Once Felicia helps Scott make it back into their apartment, she helps him figure out how to enjoy his brand new scaly pussy despite the risks of catching the Tail Virus. Sharing the joys of rubbing pussies together is a bonding experience for them, but things get a lot more intense when Scott starts laying eggs into Felicia's transforming snatch. Soon, Scott's able to return the favor, helping Felicia enjoy her brand new cock. The Tail Virus Eggschange Part 2/2 by Zmeydros The tree-lined thoroughfare had a median full of maple trees that were all displaying bright red fall leaves. Whenever someone stared at Scott, he moved his eyes to those trees, letting Felicia guide him. Not far past that median was the jewel of this part of town, a sixty acre lake which practically begged people to walk around it. Today, on that lake, there were two kayaks, a few canoes, and several paddle boats; all rented from the big park on the opposite side. Walking on all fours was a real chore when he didn't have the right gait. At first, he was trying to move the legs on either side together, but that led to him flopping back and forth. Then he remembered seeing a slow motion video of a dog running. The two legs that moved were diagonally opposed. When he tried that, it was awkward at first, but it worked way better. The only complaint he had, after getting used to that, was feeling the concrete scrape against his claws. Even on four legs, he was waddling with how eggnant he was. Between his swollen belly and his giant, precum-dripping taur dick, bikeriders, drivers, and fellow pedestrians were enthralled. From the lake, he caught a flash of light from a pair of binoculars a kayaking couple was sharing. "Damnit! Walked right past our street." Felicia patted his flank to get his attention and then started backtracking. A powerful twinge in his womb, almost like a muscle cramp, caused him to stumble as he tried to turn around. Thick wetness dribbled down the back of his sac, his clit growing three times larger and reaching the size of a grape. Now his cunt was gaping, showing off his inner folds to any who looked under his raised tail. "Whoa there! Everything okay?" Felicia stopped tugging on his arm and glanced at the puddle of girl juice he'd just left on the sidewalk. "I think I just had a contraction?" Scott blushed, his cheeks getting covered by wine-colored orca flesh. "Aww, hon, just hang in there a bit longer, alright?" "Yeah, will do." He wanted to reassure her, but he felt like he was going to burst any minute. They went two blocks away from the lake to an apartment building that would've had high rent if it hadn't been fairly run down. Streaks of mildew ran down the yellow brick walls under cracks in filthy, unkempt gutters. The front door looked like it had been put together after getting blasted to bits. The numbers one and five had worn off of the dial pad for the call box next to the door. The entryway was just a landing that allowed one to go up to the first floor or down to the basement. "Pull your tail in, Dear." Felicia was holding the front door open. "Oh!" He stuck his tongue out as he concentrated, trying to bend his tail into an S shape. It had been doing its own thing, mostly, and consciously controlling it felt weird. Muscles tightened and loosened alternately, bunching his rubbery skin on the inside curves while stretching on outside curves. "Good work." Felicia closed the door. They took the stairs down to the first floor. As they walked past six units on the left side, Scott pleaded with his muff and prick to not drip on the carpet. "You first, Mr. Preggers." She unlocked the seventh door and stepped to the side. He giggled and then he bit his lip. His Adam's apple had shrunk to nothing and his laughter was obviously higher pitched. As he walked into their apartment, he felt gigantic. The yellow and white kitchen to his right felt practically claustrophobic. Ahead of him was an intimate living room with a high, skinny window along the back wall of their half-basement-style apartment. A brown leather couch sat opposite a forty-inch TV and in the corners, under the window were some plants. In the right corner was a giant rubber tree Felicia somehow kept alive and in the left corner was a stepped planter with three rabbit's foot ferns on it. Scott turned right to go into their sunny-yellow painted bedroom. The satin sheets on their king bed were spring green. Taking off his shirt, he tried to get on the bed, but his claws caught the sheets. As he kept trying to climb onto the bed, the situation only got worse. He shook his right foreleg to get it loose, but his claws were stuck to the satin as if glued. He'd had trouble with satin clinging to callouses on his hands in the past, but this was something far more intimidating. It was like his claws were magnets for the stuff. Pulling one hind leg back while pushing the other forward, he tried to get the sheet to let go. Hearing ripping and tearing sounds, he cried out, "Felicia! Help!" Felicia laughed from the doorway. The satin top sheet had long claw marks in it and Scott was hopelessly tangled. Scott started giggling along with her, the humor of the situation finally dawning on him. Drying her eyes, she came over and carefully pulled the sheet free of his claws. "That