Chapter 5 — And That Makes ME Happy! _June 17, 1989, Milford, Ohio_ On Saturday afternoon, just before 1:00pm, I pulled into the parking lot behind Saint Andrew's Catholic Church in Milford. The lot was between Milford Main, the middle school, the church, and the parochial school attached to the church. Kris got out of the car, I got Rachel from the back seat, and the three of us went around to the front of the church, which faced Route 28. An usher held the door for us and we walked into a traditional Roman Catholic church, complete with pews and an altar which was set so the priest faced the congregation, rather than facing liturgical east. There were statues, rather than icons, and the closest thing to an icon were the reliefs of the Stations of the Cross. Those reliefs were the only thing which adorned the walls and were austere compared to a typical Orthodox church where the walls were literally covered with icons. We sat in pews on the groom's side, six rows back from the steps that led to the sanctuary, with me holding Rachel in my lap. Normally, she'd be allowed to crawl around the nave at Saint Michael, but that wasn't possible here with the pews and kneelers and a marble floor rather than rugs, though there was a wedding runner in the center aisle. "Dada? Down!" Rachel demanded, seemingly reading my mind. "You have to stay in either Mama's or Dada's lap," I said. "Or sit in the pew." "NO!" Rachel declared. "DOWN!" "Having fun, Petrovich?" Clarissa smirked from the aisle next to me. "Maybe you can reason with my toddler! I certainly can't." "Rachel, want to come to Aunt Clarissa?" she asked. "YES! Clarsa!" "I see where I rank!" I chuckled. Clarissa took Rachel from me, then she and Tessa moved past to sit to the right of Kris. Rachel looked at me and scowled, and I just shook my head. She certainly had a mind of her own, and there was going to be a serious contest of wills, which, from everything I knew, was normal for the 'Terrible Twos', even though Rachel wasn't quite two. The wedding service was typical of Roman Catholics, with a nuptial mass, with Father Robert Buschmiller as the celebrant. The Roman mass generally followed the same liturgical order as the Orthodox Divine Liturgy, though somewhat simplified, and they used an organ, which was something that was categorically prohibited in an Orthodox temple. Sticks was acting as José's best man, and Sierra had only her maid of honor, and just the four of them stood at the altar once Sierra's dad had walked her up the aisle. When the service ended, we filed out of the church and a large group of our friends gathered in the parking lot to decide what to do before the reception. It wouldn't start until 4:00pm, which gave us about two hours to kill. It was in Loveland, about twenty minutes away. "Is there anything close by to do?" Robby asked. "The Cincinnati Nature Center is in Goshen," I said, "but by the time we get there, and if we allow for time to get to Loveland, we'd have maybe an hour to walk." "Why don't we go to Frisch's?" Tessa suggested. "I saw it on Route 50 on the way here." That was the consensus, though I wondered if they could handle close to two dozen people at once. We headed there, and they did manage to seat all of us, using two large booths and a number of tables pushed together. We couldn't all sit together but it did work, and we all ordered coffee, soft drinks, and a snack of some kind, which for Kris, Rachel, and me was a plate of French fries. "Perhaps the French fries will improve Rachel's attitude towards you!" Kris suggested. "Until I enforce the limit of how many she's allowed to have!" I said. "But then she's my mom's problem!" "I wondered if you were bringing her to the reception," Clarissa said. "My mom is meeting us at the banquet hall and will keep Rachel until we pick her up after the reception. Kris and I didn't think Rachel would do well sitting for four hours and unable to roam freely. Not to mention some adults do not tolerate toddlers at these kinds of events." "Clarsa? Fry?" Rachel asked, causing everyone at our table to laugh. "She knows who's boss," Sophia declared. "Well, Petrovich?" "I surrender. I mean, it fits, being married to a French woman!" "«Придурок»!" Kris exclaimed. "'Jerk'" Clarissa translated for everyone, resulting in laughter. "«Je t'aime chérie!»," I said. Kris smiled and kissed my cheek, knowing I was teasing her. Clarissa fed a very happy Rachel a stream of French fries, and about 3:20pm we all left Frisch's to head to Loveland for the reception. _June 17, 1989, Loveland, Ohio_ "Congratulations!" I said to José when I finally had a chance to speak to him at the reception. "Thanks!" he replied as we exchanged a hug. "How was your vacation?" he asked. "Relaxing. I never asked — where are you two going?" "We fly to Orlando tomorrow morning for six days at a Disney resort. Ever been?" "No. I haven't been to many places in the US. In fact, I've been to more European countries than I have states! Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan is it. How did you swing Disney on short notice?" "Sierra and her parents had planned a vacation and her parents ceded the room to us. That's why we're going there." "Cool. I noticed you crossed yourself in Orthodox fashion and I saw the priest raise an eyebrow the first time!" "I may have been exposed to a bad influence!" José replied with a goofy smile. "It's really too bad you aren't in your «ryassa», because that would really have attracted attention!" "Which is exactly the opposite of the intent, though you aren't wrong." "I might even hold up my palm for a blessing!" I laughed, "Not something a deacon can do, though had I'd been made a monk, there are circumstances where it's appropriate." "That was about as likely as _me_ being a monk!" José chuckled. "Believe it or not, without Rachel, I'd have seriously considered it." "You did take that calling seriously, even if it was your secondary calling." "True. What I can say, though, is 'May God grant you many years'!" "Thanks, Mike." "You're welcome!" We hugged, and he moved on to the next person he wanted to speak to while I returned to the table where Kris and a group of our friends were sitting. We had an enjoyable time, Kris and I danced, and with her blessing, I danced with Clarissa and Tessa, and when the reception ended, Kris and I headed to my mom's to collect our daughter and then head home. _June 19, 1989, Circleville, Ohio_ "Did you have any plans at all for this week?" Kris asked at breakfast on Monday morning. "I mean, besides having dinner with Lara and Nathan tomorrow evening?" "Nothing beyond spending time with you and Rachel. Well, I'll practice playing my guitar, of course, but that entertains the Tsarina, so it's something she and I can do together." "What is the plan for the weekend?" "Father Roman expects us for dinner at the monastery," I replied. "We'll leave just after lunch, which will get us there by 5:00pm. We'll have dinner, attend Vespers, and then I'll spend some time with him. On Sunday we'll attend Matins and the Divine Liturgy, then come home after lunch." "My sister is looking forward to spending the weekend with Rachel!" "So she can further corrupt her with French?" I asked. "Oh, stop!" Kris commanded. "You like my French accent!" "And you know I like to tease you about being French, even if I do like French kissing!" "Feel free to demonstrate any time!" "Dada kiss Mama!" Rachel giggled. With my wife and daughter ganging up on me, there was only one thing to do! I got up, went around to the other side of the dinette table, and gave Kris a deep French kiss that tasted of maple syrup. "You know, there's another place that needs a kiss like that!" Kris said sexily. "I bet it doesn't taste like maple syrup!" I chuckled. "It could!" "Perhaps Rachel would like to visit your sister this morning!" Kris smirked and mimicked picking up a telephone, "Hello, Lyudmila?! I want to have my husband cover my «minou» with maple syrup and lick it off! Could you please watch Rachel?" I laughed, "And how would she respond to that?" "She'd laugh, of course. It's not as if she's ignorant of such things! She is French, after all! And it's not as if she doesn't know we make love! I'll call her after we finish breakfast. We'll have to take Rachel to my parents' house, though, as Lyudmila can't drive and my parents are both at work." "And then pick her up before dinner?" "Perfect!" Kris agreed. We finished breakfast, said morning prayers, and then Kris called Lyudmila, who was more than happy to take Rachel for the day. Rachel was happy to see Lyudmila, who was her second favorite after Clarissa, and when we were leaving, Lyudmila called out, "Have fun!". And fun we had, spending the day either in bed or in the large tub, except for lunch. I preferred chocolate fudge to maple syrup, but that didn't detract from the enjoyment of licking maple syrup off my wife, nor hers from licking it off me, nor from the deep French kiss that followed my release which tasted of Kris, me, and maple syrup. "Is there anything you want to do that we haven't done?" Kris asked as we lounged in a warm bubble bath late in the afternoon. "Besides making a baby?" I asked. "Soon!" Kris said happily. "Is there anything else?" "No. I think you've noticed how I prefer to make love to you." "Our sitting position?" "Yes. And, of course, kissing you all over." "Especially a very specific place!" Kris exclaimed. "Yes," I agreed. "Are you asking the question because you want to be…more adventurous?" "We are _not_ inviting another girl into our bed!" Kris declared. "Been there, done that!" I chuckled. "But you knew about that." "I did. I just want you to be as physically satisfied as I am." "I am sure I am," I replied. "Well, perhaps it's better to say I'm as physically satisfied as I could