1 00:00:35,983 --> 00:00:41,966 After I came down from my sexual high, I immediately rushed home right after to process everything that had happened. 2 00:00:43,166 --> 00:00:46,266 Did I really just hook up with another man...? 3 00:00:46,266 --> 00:00:50,283 And not just any man... my BOSS on top of that?! 4 00:00:50,716 --> 00:00:53,566 What the hell was I even thinking?! 5 00:00:54,366 --> 00:00:57,583 Man... It's going to be so fucking awkward between us... 6 00:00:57,583 --> 00:01:00,583 How the hell am I going to face Jon now? 7 00:01:00,583 --> 00:01:04,966 My stupid cock really got the best of me. 8 00:01:04,966 --> 00:01:07,383 It really did feel amazing though... 9 00:01:07,383 --> 00:01:10,916 Jon's so damn sexy when he's in the zone.. and his dick is just-- 10 00:01:10,916 --> 00:01:13,750 AHHH! What the hell am I thinking?! 11 00:01:13,750 --> 00:01:17,066 Screw it, I'm going to bed... 12 00:01:27,133 --> 00:01:31,216 JADEN: Alright, Jaden! We're only here to work and that's it! 13 00:01:31,433 --> 00:01:34,816 JADEN: Just get what you need to get done, and get out. 14 00:01:35,083 --> 00:01:38,950 JADEN: Agh... hopefully he doesn't bring it up... 15 00:01:38,950 --> 00:01:43,116 JADEN: I'll just try to avoid him if possible... 16 00:01:57,450 --> 00:02:00,300 JON: Ah! Jaden! Wait up! 17 00:02:00,300 --> 00:02:01,750 JADEN: Huh? 18 00:02:01,750 --> 00:02:04,016 JON: G-Good morning...! 19 00:02:04,016 --> 00:02:07,566 JADEN: Oh, uh... morning, Jon... 20 00:02:07,566 --> 00:02:11,050 I couldn't even look him in the eyes at all... it was so awkward. 21 00:02:11,050 --> 00:02:15,133 There was a long silence between us... I just didn't know what to say.. 22 00:02:15,133 --> 00:02:18,866 I'm sure Jon felt the same way. 23 00:02:19,516 --> 00:02:24,383 JADEN: Uh... I'm just gonna get to work, okay? 24 00:02:24,383 --> 00:02:29,516 JON: Hold on, Jaden. I think we need to talk... about what happened yesterday... 25 00:02:29,950 --> 00:02:32,700 JADEN: Uh yeah... okay. 26 00:02:33,666 --> 00:02:39,933 God damnit... this is exactly what I didn't want to happen! 27 00:02:44,416 --> 00:02:47,016 JON: Erm... so... 28 00:02:48,133 --> 00:02:51,533 JADEN: ... 29 00:02:51,766 --> 00:02:59,016 JON: I really hope that I didn't scare you off because of what happened yesterday, Jaden. I honestly didn't expect things to elevate so quickly... 30 00:02:59,450 --> 00:03:06,216 JON: Just given the situation... I took advantage of you while you were in a vulnerable state... so I'm sorry. 31 00:03:06,483 --> 00:03:09,816 JADEN: Huh...? You don't have to be sorry, Jon! 32 00:03:10,550 --> 00:03:16,033 JADEN: I uh... I was honestly really happy with what happened between us... 33 00:03:17,783 --> 00:03:24,783 JADEN: I was able to explore my curiousities that I've had bottled inside... and it was fun. 34 00:03:26,916 --> 00:03:30,916 JADEN: I... I actually REALLY enjoyed it. 35 00:03:31,816 --> 00:03:37,716 JADEN: And I wouldn't mind if something like that happened again... 36 00:03:37,716 --> 00:03:41,600 JON: Phew! Thank god! 37 00:03:41,600 --> 00:03:46,900 JON: You don't know how happy I am to hear that. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off of my chest! 38 00:03:47,350 --> 00:03:53,583 JON: I thought that you were regretting everything and would quit on me since you ran out so quickly yesterday... 39 00:03:53,700 --> 00:03:57,833 JADEN: Are you kidding me? What we did was fucking amazing! 40 00:03:58,350 --> 00:04:05,800 JADEN: I was just in shock I guess. I couldn't believe what happened-- so I panicked and left... but I wouldn't just quit on you like that. 41 00:04:06,833 --> 00:04:12,500 JON: Well... I really enjoyed it too, bud. I'd really like something like that to happen again too... 42 00:04:14,166 --> 00:04:18,783 JON: But before anything, we have to remember what you're really here for... 43 00:04:19,566 --> 00:04:24,066 JON: Which is to work. All of our daily tasks need to get done before anything else. 44 00:04:25,166 --> 00:04:32,350 JADEN: Of course! That was what I intended to do from the beginning anyway! This is a job so I should do what I was originally hired to do! 45 00:04:32,866 --> 00:04:35,833 JON: Alright! That's my boy! 46 00:04:36,216 --> 00:04:40,733 After our talk, I felt like all of my stress and worries from earlier just melted away. 47 00:04:40,733 --> 00:04:47,450 I was surrounded by the comfort that I normally felt when I hung out with Jon. We talked about a few other things afterwards but nothing really important. 