The Wizard Chapter Two “I don’t even know what I’m doing here,” I said as I sat down across the table from the guy. “The guy” because I didn’t even remember his name – certainly not from all those years ago, and he hadn’t repeated it this morning. He’d bumped into me at the coffee shop this morning, but I wouldn’t have recognized him if he hadn’t reminded me. When he jogged my memory, though, it had all came back. He was that AV geek who’d asked me out back at good ol’ Jefferson High over the PA system with some cheesy song. Oh my GOD that had been embarrassing. That had been over a decade ago, though; I don’t remember what I’d said , except that it (obviously) wasn’t yes. I mean, I’d been the hottest girl in school. I had standards. This morning he’d just suggested – not asked but suggested – that I meet him for dinner tonight. I didn’t want to – I had plans, and I was a happily married woman for heaven’s sake. Things with Henry weren’t always exciting with him, but he was a good provider. Yet when this veritable stranger suggested I meet him, it just sounded so reasonable that I couldn’t help but agree. Then he’d suggested I wear something sexy. Unbelievably, that had sounded reasonable too. Now, here I was, tarted up in a dress I hadn’t worn since my cousin’s wedding in 2007. I hardly fit into it any more; that was before my own marriage and the three children that had followed. “Nice to see you too, Terra,” he said. “You’re here because I invited you, and because we’re long overdue for a date.” I took a deep breath, then unloaded the speech I’d rehearsed to put a stop to this charade posthaste. “Look, pal, this isn’t a date. I shouldn’t have accepted your invitation in the first place. For starters, I have a husband and three beautiful children, and I have no intention of entertaining any sort of side dalliance. “Even aside from that… look, I’m all for reminiscing about the good old days, but we didn’t actually have any good old days, you and I. No offense, but as far as I’m concerned you’re just a grown-up version of one of the dozens of horny nerds and losers who asked me out in high school because they figured that the cheerleader uniform was my way of broadcasting that I’d sleep with anybody who expressed an interest. Well I have news for you, pal – I didn’t have any interest in sleeping with you then, and I sure as hell don’t now.” I folded my arms across my chest, partly to convey my condescension for his interest, and partly to help cover my skimpy red dress’s failure to cover my breasts enough for my liking. Yeesh this thing was revealing… what had I been thinking? “Dustin,” he said. “… I’m sorry?” “Dustin. That’s my name. Not ‘pal.’ Dustin.” “Sure. Dustin. Whatever. Look, we should call this a day then, right?” Still, I couldn’t leave. Not yet. I did agree to have dinner with him, after all, and we hadn’t even ordered yet. If he decided that dinner was over, though… “Wow, Terra. I have to say, you’ve really let yourself go.” My jaw dropped, and just as I was about to tear him a new one, our waiter arrived with his annoyingly chipper smile to take our drink orders. “Actually, we’re ready to go. I’ll have the porter house, medium rare, with the loaded fries and a tall beer. She’ll have water and a salad – watching her figure.” The waiter blushed on my behalf at his brazen chauvinism. “How dare you!” I hissed as soon as he was gone. “First off, I still look damn good for my age, and second, I don’t owe it to anyone – not Henry, and certainly not some geek pervert from dear old Jefferson High – to look any particular way. My body isn’t some playground or scenic vista, you know.” He ignored my outburst completely. “What’re you now, 170, 180? Little sag there, too. Such a waste. You used to be so hot, ya know? Seriously, I still think about you sometimes – and I guarantee you plenty of others do too. And now… geez. I mean, you’re still pretty and all. I guess I just didn’t notice all the… extra you… at the coffee shop…” He trailed off as our waiter brought our drinks, murmuring a polite thanks. That was it – the nerve of this man! I stood up and tossed my water right in his face. I didn’t care who saw – and plenty did, looking over and then awkwardly away. Let them see it – people should know what little pricks like Dustin had coming to them. Then I sat back down. We hadn’t eaten yet, after all. “Looks like she’ll need another water,” Dustin said. The waiter nodded and scurried away. Then, I watched in shock as he muttered some nonsense (“presto digital station” it sounded like) and the water just evaporated right off of his face and shirt. “How did you…?” I gawked. “The same way I did this.” He traced a shape in the air in front of him and said something else unintelligible, and then I felt this like someone was squeezing on my brain. I reeled for a moment. “What the hell did you just do?! And how?!” Keep your voice down. Be polite and civil. The voice was like a loud whisper, yet deep and authoritative. I looked around to see who had the nerve to intrude in our conversation, but by now, nobody was looking. In fact, nobody seemed to have even heard it. Still, as