possibly be. That said, I do enjoy play time like we had today." "You know, one thing I've never heard is how long into pregnancy you can make love." "It's more about comfort and desire than anything medical," I replied. "At some point, you simply won't feel like doing it because you're tired, uncomfortable, or just don't want to. Medically, until your water breaks, there is no risk from having intercourse, unless you're in a high-risk situation." "What would that be?" "The most common one is elevated blood pressure. That's generally not a serious concern unless it spikes significantly. You'll also retain water, so your feet will swell, and in addition to the obvious weight gain and changes to your abdomen, your breasts may get larger, and will likely be more sensitive. I think the short answer to your question is that up through the second trimester. After that, it'll depend on how your pregnancy progresses, which is different for every woman and even for individual children from the same woman." "That's not how our textbooks or teachers described it." "They gave you the statistical norms, which are true for all women as a group, but as I say about diagnosing and treating patients, statistics are not determinative for an individual. All they can do is provide a baseline from which you have to develop an individualized treatment plan. The same is true for pregnancy. Doctor Forsberg will guide you through it." "Not you?" "I'm not an OB/GYN! I'm expert at _making_ babies, beyond that, I'll send you to an expert in pre-natal care!" Kris laughed, "I suppose Rachel is evidence that you are, indeed, able to make a baby!" "Well, at a minimum, I know the correct physiological activities to create the _chance_ of pregnancy." Kris laughed again, "In other words, you know how to fuck?" "Yes. But that's not exactly rocket science!" "I do like your guided missile when it's in my silo!" I chuckled, "The missile _leaves_ the silo to function!" "Oh, stop! I was trying to be silly!" "And you know I am nothing if not pedantic, and I find _that_ to be funny." "Of course you do!" _June 20, 1989, Circleville, Ohio_ "What's up with Rachel?" Lara asked when Rachel didn't want to be held. "She's in a mood today," I said. "I think it might be that she hasn't seen any of her friends in daycare for three weeks, and her friend Abigail is in Spain." "She's going back to daycare, right?" "Yes. Kris starts classes at OSU in less than two weeks, and Rachel will go to daycare at least three days a week. The other days, at least for July and August, Lyudmila will help out. How is summer school?" "I have the remedial kids who didn't pass math," Lara said. "Nathan has the ones who failed American government." "That sounds like fun! Not!" Nathan laughed, "I do have a few kids who are taking the classes as electives so they can participate in drama and speech, or band and choir, which each occupy one class period per quarter." "Speaking of band, are you going to be able to play on July 4th?" Lara asked. "Yes. Kylie is covering for me. It's already arranged with Doctor Northrup." "I'm still shocked at the hours you have to work," Nathan observed. "Who knew?" "I certainly didn't until I was at Taft working on my undergrad degree." "What are you planning to study at OSU, Kris?" Nathan asked. "Political science, and I'll go for a Master's in Public Administration." "Where are things with your citizenship application?" Lara asked. "The papers will be filed on July 5th. Then it's a matter of processing which can take months, though our attorney says that with our situation, it should go relatively quickly." "The main thing is the investigation," I added. "They will want to ensure this isn't a sham marriage solely for citizenship purposes." "We'll have to lie, of course!" Kris declared with a silly smile. "Riiiggghhht!" Lara exclaimed. "As if Mike would do that!" "I suppose it would depend on the emoluments," I chuckled. "Money and sex with a hot French girl in exchange for marriage to get citizenship? You never know!" "Oh, please! As if I'd do _that_ with anyone except a real husband!" Kris declared. "Of course," I said slyly, "I am providing money and sex so Kris can get her citizenship! And that helps her parents, too!" "As if you would trade sex for anything!" Kris retorted. "Well, there are plenty of cute female medical students and nursing students!" "I'll send to France for a guillotine, but it won't be the head above your neck which is chopped off!" "Ouch!" Nathan said, wincing. "A food processor was suggested by Elizaveta," Lara smirked. "Remind me NEVER to piss off a Russian woman!" Nathan said, shaking his head. "Something learned very quickly by anyone who encounters them," I chuckled. "And that started with my mom for me!" "Oh, please!" Kris exclaimed. "You _prefer_ Russian women!" "Maybe," I replied with a sly smile. "You married Elizaveta, and you considered