was so dumb." Scott sighed. "It was adorable." Felicia giggled. "Get off the bed so I can change to the cotton sheets. We'll also have to give you a taur pedicure at some point. Keep those claws from causing problems." "I'm all for that." Scott got off the bed and another contraction hit. He hissed in discomfort, the eggs starting to move inside him as wetness dripped from his sex. "Get me a stack of towels while you're at it, please." "You poor, drippy girl." Felicia said as she left the bedroom and went to the pantry just outside. He squirmed. Something about being called "girl" randomly like that was making him feel things. Odd things. Good things? Grabbing light orange cotton sheets and a stack of towels, she came back into the bedroom. Scott grabbed the stack and set it on top of the right bedside table before dropping one of the towels, still folded, on the floor. He sat on it with his haunches, smushing his needy lower lips against the thick, textured fabric. His pussy clenched, making him moan loudly, his breasts getting fuller as he did. Even having a towel against his labia and clit was sending waves of pleasure through him. "Our entire place is going to smell like aquatic dragon cooch if we don't get you off. Egg laying or no." Felicia was putting the pillows back on the bed. "G-get off?" Scott blushed. "I guess I'll just have to make something with fish sauce whenever guests come over so we can explain the smell, then." She shrugged. "I've been meaning to get into Vietnamese cooking, anyway." "If we do something, you might get the tail virus. I barely did anything with Marianne." "Barely did anything? Hon, you licked her out like she was a double-stuffed Oreo and all you wanted was the icing." Scott blushed redder. "Three weeks without fucking has already been torture. What am I gonna do, not have sex with you, or her, for six months? Only have sex in latex suits so no fluids get on me? I don't think so." She pulled off her blouse, revealing her modest bust before removing her jeans. "Plus, my two sex partners are mosaics now and I'm starting to feel left out." "But you could end up a taur, hon. It's already super inconvenient." "You call it inconvenient, but it's the hottest thing I've ever seen." She pulled her panties down, strings of her wetness stretching between her panties and her pussy lips. "Get on the bed and lay on your back." "Right now? I'm gonna lay soon and the doctor said the fluids from it are very--" "Infectious? I'm counting on it. I'm jealous of that huge taur pussy of yours and I wanna mash mine against it." She pointed to the bed. "So get on that bed and let me show you how to lesbian." Scott's snatch twitched as he moaned. Then he climbed on the bed and rolled onto his back, wondering why he hadn't proposed to this amazing woman yet. Hopping up on the bed, Felicia coaxed him onto his back and straddled his tail. Then she hefted his balls. "These are so hot. When I saw you cum that much, I nearly came right along with you." "Ngh! You really like me like this? It's not too weird?" He bit back a moan, his testicles twitching from her appreciative fondling as precum drooled from his sheath. "I love this, it's like rediscovering sex. Uncharted territory. And you're getting more gorgeous every minute. I bet those are C cups on your chest already." She laid atop his thick tail, pushed his balls out of the way, and then pressed her smooth, wet pussy against his with a messy squelch. "HAAH! Can you feel that? Our clits are touching!" "AAAHHNN!" Scott couldn't stay still. His whole body was squirming as his hands instinctively played with his sensitive, developing tits. She hooked her legs over his hind legs, keeping their cunts clamped together. As his massive clit dug into hers, she felt it swell and swell. The bigger hers got, the more their clits rubbed. Her labia were puffing up, smooth light blue scales forming on them, making things slide even better. A contraction got him to grunt, but the discomfort from it was being countered by rubbing their muffs together. Then another contraction and one of his giant eggs squeezed past the tight band of his cervix and slipped into his vaginal canal. "I think something's moving!" he warned. "Don't you dare stop!" She was already close to cumming and her pussy never ever felt this good before. The instinct to push was so powerful that he couldn't hold back. Grunting and straining, his first egg stretched his tunnel to its limit as it moved toward its exit. He kicked his hind legs a bit as it got closer and closer. She arched her back, tingles traveling throughout her inner walls, pleasure sparking across her clit and labia. Then she screeched and smashed her cunt against his, an orgasm overtaking her, while her pussy lips got even plumper. Her wetness splashed against his muff and ballsac as he kept pushing, unable to stop. Feeling that the egg was about to push out of him and into her, he tried to hold back, but it was impossible. The egg was almost too big for his labia and spread them so wide that he groaned at the sensation. She yelped as his egg spread her entrance wider and wider, pressing against her bigger, more sensitive, draconic clit. Then it popped inside her scaly snatch. "FUCK YES! AARRGHHH!" She came so hard she was smacking the bed