Pink Fawxxx, the newly hermified camgirl from Epsilon Eridani, has made a mistake: she asked her herm crush, Captain Ramda Uweko, to help her edge for a special event she's doing for her fans. Ramda, being the dominant, six-foot-six wolf she is, will stop at nothing to make sure Pink has the most legendary release ever caught on camera and to do that she is willing to tease Pink until she's so pent up she can't walk straight. Will Ramda's dominant energy be too much for Pink and make her go off like a champagne bottle early or will Pink be able to hold out and explode on camera while her viewers daydream about being in the splash zone? This story is meant to go with this animation by UBA Herm Edging Escapade by Zmeydros (Edited by SarahVixen and UBA) Something furry was rubbing against the bottom right of my fox muzzle as my eyes flew open. My light blocking curtains made it quite dark, but my nose picked up a familiar sweet hint of cinnamon combined with the musky scent of turmeric. Just as I realized who owned the wolf muzzle that was nuzzling my jaw, I was drawn into a luscious slow kiss. Our smooth canine tongues tangled and untangled as Ramda grabbed hold of my left breast through the satin sheets and squeezed. I pushed the sheets down so I could free my arms and feel her paw pads directly against my light-pink-furred breasts. Then my hands went to her second set of breasts, squeezing and teasing them before flicking the nipples on her third set. Her sheath swelled against my thigh as she moaned softly and her nipples hardened. When you give someone security access to your place and tell them to surprise you, you rarely expect them to actually do it. Most people will message you first asking if it's okay a couple times or try to schedule their surprise, something that defeats the entire point. Ramda had no such anxiety, in fact she had enough confidence that you had to be careful what you gave her permission to do because she would thoroughly exercise those privileges, every single time. Wanting to see all six-and-a-half feet of Ramda's glory, I used my implant to open my curtains. Her medium-wine-brown fur was broken up by pinkish tan fur on her front that went all the way up to the underside of her chin. Contrasting her dark magenta dick and nipples were her green eyes and a green hoop earring at the bottom of her triangular right ear. The fuchsia fur that covered most of my body and light pink that covered my belly and front went really well with her colors. It was no surprise since we had similar tastes when it came to colors. I gasped and groaned as she bit my neck causing my big flaccid horsedick to plump up. I got her back by reaching behind her plum-sized balls and rubbing my middle finger against her clit. As her pussy clenched, she moaned into the fur of my neck and my own pussy twitched sympathetically. Pulling her muzzle away from my neck, Ramda said, "I'm going to edge you until you break so bad, you'll explode from a gentle breeze." She rubbed the head of my cock, getting some pre on her paw pads and then stroked my dick very slowly for emphasis. I moaned. "I should've known this would happen when I asked for your help." "Don't play coy, you knew exactly what would happen if you asked me to edge you for an entire day," she said before sucking on my right nipple. "Ha-aaah!" I cried out as my prick thundered to full hardness in her grip. Reaching behind my nice big balls, she worked two of her thick fingers into my pussy. "You needed me because I'm one of the only people in the galaxy whose orders you can't resist." "FUCK!" I dug my claws into my pillow as she started thrusting her fingers in and out of me while sucking relentlessly on my left nipple. My poor thick equine prick drooled pre on my belly as she just kept going, fingering me closer and closer to orgasm, but never quite getting there. Her tongue flicked across my nipple without warning to get me to yelp and gasp. She'd been sucking so hard that both nipples were way more sensitive than normal. The only respite was when she switched between them. Fem juice soaked into my fur and leaked on my sheets, making a wet spot under me while pre soaked into my belly fur. When she took her mouth off my nipples for a moment, I thought she was giving me a break, but then she straddled my head and set her puffy wet muff down on my muzzle. Lifting my balls, she shoved her tongue into my pussy. I cried out at first, but then I got her back by parting her passage with my long flexible tongue. She tasted a bit like curry and I couldn't get enough. My dick was pent up from all the stimulation to my snatch, so I reached for it without thinking. Just before my hand made it there, she reached between us and pushed my hand away as she growled playfully into my cunt and shoved her sex more firmly against my angular muzzle, her balls dangling against my chin and lower jaw. I moaned and fidgeted before moving one