You’d been sitting in the salon for the past hour, and it didn't seem like your girlfriend was close to done!

“This is ridiculous! How much longer am I gonna be here?” You yell to Samantha from across the room.

The stylist looked worried, but Samantha calmed her down.

“Don’t worry, he's just a jerk.”

“Does he always act so rude?” She asked Samantha as she curled her hair.

“Yeah, he’s always doing stuff like that. It’d be embarrassing if it didn't happen so often…” Samantha replied, rolling her eyes as Martha, the stylist brushed her hair. You just watch in disgust, watching the girl’s lips move, but unable to hear the words they spoke.

“I could teach him a lesson when I finish up with you, if you’d like.” Martha said with a smirk.

You rejoice when you see the two girls coming back to the front of the store where you sit, Samantha finally done with her dumb haircut.

“Finally! Let’s get going!!

Your hair doesn’t even look that different…” You grumble under your breath.

“You sure you don’t want a quick haircut, honey?

I’ll do it for free since you had to wait around so long.” The girl says with a polite smile.

“Well, I could use a trim… Alright fine, but make it quick!”

“Oh don't worry about that!” Martha laughs, hitting your arm playfully before leading you back to her chair.

“Just make me look normal please, I don’t want some crazy, out of control hairdo now.” You say, brushing your unkempt hair with your fingers.

“I told you not to worry!” Martha says, turning the water on in the sink behind you.

“My hair’s not that long, you don’t need to- Oooo” You trail off as the stylist begins massaging your scalp, practically numbing it and making you moan in bliss.

She must be using a weird shampoo, cuz your hair begins to feel a lot more voluminous. Almost like you’re wearing a wet wig. You then notice the stylist’s hands go deeper into the sink, and somehow feel them continue to tug on your scalp…

Your nose tickles and your lips tingle, making you scrunch your face and realize it feels much softer. You feel your chin shrink into your jaw, and your lips begin to naturally pout as they change shape and thickness.

“What’s happening? No!” You cry out in a feminine leaning voice, unable to move anything besides your face as you struggle for bodily control. And even that was slowly starting to numb, soon you sat frozen while Martha worked your scalp.

“My hair feels so weird!! Are you changing it??” You ask demandingly.

“Me ? I would never!”

“But your hands are so far down! My hair must be able to reach the floor by now!!” You say, feeling a heavy weight on your head as the sink filled with your hair.

“I don’t think its reaching the floor yet, but that’s not what pretty hair is all about!” Martha says, giggling and opening up a hair extension.

These’ll really change you…” She says, placing the extensions on the counter behind her.

“What!?? NOOO!! I don’t want to change, I love my body!! Samantha!!!!!”

“She can’t hear you, sugar. Just settle down.”

You feel the words sink into your skull, and relax as your heartbeat slows down.

“Now picture your dream girl, the ultimate beauty…” Martha whispers into your ear. “With the most perfect personality and libido, she’ll be yours instead of Samantha; or any other girl!!”

You don’t want to listen to her, but slowly an image of the most perfect girl you’d ever seen appears.

“Big boobs, big hair, big eyes and whoa! That’s a fucking big sex drive! Slutty too, nice…” Martha says, reading your mind and looking at the same woman you are.

“Please stop this!! I’m not enjoying this!!” You beg, trying to ignore your overtly sexual voice.

She ignores your pleas though, and smiles as she lifts a pink hair extender in front of your eyes. “This one’s gonna turn you into that girl, and you’ll love it!” Martha says, showing you both sides of the bright extensions.

“You have to let me go,  I need new shoes, bras, underwear- Oop!” Your thoughts and speech pattern change instantly as the clip on blonde extensions are put in, and your hair blows up behind you magically, becoming even more luscious than before.

“That’s right… Feel the volume in your hair now? Martha asks, laughing as you crane your neck to either side and take in the new weight. You sit up from the reclined chair, in disbelief of how heavy your dry hair feels now. A run through the locks with your fingers tells you one thing; you’re in trouble.

Could you like, let me go? I’ll totally pay you anything, just change my sexy body back, please!” You beg, trying to fight your body as it reclines back into the chair.

“This thing’s just gonna start melting right away, so I’m gonna have to get working now!” Martha says, ignoring your pleas some more and clipping in the pink extension.

“Like what are you say- Uhhhh…” You’re suddenly cut off as the clips are placed around the back of your scalp, and it almost feels like your brain is melting out of your skull.

You then feel the stylist’s skillful hands play with your hair, and you calmly close your eyes as the liquid beginning to ooze out of your head is combed into your hair like highlights.

“It’s gonna take awhile for all that dye to soak in completely, but you'll be a bubbly, colorful bimbo soon enough!” Martha says as you sit frozen, “And hey, your girlfriend’s already forgotten who you are!”

Martha turns the chair so you could see Samantha and some guy making out, and then walk out like you don’t exist!

“I’ll let you speak some more, I love hearing your mind change!”

“You like, totally can’t do this! I’m like- Mmmm… So horny, omg!

My nipples are like, growing or something, I ahhhh…” Your tongue comes jutting out of your mouth as an erotic warmth flows up your esophagus, and your eyes roll back while your boobs inflate and grow out of the pink bra you wore.

You feel saliva drip down your cleavage, but can do nothing about it as your body fills with unnatural amounts of arousal.

“As nice as those puppies are, we can't just have you naked in the salon!” Martha says, weighing your growing boobs in each of her hands after the pink bra tore in two.

You remain frozen in place from the sensual bliss coursing through your body, and your hair becomes even more voluminous as the dye settles into the deep recesses of your mind. Your thoughts barely connect now, and every other word in your head is about boys or makeup.

You snap back to reality when Martha finishes playing with your boobs, and you feel a bit of stretch as stickers cling to your nipples for dear life.

“I hope you don’t mind the censorship, but little kids come here sometimes…” Martha says, applying makeup to your face and making it change even more.

You feel your eyes slant and change the shape of your face even more, giving you a sharper, sexier look as eyeliner and blush is applied heavily. Then your lips are painted pink,  forcing them to plump up as pink layer after pink layer is applied. Martha then splits your hair in two, and you feel your legs split wide open as well.

She begins tying your hair into side ponies, and you could feel her fingers move around inside your virgin womanhood. Each hair tie she tightens around the base of your ponies feels like another inch inside you, and fills you with more orgasmic energy as she tightens it into your scalp. After fifteen bands you feel filled to completion, and know you’re no longer a virgin.

Soon you can’t stop bouncing as cum stains your panties, enjoying all the erotic sensations your new body brings. It almost seems like every bounce is plumping you up, but even that feels amazing and you can’t stop your body.

“Go join the other boyfriends I’ve had to deal with in the warehouse, they’ll love your hair!!

I could only change you so much, it’s mostly your imagination that brought you to this… I’ve never seen a guy with such intense desires!!”

You can’t even hear what Martha’s saying, your mind is too focused on those boyfriends she mentioned before.

“So like, you said something about boys?” You giggle, feeling your pussy flush as you picture a guy thrusting inside you.

“There’ll be plenty of guys, Nicki; plenty of guys…” Martha laughs, inserting a finger inside you and grabbing a breast.

“I guess the guys could like, totally wait!!” You giggle, meeting Martha’s lips with yours to finalize your bimbo transformation.