Maryam, Lara, Oksana, Tasha, Danijela, and Danika, all before choosing me!" "You might have a point," I chuckled. There were actually a few more, but Oksana didn't know the extent of my relationships with Sara, Tami, Irina, or Susana, not to mention Sheila, though she'd become Orthodox after the fact. I heard the timer on the oven, so I excused myself and went to the kitchen to check the roast, which was ready, so I asked Kris to help get everything on the table, and a few minutes later, the five of us sat down to eat. I continued to be impressed by Nathan, and really liked him, and I was reasonably certain he and Lara would marry, and probably soon. He'd been coming to church regularly with Lara, which was a good sign. Given her timeframe for kids, I expected them to marry within a year and start a family soon after. Rachel didn't get out of her mood, so with agreement from Lara and Nathan, the five of us said evening prayers and we put Rachel to bed a bit earlier than usual. "You say morning and evening prayers every day?" Nathan asked once Rachel was in bed. "Mike's fastidious in his prayer life," Lara said before I could answer. "He's been that way since I first met him." "And long before that," I replied. "My mom was fairly consistent, and my grandfather is like me." "The only time I regularly prayed was when I was little and prayed the morbid 'Now I lay me down to sleep…' prayer. I mean, who teaches a kid to pray 'if I should die before I wake'?" "I agree," I replied. "That's the last thing I want Rachel to think about." "Kris, did your family say regular daily prayers?" Nathan asked. "Yes, very similar to what Mike and I do now with Rachel. I've done it since I was a baby, so it's normal for me. Lara had a different experience growing up." "My biological dad and my step-mom generally say evening prayers," Lara said, "though not fastidiously. My stepdad, well, he's irreligious in the extreme." "How are things with your stepdad?" I asked. Lara shrugged, "He's convinced I've thrown away my life, but you know I don't see it that way. In the Fall I'll have an after-school club to encourage girls to pursue careers in science or technology." "Then make sure you get in touch with Taft, and send anyone interested in a medical career to see someone at McKinley Medical school. Our incoming group of Residents in trauma is four guys and two girls, which is double the number in the previous two incoming groups. Only one matched for surgery, and Clarissa is one of two in Internal medicine out of six." "It starts in grade school," Lara said. "I've been talking to the Superintendent about similar clubs in the elementary school. I also want to have women scientist, engineers, and doctors come in and talk to the kids. I already asked Clarissa." "Cool. You should try to get in touch with Katy Malenkov. I know she's out in the Bay Area in California, but she comes home fairly often. She'd be a great resource." "I'll do that. She's working for a company that makes computers, right?" "Sun Microsystems," I said. "It was started by some guys from Stanford, so that got her an 'in' with them." "I'll call her mom and get her phone number." "Let me know if you need any introductions at the medical school or the hospital." "I will!" _June 24, 1989, Monastery of the Dormition of the Mother of God, Rives Junction, Michigan_ "How have you been Michael?" Father Roman asked. "For the most part, very good." "And the part that isn't?" "My most recent interaction with Father Nicholas, which I called you about when it happened." "First, I will say that comparing yourself to Socrates, Saint John Chrysostom, and Our Lord might actually qualify as overly dramatic, given the circumstances." "I won't dispute that." "You are not intemperate, or prone to wild swings of emotion, so I have a theory about why you felt it necessary to speak to your colleague and your response to Father Nicholas. I believe, based on how you described the conversation with Father Nicholas, it was your intent to provoke him so that you had an excuse to transfer to the Cathedral, and lay the blame at his feet." "Except I didn't actually need a reason, given I'm no longer clergy." "That's not true, Michael. Well, it's true you didn't need a reason for the bishop; on the other hand, you did need a reason for yourself. You had to justify your actions, and Father Nicholas has been your target of choice for six years. Was he _actually_ being overcritical? Stop to think before you answer, and no self-justification or martyrdom, please." I took a few moments to consider, and while I certainly agreed I had most likely intentionally provoked Father Nicholas during our conversation, I didn't feel I had spoken to Ghost with any sort of ill intent, though I had known it would create a potential conflict. The question I was asking myself now was whether I had some personal motive in doing so. I didn't think so, but one of the points