The Wizard Chapter Four I woke up in what had become my customary fashion, with some hot stacked enthralled bimbo curled up naked beside me idly diddling herself in her sleep as he dreamed of continuing to pleasure me. Jes, it looked like this morning. There was enough variety of late, I barely knew who to expect any more. Damn it’s good to be a wizard. These past few months had been an awakening. Ever since Jes had pushed me over the edge with her, I’d found myself increasingly wondering why I’d been holding myself back. Why walk when you can teleport? Why pay for concert tickets when you can just go invisible and hang out on stage during the show? Why wonder what a starlet looks like naked when you can just scry on her in the shower? With every passing test of my magic, my power had grown. I unlocked secrets I’d previously though unattainable – once I saw how to suggest one person, it was only a matter of time until I saw how I could bifurcate the power. Once I’d mastered creating a basic silent image, it was easier and easier to add components like heat, tactile information, sound. Keeping my magic restricted to lab research, I’d advanced maybe a few levels in almost a decade. Putting it to use in the field, I’d reached nearly the pinnacle of power in only months. I’d always told myself there was a good reason not to start using my magic willy nilly. Someone would get hurt, or someone would come after me – ridiculous thoughts like that. The truth was, there was no avenging angel waiting in the wings to punish me for having a good time. And honestly, who had I hurt? Jes giggled in her sleep as I settled in at my desk and started prepping spells for the day. Poor dim-witted bitch probably was probably dreaming cat videos again. Still – that’s my point. Before, she was tense and grim and surly. Now, she was happy pretty much all the time. Or take Tera – I’d given her the chance to relive her glory days, have some incredible sex, get away from her boring jerk of a husband and her litter of brats. When it was all done, I could just throw a quick amnesia spell on her and make her forget the whole thing. Or not. Whatever. I mean, what was she gonna do – sue me? Hmm. What was that new girl’s name, from the club last night. Renee? Rebecca? Rory? R-something. It was so hard to keep track of them all – the waitress at that diner I’d suggested wait on me hand and foot; those cute Asian sisters at the mall who I’d cast a sleep on and teleported into my bedroom; the masseuse I’d hypnotized into doing a house call (where my symbol had done the rest). This one, I’ll grant, might be special. Not only was it fun, watching the little dyke squirm into justifications for being my little wind-up sex toy, but she was singularly hot. She must have some serious personality defects to balance out the appearance end of her charisma, because otherwise, there was no way a normal had a body that flawless. Perfect skin, flawless tits, angel face, dynamite hair – hell, even her pussy fit like a glove. I just might have to keep her. Or maybe just hand her a note card with a sepia snake sigil and use her to decorate the living room. She’d be one hell of an accent piece. Confident I’d picked out a selection that would give me ample opportunity to play with my new toy while still being ready for a wide variety of contingencies, I spent a few minutes on my morning exercises and hit the shower, excited to start a new day. I strode back out in a towel; when I saw Jes had gotten up in the interim, I yelled for her to get breakfast ready and set about getting dressed. When I came back into the living room, though, I didn’t smell any breakfast cooking. Weirder still, there were my bitches, sitting side by side by side on the couch. Jes was wearing her usual lounging-around see-through negligee, Tera as usual decked out in one of her cheerleading outfits (odd, it was the one with all the gold and glitter she usually saved for special occasions). The new girl… Wait, was that my sweatshirt? “Where the hell is breakfast? Do I have to whore you out to your old boss again to teach you a lesson about obedience? And new girl, lose the clothes. I’ll let you know when and how to dress yourself, mkay?” Instead of responding, she cast a spell. Envious urge? What the hell – who was this bitch?! And where