Upstairoids Epilogue Six months later… In a lot of ways, things improved a lot for Lexi after Kendra fixed her thinking. She’d gotten herself cleaned up and weened off the upstairoids, for one, which meant she was no longer subject to having her entire way of thinking altered by everyone around her. Her libido was elevated beyond what it had once been, but it was under control, well within the normal levels for a woman her age. She was finally the woman she’d always dreamt of being – a genius. She spent all of her free time reading and studying – just for the thrill of it. She’d developed incredible memory retention, and seldom forgot a fact. Lexi thought back on her finals last semester, the whole reason she’d started taking upstairoids to begin with. It was a memory she cherished; she’d aced every single one of them. She hadn’t missed a single question – not even on her bio-chem exam. It was difficult to remember how the material had ever troubled her so. Professor Donald Franklin, her cellular biology prof, had clearly even thought she’d cheated – which in a way, she had, but by the time he’d ordered an investigation, Lexi had dropped out of school anyway. After all, Lexi going to school was hardly going to help Kendra. Speaking of, time to stop wasting time reminiscing and get to work. Her life certainly had taken a turn, Lexi thought as she started putting on today’s uniform. She preferred to think of it as one, anyway; it helped make it seem a little less degrading somehow. A little. She’d been surprised to learn she had to special order her underwear now after her final overdose had run its course. She envied Jana’s body now, how tame it was by comparison. Sure, she looked like a porn star who’d been a little too gung-ho on the breast and butt cheek implants, but still. Compared to Lexi… Once, Lexi had been a tiny, flat-chested, mousy, acne-prone, frizzy-haired young woman who no one would have looked at twice. It felt enviable now. Now, she felt like she was Jessica Rabbit made flesh. A pair of H-cup breasts jutted out in front of her – not that they needed a bra, as her body tissues had been reorganized to keep them impossibly pert. The bra of her uniform wasn’t even necessary, though it helped reduce the extent to which their incessant jiggling threw her off balance. Her nipples had enlarged to match, and were hard all the time. Literally, every waking minute, and she was pretty sure in her sleep, too. Her ass was the stuff of legends, even around The Office. Her wide, well-padded posterior could serve as a shelf if she wanted, which met two thighs that managed to be proportionate at the top, dwindling down to two narrow, waif-like things at the ankle. It matched her waist, at least, which pinched in so thin between her wide hips and enormous bust that she frankly wondered at the alterations that must have been made to her internal workings to even keep her alive. The Office’s tailor, Heather – a woman who, like Lexi, had been too eager to take short-cuts through fashion school and wound up owned by Kendra – had measured her at 39-18-34. Even her face had changed – her family would no longer recognize her even without the body. High cheekbones, thick, dick-sucking lips that naturally puckered into a simpering “O,” as if begging for someone to kiss her – or just cut to the chase and shove their dick in. With painstaking precision, Lexi made sure every last aspect of her uniform was in place, including makeup – she prided herself on her professionalism. Well, Kendra did, anyway, which meant Lexi did too. Clients here were very particular – which, for the rates Kendra charged, they were certainly entitled to be. Lexi’s earnings second quarter were up from her initial earnings period, thankfully; for almost two weeks, she’d been the lowest earner in The Office, and the unlucky girl who occupied that spot on the leader board pulled 16-hour shifts until she caught up. The board was updated daily, to keep all the employees on their toes. Lexi had climbed as high as #4 for a day in April, but no higher, and that was only thanks to Professor Franklin. That had been how she’d climbed out of her last-place spot, in fact, a stroke of genius. She’d noticed pre-upstairoids that he didn’t have a wedding ring (not that she’d been interested in a 50-some-year-old man who’d not taken great care of himself), and had likewise noticed his open leer when she’d come in to pick up her exam. Eager to worm her way back into Kendra’s good graces, she’d sought him out personally, following him home from school, watching to make sure no wife, girlfriend – or boyfriend – stopped in, then gone up and boldly knocked on the door. “Hi, Professor Franklin, it’s me, Lexi Dunham – from your cellular bio class last semester?” He frowned, looking displeased to be approached at home, especially by a girl he’d been sure was a cheater. “Hello, Ms. Dunham. You shouldn’t be here – it’s not appropriate, and I have nothing more to say to you.” “Oh, I think you do,” Lexi said firmly. “I think you think I cheated on your test, and I think you think I got away with it.” “I