48 00:04:58,100 --> 00:05:01,616 Over the next few days, nothing eventful really happened between us. 49 00:05:01,616 --> 00:05:06,200 I had a lot of work to do on the farm and by the end of the day, I was always exhausted. 50 00:05:06,200 --> 00:05:11,016 As much as I wanted something to happen, I just didn't have the energy to do anything. 51 00:05:13,016 --> 00:05:17,616 A day came where Jon and I were both out working in the field. 52 00:05:19,633 --> 00:05:23,983 JON: How are you doing over there, Jaden? Having fun? 53 00:05:25,366 --> 00:05:28,350 JADEN: Oh yeah, I'm having a blast! 54 00:05:28,350 --> 00:05:31,166 JADEN: Pulling out weeds is just sooo much fun! 55 00:05:31,166 --> 00:05:34,150 JON: Hahaha, I sure appreciate your enthusiasm though! 56 00:05:34,150 --> 00:05:36,750 JADEN: Thanks, I try. 57 00:05:36,750 --> 00:05:41,216 JON: Almost done, bud. There's a only a few more plants left that we have to clean up. 58 00:05:43,216 --> 00:05:46,216 JADEN: Wahhh--? JON: Huh? What the--? 59 00:05:46,216 --> 00:05:50,683 JON: Shit! It's pouring all of a sudden! JADEN: AHHH -- we're going to get soaked! 60 00:05:50,683 --> 00:05:55,516 JON: AHH! Come on, let's get inside for now! JADEN: I'm right behind ya! 61 00:05:55,516 --> 00:05:58,116 JADEN: Man... now I'm fucking drenched! This sucks! 62 00:05:58,116 --> 00:06:00,733 JON: Ha! You and me both. 63 00:06:00,733 --> 00:06:05,450 JON: Damn shitty forecast. They didn't say anything about pouring rain today... 64 00:06:05,450 --> 00:06:09,400 JADEN: Well... at least we don't have to water the plants tonight... right? 65 00:06:09,400 --> 00:06:12,283 JON: Hahaha, that's true! 66 00:06:13,433 --> 00:06:20,333 JON: This kind of sucks though. It's gonna be pretty muddy with this much rain which will set us back a bit... 67 00:06:20,333 --> 00:06:26,666 JON: You gonna be okay with doing a little extra work tomorrow? I'm going to need the help. Of course, I'll pay you more for it. 68 00:06:26,666 --> 00:06:29,933 JADEN: Huh? Uh... yeah. No problem at all! 69 00:06:29,933 --> 00:06:36,550 Shit... his wet shirt is sticking so tightly against his body... it looks so hot... I can barely even focus on what he's saying right now. 70 00:06:36,550 --> 00:06:41,566 JON: Hey, why don't you just stay over for a while? At least until the rain lets up. 71 00:06:41,566 --> 00:06:46,666 JON: I don't want you walking home in this weather. You'll definitely get sick. 72 00:06:46,666 --> 00:06:52,000 JON: Besides, the Celtics are playing tonight. We can smoke and watch the game together. 73 00:06:52,000 --> 00:06:59,166 I immediately started feeling nervous from his offer. The only thoughts that were running through my mind was that something would happen between us again... 74 00:06:59,166 --> 00:07:02,433 Something which I desperately wanted at this point... 75 00:07:03,116 --> 00:07:07,283 JADEN: Sure man, that sounds good. I'd love to! 76 00:07:16,883 --> 00:07:23,150 JON: I brought you a towel and a pair of my sweats that you can wear. Dry off a bit and just throw your wet clothes in the washer for now. 77 00:07:23,616 --> 00:07:28,166 JADEN: Thanks Jon, you're the best! I really appreciate it man. 78 00:07:28,550 --> 00:07:32,316 JON: Of course, Jaden. It's no problem at all. Don't mention it! 79 00:07:32,800 --> 00:07:36,650 JON: Hey, I'm gonna go take a quick shower... alright? 80 00:07:36,650 --> 00:07:40,683 JON: Maybe you should take one too since we've been outside all day. 81 00:07:40,683 --> 00:07:45,133 JON: Plus, you don't wanna smell like rain water all night, right? Haha! 82 00:07:45,550 --> 00:07:49,266 JADEN: Uh yeah, sure. I'll take one after you... 83 00:07:50,683 --> 00:07:57,150 JON: Alright, sounds good. I won't be long. You can wait in my room if you want, just don't sit on the bed and get it wet haha. 84 00:07:57,150 --> 00:08:00,116 JADEN: Of course, thanks. 