of having a «старец» was for him to conduct a deep, spiritual examination, much like a medical exam. Like a medical exam, it was diagnostic, with a goal of determining the root cause of «ἁμαρτία» — 'missing the mark'. "I would say that it was not unreasonable for me to challenge Father Nicholas for the way he responded to the false accusations against me." "And, pray tell, Michael, what do the Scriptures, in which you are so well versed, have to say about that? Think carefully." I was certain he had two points in mind — how to respond to false accusers, and the standards for clergy. I carefully considered my response before I spoke. "Two things come immediately to mind," I said. "First, the Holy Apostle Peter wrote: {_ Servants, be submissive to your masters with all fear, not only to the good and gentle but also to the harsh. For this is commendable, if because of conscience toward God one endures grief, suffering wrongfully. For what credit is it if, when you are beaten for your faults, you take it patiently? But when you do good and suffer, if you take it patiently, this is commendable before God. For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps: "Who committed no sin, Nor was deceit found in His mouth"; who, when He was reviled, did not revile in return; when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously; who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed. For you were like sheep going astray, but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. _} "How much of the Scriptures do you have memorized?" Father Roman asked, interrupting me. "I don't know," I replied. "If I had to hazard a guess, about half the Psalms and about a third of the New Testament." "I believe you follow the lectionary for your prayers, correct?" "Yes. The daily Scripture readings as well as the appointed Psalms." "Continue…" "Second, the Holy Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy: {_ Likewise deacons must be reverent, not double-tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy for money, holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience. But let these also first be tested; then let them serve as deacons, being found blameless. Likewise, their wives must be reverent, not slanderers, temperate, faithful in all things. Let deacons be the husbands of one wife, ruling their children and their own houses well. For those who have served well as deacons obtain for themselves a good standing and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus. Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. Till I come, give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine. Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership. _} "If I draw a conclusion from those two passages, I'd say you felt, and perhaps still feel, that you were being taken to task for things which you considered not just right, but righteous and holy." "The accusations were patently false," I replied. "I want to say something, and I understand that it, in effect, goes counter to the admonishment to 'have no further care' for any sins you confessed, but would you say that the accusations were patently false, or that they were premature?" "Ouch," I said reflexively. "As a student of the Scriptures," Father Roman said with a smile, "what would you say now?" "I don't have them memorized, but Proverbs has several warnings against even walking past the door of the harlot's or the adulteress' house. Similarly, the Holy Apostle Paul wrote to the Ephesians: {_ Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma. But fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness, let it not even be named among you, as is fitting for saints; neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks. _} "Did you stop there for a specific reason?" Father Roman asked. "Yes, I did," I replied. "The point I think you were trying to make is that my behavior, even if correct, called my character into question, something against which Paul warns. Also, despite your caveat about 'have no further care' in this instance, I place myself in God's hands, desiring mercy and love. Or, as Paul writes to the Romans, I know the law, and the law is good when it shows me my sin." "No quote?" "I could…" "Not necessary. What I want to point out is that you were a self-admitted fornicator, and had ample warning, and yet…" I nodded, "I know." "Yes, Michael, you know, and yet, even after the _false_ accusations, you were determined to prove them ultimately correct. It was, in fact, only a matter of timing. The question is, why, if you know the following verses, and you have the demonstrated ability to remain chaste, why did you fornicate?" "Honestly? Because I wanted to." "Thank you for being forthright. I have to ask, Michael, how you know that you won't simply decide you want to commit adultery?" "Because, and I say this with the caveat that no specific sin is