The Wizard Chapter Three Just another night at The Abyss, trolling for ass at my favorite club. Sure, there was a nice bar for ladies who liked ladies – like myself – only a few blocks off. That was just too easy though. Tonight, I was hoping for a challenge, even if it was self-imposed one. After all, if I used all my talents, I’d have some pretty young thang diving between my legs with a few words and a gesture. You see, I’m a sorceress. A reasonably capable one, at that. But when it comes to my personal life, though, I like to play by the book. More or less. Sure, I’d come in with my headband of charisma and a disguise self to add a few cute cosmetic quirks (hiding the headband, for one, and I’d always found real glitter was such a chore to get off). But I was going to earn it tonight. If there’s one thing I couldn’t stand, it’s the endless hordes of horny geekboy wizards who picked up first level spells, learned how to charm person, and retired contentedly to prey on helpless commoners. Don’t get me wrong – when I’m on the job, there’s no holds barred. Fireballs, invisibility, the occasional clairaudience/clairvoyance to gather some intel… I didn’t pick my spells stupidly, and if I’d taken a few niche selections, they were more than made up for by a strong core complement. That was for work, though. In my personal life, I just didn’t see the point of living if all that meant was walking around taking advantage of people. Ugh, like this jerk, for instance. I rolled my eyes at the swaggering douche canoe who’d just strode in, a floozy on each arm. He wasn’t a bad-looking guy, but the girls with him were absolute knockouts. One babe like that would have announced he thought his shit didn’t stink; two was like saying it reeked to high heaven but he didn’t give a fuck about our olfactory sensitivity. One was a big-titted babe poured into the skimpiest little tube top red minidress, decked out in big sparkly earrings that had to be zirconium, her nipples visible from across the room. The other was an even bigger-titted blonde who couldn’t possibly be old enough for a place like this. She might not be old enough for rated R movies, for fuck’s sake. She was only wearing two things, and the first was a smile that was so obviously fake that it almost distracted me from the other, a slutty cheerleader costume that only added to her jailbait look. Pigtails? Seriously? I wasn’t the only one who noticed them. Even in a place like The Abyss, two babes like that stood out, especially with one of them wearing a fucking costume. I doubted many of them even noticed the guy sandwiched smugly in between them. They sauntered right on over to the bar, on the opposite side from me thankfully. I wanted nothing to do with this prick. (Or any prick, for that matter.) Then we both went back to doing our thing. I danced on a few girls, made a little headway; if one of their wingwomen hadn’t intervened, I might’ve even snagged the little minx. Meanwhile, Richguy McCradlerobber sipped at $25 drinks as he fended off the paws of one of his giggling tramps, while helping himself to ample feels on the cheerleader. He seemed oblivious to the contempt she was barely masking for him. Only then – we made eye contact. He caught me looking and waved me over. I shot him a look that, had I spoken the magic words, would have literally set him on fire, and continued my prowling. Evidently I needed to work on my bitch-face, because as I made my way back to the bar a bit later, the bartender handed me a margarita and told me it was from the gentleman across the way. I looked over, and sure enough, there douchey-pants was raising his glass to me in that creepy way guys like him seem to think girls like me find charming. (P.S. We don’t.) I was all set to ignore it when something caught my eye. A minute look of concentration on his face, followed by a robotic-looking wave from the cheerleader. The ditzy one just giggled like it was all hysterical, even though it plainly wasn’t. To anyone else, it would’ve just been some guy and a couple prostitutes. To the trained eye, however… I concentrated on my own permanent detect magic – a present from my fairy god mother a couple Halloweens back – and aimed it at the three of them. Holy shit on a shocker lizard. The guy himself was nothing special, but the girls… The cheerleader had a dominate person on her, good and firm – that would explain the grudging look, her tolerant demeanor. Something else too – some kind of polymorph effect? Maybe what had turned her into such a little sex pot. The other was under a charm monster instead (of course – charm person would be too humanizing for his pocket bimbo), so she no doubt had days of this ahead of her as well. Plenty of time for him to get her back to his lair. Worse, her earrings were something too, but I wasn’t close enough to get a good look. So much for taking the night off. I smiled my fakest smile, happy as ever that Bluff was a class skill, and raised my drink