much as I wanted to lay into this creep, I found myself putting on a pleasant smile and spoke in a low, courteous tone. “What was that? Was that you?” What was happening?! “That was me,” he said. “Oh? And what did you do?” I calmly took a sip from what little water remained in my glass. I couldn’t seem to do otherwise. I needed to be polite. Civil. “Well, it’s rather ham-fisted, but I dominated you, in point of fact. Not my usual tactic, but… well, you’re a special case.” I smiled – politely – at his compliment, even as I tried to make myself run away screaming. “Oh, that’s nice of you to say.” He laughed. “Well, we’ll get more into the details of it later, but for now, what’s the wildest sexual encounter you’ve ever had? Come on now, spare no details. And I’ll try to imagine the old you saying it.” I waved a hand. “Oh, I’d rather not, actually.” Boy, was that ever the fucking truth! Answer all of my questions completely and honestly. “But,” I went on suddenly, my voice still pleasant and conversational, “since you asked… Hmm.” Wild sex wasn’t really my thing, or at least not any more. Henry wasn’t very adventurous, and over our years together I’d adapted. A little kissing and ten minutes a week in the missionary position was all we had time for these days. I reached further back, and found myself blushing as I realized the honest answer. “When I was in college,” I began, “I joined a sorority. It was one of the most exclusive on campus – only the most wealthy or beautiful girls were allowed to rush. I was the latter. So the culminating event in the pledging process was called the Crucible. All of the pledges were blind-folded and stripped naked. Then a group of brothers from our sibling fraternity came over.” By now, I could see a couple men from nearby tables were straining their ears to overhear. I wanted to shut my mouth. Tell them they were dirty, sick men who should mind their own business. Storm out of the restaurant in humiliation and never show my face here again. Instead, I continued, still in the same placid tone – as if I were sharing a bland story about a time I was pulled over for speeding. Over the next fifteen minutes, I told him in painstaking detail about the whole sordid thing. We’d been grouped with four brothers each and had to guess their identities only using our hands. It had been tricky – they’d put guys with similar builds together on purpose. Each time we guessed wrong, we had to pay a penalty, and if we refused, we were out. I’d gotten the first one right – I’d remembered the guy’s ratty little beard. The second one I’d gotten wrong, though, and so I’d had to stand there and let the guy feel me up. I told Dustin about how he’d groped my breasts, tweaked my nipples, fondled my butt. (I even told him about how the guy had enjoyed poking at the little mole on my left butt cheek.) Then he fingered me, right there in the middle of the room, just enough to get me so close to getting off before they mockingly moved on to the next guy. The third guy I got wrong again. This time, I had to give him a hand job – to completion. I’d knelt down on the floor and tugged and tugged until the guy finally exploded, his warm fluids spurting out onto my shoulder, and some in my hair. They told me I had to leave it there, or quit the sorority. So I’d left it. Still, with three of the four down, it seemed like the last one would be decided by default – then they told us they were drawing straws for this round, with all of the previous guys eligible again. It actually wound up being the second guy again, the one who’d felt me up – but I guess I hadn’t learned much about his body from the first feel. This time it ended up with me, my sexy nineteen-year-old body brought to my knees to blindly suck off a veritable stranger. I remember how fast he came, and I wondered if it was because I was good at it or if touching me had just turned him on that much. None of the girls had quit yet, however, and the sisters said that this would go on until someone did. So they drew straws again, and another round commenced. I heard some of the guys giggling and telling me I should check the cock, that surely I’d at least know what those felt like by now. I should’ve listened – it had been the same guy yet again, and his dick was still wet from my blowjob. I was wrong. Again. This time, they told me that if I wanted to be a sister, I had to give it my all. I knew what it meant to be in this sorority, and by then, I was so horny I barely even cared. Still, my dignity… I waited for someone else to throw in the towel, but by the time his condom-covered cock slid into me, no one had. So I’d just sat there on my hands and knees, trying not to moan too embarrassingly as some veritable stranger fucked me. In the middle of it, someone else – some priss who was only at the blowjob stage – threw in the towel, but we still had to see it through. I pretended I didn’t want to, but by now, if he’d pulled out of me I’d have thrown him down and mounted him anyway. I came like a firecracker right there on the common room floor. Long story short, I got into the sorority. By the time I was done, I was almost