wanted to know. “So if you could go back to last week and stop yourself babysitting Benny... would you do it?” Josh stopped walking, jerking Dale to a standstill too as they continued to hold hands. Josh stared at him for a moment, smiled slightly and replied, “If all this hadn't happened, I wouldn't have met you, so no. Humiliation, pain, embarrassment and tears aside, I wouldn't change a thing.” He let go of Dale's hand and pulled the young man into a brief but passionate kiss. They immediately started walking again, not wanting to get too far away from their younger brothers. Further ahead, Nick finally found the nerve to speak, the hand-holding building his confidence. “This isn't quite how I imagined our first date would be.” “No, me neither.” Warren replied. “For a start I thought we'd be wearing clothes... at least at the start of it.” He winked at Nick as he said the last part. “Fuck.” Nick said with an excited smile. “You have got to be the sexiest guy in the world.” “Second sexiest maybe, after you that is.” Warren said back happily. “Stop there!” Josh called out from behind them. The two boys stopped as their older siblings caught up. Josh stepped to the side of the path and pushed a hedge aside, stepping through with Nick and Warren right behind him, Dale at the rear. None of them spoke as they made their way down the overgrown path to the old playground, but as they approached it they heard voices, moaning. “Fuck, I think somebody else is here!” Josh whispered as he stopped walking. As the four of them stood motionless, listening carefully it became clear there were two different moans, both sounded male though. “We should leave.” Josh whispered. “No way.” Warren replied quickly. “If there's two guys getting off in there, I wanna see!” He pushed past Nick and Josh and out into the open area of the abandoned playground. There, in the middle of the open space, bathed in pale moonlight were two naked well-muscled men, one down on all-fours, the other knelt behind him fucking him rapidly. “Warren, come back here!” Dale called out, chasing his little brother. As he pushed through, Nick and Josh joined him, emerging alongside Warren. The noise they made alerted the two men who stopped and stared at the four new arrivals. Josh squinted, then took a few steps closer. The man doing the fucking looked round at him, his face coming into focus. “Josh?!” one of them called out as they saw him. “Liam?” Josh said in shock. Then the bottom guy looked round too. “Ryan? What the fuck...” ***** THREE DAYS EARLIER. SUNDAY AFTERNOON By the time Ryan and Liam had left the park, the alcohol they had consumed throughout the day had really started to kick in. They had been talking together loudly all the way as they staggered along, weaving from side to side and occasionally knocking into each other. “Dude, that was... that was so funny seeing you... run round the lake.” Liam laughed heavily as he spoke. Ryan was laughing too, the embarrassment now forgotten in the drunken haze. “Yeah, I passed some old bird... and she... nearly had a heart attack. Can't believe I.. lost to Josh though.” his words were slurring quite heavily. “Fuuuuuck. Josh is gay.” Liam said, suddenly remembering his friend's revelation. “Imagine if he'd been gay in school... we woulda kicked his ass.” Ryan said, the drunkenness making it impossible for Liam to tell whether he was proud of the fact, or ashamed of it. “Whatever... doesn't matter now...” Liam shrugged, stepping aside and barely missing a lamp-post. “Guess not. Today was fun.” Ryan said. He stopped walking to lean against a tree on the side of the path. “Yeah, except the gay bits.” Liam said, stopping and turning to face his friend. “You ever tell anyone you... did what you did to me and I'll fucking kill you!” Ryan started laughing. “I'm so scared.” “You don't think I can take you?” Liam said, moving closer to Ryan. In his drunken state he moved a little too close and fell forward against him. Ryan's arms immediately shot up, catching his staggering friend, then without a moment's hesitation, pulled him into a kiss. Liam's eyes opened wide as he raised his arms and pushed against Ryan's chest, breaking the kiss and sending himself flying backwards. He fell to the ground and sat looking up at Ryan in shock. “What the fuck, dude!?” he called out. “I thought you were trying to kiss me.” Ryan said, the shock of the kiss and Liam's reaction suddenly sobering him a little. “Why would I wanna kiss you?” Liam shouted back. “But... I just...” Ryan stuttered, then his face screwed up in anger. “Forget it, just fuck off.” He stormed off down the street, leaving Liam sat on the ground, dazed and confused. By the time Ryan got home his anger had built into an all-consuming rage. His housemate was out so the house was empty, which was probably a good thing. He made his way into his home gym and started punching at the heavy bag hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room. With each punch, an image popped into his head. Dale standing there naked. PUNCH. Josh winning their bet. PUNCH. Himself running naked. PUNCH. Josh sucking on his dick. PUNCH. His twitching cock emerging from Josh's mouth and shooting a load. PUNCH. Grabbing Liam's cock. PUNCH. Leaning against his naked friend post-orgasm. PUNCH. Kissing Liam. PUNCH. Kissing Liam. PUNCH. Kissing Liam. PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH. Ryan staggered forward and grabbed hold of the bag for support, almost hugging it. In his fury he had not even noticed that tears were streaming down his face. Now he stood there, panting heavily, his face wet, his fists and arms sore from the aggressive punches and still all he could think about was kissing Liam. Why had he done it? He had kissed his friend, not the other way round. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck.” he muttered to himself, gently tapping his fist against the bag. He made his way into his bedroom, lay on the bed and fell asleep in moments. SUNDAY NIGHT Ryan awoke, still in exactly the same position as when he had flopped onto the bed. It was dark outside now so he looked at the clock and saw it was approaching ten. He went and got some water and aspirin from the kitchen, a slight hangover already starting to kick in. Heading back into his room he stripped off his clothes, lay back down and picked up his phone. He wrote out a text message to Liam. [HEY DUDE, SORRY ABOUT THE KISS, MUSTA BEEN THE ALCOHOL. WE OK?] He read it before hitting send then deleted it in frustration. He tried again. [HEY, YOU OK? SORRY I RAN OFF, I'M KINDA MESSED UP RIGHT NOW] Deleted again. Another try. [I'M NOT SORRY I KISSED YOU] He stared at the message. He had meant to say 'I'm sorry I kissed you', but somehow it had come out differently. He actually considered pressing send, which only confused him more. Eventually he deleted that message too then opened up his favourite porn app on his phone. He lay there watching his two of his favourite porn stars sucking on each other's tits. His right hand reached downwards to his rapidly engorging cock, fingers wrapping around it. He started stroking as the two girls in the video moved into a 69. He closed his eyes as he wanked, imagining himself between the two girls, their tongues on his body, working their way down to suck on his cock. Suddenly, it wasn't the two girls, it was Josh and Liam. Josh was sucking on his swollen organ while Liam kissed his way up the young man's muscled chest, up his shoulder, his neck, his jaw. Just as their lips were about to meet, he opened his eyes and the orgasm began. He stroked his way through the orgasm, his continuing stimulation making him gasp with pleasure as he covered his stomach with thick white goo. When it died down, he let go of the softening meat. He had just wanked thinking about his two best friends and he couldn't deny the fact that it had been absolutely amazing, but then the guilt and shame crept in. He told himself over and over that it had been the two girls who had got him turned on, Josh and Liam had only appeared at the end and by then he was going to cum either way. He knew he didn't believe his own lies, but it was enough comfort to alleviate his shame and allow him to drop off to sleep. MONDAY MORNING As Ryan awoke, he rubbed his hand down his body, feeling the dried-on remnants of his pre-sleep orgasm on his stomach. He reached over and grabbed his phone, hoping to see a message from Liam but nothing had been received. [MORNING] he sent quickly to his best friend. He wanted to say more, even if he didn't know what, but he figured that was a good start. By the time he had showered and returned to his bedroom he was hoping there would be a reply, but still nothing. MONDAY AFTERNOON [HEY, YOU OK?] Ryan sent, getting worried that he had yet to hear nothing from Liam. The day had been dragging, everything he did seeming like nothing more than an attempt at distracting himself. Ryan was trying so hard to focus on waiting for Liam's reply that it was almost helping him forget what else was on his mind. Almost. Every now and then a stray thought would creep in. 'You wanked him off.' 'You kissed him.' 'Have another wank thinking about it.' They kept coming coming, unlike Liam's replies which remained absent. MONDAY NIGHT [HEY, I KNOW THINGS ARE A BIT WEIRD, BUT PLEASE DON'T IGNORE ME] Ryan sent. This time a reply came just a few minutes later. [I'M NOT IGNORING YOU, I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY] [WE DON'T HAVE TO TALK ABOUT IT, WE CAN JUST PRETEND IT NEVER HAPPENED] Liam sent no more replies that evening, leaving Ryan to fall asleep with his phone still in his hand. TUESDAY MORNING [PLEASE TALK TO ME] Ryan sent. No reply TUESDAY AFTERNOON Ryan was beginning to get desperate. A day and a half of thinking about nothing but Liam, the dares in the park and the kiss were driving him crazy. Normally when things went wrong, Liam was there for him, but with Liam now being the problem, he had nobody else he could turn to. He considered messaging Josh, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. [LIAM, PLEASE, JUST MESSAGE ME BACK. THIS IS KILLING ME] [WHAT DO YOU WANT?] [I WANT US TO BE COOL. ARE WE?] [DUDE, NO!] Liam's reply felt like a punch to the stomach for Ryan. Despite the things that had happened and the refusal to talk over the last two days, he was still secretly hoping that things would magically go back to normal. This was just further proof that it just wasn't going to happen. [LOOK, I DON'T WANNA LOSE MY BEST MATE BECAUSE OF ONE STUPID NIGHT] [I JUST NEED SOME TIME. SPEAK SOON] WEDNESDAY MORNING [HEY, YOU OK?] Ryan sent. Again he got no reply. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON [CAN WE MEET?] Liam's reply took several minutes but eventually came. [I'M AT WORK. TONIGHT, IN THE PARK, 9. OK?] [OK, SEE YOU TONIGHT] WEDNESDAY NIGHT Ryan was early getting to the park. He climbed over the fence and headed inside. He didn't go too far as he knew he hadn't set a specific location with Liam so he wanted to be able to see his friend when he arrived. He sat down on the grass, watching the seconds tick by on his phone. The day had seemed to drag, but this last half hour seemed almost torturously slow. Liam eventually appeared, climbing over the fence at about five past nine. As he jumped down and looked down into the park, he saw Ryan sitting there and froze. He wanted to run away and he probably would have if Ryan hadn't already seen him. He walked slowly towards the large man, his heart feeling like it was going to pound right out of his chest. Ryan stood and waited for Liam to reach him, but remained silent until the smaller man was stood right in front of him. “Hey.” he said sheepishly, awkwardly staring down at the ground. “Hey.” Liam replied, also avoiding eye contact. “Thanks for meeting me.” Ryan said quietly. “No problem.” Liam answered even quieter. They stood in silence, motionless for several minutes. “Aaargh.” Ryan suddenly called out in frustration. “Why's everything so fucked up?” He dropped to the floor, sitting to face down to the lake. Liam said nothing but sat beside him. “I don't get what you're so pissed about? Is it cos I kissed you? Or cos I jerked you off? Or... I dunno, just, why are you so fucking pissed at me?” Ryan asked angrily, his gaze fixed on the lake. The silence that followed prompted him to finally look round at Liam. The expression he saw on his friend's face was not the anger or resentment he had expected, it looked more like confusion. “You think I'm pissed at you?” Liam asked. “I thought... you were pissed at me!” “No!” Ryan insisted, then thought about it. “Wait, why would I be pissed at you?” “For kissing you!” Liam said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “But you didn't. I kissed YOU!” Ryan said back abruptly. Their eyes finally met as they looked at each other in confusion. “So you're not pissed at me, and you think you kissed me?” Liam asked. “And you think I kissed you?” Ryan replied. “So neither of us is pissed.” “And we both tried to kiss each other.” “Yeah, I think that kinda sums it up.” Liam said. A momentary silence fell between them again. “So... do you still wanna kiss me?” Ryan asked, slightly afraid of the answer. “No!” Liam said back instantly. “Why, do you wanna kiss me?” “God no!” Ryan said. His reply was a reflex, he didn't actually give it any thought. “Sunday night was just... because of the alcohol.” Liam said matter-of-factly. “Yeah.” Ryan replied eagerly. “Yeah, just the alcohol.” His tone of certainty faded off towards the end of the sentence. Liam looked round as he heard the tone of Ryan's voice change. The bigger man was still staring out at the lake. He reached over to his friend and put his hand on Ryan's knee. Ryan looked round at him, eyes wide, mouth open a little. Liam returned his gaze. He was testing Ryan, but it was testing himself just as much. He moved his hand up a little way onto the heavily-muscled thigh. Ryan gasped as he felt the young man's hand sliding up his leg. He wanted to jump away, push Liam's hand aside, shout at him to stop but he couldn't bring himself to do it. Even worse, his cock had responded almost immediately, stiffening quickly and tenting his shorts. Liam looked at it, up at Ryan's face, then back down at the bulge. He slowly slid his hand across until his fingers grazed the shaft. That was too much for Ryan. He smacked Liam's hand aside, rolled backwards and jumped up onto his feet. “I can't do this!” “I'm sorry...” Liam stuttered., staring round at his best friend. He stood up and faced Ryan. “What are you doing?” Ryan asked, starting to breathe heavily. “I don't know.” Liam replied honestly as he put a hand on Ryan's shoulder. Slowly he moved closer and closer, tilting his head upwards to the taller man. Their lips were mere inches apart, both men breathing heavily from their nervousness. Suddenly Ryan grabbed Liam by both shoulders and just held him still, stopping the slow progression to the seemingly inevitable kiss. “Ryan...” Liam whispered, sounding almost scared. Ryan gasped, then threw the small man backwards, making him fall to the ground. It was like Sunday night all over again. Ryan turned and ran. He didn't know why he was running, or where he was going. He didn't know what had just happened with Liam, if he had wanted it to continue, or what might have happened if he had stayed. His entire mind was jumbled, the entire park seeming to spin as he ran. He eventually came to a stop, realising he was now half way round the lake path. “Fuck fuck fuck!” he yelled out, kicking a nearby bench in frustration. He sat down on the bench and threw his head back and closed his eyes. Part of him hoped that when he opened his eyes, Liam would be stood there. The other part though couldn't stand the thought of even looking at him. When he eventually opened his eyes and stood up, he was still alone. He wanted to get out of there, but knew that walking back round the lake would probably lead him back to Liam so he continued going round the way he had already been heading. As he walked along he recognised the bush the concealed the entrance to the old playground. It seemed like a good place to hide out and clear his head so he pushed his way through and walked down the path. He made his way into the middle of the clearing and sat on the floor, leaning against an old climbing frame. 'Gay isn't contagious you fucktard!' he thought to himself. 'Just cos Josh sucked you off, that doesn't mean you suddenly like guys so get all this shit out of your head.' Regardless of how rational his thoughts were or how right he may have been, he couldn't deny the fact that he had got hard when Liam was touching his leg. He had wanted to kiss Liam both tonight and on Sunday. He had enjoyed wanking Liam off and getting sucked by Josh. “What the fuck's wrong with me?” he asked himself aloud. “No idea, but if you figure it out let me know, cos the same thing's wrong with me!” a voice called out from the path. It was Liam. “Dude, just... leave me alone.” Ryan insisted. 'Please don't leave.' he thought at the same time. Liam ignored the demand and walked over to the sitting young man then knelt down next to him. The bigger man wasn't sure how to respond. Simultaneously he wanted to both punch and kiss Liam. Liam reached out and placed a hand on each of Ryan's cheeks, then moved in to press their lips together. The kiss lasted just a few seconds, but this time neither of them jumped away. “Liam.” Ryan whispered, “I'm not gay!” “Neither am I.” Liam whispered back, then kissed him again. “I want to fuck you, not marry you!” Ryan laughed slightly at the comment, then realised what he had really said. “Wait, you... wanna fuck me?” Liam just stared straight into his eyes, then nodded. He reached down and pulled up Ryan's t-shirt, revealing the big man's muscles. Ryan lifted his arms to allow Liam to remove the clothing. As soon as the t-shirt was pulled over his head Liam was kissing him again, his hands exploring the now exposed chest. Ryan moaned into Liam's mouth as he felt his friend's hands on his body. Nervously he reached out and pulled Liam's top off too, running his hands over the smaller man's hairy chest. “Ryan, I really wanna fuck you!” Liam said between kisses. “Okay.” Ryan gasped back. ***** “What the fuck are you doing here?” Ryan demanded as Josh, Dale and the two younger boys approached. “Ah!” he called out as Liam pulled out of his hole suddenly. “What am I doing here? What the fuck are you two doing here?” Josh demanded back. “We were just...” Liam started. “Fucking!” Warren completed the sentence for him before he could make a poor attempt at an excuse. “Who the fuck are you, kid?” Liam demanded angrily as he stared at the naked boy. Dale moved to position himself between Liam and Warren. “He's my little brother, Warren.” “You often go for naked late night strolls with your brother?” Ryan demanded, now standing up to face the others. “And you?” he added to Josh as he recognised Josh's little brother too. “Don't get pissy with me just because we interrupted you and your boyfriend!” Dale snapped, moving closer to the naked man. “He's not my boyfriend. I'm no fag!” Ryan shouted angrily. “What did you call me?” Dale snarled furiously. Just in time to stop them lunging at each other, Josh and Liam grabbed Dale and Ryan, holding them back. “Hey, let's all just calm down a bit.” Josh said, attempting to calm the situation. As the voices had raised, Warren had clung onto Nick tightly. The older boy now held Warren close, ready to pull him out of harms way if violence erupted. Dale looked round at his little brother, almost cowering in Nick's arms. “Yeah.” he said, calming a little. “No need for things to get carried away.” The anger dropped from Ryan's face too as he saw the scared boy and he nodded his agreement. Josh turned to Nick and said, “Why don't you two go spend some time together while we talk.” In other circumstances, Nick might have been annoyed about being treated like a kid and told to walk away while the 'grown-ups' talked, but at that moment he was as keen to get away from the tension as Warren was. “C'mon, Warren, let's go.” “Okay.” Warren said quietly, allowing Nick to lead him away from the four older boys. The two of them headed to the other side of the playground and settling down on a grassy patch. Nick spread out and lay flat on the ground, staring up into the night sky. He lifted his arm and gestured for Warren to lay down with him. The younger boy complied and cuddled up to Nick, both boys enjoying the skin-on-skin contact as their bodies pressed together. “I thought they were gonna start hitting each other.” Warren said, the concern for his brother obvious from his tone. “Forget about them, now it's just you and me.” Nick reassured him. Warren laughed quietly at the comment prompting Nick to ask, “What's so funny?” “You just seem so confident now. It's a bit of a change from three hours ago. You could barely even look at me then!” Warren explained. Nick was glad of the position they were laying in as it meant Warren couldn't see his face and realise how much he was blushing. It really did seem strange that their first awkward moments had been mere hours before. Now he was laying naked under the stars, the beautiful boy held tightly in his arms. Thinking about it was beginning to make him revert to his earlier shyness and he struggled to speak. Warren propped himself up on one arm and turned to face Nick. “I didn't mean to embarrass you. I actually thought it was... really sweet. It was one of the reasons I liked you right away.” Nick smiled at the comments, the boy's reassurance helping to snap him out of it. Nick pushed him so that he rolled over onto his back, then leant over so that he was looking straight down at Warren. As it usually was, his hair was hanging down over one side of his face, so the older boy brushed it aside before lowering his lips onto the younger boy's. The kissing lasted for several minutes, their movements slow and delicate, their lips barely even touching. Nick ran his fingers through the boy's hair as they kissed, while Warren's hands found their way round onto the bigger boy's back, stroking up and down the bare flesh. As Nick moved, his now-engorged cock pressed into Warren's hip. Warren was just about to reach down and take Nick's cock in his hand when they were disturbed by a shout from the others. “Hey, you two, time to go.” Josh called out. Their kiss parted and they looked over in the direction of the sound. Josh was stood there with Dale and Liam, but Ryan was gone. Nick planted another quick peck on Warren's lips then said, “I think we should come back here and continue this another time.” “Definitely!” Warren agreed as the two boys climbed up onto their feet. The five of them headed down the path back towards the lake, then started following the main path back round the water. Liam and Josh were at the front, talking as they walked while Dale hung back with the two younger boys. “So what happened? Where's Ryan?” Nick asked. “Simple version, there's some stuff going on between Liam and Ryan. Ryan's solution was to get pissed and run away, Liam is just really confused so he's coming back with us to see if he can figure some stuff out.” Dale explained to the two boys. “So we're heading back to Benny's house now?” Warren asked nervously. “Yeah.” Dale replied unhappily. He could tell that his little brother was as anxious as he was about the prospect of getting there naked. While they had been wandering round in the park, it had been quite easy to get used to their nudity, but leaving the park felt like returning to the real world and it scared them both. “Hey, at least you've only gotta do it once. This is my second time!” Nick replied, sensing the others' anxiety. “And at least you won't be on film!” He added, remembering the recording Benny and Corey had taken of him earlier. “Oh yeah, I so need a copy of that!” Warren said, grinning. Nick glared at him angrily as he attempted to hold back a smile. He found it impossible to actually be annoyed at the boy. “So is Liam gay too?” Nick asked after a few moments of quiet. Dale looked ahead at the young man walking alongside Josh, then back round at Nick. “I'm not really sure, but I don't think so.” “But he was fucking a guy!” Warren insisted. Dale shrugged. “I dunno. Sometimes guys get so horny they'll fuck anything that moves, sometimes they experiment with new things, maybe it's something like that.” “Wait, so does this mean he'll be joining in with our games?” Nick suddenly asked happily. Dale grinned. He hadn't thought of that, but now that Nick mentioned it, if he was coming home with them then it was definitely a possibility. “Maybe. I wonder how Benny will feel about us bringing home a new toy for him.” “He won't be feeling anything. I'm still gonna kill him for leaving us here!” Nick said angrily. “C'mon, it hasn't all been bad!” Warren said, taking the older boy's hand. “Has it?” Nick sighed. “I guess not.” “Hey guys, Liam's got some good news for us.” Josh said, stopping and turning to face the other three before looking back to Liam. “I drove here tonight. I can give you all a lift back to your friend's house.” Liam said, smiling as he heard the sighs of relief and happy shouts from the three naked boys . “Come on then. Let's go.” Josh said happily. The five of them made their way out of the park and piled into Liam's car. It only took a few minutes to reach Benny's house. Benny