was given to understand you withdrew from the university; the matter is concluded.” Still, the reminder galled, and it showed on his stern face. “I did withdraw – I got a better job offer, so now I earn more money than you do.” She smirked. It was half-sincere – given where she was going with this, she wanted to take satisfaction in the few moments that would leave her some shred of dignity. “How would you even know what I earn, Ms. Dunham?” he demanded testily. She shrugged. “Public university, which in this state makes your salary a matter of public record. According to their records, Professor Donald Franklin made $88,790 last academic year – which I should surpass sometime in mid-July. Not bad, for someone who found a way to ace your pathetically easy little exam, eh Donnie?” “Well good for you, miss. I’m sure your calling and lack of integrity will lead you into a prosperous future. I’m shocked you would come to my home at this hour with such a juvenile message, and I think that’s more than enough. If you’ll excuse me…” Professor Franklin went to shut the door, but Lexi’s booted foot blocked it. Thrusting it forward exposed a bare, creamy white thigh almost to the hip through the split in the coat. He looked, then looked again before scowling up at her. “Oh, it’s not enough. I came here to tell you that I think I’m better than you in almost every way. I’m smarter, I’m younger, I’m sexier, I’m even out-earning you. But!” she interjected, as he tried to kick her foot out of his doorway spitefully, “but I think you’ll want to know where I work. Call this number,” she said, handing him a slip of paper on which a phone number occupied one side, and a picture of Lexi on the other, “if you’d like to know more about it.” He was no longer trying to slam the door on her; now, he was staring wide-eyed at the picture. Lexi was wearing an outfit that amounted to little more than a few strips of black leather, hanging from a pair of handcuffs from a peg on a wall. Her expression was one of bliss – an easy one, since her lips tended toward that naturally. Lexi blew him a kiss, then shut the door for him and left. It was four days later when she was told he’d called The Office’s private number and booked an appointment with her. She’d told Katie, the receptionist, to expect him and to explain what she could offer him, then slipped her a bribe to try to suck him in. Katie had a genetic condition that had made her body resist most of the upstairoids physical changes, so when she became addicted, she’d been of little use except for doing the clerical duties. Still, since she made appointments, all the girls threw money at her to get them more and better clients; even without taking a single dick in her, Katie was more than capable of keeping her numbers up on the leader board. Many clients specified the uniform they wanted their girl to wear; as a first-timer, Professor Franklin hadn’t thought to do so. On a hunch, Lexi wore a college sweatshirt, her mammoth titties distorting the logo terribly, along with some sweatpants with the college’s name on the ass. She’d had to pay to have it altered by Heather so it fit over her ass without hanging shapelessly over the rest of her. She sat in one of the offices that had been made to resemble a dorm room, reading one of her old textbook’s from Franklin’s class. She’d already memorized it, but she wanted to make a good first impression. She did. Franklin opened the door nervously, wearing the same out-of-place expression most clients did in their first time in a brothel. “Ms. Dunham,” he said. “What do you want, you old geezer? I’m trying to study so my stupid professors don’t accuse me of cheating. Again.” She sneered at him coldly. “They – she – she said I could… you would…” he stammered nervously. “Do whatever you want?” He nodded. She turned to him, crossing her legs, still looking annoyed. “And you left your deposit?” He nodded. “Well then, I guess I’ll do whatever you want. Just tell me what it is so we can get to it and stop wasting my time.” He frowned. “You’re being so… this isn’t very conducive to…” “What, punishing me? That’s what you told them on the phone, right? That you wanted to punish me.” She drummed her fingers impatiently. “Well, the young woman, she told me you’d said – a thousand dollars, and I could have you to myself, do whatever I wanted. She was quite specific as to what that meant.” His voice was recovering, though she could see her pushy demeanor wasn’t spurring him on like she’d hoped, but rather intimidating him. She stood up from her chair and stalked up to him festily. Short as she was, he was only a few inches taller, and she came right up to him until her breasts were brushing up against his chest. “Well then. Did you want to come here to punish Lexi for being a little bitch?” She gave him an exasperated look for a moment, then transformed her demeanor in an instant to look frightened, the picture of a girl terrified that daddy was home and her comeuppance was at hand. “Or…” her voice quavered. “Did you want to punish Lexi for being a bad, bad little student?” She sucked softly