Page 1: Narration: The superheroine Wonder Diana was flying above the city keeping a sharp eye on its residents, when she received a call from a group of scientists... Wonder Diana and the breeding Alien Page 2: Scientist 1: Diana, I‘m sorry to disturb you on such short notice... Diana: Don‘t worry about it. I help where I can. When I heard what was going on I couldn‘t believe it at first... Scientist 2: Thank you for coming. Scientist 3: Fuck, she‘s hot... and she‘s not exactly trying to hide it either... Page 3: Diana: So this is the Alien you‘ve found. It was wise of you to contain it as long as it was unconscious... Scientist 1: So far we haven‘t noticed any aggressive behavior. Scientist 3: I almost forgot what a slut she is. Scientist 2: I feel like she was “using“ her butthole before she came here... Page 4: Scientist 1: We need you to find out what it‘s capable of and what its intentions are. Diana: Shouldn‘t be a problem. This may sound cocky of me but as far as I can visually analyze this creature I doubt it will be able to hurt me. Scientist 3: She must be aware of us staring, right? Scientist 2: Are you kidding? She is Wonder Diana. She can hear us too. Doesn‘t matter how quietly we try to whisper. Page 5: Scientist 1: Tell me when you need us to cancel the experiment. We can fill the chamber with a gas that will make the creature fall unconscious. Diana: I‘m sure I will be fine... Page 6: Diana: Its tentacles are starting to entangle me with a firm grasp but it‘s nowhere near anything I couldn‘t break out of. Scientist 1: It's interesting, it's other limbs only seem to serve the purpose of keeping its main body stable! Page 7: Diana: So far I don‘t feel any hostility coming from it. It almost feels as if it‘s trying to caress me. Page 8: Diana: It‘s holding me tight now. Still nothing I couldn‘t free myself from but a normal woman would have her bones crushed. But I don‘t feel like it‘s having malicious intentions. It just doesn‘t know how fragile humans are. Page 9: Scientist 1: Don‘t hesitate to tell us when you think the creature is getting too dangerous or if you feel uncomfortable. Diana: Right now I‘m not in any danger at all. ... I hope you guys enjoy the view though. The creature seems to like you. Page 10: Scientist 2: Oh shit! It slammed that tentacle inside her so suddenly! Scientist 1: Diana! Are you okay!? That must have hurt! Scientist 3: Her upper body is now inside the creature! Can you still hear us Diana?! Scientist 1: Prepare to abort the experiment! Page 11: Diana: Relax guys. I‘m fine. It‘s using my butthole like a handle to push me further inside. Scientist 2: I... I can hear you inside my head! Scientist 3: This feels so weird! Scientist 1: Diana‘s telepathic abilities aren‘t new to me but I‘ll never get used to it. Diana: The insides are covered in a thick mucous layer and there is no digestive juice. I don‘t think it‘s swallowing me for food. Scientist 1: Interesting. If it‘s not swallowing prey for nutrition then what is it doing? Diana, can I ask you to keep going? Diana: Of course. I didn‘t even think of aborting the experiment. Page 12: Diana: Interesting... Scientist 1: What did you discover? Diana: There are more tentacles on the inside. These ones however look very much like reproductive organs Scientist 2: You mean like... dicks? Diana: At least that‘s the first thing that comes to my mind when I look at it. Page 13: Scientist 1: Huh... Do you think it's trying to use you for reproduction? Diana: I think so. Interestingly enough the creature seems to know where and how it has to stimulate me to get me aroused... Scientist 3: Wait. It gets you aroused?! Diana: It sure does. The liquid that covers the insides might serve as an aphrodesiac as well... Page 14: Diana: The mucus smells and tastes sweet and the more I take in me the hotter my body seems to get. I think I can confirm that it serves as an aphrodesiac. Scientist 1: Would you mind to conduct some more thorough research? Diana: That was my plan too. I‘m already on it. Scientist 3: Are you... are you going to have intercourse with this thing? Page 15: Diana: That creature is not holding back. It has now penetrated both my pussy and my butthole. It is also shoving a third tentacle down my throat. Scientist 2: Don‘t you think this is going to far? Scientist 1: Diana. We can abort the experiment at any time. Diana: Don‘t worry. I find ths quite enjoyable actually. I could still free myself easily if I had to. Page 16: Diana: The tentacles in my ass and pussy have a respectable size though. Their girth is about the same as my upper arms. Scientist 3: Does it not hurt? Diana: Cute, you have never met my boyfriend. He can‘t triple penetrate