had left the door unlocked ready for their arrival so they walked straight in. “Took ya long enough, what kept ya?” Benny called out, running into the hallway as he heard the door open. He looked inquisitively as he saw Liam stood amongst the four naked boys. “Oh, hey Liam. What you doing here?” Corey asked as he emerged behind Benny. “It's okay if Liam joins us, isn't it?” Josh asked, making his way to the front of the group. Benny just shrugged. As far as he was concerned, the more guys there were the better the night would be. “Yeah, why not.” “Hey, did you come here by car?” Corey asked, catching a glimpse of Liam's car through the closing door. “That's cheating!” “Whose idea was it to leave us there?” Nick demanded angrily. Seeing the older boy's fury, both Benny and Corey pointed at each other instantly attempting to avoid the blame. Nick's anger disappeared as he started laughing at the two boys. “Come on, let's go back into the lounge.” Josh said, walking through the group with Liam following closely behind. The new arrival looked quite nervous. When Josh had explained what had been happening with him and the other boys, Liam had been immediately interest, verging on outright excited. Now that he was here though, seeing the four naked guys in proper illumination and the two younger boys waiting for them, it suddenly became a lot more real and much scarier too. As he walked into the lounge behind Josh, doing his best to pretend he wasn't closely observing his friend's bare rear, he looked round and saw the various toys that had been left laying around from their earlier activities. “Looks like you've been having a good night so far...” Liam said nervously. “It's been... interesting!” Dale replied as he took a seat on the sofa. The rest of the boys all sat down, leaving the newest attendee standing in the middle of the room, unsure of where he should go. “I think the new boy needs to be initiated.” Benny said with a wicked smile. “Wait, what?” Liam asked, looking from grinning face to face. “I'm not sure about this!” “Take your clothes off!” Benny ordered. Liam just stared back at him, rooted to the spot. “Okay, Josh, Dale, give him a hand.” Benny added, seeing that he was not obeying. The two older boys got up and approached Liam, Dale standing in front of him, Josh behind. “Don't worry dude, I think you're gonna enjoy this.” Josh whispered quietly in his friend's ear. “And any time you wanna stop, just say so and you can leave.” “Okay.” Liam whispered back, then gulped. Josh began pulling Liam's shirt up over his head while Dale had crouched down and started undoing his belt. Seconds later, the shirt was off and the jeans were round his ankles, leaving him in just a pair of white briefs. His cock was already showing signs of swelling, and it wasn't the only one. The four younger boys sat watching were all playing with their growing cocks as they saw Liam's body slowly get exposed. It was as hairy as Dale's, but much more muscular, a body type none of them had really seen up close so far, so their interest was most definitely piqued. “Them too!” Benny said, pointing at the underwear. Dale and Josh each grabbed a side and quickly yanked them down. Liam's cock popped out, almost up to its full six inches, weighed down by his large heavy balls. “What now?” Josh asked, standing back up alongside Dale and Liam. “Tell us Liam, have you ever sucked a cock before?” Benny asked. Liam shook his head in response as the others watched on eagerly, anticipating what was coming next. “Well you're luck then, you get to pick you first one. Line up everyone. Corey, get naked.” Benny ordered the room. Benny and Corey quickly pulled off their clothes and formed a line with the other four. Whether by subconscious intent or by chance, they stood in age order, starting with Corey, the Benny, Warren, Nick, Dale and Josh. “Now, Josh obviously isn't an option, but choose one of us five to give your first blow job!” Benny instructed the trembling teen. Liam looked at the line-up. The two eldest seemed the obvious choices, the ages of Corey, Benny and Warren putting Liam off of choosing them, but that meant he was choosing the bigger cocks. Sucking dick was something he had never really thought about. Over the last few days, he had contemplated fucking Ryan, but blow jobs had never really come into it. The only oral he had ever been involved with was getting blow jobs from girls and going down on them in return. Yet the thought of it now didn't repulse him as he thought it might, in fact, his own cock seemed to be engorging just a little more in anticipation of it. “I think... erm... Dale.” Liam said quietly. The other boys all sounded a little disappointed as they went to sit back down. “Hold on. He's got another choice to make.” Benny said, stopping them all in their tracks. “Who do you want to suck you off?” “Josh!” Liam replied instantly. The speed of his answer surprised them all, but Josh looked fairly happy with it. “Okay then, have a seat.” Benny said, directing Liam to the sofa where he sat down. Dale walked up to the sofa, playing with his dick, ensuring it was fully up and ready for action. Josh approached too, kneeling down in front of Liam. “You okay with this?” Josh asked as he placed a hand on Liam's hairy thigh. He got a nod in response so he moved his hand higher and wrapped it around the young man's swollen shaft. As if he were being instructed by Josh, Liam did the same, sliding his hand up Dale's leg and taking hold of the rigid cock. Simultaneously, both boys took the cocks into their mouths. “Mmmmm.” Liam moaned as he felt Josh's lips around his organ. The vibration of his pleasured moan made Dale do the same. As they watched, all four of the younger boys began wanking, Nick and Benny slowly, Warren and Corey both quite vigorously. “Fuck that's hot.” Warren growled. “Benny, are we allowed to cum?” “No.” Benny replied, his eyes remaining fixed on the older boys in action. Warren slowed his stroking in response as he could already feel himself getting close. “Okay, that's enough!” Benny called out. The disappointment on Dale, Liam and Josh's faces made the boy smile, but he knew they would get relief soon enough... except for Josh of course! He got up and ran into the kitchen then came back in carrying the glass they had been using earlier to cum into. “Who remembers this?” There was a general groan of unhappiness from the boys and a look of great confusion from Liam. “What's that?” he asked gingerly. “Cum.” Dale said abruptly. “It's a glass of cum, and earlier Benny said one of us was gonna have to drink it.” “Yep, still true.” Benny said with a smile. “At least there's not loads in it!” Corey said as he looked at the relatively small puddle in the bottom of it. “Well that's gonna change after the next game.” Benny replied quickly. “We're all gonna wank. We have one hour. Whoever cums the least in that time, has to drink it. And it only counts if you do it into the glass.” Some of the boys groaned unhappily, while the others just stared in shock. “What about me?” Josh asked, gesturing towards his restrained cock. “Well you won't cum at all and it's kinda tempting to say you'd lose by default, but I'm not feeling quite that mean. Instead, you can be in charge of the glass and keeping count of everybody's scores. Josh thought about it for a moment. On one hand, seeing the other six guys cumming over and over, up close, would be hot, but on the other hand, it would just turn him on more and make his own need to cum even more desperate. Benny went and grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil for Josh to write down the scores before sitting back in an armchair ready to give instructions. “Okay, sit where you like, do whatever you want to yourselves but no touching each other. This is a solo mission! Everybody ready?” He looked round the room and was greeted by a mix of happy and worried looking nods. “Hey, what do we do if there's a tie?” Nick asked, just before Benny could tell them to start. “Sudden death. Anyone in joint last position wanks again and the last one to cum, loses.” Benny explained. Nick thought he was catching Benny out. This was one of the games they had talked about earlier, but the subject of tie breakers never came up, so either Benny had been planning alone since then, or he was just worryingly good at thinking this stuff up on the spot. “Okay then, the hour starts... now!” Benny said. Without a moment's hesitation, all six of the naked boys and young men grabbed their cocks and started pumping away. Corey and were sat together on one of the armchairs again, Dale and Liam had spread out to take over the whole sofa, Nick and Warren were sat side-by-side on the floor in front of the other armchair while Josh sat alone on the other side of the room, watching the game unfold. Josh's mind started to wander as he watched. 'Oh my God, look at them go. If I was playing this I'd have it won, I feel like I could cum about a hundred times right now! It's weird seeing Liam here, woulda been even weirder if Ryan hadn't run off. I should message him tomorrow and see if he's okay. Wow, Warren looks ready to cum already.' Nick and Warren couldn't take their eyes off of each other as they both jerked off. Their expressions alone showed how much they just wanted to jump on top of each other and do a lot more than wank, but they both knew better than to break the rules of one of Benny's games. Warren's earlier stimulation had obviously not died down yet as they were only a few minutes into the game when he jumped up and ran over to Josh. The older boy picked up the glass and held it up as Warren stroked his cock a final few times before adding his load to the glass. “Ah yeah, yeah, yeah.” he moaned breathlessly, staring straight into Josh's eyes as he unloaded. “One for Warren.” Josh said as he pulled the glass away. The younger boy returned to his seat next to Nick as Josh wrote down the point on the score sheet. As if seeing Warren cum had pushed him over the edge, Corey jumped up too, throwing himself to the floor in front of Josh and thrusting his small cock into the glass without lifting it up. Silently, but panting Corey deposited a few squirts into the receptacle before winking at Josh and returning to his seat. Josh's cock was aching as it remained semi-aroused, held back by the device but constantly trying to grow. It twitched just a little more as he saw Liam getting ready to stand up. At the same time, Nick also climbed onto his feet. Josh held up the glass as both of them attempted to cum into it. Their cocks pressed together making them both gasp before they simultaneously shot their loads. Nick's was just a few squirts as he had already cum a couple of times that night, but Liam's looked like he hadn't cum in a week. Shot after shot hit the side of the glass and oozed down, seeming to almost double the quantity already collected. “Looked like you needed that!” Josh said with a grin as he lowered the glass. Liam just smiled awkwardly before turning to head back to the sofa. Nick was still stood there having enjoyed the show. “Nice.” he mouthed silently to Josh as he watched Liam walk away before doing the same. Josh updated the score sheet. By the time he looked up again, Benny was approaching quickly. He grabbed the glass, and stuck his cock inside it, whimpering with pleasure for a few seconds before handing it to Josh. Now it was just Dale who was yet to score. Josh looked over at him, taking in the wonderful view of the beautiful young man, sat pumping away at his cock, eyes closed. “Oh fuck.” Dale called out suddenly, before opening his eyes and approaching Josh. With another load added, Josh noticed that the glass was now starting to look a lot more intimidating as far as forfeits go. He suddenly found himself very glad of his cock cage as it had excluded him from the possibility of receiving the punishment for a change. Although as he sat there, watching the boys all do their best to recover quickly from their orgasms so they could start again, he wondered what it would be like to swallow it. He had enjoyed swallowing the loads he had taken so far, but so many at once may be a little different. That started him thinking about who might lose the challenge. It would be fun to see Benny lose for a change, although he guessed that if that happened, he would just make someone else do it in his place anyway. Liam could be interesting too. The young man was even newer to all this stuff than the rest of them, so seeing him suddenly given such a forfeit would definitely challenge him, although it might put him off too. Josh would hate to see Liam miss out on something that he was just beginning to discover, just because of one bad experience. The boys were gradually starting to get hard once again and the second round of wanking began. Josh sat there for the next fifty minutes keeping score and repeatedly raising the increasingly heavy glass. As the end of the hour approached, it was easily more than half full. The scores were relatively close too, except for Corey who was miles ahead of the others. It seemed the youngest McKenzie was a human spunk factory. The boy had managed to cum eight times. In second place was Warren with five, then Benny with four while Nick and Dale were tied on three. Liam had only managed to cum once more since his first orgasm, leaving him in last place, but he looked like he was almost ready to cum again. Josh watched the clock. There was only a minute to go as Liam got up and shot a third load into the glass, bringing him equal with Nick and Dale. “Time's up!” Josh called out as the hour concluded. Warren and Benny had stopped wanking, fairly confident that their scores had kept them out of the danger zone, while Nick and Dale had still been pumping furiously for fear of ending up at the bottom. Despite being the clear leader, Corey had still been going too, apparently wanting an even higher score than he already had. “And the scores. Benny wins with eight, Warren has five, Benny got four, then Dale, Liam and Nick all have three.” Josh announced. “Sudden death it is!” Benny called out happily. Liam looked distraught. He had only just managed to get the last load out while Nick and Dale both looked close to cumming their fourth. If they went again right away, he knew he was going to lose. “Okay, you three get together in the middle. Stand facing each other.” Benny instructed. The three finalists did as ordered, coming together in the middle of the room. “To help speed things along, this time you can have some help. Corey, help your brother, Warren, you too. Josh, you can join in now, why don't you lend Liam a hand!” Liam looked round at his friend. The thought of being touched by him was both terrifying and exciting, but most of all, if it was likely to help him cum quicker and avoid the forfeit, then he was up for it. The three helpers all took their places next to the finalists, Josh handing the glass to Benny. “You'd better be good, I really don't wanna lose!” Liam whispered to Josh. “I can make you cum quickly, but it might... be a bit weird!” Josh offered quietly. “Do it!” Liam said instantly. “Okay, no point wasting time. Begin!” Benny called out, raising the glass. Liam, Nick and Dale took hold of their cocks once again, all knowing how important it was for them to cum. Corey moved round in front of Nick and started sucking on his nipples, causing his big brother to yelp excitedly. Warren reached down and fondled Warren's balls with one hand, tweaking a nipple with the other, getting a similar reaction to Nick. Liam looked round in a panic. Instead of touching him, Josh was walking away. He picked up the bottle of lube, squeezed some onto his fingers then returned. “What are you...” Liam started, but stopped as he felt Josh's hand reach down to his arse. Josh quickly found Liam's hole, slicked it up a little and pushed two fingers inside. Normally he would have started gently with one, but Liam had said he didn't want to lose so there was no time to take it slowly. His fingers quickly found their mark, hitting against the young man's prostate. “Oh fuck!” Liam called out, his hand stopping in shock. “Keep wanking!” Josh called out as he finger-fucked his friend. Liam did as he was told, resuming his jerking while his legs trembled beneath him and his hole throbbed at the sudden invasion. Whatever Josh was doing though, it was working. It was like a really intense jerk-off session but in fast forward. “I'm gonna cum!” he called out, partly to let Benny know he needed the glass, and partly in outright surprise. Benny got the glass in place just in time. The orgasm was brief but violent, just a few squirts, but making Liam's entire body shake. Liam was breathing heavily and his legs felt like they were about give way. As Josh pulled his fingers out, the legs finally buckled. Josh steadied him a little and lead him to the sofa where they both sat heavily. Liam leaned against his friend as he struggled to catch his breath and regain his composure. They had both almost forgotten that the competition was still going. Seeing what Josh had just done for Liam, both Corey and Warren slid a finger round into their respective brother's arse cracks. From the noises Dale and Nick were making, they were both close to cumming, but ultimately it was Nick who got there first, adding his last few drops to the glass mere seconds before Dale shot a few drops futilely into the air. “Fuck it!” Dale panted angrily as he realised he had lost. “Sorry bro.” Warren said, not sounding at all sincere as he walked away to sit with Nick once again. Corey also returned to his seat, leaving just Dale and Benny standing. The younger boy held out the glass and Dale took it from him, a queasy look on his face. “What if I refuse to drink it?” Dale asked in the vain hope that whatever punishment Benny decided on would be preferable to half a pint of spunk. “Erm...” Benny said, thinking as he joined Corey. “If you don't drink it, you get shaved just like Josh, and when the chastity device comes off of him, it goes on you and stays there for a month!” “Ooh, take the punishment!” Corey said eagerly. Dale stared at Benny open-mouthed. He clearly wanted him to drink the cum if he was making up punishments that bad as an alternative. “Fine.” Dale said, raising the glass. “Urrrgh, he's gonna do it!” Warren called out, covering his eyes, but still peeking between his fingers. “Just think of it as a milkshake.” Josh said supportively, then grinned and added, “Made of six guys' spunk!” Dale glared at him angrily, then looked back to the glass again. Without another word, he put the glass to his lips, tipped it back and downed the entire load in a few heavy gulps. He tipped the glass completely upside down to let the last few thick drops ooze onto his tongue before he swallowed them too. As he looked round at his audience, they cheered loudly for him. He raised the empty glass in the air triumphantly and the cheering loudened. When the cheering finally stopped, Benny stood up and took the glass of Dale, then turned to the others and said, “Okay, do what you like for now. When I decide what's next I'll let you know.” All the boys started chatting to each other, finally free of Benny's instructions and able to just talk to each other. Dale joined Liam and Josh on the sofa. Half an hour later, Josh got up from the sofa, caught Benny's attention and lead him into the kitchen. “What's up?” Benny asked once they were alone. “Liam's still a bit confused over some of the stuff that's happening, so I just wanted to know if you mind if the three of us head up to the spare room so we can talk.” Josh said, feeling a little embarrassed that he was essentially asking the boy for his permission. “Sure, I was just talking to the others about playing some video games in my room anyway. We'll go do that while you guys talk.” Benny agreed. The two of them went back into the lounge then lead their respective groups upstairs into the two bedrooms. The four younger boys were noisy right from the start, so Josh closed the bedroom door behind him as Liam and Dale made their way inside. The three of them sat on the bed silently, Josh and Dale hoping Liam would just talk, while Liam had been hoping that the other two might lead the conversation. Eventually Josh felt he had to say something. “So, what's going on with you?” Liam opened his mouth to speak, but instead just sighed. “I wish I knew. Even without the weirdness between me and Ryan, my head's totally fucked. Despite what you've seen tonight, I'm really not gay.” Josh and Dale looked at each other, then at Liam. “Don't look at me like that. I mean it. I'm not gay and just to be clear, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with it either, it's just that... I'm not. This was all just new and... horny and... I was thinking with my cock instead of my head.” Liam tried to explain, starting to get upset. “D'you need a hug?” Josh taunted him. “Fuck off!” Liam snapped back angrily. Josh had just been teasing, but as he saw the look on Liam's face, he realised he may have actually been right. He moved closer to Liam and held his arms out. Liam glared at him angrily for a moment before realising it was a genuine gesture rather than another taunt. He allowed himself to fall against Josh, his head resting against his friend's bare chest as the young man wrapped his arms around him. Dale moved forward too and placed one hand on Josh's shoulder, the other on Liam's. They sat like that for a few minutes before Liam sat up and sheepishly said, “Thanks guys.” “No problem.” Dale smiled kindly. “So are you two, like, a couple or something, cos that's definitely the vibe I'm getting.” Liam asked, suddenly turning the focus away from himself. “Erm, well...” Josh stuttered. “Erm, it's... still early.” Dale answered eventually. “Aww, look how shy you both got. Aren't you cute.” Liam took his turn to do the teasing. “Shut up.” Dale said, grinning. “So which one of you's the top?” Liam asked, enjoying embarrassing his two friends. “Well at the moment, I don't think Josh is gonna be doing much fucking, is he?” Dale replied, laughing at Josh's misfortune. “Yeah, thanks for reminding me!” Josh said back, pushing Dale so he fell over onto his back, laughing. Josh jumped after him, play fighting with the laughing teen. When they eventually stopped, they looked at Liam who appeared to be contemplating something. “What's up?” Josh asked, sitting up again. “I was just wondering... if you two might... let me watch you fuck?” Liam asked, sounding terrified of his own question. Josh and Dale looked at each other. They had fucked earlier with the four younger boys watching, this wouldn't really be any different so they both shrugged and nodded. Liam quickly ran downstairs and grabbed the bottle of lube from the lounge. By the time he came back up, Dale was laying on the bed with his legs hanging over the sides, his cock rigidly reaching for the ceiling. Josh stood beside him, waiting for the lubrication to prepare himself. He keenly took it from Liam, lubed up his hold and then applied some to Dale's dick. Josh climbed up onto the bed, straddling Dale then positioned himself so that he could sit straight down onto Dale's erection. It slid inside easily and he sat all the way down, taking in his entire length. Liam was watching closely, the other young man's eyes seeming to increase the excitement of the fucking. Josh got a steady rhythm going as he pulled himself up and down Dale's shaft. After a few minutes, he leaned down to Dale and whispered something in his ear. Dale looked at him, wide-eyed and clearly shocked, but nodding. Josh sat back up and turned to face Liam who was now stroking his own boner. He picked up the bottle of lube and threw it over to him. “We interrupted your fuck earlier, so lube up and join in.” Josh instructed. Liam stared down at the bottle, then over to the two young men who had immediately resumed their fucking. Was he being invited to fuck Josh at the same time as Dale, or after he had finished? He had seen double penetration in porn, but that was two guys in one girl. Josh looked round again and gestured for him to come over. Liam quickly pumped a little lube onto his hand and slicked up his prick before he approached them. Dale was showing no signs of pulling out, so Liam assumed he was supposed to just join him inside Josh. He stood with his legs either side of Dale's and pushed the head of his cock against the top of Josh's hole. It took quite a lot of pushing, and a lot of moaning from Josh, but eventually the sphincter expanded enough to allow the second cock to begin sliding inside. All three of them were transported to another world. Liam and Dale felt the stretched tightness of Josh's arse as well as the warmth of another cock pressing against their own while Josh was amazed at how much pleasure came with so little pain. “Holy... fucking... shit!” Josh called out. He stopped sliding up and down on dale's cock, instead relying on Liam's steadily quickening thrusting to generate the movement. He leant down and kissed Dale as he felt the two solid shafts pulsating inside him. Next he sat up, tilted his head back and looked sideways at Liam who looked back at him, their faces mere inches apart. A moment later they were kissing too. The kiss broke with Liam pulling away, moaning excitedly as his cock began to twitch. In almost perfect unison, Dale's did the same. Josh found himself cursing the games they had played