85 00:08:01,483 --> 00:08:05,633 Jon led me to a guest room and also showed me where the bathroom was. 86 00:08:05,633 --> 00:08:12,900 When he opened the door to head into the shower, I was intrigued at what I saw through the crack of the door... so I followed him inside. 87 00:08:17,050 --> 00:08:23,533 Being a poor young college student, I was immediately wow'd by the interior of the place. I could never imagine having a nice bathroom like this. 88 00:08:23,783 --> 00:08:30,900 JADEN: Dude, this bathroom is insane! Just look at the shower! 89 00:08:30,900 --> 00:08:35,116 JON: Really? I've always been meaning to upgrade it... 90 00:08:35,116 --> 00:08:39,383 JADEN: Whaaat?! Are you insane?! It looks sick! 91 00:08:42,450 --> 00:08:48,550 JON: You seem so amazed over such trivial things... it's cute. 92 00:08:49,650 --> 00:08:51,883 JADEN: Huh..? 93 00:08:51,883 --> 00:08:56,200 JADEN: Uhh... haa... 94 00:08:56,533 --> 00:09:04,900 Didn't he say he was going to take a shower...? I wonder if he'll undress in front of me... 95 00:09:06,466 --> 00:09:15,616 JADEN: H-Hey... do you mind if I just wait in the bathroom while you shower...? Y-You know-- that way I won't get anything wet.. 96 00:09:15,616 --> 00:09:21,483 JON: Hmm? Oh yeah, that's probably a good idea! Be my guest! 97 00:09:21,483 --> 00:09:24,983 JADEN: Yeah... thanks. 98 00:09:30,333 --> 00:09:33,700 JON: Heh. I'll be quick... okay? 99 00:09:35,266 --> 00:09:38,450 Oh fuck... 100 00:09:38,450 --> 00:09:41,966 There it is...! Shit... 101 00:09:43,333 --> 00:09:49,050 JADEN: Uh yeah... don't worry about me and take your time. 102 00:10:08,733 --> 00:10:16,566 How can he act so non chalant about everything right now considering what happened between us last time...? 103 00:10:16,566 --> 00:10:20,383 Is he purposely trying to tease me? 104 00:10:20,383 --> 00:10:26,583 Enticing me with his sexy body... that beautiful ass... 105 00:10:28,883 --> 00:10:35,033 Shit... I can't help myself with this kind of view in front of me. 106 00:10:40,833 --> 00:10:43,400 Just a little bit... 107 00:10:44,066 --> 00:10:47,666 Haa... fuck... my cock is so hard right now--! 108 00:10:48,000 --> 00:10:52,483 What the hell am I doing...? Have I lost my mind?! 109 00:10:53,733 --> 00:10:58,283 But I can't help it... it feels so good! 110 00:10:59,350 --> 00:11:02,016 What has this old man done to me...? 111 00:11:02,016 --> 00:11:06,983 Am I really jacking off while watching him take a shower?! 112 00:11:09,133 --> 00:11:16,366 JON: Hey Jaden! I'm almost done! Should I just leave the shower running after I'm finished? 113 00:11:21,866 --> 00:11:27,850 JADEN: H-Huh? Yeah sure-- I'll just... jump in after you're done...! 114 00:11:30,983 --> 00:11:35,283 JON: Whew! That felt nice! Alright, she's all yours bud! 115 00:11:36,150 --> 00:11:38,716 JADEN: Uh...okay. Thanks... 116 00:11:46,233 --> 00:11:48,566 JON: !!! 117 00:11:51,900 --> 00:11:57,383 Ahh... why do I feel so fucking embarrassed right now...? 118 00:11:59,850 --> 00:12:01,950 JON: Heh... 119 00:12:01,950 --> 00:12:04,683 Whatever. Let's just take a fucking shower already. 120 00:12:04,683 --> 00:12:06,850 JON: Hey Jaden... 121 00:12:07,966 --> 00:12:10,016 JADEN: Yeah...? 122 00:12:10,183 --> 00:12:13,350 JADEN: Huh..?! 123 00:12:15,000 --> 00:12:18,666 JON: I guess the both of us can't keep it down, huh? 124 00:12:19,500 --> 00:12:24,600 JON: Look at what you did... I got so hard from seeing your cock. 125 00:12:29,333 --> 00:12:34,350 JADEN: Heh... would you like some help with that then? 126 00:12:45,883 --> 00:12:49,933 JADEN: Just look at this monster... it barely fits in my hand! 127 00:12:56,933 --> 00:13:02,133 JADEN: Your shower was a little short...I think you could use another scrubbing, man. 128 00:13:02,133 --> 00:13:06,150 JADEN: How about you join me for a little, hmm? 129 00:13:06,150 --> 00:13:08,816 JON: A-Alright... 