Magnus emerged from the boisterous men's locker room, his presence immediately commanding attention from the other patrons of Bulges Gym. A colossus among wolves, he stood head and shoulder over the other gym goers, a dark-furred Adonis pelted in thick black fur with golden accents. His powerful arms swung, an undersized white muscle shirt strapped across flexing pectoral just enough to cover his thick black nips. A golden, brassy explosion of fur across his chest dipped into that shirt, emerging down beneath it, just at his revealed navel, as it snaked across his taut belly and then down into the poor, straining blue nylon of the wolf's overburdened gym shorts. There was a running bet, daily, as to whether or not the wolf's shorts would last his entire workout. They rarely lasted a full week, and Magnus had taken to buying the cheap flimsy shorts in bulk rather than contend with the cost of maintaining fabric that was simply not build for a wolf of his strength and stature. His current pair was on day three, and they were already fighting valiantly to encompass the sheer mass of his endowments, with a thick curve of soft, flaccid cock pressed tautly against the shining fabric. The stitching along the pouch was already yielding, and coarse black fur was jutting out through the exposed seam on either side of the huge package. The fabric simply couldn't handle two vectors of tension; the thick bulk of sheath pushing forward, and the dense, oblong bulges of the wolf's titanic testes pushing downwards. Magnus' prized testicles were each the size and roughly the shape of a mango, the left one hanging down loosely under the right, both of them seeming too tightly gripped to be comfy to the big stud wolf. Magnus was used to being crammed into too-small packages, though. At least it kept his balls from getting caught in the gym equipment. Big Stud Magnus sauntered through the crowd of treadmill-jockeys, kettlebell squatters and butterfly press bunnies, slapping a bull on the ass as he did lifts, ruffling up the head fur of a fox as they did bicep curls. He enjoyed the peeks that the other gym goers were giving him, he enjoyed how they tried to hide their stares by pretending to look at their phones. He knew the soft 'clicking' sounds of camera shutters as people attempted to subtly capture some fuel for their spank banks for later. "Damn, Magnus," he heard from the throng of cardio freaks panting away on the treadmills to his left. "How do you even walk with all that shmeat stuffed in your shorts?" The jest almost covered the awe. Almost. The envy hung in the air as the question allowed others, those pretending not to have noticed, the chance to stare between the wolf's legs. He turned towards his admirers, resting his fists on his hips and puffing out his chest with a toothy grin. "Carefully," he said with a wink, his voice deep and rich and bassy, warm with an easy going friendliness. He was not ashamed of the obviousness of his masculinity; it was merely a part of him, and deserved all of the attention and admiration that the rest of him deserved as well. People loved his bulge. He could feel it, when he entered the gym, it just seemed like everyone perked up, started working harder, sweating and panting. Perhaps it was to catch his attention, or perhaps it was just his body inspiring them to push themselves further in their own journeys of physical perfection. It didn't really matter, but the end result was that Magnus was the unofficial mascot of the gym, the ambassador of peak health that was always available for the others to use. Magnus strode past the free weights, giving head nods and fist bumps to the faces he recognized, and friendly whoops of encouragement to those he didn't. He was going to start his own reps in a bit, but he wanted to make sure that everyone else was getting along and pushing themselves before he started really sweating. He found a damsel in distress at the free weights, as expected. Hooves was a zebracorn - a unicorn with the markings of a zebra. He wasn't as tall as many of the other equines at the gym, his build focused more on sleekness and agility than brute strength, and it seemed he was always over extending, biting off more than he could chew as he struggled to bulk up. "Hooves, what is this?" Magnus teased, as he strolled up to the equine. Hooves was straining, each of his stripes curved, flexing as he pushed at the bar that was clearly overloaded. The zebra's hooves were on the ground as he laid back on the bench, and the shirtless equine's chest and arms were bulging with exertion. "You know you can't handle that much weight. Especially without a spotter. Do I need to spank you?" Hooves grunted, as the wolf slipped into position at the head of the machine, his voice tinged with annoyance. "I'm a unicorn, Magnus, I can do whatever the fuck I want." He whickered as he felt his head nudged to the side, the wolf's thigh bumping against his horn as he settled into place. "Dude, watch the horn!" "Oh, right, sorry Hooves," Magnus chuckled, as he lifted his leg up to better straddle the unicorn's head. "I'm always forgetting