back to him. His eyes sparkled to see his cheap ploy work, and I figured I’d just head on over and sort this out nice and quick. Get him alone, fuck up his world, let these poor skanks loose – then back to the dance floor. My pussy was dangerously under-eaten, damnit. “Heya, big spender,” I cooed as I settled into the seat Cheerleader had vacated for me. “Thanks for the drink.” Fucking margarita, like I’m a college freshman on spring break preparing to get fucked by some frat guy from Chicago faking an exotic accent. He nodded. “Thanks for the view. You are a sight, I must say.” I smiled, biding my time until I could start dispelling like a boss. “Oh, this old thing?” I did a little twirl, my skirt flaring up fetchingly, just enough to tantalize without giving away the farm. “Do you strip?” he asked. I spat out a mouthful of margarita. “Excuse me?!” “Um, like, he said, ‘Do. You. Strip,’” Charmed Girl explained, enunciating carefully. “No, no I don’t,” I responded to her. “And I think I’ve already endured just about enough of this.” I scowled, preparing a burst of abjuration to start liberating his trophy bitches. My hand barely twitched before he spoke a single word. Holy shit, was that…?!?!? I started dancing. Not just dancing, but wiggling, swaying my hips, cocking them side to side in time with the rhythm, spinning to grind my butt against his crotch. An irresistible dance. Just fucking perfect. The nearby bar patrons grinned as I put his hands over my tits, smiling indulgently for him. Enjoy it while it lasts, you fucker – you’ve got at best about eighteen more seconds before this bullshit wears off and I fuck up your world. I flipped up my skirt to show my thong, rubbing my bare butt cheeks on his crotch in a little circular motion. “OMG, Dustin,” said Cheerleader, “this bitch is like a total slore, right?” I know it wasn’t her fault, but I still wanted to slap her (assuming “slore” meant what I guessed it did). Instead, I gave my lips a sensual lick and leaned my head back to kiss along Dustin’s neck. Charmed just giggled and rubbed herself on Dustin from behind. All right now. In five, four, three, two, one… I spun, but not to claw his eyes out. Instead, I started grinding my pussy up and down his leg. What the hell? Irresistible dance definitely didn’t have a level-based duration. Twelve to thirty seconds was it. It was fucking scary enough this bastard could pull off a spell like that – could he have splurged on a full-on Extend Spell version? I started another thirty-second count to see, swallowing my pride as he started walking off towards The Abyss’s back rooms as I whirled and shimmied and jiggled along behind him and my co-victims. All the while I tried to force my will against it, but it was just too powerful. I wasn’t some first level commoner with a -1 Will save who could be bullied by any hedge wizard with his wand of hypnotism. This… this was power the like of which I’d not encountered before. I danced along behind him, well aware we were moving into the VIP rooms, where the connected came to do drugs, fuck prostitutes, and who knew what else. The bouncer let us by, his sunglasses hiding whatever his eyes would have revealed about my whorish behavior. The guy – Dustin, the one girl had called him – found himself a little booth and settled into a seat. “I thought you said you don’t strip?” he asked mockingly. “I’M GOING TO STRIP THE SKIN OFF OF YOUR FUCKING FACE YOU SON OF A BITCH!” I screamed. Or wanted to, anyway. In actuality, my mouth only opened into a pouty little “O” shape as I began the process of stripping out of my dress. “She’s, like, crazy sexy! Wow, I think her boobies might be almost as nice as yours, Tera.” “Totes my goats, Jes!” gushed Tera, who Dustin was evidently commanded to hoist up her cheerleading top to invite comparison. Damn she was stacked. I had what I liked to think was a nice medium-sized set, a pair of C cups that diet, exercise and a +6 enhancement bonus to Charisma kept in perfect teardrop shape. Tera’s… I could only guess, but she definitely had a couple cup sizes on me, and still not a jot more sag. Then, wearing nothing but my thong, I was straddling her lap, our four hard nipples rubbing against each other sensually. I inwardly projected empathy for the girl as she was forced to coo her delight, her fingers sinking into my naked ass like talons. I just squirmed into her grip, letting her squeeze my butt as she lowered her mouth to suck on my left breast. If this was all he wanted, I almost didn’t mind. This bitch was insanely hot. Before long, Dustin had had enough of that particular show and the compulsion filled me to move over to Jes, leaving a panting, authentically aroused cheerleader in my wake. “Play nice now, Jes darling,” he prompted, and Jes just blushed as I undulated my hips in front of her. “Your butt is like uber hot,” she exclaimed as I twerked in her face. It sure ought to be, for the thirty-six grand that headband had set me back. “Spank