did she get that FABULOUS belt? She was holding it told me it was something precious to her – so I snatched it right out of her hands. Ha! Like I was going to let some hot raven-haired club rat keep things from me. I knew it was just the spell making me want to take all the things I couldn’t have, but it didn’t matter. I needed them now. I slid on the belt – and in an instant, I was different. I could feel a ripple of transmutational magic run through my body, remaking me. Oh shit. Oh SHIT. All the changes happened so fast, I could barely process them. My face tightening, hair lengthening, my as-yet unshaved morning stubble dissipating into nothingness. My waist pinching in, hips flaring out. Chest hair receding as my pecs grew into a pair of full, voluptuous breasts. My penis – oh FUCK no! – shrinking, receding, pulling up inside me until I was passively aware of the presence of a vagina. “I’m gonna eep!” I cut myself off mid-threat as I hear my voice, higher-pitched and softer. God fucking damnit! “I’m gonna make you regret being born, you little hedge wizard cunt!” “I’m sure you are, but first, don’t you like Tera’s outfit? Her special outfit that’s hers alone, and you can’t have?” “The hell I can’t! Tera, give me that right now!” Tera hopped to her feet to comply – was that a smirk? couldn’t be – but she couldn’t move fast enough. I was undressed well ahead of her, frowning sulkily that the belt didn’t even turn me into a hot chick, as I was sporting droopy boobs and a bit of a belly. Yikes, my snatch was grown out of control. I had half a mind to shave it on principle before I turned myself back. Thank goodness I always memorized a remove curse, just in case. I snatched Tera’s cheerleading top as soon as she was out of it. It was a trick putting it on – even though it wasn’t nearly as tight on my new body as it was on her huge tits, I wasn’t used to have to zip behind myself. The shiny gold panties and skirt were easier, and even though I knew I should feel humiliated to be wearing it, all I could feel was satisfaction to have taken it from Tera. “Happy now? Because it’s pretty much time to ruin your life, bitch.” “But are you happy? An outfit as cute as that, you’d think you’d want some cute accessories to go with it. I was thinking Jes’s earrings would be perfect, but of course, you can’t take those off of her. A pity.” “The hell I can’t!” I declared smugly. Like I couldn’t break my own curse? From beneath the veil of the curse, I watched in horror as I cast my remove curse – my only spell prepared that could break one, so there went getting rid of this belt today – and then I hastily plucked them right off her ears. Jes had been giggling hysterically the whole time at my predicament, but the moment that second earring was off, it cut off. In the span of a few heartbeats she became her old self. Still pretty, but no longer the same buxom bimbo I’d turned her into. The same buxom bimbo I would be as soon as I donned the earrings. Oh no. Oh shit no. These things were hard-wired to drop the wearer to a 6 in Intelligence. There, one was on. My magically induced envy felt immensely relieved, but the rest of me was terrified beyond reason. Oh fuck fuck no. With these on, I’d be unable to cast any of my spells. Ever again. Aaand on went the second one. If the change I’d felt from the belt was disconcerting, this was doubly so. My body was changing all over again, but my head suddenly felt like someone had clogged all my neural pathways with tapioca pudding. My spells were ripped from my grasp, starting with the high-end like my temporal stasis and in seconds whittling away even my basic prestidigitation. Meanwhile, my irritation at being turned into an average-looking girl was erased. Suddenly I hardly fit into the uniform – my breasts grew outward and upward until I could hear the stitching popping, and my ass rounded out until one side of my panties just burst, the fabric dangling down. My tummy tightened, my lips got full and pouty, eyelashes longer, eyes wider and brighter, skin smoother and softer, my hair magicked itself into a lustrous mane fit only for shampoo commercials and expensive call girls. “Oh, poo,” I said, stamping my foot poutily. “That was super mean, you big, dumb, doody head of a butt face!” The girls – my girls – didn’t even seem to