that that thing is actually there. I keep thinking it's your dick." Hooves blushed, his cheeks reddening as the wolf's thighs loomed over his head, the wolf's huge bulge dangling directly over his eyes. He could see the massive bulge of the wolf's nuts, stretching the fabric taut, demanding to tear free and hang loosely between his legs. "Not cool, predator. You know it's against the rules to make jokes about... about predation at the gym. Friendly work out environment and everything." "Yeah, I know, but I also know that you regenerate your junk, like... a lot. Remember last month? That lion in the sauna?" "He said he wanted to swallow me meat, I had no idea he was going to be literal," Hooves protested, as the wolf's hands lifted up on the bar slightly, giving the unicorn just enough of a reprieve to begin his workouts. He huffed as he pushed the weight up, and enjoyed the strain as he lowered it again. "Uh huh. And the bear in the hot tub the month prior?" Magnus teased, shifting his feet further apart to better center his weight, helping the zebracorn with his weights. The stripes along his chest and belly were always pleasant to watch as they shifted over the muscles underneath. "He... said he wanted to .... get my rocks off... and I was horny...." Hooves protested. Magnus' bulge was suddenly closer, and the unicorn's snout rubbed against the underside of that straining blue nylon. It was ... warm. Solid. He groaned, his own red trainers bulging as his black horse cock began to extend out of his sheath. It wasn't something he could really help, the warm, pleasant musk of the wolf was intoxicating. "You're ALWAYS horny, Hooves," Magnus teased. He could feel the zebra's breath against the underside of his package, and he knew that the zebra wanted a piece of him. His eyes flitted to the zebracorn's shorts, where a couple inches of horse dick was jutting out of one leg, laying on the bench between the silly equine's thighs. "Oh, jeez, seriously? You're throwing wood?" Hooves always threw wood, when Magnus helped him, and Magnus enjoyed teasing him about it. "It's not my fault... your balls smell so good," Hooves complained, pausing before starting his next ref and rubbing his wide nostrils along the underside of those heavy dangling balls. "When are you gonna let me have some of them? You know I've been on my best behavior..." "That means nothing, coming from you," Magnus laughed. "And you know I'm off limits. Alex owns my cock and balls, and he doesn't share." "He should," Hooves pouted. He resumed his workout, but as he strained his chest and arms, he also craned his neck, pushing more insistently against the wolf's nuts. "Your musk is so intoxicating, I need you to give me a hot injection of your virility. It's for my gains, that's all! It's not cheating if it's for gains. Just ask him." "Uh huh, I'm sure that if he wasn't on a month long business trip that he'd be happy to come in and have a talk with you about it," Magnus teased. He rolled his hips slowly, rubbing his nuts against the squirming zebra's snout. It was harmless fun, really. Lots of guys seemed to be inspired with the scent of the wolf's potent manhood on their cheeks. Being scent marked by Magnus was a badge of honor, really. "What, Alex isn't even in town and you're still playing hard to get?" Hooves pretended to be offended. "You're just jerking off at home? WHen you could be using me as a fleshlight?" "Pfft, not even. I like saving up. It's been three weeks since I last got off. Saving up for Alex is fun, and, I like the way it makes my groin feel so... heavy. Thick. Puffy." Magnus let out a growl, grinding down more insistently against the zebra's snout. Hooves was unabashedly erect now, nearly two feet of black horse dick pinned against the inside of his leg, throbbing and leaking as the stallion grunted and huffed wolf musk. "You should try it, sometime. The not getting off, I mean." "I think I will," Hooves said. His mind was in turmoil, the ripe spice of Magnus' groin infusing his brain with the delicious, dizzying rush of poppers crossed with incense. He had always wanted Magnus, but this was just obscene, that he was just blatantly offering himself like this but refusing to let Hooves have a piece. It wasn't fair. Hooves only realized what he was doing, as he did it. He tilted his brow down, and angled his horn upwards, so that the length of it goosed up against the wolf's taint. A surge of glittering, sparkling unicorn magic pulsed up the length of it, from the crown of his skull and down that polished, twisting length, surging up directly into the wolf's perineum. Magnus stiffened as he felt a tingle surge through his groin, infusing quickly into his spine and up into his brain. The metal weight was slotted into place on the bench, not a moment too soon, as Magnus stopped responding for a moment. His body slouched, tail wagging slowly, the tip brushing along the floor. The wolf's eyes glazed over. The wolf's tongue lolled out the left side of his mouth, his arms releasing the secured bar and falling limp at his sides, and the growing spot of precum that was already staining