her,” Dustin said. I never stopped dancing as that mind-fucked bimbo smacked the living hell out of my ass. She oohed and aahed and giggled and tittered as she tanned by backside, my lily white butt burning crimson as I grabbed my ankles and performed some choice stripper moves at the spell’s behest. Tera joined in by the end, the two of them taking turns on me as I lay across Dustin’s lap, my back arched hard to present myself. Then I resumed dancing for them. By now, I was so lost to the pain and the arousal and the bizarre nature of it all that I wasn’t even resisting any more. I was on my knees, bending backwards with my head nearly on the floor behind me, when suddenly, the compulsion ended. I collapsed, panting to regain my breath. “What do you think, bimbos? Should we take her home with us?” Jes squealed excitedly and bounced up and down, not bothered by her tits flying every which way. Tera molded her face into a smile and nodded enthusiastically, pinching her nipples firmly. “Let’s go.” The girls knew to take hold of him, and then he squatted down and put his hand on my ankle. My mind reacted just in time – and we teleported. It was dark, wherever we wound up. There was moonlight coming in through a sliding glass door, but even with that I was practically blind. Weary from what felt like an hour of strip teasing, I still didn’t want to waste a moment of freedom, forcing my burning legs to a standing position. The moment I could see, I was going to hit this mother fucker with a trio of scorching rays that would melt a hole in his chest. Good luck casting spells when your lungs are reduced to blackened cinders, fuckstick. Deprived of sight, I focused on my hearing. The ticking of a grandfather clock’s pendulum. Jes tripping over a table and giggling. “Clutzy slutzy!” Footsteps moving across the room. Yes. Someone was going for the light switch. I winced as they turned on, squinting at the room around me. A couch. The table Jes had tripped on. Tera, sexy teeny bopper Tera, standing with a blank expression, awaiting commands. A bookshelf filled to bursting – I recognized titles from my own studies. And Dustin. That fucking prick. I felt the fire building in my palm, ready to be unleashed on him. “Hey, lady, look what I made for ya.” He pointed to the ceiling. Bluff might be a class skill, but Sense Motive sure wasn’t. Damnit it all to hell, I looked. There on the ceiling was an intricate pattern rendered in what looked to be silver foil. “Wait is that a…” Caught off guard, the magic blasted through my defenses. “Symbol of persuasion? It sure is,” Dustin confirmed, smiling. What a nice smile he had! I found myself smiling too. I dismissed the scorching ray spell, shaking the tingles out of my hand. “That was pretty clever, Dustin” I said. “Well thanks, miss… say, I don’t think I ever caught your name, pretty girl.” Aw, he thought I was pretty. Man, he was going to be pissed when he found out I’m not really into guys. “Call me Rena.” I wanted to cover myself, feeling really weirded out being in the home of a total stranger, and in front of his other bitches, wearing nothing but a lacy thong as jet black as my hair. “Rena. That’s a pretty name. Welcome to my home, Rena.” “It’s a nice place you’ve got here,” I said. “Thanks. It’s gonna be your place, at least until I get bored of you.” “Oh. That’s really sweet of you, but I actually have a job, and a life and stuff.” I didn’t want to tell him about my own magic – I was charmed, but I didn’t want to just blurt out all my secrets. At least not unless he asked, then I probably would. He was such a trustworthy guy, after all. “Nah, you’re gonna stay here. Body like that, I doubt I’ll tire of you quickly. I tell ya, now that I can finally see you outside that shit lighting in The Abyss, you’re even hotter than I thought. Kudos.” “Well you are just full of sweet words.” I poked his chest affectionately. “I hate to burst your bubble though, Dustin, but I’m actually not really into guys. We can be friends – I mean, of course we can be friends! – but you’ll be holding your breath a long time if you wait for your body to get my fires lit. Not how I roll and all.” “Oh, really? What the hell were you doing at The Abyss then? There’s a lezzy bar not two blocks away.” “I know. I just like to pick up straight girls. They’re so cute, how they get all nervous and fascinated and all. They take direction so damn well. Besides, it’s more of a challenge that way.” “Well we differ on that point. In fact, I actually like them rather easy. Isn’t that right girls?” “You know they don’t come any easier than me,” Jes promised. “Well, like, I guess it takes a little work to get me to cum, but like, if you mean getting me to fuck someone, that’s actually like super easy.” She looked to me. “Dustin’s the best boyfriend ever – he lets me fuck whoever he wants!” “Don’t you mean whoever you want…?” She cocked her head to the side. “Um, what? Why would I want to fuck someone he doesn’t