care about my big insult though. The new pretty one was leaning over my girlfriend, who’d fell down on the sofa. “It’s all over now – you’re you again. Deep breaths.” I yelled at them again, and even stamped some more. Darnit, why weren’t they paying attention to me! They were my slave girls – what good were they if they wouldn’t listen? I tried to remember how I’d made them do stuff before. Something with that picture thingy on the ceiling? I could try that, I guess. “Um, hey guys, maybe look at the ceiling, huh? Yay, ceiling! Wow, that ceiling sure is cool!” I pointed at it. None of them looked though, and finally the mean spelly girl turned to look at me. “Give it a rest, all right? I put an illusory wall over it as soon as I snapped out of its influence last night. What you’re seeing is just a fake copy of the original. It’s perfectly safe to look at.” “But… but… like, that was hard! And expensive!” It would’ve been, anyways, if I’d paid for the materials and not just stolen them with magic. However I’d done it. Gee whiz, I used to be super smart. I wonder how I did that? “I could give two shits about your sweat and tears, Dustin. Or hmm, what to call you now… How about Destiny? That’s a good name for a girl like you.” I frowned. “That sounds like a stripper girl’s name.” “Ayup, glad to see you followed my reasoning, Destiny.” At last, Jes seemed to snap out of it. “Look, you’re not going to hurt him – err, her – right, Rena? I know he’s… damnit, she’s selfish, but I love her anyway.” She smiled at me. A, good old Jes, as mind-controlled as ever. Speaking of, I would need Tera’s help too! How did I used to do that? I just thought at her, I think. I tried it, even though thinking was super hard. Don’t let her hurt me! I commanded desperately. “I can’t let you hurt her,” Tera said a moment later. She didn’t sound happy about it, the meanie. “Yeah, about that… This may take a few tries, but bear with me.” She started casting a spell – the same one over and over, I think, since it sounded the same every time. If that meant something. Not like an idiot like me would know any more. It took her a bunch of tries, but after a while, Jes snapped out of it, and a handful more, Tera, too. “Sorry I didn’t do that sooner, but I couldn’t risk running out of spells if something went wrong, or letting you call attention to my plan too soon. You’re free now.” Tera heaved a sigh of relief – then marched on over and slapped me full-on across the face. “YOU FUCKING BITCH!” she shrieked. It took Jes and Rena both to pull her off of me. Wow, young Tera was strong! Everything happened kinda fast after that. There was some consoling, some exchanging of numbers, calling family and cabs and stuff. They pretty much ignored me, and I didn’t know what else to do. I knew I had all kinds of magicky things around here, but I didn’t know how to use them any more! Super unfair, if you ask me. Soon, Jes and Tera were gone, and I was left alone with Rena. “Well, my Destiny,” she said, smiling in a not-nice way, “you’ve been a very bad girl.” “Nuh uh! I wasn’t being bad, honest!” “Oh? And what do you call turning your girlfriend into a bimbo slut, and kidnapping a wife and mother and turning her into your mind-controlled sex slave?” “Um… having fun?” That seemed like it could be a right answer. It had for sure been fun. Rena laughed. A little. “Well then, maybe that’s what we need to do with you. Let you see what it’s like being on the receiving end of a little… fun.” “Oh, like, you wanna fuck some more? Just turn me back and we can totally do it! You’re super hot and all – if I still had a cock, it’d be way hard just from looking at you.” I reached down to pet where my penis had once been, where Tera’s slutty gold panties were barely hanging on. “Whoa! Like, my pussy is wet!” Rena nodded. “Yeah? Well, I could give a shit. Don’t get me wrong, ordinarily I give as good as I get and then some. You, however,” she said as she started undoing her pants, “owe me.” I grinned as she showed me her pussy. Damn she was hot. I wonder if I was as hot as her now? That’d be cool. Even if I didn’t wanna be a big hot bimbo babe, if I had to be one, I wanted to be an awesome one. “But like, I can’t fuck you any more.” “You got a mouth, don’t you, Destiny?” She settled down on the couch, spreading her