me like that though so this feels incredible for me. Although I can imagine this would be rather painful for an ordinary woman. Scientist 1: The question remains, where has it learned how humans reproduce? Scientist 2: Conception works similar for most mammals. I think it‘s not impossible it just went for the most obvious orifices. Page 17: Scientist 1: This would explain the triple penetration. It just wants to occupy all larger orifices at once instead of just picking one and hope to be using the right one. Diana: The squirming of the tentacles inside my pussy, ass and throat feels utterly amazing. It must be aware of how good this makes me feel. I‘m almost sure this thing knows exactly what it‘s doing. Page 18: Diana: Fuck! This is incredible! I whish pig could fuck all my holes at once like that! Scientist 2: Wow. It‘s hard to believe the famous Wonder Diana enjoys being abused by a creature like that. Diana: Oh yes, I do enjoy this very much. Having my guts churned up like this is such an incomparable sensation! Diana: (small) Aaaahh! Yesss!!! Fuck me harder! Page 19: Diana: My whole body has become extremely sensitive by now. This must the effect of the mucus. Scientist 3: It almost seems as if it was trying to make you obedient. Scientist 1: This procedure is probably meant to make the female‘s body more likely to accept the offspring. Page 20: Diana: I have noticed a new type of tentacle closing in on my breasts. Scientist 1: Can you further describe it to us? Diana: This new tentacle is smaller and the tip is surrouned by something that looks like a suction cup. Scientist 2: A suction cup? Coming towards her breasts? Now this seems less likely to be a coincidence. It knows about the human female anatomy. Diana: (small)Aahhh... Amazing! Huuhhh!!! Page 21: Diana: I think so too. It definitely knows where this tentacle has to go. It started to uncover my nipples. The fact that it can tear open this special fabric shows its tremendous strength. I'll help it though. Scientist 1: But why the suctions cup? I hope this question isn‘t too personal but... Are you lactating? Diana: Not that I‘m aware of. Scientist 2: Maybe it's just using it for stimulation for now? Page 22: Diana: It's digging even deeper now. It feels like it‘s trying to penetrate my womb directly. Scientist 1: Will you be okay? Diana: Of course... Although the pleasure is almost overwhelming. If it manages to penetrate my cervix I will climax instantly. Page 24: Diana: Oh god, this is incredible. I can feel it forcing my cervix open! Scientist 1: Just make sure to abort before it gets too dangerous! Diana: This is it! It‘s coming in! I won‘t be able to hold back...! Page 25: Diana: Oh yes! It‘s inside my womb now! I‘m already cuming! Scientist 2: Even if I told anybody what happened here, no one would believe me that Wonder Diana climaxed from being fucked by an extraterrestrial creature. Page 27: Diana: There‘s nothing I can do about it! Nothing makes me feel more like a woman than having the insides of my womb scraped by an huge raw cock! Scientist 3: Or tentacle in this case... Diana: I might become addicted to this! Page 29: Diana: The tentacles on my breasts have now penetrated my nipples too while sucking on them! Scientist 1: They have what?! Diana: I think it‘s modifying my body. It feels like it‘s turning my nipples into additional orifices! Scientist 2: Isn‘t this getting out of hand? Dana: Don‘t interfere! I‘m looking forward to experiencing what it‘s gonna do to me! Page 30: Diana: It feels like one of the tentacles is coiling around inside my womb. It‘s stretching it out so much! Even my boyfriend‘s dick doesn‘t expand my womb to such an extent! What an amazing experience! Scientist 3: The creature must‘ve recognized your womb as the place where you would carry out offspring. Scientist 2: So... it is preparing it? Page 32: Diana: The tentacles inside my nipples are digging ever deeper while also enhancing their sensitivity. I would‘ve never imagined having my nipples fucked like this! This creature is absolutely amazing! Scientist 1: I hope you can keep enduring this for a little longer. Studying this body modificating ability could lead to a breakthrough in modern medicine! Page 34: Diana: My nipples... they feel different now. Their sensitivity has been enhanced and is now comparable to my clitoris... Scientist 2: Apparently it recognized the most sensitive spot of your body and is now transforming the neural cells in other areas to match the sensitivity of your clit. Scientist 1: This seems to be some kind of grooming process. It wants you to become addicted. Diana: Ah! It‘s finally happening! Scientist 1: What do you mean? Diana: The tentacles