hand up to my tits and the other to her balls. She wiggled her tongue back and forth inside me, fighting the twitching of my passage and making my breath catch in my throat. Her chin massaged my clit as she rocked her head back and forth, lapping into me over and over. Wanting to make sure she was enjoying herself too, I twisted and flicked my tongue inside her, getting her to clench and moan. Every once in a while, I lapped right across her clit just to keep things interesting. And for each time she got me close to the edge, but didn't let me go over, I did the same to her. We both nearly came three times before she said, "I'll let you cum if you only cum from your pussy, can you do that for me?" "Same goes for you," I said, rolling my hips so her nose brushed against my clit. "I promise, I have plans for my first load today," she said. "Your answer was a bit ambiguous, so now you have to beg if you want me to get you off." Begging felt amazing when someone so big, sexy and confident was having their way with me. But few people were as confident as Ramda, so this was a rare treat and I gave myself to it, letting my submissive side come out in full force as I said, "Please let me cum! I'm so close!" She growled, vibrating my clit as she licked as deep as she could and then wiggled her tongue right along my g-spot. I grabbed my nipples and squeezed as my back left the bed, my whole body making an arch. Pre from my equine cum hole shot straight up in the air, splattering all over Ramda's tits before dripping down on my crotch. I was a hair's breadth from my cock cumming like a fountain as I shook and I howled in ecstasy. My pussy grabbed at Ramda's tongue as she growled and licked and made my orgasm last forever. The moment I had control of my tongue back, I hummed and licked and nuzzled Ramda's crotch. She moaned and yelped as I kept up my assault. Her wetness slicked up my chin and I mashed my face against her cunt, spreading her hot lips over my fox nose. I thrust my tongue into her, fucking her with it as I growled loudly. She screeched and then howled as her tunnel milked my tongue for all it was worth. I was forced to swallow her wonderful nectar because there was so much of it. After her orgasm ended, she made this long, pleased groan that reverberated in my chest. As we came down from our peaks, I was about to compliment her on her cunnilingus only to watch in slow motion as she took my entire prick into her maw. I screeched and writhed on the bed. She was practically controlling my whole body with her tongue as she lapped at my medial ring, shaft, and flare from different directions. My body had backed away from the edge far enough that she could tease me, but boy was she testing my limits. Just as my prostate and balls ached, ready to blow, she pulled her muzzle off. "Knowing you, you have more than one kind of remote-control vibrator, where are they?" My eyes widened as I realized the most likely reason she wanted them. "Are we going somewhere?" "It's time to multitask: I want sushi for breakfast and you need to be edged more," she said as she got off of me and sat on the edge of the bed. "I think that's enough edging for now," I said. Narrowing her eyes, she said, "Did you have me come all the way here in my starship so you could do the thinking about how much edging you needed?" I blushed madly under my fur. She was making her foot of extra height feel like a hundred. "They're in the bottom drawer of my nightstand." "Good girl." As she got up, I watched her girthy, over-foot-long knotted canine length bob over her swinging, plum-sized balls. My eyes stayed on that spire of dark fuchsia flesh as she went over to my nightstand and pulled out a purple plug that had a hook that came out of the front to stimulate my clit. Handing it to me, she said, "Put this in." Then she turned and rummaged more in that drawer while I put the plug in my snatch. Pulling a remote-control cock ring out of the drawer, she said, "Put this on too and then get dressed in a bra and panties that are simple and fit closely, letting some details be visible without being see-through. Over that, you're going to wear leggings and a tight-fitting top." "We're going to Anything-Goes avenue, aren't we?" I asked. "My favorite sushi joint in the entirety of Epsilon Eridani is there," she said with a twinkle in her eye. We both knew that wasn't the only reason she was taking me there. "Lulu's Sushi is your favorite out of all of them?" I asked, slipping the cock ring just past the medial ring. "Korean sushi always tastes a bit better to me, it's a bit more down to Earth and home cooked," she said. "And Lulu makes some of the best Korean sushi I've ever had." "I've never thought about Korean sushi that way, but I'm not a sushi connoisseur like you," I said as I put on a pair of simple dark gray panties which had to stretch a bit to fit over my flaccid length. The matching sports bra for these