legs. Hot. “Like duh, but I don’t eat pussy. Besides, you were mean to me and turned me into a hot bimbo girl. I wouldn’t do anything to make you happy. So, like, get out of my apartment, Mean-uh!” I snickered at how I’d made her name sound like the word “mean.” That was clever. “Gee, if only there were some way to force you to do it.” She rolled her eyes, then cast a spell on me. Get on your knees. I got on my knees. “Aw, no fair! That was, like, my trick!” Crawl to me. I crawled to her, not stopping until my nose was just inches from her pussy. I could see how wet she was. Smell it even. Feel the heat of her on my face. Convince me. That one was confusing. Like, didn’t she want me to eat her pussy? Why would I need to convince her? “Um, like, can I eat you out?” “Nah,” Rena said. “Try harder.” Oh! “Rena, can I please eat you out?” I smiled at my brilliance. That was one magic word I still remembered. “Nope.” Why was she making this so difficult! “I, uh, I guess I could pay you? Can I give you something to let me?” “Whatcha got?” “I got all these neat magic things. I could give you some of those, maybe?” “Some? Only some?” “All,” I corrected. “You can have all of them. So can I now?” “I dunno, what else ya got for me?” Over the next couple minutes, I gave her both of my cars, the keys to my apartment, the locations of my code keys for all my secret research, and all of the considerable money in my bank accounts. “All right, so I own everything you used to own now. What else can you do?” I whined in frustration. Her pussy was so close! I didn’t want to eat her out, but like, the more I paid for it, the more I felt like I deserved it. Why wouldn’t she let me! “I don’t have anything else!” “No, you don’t own anything else. But what else do you have? Think, Destiny. Think.” “But thinking is so haaaaard now!” I whined. Rena didn’t seem moved by my problem, though, so it seemed I had no choice but to wade through the bog of my fuzzy simple girl-brain. OK, so I’d given all my things to Rena, so I didn’t have those. I had… I had… I had a big fucking problem is what I had. A sorceress turned me into a beautiful stupid girl-moron! I used to have all this magical power, but now I just had a killer caboose, and I had a sexy bimbo face, and these nice big breasts, and I had… WAIT! “I have this slammin’ body!” I blurted. “Right! See, you’re not so dumb, are you?” I tried thinking again. “Um… no?” That was a hard question. She laughed. At me, I was pretty sure. (I don’t think you can laugh with something who’s not laughing, can you?) “So, can I have your body?” “Like, sure!” She was really hot and all, so letting a babe like Rena have my body wouldn’t be so bad, I guess. “So now can I eat you out? Puh-leeeease?” I batted my eyelashes. I was so close now my nose was practically touching her clit. I wondered if I would be eating my on cum out of her, if any was still in there. Weird! “How about your mind? Can I have that?” “My mind? Like, no offense to me or anything, but what the heck would you want that for?” Even I knew my brain wasn’t worth its wait in shit. “I just want your permission to turn it in to whatever I want.” “Um, no? Like, I kinda don’t trust you and all, since you tricked me into turning into a sexy dumb-dumb.” “Then you can’t eat my pussy. That’s the price.” “But… but…! Oh darnit, fine!” I frowned. She was super hard to convince! “Fine, turn my flimsy little mind into whatever you want.” Eat my pussy like it was the most important task you’ve ever attempted. I did. I’d almost forgotten what pussy tasted like after months of not needing to bother. My tongue took on a life of its own, like it had its own little tongue-brain telling it what pussies liked best. I kind of enjoyed it – at least, until Rena started correcting me. “No, not like that stupid,” she said, slapping me scoldingly on the forehead. Every time I fucked up somehow, every time I did something that wasn’t good – or wasn’t good enough – she was there to correct me. And she was so mean about it! “Don’t get lazy now, bitch.” “For fuck’s sake, I know you’re an airhead but try not to act like you can’t follow simple instructions.” “You have fingers for a reason, dumbass, put them to good use.” “Here I was thinking you’re not good for anything but a fuck doll, but now I wonder if you’re even good