want me to?” Before I could try to unpackage the stupid in that, Tera spoke up. “I snubbed Dustin in high school. He found me though all these years later and turned me into his adoring slut, gave me back my sexy young body, and tells me how I can please him at all times. He loaned me out to some of his friends who knew me back then, and I sent the videos of it to my husband because he thought it would be funny. There’s absolutely nothing I wouldn’t do to please my bae.” “Wow. That’s, uh, pretty sucky for you, I guess. Looks like you already got your hands full, eh buddy? Seriously, no offense at all – it’s just you’re not my type, Dustin. If I was gonna go for dudes, you’d be first on the list, but… sorry.” His face didn’t budge an inch, so I kept babbling apologies. “You’re a great guy, and I’d be happy to fuck your friends here.” Not really. I mean, they were still mind-controlled slaves – like I was about to be – but still. I could make sure they’d enjoy it, and it was the least I could do for my new friend was let him watch. “I’ll bet you would – they’re hot little numbers, aren’t they? Still, wouldn’t you at least let me have a little bit of fun with you?” I considered. I really didn’t want to, but I felt like a total bitch saying so. Total wrong foot to kick things off with. “Well… what’s ‘a little fun’ to you? I already did that strip tease for you, remember. Wasn’t that… fun?” “Yeah, but it just made me want more. I tell you what, let’s sit down, talk this through.” He plopped down on his couch – then patted his lap. “Oh. You want me to…” “Yeah, just sit on my lap. Nothing you haven’t already done, right?” Well, he had a point there. Still, yeesh. This was pretty slutty. I was almost naked, after all. Ah well, small price to pay to show my new best friend I cared. With a shrug, I settled myself down into his lap. Without waiting for permission, he rested his hands on my bare thighs. “Um, Dustin lovey, like, what do you want me to do? Want me to make out with Tera or something, masturbate on the kitchen table, fuck my ass with a carrot, bend over and shove–” “Just sit over there, darling. You can play your game if you want, but just keep quiet,” Dustin interjected. Jes nodded and sat down on a nearby armchair, and almost immediately began playing with herself, as if just the sight of Dustin turned her on too much not to. I saw his brow furrow slightly as he issued Tera a mental command, and she fell to her knees and crawled over in front of him. He lifted up his feet and rested them on her back. “OMG. Thank you for making me useful, bae,” she said. I shifted, feeling awkward at doing nothing for these poor girls. “So that was your girlfriend, huh? That’s a pretty hot girl…” “… for a guy like me, you mean?” Dustin laughed. “I might’ve made a few adjustments. We were dating for four months before I finally just decided to… improve her.” “Six months, actually,” Jes corrected, not breaking rhythm as she slowly circled her clit with her index finger. “I’m sorry, it sounded like you were trying to think for me, Jes. Tell me, what six plus zero, times one, to the first power?” Jes giggled. “First power? Um, like… you? You’re the most powerful guy I know, for sure!” “Right. Maybe let me do the thinking then, all right Ditzy?” He rolled his eyes, looking back to me. To my breasts, anyway. “Damn, these are just incredible.” He helped himself to a handful, kneading at my boobs like they were toys he was eager to try out. I didn’t stop him – not yet. “Say, don’t you already have a girlfriend? Like… ten feet away? And another one under your feet?” “Tera? My girlfriend? Ha, she wishes. She’s just my little fuck toy. Right, Tera?” “You know it, bae! Maybe someday though, right? Now that I’ve stopped being such a selfish little cunt?” Dustin ignored her response. “See, so just the one girlfriend, and one fuck toy. Plus whoever else I feel like sticking it in from day to day.” “Um, yeah. So you don’t really need another one, right?” “Another what? Fuck toy, or girlfriend?” he asked as he leaned in, rubbing his face between my boobs. “Um… either?” I really didn’t like being used like a piece of meat, but damnit, I knew full well how charm person worked, and I knew that he was a trusted, intimate associate now. At least until the spell wore off. Yet even knowing it was temporary didn’t make me any less enamored of this wonderful guy. “Well you have to pick one or the other,” he said, his voice muffled by my cleavage. “I do? There’s no option C?” I tried to steady my voice as he sucked a nipple into his mouth. With nothing else to do without being rude, I sat by, watching Jes touch herself. God that bitch was hot. Between the show she was putting on and Dustin’s work on my nipples, I started to get wet in spite of myself. He didn’t tire of my boobs quickly. Ten minutes passed on that ticking clock of his as he sucked on and fondled me, and I just tried to hold still and not get in his way. It’s not such a big deal, I