panties showed more of my curves than most sports bras did. This bra didn't press my tits down quite as much, but still provided a lot of support. "True, you don't share that with me, but now that you've got that gorgeous dick, we have something else in common." She grinned as she used her implant to turn on both the cock ring and the plug. "We're connoisseurs of herm pleasure." I gasped as my dick throbbed in my panties and my pussy clenched around the vibrating plug, making the sensation even more intense. Just as my panties started to stretch from my length, she turned the toys off. I moaned sharply and panted for a moment before saying, "Let me guess, if I try to wear anything that hides my bulge, you'll make me take it off." She nodded. I blushed. I hadn't exactly been trying to hide it, but showing it off was another thing entirely. Grabbing some silver leggings and a tight-fitting purple top that had a nice low v cut to show off my furry cleavage, I finished getting dressed. Ramda stepped over to me and rubbed at my cock through the fabric, saying, "I love how big you are flaccid and the way these leggings show it off makes it practically irresistible." As my prick stretched my panties and leggings, I grabbed onto Ramda, digging my clawtips into the fur on her upper arms. I still wasn't used to other people touching my junk. It was so intense I could barely stay upright. When the fabric was straining to keep my building erection at bay, she finally relented and started getting dressed herself, putting on a pair of short black fitness shorts and a matching sports bra that was more like an entire blouse because it covered all six of her tits. It had the same bright pink trim as the shorts and I was admiring how well the matching clothing fit her as she grabbed my hand and led me out the door. I didn't bother asking to wait until my dick was no longer making a mountain in my crotch because I knew she wanted it that way. Heck, she had an obvious canine bulge going down the right leg of her short shorts. Ramda not being immune to her own teasing and not caring who saw her package were two of the reasons I liked her so much. Without meeting her, I'd never have gotten the courage to get modded into my hung foxy self. Most of the sex industry on Koolau Habitat was near Anything-Goes Avenue. I, myself, was only three blocks away. But it was the longest three blocks of my life because Ramda turned the plug on and left it on at a low level that increased every few seconds at an interval that I couldn't predict. As a result, I was stumbling and muffling moans as we went. Many of the little shops, eclectic grocery stores, and boutiques we passed on the way to Anything-Goes were places I visited often and I was hoping I wouldn't run into someone I knew. I'd only had my dick about a month, so I wasn't sure local gossip had spread the word yet and I didn't want my hardon in my leggings to be the way they found out. Hearing the tram come up the center of the road, I stepped behind one of the pineapple-mango trees planted along the tramway. Before Ramda could decide I was trying to hide myself, I reached up for one of the pineapple-mangoes that had bright orange and yellow skin. It was well out of my reach, but all I needed was to distract Ramda long enough that all the people getting off the tram wouldn't be staring at my junk. "You're so goddamn cute," Ramda said as she reached up and grabbed the one I'd been aiming at and put it in her turquoise backpack-like purse. "Thanks," I said as I watched a guy with wolf ears walk by us. Most of the crowd had cleared and I followed closely behind Ramda, my face warm with a blush as I thought about people seeing the rise between my legs. Between the vibrator and thinking about people seeing my cock, I got incredibly worked up by the time we got to Anything-Goes. As we walked onto the street, I looked up at the underside of the street-wide garden that ran the entire length of Anything-Goes, putting this red light district in an eternal night that allowed for all manner of retro neon signs and holographic projections. Two lewd storefronts in, on the left side, was Both Worlds, the most famous modding shop in all of Double E. It's where I'd gotten all my mods and the front was projecting a hologram of naked anthropomorphic herms of all shapes and sizes doing all manner of lewd poses while flaunting the fact they had both sets of parts. I got euphoria just standing in front of this place. We both were ogling this projection when a palomino-horse-modded guy stepped out of the sliding double doors onto the street wearing a short skirt with a perfectly-tailored shirt, bright suspenders that connected to the skirt, and a big women's bow tie. It was a very popular femboy fashion that had made it to all the rotating habitats of Double-E these days. He stopped as he took great interest in me and Ramda. Then I got to see that magical moment where his