are convulsing. I think it‘s cuming!!! Page 36: Diana: This is absolutely incredible! All the tentacles are now releasing a thick fluid inside all my holes at once! My body is now climaxing non-stop. Waves after waves of pure pleasure are gushing throughout my body! Page 38: Diana: It‘s releasing so much! My belly and breasts are starting to inflate! Scientist 3: If this fluid is the creature‘s semen then why wasting it anywhere else when it has already learned that she carries out offsring inside her womb. Scientist 2: I think the creature has shown... “playful“ tendencies. Maybe it's just toying with Diana? Page 40: Diana: No that‘s not it. The sweet smell of the mucus with the aphrodesiac effect... Those were just remnants. This fluid has the same fragrant but much more intense! The aphrodesiac... all the the orgasms... this insane pleasure...! I think... ... ... Scientist 2: Something‘s wrong! She‘s no longer in my head! Abort! Scientist 1: No! She just fainted from the constant climaxing. She‘ll be fine! Page 42: Scientist 3: What is going on in there? Scientist 2: I think the creature is ... spitting her out? Scientist 1: Weird. I wouldn‘t have thought it was done yet. Scientist 2: Maybe it just wants to give her some time to recover and regain consciousness. Page 43: Scientist 1: Look at how much fluid is coming out. It must have filled her insides to the brink of bursting. Scientist 2: Shit. I hope she‘s fine. Scientist 1: I‘ve worked with her in the past. She‘s not to be broken so easily. Page 44: Scientist 3: Holy shit! Her holes got utterly destroyed! Scientist 1: Yeah it looks rough but I think she will recover from that after a while. Scientist 2: As you said. She‘s not gonna break that easily. Scientist 1: Wait... I think I can hear her voice coming out of that thing. She‘s regaining her consciousness. Page 45: Diana: Yessss! Yessshhh!!! Aaahhhh!!! I‘m having my new nipple pushy fuuucked! (I'm having my new nipple pussy fucked!) My breasts are shwelling from all the aphrodeshiac fluid! (My breasts are swelling from all the aphrodesiac fluid!) Thishh ish sho gooooood!!! (This is so good!) Page 46: Diana: Oh gooood!!! I love having my nipplesh deshtroyed!!! (Oh god! I love having my nipples destroyed!) Ohhhh hhhaaa!!! Oh no! I can feel another one entering my other pusshy! (Oh no! I can feel another one entering my other pussy!) I‘m gonna go inshaneeeee!!! (I'm gonna go insane!) Page 48: Scientist 3: Jesus christ! How does this fit? That tentacle is as thick as her thigh! Scientist 1: Look! Her belly is swelling. It just keeps inflating her with more fluid. Scientist 2: No. Look more closely. The movement of the tentacles... The creature is... putting something inside her... Page 49: Scientist 2: I‘m pretty sure... those are eggs! Scientist 1: So it was looking for a place to put its eggs in and prepared it so it could hold as much as possible... Scientist 3: Her body keeps twitching as if... she was still climaxing... I think Diana is enjoying this too much. I wonder if the aphrodesiac will have a lasting effect on her. Scientist 1: We can't know yet... Hey! Look! I think Diana is pushing herself back out. Scientist 2: Yes, seems like it. The creature tries to force her back in but Diana‘s strength is simply uncomparable. Page 52: Diana: Uhhhg. Ahhhn! You are relentless! Haaahhhh!!! Even though you already turned my womb into an egg sac you keep pleasuring me with your tentacles... But this needs to stop now. My boyfriend won‘t be happy if I fall in love with you... Haahhnn! Scientist 3: How is she still able to stand?! Page 53: Diana: You need, ahh!... to get out of there! Haahhhn! Oh shit... I‘m cumming from pulling it out! Haaahhhh!!! My asshole is ruined! Ahhhhh!!! Scientist 2: I‘ve never seen her make that kind of face before... Scientist 3: Are you kidding me! I‘ve never seen her like that before... at all! Diana: It just... ahhh!... keeps laying more eggs into my womb... Haaannnn!!! Page 54: Diana: Oh shit... My belly has become heavier then the rest of my body... Ahhhh... This is just incredible! Scientist 1: Diana, are you okay?! If you need any help let us knwo and we will release the gas! Diana: No I‘m fine... I just... I fear I will have to release these eggs in front of everyone... Scientist 3: After we‘ve watched you getting fucked and virtually impregnated by an alien while having your exposed asshole, pussy and even your nipples gaping wide open... ... I think watching you laying some eggs won‘t be too hard to stomach... Page 56: Diana: Uhhhh! My womb is still gripping that tentacle so tightly... But I don‘t think it‘s putting any more eggs into me... Haaahhh... So I guess it‘s time to pull it out too...