“Come with me, honey!” Your wife laughs, leading you through the blurry house as your eyes attempt to adapt to the bright lights.

You recognize the first room you were in, injector pole glistening as you’re brought before it. You try fighting Brittany, but your body’s too frail to even wriggle out of her grasp.

“Just step right here, and place your leg there…” Brittany trails off as she helps you stand directly over the pole before pulling out her phone, “Now just relax, I’m giving you a double dose to stop your fighting.”

You resign to your fate, knowing your future is completely up to your wife’s mercy. You prepare yourself for the slowly elevating pole, but when the thickness penetrates your pussy you let out an orgasmic squeal of surprise.

“Eeeeeeeeeeehhhhh…” You moan, shivering as the machine pumps you full of mysterious warmth and slowly puts you to sleep.

You don’t know how much time passes when you wake up, facing the ceiling as every little breeze and draft stimulates your delicate skin. Your breath hastens as the ecstatic sensations of your body suddenly rush to one spot, and your hand reaches down only to hit rough denim.

Through crossed eyes you look down to see a petite body, reclined and dressed in slutty jean shorts and a long sleeve shirt. Your location and costume don’t matter right now though, the sparkling flames of lust consuming all thoughts as you desperately paw at your zipper.

“That’s so sexy…” You hear a familiar voice above you, “I concentrated your femininity so you can expand a few more times, cuz I want you to experience everything a girl can.

Mmmmm… It’s also really hot to watch… You can’t stop yourself, huh?” Brittany moans and giggles, leaning on the couch back as you feverishly massage your folds. You convulse and shiver as pure euphoria washes over your body, barely coherent of what your wife has to say as you bring yourself ever closer to climax.

“You’re gonna start inflating again soon, but I’m sure you’ll love all that pressure released from that pretty little head of yours…

Let’s get you back on the monitor, and then maybe we’ll hit the age booth for a quick retouch!” Brittaney giggles, helping you up from the couch as you mumble something about needing help.

“You’re getting all the help you need, stop fussing!” Is the last thing you hear as you fall back into the patient chair, monitor whirring to life as your salon numbers appear on screen.

And then you pass out, only to wake up a completely unknown amount of time later.

“Where am I?” You ask groggily, voice sweeter than honey as you look around the room through blurred vision and smack your plump lips together.

“I made a big mistake…” You hear Brittany say wheepily, “You were huge, it was… I thought I killed you!”

Suddenly you’re being hugged tightly by your wife, but a growing itch beneath your skin occupies too much of your attention to care. She holds you tight as you start to hop in place, plush chest jiggling softly beneath your wife’s arms as she clutches you dearly.

“You were asleep for over a day, and the machine couldn’t even read your bimbo levels they were so high!! I thought you overdosed or something, I’m so happy you’re awake!” Brittany nervously gushes, “How are you feeling? I’ll change you back now, I’m sorry I got so vengeful and mad!”

“Ehrmmmm…” You moan, the taste of strawberry lipgloss on your tongue as you bite your delectable lip and bounce.

Your armpits tickle from the pulling of skin, hefty mammaries swinging in your stretchy top as your wife blushes. You try to stop yourself, but it feels too good to not just give in. You’re left holding onto luscious locks, looking around worried for a moment as your eyesight clears and you can see tears in Britany’s eyes.

But then it all clicks.

“It’s- mmmmm… Don’t worry about like, whatever you were saying, I feel great!” You giggle, torso swiveling within your wide hips as your toned abs flex.  

You can feel the weight behind you, round butt brimming plumply as you laugh and giggle. Your behavior doesn’t seem to relieve Brittany though, her worry increasing as you beg her to be aged.

“I’m not changing you anymore except to your original body, you’re not in your right mind- you’re just acting like a bimbo cuz of the transformations!” Your wife protests, “Now come back to the injector, I’ll run it in reverse for you…”

“Babe, I’m like, totally sober or whatever. I remember being your husband, and this body’s so much better! I mean, it’s amazing and stuff, but I remember you said something about aging…” You trail off and blush as you fan yourself with your hand, “I’ve always had a fetish for older woman, and thinking about becoming one… O my…”

You can see the doubt on your wife’s face, but something about your soliloquy moves her to your side.

“So you just want to be aged? I could lower your arousal and unbimbo… fy…” Brittany trails off when she sees your reaction to her suggestion, understanding you clearly don’t want anything in your head to change.

“I’m like, totally trusting you, Britt…” You open up to your wife, using the name her closest girl friends for her, “Please don’t make me go back to being an icky, gross guy!! I love this new me, and I’m really gonna be hurt if you change me!”

A tear rolls down your wife’s cheek, salty with remorse as she wishes goodbye to her husband.

“Understood.” She swallows, choking back tears as she leads you into the aging booth.

It looks nothing different than a standard tanning bed, and whirrs to life as you step closer to it.

“How long does this thingy take?” You ask as you twirl a strand of hair, smiling excitedly as you lay back on the cold metal.

“It takes about an hour to reverse age a decade, so I assume it would be the same for regular aging… I never read the info about aging someone forward, so I’m not really sure.” Your wife replies sheepishly, something that would worry you if you weren’t so excited and happy!

“Okay, just like, leave me in here for a while then, I’ll come out when I’m ready!” You giggle, blowing Brittany a kiss as she closes the chamber.

You try staying awake as the lights shine bright, but you’re quickly subdued by whatever magic or science the thing uses. You don’t know how long you slept for when Brittany finally opens the machine, but it feels like years since you last saw her… horrified face?

“Oh no…” She trembles, “I only left you in there for ten minutes, you’re twice the age now!!”

Your eyes light up when you hear that, it’s exactly what you wanted!

“Sugar, I don’t feel a day over thirty five!” You giggle huskily, shaking your soft slightly sagging body and making every inch jiggle euphorically.

“You might have to like, take a spin in there, Britt!” You laugh, brimming with the confidence and happiness that only age can bring a woman.