eyes found my bulge and widened. Ramda immediately turned on the cock ring and I bit my lip to avoid crying out as my dick hardened. His eyes just widened as my prick swelled larger and larger. The moment his short skirt started to rise, he excused himself and ran off. Ramda turned the cock ring off and upped intensity on the plug a bit more. It wouldn't be long until my panties were soaked. "Ramda, at this rate, I'm not going to be able to focus on ordering my food, let alone eating." "I guess we'll just have to get your pussy off first, then," she said. "What?!" I asked as Ramda dragged me down the street toward Lulu's. We passed two very queer brothels and a place that claimed you could get anything you wanted battered and fried before we got to Lulu's and entered. The walls had light panels that were styled after nineteen-eighties sunrises: a circle that was broken up by horizontal strips resembling the way ocean waves reflect a sunset. The oranges, yellows, and pinks from the light panels cast a beautiful glow that was both passionate and calming. The walls on either side of the entryway had a animated holos of "Scissoring with Sausages," a famous herm punk band that had started out on Earth, but now lived in Double E. My eyes were drawn to Triss in one of the holos, the short herm fennec-fox-modded keyboardist who was singing a duet with the lead singer, a herm dragon-tailed-tiger. Both were in untied silk robes with steampunk phoenixes emblazoned across them. Triss's paw-padded foot was on a low speaker as she leaned toward the crowd. Her passionate gyrations made her heavy balls sway attractively along with her big-even-when flaccid horsecock. Fuck, between the plug and seeing one of my herm crushes, my panties were in no shape for me to sit down. "You know, most people who get a horsecock mod go for the sheath option where it compactifies nicely." Ramda's voice trailed off for a moment while she thought. "She was your inspiration, wasn't she?" I nodded. "And it's a goal to have her join me in bed." "Just go ask her after a show, girl," Ramda said. "She's shy when she's not performing, but if you compliment her and hit on her, she gets bubbly, adorable, and very horny. I've only played with her a couple times, but most of her nerves were gone that second time and I saw a hint of her playful side. Plus, she's the type that would be very excited to know she inspired you." "That's really good to know, maybe you could get me in contact with her? They often get mobbed at the end of a show." "Already on my todo list," Ramda said as Lulu, a huge elephant-modded woman wearing red fashion glasses, waved us toward the ordering counter. As we walked up to the counter, Ramda said, "Hey there, Lulu. Long time no see." "Hey there, Captain Ramda and Pink, what brings you to my establishment today?" she asked. "Just looking at getting some breakfast sushi and for another thing I'm gonna message you about so Pink doesn't know what's coming," Ramda said. "Wait, what are you planning?" I asked. "You really think I'm going to spoil the surprise?" Ramda asked. "No, actually, but you can't blame me for trying." I looked at the menu that was showing on the wall behind Lulu using special paint that basically turned walls into screens. It was something I'd get done to my dining room studio once my camgirl business got on a roll. "I'm gonna have the breakfast combo two with the smoked synth-salmon," Ramda said. "I'd like--Ahh! Fffuck." Just as I started speaking, Ramda turned the plug and cock ring on. Ramda and Lulu shared a good laugh before Ramda shut off the ring and vibrator. "I'm sorry, I didn't get that. What would you like?" Lulu grinned under her trunk. "I'd like the same, but with synth-bacon," I said. "I deserve a cheat day." "After what I'm going to do to you? Definitely," Ramda said. I caught Lulu looking at me, a glimmer of expectation in her eyes. "I'll get those started right away. And Ramda, I just checked and you're A-okay for your plans." "Perfect," Ramda said. Lulu called into the back, "I'm gonna take my break early to have some fun. Okay?" Someone back there with a light nasally voice said, "No problem, hon, I got you covered." "Thanks!" Lulu said. Now I knew something was up and looking around the restaurant made it even more obvious. In the far corner, a woman with snow leopard ears and tail had her arm around a woman with a mohawk and a big nose ring. They were both glancing at us and that's when I noticed that my dick was still half hard and Ramda's was halfway down the leg of her short shorts. I put my hands on my hips and leaned back slightly as some adrenaline roared through my veins. My camgirl instincts were starting to fight my embarrassment and it was quite a rush. There was something incredibly affirming about these women seeing my bulge and not being able to look away. Ramda did the same as me, taking a stance that made the lewd canine outline in her