130 00:13:18,816 --> 00:13:21,033 JADEN: How's this...? 131 00:13:21,033 --> 00:13:24,033 JON: Jaden--! AAH...! 132 00:13:29,133 --> 00:13:34,233 Jon's face was filled with pleasure. It was so fucking sexy. I wanted to do more... 133 00:13:34,233 --> 00:13:39,583 Both of our lust was at an all time high. It must have been all of the tension between us for the past week. 134 00:13:39,583 --> 00:13:43,150 JADEN: Your cock is pulsating like crazy, big guy! 135 00:13:43,150 --> 00:13:46,183 JON: Mmm...and whose fault do you think that is? 136 00:14:19,500 --> 00:14:22,583 JADEN: Haa... amazing... 137 00:14:32,233 --> 00:14:36,466 JON: Mm... it feels really good, Jaden...! 138 00:14:36,466 --> 00:14:43,100 JON: Just looking at this beautiful body of yours is driving me insane... 139 00:14:44,550 --> 00:14:46,950 JON: Ah fuck...! 140 00:14:48,550 --> 00:14:56,483 JON: Hey... do you think you could use your mouth like last time...? I can't wait any longer... please! 141 00:14:57,216 --> 00:15:01,700 JADEN: Heh... don't mind if I do... ♥ 142 00:15:05,066 --> 00:15:08,533 JADEN: Ah! I forgot just how big it is up close... 143 00:15:28,650 --> 00:15:31,850 JON: AAHHH!! ♥ 144 00:15:32,883 --> 00:15:37,233 JON: Haha... you just couldn't resist the balls again... huh? 145 00:15:39,500 --> 00:15:43,033 JON: Ohhhh... that's amazing...! ♥ 146 00:15:44,566 --> 00:15:45,566 JADEN: Ahh! 147 00:15:46,400 --> 00:15:50,333 JON: Fuuuck yeah... suck on Daddy's balls! ♥ 148 00:15:55,666 --> 00:15:58,650 JON: OHHH FUUUCK! YESSS! ♥ 149 00:15:58,650 --> 00:16:01,683 JON: That's the feeling-- I missed...! 150 00:16:02,583 --> 00:16:05,383 JON: AAHH!! ♥ 151 00:16:06,950 --> 00:16:11,666 JON: Your throat-- it's squeezing down so tight on me--! 152 00:16:17,433 --> 00:16:21,000 JON: I can't stop-- it feels.. so fucking good--! ♥ 153 00:16:22,033 --> 00:16:30,083 JON: Does it taste good? Did you miss having Daddy's meat sliding down your tight little mouth pussy? 154 00:16:32,250 --> 00:16:37,316 JON: It feels even better than it did last time--! ♥ 155 00:16:38,850 --> 00:16:41,466 JON: FUUUCKKK! ♥ 156 00:16:43,733 --> 00:16:49,366 JON: C'mon-- you like it deep down your throat-- right--?! Take him all in-- as much as you'd like! 157 00:16:49,366 --> 00:16:51,033 JADEN: HAAH...! Haaah...! 158 00:16:51,033 --> 00:16:54,633 JON: Hey! No breaks until your boss says so, boy! 159 00:16:55,500 --> 00:17:00,716 JON: Haaa.. the walls of your throat--- are so fucking soft... my dick is melting inside...! ♥ 160 00:17:06,733 --> 00:17:10,983 JON: You want Daddy's milk?! It's what you've been desperately waiting for, right?! 161 00:17:11,000 --> 00:17:14,150 JON: OH FUCK-- I'M GOING TO CREAM YOU DEEP INSIDE YOUR THROAT--! ♥ 162 00:17:14,150 --> 00:17:18,266 JON: CUMMINGGGG!! ♥ 163 00:17:27,966 --> 00:17:31,983 JON: Holy shit... haaaaah! That was incredible--! 164 00:17:33,533 --> 00:17:36,383 JON: A-Ah... you're still going--?! 165 00:17:38,150 --> 00:17:41,916 JADEN: Heh, can't waste any of this precious protein... ♥ 166 00:17:44,250 --> 00:17:48,100 JADEN: I've got to squeeze out every last drop! ♥ 167 00:17:56,300 --> 00:18:01,766 JON: Ngh... you're such a naughty kid... 168 00:18:01,766 --> 00:18:08,050 JON: You missed my cock that much, huh? Open up your mouth again, boy! 169 00:18:26,333 --> 00:18:29,666 JON: Mmm, you taste so good... ♥ 170 00:18:29,666 --> 00:18:33,300 I was getting so incredibly turned on by his gentle touch and kisses. 171 00:18:33,300 --> 00:18:38,400 The water from the shower made his hands slick and glide all over my body. 172 00:18:38,400 --> 00:18:43,716 JON: Your cock feels like it's about to burst... it's throbbing so much. 173 00:18:43,716 --> 00:18:48,816 I could feel his cock getting hard again... and rubbing against my ass. 174 00:18:48,816 --> 00:18:55,233 For the first time... I could almost feel my hole tingling with anticipation. It was a weird feeling but it was making me even more hot and horny. 