Suckers 4 John opened the door to his boss’s office slowly, uncertain what to expect her reaction to be after having some time to think their contract over. As he walks into the room though, he quickly notices her sitting topless behind her desk. “Oh, good.” she said looking up from the sheet of paper sitting in front of her; their little contract. “I was beginning to worry if someone else would open the door. Lock it behind you, if you would.” He nodded and turned the lock on the knob behind him before walking to the desk. As he approached, he could see that she had stripped completely down, and was naked in her seat. “This is what you wanted, correct?” she said, her voice stern as it usually was now; no hint of the bubbly and eager personality she had only a few minutes ago. “My naked body, ready to serve you?” John nodded, sitting in the chair across from her, reaching a hand out he said “Place your tit in my hand.” Her expression didn’t change, though she leaned forward and pressed her chest into his hand. “I’ve reviewed our contract in detail” she said firmly “I expect payment to be prompt. Ten dollars on the first of every month or you lose access.” He gave he breast a firm squeeze with no visible reaction from her. “So as long as I pay you on time, you are mine.” he asserted. “That is the deal I signed.” she said, pausing a moment before continuing “I just want it to be clear that you have obligations in this agreement as well. Your attitude makes me think you might consider my services to be free of charge, but I don’t work for free. Not for anyone.” “I would never short you” he said, not that he would miss ten dollars a month anyway. Not if this is what it gets him. “Good. Now speaking of your obligations, we need to discuss my move.” “Your move?” “By the contract, I need to be available any time. If I am living across the city from you, I won’t be available whenever you want, and I will be in breach of the contract.” she explained. She held the same tone as she would if she was explaining any mundane task. “So, you want to move in with me then.” he said “I’m not sure how that will fly with my wife.” Her eyes narrowed “Too bad” she said firmly “This contract cannot be broken by either party” “Except with the consent of both parties” he offered “I would be willing to agree that you may keep your current residence” She looked him over with her narrowed eyes before responding “I refuse your offer.” she said, “We will maintain the contract exactly as it is written.” “Why is that?” he asked, pulling his hand away from her breast. “You think you are clever.” she replied, sitting up straight in her chair “but I’ve been in business for long enough to know how to leverage a contract. I would only be making your end of the bargain more convenient with no benefit to myself.” “You would be forced to move.” John suggested. “Yes, moving into your house, rent free.” “Rent free?” “Of course” she said, a mean grin spreading over her face. “After all, if I am contractually forced to move in with you, you cannot then force me to pay to stay. You’re just saving me money, and if your wife leaves you because your boss is walking around the house naked all the time well… That’s not my fault is it.” He paused to think about it. She had no idea he had the suckers. He could convince his wife to tolerate this new arrangement. “So what do you want, exactly?” She rotated the contract on the desk and pushed it towards him. “Honor the contract.” she said firmly “Or cancel it entirely. You have until the end of the day to decide before I come home with you. So have your fun with me while you can.” He looked down at the contract, pretending to think it over. All he really needed was a few moments with his wife before his boss arrived. He looked up at her, seeing her leaning back in her chair. She looked as though she had won this dispute… “You will go home and pack at the end of the day then” he said. “I look forward to having you available whenever I want.” Her jaw visibly dropped as she sat in stunned silence for a few moments. Her entire plan had fallen apart. Subtly, she nodded a few times, opening and closing her mouth once or twice before finally speaking “...As you wish.” John stood up and walked around her desk, leaning over her and groping both of her breasts “Now, I have a lot of paperwork to catch up on, so go ahead and get yourself dressed. I suddenly have all the time in the world to fuck you.” He walked confidently out of the office and back to his cubical. He had a fair bit of paperwork to finish before he could leave, so he had to make sure he was ready to go as soon as closing time hit. Taking his boss’s advice, he began flipping through the papers more quickly. Stamping where ever he saw a signature space without reading much else. The hours passed slowly, but eventually it was just about closing time. Ten minutes til, he noticed his boss walking towards him with another stack of papers… “Oh good, you’re almost caught up” she said looking at his empty desk before placing down the stack of papers, leaning over his shoulder and pressing her breasts against him. Her blouse was still missing several buttons and it seemed that she was not wearing her bra anymore. “I just need you to finish these before you go home.” she said before leaning close to his ear and whispering “I’ll meet you there when you are done. I pack quickly.” Almost without thinking, he replied “Sure thing, but I need a blowjob from you before you leave.” “Of course, whatever you say goes.” She said softly, “I’ll be back as soon as we have some privacy to work with.” He continued his stamping job as quickly as he could while the other employees began to leave one by one. As the lights go down and the last employees left his boss, Wanda, approached him again. Topless now and holding her blouse in one hand she gives him a look before kneeling down and crawling under his desk. He could feel her unzip his pants, sliding them and his underwear off, and wrapping her lips around his cock. “Remember, your job isn’t done until I cum.” She nodded, bobbing her head up and down on his cock while her tongue rolled around his shaft. He continued his paperwork while she worked, trying his hardest to hold back on cumming for as long as he could. It wasn’t easy, her lips were