the front of his underwear blossomed, widening into a large stain. Magnus, Hooves knew, would have no idea that he was suddenly precumming - or that his cock was uncoiling, the pinned hose struggling to stiffen in its tight elastic prison. Hooves knew just how to help with that, though. "What's wrong, Magnus? Cat got your tongue?" Hooves teased. He shouldn't have zonked the big wolf, he knew that, but he DID zonk him, and, well, that was that. The wolf's brain was suppressed, as fey unicorn magic created an illusion in the wolf's mind, giving him the idea that he was still helping Hooves with his exercise. The big wolf was partially here, and partially in a world of his own imagination. What this meant, in a purely practical way, was that Hooves was finally, finally going to get his hands on that forbidden wolf meat. "Come on, big guy, let's get you out of these," Hooves coo'd, his voice warm velvet against the wolf's subdued senses. He knew that Magnus could hear him, but in the way you could hear a television playing while you were taking a nap. It was there, in the background, but not something worth thinking about or listening to. He reached up, to cup against the warm bulk of the wolf's precum-staind bulge, groaning in lust as he got to feel the big stud's manhood. Oh, his balls were packed, and even if they didn't feel bloated and dense and hard and ripe against his palms, he could feel the masculine vim that they were absolutely stuffed full of, all that latent sexuality that hadn't been able to be drained off in several weeks. How could anyone expect Hooves not to have his fill of such an intoxicating treat? Magnus had nobody to blame for what Hooves was going to do to him, except himself, the cocky pent up bastard. The zebra's palms kneaded and shifted against the soft fabric. Hooves wanted those balls, not the bulge, but he could tell with how tight the leg of the gym shorts were stretched around the lupine's colossal thighs that there was no way they were going to slip out the normal way. His fingers traced along the straining, stretched seams of the blue nylon, instead. That was all it took, really. With the wolf's cock thickening, and the even-larger bulk of his pent up testicles, the shorts failed. The seam that connected the bulge of his shorts to the left thigh yielded, unzipping abruptly, and lifted up and away with the bulk of a cock that strained to erect. With nothing cupping under his balls, Magnus' huge mangoes flopped free. Hooves gasped in delight at the sheer weight of the heavy balls, as they flopped across his snout. His nostrils were abruptly covered by the warm, tacky, sharp musked back of the wolf's naked skinned scrotum, and the mangoes slid on either side, resting along the sides of his snout and along his lips. He could feel the weight of both, pushing together, and as he opened his mouth the scrotum flossed between his lips, between his teeth, cutting down on to his tongue. They were so heavy, even for their size. How could a wolf’s testicles be so dense? Hooves reached to press his palms against the naked scrotum itself, feeling the heat of the testicles against his skin as he pressed his paws against each one directly. He ground them against his cheeks, groaning as he pushed the balls upwards, rubbing them against the bridge of his snout. The left one was noticeably larger, the rounded egg extending just a bit further along his fingers than the right, though they were both so impressively large. Hooves had played with a lot of males, including bulls and dragons, and these might be the biggest ones he had had the chance to handle, certainly proportionately. It made him so hard, knowing that he could do whatever he wanted with these magnificent specimens. He turns his head, his soft lips puckering to kiss and slurp against the wolf's heavy left testicle. He stuffed with his palm, pushing it against his lips, feeling the pressure of the wide bulk against his smooth teeth. They were so firm, so densely packed and ripe. Hooves couldn't help but think of them as the mangoes that they rivaled in size. Juicy, swollen, fleshy but with a solid pit. He opened his mouth wider, and shoehorned the left nut in. His lips stretched, tight around the bulk of the underside of the wolf's gland, and he suckled on it wantonly. Hooves was hard, now, his shaft jutting, oozing slick precum against the side of his knee. Magnus was drooling, too - his cock was partially unfurled, still stuck in a downwards bulging curve along the ruptured crotch of his gym shorts, but precum was drooling in thick syrupy strands from the end of that bulge, and into the folds of the stretched neck of the wolf's generous scrotum. His flat teeth grazed the tender skin, the sheer size of the orb overwhelming his oral capacity. A low moan reverberated through his throat, vibrations of raw desire pulsating against the wolf’s sensitive flesh. Magnus remained a statue above him, muscles rippling unconsciously, lost in the depths of his trance. Hooves could do anything to Magnus, right now. Each attempt sent shivers coursing through the big wolf’s frame, precum beading