worse than any other, adultery is of a different character than fornication, because in addition to a sin against the body, it would be a sin against my wife, not to mention a complete betrayal of the commitments I made to her. It's also the case that being married provides an outlet for the desire." "And you've never once been tempted while you were married?" "No. And that includes both betrothal periods." "To what do you attribute that?" "That I could never countenance of such a breach of trust and violation of my word. And that applies across the board in all my endeavors." "What would you say your primary philosophy is?" "I think it can best be distilled into the vow physicians make — 'first, do no harm'." "And would you say your actions were harmless?" "The Orthodox answer is an unequivocal 'no'." "But you disagree?" "We teach that all sin harms the sinner spiritually, but concepts of harm are also very personalized." "In other words, it's how you feel that matters?" Father Roman asked. "I think what I'm trying to say is that perception matters." "Yes, it does, as you stated before. But _whose_ perception?" "God's, of course." "I feel you were going to make some kind of argument that if your partners consented and didn't feel they had done anything wrong, that absolved you of your sin against them. Does it?" "No, of course not." "And does their opinion that it was not sinful actually matter?" "No, it doesn't." "So, when you confessed, what was it exactly you repented?" "My inability to control my desire." "But that's not true, is it?" Father Roman pressed. "No," I admitted. "So you see the source of my concern? You are able, when you choose, to suppress your desire to sin sexually. But you also, at times, have chosen to set aside your ability to remain chaste. I am sure Father Nicholas was aware of that propensity, and again, his comments were premature, but not his concern." "Are you saying we should return to Saint Michael?" "That is not my place," Father Roman said. "That's between you and Bishop JOHN. On the other hand, I do believe you should sit down with Father Nicholas and talk this out, but only if you can approach him non-confrontationally. You have a habit, when you are convinced you are right, of being extremely confrontational. I don't believe that's how you practice medicine." "It's not," I replied. "Being a forceful advocate for my patients is not about confrontation, but collegiality. There is a time when confrontation becomes necessary, but it's a last resort, and only when there is imminent risk of death." "I'll accept that exception, as I have little experience in emergency medicine. I doubt you believe any lives were at risk during your conversations with Father Nicholas." "They weren't." "Are you able to do what I've suggested?" "Yes." "Good. As for where you attend services, that is, as I said, between you and Bishop JOHN. My opinion, and it's only that, is you are probably best served spiritually at the cathedral. I'd like you to spend the rest of the evening praying and meditating in the chapel, and to keep the monastic hours overnight." "Yes, Father." _June 25, 1989, Circleville, Ohio_ "I'd like to hear your thinking about your desire to have a baby with Mike as the father," Kris said as she, Clarissa, Tessa, and I relaxed in the great room after dinner. "I've always wanted to have a baby," Clarissa said. "But once I understood my orientation, I was faced with a serious challenge. Unlike Jocelyn and Gene, the state won't allow Tessa and me to adopt, and, honestly, I'd rather have a baby, if possible. After I met Mike, and came out to him, I considered the possibility that I might have one with Mike, given his stated timing on marriage, which was sometime during Residency. "Your former bishop made a mess of that, and, despite my orientation, Mike and I actually discussed marriage, but, in the end, I couldn't act contrary to my nature. Mike and I discussed alternatives, and finally I asked if he'd be willing to help me conceive through artificial insemination at the time of my choosing, and he agreed. That was before he began seeing Elizaveta, of course. We had no formal plans at that time, and I wasn't contemplating having a baby before I finished Residency, so nothing was said. Of course, you know what happened after that." "Alternatives? Besides artificial insemination and marriage?" "Every possible option, including thinking outside the box," Clarissa said. "From conceiving naturally to some kind of setup where I was legally married to Mike and Tessa lived with us." Kris laughed, "And Mike would be allowed to have sex with both of you, of course!" "On occasion," Clarissa replied. "But rarely with me, and possibly only to conceive. And that was the thing that Mike couldn't countenance, besides the problems that it would cause at church. I absolutely could have sex with a guy to conceive, and Tessa is bisexual, but