trembling. With Henry… we never… Well, it had been a long time since I’d done anything like that. Then our food arrived, just as I thought one of the eavesdroppers was going to have a coronary. “Wow, you were quite the little slut, sounds like,” he said as he dug in. “Not really,” I responded pleasantly, ignoring the blatant insult. “I only ever slept with three men before my husband Henry, including that night.” “Ever tell hubby about it?” “Of course not – it’s utterly humiliating,” I said as I stabbed a bite of salad. Take off your panties and put them on the table. Oh no. Oh shit no. I tried to ignore it. Tried to get myself to go to the ladies room to do it privately. My body wasn’t having it. The voice said give him my panties, and so I was. I wriggled uncomfortably, as subtly as I could manage, and slid them off. They were cute, a little pink pair – since he’d suggested I dress sexy after all. When the waiter returned and saw them sitting there, I wanted to die. Instead, I maintained civility and told him that I could use another glass of water. “All right,” Dustin said as he finished his meal some time later, “I think we can consider dinner concluded.” Immediately, I stood up. He’d suggested we have dinner together, and we had. Now I was going to leave. Sit down. I sat down. “Now,” he continued as if I’d never tried to escape, “I’m going to go out to my car. You’re going to pay the check, and then I want you to come join me.” “No way. Absolutely not. This whole awful experience is over.” He shrugged, and without another word, he walked out. I wanted to follow – to my own car, of course, to go to my own home to try to forget this whole insane evening ever happened – but the voice had said to sit down. So I sat there. Pay the check. Once you’ve done that, take off your dress and come join me in my car. Oh SHIT. The most embarrassing few minutes of my life later, I strode out into the parking lot in nothing but my bra and a pair of high heels. The other diners had looked at me like I was insane as I’d stood up and calmly removed my dress, then set it on the table and calmly walked out. I wanted to run, but… well, where was the civility in naked women running out of a restaurant? It took me a few minutes wandering around the parking lot before I found Dustin, who had evidently gotten one of the farther parking spaces available. I couldn’t believe climbing into the car with him actually felt like a relief. “Guess I should’ve been more specific. Lose the bra, Terra.” Seeing me hesitate, he added, “you can obey, or I can have you go back inside and leave it as a tip.” I took off the bra. It was frustrating, not only because I had no choice, but because it was frustrating that I was helping prove his point about how I had let myself go. It did bother me sometime, how motherhood had altered my body – my nipples baby-chewed, my breasts sagging, the stretch marks on my stomach and thighs. Weirdly, I imagined how it must seem to Dustin, having only known me as the hottie I’d been in high school and suddenly seeing me changed into this. Not that I cared about his approval, but it was aggravating. My attractiveness was what had always set me above him. But now… We drove along in silence. I didn’t know where I was going, but I knew if I tried to get out and make a run for it, either the voice would just make me get back in, or I’d get arrested for exposure. People could look in and see me, but there was nothing I could do about it. I covered my breasts with my arms as best I could. We parked in a residential parking garage under a massive apartment building. I knew this area – this was high-end real estate, the kind of place Henry and I hoped to live someday if he landed the promotion he’d been working towards. Dustin got out of the car. I pondered whether I should follow or just hope he was done with me. Get out of the car. I did, conscious that at any moment someone could drive by and see me. But there was nothing I could do. Dustin, meanwhile, was looking at me with that same infuriatingly judgmental frown. “Terra, Terra, Terra… we have got to do something about this.” “Well unless you can travel back in time and stop me from starting a family, this is what you get.” He laughed. “Well, as it so happens, that was almost exactly what I had in mind. Almost.” Before I could say anything, he cast another spell. It was only momentary, thank goodness, the feeling of every part of my skin crawling like my blood was made out of jello. Then it was over. I looked down and saw… my body. Only it hadn’t looked like this in years. My professional pixie cut had suddenly grown into the long, wavy blonde locks I’d worn in high school. My breasts had suddenly forgotten how to sag, jutting out proudly in front of me, as if intending to proceed on ahead of me to herald my arrival. My skin was smooth and creamy and unblemished, draped over a trim, fit body that was still none too stingy with the curves. I could even feel my pussy was good and tight again. I wouldn’t even have thought I could tell without touching, but I could. “Before you panic, no, I didn’t unmake your kids or anything. You’re the