175 00:18:55,233 --> 00:18:57,233 JADEN: Hey Jon... JON: Hmm? 176 00:18:57,233 --> 00:19:01,033 JADEN: There's something that I've always been curious about but never got to try... 177 00:19:01,033 --> 00:19:06,066 JADEN: I've heard a rimjob feels really good... and I've always wanted to see what the hype was all about... 178 00:19:06,066 --> 00:19:09,166 JON: Are you sure about that, bud? You really want to? 179 00:19:09,166 --> 00:19:13,383 JADEN: Yeah... please. Won't hurt to try, right? 180 00:19:14,683 --> 00:19:18,083 JON: Aha... if that's what you really want... 181 00:19:18,083 --> 00:19:21,216 JON: Lean over a little more... 182 00:19:21,216 --> 00:19:23,850 JADEN: Like this..? 183 00:19:24,216 --> 00:19:27,616 JON: Yeah, here we go! 184 00:19:29,900 --> 00:19:32,500 JADEN: Ahh.. OH?! 185 00:19:32,500 --> 00:19:41,166 His tongue started swirling around the rim of my hole while rubbing his cock in between my thighs. The sensations being sent through my body were incredible. 186 00:19:41,833 --> 00:19:45,783 JADEN: Ohhhhh FUUUCKKKK! ♥ 187 00:19:46,500 --> 00:19:50,550 JADEN: That feels fucking amaaaazing maaan! ♥ 188 00:19:51,800 --> 00:19:57,750 JADEN: Oh my fucking god...! What's going on...?! Why does it feel so good..?! 189 00:19:58,466 --> 00:20:01,500 JADEN: AAH-- not my balls too...! 190 00:20:04,383 --> 00:20:09,200 JON: Mmm... your hole is so soft and plump... tastes amazing! 191 00:20:09,200 --> 00:20:13,900 JADEN: AHH- Jon! Not so much-- I'm-- 192 00:20:13,900 --> 00:20:18,316 JADEN: I'm gonna get addicted to this--! 193 00:20:31,283 --> 00:20:35,766 JADEN: AAHH-- your tongue is going inside--! ♥ 194 00:20:35,766 --> 00:20:40,766 JADEN: Don't swirl it around like that--- so suddenly-- FUUUUCK! ♥ 195 00:20:42,433 --> 00:20:47,233 JADEN: Put it in deeper--! Eat my ass like you mean it, man! 196 00:20:54,916 --> 00:20:58,083 JADEN: OH FUCK YES!!! 197 00:20:58,083 --> 00:21:00,783 JADEN: Come on! Shove that shit in deeper! 198 00:21:00,783 --> 00:21:03,550 JADEN: SHITTT! 199 00:21:12,600 --> 00:21:16,966 JADEN: AAHH-- something's leaking out of my dick... it feels amazing...! ♥ 200 00:21:19,266 --> 00:21:23,266 JON: JADEN! Fuck-- you're making me go crazy...I'm rock hard again--! 201 00:21:23,266 --> 00:21:26,483 JADEN: AH-- your thick meat is rubbing so hard against me-- ♥ 202 00:21:26,983 --> 00:21:30,683 JON: It feels so soft... I don't think I can hold back... 203 00:21:31,050 --> 00:21:35,016 JON: If you really want something that can reach deeper inside... 204 00:21:35,966 --> 00:21:38,250 JON: How about...? 205 00:21:38,250 --> 00:21:41,866 JADEN: Just fucking do it, man! My insides are already itching for something now--! 206 00:21:41,866 --> 00:21:47,766 JADEN: Stop teasing and just fucking shove that thick monster inside me already! 207 00:21:47,766 --> 00:21:51,900 JON: Are you really sure you want this...? 208 00:21:51,900 --> 00:21:54,300 JADEN: Yeah-- just do it...! 209 00:21:54,300 --> 00:21:57,200 JON: Alright boy-- you asked for it! 210 00:21:58,583 --> 00:22:01,616 JADEN: AHH-- OH? FUUUUCK! 211 00:22:01,616 --> 00:22:04,400 JADEN: IT'S REALLY--- GOING IN--! 212 00:22:04,400 --> 00:22:07,116 JON: So TIGHT--! 213 00:22:07,116 --> 00:22:08,116 JADEN: GAHHH! ♥ 214 00:22:08,116 --> 00:22:10,416 JADEN: AHHHHHHHHH!!! ♥ 215 00:22:12,266 --> 00:22:15,150 JON: Your ass-- oh my fucking god--! ♥ 216 00:22:15,150 --> 00:22:19,666 JON: I've never been in-- a hole so fucking tight before--! Holy shit--! 217 00:22:19,983 --> 00:22:23,133 JADEN: NOT SO FAST MAN-- SLOW DOWN! AHH! 218 00:22:23,133 --> 00:22:28,200 JON: I'm sorry-- I got a little carried away-- my hips started moving on their own.. 219 00:22:28,200 --> 00:22:33,016 JADEN: It's--hah... fine! I just... need to get used to it first--! ♥ 220 00:22:34,600 --> 00:22:38,550 JADEN: Holy fuck-- it's so big...! 221 00:22:39,800 --> 00:22:45,616 JADEN: NOOO-- DON'T GRIND IT INSIDE LIKE THAT---! ♥ 222 00:22:45,616 --> 00:22:49,033 JADEN: You're rubbing-- something inside... it feels weird--! 223 00:22:49,033 --> 00:22:52,000 JON: Does it feel good for you though? 224 00:22:52,000 --> 00:22:55,133 JADEN: I- I don't know--! My head feels all cloudy--! 