told myself, you’re just helping out a friend. It’s purely platonic. That’s it – platonic naked lap-sitting and tit-sucking. Like friends do. Perched atop his lap as I was, his erection was impossible to miss, strong and pulsing into my backside. I wriggled my butt against him nice and slowly. “Oh hey, maybe you’re not such an ice queen after all, eh Rena?” Actually, I just figured if I made him jizz in his pants he might leave me alone. He was a sweetheart though, so instead I said, “I’m just being a good friend.” “You sure are.” Dustin sat back up, admiring me with a wolfish grin. “Rena, if I bent you over and started fucking you right now, what would you do?” Ugh, gross. Dicks were so… crude. I’d been with a couple guys in high school, back when I was worried about trying to fit in, and that had proven to me without a doubt that cocks weren’t for me. Still, for Dustin… “I, um, I guess I’d try to be a good sport about it?” He laughed. “Oh come on. This, from the girl who told me she preys on little straight girls? How did you describe it – shy, nervous, eager to please, take direction well? Now here you have a chance to swing the other way for your bestest of buddies, and you’re being a sour puss about it.” “Yeah, but…” “No no, I get it. You don’t like me. That really hurts, Rena. I thought you were my friend, but I ask you for this one little thing, and you take my feelings and piss all over them.” I could feel my heart breaking – just as I knew he knew it would from his choice of words. The bastard. Well, in a fun, sweet, awesome, really cool kind of way. Maybe he was right. Maybe I could just give him a little thrill, try to make it fun for him, and then when the spell wore off, see if I thought he was still so amazing. (I mean, of course he was, right?) “Dustin, baby, hey, don’t be that way,” I said, smiling sweetly, batting my eyelashes. “Look, you’re right. Maybe I’ve just been close-minded about things. Maybe… maybe it’ll be… fun?” I tried not to make it sound like a question, but I’m pretty sure I failed. “Atta girl,” he said, patting my butt, like I was a good dog. “Now, how about we start with a nice sloppy blowjob.” “A blow…! You want me to…! That’s awfully…” Awfully assholish, I wanted to say. Still, it was hard to think my friend would actually be that rude. It was just his way – he was direct. He liked me, and thought I’d look hot sucking his cock. It was a bit flattering, now that I thought about it. And you did say you’d be open-minded… Tera crawled out of the way, kneeling beside me and staring vacantly and eerily ahead. I sank to my knees, mentally bracing myself to suck my first cock since I was fourteen. I found myself in a strange position of both wanting to run to the bathroom and gag, while at the same time hoping I could do a really good job for my new bestie. I glanced over at Tera. She didn’t make eye contact, just stared off at nothingness. “Um, Dustin? She’s kinda freaking me out here.” “Oh, her? Sorry, I forget she’s there sometimes – like another piece of furniture, ya know?” I did know. I’d just seen her play the part of talking slutty foot stool. “I tell you what – we’ll make this a little easier for you.” He stood up, quickly removing his pants. His cock was already fully hard, I was pretty sure. I didn’t see a lot of cocks, but it was pointing straight out and a bit upwards. When he sat back down, it was on the next cushion over. In front of Tera. Was I off the hook? Nope. Tera then just lied down on her back with her head next to the sofa, eyes closed. Oh, right – the symbol is higher level than the domination. He must prefer she serves him against her will. Man, sure glad I’m his friend and don’t end up like this poor bitch. “Now. Go ahead and sit on her face, Rena.” “On her… oh.” Oh. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all. I pulled down my thong and stepped out of it, then sat down straddling the pretty “teen” girl’s face, careful not to kneel down on her pigtails. She did nothing. What was he waiting for? Oh, right. He wants me to pleasure him before he uses her to pleasure me. Fair enough. More than fair, since we’d already established I’d be performing this blowjob no matter what. I took a deep breath, opened wide, and leaned forward. Dustin stopped me with a hand on the forehead. “You know, Rena,” he said to my perplexed expression, “I just don’t feel like you really want this.” “No, I do. I really do. Promise.” “Promise what? Tell me what you’re promising, slut.” I frowned. “Just because we’re friends doesn’t mean you can call me names.” “No, I call you that because you turn me on. It’s a compliment.” He barely tried to sound like he meant it, but charmed as I was, I decided he meant it. Deep down. “Now, you wannabe cock-sucker, tell me. What do you promise.” “I promise I want to give you a blowjob.” “You don’t sound like you want it. Make me believe it, or never mind.” “Please, Dustin? Is that what you want? I can beg, if that’s what you want.” Fuck