only thing that’s changed. Basically I just hit the rewind switch on your body, gave you back the build I remembered. And damn, I must say… you don’t fucking disappoint at all, Terra.” I wanted to tell him to go fuck himself, but that would be impolite. I couldn’t even glare. I just stood there, trying to cover myself ineffectually. “Let’s go upstairs. C’mon.” With no real choice, and my mind still reeling from all this, I followed along once more. We went to an elevator – where the elevator operator’s eyes bulged out of his head. “Not bad, eh Tommy?” Dustin said smugly as the young man drank in the sight of my nubile young (young!) body. Completely naked, humiliated to my core. “I, ah, suppose not,” he said as he hit the button for Dustin’s floor. There was an intensely awkward silence in the crowded elevator. Why does he have to live so high up? Finally, mercifully, the door slid open and Dustin stepped out. I hurried behind him, eager to have one less stranger ogling me. Make out with him. I stopped in my tracks and turned to Tommy the elevator man. I didn’t think he could look more shocked as I suddenly threw my body against him and started kissing him. When he didn’t reciprocate, I took one of his hands and put it on my ass – wow, my ass was fucking tight back then – and the other on my breast. Soon, he was kissing and groping me as eagerly as I was him, one hand reaching down his pants to stroke at his growing erection. It didn’t take sixty seconds before he spurted into his underpants, and all over my hand. The voice told me what to do then, but since Tommy couldn’t hear it he must’ve been rather stunned to see me hungrily lap his semen off my hand and then kiss him lustfully. “Thank you, sir,” I said as I broke off the kiss. “Uh… you’re welcome?” I couldn’t get into Dustin’s apartment soon enough. It was a spacious pad – the sort of place that advertises the occupant’s affluence through wasted space rather than opulence – and was neatly kept. That wasn’t what I noticed first, however. What I noticed first was the insanely hot girl on the floor with enormous tits and a vapid smile in a see-through mesh body suit kneeling four feet inside the door. In her hands was a sign that read “WELL CUM HOME DUSTIN PLEEZ FUCK MY MOWTH” in a rainbow of marker colors, followed by dozens of exclamation points and framed by countless little smiley faces and hearts. She just knelt there, her own smile barely noticeable with her mouth wide open, as if she didn’t want to close it in case he wanted his dick inside there. She also had some really expensive-looking earrings on. “Heya, Jes honey. That’s really sweet of you, but I actually brought company over tonight,” he said, patting her on the head dismissively as he walked past to kick his shoes off. The girl pouted and rose to her feet, eyeing me with ample envy and not nearly as much surprise as I would’ve preferred. “Aw. Do I have to fuck her instead? Nobody else is as much fun to play with as you, baby.” “Nah, she’s all mine. Been waiting for this one since I first started getting boners.” She giggled inanely at that. “Like, OK! So what can I do for you, lover?” He smiled at me, then whispered in her ear. The girl – Jes, I think he’d called her – giggled again and bounced off down the hallway. “You know, in hind sight, I rather wish I hadn’t had you strip so soon – would’ve been nice to savor it. Still… I gotta say, Terra. There are girls who, when you finally see them naked, disappoint. You know, some sag or a surgical scar or a weird-looking cunt or a million little things that can go wrong. You, though… I mean, damn. This is actually even hotter than I thought you’d be.” “Thank you, I suppose, though you’re the one who made me look like this.” “Not actually. Well, yes, I cast the spell, but all it did was give you back your eighteen-year-old self just as it was. Been so long you’d forgotten, eh?” “I guess so.” I just stood there, awkwardly trying to cover my breasts and my pussy – Jesus, I’d forgotten I’d kept the thing shaved back then as a favor for a boyfriend – until Jes came back into the room. She was holding a cheerleading outfit. As I looked, I realized it wasn’t just any uniform, but actually had the Jefferson High blue and gold colors, the panther symbol on the chest. “Here ya go, babe!” she chirped. “She’s gonna look super hot in it, I bet. Almost as much of a big dumb hot slutty brainless fuck toy as me, huh?” “She sure is. Thanks, doll – now make yourself scarce for the night, OK?” “Um, I don’t really know how to scares myself… could you maybe hide somewhere, then jump out and do it for me?” He rolled his eyes. “I meant, leave us alone.” He shooed her with a hand. “Oh! Sorry – guess that’s you get for turning me into a bimbo, huh.” She giggled her way back down the hall and disappeared into a room. I was starting to hyperventilate. Was this what he was going to do to me? I’d realized by now I could do nothing to stop him. Would I become some pretty little idiot waiting inside his door to blow him when he came home? Would I ever see my family again? If they came looking for me, what would he do to them? I was near