225 00:22:56,216 --> 00:22:58,933 JON: I'll take that as a yes then! JADEN: HUH?! 226 00:23:00,116 --> 00:23:04,883 JON: HAA-- you're taking Daddy's cock like a champ! 227 00:23:05,550 --> 00:23:11,016 JON: I can barely-- move because your walls are sucking onto me like it doesn't want to let go! 228 00:23:11,016 --> 00:23:14,383 JON: It feels sooo fucking good--! 229 00:23:16,533 --> 00:23:21,016 JON: OOOHHHH! You're squeezing down so hard on me! ♥ 230 00:23:21,016 --> 00:23:26,800 JADEN: Yeah--? Feels good huh, big guy? Shove that huge dick in all the fucking way--! 231 00:23:26,800 --> 00:23:31,800 JADEN: AHHH YESSS! YOU KEEP HITTING THAT SPOT! ♥ 232 00:23:31,800 --> 00:23:35,500 JADEN: COME ON! SLAM THAT SHIT IN HARDER! 233 00:23:35,783 --> 00:23:41,850 JON: OHHH JADEN! This feels better than anyone I've ever been with before! My ex- wife doesn't even compare! ♥ 234 00:23:41,850 --> 00:23:45,583 JADEN: THEN-- FUCK ME LIKE THE CRAZY ANIMAL YOU REALLY ARE--! 235 00:23:46,283 --> 00:23:49,083 JADEN: YESSS! SO ROUGH-- ! ♥ 236 00:23:49,083 --> 00:23:53,583 JON: Your hole is unbelievable--! My dick really feels like it's melting--! 237 00:23:53,583 --> 00:23:59,100 JON: Every fold is so soft and slick-- it's massaging every inch of me so good! ♥ 238 00:24:00,633 --> 00:24:04,166 JON: YOU WANT IT ROUGH, HUH BOY? YOU WANT TO BE TREATED LIKE A LITTLE SLUT? 239 00:24:04,166 --> 00:24:07,866 JADEN: YESSS! YESS! YESS! COME ON! FUCK ME LIKE THOSE GIRLS FROM THOSE NIGHT CLUBS! 240 00:24:07,866 --> 00:24:11,366 JON: HA! Sucha desperate cock hungry little whore you are! 241 00:24:11,366 --> 00:24:14,116 JON: WHO THE FUCK AM I, HUH?! 242 00:24:14,116 --> 00:24:16,716 JADEN: DADDY-- FUCK! DADDY--! 243 00:24:16,716 --> 00:24:21,483 JON: That's right-- and Daddy's the boss-- so I'm going to use your tight little hole whenever I want to from now on, right?! 244 00:24:21,483 --> 00:24:24,816 JADEN: YESSS! I LOVE YOUR THICK COCK INSIDE OF ME! ♥ 245 00:24:24,816 --> 00:24:29,866 JON: Yeah? The boss says you've gotta work for it now-- c'mon! Show me how much you love it! 246 00:24:29,866 --> 00:24:31,633 JON: OH FUUCK! ♥ 247 00:24:31,633 --> 00:24:35,900 JON: Looking at this sexy ass of yours bouncing up and down on my cock is driving me over the edge! 248 00:24:35,900 --> 00:24:39,833 JON: I'm gonna fucking-- breed your tight little ass so deep-- INSIDE! 249 00:24:39,833 --> 00:24:44,033 JON: You want Daddy's milk to cream you deep inside your hole? 250 00:24:44,033 --> 00:24:47,550 JADEN: FUCK YEAH--! SHOOT YOUR HOT LOAD DEEP IN MY STOMACH! ♥ 251 00:24:47,550 --> 00:24:51,116 JON: FUCK-- here it comes--! 252 00:24:51,116 --> 00:24:54,116 JON: I'M CUMMING-- INSIDE OF YOU--! 253 00:24:54,116 --> 00:24:57,550 JADEN: AHHH- I can feel it splurting inside... it's so warm...! 254 00:24:58,966 --> 00:25:02,366 JON: OHHHH MANNN! ♥ 255 00:25:05,500 --> 00:25:08,466 JON: Oh yeah-- unload that fresh boy juice all over me--! 256 00:25:08,466 --> 00:25:11,233 JADEN: OH FUUUCK-- here it comes...! 257 00:25:11,233 --> 00:25:12,900 JADEN: I'M CUMMING--! ♥ 258 00:25:19,633 --> 00:25:22,650 JADEN: AHH-- don't suck on it so suddenly--! 259 00:25:24,666 --> 00:25:27,883 JON: Thank you for the meal! ♥ 260 00:25:28,883 --> 00:25:33,116 Afterwards, we rinsed off and did what we were originally going to do together. 261 00:25:33,116 --> 00:25:38,200 We got dressed and went upstairs to watch the game in Jon's entertainment room. 262 00:25:39,316 --> 00:25:42,000 Or at least we attempted to watch the game... 263 00:25:58,150 --> 00:26:02,216 JON: Heh... it's still really soft from earlier. 264 00:26:02,650 --> 00:26:06,283 JADEN: C'mon man... stop playing around and put it in already! I can't take it anymore! 265 00:26:06,283 --> 00:26:09,866 JON: Yeah? You want Daddy's cock buried deep inside of you again? 266 00:26:09,866 --> 00:26:11,833 JADEN: Yes...please--! 267 00:26:11,833 --> 00:26:15,600 JON: Good boy! Since you asked so nicely, I'll gladly give it to you ♥ 268 00:26:15,600 --> 00:26:17,800 JON: In...we... GO! 269 00:26:17,800 --> 00:26:20,966 JADEN: AHHH! FUCKKKKK! ♥ 270 00:26:22,150 --> 00:26:24,766 JADEN: YESSS! ♥ 271 00:26:27,216 --> 00:26:31,750 JON: OhhhH -- it's still so fucking soft & tight inside of your boy pussy! 