Percy and Jason were a dynamic pair. THe sons of Poseidon and Zeus were a force to be reckoned with. They were powerful and it made sense, being the sons of powerful gods, that a lot of monsters both feared and hated them. Of course the duo would always be able to take down anyone who tried to test them. Unfortunately, even powerful demigods could have an off day. Be bested by someone better. Percy was going to learn this lesson the hard way. He quietly snuck into the building where he tracked Jason too. His cousin had told him of a mission and hadn't gotten back to him in a day. Worried, Percy traced his steps and glues and found a house in the middle of Georgia. The house itself was like a museum, full of antiques and other interesting relics "What could have been so important here?" he asked himself as he quietly looked around As he wondered the many rooms in the huge house, which seemed bigger inside than outside, the main door shut with a resounding click, a shadowy force seemed to seal the door making it fade from existence. The shadows flowed around the walls as they followed and watched the young intruder like some mystical CCTV. The rooms seemed to display many artworks, paintings and scultures, with one thing in common. They all depicted male heroes from legends. Percy felt a little out of place. But he also couldn't help but admire the artworks. some depicted stories and myths he knew and others he had no clue about. He was so enthralled that he never heard the click nor sensed the shadow As he looked closer at the paintings their eyes seemed to be distressed even though they'd have an expression of cockiness or confident grin. The shadows were slowly coating all the walls, slowly blocking the godly influence of Poseidon from Percy. Percy looked confused. then he noticed something. THe walls were getting dark "this can't be good." he stated as he pulled out Riptide The shadows began to moan as humanoid shapes emerged from the darkened walls and slowly shuffled up to percy "Yeah, definitely not good," Percy said as he got into a fighting stance he waited for it to get closer before striking at it the closest shadow lunged at percy with claws swiping He ducked under it and slashed at the shadow, his sword glowing and the magical metal cutting the creautre the shadow squealed and dissipated sinking back into the dark floor, another shadow lunged at percy more shadows came at percy and he deftly dispatched them though it lef thim out of breath for some reason each time a shadow was cut by Riptide the duller the glow from the mystical blade Noticing this, Percy decided now would be a good time for a tactical retreat. "I'd love to stay and chat but....I really don't want to," he said as he slashed through a shadow and made a mad dash for it, sprinting quickly away from the shadows the shadows suddenly sank into the walls and floors again, swimming through them effortlessly as they gave chase. "THese aren't normal. And why am I getting winded?" Percy asked as he turned and climbed the steps to the second level of the show. "I could have sworn this was a one story building." he added, panting as he quickly ducked into a room the moaning went quiet again as the dimly lit room went eerily still. This floor seemed to have more human models in more adult poses and all naked, even under the dim light they were realistic if not for a slight waxy sheen "Great, wax statues. My favorite," Percy said sarcastically as he walked around the room. They were still done in a greek style, depicting heroes....if heroes were into becomine sex icons. "I am glad you like my art!" said a voice as a young man came into the shafts of light, his eyes were a golden yellow the same as the pearls hanging around his neck. Percy quickly got defensive, brandishing his sword. "Honestly, I've seen better," he quipped "relax....." he drawled as he approached the hero he didn't even feel threatened by the blade Percy was a cautiously moving around the statues. "Ever heard of personal space?" his eyes pulsed with glowing yellow his pearls pulsing in sequence. He got closer to Percy, his voice was slightly hypnotic "let's not play with sharp weapons in my gallery..." he droned "you wouldn't want to damage my exhibits!" he continued to advance the effect seemed to happen immediately. "I wouldn't want to damage the exhibits," he repeated as his eyes widened and became dialated Riptide clattered to the floor as his fingers loosened their grip on it yet he remained in a fighting stance, caught in a trance "that's a good boy, you remind me of someone that came by recently!" he said as hegot close enough to see percy's face in the dim light. "I remind you of someone who came by recently," Percy repeated, a sign that he was deep in the trance now, unable to escape from it. He was like a fly