to passing out when he pulled out a piece of paper and read something off of it to cast another spell on me. Whoa. My train of thought, barreling down the tracks of certain oblivion, suddenly felt more like a tricycle of thought struggling to make it up a steep driveway. All right, so… I have to do what he says, I reasoned, trying to figure out why I’d been so scared. That’s kinda scary. He sure seems like he’s probly gonna fuck me or something. So that’s bad. He turned me into a hot girl again. That’s actually pretty cool. And I’m kinda cold, only if I say that, he’ll probly make me put on that uniform, which is… well, I dunno. I’d be clothed, so that’s good. But I’d be dressed like a dumby ditzy slutty slut, so that’s bad. Hmm. “Good, I see a little touch of idiocy did the trick,” Dustin said, mostly to himself. “Too bad it’s just a scroll – but around this house, I guess you can see why dumbing people down isn’t really needed any more.” “Is that what you did?” I asked. Well geez, I guess the fact that I had to ask that was proof enough that his touch had idioted me. “Yep. You seemed like you were freaking out, and unfortunately, even a dominated person can’t be ordered not to panic.” “Oh.” Whatever that meant. “Um, so like, are you gonna like, turn me into a sex slave, like that Jes girl?” “She’s my girlfriend, not my sex slave,” he corrected. “Oh. So like, am I gonna be your girlfriend too?” I pouted. Could a wife also be a girlfriend? It felt like no, only I’d just been turned kinda stupid, so how could I know if I really knew? Ya know? “No,” Dustin replied. I sighed with relief – too soon, it turned out. “You’re going to be my sex slave.” I frowned. “But like, I don’t wanna be a sex slave!” “To use your current level of vocabulary… Um, duh. Why do you think I dominated you? To make you do stuff you wouldn’t otherwise do.” “But, like, that’s so mean! Um, I mean, like politely mean.” It was tricky having to be both civil and honest. Dustin just smiled. Put on the uniform, said the voice. His voice. That big mean jerk. So I did. Of course. As I got a closer look, I realized that although it totally reminded me of my old cheerleading digs, it actually wasn’t the same style at all. Those were tight in the chest, and short in the legs, sure. This… Well, the first problem was that the outfit had either been sized for Jes, who was a little smaller than me, or Dustin had made it for me but just guessed the sizing wrong. It was a big struggle tugging it down over my new – old? but like, I’m not old, so… young? whatever the word was – boobies. The thing was actually cut low and off the shoulder, though, with these super big holes at the arms, so in the end, my big ol’ jugs were bursting out everywhere – gooshing up out of the top but also smushing out the sides. I almost giggled at the thought of side boob. I had to admit, it was kinda funny. But still, this was all very bad. No giggling. Then I slipped on the panties, feeling a little silly that I hadn’t done that first. Showing my pussy was slutty. Only I figured with panties like these, what was the difference? They weren’t quite a thong, just real skimpy in the back. I’d have totally died of embarrassment – bare-ass-ment too! – if I’d had to wear these with my uniform when I was at Jefferson High. I didn’t even notice until I had them on that there was actually a hole in the crotch, which didn’t make sense until I remembered – oh yeah, Dustin’s probly gonna wanna fuck me there, in my bare pussy. Then there was the skirt, which was so tight I literally had to ask Dustin’s help to tug it up over my butt. “Funny, I always imagined taking this off of you, not putting it on.” He laughed at that. I wanted to elbow him, but that wouldn’t be civil, so instead I just held still while he jerked it up an inch at a time. There were some pompoms, too, just to complete the look of the perfect ditzy little cheerleader slut. Once it was past the widest part of my hips, I took over again, though there really wasn’t much else to do with it. Already I could tell the bottom of my panties were showing. If I’d worn this to school, literally everyone would’ve seen my pussy. “Um, this isn’t what the uniforms actually looked like,” I pointed out as he walked around me, inspecting it from all angles, lifting the skirt to check (then double-check, then triple-check) my skimpy, slutty panties. “Yeah, I know. I improved it. What do you think? Do you like it?” I wanted to shout “no,” but that wouldn’t be polite. “No, thank you.” At least being truthful was easy this time. He chuckled. “Well maybe you just need to see the full effect.” Before I could ask what that meant, the voice told me. Go to the bathroom. Put on a lot of makeup, like a slutty teenager. Let me know when you’re done. Sullenly, I shuffled down the hall until I found the bathroom. Seeing myself like this in the mirror was jarring, for sure – I’d seen some, felt some, but now getting the whole effect… I’d forgotten I used to be this damn sexy. This girl I’d been, and suddenly somehow was again, was super crazy hot. Still, admiring myself wasn’t what I was hear to do, so I got to work. A