“So stuff I want to buy is girly and pointless, but when you want a new lawnmower I’m supposed to care about the ride quality??” Brittany demands, “And I’m angry because we split finances, so I paid for half that mower!!”

You have nothing to say, your plan to convince your wife after the purchase was not a good one. Now she’s seething, her point heating up the awkward silence as you stutter and fumble for something else to say.

“At least I- uhhh… got a good deal on it, I-” You stop yourself from saying something too dumb as Brittany fumes, “Nevermind.”

“What??” She yells, “Spit it out douchebag!!”

“Well your auto salon machine kit was pretty expensive, and I got my ride with a big off season discount…” You mumble, regretting every word as your wife’s eyes turn… red?

Oh wait, she’s just squinting so hard the light’s refracting off her pupils weird…

“Come with me. Now.” Your wife commands, and you follow her without another word.

She walks you to her salon room, the only place in the house with room enough to fit all her wacky machines. You hesitate before following her inside, the pungent smell of cleansers and makeup stinging your nostrils as you try to limit your breathing.

“What’s going- Ah!” You suddenly exclaim, letting out a coltish moan as something is jammed between your legs from below.

“Nighty night…” Brittany giggles as your eyes droop with drowsiness, waving to you as a pole from the floor exerts increasing pressure on your taint.

And then everything goes dark.

You wake up hours later, entire body too sore to move as you struggle to breathe. You frigidly look around the now empty room, then suddenly realize you’re so cold cuz you’re naked!

“What’s going on?” You croak, weaker than ever as even shivering takes more energy than you can muster.

Then you hear footsteps.

Is your voice higher than usual?

“You’re finally ready!” Brittany excitedly sings as she enters the room, “Wish I would’ve known it would take so long, I wouldn't have rushed with all the rearranging!” Rearranging??

“I turned your dumb mancave into a second salon so I could actually relax while getting ready, there was no space in here before!” Your wife laughs, casually filing her nails as your eyes open wide.


“Oh, let me get you off that drip!” Brittany giggles, typing some stuff into her phone before you suddenly get a surge of refreshing energy.

“You did what with my-” You stop yourself in your tracks, “My… my voice… It’s…

What the fuck??” You exasperatingly ask as your body finally gets back its freedom to move; well, most of it…

“It’s a safety precaution, your legs won’t move till I take you off the injector. I can’t wait for you to feel that juicy thing behind you, and those heels will only feel more natural with time!” Your wife laughs as you roll your eyes and sigh, resigned to ask the only question you let come to mind.

“So, what do you want from me?”

“Nothing.” Brittany smiles, “I’m sick of your bullshit, and now I don’t have to deal with it. You’re gonna be my little toy from now on, and your friends will either accept it or just stop hanging out with you.”

Your friends??  

Brittany laughs as you involuntarily pout, confusion and frustration twisting into a feeling of disparaged hopelessness. She plays on her phone as you try to imagine what she’s capable of, but you had only argued against this whole salon system; you never looked into it, but you definitely feel vindicated now!

“The whole thing interfaces with an app on my phone, it just takes a little bit of time to release the dildo…” Brittany trails off, thumbs working hard as she navigates through the app.

Wait, dildo???

“Awwwwwwwwwnghhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmm…” You moan loudly, the wetness of cold euphoria erupting as your virgin folds open for the first time.

“Someone’s excited…” Brittany giggles as your legs shake, barely able to stand without the support of the injector.

“It’s hard to focus on standing in heels when I’m so horny, you have to fix this!!” You shout, struggling to moderate your volume as pulsating ringing fills your head with oddly pleasurable pressure.

“I wouldn't say fix, but I probably should have you on the monitor right now. Maybe I should’ve left it closer to the injector…” Brittany giggles at her oversight, reaching a hand out to help you walk to the next destination.

“This is… crazy…” You bite your lip, building euphoria only exponentially weighing down on your thoughts as Brittany responds.

You can’t hear her anymore?

The ringing’s too loud!

It gets hard to not just bounce in place, arousal overwhelming all thoughts as you try to calm yourself. Like a restless leg you move without intention, making it hard but not impossible to put on the loose shirt and panties that your wife hands you.

“Just walk with me, we’ll get you strapped up and reconfigured.” She says, pulling your hand as she presses your hips into hers.


“That’s right…” She continues as you begin to walk, “You feel my waist push into yours every other step?

Roll your hips like me, let your right side spread wide when you feel me ease up…”

You don’t pay attention to the instructions, but the gist enters your mind. You can’t help but eventually do as she says and does, euphoria getting close to unbearable as she brings you across the house.

“You were just doing it!” She laughs as you stop walking, and she hops along with you as your tight shirt starts to-

Wait, this shirt was loose!

And your panties are…

“My ass swallowed my underwear, and my boobs are so big now! What’s happening??” You exclaim, adrenaline now coursing through your veins and giving your inner protest one last chance.

“O damn, you’re gonna have to go through the makeover process a few times!” Brittany smirks, squeezing your bubble butt as you flinch and jiggle your sensitive bosom.

“This is crazy!!” You shout, unable to stop the domino effect of your bouncing boobs as your nipples rub into the coarse fabric of your knitted top.

Your thoughts are totally buried now, and you hold on to your panty’s waistband as the craving for penetration from a large cock drives you up a wall. Brittany even seems a bit taken aback as you pant and squeal, breasts now bouncing hard enough to strain your back.

“Let’s get you hooked up asap.” She says calmly, helping your convulsing body into a patient chair as your eyes roll back orgasmically.

The chair reclines and you breathe deeply, writhing in place as Brittany uses her phone. She attaches a patch with wires coming from it to your arm, and suddenly you’re totally still. A second patch stills the storm of orgasmic thoughts in your head, it actually freezes most of your thoughts as Tiffany puts on a third patch.

You feel an eruption of pressure escape like hot steam from your head, releasing down your spine and suddenly inflating your body. Your breasts balloon at least two cup sizes, your ass plumps up, and your hips spread as your pelvis is pushed wide.

“Wha… Did you do something?” You ask groggily, all memories from before transforming gone.

Then the fourth patch is put on.

All worries fade into nothing as your girlfriend stands over you, wordlessly observing as you flutter your eyelashes in pure absence of thought. You have too many questions to ask, so resign to silence as your brain is melted into a slutty soup. You can still feel the residual pressure slowly flow through you as Brittney puts sticky covers on your breasts, each one slowly becoming bigger than your head as your plastic ditzy expression freezes.

“I just put some regulators on your breasts to stop you from growing too out of control, but you’ll still need to cycle back onto the pole and spend a few more hours on the monitor before we’re really done here. When I finish with you, we won’t have another boring night again…” Brittney trails off, eliciting nothing from you as even agreeing with her presumption takes more brain power than you care to exert.

“Alright, you’re at a hundred now, are you ready for round two on the injector?” She asks rhetorically as she removes the medical patches, snapping you out of the floating bimbo haze.

“This is fucked…” You murmur, plush body jiggling annoyingly as you’re thrust back into a reality drowning in arousal.

“Don’t worry, I bet you’ll be more into it after another round…”