like jewels along the fabric stretched around his throbbing length, yet no sign of comprehension crossed his blissfully vacant expression. He stood there, towering and magnificent, surrendering his most prized assets to the zebracorn's insatiable hunger without so much as a twitch of protest. Hooves savored every ounce of flesh that he managed to cram between his straining lips. These balls were so vulnerable, so potent but so tender. He could rip the wolf's balls from his body, or lay them on top of a gym machine's weights, and drop them on top. He could ruin them. Crush them. Splatter them. The more he thought about just how vulnerable the massive eggs were, the more excited he was getting. Hooves couldn't get more than half of it in his mouth, the huge nut wedged firmly between his jaws, his teeth pressing firmly into the hard, solid flesh. He clenched his jaws, grinding them together. It was like trying to bite a gobstopper in half. The hot flesh was as solid as a rock between his dull, flat teeth. He grunted, breath streaming from his nose, and let his jaws relax. He could crush them into paste, if he wanted to. But, as much as he savored this feeling of power over the huge handsome wolf, the compulsion to dominate and destroy was far, far outweighed by the need to pleasure, and supplicate. He didn't have to destroy. He could savor. Empowered by the heavy scent of masculinity and the lack of response from his hypnotized workout partner, Hooves's mouth became a sanctuary for Magnus's massive orbs. The zebracorn’s tongue danced across the tender skin, tracing the contours of the swollen testicles with an almost reverent attention to detail. Each gentle tug and pull of his lips sent vibrations through the weighty sac, the sensation juxtaposed against the strain of iron he pressed above him. As he pushed the barbell upwards, his jaw worked tirelessly, relishing in the forbidden texture of his companion's manhood. Hooves was in his element, emboldened by the silence that hung between them—a silence punctuated only by the clink of metal and the moist sounds of indulgence. His flat teeth grazed against the sensitive flesh, his tongue scouring against the soft, smooth, tacky flesh of the scrotum. The skin was soft and thin, stretched for so long, so tightly around the oversized egg inside it. Hooves felt the weight of the barbell burning in the muscles of his chest, his arms, as he pushed weights while he suckled on Magnus' nut like a teat. "Looks like you've bitten off more than you can chew, Hooves," a masculine voice crooned out from nearby. Hooves opened his eyes again, the bright overhead lights glaring in his eyes as they refocused on the other gym goer who was standing next to Hooves, grinning down at him. The gray and white furred wolf was smirking down at Hooves, his arms folded, but the zebracorn could see that he was holding an iPhone in his right hand. clik. Meeper. The wolf was groping himself with his other hand, kneading his own package as he took more glamor shots of the handsome zebra fawning over Magnus' nut. "You like that, slut? You like the taste of a real man in your mouth?" Hooves loved it. He didn't bother to stop chewing, kneading the heavy egg between his teeth. If anything, knowing that Meeper was jealously watching all the attention Magnus was getting spurred him on, and he slurped wetly at the heavy egg. His wide equine tongue stroked out, scraping drooling precum from the soft flesh, and then he pulled his lips back, so that the other wolf could watch those thick, dull teeth sink into the flesh of Magnus nut. "Jesus, Magnus, he's really going to town on you..." Meeper said. He stroked his own bulge, his fingers curling around a thick slab of meat, and he shook his head in appreciation. "You aren't even phased? Damn, what a stud. I'd be howling if a dude was treating my nuts like bubble gum." Hooves considered telling Meeper about his little secret, but decided against it. Let Meeper wonder just how into having his nuts pulped Magnus actually was. Hooves was willing to share, after all. There was more than enough Magnus to go around. For now, though, Hooves was keeping the big wolf stud, just for himself. "Well, better hurry up," Meeper said. He reached down, crouching to grip Hooves' cock and giving it a single slow, firm squeeze. "You know Carmella is on duty, and she'll slice your nuts off herself if she catches y'all fucking around like this." The wolf's grip was firm, and Hooves glans distended down, crushed between strong fingers before inflating back up. Meeper took another pic, then put his phone away. He watched for a moment longer, then sauntered away, a thick ridge of an erection jutting down his own pants leg. Hooves was fine with getting caught by Carmella. He was not fine with letting Magnus out of his mouth. Each graze of enamel against tender skin sent tremors through Hooves' body, his arousal mounting by the second. The heavy scent of Magnus's masculinity filled his nostrils, a heady perfume that stoked the flames of his desire. As he embraced the iron load above, pushing his muscular form to its limits, the threat