shorts more obvious. People at the two other occupied tables were glancing at us while trying to not be obvious about it. One table had a short otter-modded guy and a lanky giraffe guy that looked really cute together and the other had a human couple who both had prehensile dragon tails and matching dragon ears. The woman was dressed in a glamorous suit while the guy was in a tie-dyed one-piece dress. As I observed the room, Ramda led me to the center table. Before I could ask what was going on, Ramda said, "I ordered something special today: a cream filled fox. And to do that, I need you to strip and lay back on the table." She grinned, showing her long pointy canines. Before now, I'd only ever been naked in public in a Lezveioan dinner spa. This was the middle of a restaurant just about anyone could walk into. Sure, there were tales of people getting naughty on Anything-Goes, but I'd never done it myself despite being the sort of woman who decides to become an adult star. Being out in the open like this felt more raw, more exciting than streaming to my viewers. My heart started pounding as I pulled off my sports bra. When my breasts dropped free, Lulu pulled up her simple one piece dress, revealing a thick sheath and balls barely contained by her panties. The flat, equine-like head of her prick emerged, stretching her panties even more as she pulled off her bra to reveal massive tits. Then, as I got out of my panties, Ramda pulled off her sports bra to free her six pert knockers while Lulu pulled off her panties. Lulu's dick was as gorgeous as it was humongous and as she wrapped a hand around it, I moaned. Her ample curves made for one of the most striking herms I'd ever seen. She had that mom bod that made some women timelessly beautiful. Ramda's hands gripped my shoulders and turned my back toward the table. "Pull that plug out. I've got something much more stimulating to put in there." As I pulled out the plug, the snow-leopard-modded girl's mouth dropped open. Lulu grunted as she shoved two fingers inside herself and the two modded guys at the table moved their seats so they had a clear view of us. Meanwhile, Ramda helped me lay back on the table and hoisted up my legs. Her prick was as impressive as ever and she spread me wide open with its taper. I gasped and groaned happily. It had been far too long since the last time she'd been inside me and she was forced to take her time entering. She just looked down at me with a delighted smile as she moaned from how good my snatch felt. After she got past halfway, our tails wagged because both of us knew what was coming. She pulled out most of the way and slammed back in over and over, preparing me for a nice hard rut. Pre drooled from my prick as Lulu got herself to full mast, stroking her dick like mad while she fingered herself, making her balls bounce atop her wrist. I reached for my cock, but Ramda grabbed my hand and shook her head. "Not until you're on camera, hon." I bit my lip and started playing with my tits instead. Just then, she hilted herself in me, stretching my depths deliciously. I yipped as she started fucking me viciously atop that table, her six tits bouncing wildly as she did so. I could feel my buttocks rebounding from the energy behind each thrust. My dick became a constant pre fountain and I got this lighter-than-air feeling from seeing the whole restaurant staring at my endowment. She leaned forward, gripping my shoulders with her paw-padded hands to keep me from sliding across the tabletop. My hands went up to her uppermost set of breasts and started teasing her nipples. Her knot started popping in and out. It was far from full size, but her gasps let me know she wasn't going to last especially long. The otter and giraffe were jacking each other off, sitting side-by-side. The dragon couple got on their knees and serviced Lulu, the girl putting her face behind Lulu's balls to lick into her pussy while the guy lapped at Lulu's cock head and stroked the giant shaft with his hands. The woman with cat ears and tail and her date were flushed and moaning softly, hands in each other's skirts. Upping the ante, Ramda leaned down and rolled my right nipple around with her tongue. Her whiskers tickled my breast fur as her hot breath puffed out through her wet canine nose. I squealed after only three rotations, my pussy clenching around her dick as I howled and shook my hips. Though my prick flared, between the helpful tightness of the cock ring and me controlling my breathing, I just barely kept my prick from going off. "Cum in me right now!" I growled at Ramda, needing to feel her blow inside me. Instead of cumming, she thrust as hard as she could, smacking our bodies together, getting my balls, dick, and breasts to flail wildly along with her tits. Her knot was tugging on my entrance as it popped in and out, hitting my clit. Her balls were smacking wetly against my buttocks and my tail was twitching. Lulu