on her index finger. He just stared a moment before realizing she’d been asking him a question. “Oh. Oh my, you were…” He smiled, realizing at last the theatrical nature of her comportment. “No, as you were, Ms. Dunham. As you were.” Lexi took her finger out, giving him a malicious grin. “Well then, now that you’ve finally figured it out, maybe we can get on with things? I wasn’t kidding when I said I had reading to do, Donnie boy.” She didn’t – her work always came before her own needs, because her work was for Kendra. “Shut your mouth, you little bitch,” Professor Franklin said. “I am your instructor and you will address me respectfully, and only when directed to do so. When you do, I will me Mr. Franklin, or sir, do you understand?” Lexi adopted a sullen pout. “Yes sir.” “Take that sweater off, Ms. Dunham. You don’t deserve to wear the colors any more – not that you ever did.” Lexi glared poutily at him as she took the bottom hem of her sweatshirt in both hands and lifted it over her head. She’d chosen a casual-looking white bra underneath – nothing intrinsically sexy, save for its contents. It helped make her a normal college girl, wearing her normal college girl clothes. Except normal college girls weren’t sluts who would do absolutely anything for paying customers, like Lexi. “Happy now?” she asked, voice full of sass, eyes full of judgment for the way he leered at her young body. Still, her obedience emboldened him. “And I believe…” He walked behind her, checking for the college’s name on her sweatpants. “Yes, I thought as much. Those, too. You are not affiliated with the university, and you shan’t sully their reputation by wearing them.” Lexi rolled her eyes, her character keenly aware he was just using that as an excuse to get her one step closer to naked. Her panties, unlike the bra, were a slutty pink thong with a little red bow at the top of her ass. Gingerly, he reached out and touched her bare bottom, his sweaty fingers tracing lines across her cushioned flesh. Lexi folded her arms impatiently as she consented to his groping. Soon enough, he came back to the front. Guys loved her ass, but they always came back to her tits in the end. He stared at them lustfully, then made himself look up to her face where a superior smirk awaited him, the look of a woman whose body gave her the upper hand, even if circumstance dictated otherwise. “Now, Alexis. Or no, I believe you said you prefer Lexi now – it suits you. Alexis is a serious girl’s name. A respectable name. Not the name of a fraud, and a whore. Lexi… I want you to admit to me that you cheated on my exam.” She laughed arrogantly. “I didn’t cheat. I mean, you paid for me, so if you want me to say I did, hey, I’ll say it.” She switched to a clearly feigned voice of tremendous remorse. “Gee golly, Professor Franklin sir, I sure am sorry I fudged my answers on your test, especially since it was so fucking easy I could’ve just sent my gerbil in to take it for me.” He grinned, still enjoying their little game – and no doubt still thought she was lying. “Well then, if you won’t just come out and admit it, then I’ve no choice but to procure a confession…” He snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor, then began undoing his belt and pants. Lexi sunk to her knees, licking her lips, tremendously relieved her gamble was paying off, and that she’d found a way to bring in more money for Kendra. “Do your worst,” she said. That had been his first visit; since then, she’d made Kendra another $11,000 off the old goat. She was yet to tell him she’d cheated. It wasn’t pride – there was nothing but theater to it on her end. She might enjoy the occasional taunt at his expense, since he was in fact a horny old loser shelling out more than half his weekly earnings for a night of fucking a girl less than half his age; still, she played the character that she thought would best entice him to come back. He obviously got off on fucking a sassy little college brat – she was part student, grudgingly submitting to the power structure he was a part of; part pin-up girl, giving him lewd pictures and her sodden panties as trophies; and part pure whore, fulfilling his every sexual desire. If she hit a point where she thought admitting she’d cheated would make Kendra more cash, she’d do that – in fact, she’d already started considering such a scenario. “Oh, you already know what happened or you wouldn’t be here,” she would say scornfully, “but you just want to hear the words.” Franklin would get excited at her first hint of an admission, but she’d refuse to come closer. Instead, she’d let him get his cock out and get him excited, then when he was about to cum, she’d stop and tell him she was so tired of prostituting herself that she’d give him the satisfaction and admit it – for a price. She hadn’t decided how much yet - $20,000 felt like a nice round number, but she wasn’t yet sure enough of his savings level that she could feel confident she’d get it. She’d keep probing. Then she’d confess, and pretend to cum like a firecracker as she admitted it. Who knows, it might be enough to put her