coat of pink nail polish, then carefully applied dramatic eye shadow, blush, eyeliner, mascara, eyelash curler, and a liberal smear of bright pink lip gloss. Then, just for good measure, I took some glitter and sprinkled it across my boobs. I remember how my mom used to HATE when I did that. “It makes you look like a stripper,” she’d said. Which, right now, felt just right. Somewhere during the process, I felt my brain slip back into its normal level. It didn’t seem to do anything to the voice, though – I couldn’t disobey that yet. Maybe this was why he was complaining about having to use it from a scroll, like that weakened it somehow? Either way, I was at least keeping it together now. I’d actually forgotten he’d told me to tell him when I was done; I’d been secretly considering trying to sneak out a fire escape or something and see if I could get free. Instead, my voice suddenly called out to him. “Dustin! I’m done!” Put it in a pony tail, then come out here. I sighed. With no choice, I took one of Jes’s scrunchies and bound my hair up with it. I took one last glance at myself and wanted to die of embarrassment. I looked like such a fucking slut. Not even. A slut wouldn’t bother putting on something like this – only a whore would do that, and she’d want top dollar. He wolf-whistled at me as I re-entered the living room. “Damn, Terra. Now that’s just how I remember you.” Emboldened by the return of my intellect, I folded my arms across my chest disdainfully and arched an eyebrow. “Never in the entirety of my life did I present myself in such whorish fashion. This is entirely undignified. I would say it is beneath me, but frankly, this is beneath anyone. Even a prostitute wouldn’t attire herself as such for a john. Now if you’ve had your fun, please allow me to leave and return to my family.” I said it as politely as I could. Dustin just rolled his eyes. “All right, I’m not made out of scrolls, so let’s just tweak your presentation, shall we?” Then the voice came and obliterated my resistance. Disregard previous commands about behavior. POOF went the honesty and civility. Behave like a spoiled, flirty teenage girl. Flaunt your sexuality. Talk like a stereotypical high school cheerleader. Act like you’re still as stupid as you were under the effects of the scroll. Don’t talk about matters not related to your character. I shivered as the wave of commands crashed through me, changing me, redefining all the things my body could do, wanted to do. “OMG! That was a lot to take in all at once!” Dustin smiled. “You feel OK now?” My mind was still racing to think of examples of youth slang to incorporate into my speech as I replied. “Totes ma goats, Dustin! Like, way better than OK, really.” I preened for him as he looked over my body, leering in a way that took me back to high school even more than having my old body back. Then, I would’ve just walked away, or maybe done something to embarrass a boy if he got too fresh. Now, I just bounced back and forth in my little tennis shoes as he drank in my glittery breasts. “Like what ya see?” I said with a wink. “Not as much as I like what I’m feeling,” he said as he reached up under my skirt to squeeze my butt cheeks. I squirmed free, then slapped him across his stunned face. “Hey! I’m, like, not just your easy little slam piece – you can’t just feel up my ass like I was some slut! You can looky but no touchy!” He rubbed his cheek, scowling. “Well, looks like I was too free with you. Let’s fix that, shall we.” Act like you have a huge crush on me, like impressing and seducing me is the whole reason you’re here. Act like your biggest regret is turning me down and now you’ll do anything do win me back. Well, so much for getting by with just being flirty. “Sorry, bae! I guess you just caught me off guard.” I wiggled back over, pressing my breasts against him. “Hey, it’s all right – I guess I should’ve learned my lesson when you shot me down the first time, eh.” “Oh, bae, no!” I heard myself say, my voice thick with remorse, fingers roaming across his chest. “Actually… I thought the way you asked me out was about the sweetest thing a guy’s ever done for me.” “So then why did you say no?” Because you were beneath me, I wanted to say. Aloud, I said, “I was just shy and stuff! And my boyfriend was like super possessive. I was scared.” I put on a pouty face. “Still, you kinda hurt my feelings. I don’t know if I’m still interested…” He broke contact and walked over to his couch and plopped down, looking despondent. “Aw, don’t throw shade at me, Dustin! Come on, tell me how I can make it up to you. How can I show you how totes on fleek I think you are?” Ordinarily I found my teenage niece to be kind of a chore to deal with, but presently, she was coming in handy as a source of slang. “Well…” he looked at me, as if considering. I smushed my breasts together with my arms and batted my eyelashes – as if my crotchless panties didn’t already tell anyone looking what a little slut I was. My character, anyway. I wasn’t a real slut. This was only barely turning me on. “So you’re on the cheerleading squad, right?” “Don’t be cray cray, Dustin! You think I just