“Just cuz I’m working a hooters JOB doesn’t mean I wanna be groped, you asshole!!” The waitress screamed at John.

Her emphasis of the word job made him realize what a dick he’d been to a working woman, but it didn't matter anymore.

She spat in his face, “And you're gonna learn what it would be like for women if every man was like you!!

Good luck.” The waitress abruptly left for the kitchen, never returning to serve the guys’ table.

After getting home from Hooters, John lay in bed thinking about the incident. It kept him up for a little bit, but he forced himself to go to sleep. He wanted to be ready and rested for his interview tomorrow!

John woke up the next day feeling odd, but ignored this as he had an interview in just two hours!! He hopped out of bed and made his way to the bathroom to shower, passing by the tv room as he did.

“This room is so messy”, he said groggily, “Wait…”

John gently slapped his hand over his mouth, why did he sound like a chick!!

He felt a jiggle when he did this, and looked down.

“Boobs!?!? Why do I-” John cut himself off, not wanting to hear his sexy voice again.

‘You're gonna learn what it would be like for women if every man was like you’, the words sounded more real than a memory replaying in his head.

“I’m not leaving this mess!” John cursed himself internally as his body began to move on its own, jigging and bouncing as he picked up random pieces of garbage and laundry.

“This is what that witch meant?” John wondered aloud, “I guess this is weird, but men clean too!”

Then the room shifted, and suddenly John was standing outside a mansion.

“What the-” He was cut off by his finger ringing the doorbell.

The large doors swung open, and a wealthy looking man stood before John.

“Come in, come in!” He said.

The man held the door open, and John felt eyes focus on his ass as he walked by him.

“I hope you don’t mind if I watch while you clean, the agency said it’d be alright…”

John stood in the giant foyer holding a bunch of cleaning supplies, feeling completely helpless in this large man’s presence.

“Ooookay?” His body said, making it seem like John didn’t know why a guy would want to watch him clean.

Meanwhile, John felt a rush in his stomach when he thought about this man watching him. He wasn’t gay, but resigned to his body’s feelings.

“I’ll go start cleaning!”

John didn’t know it was possible to clean so sexily, but his new boss sure did. The guy followed John around for every second of cleaning, making sure he had the best viewing angle possible.

John’s body didn’t seem to mind, in fact John could swear his movements were becoming sexier as time went on. He could see his boss’s clear erection, but seemed to get inspired by this instead of disgusted.

He laughed when he felt breathing in his chest, and knew cleaning above the windows would do it! John craved to be filled, but was embarrassed to admit it to himself.

His body’s movements became much more graceful and sexual as he cleaned, which turned him on even more. Soon he began to notice a throbbing from his boss’s pants, and couldn’t look away after that.

The next time he looked back, he was staring at a massive erection. John tried looking away, but felt his mouth salivate as he continued to stare. The salivating soon moved down to his virgin pussy, and John felt his body begin to move on its own. Next thing he knew, John was getting undressed in the bathroom.

He giggled as his boss stared wide eyed at the lacy bra he wore, and moved closer into the strong man’s grip. John felt his body melt at the very touch of a man, and he swooned as large arms turned him around. Then he was lifted off the ground, and stripped naked.

John felt his legs spread, and everything froze for a moment as he braced for the worst. Light flashed his vision as his folds were penetrated, and John almost lost consciousness as the immense pleasure he felt increased with each thrust of his boss’s hips.

It was like nothing John had ever imagined, and he had to admit that listening to his body squeal and have fun was pretty nice. Then all focus moved down to his womanhood, and he could feel an especially large vein pulse inside him.

“O yeah!!” His body cried, moaning as his boss began pumping his load into John.

When they were done John could feel a sloshing near his belly, and soon his vision faded. He woke up standing in an elevator, surrounded by large men. He looked around for any clues that could help him figure out where he was, and almost fainted when he saw the building name.

“Freid, Uban, Carlson, and Klein!!

I have an interview in…” John trailed off as he checked his phone, “Fifteen minutes!!!”

The other guys in the elevator seemed unfazed by John’s outburst, but then one grabbed his ass.

“Hey! Sto- Ooh!!” John got cut off by a finger in his ass.

He turned around, face flushed red. He was ready to slap the guy, but felt arousal wash over him when they made eye contact. He felt more hands groping his body behind him, but couldn’t break eye contact with this one guy.

John heard the elevator door open and managed to overpower his female lust, tearing away from the orgy he was in to get off the elevator by the interviewer’s office.