screamed as her prick fired its load all over the dragon-modded guy and soaked his partner's face with her juices. The amount of jizz rivaled my productivity and for a brief second, my fascination seeing her cum distracted me from what Ramda was doing to me. The lesbian couple was bending forward, panting, and on the edge. The two males had switched to sixty-nining on the bench and came in each other's mouths. I loved what I was seeing, I loved every second of it and I loved that they were watching me get fucked by Ramda, my biggest sexual crush. It was too much, too erotic, I came from what I was seeing around me, so mentally turned on, my body followed suit. As I came around Ramda's dick, she jammed her knot in me one last time and unleashed her load. My orgasm got another orgasm right on top of it and between the two of them, I was shrieking and grabbing my head. It was like my whole body was getting hit by blasts of hot tingly air. I felt like my core was melting, like Ramda's pulsing shaft was filling me with pure liquid joy. And there was a lot of it, my belly was getting a rise in it, fuck yes! My prick started to throb, but I bit my tongue and clenched the muscles at the base of my shaft to back things away from the edge. The two lesbians came around each other's fingers as Ramda let loose her last rope of cum inside me. The whole place was silent for a good couple minutes until Lulu said, "Oof, I needed that. You two girls should come over sometime. My husband loves having reasons to make his award-winning meat pies." "Your husband's a baker?" Ramda asked casually, as if she wasn't currently knotted to me. "When he's not working at the arboretum, he's baking something," she said. "We'll definitely have to visit before I head back out," Ramda said. She'd seen the way I was looking at Lulu, so she knew I was interested. Which was good because all I could muster at this point was a weak nod of agreement. A muscular guy wearing only red suspenders and a black kilt burst through the swinging kitchen doors, carrying our food. His eyes drifted over the lewd scene as he side stepped his boss's slowly-receding stiffy. His smile grew as he came over to us. Ramda hooked her arms under me and pulled me up off the table and then sat on one of the chairs, being careful to keep her knot locked inside me. As Ramda said, "Thanks," the server set our food down. "No problem, ladies. And thanks for the show," he winked. "You're welcome!" Ramda said. He left to go back to the kitchen. "Let's get you turned so you're sitting in my lap better," Ramda said. With us both moaning and gasping, we carefully got me rotated on her knot so her six breasts were against my back and I was sitting nicely in her lap. Just as I was settling in, she turned the cock ring on. "Hey!" I protested. "I think you've teased me enough for one day." "You said, and I quote, 'I want you to edge me mercilessly. I want to go off like a fire hydrant. I want to cum so much and hard that my viewers can't help but imagine themselves in the splash zone.'" I blushed and bit my lip because now the whole restaurant knew. She hadn't tried to keep her voice down at all. The sushi was delicious and the only thing that made it a bit weird was the pickled veggies. But the bacon was an amazing compliment to those pickled veggies, so I didn't mind one bit. Admittedly, there were very few things I wouldn't have enjoyed eating while knotted to Ramda. It took me a lot longer to eat than normal because Ramda bounced me on her lap and turned the cock ring on every single time I started to get flaccid. At the end of our meal, Lulu, still naked, brought us a big damp and warm towel, saying, "You'll probably need this and to go wash off in the mop room." "Thanks!" Ramda said as she grabbed the towel. "Time to stand up, dear." Lulu, along with others in the restaurant, watched in fascination as I lifted myself off of Ramda's lap. There was pressure as my pussy stretched wider and wider. When I felt her knot start to slip out, I yelped. With a pop, her knot came free and she quickly got the towel between my legs to catch the epic mess she'd put inside me. Our onlookers' eyes followed us as we went over to the back wall and entered the room with the mop sink. Soon, we were clean, clothed, and heading out the door, but not until Ramda got me to put that pussy plug back in. On the walk home, Ramda was determined to make it as hard as possible for me to stride normally. She kept switching between the plug and the cock ring, trying out different modes of vibration so I was constantly caught off guard. By the time we got back to my place, my entire body was tingling and when Ramda lightly brushed my nipples through my sports bra in the entryway, I moaned loud enough that I had to put my hands over my muzzle to muffle it. Closing the door, she said, "Time to get ready for your show." I stripped out of my leggings and top, leaving myself