Changelog: An important note. Because of changes to saving system and save itself saves from previous update will NOT be compatible with this one. Biggest changes: -Completely new art for the bot. (She looks super cute now!) Big changes: -Reworked interaction scene. -Reworked missionary scene. -Reworked doggy scene. -More dialogues with the bot. -You can now also select what you want to talk about instead of getting a random one. -Bot now has emotions. -You can now kiss the bot. Everywhere. (yes even there) -Food and hunger rework. -New place outside: Food dispenser -New events and endings related to hunger. -New events and endings related to mental health. -You can now throw away items and throwing illegal items might cause “fun”. -Also a small storyline related to this. -New website: Casino(Slots and blackjack minigames) -New work minigame. -Nicer GUI! -Streaming has been buffed. Small changes: -Cum now doesn't instantly disappear once you end the fuck scene and bot can comment on it. -Tooltips appear once you hover over status bar elements. -Couple new small websites. -More comments and news. -You can now equip hair using the “equip” button. -Equipped items now have an effect on the viewership. -Common items now stack and you can buy them in bulk. -More items you can buy in the pharmacy. -One new bot part. -Some info for the completionists in the main menu. -Credits in main menu. -Increased number of save slots to 36. -Email shortcut and unread email indicator in pc. -Bot will now greet you when you start interacting -Fucking now has sounds. -More easter eggs. Bug fixes: -Fixed a bug that caused you to metabolise food faster if your balls are bigger. -Fixed a bug that caused you to be able to fuck with a flacid cock, which made it look like you had an invisible ghost cock. -Many other bug fixes I forgot