caught by the glow of a fly zapper, unable to look away "very good" he said to the zombified hero, he cupped percy's bulge through his jeans to test how deeply entranced he was No response other than Percy repeating "very good". he was completely at the man's mercy He smirked and commanded percy to follow as he lead him to a backroom where Jason was frozen in wax, posed stroking his cock and playing with his ass, his face pure ecstacy, aside from the eyes that followed man as he guided Percy in front of jason Percy didn't ever react. He didn't see Jason but it seemed JAson knew what was going on as his muffled cries could be heard the the wax " im....aone...." Jason protested "now now Jason...just spill your load out and become my erotic wax servant!" he mocked winking as he tapped on Jason's wax bulb He knew Jason was trying hard not to ejaculate his essence. "Now what is your name?" he asked the zonked percy this time, PErcy didn't repeat. "PErcy Jackson." he answered completely tranced. The waxed Jason was shaking slightly, pained moans could be heard from the statue as the demigod tried to keep his juices from spilling It wasn't easy as there was a small, steady stream of precum dripping out from his large wax cock "Ah, yes Percy...Jason has said so much about you!" he smirked darkly "he is about to spill his juices over you you know, you wouldn't want to get it all over your clothes now right?" he suggested slyly "wouldn't want to gete it all over my clothes." he repeated. Even though he didn't get a command, the suggestion had its desired effect. Percy started to strip out of his clothes, carelessly throwing fabric aside until he stood there naked, his strong atheletic built exposed. He was a little thinner than Jason, but they were both pretty sturdy and muscular "oooo.....I.....ant......uhh....." Jason was whimpering now, the pressure buidling in his loins. precum was slowly turning into a milky stream. "please........stop it....." he managed to moan. it was so humiliating for him. to be defeated like this and he knew Percy was going to go out just like him. "now percy!" he said with a sadistic grin, "when i clap my hands you will be aware but your body will be still and stay under my command like a puppet!" he commanded clapping his hands. Percy immediate became aware. and just in time to have Jason's uncontrolled spunk spray him like a shower. He gagged and cried out "what the hell?!" but was unable to protect him Jason moaned in pleasure in pain. For ten minutes his spunk rained onto Percy until Percy was completely covered head to toe in his cousin's spunk. His hair was wet and matted. he was panting. "Jason? Jason!" Jason moaned. It seemed the rumors of the two of them being powerful was true, because while Jason did unload nearly all his spunk, there was still enough of him to be aware and awake and not a complete statue. "hi......" he said weakly ?" "Dude that was disgusting. Hey... why can't I move? What did you do to us?" PErcy demanded The spunk was different, like it too had been tainted by the waxy curse that Jason was under. "Percy, rub the spunk over yourself, get it inside you and fully coated yourself in it!" he commanded. "And as for you Jason, you seem to still have some of yourself left in you. How intriguing!" he brushed his finger up Jason's buttcheek JAson moaned. he weakly said something which Percy, who was angrily trying to stop his hands from rubbing the spunk onto his skin, translated. "You're not the first guy who'se tried to turn us into trophies." he said defiantly. too bad their bodies couldn't get ussed to curses like these because he was seriously getting tired of ending up as a statue. "we'll break out of this." "I don't think so!" he replied to Jason, knocking on Jason's waxy head which made a solid knocking thud "You're almost pure wax now! Only able to move due to the remaining sexual energy bouncing in that wax body!" "Looks like you're completely coated now Percy!" he said looking over at the waxy spunk covered boy. The spunk was drying out now, getting cooler "W-what?" Percy gasped in surprise that was new Percy could feel the wax cooling on him He grabbed Jason's hands and repositioned them to his sides. Even though he was solid wax, he could repose Jason as if he were an action figure. "You getting horny now percy!" he stated as he pushed Jason to his knees. "Your cousin needs some feeding i think!" He was unaware of the effect being demigods would have on his cursed spunk Percy moved. "N-no. You can't make me. stop1" Percy shouted. But his body moved of its own accords and he slipped his dick into Jason's warm mouth. He groaned, cheeks slushing red "just empty your essence into Jason!" he commanded as the waxy cum began to absorb into his skin getting waxier by the moment Percy moaned loudly, gasping in