272 00:26:31,750 --> 00:26:34,983 JON: You're clamping down so hard on me! 273 00:26:37,583 --> 00:26:43,400 JON: Shit! I was already getting close... just look how fucking hard you got me, boy! 274 00:26:43,600 --> 00:26:47,600 JON: How's this huh? You like when I plow your tight little hole like this? 275 00:26:47,600 --> 00:26:51,900 JADEN: OHHHH FUCK YES! KEEP GOING -- HARDER! ♥ 276 00:26:56,000 --> 00:27:00,483 JADEN: AHHHH! It's hitting so deep inside-- I'm going to go insane! 277 00:27:03,250 --> 00:27:06,416 JON: Shit--- it feels so god damn good inside of you, boy! 278 00:27:06,416 --> 00:27:10,466 JON: A tight virgin hole really is the best...! ♥ 279 00:27:11,750 --> 00:27:15,666 JADEN: You're going so fast-- AHHH!! 280 00:27:15,666 --> 00:27:19,966 JADEN: Keep fucking my ass pussy like your fleshlight--! 281 00:27:19,966 --> 00:27:23,433 JADEN: I can't-- I can't even think straight anymore--! 282 00:27:24,266 --> 00:27:29,633 JON: Your ass is--- a million times better than that-- shitty fleshlight! I'll never be able... to go back-- because of you! 283 00:27:29,833 --> 00:27:32,250 JON: FUCK BABY!~ ♥ 284 00:27:33,350 --> 00:27:38,383 JON: You're too fucking cute, Jaden! I can't hold myself back with you--! ♥ 285 00:27:40,383 --> 00:27:44,350 JON: Shhhh, I love hearing your sexy moans but you've gotta keep it down a bit-- people outside might hear us! 286 00:27:44,350 --> 00:27:47,550 JADEN: I can't help it-- your cocks driving me fucking crazy, man! 287 00:27:48,383 --> 00:27:50,800 JADEN: AAAAAHHHH!!!! ♥ 288 00:27:50,800 --> 00:27:54,800 JON: Hmph-- I guess you've gotta be taught a lesson since you don't want to listen to your boss! 289 00:27:59,866 --> 00:28:03,200 JON: You gonna listen to your boss now, boy?! 290 00:28:03,200 --> 00:28:07,450 JADEN: FUCK NO! I NEED-- TO BE TAUGHT ANOTHER LESSON--! 291 00:28:07,450 --> 00:28:11,950 JON: Oh yeah?! Being fresh, huh?! JADEN: AAHHH FUCKKK! ♥ 292 00:28:11,950 --> 00:28:15,416 JON: I'll be giving you a punishment for sure--! 293 00:28:15,416 --> 00:28:19,916 JON: I'm going to breed and bury my seed deep inside your fucking womb! 294 00:28:19,916 --> 00:28:22,566 JADEN: YESSSS! POUR IT ALL INSIDE! ♥ 295 00:28:23,033 --> 00:28:27,866 JON: AH! You're tightening up-- on purpose aren't you--?! You little cum slut--! 296 00:28:27,866 --> 00:28:32,600 JON: Gonna... load your ass... with some fresh milk...! 297 00:28:32,600 --> 00:28:36,466 JON: OHHHH FUUUUUUUUUCK!!!! ♥ 298 00:28:40,733 --> 00:28:44,516 JADEN: UOHH--! You're filling me up-- so warm--! 299 00:28:56,500 --> 00:29:00,433 [ 30 MINUTES LATER ] 300 00:29:02,200 --> 00:29:05,900 JON: Haa... what's the...score-- right now?! 301 00:29:05,900 --> 00:29:10,333 JADEN: UAH-- forty six to-- thirty fi-AHHH! ♥ 302 00:29:10,733 --> 00:29:14,183 JADEN: FUCK RIGHT THERE! ♥ 303 00:29:14,183 --> 00:29:16,816 JON: Ohhh you're squeezing me so tight! ♥ 304 00:29:18,350 --> 00:29:22,883 JON: OHh, it feels like you're milking my cock in this position ♥ 305 00:29:22,883 --> 00:29:26,416 JADEN: You're hitting that sweet spot so good! Keep going! ♥ 306 00:29:26,416 --> 00:29:30,333 JON: You're more flexible than I thought... haha! 307 00:29:34,733 --> 00:29:39,083 JADEN: OHHH! Your mouth feels so warm around my cock--! ♥ 308 00:29:39,083 --> 00:29:43,150 JADEN: It's sliding so easily down your throat-- shit! 309 00:29:43,150 --> 00:29:48,483 JADEN: I'd fuck this hot mouth pussy of yours forever if I could! ♥ 310 00:29:48,916 --> 00:29:51,550 JON: Oh yeah-- ride Daddy's cock just like that, baby! ♥ 311 00:30:03,933 --> 00:30:07,533 JADEN: Fuck yeah-- grind that shit deep into me--! 312 00:30:09,300 --> 00:30:13,966 JADEN: Heheh, feels really good huh big guy? You should see the look on your face right now! 313 00:30:13,966 --> 00:30:15,966 JADEN: How's this?! 314 00:30:15,966 --> 00:30:19,183 JON: OHHH JADEN! Don't clamp down so hard or--! 315 00:30:19,183 --> 00:30:22,116 JON: SHIT I'M CUMMING! 