in my dark gray bra and panties. Then I pulled down my panties just enough to take out the plug and pull off the cock ring. Handing them to Ramda, I said, "You've had enough fun for one day." She grinned, taking them. "No, not yet, guess who you're going to aim at when you finally pop the cork on all that jizz?" My prick started stretching my panties. "Do you want to be on camera as I glaze you like a donut?" Shaking her head, she said, "Nah, it'll be our secret. I'll be on camera another time when we've planned something fun together." "Like what we did in Lulu's?" I chuckled. "I don't think Lulu would mind a recorded reenactment of today." "Heck, it might get her more business," I said, pulling my panties back up. Ramda nodded. "Only difference is I'd let you blow your load. Gotta have a money shot at the end, right?" "Speaking of money shots, I gotta get my equipment set up. My prostate and my whole dick is aching," I said. "You're welcome," Ramda said, getting undressed. I glared at her playfully before unfolding my dining room table and putting it in the center of my dining room studio which had a beautiful dark blue backdrop that I just kept using because it contrasted so nicely with my pink fur. Then I adjusted the lights and everything was good to go. Sitting on the edge of the dining room table while putting my left palm on the table top and leaning back a bit, I looked at myself through the camera feed. I started getting hard immediately. Fuck, it was hot to see my cock stretching my panties so thoroughly. "Looking incredible, hon," Ramda said, reaching under her balls, she popped the purple plug into her pussy. Then she leaned back in the chair and stroked her shaft with both hands. She breathed out her moans expertly. I wasn't going to have to worry about her messing up my recording. "Same to you," I said, my paw-padded hand shivering above my bulge because I wanted to touch myself so bad. "Going live in three. two. one." Gazing into the camera, I said, "I've been edging all day and I need to cum so bad I can barely think." Looking down at the thick tent in my panties, I rubbed the top of my cock through them and it surged harder with every single rub. I moaned and shoved my hips forward to press it harder against my paw pads, a lightning storm of pleasure hitting every bit of me. And then my cock throbbed hard, my panties stretching so much my medial ring and part of my shaft was visible. I hissed through gritted teeth as I shot pre so hard that it squirted right through my panties. My hips thrust on their own as this happened, forcing me to place my free hand on the tabletop or risk falling over. The knot in my prostate and balls was so tense that I moved my hand back to my cock the moment I had control of my hips again. I just cupped my hand atop my medial ring and stroked across it only twice before my head flew back and I moaned at the top of my lungs. Cum erupted from my cock, spraying through my panties with such force that Ramda got showered with droplets. My prick surged toward full hardness as it kept firing, stretching my panties to the point it sprung out of them. My ropes of cum, drenched Ramda, the kitchen cabinetry behind her, the floor, and the kitchen island. It lasted for freaking ever! I couldn't stop moaning and yelping as my fantastic productivity made a mess of everything in front of me, including the tripod and the light stands. I ended the video feed there, knowing I'd be useless for a while. I'd be sure to chat with my fans once I had my mental faculties back, but they knew from the way I advertised this event that it was going to be short and hot. As my chest heaved from me trying to catch my breath, Ramda gathered a splatter of cum on her left breast and used it to lube her jacking off. Her knot swelled and she opened her muzzle, aiming her cock at her maw. Then her whole body writhed, as she came right into her own mouth with the first couple jets. But then her coordination failed her and she ended up covering her muzzle and tits, adding to the mess I'd already splattered her with. Toward the end of her orgasm, she reached down and popped the plug in and out of her pussy over and over again. Each time she slammed it in, she gasped and shot another rope of spooge. I nearly got hard again just watching her display and couldn't help but think about getting her on camera sometime soon. When she was spent, she waved me over, breathing too hard to say a word. I walked over to her, pressed my front against her three pairs of cum-soaked tits, and hugged her close. She hugged me tight and slid out of the chair, wrestling us to the floor so we landed right under the edge of the kitchen island, my cum dripping from the edge like thick creamy rain. THE END I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons, Arkona Kothe, LambChopSoldier, Navajo Demar, Tiliquain, Warialinth, and Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!