earlier. He would have loved to feel two huge loads filling his insides, but instead settled for a few quick squirts as the two young men emptied what remained in their balls inside him. Liam was panting heavily and leaning against Josh's back as his cock slid out. Josh pulled up a little, releasing Dale's cock too. They flopped onto the bed beside Dale and lay there basking in the afterglow of yet another orgasm. A few minutes later, Josh felt his eyes getting heavy. They closed for what only felt like a few seconds but had more likely been a few minutes. As he looked from side to side, he saw that the other two had fallen asleep as well. As he listened to see if he could hear the boys, he struggled to hear anything. He got up as gently as he could, not disturbing the other two, crept across the room and quietly opened the door. He crossed the hallway and pressed his ear against Benny's bedroom door. Still nothing. Josh slowly opened the door and peered inside. There lay Benny, Corey, Nick and Warren, all tangled up together on the bed, fast asleep. He flicked off the light and closed the door before returning to Liam and Dale. He lay back down between them and closed his eyes. Chapter 20 Josh awoke but kept his eyes, closed, attempting to put off waking fully for just a few more minutes. He felt his face buried in a neck and his arms wrapped around the body in front of him. He pressed his lips against the warm skin, kissing it gently a couple of times. “What the...” the body in front of him called out suddenly. Josh opened his eyes in shock just in time to see Liam turning over so quickly that he accidentally threw himself off of the bed. He landed with a loud thud. “Liam?!” Josh called out in surprise. “Sorry, I thought you were Dale!” Liam knelt up, looking back over the bed to see Josh laying there looking surprised and Dale sitting up and rubbing his eyes sleepily behind him. He had a very obvious look of regret on his face as he perused the two naked young men he had just woken up with. “What did I miss?” Dale asked, stretching. “I accidentally gave Liam a good morning kiss.” Josh smirked, hoping his friend would see the funny side of it. “I've gotta go!” Liam said, standing up and awkwardly attempting to cover up. “I'm gonna go grab my clothes and head home.” He quickly made his way to the door and left while the other two watched. Josh looked round at Dale. “I should probably go make sure he's okay.” “Yeah, but hurry back!” Dale said, planting a quick kiss on Josh's cheek before he moved away. Josh hurried downstairs and found Liam in the lounge, almost fully dressed. “Hey, erm... you okay?” “Am I okay?” Liam replied back sharply. “Whadda you think? I just woke up, naked, with one of my best friends kissing my neck after spending a night jerking off with a load of guys!” “And that's... bad?” Josh replied, hoping his levity might relieve some of Liam's tension. “Of course it's fucking bad.” Liam snapped as he started pulling on his socks. “I'm straight! I don't do this stuff. I know that you tried all this and realised you liked it, but I don't! I'm not gay, I'm not bi, I'm straight and last night was a mistake. I shouldn't have met up with Ryan, I shouldn't have come back here with you and definitely shouldn't have...” he paused and looked Josh up and down. “I definitely shouldn't have fucked you!” Liam had now finished dressing and started making his way to the door. Josh followed him out into the hallway. “Look, Liam, I get that you're freaked out by all this, but it's just some harmless fun. I know you enjoyed it, but that doesn't mean anything.” Liam stood up after pulling on his trainers and just stared at Josh. His expression softened a little, but his confusion was still apparent. “I guess you're right, but... it won't be happening again. It was a one-off, that's all. Ugh, now I've just gotta sort things with Ryan.” “I could talk to him if that'd help.” Josh offered. Liam shook his head. “This is between me and him, but thanks.” He turned and headed for the door. As he unlocked it and pulled it open, he turned back to Josh and added, “All this gay stuff aside, it's been cool catching up with you again. We should do it again some time when you're not so... naked!” Josh laughed slightly and felt suddenly awkward about his nakedness. “Yeah, we should hang out soon. See ya, bud.” Liam left and pulled the door closed behind him. Just as it closed, Josh noticed the small pile of mail on the floor beneath the letterbox. The immediately recognised the topmost envelope – his key had finally returned! ***** Dale had fallen asleep again almost as soon as Josh had left the room. It didn't last long though as he was soon woken by four naked boys jumping on top of him and laughing loudly. Benny, Corey, Nick and Warren had all run into the bedroom and jumped onto the sleeping young man. “Get off of me!” Dale called out as they squirmed all over him. As soon as he pushed one of them away, another one would take his place. Eventually the four of them settled. The now-inseparable Nick and Warren lay together on one side of Dale, Corey had decided to lay right on top of him and Benny sat at the foot of the bed. “You're up then!” Dale said, faking annoyance at the intrusion. Although his interest was almost exclusively in Josh, he had to admit that it was definitely fun hanging out with the other boys too. “Yeah, Corey woke up and decided that if he was awake, we all had to be!” Nick joked. “It's not my fault!” Corey said defensively, not moving his head from Dale's chest. “You were all laying on top of me!” “Whatever.” Nick replied dismissively. “Anyway, we figured we'd come and see if you guys were up. Where's Josh?” “Liam got a bit freaked out.” Dale said, then looked round at the multitude of naked bodies strewn across the bed, then added sarcastically. “I can't imagine why! Anyway, he decided to leave and Josh went to see if he was okay. He should be back up soon.” “So what time do you all have to leave?” Benny asked as he began plotting the day's events. “Me and Warren have got head home this morning.” Dale said, prompting an unhappy look from both Warren and Nick. “I need to get home too. I've got football practice.” Corey added. “Looks like just me, you and Josh today then.” Benny said as he looked over at Nick. “Yeah, looks like it.” Nick said, casually stroking his fingers through Warren's hair. “Ha, I just won a fiver from Dad!” Corey called out happily. Nick looked at him, confused. “How?!” “I bet him a fiver that you'd forget that you said you'd help him with the garage today!” Corey explained. “Crap, I totally forgot. I guess I'm out too!” Nick said unhappily. The thought of helping his Dad clear junk out of the garage was distinctly less appealing than the thought of hanging out with Benny and teasing Josh all day. “Just me and Josh. That's been a while!” Benny said quietly as his mind started to wander. “Speaking of Josh, he should be back by now.” Dale said. He slid Corey off of him and sat up, prompting Nick and Warren to do the same. “Let's go find him.” Benny said, jumping off of the bed and heading to the door. The five of them made their way down the stairs and immediately saw Josh sat in the hallway by the front door, staring blankly at an envelope in front of him. “Oh my God, is that...” Nick started. “Yeah, that's my envelope!” Benny said with a wicked grin. “Josh, you okay?” Dale asked as he looked at the young man on the ground. Josh just shook his head, unable to speak. “What's wrong?” Nick asked, kneeling down beside him. Josh picked up the envelope and handed it to his younger brother. Nick immediately examined it and saw that it hadn't been opened, but as he felt it, it was obvious there was no key inside. “The key's not....” he said, then noticed the edge of the envelope had an inch long rip in it. “Oh fuck the key fell out!” Josh nodded, looking almost ready to cry. “What?” Benny called out, snatching the envelope from Nick. He examined it too and reached the same conclusion. Josh suddenly looked round at Benny. “Please, Benny. Please tell me you have a spare!” “It only came with one key!” Benny replied flatly. “Then do something else!” Josh said, standing up. “Get this thing off of me. I need to get it off.” He started pulling at the chastity device. “Josh, stop. You're gonna hurt yourself!” Dale said, grabbing Josh's fumbling hands. “I don't care, I've gotta get this thing off.” Josh said, pulling away from Dale. He lunged towards Benny and grabbed him by the throat, pushing him up against the wall. “You put this thing on me, you get it off!” “Josh!” Dale and Nick both called out, jumping forward to try and pull him off of the young boy. “I've got the key!” Benny gasped as he was choked by Josh. Josh's hands dropped to his sides as Dale and Nick let go of him. “What?” he asked furiously. “The key was never in the envelope!” Benny said, the look of fear on his face quickly changing to his usual wicked grin. “You posted an empty envelope, I rigged it so you'd think it was lost when it came back. Looks like it worked!” “Give me the key!” Josh demanded. “No!” Benny said defiantly as the others watched on intently. “If you want it, you've gotta earn it!” “Benny, I'm not playing now. Give me... the key!” Josh snarled through gritted teeth as he towered over the boy. “Could the rest of you go into the lounge please. Me and Josh need to talk.” Benny ordered. Corey and Warren quickly walked into the lounge while Dale and Nick hesitated, unsure if it was safe to leave Benny alone with the furious-looking Josh. When then older boy nodded at them, they followed the two younger boys and pulled the door closed behind them. Benny and Josh stood there, staring at each other for a moment before Benny quickly swung his arm out and slapped Josh as hard as he could. The older boy staggered a little from a mix of the impact and surprise. When he looked back at the younger boy, the fury was gone from his eyes, replaced with a mix of fear and desire. “Who the fuck do you think you are?” Benny snapped at him, then slapped him a second time. “Remember who's in charge here. I may play nice for the benefit of that lot in there, but don't forget... you... are mine!” Josh stared at the boy, tears welling in his eyes from the two slaps. Without warning, he lunged for Benny, picked him up and slammed him against the wall. This time though his lips were pressed against the boy's. “I'm sorry Sir.” Josh gasped between kisses. “I'm so sorry, please forgive me!” Benny stayed where he was, pressed against the wall and help up by Josh's strong arms. He wrapped his legs around the older boys waist as they kissed. Eventually Benny started to push his slave away from him and he was gently lowered to the ground. “Kneel there!” Benny ordered, pointing to the bottom stair. Josh did as he was told, then felt the boy push him forward so he was laying on the stairs. Benny straddled him, pulled his arse cheeks apart then pushed his stiff cock inside. Benny fucked his slave quickly and roughly. This wasn't for pleasure, this was a reminder to Josh not to cross Benny again. Benny's thrusting was as fast as he could manage. It surprised him exactly how exciting he was finding it. Putting the older boy in his place had already made him instantly hard, but now it was making his orgasm approach quicker than he ever thought possible. “Ah... Benny.” Josh moaned as his rear was pounded mercilessly. Benny replied, thrusting hard between each word. “Call... me... Sir!” With the thrust after his last word, he shot his load inside the older boy. “Ah Sir!” Josh called out as he felt the boy's warm seed inside him. Benny pulled out and stood back up. “Turn over, boy!” Josh did as commanded, turning over but remained on his back. Benny straddled him once again, then leant up to Josh's face and kissed him gently. “Good boy! Let's go.” He got up and headed towards the lounge door. “Sir.” Josh said weakly, making Benny look back at him. “Please don't get mad, but... will you be unlocking me soon?” Benny smiled, much to Josh's relief. He had almost expected another slap for mentioning it again. “Yeah, I will, and I'll make it worth the wait!” Josh got up and follow Benny into the lounge. The conversation stopped instantly as they entered, the four boys staring nervously at Benny and Josh. They breathed a collective sigh of relief as they saw them both smiling. “Everything... okay?” Dale asked hesitantly. “Yeah, we're good. Sorry about that!” Josh said, blushing a little as he thought back over his earlier reactions. “Good.” Dale said happily. “We need to be heading off soon.” Dale did his best to stifle a smile as he saw the upset look on Josh's face. It was obvious the young man didn't want him to leave. “Before we all leave though, we were wondering what you and Josh had planned for tonight and tomorrow?” Nick asked. Josh looked at Benny, knowing that only his young master knew what was in store for him. “Nothing definite, why, what you thinking?” Benny asked. “Well we were discussing some options while you two were... talking.” Nick replied, choosing his words carefully to avoid any awkwardness. “Corey came up with an idea that sounds pretty fun.” The group's attention turned to Corey. As it was his idea, it seemed fair for him to suggest it to Benny and Josh. “How about a day at the beach?” “Yeah... slight problem... we don't live anywhere near the Sea!” Josh said, confused. “I know that, you moron. I was looking online and found a pretty cool one. It'd be a couple of hours drive, but I reckon it'd be worth it.” Corey explained. Josh shrugged. “Fair enough. If we all want to go, I could borrow Mum and Dad's car so we'd all fit. Benny?” Benny was looking suspiciously at Corey, but smiled quickly as the focus turned to him. “Yeah, should be fun.” An idea had formed in his mind as he briefly considered their plans. “If we're gonna drive to this beach tomorrow, we should probably have an early start. You think your folks'd mind if you all stayed over again?” he asked the group. “Another night without the kids? Yeah, I think they'll manage!” Nick said happily. “Same here.” Dale agreed. “We'll be busy for most of the day but can come back this evening.” Benny sat down next to Josh. “Great, I want you all to be here for it!” he said excitedly. “For what?” Warren asked, as confused as the rest. Benny reached down and grabbed Josh's caged cock. “Josh is getting unlocked, and you're all gonna help him celebrate!” ***** A little later, Josh found himself sat alone in the lounge. He and Benny had just finished breakfast and said goodbye to all the others, the house suddenly feeling very empty. He looked round as he saw Benny walking in, now dressed and carrying more clothes. “Are we... going somewhere?” Josh asked. He was used to always being naked in the house by now, so the thought of putting on clothes seemed almost strange. “No. Get dressed.” Benny said, throwing the clothes into Josh's lap. Josh looked confused, but their earlier altercation had reminded him what a bad idea it would be to question Benny so he quickly dressed then sat back down on the sofa. He looked up nervously as Benny stood in front of him, almost flinching as the boy moved to sit next to him. The young master cuddled up to his slave, pulling the bigger boy's arm around him. “You okay?” Josh asked quietly, planting a gentle kiss on the top of Benny's head. “Yeah.” Benny said back, almost whispering. “Not that I'm complaining, but why are we doing this?” Josh asked. Benny sighed heavily, but remained curled up against Josh. “Look, you've made it pretty clear that this thing between us is only gonna last til my parents get back. So... I guess... I wanna enjoy the time we have to do more than just have sex. Yeah, I know how lame that sounds...” “That doesn't sound lame at all. It's... really sweet.” Josh said. He could feel tears welling in his eyes. He'd been over this so many times and while he was ninety-nine per-cent certain that things could never work between the two of them, sometimes that one per-cent glimmer of hope shone through and he allowed himself to really feel how much he cared for this bizarre, twisted, beautiful boy. “I'm glad I get one more day just for us. You mean... so much to me and if this is what you wanna do today, I'm here and I'm yours. Just yours.” As he spoke, he felt the tears begun to trickle down his cheeks, even more-so as he heard the boy at his side crying. Benny suddenly jumped up, straddled Josh and pulled the older boy into a tight hug. As his head rested on Josh's shoulder, he whispered, “I love you Josh.” Josh sniffed then whispered back, “I love you too, Benny.” The two boys sat there holding each other until the tears had dried. Benny eventually pulled away, smiling weakly as he looked at Josh returning the same delicate expression. Josh decided he had to break the silence. Every moment he sat staring into Benny's eyes was another opportunity to discard common sense and give in to his urges. “So, tonight's the night?” he asked with a huge smile. Benny returned the smile as he dismounted then simply replied, “Yep.” “No hints what you've got planned then?” Josh asked, hopefully. “Actually, I'm still deciding. I guess we'll both see later. But for now...” Benny answered, then resumed his previous position at Josh's side. ***** Josh was almost disappointed when he heard the doorbell ring that evening. As much as he was looking forward to finally getting out of the chastity device, the arrival of the others signified the end of his alone time with Benny, something that was quite likely to never happen again. He gave Benny a quick kiss as he stood up to answer the door and wondered if the boy was having similar thoughts. “Hi.” Josh greeted Warren as he opened the door. “Hey Josh.” Warren replied before running through into the lounge, his older brother walking into the house not far behind him. “Hey you.” Josh said, blushing a little as he looked at Dale. “Hey yourself.” Dale said back, returning Josh's smile as he approached the young man. As the front door swung closed, the two kissed. They probably would have continued if Warren hadn't run out into the hall and said, “Yep, they're at it already!” They broke the kiss, both laughing as they chased Warren back into the lounge. Josh and Dale both joined Benny on the sofa while Warren jumped onto an armchair, grinning. “So what's the plan for Josh's coming out party?” Dale smirked at Warren's question, prompting an angry glare from Josh. He knew the other boys were very much aware of how desperate he was to get out of the chastity device , so the teasing felt even more cruel. “I'm not telling you anything until everyone's here.” Benny said staunchly, then turned to Josh with a knowing glint in his eye. “But don't worry, he's definitely gonna enjoy it as much as we are!” Josh was both dreading and looking forward to it. On one hand, he would finally be able to get hard, jerk off, fuck some of the other boys and cum. In a way though, he was almost going to miss only being able to serve the needs of others, rather than seeing to his own pleasure. There was no doubt though that as soon as the device was off, his need to cum would overtake any inhibitions he had. “Hey, we're all good for the beach tomorrow.” Dale said, changing the subject. “Great, I called my Dad earlier and he said we're fine to take his car so there'll be plenty of room as it can fit seven.” Josh replied happily. The thought of a relaxing day at the beach with his friends was really starting to appeal. “Seven? Maybe we can find someone else to bring?” Warren suggested. “How about Liam?” Dale said casually. Josh immediately shook his head. “No chance. If you'd seen the way he was this morning... yeah, he needs some time!” ***** Liam sat in his sofa, staring at his phone. He had brought up Ryan in his contact list about half an hour ago but still hadn't built up the courage to press dial yet. “Come on, just call him. The longer you leave it, the worse it'll get.” Liam said to himself. He moved his finger over to the dial button, but just before he could press it, there was a knock at the door. Liam stared at his phone, then round in the general direction of his front door. Could it be him? He threw his phone down on the sofa then went to the door, opening it to see Ryan standing there. “Ryan, I was just...” Liam started, but before he could finish the sentence, Ryan lunged at him. In a single fluid motion, he pushed his way inside and kicked the door closed then slammed Liam against the wall. “We got interrupted last night, I'm gonna finish what I started!” Ryan snarled. He began pulling Liam's clothes off, the smaller man struggling against him. “Ryan, stop...” Liam said weakly. He was attempting to fight back against Ryan, but even if his heart had really been in it, he knew he couldn't overpower him. Naked in a matter of moments, Liam stood in stunned silence as Ryan pulled his own clothes off too. Grabbing Liam by the wrist, he lead him over to the sofa, pushed him down and dropped to his knees and took the cock in his mouth. “Ryan, please...” Liam attempted to protest again, but it was soon lost in a moan of pleasure as his cock rapidly stiffened. With Liam now hard enough, Ryan stood and straddled the smaller man, slowly lowering his hole towards the awaiting boner. As the tip made contact with his clenched sphincter, Liam once again called out, “Ryan, please don't...” Ryan paused, stared Liam in the eye then leant closer, almost growling into his ear, “If you really want me stop, just say no.” He pulled back and stared him in the eye again. Silence fell between them, broken only by the sound of them both panting in fear and excitement. Liam was shaking, his voice wavering as he finally replied. “Keep going.” Ryan nodded and continued lowering himself onto Liam's erection. It slid inside the large man's hole all the way until his arse cheeks made contact with the bare skin of Liam's legs. Slowly he pulled back up, then slid down. Up and down, over and over, the speed increasing rapidly until Ryan was almost bouncing, his own stiff cock sandwiched between the two muscled torsos. “Ah, oh God. Ryan... Ryan, don't stop!” Liam muttered breathlessly. He was attempting to make eye contact with his friend again, but Ryan seemed determined to look anywhere except straight at Liam. “I'm gonna cum... I'm gonna...” Liam gasped as he finally shot his load inside the angry young man's rear. “Ugh!” Ryan grunted loudly. The feeling inside his arse was enough to push him over the edge and his own cock shot a heavy load between their bodies, the thick, warm fluid coating their stomachs as his motions slowly came to a halt. Ryan quickly jumped off then ran over to his clothes and started dressing. Liam was in shock about what had just happened. He just looked round at his friend. “Did you enjoy that?” Ryan asked, still sounding angry. “Yes.” Liam answered honestly. “Did you?” “Yes.” Ryan snapped, almost unintentionally. “Are you gay?” “No.” “Bi?” “I don't think so. Are you?” Liam asked, unsure if Ryan had intended further questions. “No, I'm straight. This...” Ryan paused, partially because he was pulling his t-shirt on over his head and partially because he wasn't sure how to explain his feelings. “This was just unfinished business. Things happened and we did... what we just did. But it's done now. You're straight, I'm straight and we can just go back to normal, right?” Liam thought about it. Was it really that simple? “Right.” he agreed, albeit slightly unsure. “Good, now I haven't been the gym for a few days and I don't think you have either, so let's go.” Ryan said flatly. “Okay.” Liam said, getting up off the sofa to get dressed. ***** Josh answered the door and was happy to see both of his brothers stood there. Their arrival meant he was one step closer to relief. The two young boys were carrying a couple of bags, presumably the stuff they would need for the beach tomorrow. “Hey guys. You okay?” Josh asked, slightly confused at the frustrated look on Nick's face. “Ugh, he won't shut up about tonight!” Nick said as he walked into the hallway and dropped his bag to the ground. “What about it?” Josh asked, unsure of the problem. “Your cock!” Nick blurted out. “He's only seen it in the chastity thing, so he can't wait to see it properly.” Josh had forgotten about that. He had gotten so used to being naked around all the other boys that he had just figured they had already seen it all, but Nick was right. Corey had yet to see him hard. He realised the same applied to Dale, which seemed particularly weird considering the stuff they had already done together. Suddenly the fear returned about removing the device. Being with Dale had been amazing so far, what if regaining full use of his cock somehow changed things? “Yeah, I'm gonna make you cum!” Corey said happily, reaching out to grab Josh's caged penis. “Only if I let you!” Benny called out from the doorway. “Now get in here!” He was smiling, but Josh could tell Benny was serious. It was like the switch had flipped in his brain and 'Dominant Benny' was suddenly in charge again. He felt that familiar uncomfortable twitch in his cock once again, hopefully for the last time. “Coming Sir.” Josh said obediently. Josh immediately realised his slip, referring to Benny as Sir in front of his two little brothers. They both smirked at him but didn't dare to mock openly for fear of incurring Benny's wrath. They headed into the lounge and greeted Dale and Warren, Nick smiling