This particular feline is such a being of stunning abundance that it'll take a while merely to get a overview of her body. Delving deeper might prove challenging to most sane souls. A natural starting point would be her head and torso, standing about 8 feet tall. It's typically feline, really, except that her eyes seem to glow ever so softly. A friendly being at heart, she often smiles and may playfully stick any one of her six tongues out at her friends. Though seldom used to their fullest extent, they are extremely flexible, enabling her to manipulate items with them as easily as with her hands. Her tongues have even been seen to be reach all the way to her butt, which is quite a feat in itself, but the real meaning of this doesn't really sink in before the rest of her pleasing form is seen. She looks powerful, but nowhere on her body does muscle triumph over femininity, a sense of gentleness surrounding her. Not bothering with clothes, she proudly display her bosom for all to see. A pair of breasts so large that they overflow her sides, unnaturally perky despite the grossly disproportionate size. Her nipples are dark, large, and perpetually leaking a soft trickle of milk down the eye-pleasing curves. The flow is greatly increased whenever they touch anything at all, so naturally she's prone to make a great mess where ever she goes. The lioness wouldn't be a proper lust being with just one meagre set of breasts. Two more rows are eagerly strutting from her torso, the contact between the pairs alone amplify the spray of milk, even making those inviting, fat nipples swell when you're not looking. Between her legs hang the reason her row of breasts stop where they do. Even one of her beautiful trio of thick sheaths is as wide as one of her rather massive legs, so it is rather crowded place to be. Each reaches a good 2 feet long, most of the way to her knees and occasionally one of the three black cocks contained within peek out at the world. To supply this much virility, she's sporting a large sac for each of her sheaths, generously filled with as many pairs of swollen balls as she has cocks in each sheath. A conservative estimate would put each at the size of a basketball. Well hidden behind all of this virility lies the pussy's pussy, or rather pussies. The number three unsurprisingly repeats itself in her endowments, the three juicy sexes waiting for someone to discover them. Even when she's only marginally aroused, they leak - nay, gush - her sex juices copiously onto her fur and dripping to form puddles where ever she goes. When she really likes someone, she's liable to flood buildings unless they've invested seriously into heavy-duty drains. Now, usually it would stop there, if it wasn't for the fact that she's a taur... And a rather vast one at that. Behind her foremost set of legs is another three pairs of pleasantly rounded breasts, even larger than the last, yet nothing compared to what treasures await at her second pair of legs. It's like her front, yet doubly endowed in every way: Six colossal sheaths, so long they they just barely avoid dragging along the ground and twice as thick as the first set. Inside each fat tube she's hiding no less than six fittingly larger cocks. Behind them hang her heavy cluster of balls, doubled in size to the point that just a single one of them would hang to below her knee. How she manages to fit them all is difficult to comprehend. Not to neglegt her her feminine slits, the six pairs are each roughly twice the size of the ones in front and much wetter and prone to accidentally creating a new, artificial lake. If a close look is somehow allowed, the observant beholder will notice not one, but two almost freakishly large clits peeking back from her soft folds. Her endowments double like this with each passing set of legs, becoming so massive that pure numbers are the only way to adequately describe the gargantuan beauty, though they do her little justice. At the third pair of legs her nine cocks are so vast that they have to lie beside her, seventy-two monstrous, black cocks spilling out due to their untold length. At this point each of her balls is so large that a single one would reach to above her waist if left to rest on the floor, making most wonder how the hell she even moves. To such people it would be best not to point out that she has well past 700 pairs of them at this point and it only gets worse - or better - as you move downwards. Her taur body continues for far longer than the unaided eye will see, disappearing in the horizon. Far down her back, yet closer than you should think, she's sporting sheaths rivalling the tallest towers in the world. There's simply no telling how much cock she's got squeezed in there. This would be by her tenth set of legs, so how does it look at her hundredth? It should be apparent to everyone that she doesn't really use her feet for mobility, as just a few dozen feet behind her torso, she already dominates the landscape completely with mind-boggling huge shapes. Yet how she really gets around remains a trade secret. And way, way back, is her rump, demonstrating the weakness inherent in the taur form: She's only got one of those, so she's decided to make it BIG. How big is hard to tell, though, as you'd have to brave millions and millions of naughty bits to get there, climbing a mountain of flesh. All in all a friendly, if above average, lioness. Not wanting to deny attention, she has worked out how many endowments she has for you: Endowments to a set of legs (N) Sheaths=3N Cocks per sheath=3N Cocks total=9(N^2) Sacs=3(N^2) Balls per sac=6(N^2) Balls total=18*(N^4) Pussies=3N Clits per pussy=N Clits total=3(N^2) Size of any part=Original size*2^n A few traumatized victims even tell stories about having seen her grow herself further. Sure, it may look innocent when she grows an extra cock up front or add one more sac between her legs, but it makes everything shift. One poor soul, may she rest in peace, stubbornly stated to have witnessed the lioness grow another sheath. Immediately behind her, she grew two. Then four, eight and so on. In the same vein, no one actually knows how long she is. It seems to shift with her mood and she possess an uncanny knack for avoiding any kind of camera or video.