316 00:30:22,116 --> 00:30:23,933 JADEN: Now it's my turn! 317 00:30:24,633 --> 00:30:28,433 JADEN: Look at you eagerly swallowing down your young employee's cock! Tastes that good, huh? 318 00:30:29,433 --> 00:30:31,350 JADEN: Fuck-- I'm close--! 319 00:30:31,950 --> 00:30:34,783 JADEN: You gonna swallow my thick load again, boss? 320 00:30:35,033 --> 00:30:38,850 JADEN: Mhm? I'm gonna shoot it deep down your throat, okay? ♥ 321 00:30:39,483 --> 00:30:43,033 JADEN: FUUUUUCK! 322 00:30:43,633 --> 00:30:48,400 JON: I'm not even close to being done yet, boy! Open up that throat for me, nice and wide! 323 00:30:48,400 --> 00:30:51,233 JON: Ohhh yeahhh! ♥ 324 00:30:51,233 --> 00:30:56,083 JON: Good boy-- you're swallowing down Daddy's cock like a champ--! 325 00:30:56,083 --> 00:30:59,883 JON: Ohhh FUCKK! 326 00:30:59,883 --> 00:31:04,616 JON: That's a good boy! Slobber all over Daddy's big bone ♥ 327 00:31:05,650 --> 00:31:09,533 JADEN: No-- don't swirl your tongue inside so viciously like that--! 328 00:31:13,100 --> 00:31:15,033 JADEN: AHHH FUCK! ♥ 329 00:31:17,666 --> 00:31:22,333 JON: I've always wanted to try this position... no one was ever flexible enough-- heh. 330 00:31:24,450 --> 00:31:28,316 JON: OOOHHH!~ ♥ 331 00:31:28,316 --> 00:31:32,816 JON: It's like I'm hitting a whole different spot inside of you-- it's so soft! 332 00:31:32,816 --> 00:31:36,783 JADEN: Your dick's slamming against my prostate like this! AHHhH! ♥ 333 00:31:39,933 --> 00:31:44,200 JON: RAAhh-- SO... GOOD--! 334 00:31:53,416 --> 00:31:57,650 JON: SHIT-- I'M CUMMING AGAIN--! 335 00:32:01,933 --> 00:32:04,950 JADEN: NGH--! Again with-- the tongue--! 336 00:32:04,950 --> 00:32:07,816 JADEN: AHh-- c'mon-- suck the milk out ♥ 337 00:32:07,816 --> 00:32:09,716 JADEN: OOohhh!~ ♥ 338 00:32:10,916 --> 00:32:14,116 JADEN: SHIT-- It's coming out--! 339 00:32:14,616 --> 00:32:16,966 JADEN: AAAHHHH! ♥ 340 00:32:16,966 --> 00:32:20,566 JON: I'll fucking breed you-- over-- and over... until you REALLY get pregnant! 341 00:32:20,566 --> 00:32:22,400 JADEN: AHH-- This is the-- 8th time already--! 342 00:32:22,400 --> 00:32:25,200 JON: AOHHHH!~ 343 00:32:27,966 --> 00:32:30,333 JON: I'M CUMMING AGAIN!! 344 00:32:34,916 --> 00:32:37,016 JON: Haa... one more time? 345 00:32:37,016 --> 00:32:38,250 JADEN: Fuck yeah! 346 00:32:38,600 --> 00:32:40,700 JON: That's my boy! 347 00:32:41,516 --> 00:32:46,516 JADEN: AHHH! YOUR COCK'S PRESSING SO DEEP INTO ME--! ♥ 348 00:32:47,050 --> 00:32:50,166 JON: Mmm, squeeze down a little more for me! 349 00:32:51,066 --> 00:32:53,800 JON: OH FUCK YEAHHH!~ ♥ 350 00:33:00,116 --> 00:33:02,966 JADEN: If you-- stroke it at the same time-- I'm gonna-- 351 00:33:02,966 --> 00:33:05,416 JON: NGH-- You're getting even tighter--! 352 00:33:05,983 --> 00:33:09,083 JON: C'mon, bust a big fat nut for Daddy! 353 00:33:09,083 --> 00:33:12,683 JADEN: OOHH I'M GONNA CUM! I'M GONNA FUCKING CUM!!! 354 00:33:12,683 --> 00:33:16,150 JON: Holy shit, boy! That's fucking hot--! 355 00:33:16,666 --> 00:33:19,450 JON: AAHHH I'M GONNA CUM TOO! ♥ 356 00:33:19,450 --> 00:33:22,166 JON: FUUUUCKKK! ♥ 357 00:33:35,916 --> 00:33:39,600 [ THE NEXT MORNING ] 358 00:34:20,966 --> 00:34:22,816 JADEN: Heh... 359 00:34:27,150 --> 00:34:29,683 JON: Hmm...? 360 00:34:29,683 --> 00:34:32,283 JADEN: Good morning, stud. 361 00:34:32,283 --> 00:34:35,466 JON: Haha... well good morning to you too, cutie. 362 00:34:42,433 --> 00:34:47,200 JADEN: Ahhh-- we've got a lot of work to do today... but I'm so fucking sore! 363 00:34:47,200 --> 00:34:50,983 JON: Hmm, I guess we can take the day off today... 364 00:34:50,983 --> 00:34:54,650 JON: Instead... we can spend the day doing something else... 365 00:34:54,650 --> 00:35:00,283 JADEN: What the-- you're hard AGAIN?! Jesus, man! You are an animal! 366 00:35:00,283 --> 00:35:05,066 JON: Hahaha, that's right! So get to work, boy! 367 00:35:06,233 --> 00:35:11,483 I guess it's safe to say that I'll be working here for a really long time... heh. 368 00:35:11,483 --> 00:35:17,033 I sure hope this summer heat never ends.