was this undignified. But I guess friendship was more important than dignity. “Please let me suck you off. My lezzy lips have had nothing but pussy in them for way too long. Just let me put it in there, remind myself what I’ve been missing out on. You won’t regret it. I’m a fast learner. Before you know it, I’ll suck cock just as good as your fuck toy and your girlfriend do. Better even. Just please? Please, pretty please, can I smmmph…!” He grabbed my hair and pulled my face down to his dick. The nerve of him! Still, I’d made a promise… It was tricky. Eating pussy was all about tongue dexterity and knowing where and how to hit it. With this cock… there could be a thousand right answers. Do I rub my lips up and down the shaft? Lick the length of it – and which part? Just the bottom, or do the sides matter? Focus the tip, avoid the tip, tip’s not special at all… this was madness. So it was kind of a relief when my friend Dustin just took my head in his hands and just started fucking my face. Was it dignified? Not in the least. Comfortable? No way, Jose. Something I’d ever imagined allowing to happen my pretty face, letting it get fucked like an object by some mind-controlling prick? Survey says: *buzzer sound*. Still, whatever else it was, it was easy. No worrying about doing it right. Besides, this was a guy who liked turning independent women like myself into weak-willed simpering little whores for his amusement. He probably preferred it this way. Which was a happy thought. I would’ve smiled, if I didn’t have my mouth split wide by his dick. Then Tera came to life, and after that, I could give two fucks about dignity. Now look, I’m not arguing in behalf of dominating women into being your sex slaves. It’s morally wrong, ethically repulsive, and bound to sew misery even beyond what you foresee. Put a petition to ban the practice in front of me, and I’d sign it. That being said… There was nothing quite like the sensation of having a woman whose mind has been reshaped around the idea that giving you pleasure is the most important function she has, only preceded by breathing. I don’t know what command he gave Tera, exactly, but from the results, I would guess it was something like “make Rena black out from pleasure.” (Or maybe I was just suffocating on Dustin’s cock. Which was also fine. Dustin was the nice man who put his fuck toy to use on my pussy.) That little brain-fucked cheerleader bitch worked my pussy like a woman possessed. Most girls have a finite amount of tongue stamina – they tire out after a while and switch to something slower, switch to their fingers, take a break, whatever. Not this girl. Tera’s tongue was like greased lightning, darting all over my clit with the dexterity of a surgeon and the agility of a gymnast. Then she was inside me, and pretty soon she was trading off with equally motivated fingers. I think she might’ve stuck some in my ass. I don’t know. I don’t care. I just didn’t want it to stop. Dustin could keep skull-fucking me all day, keep grunting that I was his “tasty little cock-sucking lesbian whore,” so long as he kept unleashing Tera on me. She was so fucking amazing I don’t think I could’ve given a halfway decent blowjob even if I knew how; my good buddy was right to drill my face his way. There really was no alternative. I didn’t even notice Jes filming us until I’d collapsed on my back, a huge load of Dustin’s spunk leaking out from between my lips and dribbling down my cheeks, another dollop on my forehead and a few more drizzling down the slopes of my breasts. Tera, having not been commanded otherwise, was still feverishly working my pussy on her hands and knees, her long blonde pigtails tickling my inner thighs. “Hey, do you mind turning that off?” I said peevishly. As much as I could with Tera still at it. “Like, sorry Rena, but Dustin likes to make sure our site gets lots of fresh content?” “Your site? Wait, are you streaming that?!” She nodded. “I think so. I hit the buttons just like he taught me to…” I looked to Dustin, pausing before I could speak as my thighs clenched down around Tera’s pretty young face. “Could you not? I’d rather this not get out there. I have a family, a career, and a life and all.” “Oh come on, Rena, it’s all in good fun. Besides, it really drives up clicks on the site when I bring in a new piece of hot ass.” Aw, another compliment. “What’re you worried about revenue for? You’re a mind controller. Do you really need that to pay your bills?” Jes snort-laughed like I’d said something preposterous. “Like, duh – it’s free. Just like us! Free and easy and available for anybody who wants us, whenever Dustin wants!” Why did that make it sting even more? I don’t know, but it did. “Please, Dustin? For your friend? Pretty please? I’ll, um, give you another blowjob.” He just laughed. “First off, you’ll do that anyway. Second off, you didn’t give me a blowjob. You tried, and you sucked at it – no pun intended. But we’ll get you plenty of