of truly taking a bite, of feeling the wolf's prized possessions pulp beneath his strength, sent a shiver up his spine. The fantasy consumed him, a crescendo of carnal craving. In his mind's eye, he envisioned the act, the savage joy of rending flesh between his teeth. He could feel the big stud's nut just pulping, rupturing across his tongue, spilling it's load. Hooves had that power over him. He could deny the world from ever being able to partake in Magnus' powerful masculinity, ever again. Shit, he could just do it, here and now. He could castrate Magnus. The thought alone was enough to push him over the edge, and without warning, his control snapped like an overstretched rubber band. Hooves gasped, his body tensing, every muscle fiber standing out in stark relief against his striped hide. With a guttural groan that echoed throughout the gym, his two-foot black horse cock twitched violently. In a volcanic eruption of release, his seed jetted forth, splattering across the padded bench seat, streaks of white coating the touch blue vinyl in a testament to his overwhelming climax. As he came, he bit down, feeling his teeth sink into the hard flesh. Not through it, but pressing in, bruising the flesh. Fuck, even crushing his jaws together at full strength, he was barely able to dent the big ball. Magnus' potent virility was nearly indestructible. Nearly. But Hooves was a unicorn, and he could find a way. WOULD... find a way. The stallion's cock twitched, pulsing thick, musky loads out onto the bench, as Magnus' gazed across the room up above. His thoughts pleasantly thick, rolling through molasses, as the squirming equine between his legs came from chewing on one of his balls. Around them, the world of grunts and groans continued, weights clanking and treadmills whirring with the thumps of dozens of runners. Hooves, panting and spent, slackened his grip on the barbell, his chest heaving as he savored the afterglow of his powerful orgasm. Magnus stood above, still lost in his trance, his own potent sexuality undiminished even as his companion reveled in the aftermath of ecstasy. The air hung heavy with the scent of their combined virility, a silent witness to the raw, unrestrained dance of masculine energy that had just played out. "I think you need to go to the showers," Hooves heard. A feline voice. Female, and growling more than purring. Fuck. His shaft throbbed one last time, and he winced as he felt the sagging length of it rest in his own slimy puddle. No doubt it was spread all down the length of the bench and a foot or two beyond it, a white musky puddle of zebra cum. Magnus hadn't cum, not yet, though his trapped dick had managed to push the crotch bulge up and was now jutting upwards at full attention, slick with drooling, oozing, syrupy precum. It twitched, knotted and ready to sink into a warm, gripping hole, ready to spurt it's seed. Of course, Magnus wasn't going to cum, not until Hooves told him to, that was the power of fey magic like his. "Carmella," the zebra said, spitting the mouthful of nut out. It swung down, resting on his horn, on the other side of his brother. The sudden tug of weight brough the wolf's cock down with a slap against his nose, splashing him with cooling precum across his cheek and brow. "I, um.." "You just came all over my weight bench. Pick up your shit and go to the showers, now, or I'm going to have a zebra rub decorating the back of my Jeep." the panthress said. She was slim, trim, tight and muscular. Her thick pelt accented the curves, but did nothing to soften her. "Yes, of course, sorry Carmella," Hooves murmured. He paused, realizing that if he sat up, he would break the spell he had on Magnus, which was based on being in physical contact with him. So, he focused for a brief moment, sending a command into the wolf's body, a command module that would set the wolf's mind into place, should he hear the words. "I'll clean this up-" "No, get to the showers. I can't believe you, Hooves, how many times are you going to have sex in my gym? Do you want to get banned?" "You can't ban me, you know I'm too good for your business," Hooves said, standing up. He didn't bother trying to tuck himself away; the length of his cock made that impossible. It hung down, along the inside of his leg, still drooling cum. "This wasn't.. planned though. I just couldn't help it." "Uh huh, you aren't the first to try to get it on with Magnus," Carmella said, as she pushed at the wolf's shoulder. Magnus followed Hooves, the wolf's eyes still glassy, still grinning that goofy smile with his cock ragingly hard. "But this is the first time I've seen him respond. Jesus, Magnus, aren't you married?" Magnus turned his head to her, staring at her with a vaguely quizzical look, as Hooves quickly reached over and grasped his dick by the knot, leading him towards the showers. "Magnus just needed to help inspire me to push my limits, Carmella. He's fine, Alex is fine, we're all fine. I'll... I'll fill you in with the details after I clean up. Sorry! Tah!" The zebra paused, to make sure that Magnus was still deep in the zonk. He was. The wolf