tight around his cock and thick with lipstick. She seemed determined to make him cum as quickly as she could, and he wondered if she had experience doing this or if she had looked up tips online while waiting for everyone else to leave. Halfway through his stack of papers though, he finally came directly into her mouth. She stood up from under his desk, a little of his cum left on her lip as she pulled her blouse on. “Well, I’ll see you at home then. I suppose it’s anyone’s guess who will get there first now.” she said before very quickly walking away; probably to avoid giving him a chance to give her another task. Though, he needed both hands to work with the papers and it would take him some time to be ready to go another round. As quickly as he could, he finished the rest of his paperwork and then quickly pulled his pants up and headed back to his house. There was no telling how long he might or might not have to convince his wife to put up with his boss. The drive home was anxious, but he was relieved to see that his driveway was empty as he approached. He pulled in, and parked close to the entrance, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the first sucker he felt. It was red… That could be a potential long term solution. As he walked towards the door he glanced down the street, seeing his boss’s car in the distance. He didn’t have long. He quickly pulled his keys out, and unlocked the door. His wife was sitting on the couch, wearing a green dress with only a moderate amount of cleavage. So, she wasn’t in too bad a mood today. “Janet had to go to work” his wife said as he entered the house “I hope she’ll be back soon.” “Looking forward to another threesome with her?” John asked, unable to resist testing how her experience changed her. “I don’t know?” she said softly “Last night was… Unbelievable...” He tried to suppress a grin as he held out the red sucker. He wanted to pry further, but he only had a few seconds left if that. “Well, my boss is coming over for a surprise visit so we need to get ready. Would you like a sucker?” His wife slowly stood up, approaching the sucker with an outstretched hand “I… I would…” she said gently as she approached. She took the sucker and began to unwrap it as the doorbell rang. “I’ll get that, go ahead and take a seat” John said, walking slowly to the door to give her time to suck. When he reached the door, he slowly turned the lock and opened it “Hello, Wanda.” His boss was still wearing the outfit she had at work. Though, it seemed a few more buttons were undone, in order to have her blouse rest open and show the entirety of her cleavage. She had a briefcase in one hand and a folder in the other, and she looked impatient to set them down. “John. I am here as per our agreement.” she said in a formal tone, “If you will lead me inside we can get started.” He gestured for her to follow and walked to the living room. His boss followed behind him and set her briefcase conspicuously in the middle of the room before sitting down on the recliner. His wife immediately noticed the briefcase, of course, and popped the red sucker from her lips to ask “What’s with the briefcase? That looks big enough to be luggage.” His boss leaned forward, quickly sliding her hands along the inner flaps of her blouse to ensure her cleavage was not covered up. “It is luggage.” she said firmly, “Did John not inform you that I was moving in?” “Moving in?!” his wife belted out, shocked “What do you mean by that??” “We’ve made a contractual arrangement” Wanda replied. “I will be living here for the foreseeable future.” His wife looked over to him, “Why didn’t you talk this over with me first?” she asked, before popping the sucker back into her mouth with a huff. “It was very sudden” John replied “I didn’t know until today.” His wife looked back at Wanda, a blush beginning to form on her face as she noticed the cleavage his boss was presenting “W-What kind of contract did you get yourself into?” His boss gave a wicked smile as she unbuttoned the last button on her blouse and pulled it open, leaning back in the recliner as she did so “A sexual contract” she replied, putting emphasis on the word sexual “I must make myself available to your husband at all times. Whenever he wants to see me, I must let him. Whenever he wants to touch me, I must let him.” His wife’s breathing was getting heavier, though John could tell it was arousal rather than anger, to his boss it would have looked like her face was getting red with rage. “If he wants to fuck me, I must let him. If he told me right now to suck his cock right in front of you, I have to do so.” She continued, her expression growing sinister as she watched his wife’s reaction, she casually pulled her blouse off and tossed it onto the floor. “If he wanted to put his face between my tits I would have to allow him. If he wanted me to titfuck him, I must do it.” “Oh. My. God.” His wife said slowly, looking back and forth between Wanda and John, squirming and pressing her hands in between her legs “That… That’s so… Hot!” His boss stopped for a moment, her expression changing rapidly from spite to confusion “It… Is?” she stammered. “John, John! I can’t believe you got your boss to sign something like that!” she said, growing excited “Ask her to eat me out! Is that allowed in your contract?” Wanda quickly moved a hand to cover her breasts, now alarmed at having lost control of the situation again. “N-No I’m John’s sex toy not-” “Actually,” John interjected “The contract gives me control over your sexual autonomy. You wrote that in yourself. So if I want you to have sex with my wife…” “I… Have no choice but to do it.” his boss finished, letting out a long sigh and lowering her hand. “Now, crawl on over here and eat my wife out.” John said firmly, watching as his boss slid out of her chair onto all fours, crawling across the room with her breasts swinging back and forth freely as she does. She reached his wife, and stuck her head into the bottom of her dress, and soon his wife gasped in pleasure at whatever she was doing under there. She started to squirm and lean back on the couch, sucking harder on the sucker as her eyes rolled back. “Oh one more thing” John said “Don’t let her cum. Only I have that privilege.” “Yes, Sir.” His boss replied from under his wife’s dress…