with her fists, her legs shaking. "Are you okay?" Scott asked as his second egg started moving down his already-stretched canal. "I want MORE!" Felicia cried out. Hearing her say that, Scott bit his lip. Feeling his egg slip into her cunt had sent tingles down his extremities. He bared down on the second egg, feeling his muff open wider and wider and then *pop* it slipped into Felicia. "NGH! OH, SCOOOOTT!" Felicia's clit throbbed, swelling with each spasm that ran through her, it momentarily dug into her partner’s slippery folds before slipping free as it grew even longer. It jutted out from her loins, one inch, two inches, three inches. Throbbing, and thickening, it looked more and more phallic. She grabbed her clit and stroked it, her heart thumping in her chest as it passed four inches long. Somehow, when she'd thought about the fun she could have being a mosaic, she hadn't thought about the possibility of having a dick. With her clit as thick around as her pointer finger and a whole inch longer, there was no mistaking what was happening. Scott grunted as he pushed a third egg into her, the third hard ovoid running over his prostate like the previous two. His dick slid out of his pre-soaked sheath as it did so. Bucking her hips as light blue scales traveled up her belly, Felicia yelped as a new clit budded off of her old one, her pleasure doubling and becoming more distinct. The clit in her hand was getting bumps, ridges, and a taper as it thickened dramatically. Her belly was pressing against her arm, looking quite pregnant as she felt her shaft change. She grunted when the scaly skin at the base of her prick bunched up into a sheath and gasped when an empty sac formed just in front of her snatch. Her sheath was sensitive and having her dick move through the snug tunnel of flesh felt oh so very good. Her cock felt huge in her hand as it reached six inches. With her other hand, she groped her right tit, feeling smooth scales replace her bare skin. For a moment, she stopped stroking because her tits felt bigger...all of her was bigger! "GAH! Gonna cum AGAIN!" Scott shouted as he pushed his fourth egg into her. "SSSCOTT!" A wave of pressure traveled down her spine while her nose flattened into her face and her tongue stretched out longer and longer, forking into its new dragon shape. Scales spread across the small of her back as her torso lengthened just above her eggnant belly. Meanwhile, Scott’s prehensile cock made waves against his belly as he came all over himself. His last egg came out and his cock lobbed a stream of pearly white that hit him in the face. What made it into his mouth was delicious, sweet and salty with a slight bitter aftertaste that made him want more. The moment he wasn't thrashing in orgasm, he used his orca-dragon tongue to lick up the mess he'd made all over his face. As she came with him, adding to a lake of pussy juice, her dick ballooned in size, surpassing a foot long. It was getting harder and harder to reach. Just after her orgasm was over, she had to bend to reach her prick and there were two growing bumps on her abdomen above her swollen belly. Her eyes darted from one to the other, remembering how Scott's had developed. Her legs loosened their grip on his as her ankles, knees, and hips popped. Muscles tingled, bones shifted, and soon her legs were shaped like his hind legs. The ends of her forelegs sectioned off into individual toes. Even though she was in the middle of turning into a taur, she couldn't stop touching her cock. Now free from her lesbian mating press, Scott rolled to the side and maneuvered carefully on the bed so he could follow an incredible musky scent. His whole face heated up and then that heat traveled down his neck and torso. He craved the source of that scent and it was coming from-- "You have a dick!?" he blurted out, feeling hot all over. It was already so thick, so long, and textured in a way that made his pussy twitch. "Come closer, it needs your lips around it." Felicia grinned, beckoning him with a forepaw. As he crawled across the bed, his cum-dripping dick dragged against the covers making him tremble while smearing a trail of precum in its wake. He moved his growing muzzle closer and closer to her cock, sniffing deeply through his partially-formed, draconic nostrils to sample its delectable scent. Then he was right in front of it, watching a bead of pre trickle down the underside. Her spine clicked over and over as her torso lengthened, light blue scales traveling up her front and dark blue scales traveling up her back. Her forepaws reached out further and further, the toes gaining more definition. "I bet it tassstes even better than it sssmells." She grinned despite her gums pinching as her jaws and teeth changed. Her draconic spire twitching from the caress of Scott’s warm breath, oozing more pre with each pulse. He whined as his cunny clenched again. "Come on, give into your girly urges." His tongue flicked out, licking up the stream of pre running down the underside of her tapered dragon prick. It was so sweet, a tad salty, and fucking addictive. Lapping across her draconic bumps and ridges to get at every last drop, he shivered. Feliciagrabbed her head, crying out as her hair fell out and pin feathers pushed up from her scalp. Her face cracked