surprise as he shot a hot load into Jason's wairting mouth as the hot load absorbed into Jason's waxy body, his body regained some movement but Percy was slowing down and getting harder Percy could feel it in his bones. His muscles. He was loosing strength. He could't move. "I'" he groanedd as his muscles locked up and tensed, showing off each and ever curve of his well sculpted body "You are looking perfect!" said the artist as he felt percy's waxy tensed muscles and he repositioned percy's arms outwards andthey stayed in that position though their was slight tremble as percy struggled "" Percy moaned as he came again and again into Jason's mouth, unable stop himself now. It was a constant flood and was filling Jason up "Now why would I want to do that?" he asked knocking on percy's asscheeks as they made a solid thud. He was concentrating on percy, ignoring the apparently helpless jason Jason's finger twitched PErcy maoned. THis was so humiliating He couldn't believe he got bested like this and now he and jason were going to end up stuck in some stupid wax orgy Percy was almost empty like Jason and like him, he was still aware. "Hmmm now what erotic position should I put you two heroes in?" he asked victoriously Percy glared, letting out an angry muffled growl "bas.......ard" He pulled his pants down to reveal his grotesquely swollen column of a member and teased percy's asswith itbefore sliding it in. "Now to mark you as my property with my spunk! and make you my waxy golem!" he drawled as he pumped percy with his member "I have been waiting for this since you first entered my museum!" He knew his cum would be the only fuel that will animate percy, and he'd be craving it eventually Percy panicked, fear in his eyes. this was it, he was done for but just when he thought it was over, he was suddenly pulled down and Jason came up, punching the mad man in the face The artist recoiled though his cock was locked in percy's ass so as he fell back so did percy's stiff statue body "What??" he called out " of him" Jason said and he grabbed the man "you cannot override my cursed wax cum!" he cried as he used percy as a shield still trying to spill his load into percy "no, but a little demigod spunk goes a long way," Jason said. as he tried to get to percy Jason was still a bit stiff as he was still a wax figure animated by percy's spunk "We'll see how long!" he said stalling as he pulled percy out of Jason's reach Jason stumbledd stiff trying to reach Percy And PErcy felt even more humiliated this time, being carried around like some sort of shield How long could they go on before JAson got stiff again? Percy was frantic "How clumsy for a hero!" he jibed as he felt a surge and had to stop to get his cum into percy oh gods Percy mentally cried as he felt the pressure building. Jason managed to tackle them Percy got pulled away as the artist came, his cum spraying everywhere as he had to writhe on the ground in an orgasm "nooo...!" "sucks to be you," Jason smirked. Percy was reliefed. HE would have shown it if he could move "Now undo your curse." he got up, his pearls glowing again with his eyes "i think not!" he said softly "there's no escape from my museum!" the duo could feel the power. they tried to block it out "shadows!" he called out as they surrounded the artist forming a vicious wall the pair could only stare, Jason feeling stiff now that he lacked spunk to fuel him he advanced again using his hypnotic powers over the pair "you are tricky heroes!" he said seeing Jason stiffen they tried to avoid the villains powers as best they could in their state' "but you are weak now! Helpless!" he approached the pair "no......we're not," Jason said "we're strong....." Percy wheezed "really? you two can barely move!" it was true they were officially stuck, frozen under hard layers of wax "So much for being strong percy!" he smirked trying to salvage some of his cum from the floor "you two need to be punished for wasting my precious spunk!" they were helpless to do anything, both struggling to fight their prisons he scooped some of his cum and slipped it into their asses feeling the cum they gasped "Now you are my toys!" he said as the cum infused into their waxy bodies their bodies could move again but only to follow his commands as he made them move to an empty display they obeyed against their wills and stood on the displays he made percy pose on all fours present his ass as he made Jason beg like a dog and rim percy's ass with his tongue already the small amount of cum in their system had run out and they began to crave it They struggled, unable to talk or move, frozen the museum opened next morning and crowds of people came in to look at the lewd displays, they looked down at some disgust at percy and Jason's display, there next to them was a sign saying 'Demidogs"