enough for that.” It actually really hurt my feelings. I said so at one point, and she just rolled her eyes and said that was part of what made it good for her. So that was good I guess. My jaw and tongue were feeling a little less sore that evening as I made my way down the sidewalk towards this strange house. It had been quite a day – Rena had done a super thorough job of turning me into what she wanted me to be. She’d started by charming me, just like I’d charmed her. That made things easier – she was so smart, breaking my resistance and turning me into an adoring little moron. From then, she didn’t have to force me into things; I just did them because I wanted to make my friend happy. After all, one of the things that she’d drilled into my tiny peabrain was that, thanks to her – and really, thanks to the old me, Dustin – I had nothing. I was literally worthless. I had no money, no possessions, no home. I didn’t even have control over my own body or mind any more. So literally anything I had, I owed to her for providing it to me. She was literally the best anyone ever! What would I be, without a friend like her? Then she helped me see what a mean selfish man I’d been, and how I had to make up for it by being a good girl. Rena was a good friend who was going to help me do that, but that meant obeying. I was too dumb to remember every little thing she’d said, but that one word – obey – summarized a lot of it. There was a lot to remember, too! Like, I had to change the way I talked. I wasn’t smart any more, so it wasn’t super hard, but she wanted me to make it super duper obvious to anyone who talked to me that my head was, as she put it, “a black hole from which no cogent thought escapes” – whatever that meant. So it meant being simple and dumb and helpless and horny. Like, if I was lost, I wouldn’t go up to somebody and go “hey, could you give me directions?” I would walk up to someone and thrust my titties out and go “like, hey sexy, I’m a silly bimbo who got herself turned around. I’ll suck your brains out through your cock if you can tell me how to get back to the expressway.” It was subtle, but sometimes that was what being a good girl meant. A good girl, I’d learned, was an easy fuckable leg-spreading cock-sucking ever-ready constantly-horny sex toy for anyone Rena gave me to. She could give me to people because she owned me. I was her property – not even as valuable to her as the car I’d given her. Much less so, actually. She didn’t say, exactly, but I think I’d estimated my overall value to her as somewhere around the one spoon that I’d once dropped in the garbage disposal and it had that little dink in it. Speaking of giving me to people, I rang the doorbell. A little girl answered the door, maybe nine or ten years old. She looked pretty surprised to see me, even though I was wearing a trench coat that covered me just past my ass, so she couldn’t see the really whorish stuff underneath. “Like, hi! I’m Destiny – is your mommy or daddy home?” “Uh, yeah.” She called out to them, and soon enough a man came to the door. “Sweetheart, I thought you said you were going to Karli’s house.” “Yeah, I was on my way out the door when… she showed up. Dad, is she a… hooker?” I giggled – it was important to laugh a lot. Good girls were happy, unless being sad made someone else happier. “No, silly! I’m a dirty little slut who–” “She’s joking, honey,” the man said, giving me a stern look. “She’s an old friend of your mother’s, who’s just relieved that mommy is back safely with us.” “Oh. Can I see mommy soon?” “Soon, sweetie. For now, she needs to rest, so you run along to your friend’s house.” The little girl gave him a skeptical look and me a dirty one, and then headed on out. The man invited me in. “So you’re him. Her. You’re… Dustin.” His voice was ice cold. “Yeppers! Kind of, anyway? I used to be Dustin but now I’m Destiny.” “You know, even after seeing… what you’d done to my wife, all those videos where you and Tera were… I couldn’t really believe it. Then she came home and I… I recognized her, underneath it.” “Ya, I was totes a bad, bad man – but now I’m here to be a good girl!” “Tera said you would… oh, hi dear.” Tera stood in the doorway, and honestly, it weirded me the fudge out. Like, she was still young and sexy hot, but she was wearing her boring