giddily as he beheld his new lover. He joined Warren in his armchair, quickly cuddling up to the other boy. Benny directed Corey and Josh to take their seats too, then stood in the middle of the room. He waited for silence which came quickly. They were all learning to pay close attention to the aggressive boy. Silently, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small metal key, holding it up for them all to see. “Is that...” Nick started. “It is.” Benny replied, his face expressionless. “And are you...” Nick attempted to ask. “I am.” Benny interrupted. Dale felt Josh squeeze his hand. He couldn't imagine the frustration he had been feeling for the past few days. With the things that had been happening lately, the thought of cumming less than five times a day sounded like a challenge. Poor Josh had now gone five days without it, which alone would be bad enough normally, but those had been five particularly arousing days. Dale squeezed his hand back, turned to Josh and smiled comfortingly. “Take your clothes off!” Benny ordered. Josh immediately jumped up, quickly throwing aside his clothes as the five boys all looked on almost as eager as he was. He stood there naked, waiting for Benny's next move. “Okay, I'm going to unlock you, but you will keep your hands at your sides. Until I tell you otherwise, you're still not allowed to touch your dick unless ordered to. Understand?” Benny explained as he approached. He paused shortly in front of the bigger boy, awaiting his response. “Yes Sir!” Josh said, again causing a snigger from the others. Benny reached down and began disassembling the device. The audience all moved forward in their seats, eager to get a closer look. Benny pulled the device away and Josh sighed loudly with relief. He wanted more than anything to reach forward and rub his cock, more to relieve the discomfort than for sexual pleasure but he followed his master's instructions. “Now what?” Corey asked eagerly. “Now...” Benny started, looking round at the spectators and grinning, “Josh has to earn an orgasm.” Josh suddenly looked worried, clearly Benny wasn't going to make this easy. “How?” he asked gingerly, barely daring to speak. Benny walked around him, running a single finger across his chest, round to his back as he moved. “If you want your needs taken care of, you've gotta take care of ours.” Smiles began popping up around the room as the boys all realised they were going to get to be involved. At first, some of them had been worried that Benny was going to do it all by himself. Benny continued. “Each of us will get one hour with Josh. What you do with him is completely up to you. The only rule is that Josh isn't allowed to cum. Aside from that, anything goes. And I do mean ANYTHING!” Josh once again found himself overrun by a mixture of dread and excitement. Being at the command of five different boys, doing whatever they wanted, it was a dream come true. He just wondered if it would be easier or more difficult doing it now that he was unlocked. But what would they make him do? He suspected that Dale would go quite easy on him, perhaps Warren too, maybe even Nick but he knew both Benny and Corey would take great pleasure in making their hour particularly unpleasant for him. The boys all stared excitedly at the naked and now unrestrained Josh, his cock swelling rapidly. It took just a few seconds for his cock to stand at full attention. “And then, can I cum?” Josh asked weakly. He suddenly felt more naked than he did usually, his aroused state seeming to accentuate his embarrassment. He quickly glanced round the room. Dale was just staring at the huge cock, while Corey's grin was quite possibly bigger than he had ever seen. “Perhaps. Guess you'll just have to wait and see.” Benny answered casually. “So... who's first?” “Me!” Nick said eagerly before anyone else could. “Okay, Nick it is.” Benny said, chuckling at the eagerness. “You can go wherever you like, you can let us watch or do it in private. The choice is yours.” “Let's go upstairs then.” Nick said, standing up and grabbing Josh's hand before leading him away. Dale, Warren and Corey all looked hugely disappointed that Nick didn't want them to watch. They had been hoping for a good show. The two brothers made their way into the spare room, closing the door behind them. Nick sat on the bed, leaving Josh stood in the middle of the room facing him. He smiled at Josh and asked, “Hey, does this remind you of anything?” Josh looked confused. “Me dressed, sitting looking at you naked and hard...” “Oh God, yeah, Friday night.” Josh said, smiling as he remembered. “Wow, was that really just six days ago? It feels like a lifetime.” “Yeah, it does.” Nick agreed. “I... can't believe how much things have changed. I never thought I'd me and you would...” he trailed off, blushing slightly. “Fuck?” Josh asked with a grin. He walked over and sat beside his brother. Nick laughed too but shook his head. “No, not that. Well yeah, I never thought we'd do that, but... I never thought me and you would be this close again.” Josh looked slightly puzzled. “We were... already close, weren't we?” “Not like when we were kids. We did everything together, then you grew up and I just became your annoying little brother.” Nick said sadly. “You were never my annoying little brother... that's Corey's job!” Josh said happily as he placed an arm around Nick's shoulders. He got the laugh from Nick he had been hoping for so he continued. “But I kinda see what you mean, we grew apart a bit. I think we're making up for it now though.” “Yeah, we are.” Nick said, leaning against his older brother. Josh kissed the top of Nick's head then pulled him away slightly. “Hey, you're wasting your hour. You could be fucking me right now if you wanted.” “Do you love Dale?” Nick asked, completely ignoring Josh's comment. It caught the older brother a little by surprise. “We haven't even dated yet!” Josh exclaimed. “But I definitely like him.” “So you've got a guy you're gonna date, and a master you seem happy to serve. I'm just guessing, but I think it's safe to say they're gonna be taking up a lot of your time from now on, right?” Nick asked, sitting up and looking round at Josh. Josh shrugged. “Yeah, I suppose so.” “Well that means that this may be my last chance to have some alone time with my big bro. So I'd better make the most of it. Stand up, face me and start stroking!” Nick ordered. Josh followed the command. It felt amazing to be able to touch himself again and, worryingly, he could already feel himself getting close to cumming. He slowed his wanking as much as he could. Thankfully Nick could see the problem he was having and resisted ordering him to speed up again. As much as he wanted to tease his brother, he didn't want to risk making him cum and messing up Benny's plans. His own cock was rapidly stiffening as he watched Josh. It twitched as the older boy started to moan quietly with pleasure. “Enjoying that?” Nick asked with a wicked grin. “Mmm, oh, fuck yeah. You have NO idea how much I've missed this!” Josh said excitedly, his stroking momentarily speeding up. “Careful there, no cumming, remember!” Nick reminded him. “Oh I remember!” Josh growled in frustration. “Good boy. Now keep stroking and come here.” Nick commanded. As he spoke, he stood and dropped his jeans and underwear in a single motion. His erection sprung free, pointing straight at his approaching brother. Needing no further instruction, Josh dropped to his knees and took Nick's cock in his mouth, one hand massaging his younger brother's balls while the other continued slowly stroking his own boner. “Oh fuck!” Nick muttered as he felt the warm wetness envelop his meat. He pulled his t-shirt off and threw it aside and began stroking his own body, playing gently with his nipples as he looked down at Josh. He wanted to draw it out for longer, really enjoy the blow job but he was just too turned on to resist. He began thrusting his hips, fucking Josh's face as he shot his load. Just as Josh was taking the last few drops of Nick's juice, he suddenly pulled away and let go of his own cock. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.” he muttered, clenching his fists as he desperately held back his own orgasm. His entire body tensed for several seconds before he finally relaxed. “Shit that was close.” Nick began dressing again as Josh watched, breathing heavily. “Stand up and keep stroking!” Nick snapped as he pulled his t-shirt back on. Once he was fully dressed, he sat back on the bed, pulled his phone out of his pocket and started playing a game. Josh looked on in dismay. He had a feeling that Nick was just going to make him stand there and keep playing with himself for the rest of their time... and he was right. Nick continued to sit there, pretending to be ignoring his big brother. The younger boy kept sneaking occasional glances every few seconds, the look on Josh's face was mesmerising - a mix of pleasure and desperation. To begin with, Josh found himself thinking back over their conversation. Could this be the end of the time he got to spend with his little brother? He soon found, however, that any coherent thoughts soon became virtually impossible. Almost a week of sexual activity without cumming, followed by his current slow, torturous wanking was driving him out of his mind. 'Forty minutes to go!' he thought to himself in despair as he looked at the clock. ***** “Okay, your hour's up!” Benny called out as he entered the spare room. He was surprised to see that Nick was still dressed. He had just assumed Nick would be taking full advantage of the opportunity but as he saw Josh standing there, naked and slowly stroking his swollen cock he knew there had been plenty of action. The older boy was still tugging away, his breath ragged and his whole body trembling. “Oh thank God!” Josh muttered as Benny lead them back downstairs. The three of them headed back into the lounge, the other three boys all smiling broadly as they saw Josh and his giant boner walk into the room. Josh casually played with his throbbing cock as he looked round at his eager audience. Warren, Benny, Corey and Dale all still had their turns to go. He thought back to his earlier assessment of the possibilities. He had expected fairly sympathetic treatment from Nick, Warren and Dale, with the meaner stuff definitely coming from the two younger boys, but now he was not so sure. The expressions on all their faces made Josh shudder at the possibilities. “So, who's next then?” Chapter 21 Josh smiled happily as he shifted slightly on the bed, Dale's naked body pressed against his back, the young man's strong arms wrapped around him. Every now and then, he felt gentle kisses on his neck. He glanced over at the clock and groaned. “I can't believe we've been here for almost an hour.” Josh moaned with a mix of contentment and disappointment. “Hey, don't worry, I can see plenty more of this in out future.” Dale whispered into Josh's ear. Josh grinned as he turned to face his lover. “Our future? I like that!” He planted a quick kiss on Dale's lips. Dale rolled onto his back while Josh shifted down slightly to rest his head on the young man's firm chest. Dale's words filled him with joy, but at the same time a sharp pang of disappointment. The week was speeding rapidly towards its end and while he had endured some horrible tasks, with more still to come, it had been amazing to share in the experience with so many guys. The things that had happened with Nick were beyond anything he had imagined and had helped to rebuild a relationship he hadn't even realised he had lost. Spending time with his youngest brother, Corey had also been more enjoyable than he had ever expected. Warren had appeared so suddenly in his life and the few experiences Josh had enjoyed alone with the boy had built a quick but long-lasting bond. It almost felt like the boy had become a third little brother to him. Then there was Dale. Sexy, sweet, caring, beautiful Dale. He knew he was getting ahead of himself, the two of them not having even had a single official date yet, but he could tell they had something special. Finally, above all of the others there was Benny. The first male he had ever been with, his first master... his first love. But he couldn't think about that now, he had thought about it for far too long over the last couple of days. “You okay?” Dale asked. “Yeah.” Josh replied, emerging from his thoughts. “Just... thinking about what else I've got to come.” It was only a half-lie. His concern over the remaining three hours had been constantly at the back of his mind during his time with Dale. Dale chuckled a little. “I don't think the others are gonna go quite as easy on you as I have.” “No, I guess not.” Josh said back, his voice tinged with fear. The thought of his imminent torture did start to have an effect though. His cock had occasionally stiffened while he was with Dale, but for the most-part it had remained soft, allowing it time to recover from the hour-long edge Nick had ordered. It was most definitely on its way back up now. “Come on, let's head back downstairs.” Dale said. He kissed Josh on the top of his head before getting up and starting to get dressed. There was plenty of noise coming from downstairs, the younger boys had definitely been enjoying their time away from the older members of the group. As Josh and Dale walked in, they saw Nick on the floor in the middle of the room, Benny sat on top of him while Corey and Warren were struggling to restrain his arms and legs. “I probably don't want to know what you're doing, do I?” Josh said with a smile as they saw him. “Nah, wouldn't want to ruin your surprise.” Corey said with a fiendish grin as he let go of Nick and jumped back onto the sofa. Josh felt his cock twitch once again. “Okay then.” Dale said as he approached Nick and picked him up as if he weighed nothing. He threw the boy over his shoulder, much to Nick's annoyance. “Who's going next?” As Nick continued to struggle, Dale turned to face Warren who had got up and sat in one of the armchairs. He pulled Nick down and dropped him into Warren's lap. “I believe this is yours!” “Thanks, I wondered where I put that.” Warren laughed as his older brother deposited the boy. “Your brother's a dick!” Nick said, attempting to feign annoyance, but failing miserably because he couldn't stop smiling at Warren. “I'm next!” Benny said through the noise of the others. Josh was surprised. He had expected Benny to take the last slot as he was likely to be the most mean, but getting it out of the way early was probably a good idea. “So... where are we going?” Josh asked, edging towards the door in hope that they were going upstairs, somewhere more private again. “Get back here!” Benny snapped, seeing Josh's slight movements. Sheepishly Josh moved back towards his master. “I'm feeling charitable.” Benny said, almost sounding sincere. “I'm gonna use my hour to give all of us a treat. Josh, down on your knees, everyone else get undressed and gather round.” Less than a minute later, Josh was surrounded by five naked boys. Benny, Corey and Warren were already hard and it didn't look like Dale and Nick were far behind. “Okay Josh, here's the deal. I'm sure you know that the best way to make a cock go down is to make it cum, so that's what you've gotta do. Make us ALL go down. You can use just your hands and mouth. Once you've made us all cum, if anyone is hard again, you make them cum again. If at any time in the hour you've managed to make us all soft at the same time, you win. If we get to the end of the hour and there's always been at least one of us with a boner, you lose.” Benny explained. The explanation alone was enough to get Dale and Nick up too. Josh was now surrounded by five eager erections. “What does he get if he wins? Nick asked. “If he wins, I'll go easy on him when we make him cum.” Benny replied. “And if he loses?” Corey asked, almost bouncing with excitement. “Well let's just say I'll be a bit... less kind.” Benny said cryptically. Josh looked at him quizzically so he added, “Remember Monday!” Both Nick and Josh gasped quietly, eyes widening with fear. Josh's mind rushed back three days to the torture Benny had inflicted on his younger brother. The two siblings eyes met for a moment, both remembering the painful incident. “Fuck, what did you guys do on Monday?” Warren asked with a grin as he saw their expressions. “Hopefully you won't need to find out.” Benny said. “Oh, and your hour begins now!” Josh was shaken out of his daze. He looked round and without giving it much thought, lunged forward to take Benny's cock in his mouth while reaching up to the two cock's either side of him, Warren to Benny's left and Nick to his right. It wasn't long before the three boys were all moaning happily under Josh's stimulation. Sensing Benny was right on the verge of cumming, Josh stopped. At first the young tormentor thought this was Josh's attempt at getting a little revenge, but he soon realised his slave actually had a plan. He turned round and took Dale's cock in his mouth, one hand moving onto Corey's small erection while the other continued working on Nick, who seemed furthest from orgasm. Instead of making all five boys cum as soon as possible, he was attempting to time it so that they would all be at once. Benny was secretly disappointed that Josh had come up with a plan so quickly. He had been hoping to maximise Josh's suffering later in the evening. At least it was some consolation that he would shortly see Josh covered in five loads. The thought of it was almost enough to make him cum right there. Being left so close to orgasm and then having to watch the naked boys in front of him was torturous. He felt a momentary pang of sympathy for Josh's much-longer suffering but it soon passed as Josh moved once again. The older boy now had Warren's rigid cock in his mouth, with a hand back on Benny's, the third playing with Dale. Josh continued working, switching positions over and over, the moaning of the five standing boys gradually increasing in intensity until it became obvious that they were all on the brink. “Oh fuck!” Corey yelled out as Josh's stroking pushed him over the edge. The youngest boy shot a small load onto his big brother's cheek. Seeing the boy cum was enough for Benny too. His cock, currently sliding back and forth between Josh's lips began to fill the young man's mouth. Before Benny had even finished shooting, Josh moved once again. He took Dale's throbbing boner in his mouth then reached round to stroke Nick and Warren simultaneously. Less than a minute later, the two teens were adding their loads to Corey's, dripping down Josh's face. Dale was last to cum, about a minute after the younger boys, groaning deeply as he shot deep into his lover's throat. Sucking the last few drops of Dale's seed, Josh pulled the softening prick out of his mouth and smiled up at the breathless young man. “All done.” Josh said happily. “Not quite yet!” Benny replied happily. Josh looked round to see Benny pointing at Corey's crotch. Despite cumming mere minutes before, the boy was already sporting a raging erection once again. “You gotta be fucking kidding me!” Josh moaned, looking up at his little brother who appeared completely unapologetic. Not wasting any time, he turned and began to suck once again. For a few minutes he sucked frantically, desperate to get the boy soft and avoid his punishment. With his cock still sensitive from the previous orgasm and enduring one of the most intense blow jobs of his life, Corey was moaning wildly. His knees were getting weak and it was only by holding onto the boys either side of him that he remained upright. Unfortunately, the sight of Corey enduring such intense pleasure was enough to get Warren going again. Moments later, the boy moved forward enough to tap Josh on the shoulder with his erection. Josh looked round, still sucking Corey, and saw the boner. He started stroking it and realised exactly how things were going. No doubt the others wouldn't be far behind. Josh was right. Within minutes, all five cocks were rigid once again. He resumed his previous technique, intending to get another simultaneous five-way orgasm. Sucking and tugging on each cock over and over. Time was growing short, but he could tell they were once again getting close. The cumming started once again, this time starting with Dale, followed by Nick and Benny, Warren shortly behind them. Just Corey left to go, the boy was seconds from cumming again. “Time's up!” Benny called out, almost bouncing with excitement. “Fuck!” Josh called out, releasing his youngest brother's erection from between his lips. “I'm so close. Finish me off!” Corey demanded. “Hey, you don't tell me what to do until you have your hour!” Josh snapped, annoyed that he had so narrowly missed out on beating Benny's challenge. The younger boy glared at him, angry at the refusal, but remained silent. “Nice try, boy, but you failed.” Benny taunted Josh. “Whatever.” Josh said, trying to act casual. In reality, his mind was racing. On top of two more hours of torture at the hands of Warren and Corey, he now knew what he would have to endure when he was finally allowed to cum. He couldn't stop thinking about Monday, Nick's screams of pleasure and pain, how the boy had sobbed helplessly, begged for mercy, and now it would be him in that position. Frustratingly, his cock throbbed at the thought of it. “My turn now.” Warren said. Josh turned to face him and found the boy was getting dressed. “Get your clothes on, we're going out!” “All of us?” Corey asked hopefully. “Afraid not, just me and your bro.” Warren replied, now fully dressed. “Hurry up Josh, meet me outside, and bring your car keys.” He walked out, leaving Josh curious about what was planned and the rest of the boys disappointed that they would be missing out. A few minutes later, Josh left the house to find Warren stood impatiently by his car. Josh unlocked it and they got in. “Where we going?” Josh asked. “I'll direct you.” was all Warren replied. He spent the next ten minutes directing Josh, saying nothing else, until they reached a familiar area. “Turn in here.” Josh smiled despite his nervousness as he realised where they were. They were back on the quiet road where Benny had brought them after their day at the pool, the spot where the two of them had first... interacted! Josh stopped the car and turned off the engine, plunging the two boys into darkness. Josh heard Warren take off his seatbelt. Moments later the boy had jumped across, straddled his lap and started to kiss him. Several minutes passed as the two kissed, fast then slow, their hands exploring each other's bodies. They finally parted. “You know, we could have done this without leaving the house!” Josh joked. “This wasn't what I brought you here for, it just felt like a good opportunity to do it. Figured it's probably my last chance!” Warren explained as he climbed off. “Yeah, a lot of that going round tonight!” Josh said quietly, remembering Nick's similar comments. “Huh?” Warren enquired, not following. “Never mind.” Josh said, not wanting to explain the private moment he had shared with his little brother. “So why are we here then?” “Turn the headlights on and get out.” Warren ordered. They got out of the car simultaneously and met in the light ahead of the car. “Now what?” Josh asked, shuddering slightly. Warren said nothing. Instead he started to strip Josh. Last time they had been there, it had been the other way round. Josh had loved that moment, but was finding this one even more exciting. He moved around enough to help the boy strip him, but mostly stayed still, awaiting his orders. “Now do me!” Warren ordered, taking a step back. Josh undressed the boy, staring straight into his eyes the whole time, both of them breathing heavily in anticipation. Josh gulped as he stood facing the naked boy, both of them now erect. “Now what?” “Do you... remember Saturday morning?” Warren asked nervously. “Of course I do.” Josh smiled. “I'll never forget that. Why?” “Do you remember what I asked you to do?” Warren asked. Josh thought for a moment. They had discussed, and done, quite a few things during their brief encounter that morning, but one thing definitely stuck most on his mind. The young boy had asked Josh to fuck him. Josh had refused, not wanting to hurt him. “Do you mean.... when you asked me to... to fuck you?” Warren nodded. “Yeah. I... still want you to. I'm way more experienced than I was then so you can't use that as an excuse this time. Plus I can order you to do it.” “Yeah, you can.” Josh replied, then reached up and placed his hands on the boy's shoulders. “But just so you know, that wasn't an excuse, I really didn't want to hurt you. I really like you Warren, a lot, and I'd never want to hurt you.” “You won't. But please... do it.” the younger boy looked up at him, his eyes wide with anticipation, excitement and a fairly heavy dose of nervousness. He knelt down for a moment and reached into a pocket of his discarded clothing, producing a small tube of lubricant. “You'll need this.” the trembling boy said quietly, his voice seeming exceptionally loud in the extreme quietness enveloping them. Josh reached out to take it but kept hold of the boy's hand as he did it. Neither of them said anything, their eyes just fixed on each other in the dim light of the car. The older boy was unusually nervous. It wasn't like he hadn't done this sort of thing, extensively, over the last few days, it was something