on top for a day – not that there was a prize other than a chance at a few words of praise from Kendra. Still, it would get Jana off her back, which would make it worth it. Making Jana her slave was the third biggest mistake of her life. She remembered meeting with her after Kendra had finished conditioning her – a process Lexi ordered her roommate to submit to. Jana was staring at both of them delightedly. “Lexi,” Kendra said, “tell Jana what your most important goal is.” “To serve you,” Lexi said automatically. She’d been too brainwashed to consider saying anything else. Kendra was a genius to dupe her like that. “There you have it, Jana. So now you have two mistresses – Lexi, and myself.” Jana nodded, smiling vapidly. Kendra turned to address Lexi. “I couldn’t completely undo your own brainwashing process – thorough job on that. So I’m going to leave her as your slave, and I want you to give her one simple job to do.” Kendra whispered it in Lexi’s ear. “Go on, tell her – then get back to work.” Kendra walked off, utterly self-assured in her slave’s obedience. Lexi looked to Jana, then passed on her final command. “Jana, your new job is to make sure I serve Kendra as best I can.” Those had been Kendra’s words. Wanting to make sure her dim-witted slave took her full meaning, she dutifully elaborated, wincing inside at the torment it would surely mean for her. “If I’m being lazy, I want you to make me work. If I could be doing something better, I want you to remind me, or show me how. If you think of something I could do to benefit Kendra that I haven’t done, I want you to point it out to me.” Jana had taken her job seriously. Whenever she wasn’t working, she checked in on Lexi constantly. If Lexi was with a customer, she helped out – for her even share, at Kendra’s insistence, so Lexi didn’t have an unfair earning advantage over her peers. If Lexi wasn’t, she came in to make her exercise, practice her techniques, or otherwise fritter away her precious free time serving even more thoroughly. As devoted as Lexi was, Jana was utterly single-minded about it. Of course, Jana had an advantage Lexi didn’t. Her second-worst decision had been taking the upstairoids in the first place – that much was clear – but being around Jana always kept her mindful of her gravest error. Jana, and all of the other girls working in The Office, loved their jobs. Many were deeply in the throes of void rage most of the time, like Jana, and had little command of their faculties beyond what was required to suck, fuck, and otherwise bring in more cash for Kendra. Others were more cognizant – some, like Lexi, were actually quite brilliant – but nonetheless wore an authentically enthused smile as they went about their day. They got anxious when their numbers slipped, because it meant they weren’t serving Kendra as well, but most of the time they were giving it their all and utterly satisfied with the results and motivations of their efforts. Just not Lexi. She’d asked Kendra once, when she’d stopped by Jupiter’s – the sketchy strip club next to the diner Lexi had met her at the night of her enslavement. She’d heard rumors – everyone had heard rumors – but they turned out to only scratch the surface. Beneath Jupiter’s was a huge complex of rooms called The Office, a brothel that charged top dollar for access to some of the hottest and most devoted prostitutes to be found for hundreds of miles. More, maybe. When Lexi didn’t have a client, she put in her hours at Jupiter’s stripping and doing lap dances; she did well below average there, too. It was Kendra, in fact, who began the conversation by asking her why she thought that was. It was typical of her, to begin conversations with her slaves by driving at how they could be doing better. Smart of her – it cut down opportunities for them to waste her invaluable time. Lexi had considered the question already, and gave her thoughts bluntly. “I think it’s because I’m a freak,” she said. “The other girls are hot – nice boobs, nice butts, pretty faces. Because I stupidly overdosed, I gave myself these enormous titties and gigantic ass and tiny little waist and doll face. I’m cartoonish. Some guys like it, but many prefer more conventional women.” Kendra nodded. “And that’s it? You’re trying your best?” Lexi frowned. “No.” Her owner looked genuinely surprised – the first time she’d ever seen her caught off-guard by anyone, in fact. “No? You found another way to weasel out of your servitude?” Her tone was dangerous. “No, of course not – I’d tell you the moment I did. But the other girls… they enjoy it. You programmed them to love serving you – it helps them perform better.” “Ah, yes. I’d considered that, but I didn’t want to reward you for making threats.” Lexi nodded. “Of course not. I was only thinking that reprogramming me, you know, it might help me serve you better. Research has shown that happy and satisfied employees can lead to production gains of–” “Maybe in a year or two,” Kendra cut her off, sounding bored. “I’d have to reintroduce an overdose, and frankly, I don’t know that your body could withstand it, or if you