wear this uniform as a fashion statement?” I giggled. “So… why don’t you cheer for me then?” I blinked. “But, like… I don’t know any… like, I’m not, um, prepared?” I didn’t really know what to say, even in character. Cheerleading routines took time and rehearsal. Did he want me to just bounce and high-kick and spell out his name with an imaginary crowd, or what? “Oh come on, a girl as talented as you, Terra… I bet you can come up with something awesome.” He grinned smugly. No wonder, because it turned out he had a routine in mind. “Well, let me see here…” I dragged the coffee table out of the way, looking over my shoulder and winking at him as he eyed my barely-covered butt. The moves were my doing – or at least, with a command from the voice to make it as sexy as possible. The words, however, were all his. When a boy has me over to Netflix and chill All I really want is to get my pussy filled! I may not be the brightest girl on the block But I sure know how to suck dat cock! Shove it in my cunt or shove in my butt ‘Cause Terra is the squad’s biggest slut! Check my booty out while I spread ‘em in the splits But I know you’d rather be lookin’ at my tits! I completed the routine with the splits, of course, marveling at how flexible I’d once been, then rolled onto my back to lift up my top. Tight as it was, I had to pull hard to get it up and over my boobs, but I managed it skillfully. I completed it by arching my back up, my breasts nearly hitting me in the chin. With my head upside down, I smiled brightly at Dustin, who politely applauded. “You got some moves, Terra.” I pushed off with my legs and flipped myself upright, tugging my top back down as an afterthought. “Thanks! I’m on the gymnastics squad, too.” That had been true, actually. “Oh? So show me another one. C’mon, prove you really want it.” I beamed at him. “Want you, you mean.” “That’s the spirit. I tell you what, I’ll give you a few minutes to work something up.” He excused himself, and I stood there wondering what the hell he wanted that could be more degrading than what I’d just done. By the time he came back into the room ten minutes later, I was ready to show him just that. As soon as I saw him coming towards me, I launched into action. He’s the hunkiest, dreamiest, sexiest heartthrob How lucky I would be to give him a blowjob! His girlfriend is a blonde but I hope he likes brunettes ‘Cause nobody else gets my cunt so wet! Lemme tell ya what I need, lemme tell ya what I want A big ol’ dose of cock to stuff my little cunt! ‘Cause I’m the kind of girl who needs a little thrustin’ That’s why I wanna get with my boy Dustin! Dustin! Dustin! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay Dustin!!!!! The first time, I’d mostly used actual cheerleading maneuvers. Hell, in this slutty little getup, even those were practically pornographic. This time, after his voice told me to make it sluttier, I was outright obscene. There was no dance to this – I was just twerking my ass at him, groping my tits, lifting my skirt, teasing my exposed pussy lips, pinching my nipples through my top, smacking my butt cheeks as I bent over for him. The only thing cheerleaderish about my moves was in the last line, where I bounced up and down and shook the pompoms excitedly. Well, my boobs were hanging out again, but other than that, cheerleaderish. He was just staring at me, and honestly, I couldn’t get a read from his face. Was he disappointed? Bored? Disgusted? And why did it feel like that mattered? “Bae? So, like, how did I do? Do you think maybe you could give me another chance? I promise you won’t regret it… I’ll be so good to you.” I batted my eyelashes at him as I settled down into his lap. He shrugged, taking my hand off his chest and moving it down between my legs, then pushing my middle finger right up into my pussy. Leave it. I did, of course. It was pretty damn wet down there now, and my finger actually felt pretty good – whether or not I’d have ever chosen it, this was still kind of exciting, being young and limber and sexy again. “I don’t know, Terra,” he replied at last. “I guess I just still feel like we’re uneven. I mean, I asked you out in front of the whole school. Do you even remember how you responded? I’m sure a girl like you had to say no to so many guys you probably don’t even remember them all, but for me… it left an impression. You really hurt my feelings.” I didn’t have a clue what I’d done then, to be honest. I did remember how he’d embarrassed me with that song he’d played over the PA, some cheesy song that was at least five years past popularity at the time. “OMG, I am so super sorry, Dustin. I never meant to hurt you – I was just too dumb to know how perfect you would be to me. You can forgive a girl like me for being a little stupid, can’t you?” “I guess I could,” he said, and I sighed dreamily in relief – but once more I found I’d jumped the gun – “if, that is, you asked me out in front of an audience.” “Um, like, what? I’m happy to let everybody know how I feel about you. Only, there’s like nobody around. Just some little thot hiding her skank ass in the bedroom.” Oh damn, realizing someone had