suburban mom clothes. Only they didn’t fit right at all – loose in the legs but impossibly tight in the hips and ass, stretched obscenely over perky tits that let the stomach portion simply hang down. “Hi, Tera! It’s me, Destiny!” Tera smiled wolfishly. “Yeah, I kinda remember. So Rena… fixed you, huh?” “Like, totally!” I nodded so hard I got a little dizzy. “Would someone mind explaining to me what exactly is going on here? This whole day has been a bit much, and the secrecy is only making things harder,” Henry said. “Look dear, I know the past few months have been bizarre. I know me showing up, looking like… this, doesn’t make it easier.” “Aw c’mon, Tera, don’t be so hard on yourself, you look super easy,” I said supportively. She glared at me, then looked back to her husband with compassion. “So look, I know we were talking a lot before about recapturing our spark, spicing things up a bit. Right?” “Right, but you said…” “Forget what I said. I’ve come to accept that there are some things I’m just not into. I’m never going to be one of those girls who gives wildly enthusiastic blowjobs or waits on her knees in sexy lingerie for her husband to come home and bang her, or who can squeal with delight about having a cock up my ass. I’m just not.” “Well it sure seemed like you were in all those videos you kept sending,” he grumbled. “That was magic, Henry – as real and as temporary as this body. Still… I know that wasn’r right, and now we have an opportunity to even things out some. And have a good time while we’re at it. Because even if I’m not some pathetic, desperate, cum-starved whore…” She looked at me. “I am!” I announced. I wasn’t, or at least I didn’t want to be, but Rena had made it clear that that’s what a good girl was. “Wait, you’re saying you want me to…? With…?!” he looked me over. To be helpful, I dropped the trench coat and showed them what I had on underneath. Which was nothing. Even the cursed belt, with Rena’s help, had sunk beneath my skin. It was a part of me now. I grinned brightly as Henry’s jaw dropped, taking in my massive knockers, my cleanly shaved pussy, my big poundable ass. “That’s what I’m saying,” Tera said after he’d had a moment to gape. She came up behind her husband, pressing her body up against his back, caressing his hips. “I want to watch you do anything and everything to this little bitch.” “Yeah! That’s what I’m here for – a slutty little sex object.” I took hold of my boobies and shook them around in what was hopefully an enticing way. “And… you’re OK with this? Both of you?” Tera kissed her husband’s neck. “Henry… I want this so bad I can’t even tell you.” “Oh yeah, me too for sure! What’s the point of being a hot fuckable babe if nobody’s fucking you, am I right?” “Well… I suppose she is… attractive.” He licked his lips subconsciously as he looked me over more boldly. Suddenly, I could hear Rena’s voice in my head – I listened to her instructions, and like a good girl, I immediately obeyed, paraphrasing her words into bimboese. “Oh yeah, and like, just remember, I may look different, but deep down I’m the same sonofabitch who took Tera and turned her into a hot little cheerleader cunt, and fucked her slutty brains out, and made her beg for my cock, and humiliated her in front of all kinds of people, and showed her to the world on the internet, and spanked when she was too slow, and used as a foot stool sometimes, and sent you videos of it.” Henry’s jaw clenched, but he still didn’t stop looking over my body. “Why would you remind me of that?” “Oh, and, um, I’m also supposed to remind you…” I took a deep breath. This was gonna be hard to say. Being a good girl wasn’t easy, even if it meant being easy. “I’ll obey anything you say, and you can do anything you want to me.” Henry watched me for a moment, then his hard face broke into a grin – and not the happy kind. “Get on your knees.” “Okey dokey!” I sunk down. “Now take my cock out.” As I obeyed, I heard a little moan from Tera behind him. I guess she liked her man bossy. I knelt there waiting, smiling invitingly, as Tera stroked her husband’s cock from behind. It was totally right in front of my face and everything – super weird. Once he was good and hard, they left it twitching in my face while they made out. I bet he was secretly glad I made her young and sexy. My cunt