did, if you’d be in shape to make me any money. As you said, you’re already flirting with the upper limits.” “Of course. I’ll devote some of my free time to the chemistry of it, and see if I can make a more intelligent recommendation.” “Sure – have something ready to present to me around Christmas-time.” She walked away; Lexi doubted she’d remember having said it. Not that it mattered when she was given an order. There was a knock at her door; it was Arthur, her 8:00. He was another of her repeat customers, a guy she’d gone to high school with who now attended the same university. She’d never known him well – just enough to know he came from a wealthy family and a few odd facts. Kendra left the girls in charge of approaching their clientele themselves; some men just knew of the club and liked to browse merchandise, but most were invited by one of Kendra’s slaves or another. Lexi wished she’d had a better social network in place. She wished she could use Jana’s, but Jana helpfully pointed out Kendra would be better served if they both brought in regulars, instead of Lexi mooching off of hers. “Ohmigosh, Artie!” Lexi bounded over to him. She was in the “locker room” of The Office, for clients who wanted to act out clients of that sort. Aside from his money, one of the only other things Lexi knew about him was that he’d very publicly asked Valerie Fitzpatrick to homecoming, and she’d very publicly laughed in his face. Lexi had been sitting at a nearby table at the cafeteria, seen the whole thing happen. She’d worn a cheerleading uniform when she’d gone to give him her card. He hadn’t recognized her, of course, which was ideal. “Hey there, gorgeous. How’s my favorite valley girl doing today?” Their first session, he’d told her how the uniform had been a turn-on for him, and she’d coaxed the whole Valerie story out of him. The old cliché of tutoring her (which meant doing her homework for her and helping her cheat on tests), developing a crush and having it dashed. She’d told him how happy she would be to show him all the kindness and gratitude Valerie should have, and taking her name had been his suggestion. It was ironic; that moron Valerie Fitzpatrick had bullied her mercilessly in PE all through high school, yet here she was reaching out to give her a way to make Kendra some money. Lexi forgave her all the times she’d been called Skeeter (in references to her small breasts, which Valerie had said must be mosquito bites.) “Mmm, much better now that you’re here,” she said. “I’ve been totally worried about my math quiz all day!” She pouted, stamping a petulant foot at the mean algebra. In the skimpy cheerleading uniform, her gigantic tits quaked from it. “Aww, don’t worry, sweetie. It’s not your fault math is so hard – not your fault you were born with girl brains.” (Oh yeah, she’d also learned Arthur was a huge chauvinist prick.) “I know! Lucky though I was born with girl titties though!” Lexi giggled. She practiced giggling sometimes now; she was getting good at it. “And what titties they are,” he said, helping himself to a couple handfuls. Lexi cooed at his manly boldness. “I am gonna fuck these things so good.” Another giggle. “Artie! You know you have to tutor me before I pay you!” It was true – or at least, it was for her Valerie character. Their first session, she’d negotiated tutoring in exchange for sexual favors. She’d seen where he was going with it, but “Valerie” was too stupid to realize she was being tricked when he got her to suck his dick, came all over her naked tits, then had her get him ready again and fuck her pussy. When she said she wanted to get to studying, he made an excuse and left her there pouting. “All right, all right. What is it this week?” By the end of their second session, she’d realized he preferred Valerie well and truly brain-damagedly stupid. She’d gotten one of her freshman calculus books out and had him walk her through it; he’d done a terrible job of explaining it to her and gotten a lot of it wrong. It had frustrated him, and he’d clearly not had as much fun – she’d had to work her ass off (literally, having him ass-fuck her) to get him back a third time, where she told him she’d transferred to some easier classes. Now, he could stare down her top, or up her skirt, or flat-out fondle her while he went over nouns vs. pronouns. This week, Lexi got out a worksheet she’d found online to help third graders with their multiplication tables. “This!” she said. He laughed at her condescendingly, and she tried to make herself blush. Valerie felt stupid in front of him; she was so glad she had this brilliant, wonderful man there to help her grasp these things. She plopped down in his lap and he went through it with her; she rewarded him incrementally by stripping off parts of her uniform. The final item, which she’d inserted personally, was 23x3. “Valerie” frowned in thought. “Those are such big numbers…!” She was disgusted with herself – she’d never liked admitting it when she legitimately was having a hard time with material; this character was brutal on her ego. Still, it made Kendra money, and that was all