Mike needed, and needs, a traditional relationship. And that was something I couldn't ever give him, as much as I might have wanted to." "Were you going to acknowledge Mike as the baby's father?" Kris asked. "That's not something we had decided, but Mike was strongly in favor of not keeping it a secret. He would, I'm positive, have insisted on his name being on the birth certificate." "What about baptism?" "Without question," Clarissa replied. "I know how important that is to Mike, and you know Tessa and I attend regularly at Saint Michael, though we don't go every Sunday. Whatever other considerations we'd make, we'd raise a child I had by Mike in the Orthodox Church because I know he'd have it no other way." "What about raising him or her?" Kris inquired. "We didn't get deeply into that conversation, though we did agree that my partner and I would be the primary caregivers. That was before I met Tessa, by the way." "Mike made me aware of that." "What do you think?" Tessa asked, speaking up for the first time. "As I said to Mike, we'd speak with you, then he and I would discuss it and come to a decision together. As I said to him, I haven't made up my mind one way or the other as yet. How would you see things developing over the years?" "I'd imagine Mike would be involved," Tessa said, "and that a child Clarissa and I were raising would spend time with the two of you and Mike's other kids. They'd be half-siblings, and I think they should spend time together." "Out of curiosity, would you have allowed Mike and Clarissa to conceive naturally?" "Yes, because, and please don't take this the wrong way, it would be about facilitating a baby, not about pleasure, though physiology being what it is, that might end up as part of it. Well, for Mike it's basically necessary, but you know what I mean. And the agreement Clarissa and I have allows expressly for that one possibility, though with Mike being married, it's obviously out of the question for him." "But not for you?" "I don't have any specific moral objection to extramarital sex of any kind, so long as both partners consent, and it fits within whatever relationships the individuals have. In other words, who has sex with whom isn't my business, and if a married man has a 'hall pass', then that's between him and his wife. Mike, for _practical_ purposes, has the same view." "How so?" Kris asked. "She's referring to my non-judgmental approach," I interjected. "In other words, even if I have specific moral objections to certain behaviors, I tend to mind my own business and not interfere. I won't violate my own firmly held beliefs, but I also won't impose them on anyone else. You and I have a very specific understanding of the boundaries and I not only agreed to them, I endorse them and believe they are correct. But they aren't the only answer to the question. Add to that my own behavior, and as the saying goes, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." "Why not quote the Scripture?" Kris asked. "I can answer," Clarissa said quickly. "Because he knows that they don't carry the same weight with Tessa and me that they do with you and others who are practicing Christians." "Are you a Christian?" Kris asked. "I suppose the best answer is that I was baptized in the name of the Trinity, and I believe the basic moral teachings of Jesus, but I'm not sure about anything else." "She's an agnostic," I said. "Much as I am. The difference is, I default to what the Church teaches to be true, where Clarissa is skeptical." "WAIT!" Kris protested. "You're agnostic?!" I smiled, "The word means 'I do not know' and that is my philosophical position. Or, to put it in Scriptural terms — I do believe, help my unbelief." "So you have doubts?" Kris asked. "I've _always_ had doubts," I replied. "It stems from being a scientist at heart, and someone who approaches almost everything with rigorous logic." "That's what makes Mike a great doctor," Clarissa said. "Single-minded, clear thinking, and not swayed by emotion. I think the parallel with Doubting Thomas is apt — Mike needs to see the proof to say he 'knows' and until such time he'll say that he's agnostic." "You never shared that with me, Mike," Kris said disapprovingly. "I should have," I admitted. "That said, it has no practical effect on anything at all with regard to me being Orthodox, or faithfully praying and attending church." "Yes, but it is very much about who you are," Kris said. "We can discuss this later." "OK," I agreed. "Clarissa, do you have anything else you want me to consider?" Kris asked. "Just that I love Mike more than anyone on the planet, something of which Tessa is aware. He is, without question, my soul mate, but the universe played a cruel trick on us, if you will, in that I was born lesbian. Or, as Mike irreverently put it, I like pussy just as much as he does!" "He does like it a lot!" Kris said lightly. "And that makes ME happy!"