as a draconic muzzle pushed out. A pressure at the base of her spine got her to squirm as a thick dragon tail burst outward, growing inches in seconds. Her dick smelled better and better as his muzzle finished forming and he got a nice big pair of dragon nostrils. He stopped for a brief moment as she grunted, her forelegs cracking and trembling as muscles, bones, and joints finished forming. Scott looked on in awe as her forelegs got longer and thicker, the muscles rapidly bulking to support her new tauric form. The first thing she did with them, however, was grab his head and shove her dick in his muzzle. He moaned around her cock as it gained inch after inch, his muzzle not able to take all of it. At first, he was overwhelmed, but then he grabbed the part outside of his maw with his hands and stroked while he focused on using his tongue on the upper part. Following the very same advice he'd given her for giving him head, he got her to yelp and gasp. He smiled at the edges of his muzzle, enjoying her delicious prick while his pussy got wetter than ever. A tide was shifting in him. The way his breasts hung, how good it felt to have a dick in his mouth and the way his pussy twitched and drooled. Even though it made him blush to think about, he missed the eggs that were now in her belly. His womb clenched as he thought about having her load inside him, his belly swelling with eggs, her eggs, and then laying them. With that, he lost himself to sucking on her cock, acting like it was the most delicious thing in existence. "NGH! Your pussy smells like it needs a dick in it." Felicia pushed his head away from her dick. His tongue still stubbornly clung to the ridges of her cock before he snapped out of his cock-hungry trance. She got out from under him and commanded, gesturing with a spin and flick of her hand. "Get on all fours and lift that tail!" Finally! He'd be full of eggs again! He did exactly as she asked. Then he was looking back at her, his entire body quivering, hot, and needy. "Your pussy is goddamned gorgeous." She grabbed his haunches with her forepaws, the weight of her forelegs felt so good, so right pressing down on his tauric back. "HAAAH!" His pussy clenched, wetness dribbling down the back of his sac. "GRRR! I'm gonna stuff it full." She walked up his back with her forepaws and then grabbed his flank with the sides of her forelegs. This need to have someone inside him was so alien, so powerful. The closer she got to penetrating him, the more his heart thundered in his chest. He moaned loudly and squirmed as she let go and then grabbed his sides further up. Then he froze as her tapered cock tip bumped into his puffy right labia. Instinct guided his hips a half inch to the right. Feeling the pointy end of her dick meet the cleft between his pussy lips, she grabbed him a bit further up his taur torso. Then she shoved her draconic, bumpy and ridged, taur length into her boyfriend's passage. "OH FELICIA!" He cried out as inches of her hard, unyielding flesh spread him open. The pleasure was sharp, on the edge of being too much, but he loved every second of it. "HNNGH! SCOTT!" She pressed further in, her heart racing, her haunches shuddering and unable to enter him smoothly. He was like the finest satin inside, so hot, so wet. The way he was twitching in there, as she buried her dick in him, sent hot, erotic flashes through her. His tits swelled outward, becoming nice and heavy on his chest as they surpassed D-cups. The last of his human skin disappeared and he came into his full mosaic herm taur form. His taur body pressed back against her entry, swallowing half her dick within a handful of seconds. The whole time, all he could do was moan and gasp. He needed all of her. He didn't know why and it didn't matter. It made sense to his body and it felt unbelievably good. The more he stretched for her, the better it got. "MATE ME!" He was delirious with lust now, only able to think about being bred and lacking his usual embarrassment about his urges. Cocks felt so damn good in his pussy! "Such a needy girl!" Stepping forward with her haunches, she hilted herself in him. "Yes! BREED ME!" He pushed back, making sure every millimeter of her cock was inside him while her eggnant belly pressed against his taur back. His own length throbbed to full hardness, the pleasure from his snatch driving him wild. Her forelegs gripped his sides harder as she pulled back and then rammed her length into him over and over. As she plowed him with all her might, a knot of tension formed inside her as her new testes budded off from her ovaries. Then they started on their way toward her sac. The eggs inside her started to move, one entering her canal right behind her new testes. Pin feathers sprouted along her back and the topside of her tail while blue scales started replacing remaining patches of skin. Her tail thickened and lengthened, her taur lower half getting more draconic while her muzzle pushed out further and her breasts hung heavier. "HA-AAAH!" His pussy came around her prick, undulating around it as he wiggled his hips. With her shaft in there while he was cumming, it was intense. It felt like she was a part of him, like they were connected in a way he didn't fully understand. He felt soft, vulnerable, like he was hers to