followed Hooves into the showers, not seeming to notice, or care, that his blatant erection was being shown off to everyone in the changing areas. "First, let's strip you down the rest of the way. Sorry about your shorts, bud, but..." Hooves gestured, helplessly. "Actually, I'm not. I know you wear flimsy shorts just to show off your huge package. You had it coming." The zebra chastised the wolf, as he helped peel the shirt up over his thick chest, and then pulled the ruined shorts down his powerful thighs. Magnus hardly registered the removal of his shorts, nor the cool tile under his paws as Hooves guided him into an open shower stall. Water cascaded over them both, the droplets merging with the precum that adorned the wolf's hefty length. But Magnus felt only the echo of arousal, his body betraying him with its eager response while his mind floated in a serene void, unmoored from reality. He was aware, vaguely, that he was being handled, but there was nothing in his mind that responded to that awareness. It was something to deal with later. The water from the shower head was not immediately warm, as it shot out and cascaded down Magnus' side, belly and thighs. The cold water would have snapped anyone out of their reverie, but the big wolf kept staring forward at the far wall, his sense of self drifting further and further away even as Hooves' paws slid against his belly, stroking the water through the fur. His length hung down, naked, with the warming water sluicing down it's length. It should have been retracting from the cold wetness, but instead it was extending, thickening and lowering as blood rushed to it. Despite not quite being aware of what Hooves was doing, every touch of the unicorn against his flesh was electric, and his soggy fur bristled with goosebumps at the caress of fingers against the warm flesh of his inner thighs. His nipples tightened as the unicorn cupped up between those soggy thighs, feeling at last the weight of those two large, ovoid eggs between them. "I've been wanting to do this for months, Magnus," Hooves teased, knowing that the wolf wasn't going to respond. The unicorn's experienced hands explored the sheer size and bulk of the contours of Magnus' testicles, fingers tracing along the gold and black fuzz that adorned them as the water of the shower heated up around them. Steam billowed from the stall, as Hooves knelt down, his sensitive nose close to the sweet-musk'd length of the wolf's cock as it thickened and firmed up into the air in front of him. Hooves was reverent as he gently kneaded, palpating the heavy eggs, one per palm, fingers stretched but unable to fully wrap around the massive testes. Such an indulgence. "Alex is one lucky husky, but Alex is away, and I just can't bear to think that all this fresh wolf seed is going to waste. So I think that, for here and now, anyways, you're going to be mine, instead." 1. Hooves has full focus on magnus’ nuts; he's not as horny now so he can focus on really worshipping them. He checks for damage on the one he was chewing one but it's fine, maybe slightly puffy/heated is all 2. gets the first one down, then the second, but this takes time and straining exertion to accomplish 3. that big cock is last, and it pushes/stretches the balls further down his throat - maybe some focus on how far they're stretched and the way the cords are tight 4. once the knot is between Hooves lips, Magnus cums 1. is this natural, or does hooves cause him to cum with a mental command? 5. Emphasis on the amount that magnus cums - fuill stomach, etc. 1. this takes a long time, ten minutes or so 6. panthress shows up as he's disgorging and demands to know what's going on 7. hooves explains the zonk - the command words, and the power of it 8. panthress complains about magnus being such a big dumb friendly hunk, a himbo, that everyone in the gym wants to bed but he's so damned monogamous 9. she decides to let hooves off with a warning, but in exchange he has to leave her alone with magnus, to work off some frustrations 10. hooves says sure, but not yet, he's not finished. She agrees and leaves. 11. short black panthress rough sauna scene 12. Wakes him by sucking, he enjoys it until he's awake and then tries to leave (politely) 13. then commands him to roughly fuck her, to feel all that wolf on top of her 14. I think her mind set should be that all males(straight,bi,gay) exist for her pleasure 15. he ties with her and bloats her with all that alpha cum while zonked 16. (later) Magnus fucking hooves doggy style in Magnus/Alex bed. 17. Hooves reach back and under bands Magnus. 18. Cuts sack sticks snout in sack like a feed bag and devours while 19. grinding and pulping the balls between grazer teeth, ruining them and gradually grinding the whole pouch off 20. Magnus knots him wasting the last of his virile seed. 21. hooves pulls his cock out of the sheath, and then pulls it out o f his ass to devour? 22. afterwards, his stomach bloated, he cuddles with magnus and feels out the ruined, emasculated groin, wondering if he should unzonk him or leave him to sleep it off until the morning 23. alex comes home...?