practice, don’t worry. Tomorrow, when I have my full spell complement available, Rena baby, we’re gonna get you good and trained. You got a little more edge to you than these two. But you rest assured, before you know it, you’re going to make Tera here look stubborn.” Tera paused for just a moment, looking me dead in the eye. “I’m only stubborn about being the best possible slutty fuck toy cheerleader bimbo babe I can be for you, Dustin!” He smiled, and without having to speak she crawled over and started sucking him off. I found myself watching what she was doing, studying, in spite of myself. “Um… are you sure that’s the best idea, Dustin? I kind of like my old life.” “Rena, Rena, Rena. Would I ever do something that wasn’t in your best interest?” I thought back on the night. Turning me into a stripper in front of a room full of people, making me perform for him and his mind-controlled sluts, dragging me back to his home and turning me into one too, manipulating me into begging him for a face-fucking… “No, I guess not.” I smiled. There was more to him beneath the surface, I was sure of it. “Good. Now clean yourself off – I’m gonna fuck you here once Tweedle Dee finally gets me hard again, and I’d prefer you not make a mess on the furniture. Bathroom’s thataway.” He gestured down the hall. “Um, am I Tweedle Dee?” Jes asked as I moved to obey. Not that I was “obedient” per se, just that it was a valid suggestion. I wasn’t a total slut – it just made sense to wipe my friend’s cum off me before I let him fuck my pussy. “No, sugar tits. You’re the other Tweedle.” “Tweedle… let’s see, which one comes before Dee… am I Eff?” I closed the bathroom door and tried to gather my thoughts while I sponged myself clean. OK. So I was charmed. More or less mind controlled, though technically he was only making himself seem likeable and leveraging that into making me obey. Whatever it was, it was working, because here I was readying my body to get fucked. It was strange, because on the one hand, I was perfectly fine with it. I trusted Dustin, and if he felt the need to charm me, then he obviously knew what he was doing. After all, not like I would’ve sucked his cock or let him screw me without it. Then again, while I knew I would allow those things, I didn’t want those things. They felt like the right thing to do because I was helping out a friend, but still. In fact, what he was doing was entirely evil. (Strange, to think I would be friends with a villain! I was usually so boringly straight-laced.) So logically, there was no point struggling – whether or not I was right to be so besotted with Dustin, I was, and I would be until the spell wore off. Until then, I’d just play along and be a good friend, and then when I was me again, if I felt differently, I could do differently. Although… he said he was going to be “training” me starting tomorrow, so who knows if I’d ever be me again? Well, there was a simple way out of this. It’d just have to wait for a little while yet until the time was right. For now, time to go back out there and be a good sport. I have to say, Dustin definitely put a bit of a strain on my friendship over the next few hours. I know he said when he called me names it was a compliment, but after being dismissively referred to as “spoiled lezzy whore,” “bratty little cum dumpster,” “leg-spreading man pleaser,” and “weak stupid cock candy”… well, I’ll be honest, it began to feel like maybe it wasn’t intended that way. Still. I could be the bigger person. Which I told myself over and over again throughout the evening. When he threw me over the arm of his couch and slid into me without even asking, then had me suck my own juices off his prick after he came inside me. When he twisted my nipples until I almost screamed, then filled my groaning mouth with his balls. When he had me smile at the camera and moan like a porn star as he pumped into my cunt. When he made me crawl around on all fours and ask him “pwease, pwetty pwetty pwease fuck Wena’s widdle coochy woochy?” (Spoiler: he gave in.) When he had me mount him in a standing position, then cast fly on himself and carried me out past the balcony into open air, hundreds of feet off the ground, and told me the sooner I got him off the sooner he could set me down. He must’ve fucked me a dozen different ways before he finished, and each time, I told myself he was a friend, that I was just being polite, that it was no big deal letting this loathsome pal of mine use my body like it was a third-rate amusement park. (And it was! Short waits for bumpy rides followed my the sudden spillage of bodily fluids.) The girls kept me going. Good thing they were there, or I might’ve dried up, honestly. Every time my will faded, there was Tera to rub her tits in my face, or Jes to do jumping jacks with those spectacular boobs of hers flying wildly to entertain me and Dustin, or both of them to hold me down and attack both tits at the same time while Dustin eased his way into my ass for