use, to fuck, to love. "FUCK!" she said through clenched teeth as she pushed with her abs and her muscular tunnel. Her first egg traveled to its exit, shoving her testes toward her sac. As it exited, it pushed her balls into their home. The egg fell onto the bed, bouncing a bit before coming to rest, strings of egg-laying fluid still clinging to it, her sac, and her pussy. A white-hot orgasm was just below the surface and, as she pushed her second egg out, her balls grew so quickly that they stretched her sac taut. As she froze from all these sensations, Scott feverishly thrust himself on her dick, stretching his own pussy over and over, shivering at the sensation of her knot starting to engorge. Due to the fact his body was moving on its own and his instincts were so strong, he was blushing while grinning like a madman. The amount he liked dick was now intimidating. It also wasn't enough, he needed something from her. Something it took all his will to ask for. "Please, Felicia. Please cum in me!" "Only if you beg to carry my eggs." She groped his tits while pressing hers against his back. "PLEASE CUM IN ME! I NEED YOUR EGGS!" His dick was fully hard, dripping, and felt pent up, even though he'd cum not long ago. He couldn't stop rubbing it against his belly as his body vibrated with expectation. "GOOD GIRL!" She cried out as she pushed the third egg out. As it left her pussy, it rode right over her forming prostate and then slipped past her clit. "FUCK YES! I'M A GIRL!" Scott said as she came, feeling Felicia's cock pulse within her cunt, about to deliver its seed. Her own cock blasted cum onto the sheets, splattering so hard that droplets of it hit the backs of her forelegs. Every orgasmic contraction of her pussy dragged Felicia's fourth egg with it while her balls expanded. Her prick grew five more inches as it spasmed. Then she screeched, losing her load inside her boyfriend-turned-girlfriend's pussy. She couldn't stop thrusting through her orgasm, even though her knot was making a sucking sound every time it came out of Scott's snatch. Felicia's balls smacked against Scott's as they got even bigger than Scott's, much bigger than her fists. And as her balls grew, so did her load. It was splattering down from Scott's cunt, soaking their balls and the bed. "You. Make. Such. A. Beautiful. Girl. And. I. Love. You." She spoke between moans and gasps, her orgasm lasting for freaking ever. The pin feathers that ran from her scalp, down her back, and made a mane down the first two-thirds of her tail, sprouted into beautiful crimson feathers. Her musculature became more robust, her last few draconic features, including her long pointy ears and muzzle finished forming. While the last bit of her humanity disappeared, her knot doubled in size and, when she sunk it into Scott's snatch, she couldn't pull it back out. "NGH! Love you too!" Scott came again, yelping and chittering while groping her breasts. They were so sensitive, like the rest of her. It was so fucking good to feel her pussy milk Felicia's shaft while feeling her own hefty boobs in her hands, and her own dick lose its load to the sheets. Being a herm girl was the best! Just as Felicia's shots of cum tapered off, she pushed the fifth egg out. Her orgasm peaked again and she grabbed onto Scott tight as she fired several more spurts inside him. Scott couldn't figure out whether she was having one long orgasm or multiple ones in a row, but she was dizzy with bliss and her womb felt so wonderfully full. She was definitely going to be full of eggs later. Her girlfriend could cum like a fountain and she'd probably be knocked up by her over and over. The thought of carrying her girlfriend's eggs had her heart fluttering. What a wonderful thing for her body to be able to do. "When my knot goes down, you gotta turn around and knock me up. I want both of us nice and round so people can look at our herm taur equipment and know exactly what happened." Felica flicked Scott's nipples. "Gah! A-are you sure you want that sort of attention?" "Yeah! We'll be carrying each other's love around, literally. It's fucking romantic!" "Carrying each other's love around..." Scott smiled despite her embarrassment at being such a sentimental girl. "You seem a lot different somehow. Are you okay?" Felicia hugged Scott from behind. "I think something broke when you called me a good girl. I don't know why, but I can't stop smiling." Scott blushed at the admission. "I never told you this, but I've always felt more like we were a lesbian couple than a straight couple. You were so damn affectionate and in touch with your emotions. I've been resisting calling you a good girl for months and I'm glad when I finally did, it made you happy." She hugged Scott tighter. "Oh wow." Tears left Scott's eyes as she leaned back into the hug. "If we're together in two months when our anniversary comes up, let's get married. I was anxious about being your husband, but I suddenly want to be your wife." "Sounds perfect, Fiancee." She kissed the back of Scott's scaly head. "Tomorrow, we'll go downtown and pick out some rings." THE END I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons: AJ, Arkona Kothe, Longhauler, Navajo Demar, Tiliquain, Warialinth, and Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!