else. He was fairly certain he was falling in love with Dale, he definitely loved Benny, his master, and the love he felt for his two little brothers had only increased because of their recent activities. Then there was Warren. This sweet, beautiful, sexy boy standing naked before him, wanting so desperately to fuck. The older teen couldn't help himself. He leant over and pressed his lips against Warren's. The kiss was brief, gentle, tender. It caught the younger boy off guard, but just for a moment, then he kissed back. Josh pulled away, but just a little He held the boy's neck with one hand, his forehead and nose pressed right against Warren's. “Warren... I....” Josh whispered, but he didn't know what to say. Josh's heart was melting. His feelings were impossible to put into words, but it seemed he didn't need to anyway. Whatever it was he was feeling, it seemed to be mutual. They let go of each other after a few more moments. Warren turned and bent over the car, signalling to Josh that he wanted to proceed. Josh opened the lube, squeezed out a little then reached towards the boy's pearly white rear. He thought back to the day in the pool, how he had watched the perfect ass walking up the steps to the water slide. His cock twitched, a small drop of precum trickled down the shaft. He pushed his finger between the cheeks, finding the boy's hole. As he swiped his finger across it, Warren let out a satisfied moan which turned into a high-pitched whimper as the digit began to push its way inside. Next Josh squeezed out a little more lube and gingerly took hold of his own erection. His breath caught in his throat. It was so sensitive that he thought he might cum just from lubing his rigid shaft. “I don't know how long I'll be able to do this. I'm still not allowed to cum, remember.” Josh reminded the boy. “I don't care. Ten minutes or ten seconds, it doesn't matter. I just wanna feel you....” The sentence fading into nothingness, Warren's voice fading as he stopped himself saying more. Josh paused. He had figured that this was just about the sex, that the boy wanted to be fucked and nothing more. However, the moment they had just shared, what the boy had almost said, Josh knew what he had to do. He reached out and grabbed Warren's arms, making him stand, then turned him around and pushed him back. Josh made him lay on his back, then lifted the young teen's legs into the air, revealing his ass. Josh's cock found it's way to the hole, pushing gently. “If it hurts, tell me to stop.” Josh whispered. “Okay.” Warren replied, nodding nervously. Josh pushed slowly, his cock sliding millimetre after millimetre inside the warm opening. “Oh God, Josh.” Warren whimpered as he felt the older boy's rigid dick filling him. “Keep going.” Josh was teetering somewhere between pleasure and torture. Being inside Warren felt exquisite, but he was so close to cumming that he didn't know if he was going to be able to hold back. He was so distracted by the sensations that he barely even noticed when the boy's ass pressed against him. He was all the way in. How something so big could fit inside someone so small astounded him, but from the expression on Warren's face any discomfort he was feeling was eclipsed by the pleasure. “I don't think... I can... fuck you.” Josh stuttered breathlessly. Just staying still inside the boy was enough to keep him dangerously on edge. Sliding his cock out and back in again would easily push him over the edge. “I don't care, this feels amazing.” Warren moaned happily. They stood like that for a few minutes. Eventually Josh calmed down a little and he was able to move again. Reaching forwards he slid his hands under Warren's back, lifting him into a sitting position, then lifted him completely. He was now holding the boy against him, his cock still deep inside. Warren wrapped his legs around Josh's waist and his arms around the older teen's back. Then they were kissing again. Several minutes passed, Warren squirming slightly up and down on Josh's cock as they embraced. Josh pulled away from the kiss. “I can't... I can't... any more... I'm gonna...” He couldn't even form a coherent sentence, but Warren knew what he was trying to say. As they moved back towards the car, Warren released his grip and fell back. Josh quickly pulled out, leaving the younger boy suddenly feeling very empty. Both boys were panting, cocks rigid. “Are you gonna....” Warren started, sitting up. “I just... I just need a minute.” Josh panted back. “To... calm down.” “Oh.” Warren said with a grin. “Then you probably shouldn't watch this!” He lay back again, one hand sliding across his chest and finding a nipple, the other one taking hold of his erection. “Jesus Warren. You fucking tease!” Josh said, grinning back at him. It took every ounce of self control he had not to join in and stroke his own cock while watching the boy. Warren's hand was pumping away fast. His other hand let go of the nipple then slid down his body, down past his cock to finger his still-slick hole. “Ah yeah, yes, oh yes!” he moaned as he stroked, his eyes still fixed on the aroused older boy. “Suck me!” That was all the instruction Josh required. He lunged forward, pushed the boy's hand aside and took the rigid cock between his lips. It only took a few seconds of sucking before the boy was shooting a small load into Josh's mouth. “Holy fuck!” Warren muttered as his cock slid out of Josh's mouth. Josh stood back up, happy at the boy's release but still craving his own. “So what now, boss?” he asked cheekily. “We've still got about fifteen minutes before we need to start driving back.” “Get dressed.” Warren said with a smile. The two boys dressed then Warren directed Josh to get into the back seat of the car and followed him in. “What are we doing?” Josh asked nervously. “Relax, I can tell you can't take any more without cumming and I definitely don't have another load in me tonight. We're just gonna have a break.” Warren explained. He leaned against the older boy who lifted his arm and placed it around him. Mere seconds later, Josh looked down and saw that Warren had fallen asleep, exhausted. He gently kissed the top of the boy's head then looked at the clock on the dashboard. His earlier estimate had been right. They now had about fifteen minutes before they would have to head back. He didn't want to risk being late. He could barely imagine what punishment Benny would inflict on him for that on top of the tasks still to come. The fifteen minutes passed far too quickly for Josh's liking but he soon found himself having to wake Warren. He briefly considered seeing if he could slide out and drive back without waking the boy, but he had a feeling Warren wouldn't want to miss the rest of his hour. “Hey, hey Warren.” Josh whispered, nudging the boy gently. Warren woke up and rubbed his eyes, then looked round at the clock before turning an angry gaze on Josh. “How could you let me fall asleep? I missed...” his voice trailed again. “Cuddles?” Josh finished the sentence for him. Warren blushed. “Warren, I'm dating your brother, you're dating mine, I think we'll be seeing plenty of each other from now on. I will always have cuddles for you.” He kissed him on the forehead. Warren continued blushing, but nodded his understanding. “Now let's get back.” Josh said, getting out of the car and moving into the driver's seat. The drive back was almost silent. Josh's sense of impending dread suppressing any desire to chat. Warren could sense it too and thought it best not to try and force a conversation. He may not have been able to talk much anyway as he struggled to keep his eyes open. When they pulled up on Benny's driveway, Warren looked over at the older boy. “You ready for this?” “No.” Josh replied honestly with a weak smile. “You got any idea what he's got planned?” Warren shook his head. “Nah, he wasn't giving anything away.” Josh took a deep breath. “Let's get this over with.” He got out of the car and headed inside, closely followed by Warren. “We're back.” Josh called as he got inside. “Shh!” Dale hissed at him, emerging from the lounge. Josh gave him a questioning look, then walked over as Dale gestured for him to approach. Josh peeked inside the lounge and saw Benny and Corey curled up asleep on separate armchairs while Nick was asleep on the sofa. Dale pulled the door closed then led Josh and Warren into the kitchen. “Should we wake them?” Josh asked. Warren and Dale answered simultaneously. Warren said yes while Dale said no. The two brothers glared at each other. “Corey's gotta take his turn, then we've gotta make Josh cum!” Warren insisted. “We can just do that tomorrow. They're exhausted!” Dale replied. “No, we should...” Warren started, but Josh cut him off. “You need sleep!” Josh insisted, giving the boy a stern look. He didn't need to bring up how quickly Warren had fallen asleep earlier, the younger boy knew Josh was right. “Fine.” Warren snapped. “But you're still not allowed to cum!” Josh shrugged. By now he was almost getting used to being told that. Warren turned and headed to the lounge. He sat beside Nick, who stirred slightly, just enough to see Warren next to him. The two boys cuddled up together and were soon fast asleep once again. Josh looked at the four sleeping boys and smiled at how sweet they all looked before pulling the door closed. He walked back into the kitchen and approached Dale. “Alone at last!” Dale pulled Josh into a kiss. When they pulled apart, Dale said, “I'm kinda pissed that you're still not allowed to cum yet, but it's nice to have you to myself for a while.” Josh laughed slightly. “What's so funny?” Dale asked, not sure whether to be offended or not. “This. All of it. A week ago I hadn't even thought about doing anything with a guy. Now I'm virtually a total cock-slut! And I appear to have a boyfriend. It's just... weird!” Josh explained. “Appear to?” Dale enquired, pulling away and raising an eyebrow. “Well we've not even had a proper date yet. I didn't want to just assume...” Josh attempted to explain. Now it was Dale's turn to laugh. “You're okay to assume. I like you Josh, a lot. And yeah, it probably is waaaay too soon to call you my boyfriend, but that's what I want you to be, ya know, eventually!” Josh just smiled in response and gave the young man a peck on the lips. “Whadda you say we head upstairs and have an early night? A long drive followed by a day at the beach with those four little animals... I think we're gonna need all the energy we can get!” Dale took Josh's hands and stared into his eyes, then smiled sweetly. “I've got a better idea.” Josh should have been worried. If this week had taught him anything, it was that 'ideas' rarely ended well for him, but the look on Dale's face was so innocent he knew he had nothing to be concerned about. “Okay, you go wait in Benny's room. I'll come and get you when it's all ready.” Dale said, pushing Josh towards the door. “All what's ready?” Josh asked, pushing back against Dale. “You'll just have to wait and see!” Dale insisted, pushing him back again. “Now fuck off, I've got things to do!” Josh gave up his resistance and headed upstairs. He went into Benny's room and sat down on the bed. He did his best not to listen to what Dale was doing. As curious as he was, it was clear that he wanted it to be a surprise. As it turned out, Josh found it quite easy to think about other things. He thought back to what he'd been doing on that very bed just a week ago. The torture Benny had inflicted on him, his own surprise at the way his body, and mind, had responded to the horny boy's machinations. It was weird to think that these desires had been inside him all this time. They had to have been. Doing something gay doesn't turn you gay. Josh was far from a expert in homosexuality, but he at least knew enough to realise it didn't work that way. 'Did I... always like this stuff?' he asked himself. 'Did I choose to ignore it or did I just never think about it?' His mind wandered back over the years. The girls he'd been with, the wank fantasies, the porn he'd watched. Were there clues? Had he missed them? How could kids as young as Warren and Benny already know this much about themselves when he had been so clueless about his own desires? 'Whatever.' he dismissed the questions racing through his head. 'No denying it now. Fuck, do I have to tell Mum and Dad? They're gonna flip. Well, maybe. I mean, they know a few gay people, but it's gotta be different when it's your own kid. Kids actually. Me and Nick anyway. Maybe Corey too.' Josh was shaken from his thoughts by a knock at the door. “Come in.” he called out, wondering why anyone would bother to knock. They knocked again so he got up and walked over to the door, pulling it open gingerly. Dale was stood there, smiling nervously and holding a small bunch of flowers that had clearly just been picked from the garden. “Dale?” he asked. Dale held out the flowers and asked, “Hi Josh, would you... like to go on a date with me?” He clearly knew Josh was going to say yes, there was no other possible outcome, but he still sounded nervous. He swallowed heavily as he awaited the response. Dale had always been so strong and confident. Seeing him stood there so exposed and intimidated made his heart feel like it was going to thump right through his ribcage. “Of course.” Josh said, his voice barely a whisper. Dale stood aside to let Josh out into the hallway then the two of them headed along to the stairs in silence. Dale still looked nervous so Josh decided to try and put him at ease a little. About halfway down the stairs, he reached out and took the anxious young man's hand in his own. “So where are we going?” Josh asked. The hand-holding and silence-breaking seemed to relax Dale a little. Smiling once again, he said coyly, “I know a little place nearby.” He led Josh back into the kitchen and through the patio door out to the garden. The back garden was fairly large, about thirty feet wide and stretching back almost twice that. Both sides were lined by tall fences that were obscured by a range of plants, shrubs and small trees. The first third of the garden was wooden decking, the rest was lawn. Out on the grass a blanket was spread on the ground with a few pillows on it. In each of the corners sat a lit candle. Josh stopped dead as he saw it. He had made a few romantic gestures over the years with girls he had liked, tiny things really, but he had always been the one putting in the work. To see something like this done just for him almost brought a tear to his eye. “Dale, this is...” Josh started, but the words failed him. “You don't like it? Oh God, you think this whole thing's lame, don't you?” Dale said, panicking. He turned and started to walk away, but was held back by Josh who still had a firm grip on his hand. “It's not lame. It's... amazing!” Josh said, pulling Dale back towards him and into a kiss. “Really?” “Really!” Ecstatic that Josh liked his idea, Dale led him over to the blanket and the two of them sat down. Once they were comfortable, Dale reached over to a small box beside him. He pulled out a couple of bottles of beer and a bag of pretzels. “It's not exactly champagne and fine dining, but it was the best I could do on such short notice.” Dale explained, blushing a little. “It's perfect.” Josh said happily, popping the caps off of the bottles. “It's just stuff I got for the beach tomorrow. I guess we can stop and pick up some more stuff on the way.” Dale explained awkwardly. “Dale, relax. This is already the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.” Josh beamed. “Cheers!” He lifted his bottle. “Cheers.” Dale said in return, raising his bottle and clinking it against Josh's. They sat there for hours, chatting quietly, laughing, asking each other things. It really did feel like a first date, but without the paralysing nervousness of not knowing if there would be a second date. It was obvious there would be, and a third, fourth, fifth. Eventually, Dale blew the candles out. They still had a while to burn but the last thing he wanted was to set the garden on fire. Dale moved round and lay flat on the ground, gesturing in the twilight for Josh to join him. The other teen turned round and lay alongside him, resting his head on Dale's shoulder. “Wow. Starry night!” Josh whispered as looked straight up. There wasn't a cloud to be seen so the sky was filled with a blanket of twinkling little lights. Dale said nothing, just reached round him and squeezed him gently. Laying there together, they eventually drifted off to sleep. ***** “They're out here!” someone called out, waking Josh and Dale with a start. Josh sat up quickly and looked back towards the house. It was morning, but still quite early it seemed. The call had come from Benny who stood on the decking. The boy looked out at the two young men, saw the blanket and the candles and his face dropped just a little, but soon lit up again with a slightly pained smile. “Get packed up and come inside. We've got things to do.” Benny ordered before turning back to go into the house, just as Corey was heading out the patio door. Benny barked an order at him too. “Get back inside. They'll be in soon.” Then they were gone. “God, did you see his face?” Josh asked as he turned back to look down at Dale who had sat up, looking at the spot where Benny had just been. “Yeah. He's totally into you. It's gotta be killing him seeing us together.” Dale said quietly. “Yeah, but he knows the deal.” Josh said, climbing up onto his feet. He reached down and helped Dale up. Dale started picking up the blanket and other things from the ground. “Yeah, but it's still gotta be tough.” “Well how about this, then. Let's have our second date some time next week and until then, we'll just be friends.” Josh suggested. “Okay.” Dale said with an understanding smile before kissing Josh. “Starting now!” The two of them headed inside to find all four of the boys very much awake in the lounge. Dale sat down in one of the armchairs. Corey was sat in the other, so Josh picked him up and almost threw him onto Dale. Corey put up a token show of resistance, but once he was sat on Dale's lap, he seemed quite happy to stay there. Josh looked up at the clock and saw that it was only half six. He yawned, as if realising how early it was made him feel even more tired. “So what's so urgent we needed to be up this early?” “Well apparently the beach is about a two hour drive away so if we wanna make the most of the day we wanna leave early.” Benny started. “What? The beach is barely an hour away.” Dale said back, confused. “Not the one we're going to.” Corey replied, looking up at the bigger boy. “But we've got some other business to take care of before that.” Benny continued, ignoring the interruption. “Now Corey has kindly agreed to postpone his hour with you until tonight, Josh. But there's still the small matter of finally letting you cum!” There was a cheer from the other four boys. Josh had almost forgotten about it. It had been nearly a week now since he had cum. “Aaaaand....” Benny continued. “If you recall, you failed my challenge last night, so you know what that means!” “Fuck, good luck bro.” Nick said sympathetically. Benny pulled a deck of cards out of his pocket. “You remember the game?” he asked, looking at Josh wickedly. Josh took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a moment then looked at Benny and nodded. “Same rules as last time?” “Yup.” Benny said, he sat on the floor with the cards in front of him. The two of them started playing while Nick explained it to Dale, Warren and Corey. “So they go through the deck. Josh has to guess what suit each card is. Each wrong answer adds a minute to the penalty. Then they draw one more card to determine what we actually do to him. If he does it like before, he'll allow Josh to gamble too.” They all looked just as confused. “Just... watch, it'll make sense.” The game continued, the four spectators cheering every time Josh got one wrong, which seemed to be most of them. Once the deck was cleared, Benny counted them up. “Forty-two wrong!” he called out happily. “Fuck!” Josh muttered. “Let's just draw the card and get this over with.” “Not this time. We'll do whatever we want to you this time, but I'll give you one chance to make things a bit easier on you.” Benny said, his now all-too-common wicked grin returning. “Or possibly worse, I'm guessing.” Josh said, scowling outwardly whilst attempting to hide his admiration for the boy's seemingly endless aptitude for torture. “Possibly.” Benny said happily. “Draw one card. If it's a spade, your time gets tripled, a heart and it's doubled, a diamond and it stays the same, a club and it's halved. You gonna risk it?” Josh thought for a moment, then looked round at the others. “It's only a fifty-fifty chance of it getting worse. They're not bad odds.” Dale suggested. The others seemed to nod in agreement. Josh turned back to Benny and nodded reluctantly, the reached out to the deck of cards. “Wait!” Corey called out. He dashed forwards and whispered for a few moments in Benny's ear. Benny laughed. Never a good sign. “Okay, new twist. As well as the suit, if you draw a picture card - jack, queen, king or ace – then you won't be suffering alone. Corey is jack, Warren is queen, Nick is king and Dale is ace. Draw one of their cards and they get half of your time!” Josh looked thoroughly confused now. “You've lost me. I'm just gonna pick a card and you can tell me what'll happen!” “Fine.” Benny said, happy to get things moving. He fanned out the cards. “Draw.” Josh picked a card and discretely looked at it without letting anyone else see. “Fuck.” he murmured. Benny's face lit up at seeing his slave's reaction. “Show us!” he ordered. Josh revealed the card – the ace of hearts. “Wait, so... what does that mean?” Dale asked. He had been confused by Benny's seemingly endless list of rules, but he knew he had been designated the ace, so this was definitely not going to be good for him. “Well the heart means his time is doubled, but the ace means you get half of it!” Benny explained. Dale smirked. “Oh no, forty-two minutes, what ever will I do?!” he exclaimed sarcastically. Nick just looked round at him, an almost haunted look on his face. “It's not as easy as it sounds. They don't stop if you cum, they just keep going. Have you ever tried keeping going after you cum?” he asked. Dale continued to look smug. “Whatever, let's just get it over with.” he started to undress without any further instruction. Josh followed his lead. Once they were naked, Benny had them both lay on their backs on the floor along the length of the room, theirr heads together in the middle. “Arms out to the sides.” he instructed. Both young men did as instructed, then Benny reached into his box of toys and pulled out two pairs of handcuffs. Josh and Dale's hands were cuffed to each other on both sides meaning neither of them could pull their arms back down to their sides without causing extreme pain to the other. Josh was already fully erect before they even started. Knowing the discomfort he was about to endure did nothing to lessen his excitement at finally being able to cum. “Okay boys, do whatever you like to them, just so long as they've both got someone wanking or sucking them the whole time.” Benny explained. The other three boys quickly took position, Nick and Benny kneeling either side of a still-confident looking Dale while Warren and Corey knelt beside Josh. “And, begin!” Nick virtually dove onto Dale's cock, taking it straight into his mouth. The sudden stimulation made the older boy gasp, his dick rapidly hardening at the boy's touch. Benny went for his chest, fingers running through the fine hair while his lips settled onto a nipple which stiffened almost as quickly. Dale closed his eyes, enjoying the range of sensations. He squirmed upwards slightly, his head moving beside Josh's. It felt nice having him close by. Josh found himself enduring much of the same treatment. His engorged member currently in Warren's mouth while Corey focused on his chest. His youngest brother was being far from gentle though. Amongst the licks to his nipples, Corey occasionally bit them causing Josh to wince with pain. It was not all bad though, as each wince of pain also seemed to be accompanied by a twinge of pleasure down to his cock. Benny sat up from Dale's chest and looked over at Warren who was sucking away eagerly. “Not too fast. Let's make him suffer for a while.” The young master moved over to take Warren's place. Warren moved up to Josh's chest, taking the right nipple between his lips while Corey continued to torture the left. “Oh fuck!” Josh moaned. Tilting his head back, he could see Nick working on Dale's cock, the older boy moaning contentedly as it continued. That only served to heighten his arousal as the assault on his chest and crotch continued. “Oh God, I'm so close!” he whimpered. “Good!” Benny said happily, pulling his mouth away and replacing it with his hand. As he did so, he slipped his other hand down below Josh's balls to his hole and slipped two fingers inside. “Holy shit!” Josh screamed out. Nipples, cock, hole and Dale's pleasured moans. It was almost too much to take. His cock twitched wildly in Benny's grip, the boy's expert touch keeping him right on edge. “Benny. Benny please.” he pleaded desperately. The four younger boys, already aroused by their own actions found their own cocks begging for attention at the sound of Josh's desperation. Nick, Warren and Corey were all tugging slowly on their own cocks