the first time. Soon, even that wasn’t enough. I don’t know if my enthusiasm was found wanting, or if he just missed the good old days of a couple hours earlier where he was fucking my mouth like it was a thing, but before I knew it the bastard hit me with polymorph any object and the lights went out. I wasn’t aware of anything, but some time later, I would see Jes’s video of it. There I stood, rigid and beautiful and cold, a perfect doll. Like a Barbie, only sexier and wetter in the pussy. He posed me in ways that would’ve torn muscles, ramming his cock in me like I was made for it – which I guess I was now, literally. My breasts, my ass, they didn’t even jiggle any more – I was a solidly built fuck toy, a poseable brainless object made for cocks to get off in. Then I was me again. “All right, couch is yours, if you can talk Tera into it. Otherwise… well, you’re a smart girl. For now. You’ll figure something out,” Dustin said as he, at long long last, staggered tiredly back towards his bedroom. As I tried to make sense of what happened, I saw I’d lost another hour – or had it been a day, or a year? Still, from the looks of things, it was still the same night. Damn, all that fucking, and we never even made it into the bedroom. Holy shit. “Does that mean you’re tired of me?” I asked. Somewhat hopeful – if he was tired of me, I could leave without causing offense. “Don’t you wish, Rena.” He snapped his fingers, and Jes darted down the hallway with a giddy squeal. He closed the bedroom door behind them, leaving me alone with Tera. “He’s quite a guy, isn’t he?” I said, only half-sarcastically. He really was though. Because of the spell, but still. “Oh, my bae is just the dreamiest! I’m totes jelly of the way he pounded the shit out of your pussy and ass and face, Rena. Hopefully he’ll bend me over and make me his bitch tomorrow just like that!” she exclaimed. There was a sadness behind the cheerleader’s eyes, though. “So you can’t be yourself, even when he’s not around?” She shook her head – which I took to be both sincere, and in-character. Clever girl. “Be myself? Why, the only other person I remember being was a dumb selfish cunt who threw away the opportunity of a lifetime! Why, I could have been Dustin’s main slam piece, his one and only–” “I get it, I get it,” I said, holding up a hand to forestall her. “So… if I shower first, does that mean I lose the couch?” She giggled, a perfect imitation of a ditzy cheerleader. She’d learned her part well. “I’d be happy to share! It’ll be a tight fit, with two pairs of rockin’ ta-tas like ours, but maybe if Dustin comes out and sees us sleeping together, our titties smushed against one another’s, he’ll get horny and wanna fuck us some more!” “Um, right. I’ll take the chair.” “You’re sure?” She managed to sound disappointed. “Yeah. Don’t wait up for me – I got a lot of scrubbing to do.” I grabbed my purse, once more elated that I’d managed to grab it in the split second before Dustin teleported me here, then quickly tossed it in a corner before the lights came on. No one had noticed it. I might’ve lost my clothes at The Abyss, but my purse… well, it wasn’t a total loss. First, I got that shower done. I had so much spit and jizz all over me, I was practically coated in the stuff. After that… I started rooting around the extradimensional space in my handbag of holding. ($7400 well spent, though why the other models were all multiples of $2500 and this one was $100 off was beyond me. Some kind of sale, I guess?) In it, I soon found my emergency plan. I unfurled my protection from evil scroll, and activated it. “Son of a BITCH.” Almost unbidden, the flames came back to my hand – but first things first. The scroll bought me one lousy minute in my right mind, sixty measly seconds of immunity to mental influence, and I had to make it count. I cast a dispel magic on myself, certain his symbol of persuasion would be the first thing it encountered. It was – and boy was it. My magic didn’t do squat to it. I blasted myself with abjurative magic again, then again, and again and again until I was out of third level juice – so I started burning my fourthies on it, keenly aware I only had a few more seconds before I’d lose myself again. That scroll wore off, and I’d go right back to wondering why I made such a fuss, thinking that letting Dustin turn me into his play thing wasn’t so bad. Then I finally hit it just right, and the magic disappeared. I didn’t call the flames back this time. For one, as satisfying as incinerating his ass with an empowered fireball might be, I didn’t want to risk burning the building down, or hurting the girls. So that was out. Handicap of being the better person, I guess. He had to pay, though. Sure, I could walk out the door right now and he’d never be able to find me. It would just mean leaving these two women in his hands – and letting him do the same to others. More than that, though, more than to protect the innocent… I admit it. I wanted vengeance.