John felt a new rush, a sense of nervousness. He was unsure how the interviewer would react to him being in this new body, but his body was confidently walking into the office on its own.

Once inside, his body stopped abruptly, causing his assets to jiggle as he stood in the doorway shyly.

“Come in, beautiful”, A manly voice said from behind a turned chair.

John’s stomach fluttered with butterflies when the man spoke, and he felt a floating in his crotch. He could barely pay attention to what was going on, the sensations filling his body were overpowering.

The chair spun around, and a muscular man stood. He approached John with a confidence that soaked him, and John could hear a dripping on the floor between his legs.

John inhaled deeply, filling his nostrils with the man’s musky scent. His mind stopped working all together as the man placed his lips just inches from John’s, and grabbed the giant boobs hanging off John’s cheat.

John moaned blissfully as the man picked him up by the chest, and looked deep into his eyes. He prayed that the man would never let go, his weak legs barely able to support the dripping mess that was now his body.

Then a sexy screech left his mouth, and John could only pant as his shirt was torn in half. He looked down at what used to be his shirt, getting even more turned on by the amount of cleavage inches from his chin.

Then suddenly he gained back control of his body, hesitating as his neck, arms and legs began to slowly lower now under his own power. He then looked up into the fiery eyes of the large man in front of him, trying to get a grip on his body as hormones raced through his veins.

But he had hesitated too long, and was tossed onto the messy desk. His soft voice was drowned out by the loud sound of things crashing in the floor, a result of the desktop being cleared of junk.

John opened his mouth to protest the position he was in, bent over with a man pressing against his ass. As he began to speak, John could feel the tight lips of his womanhood being separated. Again he paused, but this time it was to let out an orgasmic moan. John thought the first time being penetrated would feel the most intense, but this guy must’ve been packing twice as much as the guy before!

John’s loud, lust-filled noises filled the office, completely beyond his control. He grabbed at the thrusting man, trying desperately to pull or push him in any direction to no avail. It was like holding onto a brick wall, which was something John could feel turning him on even more.

His male mind was barely grasping at straws as his pussy began to throb, and the building orgasm was slowly pushing him past the brink. When the precum started trickling, John knew he would be gone forever. He felt the familiar vein from last time and closed his eyes, bracing his hips as he held on for dear life.

The man behind had been holding back, and decided to thrust his full length when he felt ready to cum. John was not expecting this, and with his last bit of self felt the head of the giant cock tear through the entire length of his tight folds. Parts of him that were never meant to be touched, crushed by jets of sperm shooting into John.

When he opened his eyes John was in a brightly lit room, and in middle of it was the witch from hooters. He shook in fear, knowing just what she was capable of now.

“Have you been doing this to me??

Make it stop!! Please!” John cried out in a sexy soprano.

“Make it stop? No no, darling. Things are just beginning! Everything you do is gonna turn into a porno, even me explaining this punishment…

Come with me, please.” The witch said as she walked out a patio door.

They now stood outside a hot tub, foaming and steaming ferociously.

“Get in, Ricky.”

Rick didn’t want to give in, but his legs wouldn’t stand still. He heard a snap as he made his way into the tub, and felt the clothes he wore disappear. Looking down, all he saw was a thing and mini bikini top.

The witch followed him, wearing a nice bikini top and thong herself. He tried avoiding the witch’s hands by moving his back and stomach, but she grabbed him by the hips and began squeezing.

John felt his torso slim down as his hips accentuated outward, and he was completely frozen in place by the building arousal.

“Stop this!! My name’s Ricky! No… Rick…y… fuck!!

Ahh!!!” Ricky screamed, taken by surprise when the witch began making her boobs bounce in her bra.

“O my gawd!! Like, stopppp!!!” Ricky begged suttlitly.

But the witch had no mercy. She squeezed and shook them even harder, giggling as Ricky leaned back in erotic bliss.

“Feel all your thoughts vanish into the hot water; your curvy, hot body being molded like clay in my hands… I could make your ass so big, you wouldn't be able to stand.” The witch warned, playing with Ricky’s pussy and reshaping it as she did.

Ricky’s moans rose in pitch as the witch tightened her pussy, setting it up to be as shallow as possible to make accepting cock even more enjoyable. She giggled as she pulled her fingers out with an audible *pop*. “What else would you like me to do to your body, Ricky?”

“Enough foreplay; like, I’m totes ready to have some real fun!!” Ricky giggled, pulling the witch out of the magical hot tub and to the bed room.