through their clothing as they continued. Had one of Benny's hands been free, he would have been doing the same. “Beg for it boy, and use my proper name.” Benny snarled, ramming his fingers so hard into Josh that the rest of his hand almost followed. “Please, please. I'm begging you.” Josh moaned, not caring how pathetic he sounded in front of the other boys. “Master, please. Please Sir, you have to let me cum. Pleeeeease!” Benny smiled cruelly. “I think it's time.” The other boys stopped what they were doing, Nick pulled Dale's cock from his mouth but continued stroking it with his free hand while the older boy tilted his head back. Despite all the things they had done together, Dale had still not seen Josh cum yet and after so much build up he definitely didn't want to miss it. “You ready, boy?” Benny asked. “Yes Sir!” Josh snapped, his hips thrusting upwards to increase the movement of his cock between the boy's fingers. “Here we go then.” Benny said, looking from one boy to another, each of them wide-eyed in anticipation. It only took a few more rapid strokes and it began. Josh's pleasured whimpers turned into an ecstatic scream as the eruption began. First came a thick heavy stream that stretched from the middle of his chest down to his stomach. Next came several long distance shots, flying clear over his head. One hit Dale's own cock, the next splatted heavily onto Dale's chest, the next couple landing across Dale and Josh's heads, a few more covering Josh's chest. The cock continued to twitch as the last few drops oozed out. None of the boys had seen a load like it in their lives, the sheer volume of it boggling their minds and stiffening their already rigid dicks. Josh's whole body was still convulsing with pleasure. “No need to stop!” Benny snapped at the stunned boys. Nick continued stroking Dale, but now with the added lubricant of Josh's semen. Warren started licking the load off of Josh's stomach, following it up his body and face, then retrieving the thick puddles of it sitting amongst Dale's body hair. The excitement of Josh's orgasm compounded by the sensation of Nick's slippery stroking and his little brother licking cum from his chest was enough for Dale. With a loud grunt he began shooting his own load. Warren moved out of the way just in time, allowing the new squirts of cum to cover the newly-licked-clean face and body of Dale. Before the last drops had dripped out, Warren had got to work licking his brother clean once again. As he did it, both Benny and Nick got back to work on the cocks of Josh and Dale respectively. “FUCK!” the two older boys called out in unison. The young mouths on their massively sensitive tools was excruciating. “See what I mean now?” Nick smirked to Dale who just stared back in terrified realisation. “And you've still got another half hour of this. The two young men squirmed, but between the boys holding them down and their restrained arms, there was little they could do to get away. Dale was the first to start pleading. “No, please no more. It's... ah, it's too much!” Both cocks were now only semi-hard, but that didn't stop the younger boys' assaults. Corey took over from Benny, taking his big brother's sensitive organ into his mouth, while Warren swapped with Nick, licking at Dale's dick torturously. “Ah, ah...” Josh stuttered, attempting to beg but the words caught in his throat. Gradually over the next ten minutes the discomfort died down and instead was replaced only by pleasure as the sensitivity subsided. Once again they were both up to full hardness. Warren let go of Dale for a moment, pulled Nick close and whispered something to him. The other boy smiled back then the two of them stood and quickly pulled off their clothes. Warren stepped over to Josh and gently nudged Corey aside while Nick stood over Dale. In unison, the two boys straddled the moaning young men then squatted. Reaching down, they directed the erections into their own holes, sliding down slowly until they were both inside them completely. Corey and Benny looked on in excitement. Seeing the two young boys each riding their own brother's boyfriend was an absolute thrill. Warren looked down at Josh and smiled. Josh grinned back. This would be different from last night. For a start, he would be allowed to cum, which seemed to be what Warren desperately wanted from the way he was already speeding up. This time, though, Warren was completely in control. The way Josh held held Warren the previous night, the tenderness, the passion, all gone, replaced instead by pure animalistic lust. Nick seemed to be having a similar experience as he rode Dale, the older boy looking up excitedly at the younger as he pumped away. Warren and Nick made eye contact, grinned at each other then leant forward into a kiss. Despite the focus being on Josh and Dale, Benny couldn't hold himself back. Seeing the four boys going at each other like that was too much for him. He leant forward, squeezing his head in between Dale and Nick's bodies, taking the younger boy's cock into his mouth. Corey copied, sucking on Warren's wildly bouncing erection. Dale and Josh both lay there, completely pinned down by the mass of limbs atop them, both edging closer and closer to another orgasm as they slid in and out of the tight young holes. Breathlessly, Josh called out, “Oh God, I'm cumming!” “Me too. Me too!” Dale called in response. Neither Nick nor Warren stopped what they were doing, more than happy for the older boys to cum inside them. With almost perfect synchronisation, they both felt the warmth of a much smaller second load inside them. As if the seed filling their asses was some kind of trigger, the two boys began squirting their own loads into the mouths of Benny and Corey. Benny swallowed Nick's load eagerly, while Corey pulled away and spat Warren's jizz onto Josh's chest. Panting and sweaty, they all moved apart, Warren and Nick standing up to pull the cocks from their rears. Warren looked down at his own load, now on Josh's chest thanks to Corey. Without a second thought, he leant down and sucked that up too. “You really are a little cum-whore, aren't you!” Josh said through ragged breaths. Before he could say any more or hear any response from Warren, a sudden jolt of electricity shot through him as he felt a hand stroke his cock, now more sensitive than ever. It was Benny. “We're not done yet, remember!” he said. Corey once again followed Benny's cue and began stroking Dale who screamed out in response. “Fuck, please, not again.” “You've got sixteen minutes left.” Benny said, ignoring the boy's pleas. “Let's see how many more loads we can get them, wanking only!” Dale and Josh both moaned, particularly as the two young boy's seemed to speed up their stroking. Their cocks felt like they were on fire. Neither of them had felt such extreme stimulation before. Warren and Nick stayed back, either needing a break after what they had just done or simply out of sympathy for the older siblings' plight. “No no no no no no.” Josh muttered a couple of minutes of stroking later. “Please not again. Please please please.” It wasn't the next orgasm he was dreading. After being denied for so long, the release he was feeling from each load was amazing, it was the sensitivity afterwards that scared him. Each time it seemed to get just a little bit worse. His cock twitched between Benny's fingers as a small load dribbled out onto his stomach, then the intensity renewed once again. Warren saw the small puddle on Josh's stomach and couldn't resist. He leant over, sucked it into his mouth, but this time moved up to Josh's face. Through the young man's moans of discomfort, Warren kissed him, the cum in his mouth dissolving between their two tongues. Dale had yet to reach his third orgasm. It seemed his recovery time was substantially longer than Josh's. Instead of the pleasure of an imminent release, the sensitivity following his second load seemed to linger on and on. “You've... you've gotta...” he started between breaths and whimpers. “Gotta.... gotta stop. Oh God... please!” Tears began pooling in his eyes, eventually trickling down his cheeks. Josh felt the wetness as his cheek pressed against Dale's. He turned his head slightly and started whispering in Dale's ear. “It's almost over. We're nearly there. Just hold on.” “I can't. It's... ah fuck... it's too much, Josh.” Dale sobbed. Josh couldn't take any more. He looked up at Benny and said, as firmly as he could between gasping breaths. “Let him stop. I'll take... I'll take the rest of his time.” Benny looked over at Corey who was waiting for the young master's response. When Benny nodded, Corey immediately released Dale's cock. “No, Josh, I didn't...” Dale started, before he was cut off. “It's okay, I can take it.” Josh interrupted. “We'll see about that.” Benny said. “Everyone, let's see just how much he can take.” He gestured for the others to join in. Warren dove in to kiss Josh again, while Nick and Corey resumed sucking on their brother's nipples. Benny moved between Josh's legs and lifted them slightly to allow access to the slave's sweaty hole. He pushed his rock-hard cock inside as hard as he could. One hand tugged at Josh's balls while the other continued stroking the tired cock. The assault on his body drove Josh quite literally out of his mind. His senses seemed to fail him, sounds were muffled, his eyes rolled back so hard he couldn't see a thing, his entire body seemed to be alight with sensations of pleasure so intense they hurt. He thought Dale may have been whispering comforting words in his ear, but it was impossible to tell. On and on it went, a warmth filling him inside. He orgasmed again. There was a brief emptiness momentarily in his ass before he felt something else push inside, something a little smaller. It had to be Corey, he was fucking Josh now. Another orgasm. Another load inside him. Another orgasm, or was it the last one still going? Minutes and seconds became indistinguishable as the pleasured torture went on and on. Another orgasm? It was getting harder and harder to tell. Endless pleasure/pain. And then... it stopped. Cool air seemed to surround him as the warmth of bodies and hands and mouths left him. As his entire body continued to convulse, Josh realised he was crying. His wrists were free, he hadn't even noticed it happen, he only realised when he noticed Dale was sitting there, cradling the sobbing teen's head in his lap, one hand stroking gently through his hair. “Dude, I think we went too far. I think we broke him!” Warren said, standing over the sweaty, cum-drenched, convulsing body. Through his slowing sobs, Josh looked up at Warren, a weak smile spreading across his face. “No... that... was awesome!” The worried boys all stood around Josh burst into laughter, more from relief than anything else. “You are one seriously fucked up guy, ya know that, right?” Dale said as he continued holding Josh. Josh grinned at him. “Yeah, but I'm YOUR fucked up guy.” he said quietly. “You freak.” Dale replied, chuckling slightly. He got up and started helping Josh to move. He could barely stand, so they helped him onto the sofa. “Okay, you stay here and recover a bit, I'm gonna load up the car with stuff for the beach.” Josh nodded his understanding. “Who wants to help me?” Dale asked. Nick, Benny and Corey all jumped up, eager to help. They dressed quickly then followed Dale out to start putting things in the car. Warren flopped onto the sofa beside Josh. “So... I finally fucked you!” Josh said happily, looking round at the boy beside him. “Totally worth the wait.” Warren said back, contentedly. “I know this'll sound awful, cos I know you're with Dale, and I've got Nick, but I...” “Don't! I....” Josh interrupted him, then sighed. “I know what you're going to say. I nearly said it myself last night, but... look. This week, it's just so much all at once. It's fucking with our heads. You're... like, my new little bro. Can we just be that for now?” “Yeah.” Warren said, kissing Josh on the cheek. “I can live with that.” ***** Two hours later, the six of them were in the car. Amazingly, Dale had only wanted to drive the car off a cliff once following an intentionally annoying round of 'are we nearly there yet?' from the boys in the back. Corey had programmed the GPS with the location of the beach he had chosen and they were just a few minutes away now. They all continued to chatter excitedly as they pulled into a small car park. They piled out and grabbed their stuff from the back before following a narrow trail towards the sea. As the beach came into view, they stopped dead in their tracks. There were a few people already on the beach - men, women, children, a wide varied mix of people. There was one trait they all shared though. Every one of them was naked. “Oh yeah.” Corey said with an impish chuckle. “I probably should have mentioned this is a nude beach. Let's get naked!” Chapter 22 “Nuh-uh. No way. We're going back.” Josh protested as he looked down at the beach. He turned and started to walk away. “Get back here!” Benny snapped in his sternest tone, stopping Josh dead in his tracks. The older boy's cock twitched a little inside his shorts. As much as he hated to admit it, the boy still had a lot more power over him than he cared to admit. “What's your problem? We've all seen you naked plenty, haven't we?” Nick asked, confused by his brother's objection. “Besides, it'll be fun to be messing around naked without the fear of getting 'caught'.” The other boys started chattering, mostly agreeing with Nick's point. Josh turned back to them and realised he really didn't have much say in it. Whether it came down to a vote or an order from his master, it was going to happen anyway. He sighed heavily and started walking towards the beach instead. “Whatever. Let's go.” The beach wasn't a massive straight stretch like so many other beaches, instead the coastline curved back and forth. The rise and fall of the dunes along with the curved coast meant the beach was almost split into dozens of small sections, each secluded from direct view by the others. That was perhaps why the area had been chosen for that type of beach, Josh thought as they walked along. “This'll do!” Dale said as they reached a wide open empty area, dropping his bag to the ground. It was a long open space, shallow dunes in each direction obscuring any view further along the beach. If it got busy later in the day, there was easily more room for a couple more groups of people in their little area, but for now it was all theirs. Before they had even laid out towels, Corey had pulled off his clothes and stood naked in front of the other boys. The bright sunlight reflecting off his pale skin made him seem to almost glow. The boy turned and dashed towards the sea. “Get back here!” Josh yelled. Corey stopped and looked back. “What?” he snapped. “You need sunscreen, unless you fancy a burnt arse!” Josh called out, waving a bottle of sun lotion. By the time Corey walked back to them, the others had the towels and two folding chairs laid out and had begun to strip off. Each of them hesitated momentarily before pulling off their underwear. It seemed strange to be able to be so freely naked. Josh was last to get naked, still seeming a little reluctant, but seeing the other five nude spurred him on a little. Then came the problem he had been dreading. Seeing them all stood there, totally exposed in the harsh daylight. Being naked himself in such a public area, it started having a very physical effect on Josh as his cock began to rise. 'Go down, go down, go down.' he thought to himself, but doing so only made it happen quicker. “See, I knew you'd enjoy it!” Nick said with a grin as he watched his brother's embarrassment. “Shut up and put this on.” Josh said, throwing the bottle to his younger brother. Benny's arm shot out and caught the bottle, then threw it back to Josh. “Actually, I think you should put it on for him. In fact, do it for all of us!” Josh wondered why Benny had such a smug smile. If anything, this was going to help Josh. He had an excuse to cover up slightly now, taking a seat on one of the chairs. “Who's first?” he asked. “Me!” Corey called out, obviously keen to get it out of the way so he could go and splash around in the sea. The youngest boy dashed across then stood waiting with his back to Josh. The older boy squirted some lotion into his hand then started rubbing it in. First he did the boy's shoulders. The skin was smooth and already warm from the sun. Josh was amazed at how exciting it felt. He had done this sort of thing to Corey before when they had been on holidays, but now the way he viewed the boy had completely changed. His hands felt every curve, every smooth inch of skin, slick from the lotion as he rubbed it in. Down he worked, the boy giggling slightly as Josh's fingers caught a ticklish spot in the small of his back. Then came the small, pale mounds of his buttocks. Josh thought he heard a soft mew of pleasure from the boy as he continued rubbing. The sound inspired him to get a little payback on Corey for bringing them here. His finger slipped between the cheeks, the oily cream allowing the digit to slide straight into the boy's hole. This time there was no mew, instead it was a full volume moan. Josh had hoped the boy's obvious pleasure would embarrass him, but instead he seemed to just be enjoying every moment. Josh pulled the finger out and continued down the back of the boy's legs, his face dangerously close to the boy's rear as he leant down to reach his ankles. Josh quickly glanced up at the others, wondering what they were making of the show. Every one of them was transfixed, each now sporting an erection of their own. “Turn around!” Josh said quietly. Josh was unsurprised to see Corey also had an erection as he turned. Doing his best to ignore it, along with his own throbbing meat, Josh quickly set about finishing the job. Corey pulled away slightly and scrunched up his face as Josh rubbed in the lotion, but soon moved back when he felt the older boy's hands start rubbing his chest. Despite the warm breeze, Corey's nipples were rigid. Every time a finger passed over one of them, he whimpered slightly. Josh was in hell. The sheer arousal he felt from rubbing the boy's chest made him want to cum right there, regardless of who could see. It worsened as his palms moved down to the slightly softer stomach, his fingers circling their boy's navel. He wanted to kiss it, to pull the boy close and pepper his stomach with light, delicate kisses but he knew he couldn't. Corey wouldn't object, but if anyone had come along and seen them, it would have been even harder to explain than six boys stood around with erections! Josh bypassed the boy's cock, instead choosing to finish off his legs, then arms. By the time he was done, Corey was visibly panting, his small cock ready to explode. “I saved the best bit for last!” Josh grinned up at his little brother. Squeezing just a little more lotion into his hand, Josh took hold of the boner. Almost instantly, it erupted, shooting a small load straight onto Josh who simply continued lotioning the boy's spasming cock and smooth balls. “I think you're done!” Josh said with a smile, turning Corey away and slapping his rear. Josh's cheerfulness quickly ended as he realised something. His own cock was now wet with precum and he wanted to cum almost as badly as he had during his last day in chastity, but he still had four more boys to do. He realised now that this was why Benny had been grinning wickedly, he had known how horny this would make Josh. He figured the best solution was to just get it out of the way. “Who's next?” Warren ended up going second. Josh repeated the procedure, with very much the same results. The highlight of the boy being his truly spectacular bum. Rubbing in the sunscreen had almost pushed Josh over the edge. When he 'finished' Warren off, Benny volunteered to go next and the process started once again. The best part of Benny's turn had been when a small group of people paddled along in the sea. With Josh rubbing cream into his back, he had been unable to turn away from them like the other boys and instead had to quickly try and cover his arousal. The boy blushed so profusely, Josh could even see it from behind, the redness spreading down his neck and shoulders. It was in that moment that Josh chose to push a finger into the boy's hole. The angry look Benny gave him when he was finally able to turn around let Josh know how much trouble he was in, but it had been totally worth it. Nick and Dale's turns both passed uneventfully, relatively speaking. Like the other three boys, Nick shot a load onto Josh's chest, while Dale had just come very close to doing so. “All done.” Josh said, visibly drained by the prolonged arousal without release. “Not quite.” Benny said, still annoyed from what Josh had done. “Your turn. Stand up.” Josh stood, his erection stretching up to the sky, the precum coating it glinted in the sun. He had expected this, but hoped it might get forgotten. He just wondered who would be made to do it. “Dale, you do his head, shoulders and arms. Nick, you take his back and bum. Warren, chest and stomach. Corey, me and you'll take a leg each. Now get started.” Benny barked his orders. They all quickly obeyed and a few seconds later Josh found his body being rubbed by ten hands. “Oh fuck!” he muttered. Desperately he looked back and forth along the beach, terrified of being spotted in such a compromising position. Fortunately, there were still very few people around and a minute later the boys all stood away from him, finished. Josh felt like he had never been so close to cumming in his life. A warm breeze wafted across his body. It was almost enough to set him off. Benny reached out and took Josh's hand, squirted a large blob of lotion into it. “We saved the best bit for last!” he said, taunting Josh with his own words. “You've gotta rub it all in... oh, but no cumming!” Josh looked dismayed. At that moment he doubted he could even touch his cock without shooting, let alone rub in the sunscreen. He did his best to think about anything he could that might lessen his arousal, but being naked out in the open, surrounded by cute boys and being so close to cumming it was virtually impossible. His hand closed around his shaft, the cream squelching between his fingers. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” he muttered to himself. It was torturously slow work rubbing it in, stopping every few seconds to hold himself back. It was almost as difficult for the other boys to watch. Pretty soon they were all hard once again, despite their own recent orgasms, the sight of which only served to worsen Josh's situation. Finally, after several minutes, Benny was satisfied. “Okay, all done. I'm going swimming!” and without another word, he dashed towards the sea. Nick, Warren and Corey all ran after him while Dale remained at Josh's side. “That was... so hot!” Dale said through gritted teeth. Josh was still panting. He looked at his boyfriend, his expression somewhere between amusement and frustration. “I really need to cum!” he said weakly. The two young men looked at each other for a moment then burst into laughter. “Come on you two!” Warren called out from the sea, shortly before getting jumped on from behind by Corey, both of them disappearing under the water. They dashed down to join the other boys in the sea. ***** The next couple of hours passed in a haze of beach games and play fights. Both of the older boys had lost track of the number of times they had been pounced on by the younger ones in attempts to overpower them. Once again Dale was in the sea, wrestling with Nick, Corey and Benny. Josh was laid out flat on his back, eyes closed, Warren beside him. It was amazing how quickly they had all gotten used to their public nudity. By now, none of them even flinched when when anyone walked by. Their little area had remained free from other groups, although plenty walked back and forth so they were far from isolated. “Josh, you awake?” Warren asked softly. “Yeah.” Josh said. He didn't open his eyes, instead he just reached out to the side and stroked the boy's arm. “You remember what we were doing this time last week?” the boy asked. “Yeah.” Josh replied, smiling as he thought back. “Pretty much the same as we're doing today, but indoors!” Warren chuckled as he thought back to the day in the pool. “Except I was wearing a bit more.” “And I... almost was.” Josh laughed, thinking about the tiny speedo he had been forced to wear. “God, I wanted you so badly all day!” Warren said, his voice low, almost a growl. “Thanks.” Josh said, opening his eyes and sitting up now. “Thanks?” Warren said, almost in disgust, looking up at him. “You were meant to say you wanted me too!” “Well I probably did, but I was a little preoccupied by... stuff.” Josh trailed off. “What stuff?” Warren asked. “You know, we've been over this. Just, ya know... me... liking guys. I didn't even know I did really.” Josh said quietly. “Well, at least not until I got a good look at your bum!” Warren looked a little shocked. “My bum? Why?” “Because I blame your bum for all of this. Benny may have started it, but I swear, climbing those steps to the water slide with your perfect little arse right in my face. I swear, if I hadn't liked boys before, I definitely would have started right then!” Warren rolled over onto his stomach, then looked round at Josh then back down to his own rear. “Perfect? Really? That's good to know!” Warren teased, raising his hips a little to make the pearly-white mounds a little more pronounced. Josh just looked down at the boy and moaned. “Come on, my boner's only just gone down from earlier.” Warren considered teasing the young man a little more, but he suspected Benny would be doing plenty of that later and let him off instead. He turned back over, then moved up into a sitting position. Silence fell between them and their eyes drifted down towards the other four still splashing about in the water. “Your brother's so hot!” they both said at the exact same time. They looked at each other and laughed at the coincidence. “What d'you think it'll be like?” Warren asked, the smile quickly dropping into a much more serious expression. “What do I think what will be like?” Josh asked, confused at the boy's sudden melancholy. “After this. After this week is over. When Benny's parents get home and we can't all spend every day doing stuff together. Or after Summer when we're back at school. Things'll be... different, won't they.” Warren said sombrely. “Of course it'll be different, but different isn't necessarily bad. Sure, we won't be able to spend five hours every night torturing, well.... me! But we'll still all do things. Plus, ya know, we'll both have really hot boyfriends.” Josh said with a smile. Warren didn't emulate Josh's cheerfulness. “For now. But... I may not have had a boyfriend before, but I've seen enough on the internet to know gay relationships don't last. Eventually things will end between me and Nick, eventually you and Dale will break up and then... I'll probably never see you again.” Tears started welling in his eyes. “And I really like you Josh. I don't wanna lose you.” The boy was so sweet Josh didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He moved closer and pulled the boy into a hug. “God, you're a morbid little freak, aren't you!” he said playfully as he held him. “We've barely started dating Nick and Dale and you've already got us broken up and unable to even be around each other. I thought your silly haircut was the only emo thing about you, but you've really got the whole package, haven't you!” “Fuck off, I'm no emo!” Warren said, annoyed, pushing Josh away. Josh just looked at him and smiled, waiting for the boy to react. “What? Why you looking at me like that?” the boy demanded, his annoyance increasing. “I love you Warren.” Josh said casually with a chuckle. It made Josh's heart skip that the words came so easily. “Fuck off!” he snapped. Josh lunged on the boy and pulled him into a hug, Dale fighting back against him. “Fuck off.” Warren said again weakly, a smile attempting to break through his scowl as he continued trying to break free. Eventually, he stopped struggling and just lay against Josh's body. “I love you too.” he finally said, barely more than a whisper. A few minutes later. Josh let go and stood up. “Right, I need to cool off. You coming emo-boy?” he said with a cheeky wink then ran down towards the others. “I'm not an emo!” Warren called out as he ran after him. ***** “Hey, don't go too far!” Josh called out from the sea, suddenly feeling very old as he yelled the warning. The four younger boys were playing with a ball, two of them trying to keep it away from the others. They were gradually moving further and further along the beach and were now almost out of sight. Nick just waved off the warning and they carried on playing. “Ah relax, I'd be more worried about the rest of the people on the beach with that lot together!” Dale said cheerfully as he swam up behind Josh, wrapping his arms around him. He kissed his boyfriend's neck as his hands slid up and down the bare torso. “Mmmm yeah.” Josh moaned happily. So far the day had been pretty fun, but the rare quiet moments had been the highlights so far. That particular moment currently taking the top spot. “Okay, keep doing that and we're gonna have a problem!” Josh joked as he moved one of Dale's hands down to his now engorged cock. “Oh, that's not a problem,” Dale said, manoeuvring himself in front of Josh. “It's an opportunity!” He suddenly dropped under the water. “Fuck!” Josh yelped as he felt Dale's lips around his boner. He was amazed how long Dale managed to stay underwater, actually worrying for a moment that he was going to drown. Finally he popped back up, panting and grinning. “Enjoy that?” he asked breathlessly. Josh didn't answer, he just pulled Dale into a kiss, the saltiness of the seawater lingering on his lips. He pulled away slightly, keeping his hands on Dale's sides. There was nothing to say, for either of them. They stared into each other's eyes for several moments, before letting go and both swimming apart a little. “Hey, I saw you with Warren earlier. Is he okay?” Dale asked. Josh wondered what to say, or at least how much of it. His relationship with Warren was strange, almost impossible to explain. If he told Dale everything, would he think it was weird, would it affect their own relationship? “Yeah, he's okay.” Josh said back quietly, still wondering what to say. “Nick thinks he likes you!” Dale said out of nowhere. Josh stared back for a moment, then answered honestly, “He does.” “Do you... like him?” Dale asked. Josh simply nodded back. “Oh.” Dale said, then just looked down into the water. Josh swam back to him, put his hands on his hands on his shoulders and said, “Just so you know, I like Benny too.” “You're not making this any better.” Dale said, still avoiding Josh's gaze. “I'm not trying to make it better, I'm being honest, so listen!” Josh said firmly, prompting Dale to finally look at him. “I do have feelings for all three of you and I'm pretty sure all three of you like me too, which pretty much means it's my choice who I want to be with. Now, ask me who I choose.” “Who do you...” Dale started, but was cut off as Josh lunged forward and kissed him again. “It's you, you colossal fucking idiot!” Josh said happily, kissing him again. ***** “Hey guys, lunch time!” Dale called out as he saw Nick at the top of a nearby dune. Josh came and stood next to him, munching on a sandwich. “Erm... they've multiplied!” he said as they came into view. He was right, there were definitely now six of them. As they watched, the boys stopped playing, exchanged a few words and two of them disappeared back down the other side of the dune while Nick, Benny, Warren and Corey headed back to Josh and Dale. The boys saw the food Josh had got out and pounced on it. They'd all built up a fairly healthy appetite by now. Soon they were all sat together on the towels, eating, drinking and chatting. “Made some new friends?” Dale asked nobody in particular. “Yeah, that was Alex and Zack.” Corey said happily. “We met them when Nick assaulted Alex.” “I didn't assault him!” Nick snapped. The other boys all laughed. “He was running to catch the ball and shoulder-barged Alex to the ground.” Warren explained. Nick was blushing bright red. “You guys suck!” he muttered as he continued eating. “It's okay, they kissed and made up... literally!” Warren laughed. Dale and Josh both looked at the embarrassed boy. “I apologised for knocking him over and helped him up, then he said I was cute and that'd he'd forgive me in exchange for a kiss!” “Seriously?” Josh asked, shocked. “Yeah, he's... pretty forward!” Warren said, still laughing. “And don't worry, Nick had permission from me to kiss another boy!” “And what a kiss!” Benny said excitedly. “Believe me, this was no peck on the cheek!” Nick was now the brightest red Josh had ever seen him blush. “Nick's got a boyfriend. Nick's got a boyfriend!” Dale teased him. “Oy.” Warren called out, putting an arm around Nick. “He HAS got a boyfriend, remember!” “Sorry.” Dale said, smirking. “Besides, I think he's more interested in Zack anyway.” Benny added. “Why?” Dale asked. “He's hung!” Benny said, gesturing with both hands. “Six inches.” “C'mon, I'm bigger than that!” Dale dismissed the brag. “And how have you already seen him hard?” “No, no, that's six inches... soft!” Benny replied with a grin. “And he's only fourteen!” Dale and Josh both stopped mid-bite, looked at each other and then at Benny. “Seriously!” Benny said, nodding. As soon as the boys had finished eating, Josh made them all reapply their sunscreen. Thankfully this time they were in too much of a hurry for Benny to use it to torture Josh. Once it was done, they dashed back over the dune and disappeared from sight again. “You okay?” Dale asked, looking round at Josh. “Yeah, just thinking about...” he started, but didn't know how to word it. “A fourteen-year-old with a giant cock?” Dale grinned. “Yeah.” Josh replied, shocked at his own thoughts. “When did this shit become normal for us?” “No idea.” Dale replied. “By now I figure it's best to just go with it.” He shrugged then lay down on the ground and closed his eyes, quickly drifting off to sleep. ***** Dale was awoken when he felt a gentle kick to his legs coupled with a voice saying, “And this is my brother, Dale.” He opened his eyes and looked up to see Warren stood there with a strange boy on either side of him. It was immediately obvious which one was Zack. The short boy on Warren's left had a massive thick cock hanging down from a small patch of hair between his slim legs, coupled with equally large balls. Above that was a slim chest and stomach, then a fairly average face with dark brown eyes, and topped with short light brown hair. The other boy, obviously Alex, was much taller than the other two. He clearly looked older too, his body starting to fill out as he approached manhood. The best way to describe his face would be 'shockingly handsome'. He had piercing green eyes hidden behind a mop of shaggy pale blonde hair. Unlike Zack, Alex's cock was distinctly average, hanging down at just a couple of inches, topped with a thick patch of slightly darker blonde hair. Both boys had a fairly good tan, but a distinct lack of tan lines. They looked down at Dale with a smile, their eyes shooting back and forth between his face and his cock. Dale looked down and noticed quickly he had awoken with a fairly sizeable erection. He bolted upright, covering his cock with his arm. Unfortunately this brought his face up just inches away from Zack's huge penis. “Hi.” Dale said awkwardly, hearing Josh snigger behind him. The two boys introduced themselves and once Dale's erection had subsided he stood to greet them properly. “What have you guys been up to then?” Dale asked, hoping to alleviate the awkwardness of the meeting. “Not much, just playing catch.” Benny said. “But we thought we needed a break, particularly as Alex and Zack could do with topping up their sunscreen.” “Oh.” Dale said, then he noticed the way Benny was looking at Josh. “Oh!” he said again, now knowing where it was heading. “Ah, come on Benny. Don't...” Josh began to complain before Benny stopped him. “STOP complaining and do it, okay?” Benny started sternly, but softened his tone towards the end. Josh was powerless to resist. Admittedly deep down, he didn't want to resist. He was looking forward to getting his hands on the boys, but he still felt he needed to put on at least a token show of resistance. “Okay.” he muttered. “Okay... what?” Benny demanded. “Okay...” Josh paused, looking at the two new arrivals, his cheeks burning. “Sir!” Alex grinned. “Fuuuck, you wasn't kidding, was ya? He's whipped!” the boy laughed. “Okay, do Zack first. I wanna watch this!” Josh took a seat and the other boy approached him, looking almost as nervous and embarrassed as Josh. “We don't have to do this if you don't want to.” Josh said, worried that the boy was being made to do something he wasn't comfortable with. “No, I want to, it's just....” Zack mumbled, but stopped and shook his head. “The only person he's ever been with is me, so he's just a bit shy. I'm sure you'll help him loosen up!” Alex said, not seeming to care about the embarrassment he was causing for the boy. Josh turned the boy around so he was facing away, then leaned in to put his lips close to Zack's ear. “Don't worry, I won't hurt you. Just say stop at any time.” he whispered so only the boy could hear him. “Okay.” Zack replied meekly. Josh began and it soon became apparent that the teen's hesitation had purely been down to nerves. The second Josh had started touching him, his enjoyment became obvious, at least to everyone who could see his front. Josh watched in amazement as the rest of the boys stared, all moving in closer as Zack grew aroused. He wanted to see for himself, but was determined to do a proper job, even though it was quite clear that the sunscreen was just a pretence for the physical contact rather than an actual necessity. As the boy was so short and slim, it didn't take long to work down his back. He took his time on the boy's rear, but there wasn't really much to work with, the buttocks as trim as the rest of him. He skipped the legs, tired of waiting to see what the boy had to offer in the front. He turned Zack, much to the disappointment of the spectators and soon found out the reason for their enjoyment. The boy was as hung as they had expected. His arousal had stretched the already-ample cock to just over ten inches and easily as thick as the boy's wrist. It pointed straight forward. It probably would have curved upwards, but the sheer weight of it stopped it from doing so. Josh stared. On a guy Dale's size, it would look big, but on this scrawny teen it looked absurd. He wondered how the boy was even still conscious from the amount of blood that must have surged into it. “Holy shit!” Josh exclaimed. Zack smiled awkwardly in response. Josh shook his head and continued the lotioning. He worked the cream into the boy's torso, but his eyes remained fixed on the massive boner bobbing in front of him, watching it swing side to side as his rubbing moved the teen. Finally, there was only one part left to apply the sunscreen. Josh looked into the boy's eyes, seeking approval. He got the slightest nod, Zack clearly as nervous as he was. He squirted lotion along the length of the shaft, like squirting mustard onto a hot dog, then wrapped both of his hands around it. Zack yelped, putting a hand up to cover his mouth to stop himself from screaming. Josh's hands felt so different to Alex's, an entirely new sensation for the boy. Along with the excitement of the situation, it was almost too much for the boy to handle. He felt his legs going weak as Josh began stroking his hands back and forth. Zack tried to speak, but the excitement was too much for him and it came out as little more than a series of gasps. A few strokes more took him over the edge and the massive cock erupted in Josh's hands, three large squirts of cum shooting at high speed into the older boy's chest, followed by several more heavy dribbles that splatted to the ground. His legs finally gave way and he toppled forward onto Josh, the thick cum squelching between their bodies, the rapidly softening cock pressing against Josh's stiffness. “Hey, you okay?” Josh asked softly as the boy looked up at him. “Yeah, just a bit dizzy.” he muttered back. As the boy began to regain his composure, Josh saw Alex whispering to Benny, who laughed and whispered something back. Alex marched forward, pulled Zack away and virtually threw him aside. He stood in front of Josh. “My turn! And start with the front!” The rest of the boys moved round to stand behind Josh this time as it seemed to offer a better view of whatever was about to happen. Something about the boy unnerved Josh. Perhaps it was his cockiness, or maybe the confidence he had in ordering the other boys around. Either way, Josh found himself staring straight into the eyes of the confident teen. Even as he began touching the boy's chest their eyes remained fixed. Alex's expression was terrifying him, but in the most incredible way. He felt like his stomach was spinning inside him, his heart pounded like a drum, his breath ragged. Alex just stared hungrily at Josh, his lips curled into a wicked smirk as he saw the effect he was having on the older boy. He began moving closer and closer until his cock was pressed right into Josh's chest. “And my back.” Alex ordered, his steely gaze still fixed, the stunning green eyes cold and emotionless. He showed no sign of moving to allow Josh easier access to his rear. Josh reached around the boy, up his back and started rubbing. One of the others, he never saw who, squirted more cream onto Alex's back, allowing his fingers to slide up and down more freely. As he rubbed, he was pulling the boy down further and further. Alex moved his legs either side of Josh's straddling him. Then Josh's hands were on the boy's arse, massaging it roughly with his fingertips, the fingers slowly working inwards until they found his hole, slicking it. The eyes almost felt like they were burrowing into Josh now. The boy dropped even lower, his hole now touching the tip of Josh's desperately leaking cock. Through all of it, the eye contact continued. Josh was now more confused he had been in his life. The boy's gaze scared him, made him want to get up and run away but at the same time made him want to kiss him, obey him, pleasure him in every way he could think of. He felt tears welling in his eyes as his breaths became a series of ragged whimpers. Then Alex slipped down further, the rigid shaft plunging deep into the boy as he dropped all the way down to Josh's lap. Josh couldn't take the boy's stare any longer, he broke the gaze and buried his face in Alex's neck. “Please.” he gasped. “Please.” He couldn't manage any other words. “Good boy!” Alex whispered, raising a hand to stroke the back of Josh's head as he lifted himself up and down on the desperate teen's cock. Up and down he slide. Alex took a handful of Josh's hair and used it to pull the boy's head back. A tear rolled down Josh's cheek. Alex leant forward and licked it from his face, grinning cruelly as he did it causing Josh to whimper once again. A voice inside Josh was screaming for it to stop, to throw the boy off, to curl up in Dale's arms and never let go. At the same time, an equally loud voice was yelling for it to continue, snarling at him to do whatever the boy wanted. He didn't dare look into Alex's eyes again. Alex slid up and down on Josh's manhood. It only took a few pumps before Josh erupted inside him, Alex's cock shooting a small load between their bodies at the same time. He kept pumping until they had both stopped, then whispered quietly but firmly, “Look at me!” Nervously, Josh pulled away, his eyes red and streaming. He flinched as he looked the boy in the eye, still unsure of what he was feeling and why. For several seconds, Alex held Josh's gaze, feeling the boy shaking beneath his body. Alex leant in so close that his lips touched Josh's ear. “Never forget this!” he whispered. Josh's heart felt like it was going to burst right through his chest. Alex stood up and turned to the others, all of whom were still staring, their expressions mirroring Josh's assortment of feelings. “Come on Zack, we gotta go!” the older boy ordered, prompting the younger to follow him. “Thanks guys, that was fun. See ya around!” And with that, the two boys who had appeared so suddenly were gone just as quickly. “Holy fuck, he was... “ Dale started, but he didn't have the words to describe it. Josh, still shaking, stood up and ran to the water. Dale ran after him while the others flopped to the floor, unsure of what they had just witnessed. “Josh, wait.” Dale called out as he followed the shaken young man. By the time he caught up, he was already chest-deep. He grabbed his arm and spun him around. “Are you okay?” he asked, clearly concerned. Josh said nothing, he just leaned forward and rested his head on Dale's shoulder. Dale held him for several minutes until he stopped shaking and his breathing calmed back down to normal. He could still feel Josh's heart pounding as their chests pressed together though. Again he asked, “Are you okay?” “I don't know.” Josh said, still holding into Dale tightly. “What was that?” Dale asked, no less concerned yet. “I don't know.” Josh answered again. “It's just... I don't know how he did that. I've never... felt like that!” “Was it... good or bad?” Dale asked, his hands stroking up and down Josh's back. Josh let go of Dale and stepped back. “It was horrible, but... but... it was amazing. I don't know, I can't explain it.” “It's okay, you don't have to.” Dale said, stroking the shaken young man's arm. “Feeling a bit better now?” “Yeah, I think I just needed a moment.” Josh said, starting to look a little more normal again. Dale took his hand and started leading him back out of the water. “Hey, maybe we can get his number.” he joked, hoping to lighten the mood. He felt Josh stop moving. Josh squeezed Dale's hand tightly. “Don't. Please, I don't ever wanna see him again.” Dale nodded and Josh's grip loosened slightly. The others had all been a little surprised by Josh's reaction so they were quite relieved that he seemed okay when he returned. For the rest of the afternoon, none of them even mentioned Alex and Zack. Dale suspected it had been something they had agreed while he and Josh were in the sea afterwards. The rest of the afternoon flew by, the earlier events forgotten as their playing resumed. Dale decided to call it a day when he noticed the boys were starting to look a little pink, despite all the sunscreen. He called them back over and they packed up their stuff. They only pulled on their shorts as they headed back to the car park. Even wearing that much felt strange after spending so long naked. As they were walking back, Corey pulled on Josh's arm and gestured for him to stop. The rest of them looked round but Josh just said, “Go ahead, we'll catch up.” Once they were gone, he looked back at Corey. “What's up?” “So... you know I've still got my hour of doing whatever I want to you...” Corey started. “Yeah...” Josh said hesitantly. He had a feeling he wasn't going to like whatever the boy suggested. “Well, I don't really understand what happened earlier with you and... Alex,” he seemed almost reluctant to even use the name, “But it seemed to upset you and I didn't like seeing you like that. So I thought it might, I dunno... make you feel better if I gave my hour to you, to do whatever you want.” Corey looked almost embarrassed to be making such a nice gesture. Josh smiled. Corey had always seemed so cold and distant. Most of the time it seemed like the boy couldn't even stand to be around him, but now he was seeing his little brother's softer side that normally stayed exceptionally well hidden. “That...” he was lost for words. “Corey, that's so sweet.” “Whatever, it's no big deal.” Corey said, trying to act cool. “Now let's catch up with the others.” As the younger boy started walking away, Josh reached out, pulled him back and into a hug. Corey let the hug go for just a couple of seconds before calling out. “Ah, get off me you big poof!” Despite his words, he was clearly trying not to smile. “Oh, calling names now are we... you little turd!” Josh said back with a laugh. He stood up and threw the boy over his shoulder. He ran to catch up to the rest of the guys as Corey struggled. They had just finished loading the stuff into the car. Benny was sitting in one of the seats right at the back while Warren had taken the front passenger seat. “Want me to drive?” Josh offered. “Nah, I'm good. You can relax.” Dale said, kissing Josh on the cheek before getting into the driver's seat. That left Josh, Nick and Corey to sit in the middle row. Josh sat in the centre with Nick to his right and Corey to his left. They pulled the doors closed and Dale started driving. After a few minutes, Josh heard gentle snores from behind him and realised Benny had already nodded off, the sun having taken its toll on the boy. Josh felt like he might soon do the same. He stretched his arms out to either side the brought them down around his two little brothers. They both seemed to take that as a cue to move closer. They leant against him and got comfortable. Nick fell asleep first. Josh smiled as he heard the boy's breathing change. He leant his head down closer to Corey and whispered, “This. This is how I want to spend my hour. Just me and my two awesome brothers.” He gently kissed the top of Corey's head. A few seconds of silence followed before Corey, now half-asleep, replied, “Love you Josh.” Exhausted and still smiling, Josh passed out too. Chapter 23 The journey home seemed so different to the one earlier in the day. That one had been filled with noise and excitement, this one was almost eerily quiet, only the sound of gentle snores coming from the back seats. Dale found himself playing the day's events through his mind. Most of it had been fun, some parts had most definitely not. The thing between Josh and Alex had been difficult for Dale to watch. Not the part where his new boyfriend was having sex with another guy right in front of him. That couldn't really bother him, it had pretty much been the norm for them since they started dating. It was seeing Josh so upset and disturbed. He had wanted to throw the aggressive boy aside, punch him, make him hurt for making Josh suffer. He wanted to hold his boyfriend in his arms and tell him everything was okay but all he could do was stand and watch. It had only been a few days, but he already felt so attached to Josh. It was that attachment though that made his heart ache as he remembered his earlier conversation. 'Nick thinks he likes you.' Dale repeated his own words in his head. 