was practically dripping down my thighs just thinking back on fucking her sweet little teen pussy. Then she was snapping her fingers in my face. “Hey, bimbo – anyone home in there? Do you need an invitation to suck his cock, or are you gonna start earning your keep?” “Oh! Sorry, it’s hard for me to focus sometimes, ya know? Like, my mind just starts drooping kinda, and mmmph…!” She grabbed my hair and pulled my face onto her husband’s cock. It was kind of funny, I thought as he started thrusting into my mouth, his wife’s hips moving along with his. Not that long ago, I’d been fucking Tera’s face. I could still sorta remember how cool I thought I was for taking this pretty girl and turning her face into a pussy for me to use. Now, here I was getting my face fucked like a cunt. I couldn’t help but giggle, even awkward as it was to do it with Henry’s cock pressing into my throat. It started to kind of hurt and make me dizzy after a while, but there wasn’t really any choice. Good girls took whatever cocks that were put in them. Rena’d made sure I understood that to my bones. Then it was time for him to cum – so Tera shoved me down on my butt, and while I was still stunned from it, she jacked Henry off until he blew is load all over me. I tried to catch most of it on my face, but I was off balance so a lot of it got on my tummy and boobies. “That’s a good look for you,” Tera said, smirking. “Sitting on your big round ass with your legs spread, coated in jizz, smiling and wide-eyed.” “Gee, thanks Tera!” I exclaimed. I actually thought it made me look even more stupid and more sluttier, but compliments were nice. “Sweetheart, you remember on our anniversary a few years back, you said you wanted to… you know… and I got cold feet at the last minute?” “I remember.” I didn’t. I wonder what she chickened out on? “Well looks like you have another opportunity.” They kissed some, and she started rubbing him hard again. It didn’t take much; I like to think my big titties and spread legs helped. “Get on your hands and knees, Destiny,” he commanded. Naturally, I obeyed, smiling up at them. Tera just rolled her eyes at me like I’d done something stupid. “Turn around.” I spun in a circle, but I guess she just wanted me to turn halfway around and show them my butt. So I did that. Even dim-witted as I was, I figured out what was happening. Geez, that Tera sure was kind of selfish, not even letting her husband do her doggy style. It was weird. I hadn’t even had a pussy for a day, but I was still really horny with it. Like, I didn’t like that I was just a disposable fuck toy now, but weirdly part of me still wanted to get my cunt fucked. Except then he fucked my ass. I guess I had it coming after fucking his wife’s hot little butt all those times, but still, without even telling me it was coming, I thought it was sorta rude. Not that I said that. What I actually said was something like, “mmm God yeah, baby, plug my slutty little asshole, don’t hold back, I’m your little butt fuck bimbo!” Something like that. I wasn’t coherent now at the best of times, much less when I had an ass full of cock. I wish Henry had fucked my butt first, then my mouth. Since he’d already gotten off, it took him like a super long time to cum this time, and it was almost as uncomfortable as it was embarrassing to be some married guy’s butt slut. I guess the other order could’ve been bad too, come to think of it. Tera didn’t just watch either. She spent the whole fuckathon playing with me – squeezing my tits, pinching my nipples super hard, pinching my cheeks and telling me how adorable I was. I tried to touch her too – she’d always been my dream girl, and being turned into a bimbo didn’t change that. But she just slapped my hands away and said I didn’t deserve her any more. Which was fair. I had been a bad, bad boy, after all. As a good girl, I just sat there and let Tera spank me while her husband came in my ass. I collapsed forward on my boobs, panting, Henry’s spunk dribbling out of my ass and trickling across my pussy, wondering how much more of this I’d need to do before Rena said I was a good girl. “When is our daughter getting back from Karli’s?” Henry asked. His cock was still semi-erect. I guess I was that good of a lay. “It’s a slumber party,” Tera said. That was the first of many long nights.