heard me doing those cheers, even if it was just another mind-controlled bimbo who’d probably had to do the same, was mortifying. “Yeah, I guess rounding up our entire school would be pretty hard now. But if you really mean it… tell me, whose opinion matters most to you? Who do you care about more than anyone else?” “Why you, of course!” I gushed, giggling vapidly. “Other than me.” Oh no. Oh shit shit fuck fuck no. “Well, I guess there’s like, my kids, and my husband. Not that he’s anything compared to you, Dustin. He’s not even like, a tenth of the man you are.” “There you go. If you want me, then I need to know that you want me as bad as I wanted you.” Don’t hold anything back. Numbly, I watched myself from the inside, helpless to stop myself from obeying. I nodded at how eager I was to prove myself to him, gushing on about his greatness and what a great lay I would be for him. I skipped over to my phone and unflinchingly sent a video chat to my husband. I wanted to call – at least spare him seeing me do this – but I knew that wasn’t enough. Dustin had to believe he was the only thing that mattered. I set the phone down and made sure it had a good angle on me, then scurried back and waited for him to pick up, grinning brilliantly at Dustin, who I’d kept just out of frame. The phone connected, and I heard Henry’s voice. “Terra, is that you? Honey, what’s going on? I was worried about you when you didn’t come home. What… where are you? What are you…” I began my routine. Dress me up slutty! Smack my ass! ‘Cause Terra is a skank who’s got no class! The one thing I learned at cheerleader camp Is how to please men like an easy little tramp! Shove it my pussy! Shove it in my mouth! But I really like it best when you shove it down south! Hand jobs, blowjobs, fuck my tits or cunt! I’m here to give you whatever you want! Oh can I be your fuck toy? Can I be your girl? Pretty pretty please, Dustin give this slut a whirl! I even impressed myself ending the routine in a handstand with my legs spread almost to the horizontal. My bare glistening pussy was exposed for Dustin’s viewing pleasure, though the camera would probably just show my tight young butt and my tits hanging down in my face, as I’d pulled up my top to expose them. I would’ve made any stripper envious. I hadn’t even known my body could jiggle like that, that I could shake my ass in such a slutty way. Knowing my husband was watching me debase myself like the most desperate prostitute in town only made me try harder, make sure Dustin could see how much I wanted this man, the father of my children, to know he wasn’t good enough any more. Not compared to Dustin. Here was a man who I would literally do anything to please. “Terra…!” I heard Henry’s voice from the phone. “That is you, isn’t it? You look so… why… you’re…” I’m being mind-controlled by this pervert son of a bitch, I wanted to say. Instead, I just smiled ear to ear as Dustin approached me, dropping his pants around his ankles, and started fucking me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and left my hands flat on the ground, and he started drilling into me with the pent-up lust of a dozen years spent waiting for this moment. My body responded in kind, like this fuck was an audition and I needed to nail it. I hadn’t even known my pussy could squeeze at a cock like that, but my body knew. It knew to moan. To pant. To shriek as his dick rubbed along my g-spot. It was… actually pretty amazing. I hadn’t had sex like this in… oh damn, had I ever? So, of course, I decided to tell him – and Henry – just that. This was no time to hold back, after all. “Oh fuck, bae! Stick it to your little slut!” “Yeah, Dustin, fuck me like a little bitch, fuck me like the little brainless nympho hottie you always knew I really was deep down!” “God damnit, I can’t believe I was ever fucking stupid enough to turn this down, the best fucking fuck of my life!” “My loser boyfriends and my whiny limp-dicked husband never fucked me like this! Not like you, baby, you’re making me your little bitch!” I don’t know exactly when Henry hung up. Maybe it was when I riding Dustin reverse cowgirl, his cock firmly plugging me up “down south,” squealing as I tugged on my nipples. Or when I was bent over the arm of the sofa, Dustin using my pigtails as handlebars to fuck my face as he spanked the hell out of my sweet teen ass. Or when I was begging him to spurt on my titties and then pouted when he came on my face instead – or right after that when the voice told me to cum and I did. It must’ve looked like I had an orgasm just from having my face jizzed on. Which I guess I basically did, technically. The biggest orgasm I’d ever had. I don’t really know at what point I took over and his spell wasn’t even needed, but at some point between giving him a tender sponge bath and late in the night as he had me wailing out my orgasms on the balcony for half the city to hear, I realized he hadn’t even been compelling me any more. I cooed dreamily and said “thank you for making my creamy little cunny so happy!” before realizing that it was my own, voluntary doing. Maybe I really was an easy little tramp.