'Why did I even say that? I knew I wasn't going to like the answer. Oh God, and he likes Warren too. But he said he chose you. He made that clear, it's you, not Warren, not Benny, just you!' Dale attempted to reassure himself, but the thoughts lingered. 'It's Warren's fault. He's pretty much throwing himself at Josh. He knows how much I like him. Although... I suppose he had Josh first.' It carried on going round and round in his head. His eyes were fixed on the road ahead, his knuckles white as his fists clenched around the steering wheel. Momentarily, he glanced round to the side, expecting his little brother to be asleep like the rest of the passengers. Instead, he was wide awake, his still-wet hair hanging down over one side of his face, the one uncovered eye staring straight at him. He looked back to the road and continued driving in silence. A few more minutes passed. Another glance and the boy was still looking at him. “What?” he snapped, sharper than he had intended. “Gonna tell me what's wrong?” Warren asked, his voice low to avoid disturbing the boys sleeping behind him. “Nothing.” Dale replied, still fairly sharp, but quieter now, matching Warren's volume. A few more silent minutes passed awkwardly. The staring continued. “Stop looking at me!” Dale growled. “I will, when you start talking to me.” Warren said back defiantly. “You can't have him!” Dale said without thinking, immediately regretting it. “What?” Warren asked, completely lost. Dale wished he hadn't said it, but now that it was out there, he figured he may as well get it all out. “Josh. I know you like him!” He looked round quickly at his little brother. The boy looked completely shocked and a little upset. Silence fell again. Warren turned to stare out the window, leaving Dale feeling like the worst brother in the world. The last thing he had wanted to do was upset the boy. He heard sniffing, Warren was crying. He reached over and touched Warren's shoulder. Warren turned and looked across at Dale. “I know.” he said almost inaudibly. “I know I can't have him.” Dale sighed. “But that's the problem, you probably could if you wanted. He likes you too.” he said back, his voice cracking just a little. “I've seen the way you are together.” “Yeah, you've seen that, but there's something you haven't seen.” Warren replied. Dale glanced round again. “What?” “The way he looks at you when you're not looking. Or the way he smiles when you're not around and someone says your name.” Warren said back, wiping the last few tears away. “Yeah he likes me... but he loves you.” Dale didn't know what to say. He was so exceptionally overjoyed to hear Warren saying those things, but at the same time his heart felt like it was ripping in half. It was so clear just how strong the feelings were between Warren and Josh, but the boy was willing to put all of that aside for the sake of Dale's happiness. “Warren...” Dale said, he could feel tears welling in his own eyes but he held it back. “Thanks.” was all he could manage to say. A few moments later, Warren looked round and said, “Dale.” “Yeah?” the older boy replied. “When we get home...” the boy 's voice wavered. “Can I have a hug?” The boy burst into tears again, curled up and slowly cried himself to sleep. ***** By the time they arrived home, most of the passengers had woken up. It was only Corey who was still asleep, but he woke too as the car pulled to a stop in the driveway. Everyone except Warren got out of the car, still dressed in just their shorts. Josh, Nick, Corey and Benny carried their bags inside while Dale walked round to Warren's door, pulling his t-shirt on as he walked. As the door opened, the younger boy just sat there, staring down at his own lap. “Come here.” Dale said, holding his arms out. The boy lunged at him, wrapping his arms around his big brother's waist. Inside, Josh had gone into the kitchen while the other three had headed straight into the lounge. A few minutes later, Dale came in and headed for Josh while Warren had joined the other boys. “Everything okay?” Josh asked, noticing how Dale's expression matched his own. “I'm gonna take Warren home. All this stuff has... been a bit much for him.” Dale explained. “I think it'll be best if he stays away for a few days. Me too!” “Hey.” Josh said, walking up to Dale and placing his hands on the young man's waist. “Are we okay?” “Oh, yeah.” Dale said with a smile, looking Josh in the eye and holding onto his sides. He realised the way it had sounded. “Yeah, we're good, and I can't wait for that second date.” His smile dropped into something more serious. “But I think things have just got a bit out of hand this week and I've gotta look out for my little brother. He's struggling with a few things. Does that.... make sense?” Josh nodded solemnly. “Honestly, I've been kinda thinking the same thing. I think... Alex was a bit of a wake up call.” Dale felt Josh's entire body tense as he mentioned it. “The thought of Nick or Corey feeling the way I felt... I could throw up just thinking about it. Same goes for Warren, Benny too.” Dale said nothing, just nodded his agreement as he pulled his boyfriend into a hug. ***** “Don't go.” Nick said, pulling an over-exaggerated sad face at Warren as the two sat together on the sofa. “Dale says we have to.” Warren replied, smiling at Nick's expression. Nick just sighed. “I guess you have to then. Goodbye kiss?” He grinned. Warren returned the smile before straddling Nick's lap and kissing him. The boys were still kissing when Dale came in and said, “Time to go Warren, now put him down, you don't know where he's been!” The kiss broke as both boys laughed. “Your brother's a dick!” Nick said to Warren, but with his eyes fixed on Dale. “I completely agree.” Warren said before pecking Nick on the lips and climbing off his lap. “I'll message you soon. See ya guys.” He waved a quick goodbye to Benny and Corey as Dale did the same. Out in the hallway, Warren looked into the kitchen, saw Josh and smiled at him. Josh smiled back but said nothing as the boy left with Dale. “Nick!” Josh called out. Nick ran in to see what he wanted, leaving just Benny and Corey in the lounge. “Sup?” Nick asked as he walked in. “D'you mind going home with Corey?” Josh asked. “What's going on?” Nick asked. Dale and Warren's sudden exit had seemed a little strange, but now this was really setting alarm bells ringing. “Nothing, it's just... this is over.” Josh said. Hearing himself say it aloud gave it a suddenly tangible finality. “What's over?” Nick was just getting more confused. “All of this. The six of us, the things we've been doing. I need you to stay away. I shouldn't have even let it start. I should have...” Josh started before getting cut off. “Shut up!” Nick snapped. “Look, I get that you got freaked out earlier and now you're having... I dunno, second thoughts or whatever this is, but I'm not gonna let you stand there and say this week shouldn't have happened.” Josh just stared at his little brother, not sure how to react to the boy's outburst. “Whatever's happened between all of us, right or wrong we've all had a fuckload of fun, we've made new friends, found boyfriends. And think about it, this has been the best thing to ever happen to mine, yours and Corey's relationship. Do you think we'd ever have been this close without the stuff we've done this week?” “I guess not.” Josh said. He had been so busy thinking about all the bad things, the harm he could be doing that he had completely overlooked the good parts. “See, it's not all bad. Now get the fuck over it!” Nick said walking right up to his big brother and staring him straight in the eye. Josh's expression softened. The boy was right. He was blowing all of it right out of proportion. “Ugh, you're right. But... I'd still like it if you could go home with Corey. I think it might be nice for Benny if I spent some time alone with him before his parents get home. After all, he started all of this!” “Okay.” Nick replied. He wanted to stay. In truth he had been having the time of his life messing around with Josh, Benny and the others, but he didn't want to argue. “I'll go and get him.” Nick headed into the lounge. Josh heard his youngest brother complaining, but after a few stern words from Nick, he quietened down. “We're going now Josh, see ya later.” Nick called out. Josh headed out to the hallway. Nick was pulling on a shirt as the two of them headed for the door. Josh walked up to close the door behind them, but stood for a moment watching them walk down the driveway. “Are you gonna put some clothes on?” Nick demanded, waving Corey's t-shirt at the boy. “Why? I got nothing to hide!” Corey called back as they reached the road, reaching down to his shorts. “Corey, put your shorts back on!” Nick yelled as he disappeared around the corner. Josh laughed at the boys as he closed the door. He turned back and came face to face with Benny who was stood in the lounge doorway, arms crossed. “What's going on?” he demanded. “Let's go and sit down, we need to talk.” Josh said, walking towards him. The two of them sat on the sofa. “They're not coming back, are they?” Benny asked. “No.” Josh replied honestly. “At least... not this week. I'm sure you'll see them again.” “Was it... something I did?” Benny asked, his face scrunching up as he tried to think what he might have done to cause this. “No, I think it's more like something you... might do.” Josh replied. “It's Alex, isn't it?” Benny said, making the connection. Josh nodded, his fists clenching nervously as he thought about the boy. “Look, you've made me do things this week that I didn't necessarily WANT to do, but I enjoyed them anyway and felt safe with you in charge of me. The thing with Alex, the sub part of me enjoyed what was happening, but the rest of me... Benny, I was scared. I wanted him to stop.” “Well it's over now. He... he can't do anything else to you.” Benny stuttered back. “Yeah, but... this week, there've been a couple of times when you...” Josh stopped, unable to even look Benny in the eye. “When I what?” Benny demanded. Josh looked the boy in the eye. “There were times when you were almost like that. Times I had to stop you or when I was actually scared of you.” Josh froze. He was worried Benny might already be too far gone, that such a statement might trigger an angry reaction in the boy. He braced himself, ready to take cover if the boy lunged at him. Benny just stared back at him. “I scared you? I thought... you liked it.” “That's the fucked up part. I did, but that's why I had to stop this. I love you Benny, you've literally changed my life, but the thought of you doing something that hurts my little brothers or Dale or Warren... I couldn't stand it. You're an amazing kid and you're an awesome master, but not when you're hurting people.” Josh raised his hand and brushed it gently down Benny's cheek. Benny sat in silence, absorbing what Josh had just said. “I didn't plan this.” Benny said, flopping back into the sofa and facing out into the room. “All the other guys getting involved. Honestly, to begin with I just wanted to see you naked, but things just kind of... snowballed. And... and suddenly I had all these guys who would just do whatever I told them.” “That's a lot of power for one kid to have.” Josh said, moving closer to Benny. He put an arm around the boy. “It was fucking awesome!” Benny said with a grin. “It was.” Josh chuckled back at him. “So it's probably best to end it while it's still awesome and stop before someone gets hurt.” Benny just nodded. ***** They were both true to their word, all activity of a sexual nature ceased entirely between them. The closest they got to anything out of the ordinary was late that night after they had both gone to bed. Josh was close to falling asleep when he heard the bedroom door open. Benny just stood there. As soon as held an arm out, the boy dashed over and jumped in beside him. Even then, they had just cuddled as they slept. During the day on Saturday, they had occasionally cuddled up together if they were sat watching a movie, but aside from that it was back to the way things had been before. Just a kid and his sitter, hanging out and having fun. Saturday night had gone much like the night before with Benny climbing in beside Josh to cuddle, but he kept his hands to himself. Josh spent Sunday morning cleaning the house top to bottom while Benny played video games in his room. He wanted to make sure Mr and Mrs Harrison had a tidy house to come back to. After lunch, Benny had gone back to his room again while Josh did the dishes. When he was done, he headed upstairs to see what Benny was up to. When Josh walked in, Benny was laying on his bed reading a comic. “Hey, you okay?” Josh asked. “Yeah, I'm good. Although look what I just found.” Benny said. He put down the comic, reached under his pillow and pulled out a pair of handcuffs, spinning them round his finger. Josh just laughed. “Whadda you say? One last time?” Benny suggested with an impish smile. “Benny...” Josh protested. The boy jumped off the bed and gave Josh a stern look. “Take off your shirt and lay on the bed!” he said firmly. Josh wanted to resist. He knew he should, but his cock was already swelling and he knew it was pointless to fight it. He pulled his shirt off over his head and lay down as ordered. “Hands.” Benny ordered as he stood at the foot of the bed. Josh put his hands through as ordered and felt the familiar sensation of metal closing around his wrists. The younger boy jumped on top of him and quickly undid the jeans, then pulled them down along with Josh's underwear. A minute later, Benny had the feet secured in place with ropes too. Josh's cock was rigid already, even before he watched Benny strip. Once he was naked, the boy climbed back on top. The feeling of the boy's bare, smooth skin pressed against his own almost made Josh forget why he had made them stop doing this. As he felt Benny's lips on his chest, any lingering hesitation vanished completely. Benny worked his way down to Josh's stomach with kisses and licks, then back up via his nipples to nuzzle into his neck. “Kiss me.” Josh muttered. Benny happily complied, his tongue pushing deep into Josh's mouth as they kissed like it was their first time. Benny happily lay on top of Josh, kissing him for several minutes as their naked bodies writhed against each other. When the younger boy finally broke the kiss, it was only so he could straddle Josh's chest and push his small cock into the older teen's mouth. Holding onto the footboard of the bed, he thrust his hips back and forth firmly, shoving his erection as far into Josh's mouth as it would go, causing occasional gagging noises. The boy's breaths grew ragged as he edged closer and closer to cumming. Without warning or any reduction in the speed of his thrusts, he pumped a load deep into Josh's throat making him choke even more. His cock was softening by the time he pulled out. He said nothing to Josh, just looked at him hungrily then went about undoing his feet. Josh knew what was next, the boy was following almost the exact same routine as their first encounter. Benny used the ropes to pull Josh's legs up towards his head, doubling the young man over and directing his cock into his own face. The ropes were secured in place once again and Benny climbed up to stand on the bed, looking down at his prisoner. Benny buried his face in Josh's exposed arse, licking the hole. At the same time, he reached round to stroke Josh's boner, occasional drops of precum dropping down onto the captive teen's face. The dual stimulation had him moaning excitedly. There was no edging this time, Benny kept pumping his hand at full speed and a minute later, Josh yelled out in pleasure as he orgasmed, the load splatting heavily down onto his face and into his mouth. Not even giving Josh a few moments to recover, Benny grabbed a box from under the bed. It contained all of his new toys, now hidden safely away for when his parents returned. He pulled out the largest vibrator and a tube of lube. He slicked it up and jumped back up onto the bed. Not being even remotely gentle, he thrust it into Josh's eager hole. “Ow, careful!” Josh called out, feeling a twinge of pain, but it soon faded as the device was turned on, strong vibrations filling him with pleasure. Benny started sliding it in and out vigorously, intentionally pressing it firmly against Josh's prostate as much as possible. Still horny and high from the first orgasm, it didn't take long until a second load twitched free from his still-wet cock. Again Benny showed no signs of slowing, his eyes filled with lust and desire as he stared down at Josh. The thrusting vibrator continued its assault on his rear and Josh began to whimper in discomfort. The whimpers turned to yells as Benny's hand returned to his cock, but this time squeezing instead of stroking. “Ow. Benny.” Josh called out as he felt the boy's fingers tightening around his sensitive shaft. “Shut up!” Benny snarled, his eyes wide and wild. He let go of the vibrator and slapped Josh's arse cheek as hard as he could, a red hand print appearing almost instantly. Josh yelped, a mix of shock and pleasure. “Oh I forgot how much you enjoy the spanking.” Benny said almost deliriously. He pulled out the vibrator so fast it made Josh's entire body spasm, relief spreading through his cock as the squeezing stopped too. Benny reached into the box and pulled out the wooden paddle. Without any warning, he swung it back and brought it down with a disturbingly loud crack on Josh's bare rear. “AAARGH!” Josh screamed in pain. There was no pleasure this time, the heavy paddle sending waves of agony through him. Before he could protest, it smacked again. Benny looked on in an excited frenzy, delighted at the bright red the cheeks were already turning. “Benny, stop!” Josh called out desperately. The boy ignored the plea, taking the handle of the paddle in both hands and hitting Josh as hard as he could. Josh screamed, louder than he had ever screamed in his life. “Benny, stop it, let me go!” Benny dropped the paddle to the bed and lunged towards Josh's face, wet from tears of pain and terror. The boy's fingers wrapped around his throat. “WE STOP WHEN I SAY! YOU BELONG TO ME, DON'T FORGET THAT. YOU'RE MINE!” Benny yelled as his fingers tightened. Josh was pulling at the cuffs, feeling the metal dig into his wrists as he struggled in vain. The rope chafed his ankles as he pulled, trying to get free. His body bucked wildly, trying to get loose of the boy's grip. “Benny.” Josh gasped weakly. Another pull with his legs and rope popped free above him, releasing his legs. He twisted round and pushed his feet as hard as he could into the boy's chest. Benny flew across the room, slamming into a wardrobe door and dropping to the ground heavily as Josh gasped to regain his breath. He curled into a foetal position, sobbing helplessly and shaking uncontrollably, his hands still secured in the cuffs above his head. The younger boy just sat there on the floor, staring at the naked, crying teen on his bed, completely unable to comprehend what had just happened. He had no idea how long had passed before he made himself move, it could have been minutes or hours. He walked across the room and removed the cuffs, gasping in shock and fear as he saw the blood on Josh's wrists. He dropped back to the floor, the cuffs still in his hands. Josh pulled his arms back down, crossing them in front of him as he continued laying there, curled up on the bed. Benny eventually got back up, standing beside the bed. He reached down to put his hand on Josh's shoulder, “Josh...” Josh jumped away as he felt the hand on him. “Don't touch me!” he yelled, sitting up on the bed and cowering away from the boy. “I'm...” Benny attempted to speak, but seeing what he had done to Josh felt like a punch to his stomach, knocking his breath right out of him. He stared down at the cuffs, then back up at Josh. He started to shake uncontrollably. “Help me!” he whimpered through streaming tears. Josh didn't know how to react. After what the boy had just done, he should be feared or possibly even arrested! But as he stood there, all Josh could see what he really was, a terrified little boy struggling to understand what was happening to him. “I'm... I'm scared.” Benny sobbed. “Please... help me.” Despite his fear of the boy, Josh slid across the bed and wrapped his arms around Benny, holding him tightly. “I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.” Benny repeated over and over as he cried into Josh's chest. “So am I, Benny, So am I!” Josh whispered to him. ***** SIX MONTHS LATER “You okay? You look nervous.” Dale said with a comforting smile before turning his attention back to the road. “I'm fine.” Josh said quietly. “Just... yeah, I'm nervous.” “Ya know, we don't have to go. I'll quite happily turn us around and take you wherever you want.” Dale said, reaching across and stroking Josh's leg. “No, I'll be okay. Just... stay with me, okay?” Josh requested. Dale was the only person aside from Josh and Benny who knew what had actually happened between them that day. Josh had called him as soon as he was able to. Dale had wanted to kill Benny, then call the police, in that order. Josh had managed to stop him from doing both. There had been a lot of talking that night and a lot of tears. Benny had promised to get help dealing with whatever it was that had made him act that way and Josh had agreed that he had probably played a large part in what had happened. Not in the actual events of the day, Dale refused to let Josh accept any blame for that, but for allowing the boy to wander so far down a dangerous path, he definitely shared some of the responsibility. Nick, Warren and Corey knew something had happened, but were spared the details. Josh and Dale made it very clear, however, that they were not to go near Benny, at least not until they said it was okay. Today was the first time any of them would be seeing Benny since that week. It was his fourteenth birthday and his parents were having a party for him at their house. Unaware of anything that had happened between the boys, Mr and Mrs Harrison had invited them all to come. Shortly after the incident, Josh had come out to his own parents and introduced them to Dale. With Nick and Warren dating secretly, because Warren was still so young, their relationship made it a lot easier to explain why Warren was around so much. But whatever the reason for his presence, Josh's parents had happily accepted Dale and Warren into their family, now treating them like their fourth and fifth sons. When Josh and Dale arrived at Benny's house, they headed around the side of the house to the back garden where the party was being held. A large gazebo had been out up over the grassed area in case of bad weather, but it was surprisingly warm for that time of year. They were greeted by Mr and Mrs Harrison, spoke briefly with Josh's parents who were attending too and then found Nick and Warren standing together on the decking. “Hey guys.” Josh said with a nervous smile. “Hi.” Warren said happily, greeting Josh with a hug. Nick gave Dale a curious look and nodded towards Josh, silently questioning if he was okay. Dale smiled and nodded back. Nick got the idea. “Anyone seen him yet?” Josh asked, looking round for any sign of Benny. They all shook their heads, just as Corey appeared from inside the house. “Hey Cor.” Dale said happily. “Oh you're all here.” Corey said as he realised all four of them were together. “That makes my job easier. Benny asked if we could all go inside and see him.” “You've... you've seen him?” Josh stuttered. “Dude, what happened with you two?” Corey asked, his eyes narrowing. The youngest brother still lacked the tact to approach the matter with any delicacy. Josh ignored the question. “Come on then.” He headed inside, followed by the others and made his way into the lounge. Benny was sat on the sofa, looking just as nervous as Josh. He stood up as they entered. Josh was amazed at how much he had grown in six months. He must have been about a foot taller now. The two young men stared at each other for a moment before walking together into a hug. When they let go of each other, Benny looked the the rest of them. “Hey guys, thanks for coming. I know most of you don't know what happened with me and Josh,” he flinched as he looked at Dale, knowing Josh's boyfriend knew every detail. “But I just wanted to apologise if I did anything to hurt any of you in any way. The way I acted back then was... it was totally unacceptable, it'll never happen again and I'm truly sorry. I hope we can be friends again because... I miss you!” Not even knowing what they were actually forgiving him for, Warren Nick and Corey accepted his apology immediately. Josh's lingering affection for the boy made it easy for him to forgive too. Even Dale gradually accepted that the boy truly seemed to have reformed and before they knew it, the six of them were laughing and joking together once again. “Here you all are.” Mr Harrison said as he looked into the room from the hallway. “Come on, the party's outside, it's almost time for the cake.” As they were heading outside, Benny's phone vibrated. He pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the message. [I'VE DONE AS YOU ORDERED] Benny smiled at the message and typed back, [GOOD BOY, BUT YOU FORGOT TO CALL ME SIR. SOMEONE'S GETTING PUNISHED TONIGHT!] THE END Well not really. The story continues in the sequel, 'The Dangers of Desire'.