that mattered. “I’ll give you a hint,” Arthur said, grinning at the obvious invitation implicit in the problem. “Lie down on your back. Good, good, now spread your legs. OK, now open your mouth and hold still.” He kneeled on top of her, sliding his fat cock into her mouth and making a clumsy attempt to eat her out. Before long, he stopped even trying. Lexi made a mental note of it; later, she’d record his disinterest in eating pussy in his file. (Each client got a file, which she reviewed before each session to ensure results.) After Valerie had dutifully swallowed his cum, he rolled off of her and grinned, handing the worksheet to her. “Well?” “Oh!” She clapped her hands together giddily. “Sixty-nine! You’re, like, super smart, Artie!” She straddled his waist, rubbing her pussy against his deflating cock to halt its momentum. “Um, like, were you still gonna fuck my tits?” She made it sound like she felt bad not paying him back for his “tutoring.” “Hmm. Well, you did kinda take some of the wind out of my sails, so now I dunno…” Begging. Great. “Oh, I’m sorry Artie! I didn’t know you were gonna, like, fuck my face or I would’ve had you sixty-nine my titties instead! Pleeeeeease let me make it up to you! Ever since you brought it up, my big ol’ boobies are just aching for your cock.” It took some pleading, but Artie eventually let her earn his services. She thanked him over and over, sprinkling in a few self-deprecating comments along the way to feed his superior disposition. It worked. As he got dressed and prepared to leave, he gave her a somewhat more serious look. “So hey – what’s your real name again? I, um, kinda forgot.” “Lexi.” “Lexi, right. So, for serious, are you a student? I mean, I know you’re not actually like this. I just wondered if you go to college anywhere.” “I used to,” she said. “Not any more.” “That’s too bad. I mean, I can tell you put a lot of thought into this.” “Into what?” “You know, the whole faccade. The Valerie thing – the outfits, the tutoring, the tone, the whole look. Pigtails were a cool addition, by the way, but you look better with your hair down.” Lexi smiled, and removed the hairbands. Arthur smiled back. “But yeah – I can tell, sometimes, that you’re trying to figure me out. What I like, what I don’t. You should go back to school sometime, if you ever get tired of all this. I think you’re really smart.” Lexi swayed her wide hips up to him and kissed him sweetly, like she was flattered. She wondered if the real Valerie had felt like this, seen how weak he was, felt the same disdain for him. “I’d like to go back someday.” “What were you studying?” “I was pre-med. I was going to be a doctor. I got straight A’s on my exams last semester.” It was the first time she’d ever been able to brag about that to someone. For one brief moment, Lexi felt proud. Then she got booby-honked by a horny pervert who’d paid a thousand dollars to fuck a bimbo version of his high school crush, a girl she’d known and hated. He smiled. Lexi could practically feel his crush growing in him, felt it as a growth in her capacity to bleed his bank account dry for Kendra. She smiled back, as Kendra would want her to. “That’s awesome! Wow, what’s keeping you from going for it?” “Oh, just the money. College is just so expensive, you know?” “I see, I see. So that’s why you do… all this.” “Well don’t get me wrong – I love my job,” she lied, “and it’s crazy fun getting to play with you. Still, maybe someday, I’ll be able to afford to go back to school.” “Well hey, if it helps…” He got out his wallet, and over her feigned protests, handed her $500. In cash. Which meant this idiot had walked into a whorehouse with an amount of bills that would get him robbed and killed in many such establishments. Lexi broadcast gratitude, hugging him tightly and giving him another grateful kiss. “And just wait until you see how thankful Valerie is next week.” She winked. “I can’t wait.” He squeezed her butt, and she sighed happily. “Straight A’s… way too smart to waste on this life.” She ignored the implied insult and kissed him goodbye, urging him to come back and see her – and his valley girl – again soon, then made her notes in his file while they were fresh. With the worshipful way he’d been regarding her, she would have bet that telling him the truth of her being here would have been enough to convince this poor schlub to put his all into rescuing her. Kendra would crush him, of course, but the certainty of his defeat wasn’t what kept her from telling him. Thanks to the drugs, and what they’d done to her, she didn’t even want to tell him. All she wanted was to trudge through her miserable, degrading, depraved, whorish, pointless dead-end existence. Because that was what was best for Kendra. Too smart for this? She’d walked open-eyed into this trap, knowing full well the risks. Hell, she’d even done to Jana exactly what Kendra had done to her without even considering the woman might be up to something similar. No, Lexi was right where her stupidity had justly brought her. She set to washing the cum off of her, and began to get ready for her next client.