Chapter 21 — Procreation is Sublime _January 23, 2003, Chicago, Illinois_ 🎤 Steve {br} {psc} "She wants you to come to San Francisco, right?" Jessica asked. "Yes, but she actually deferred the request until after her date." "The little birdie is leaving the nest?" "Yes. Exactly as intended. Not that I would object to being with her again, but it's better if she explores her newfound freedom on her own first." "Catch and release?" Kara asked. I chuckled, "Isn't that what 'random deflowerings' have mostly become? I mean, in the Subversive Era?" "It basically started with that young woman from the jury," Jessica said. "Tiger, have you heard from her at all?" "No." "What was her name again?" "Annita María de Jesús García." "She was a nurse, right?" "Nursing student," I replied. "I don't recall if she would have graduated last year or if she graduates this year." "All the Evangelical girls were certainly like that," Kara observed. "A few times, then set free in every meaning of that word." "Not all, Kara!" Jess corrected. "True!" I agreed. "I did keep the best one!" "Certainly the horniest!" Jessica declared with a smirk. "Jess just has a different libido," Kara observed. "It's consistent, too. Except for the 'new toy' periods when we first married, and then when Suzanne joined us, she's always had a much lower libido." "Which I knew, and which is why I was happy to negotiate our deal," Jessica said. "I'm happy how everything has turned out, even if there were rough patches. I'm certain none of the three of you have any complaints." "No chance!" Kara exclaimed. "Well, except there aren't enough virgins available to make Abbie's movie!" All of us, including Kara, laughed. "She's writing a book instead," I said. "The working title is _First Time, Last Time_." "And it has a penetrating plot?" Suzanne asked with a goofy smile. Once again, all of us laughed. "If I can return to our previous conversation," I interjected, "Jesse initiated the discussion, and I agreed to go with his decision. I suggested he speak to his moms, and they agreed to accept his decision as well. I'm going to guess he elects to go to Chicago Latin or British International, though he won't say or do anything before the playoffs are over." "The city has allowed the gangs to take control of whole neighborhoods and even schools," Kara observed. "Don't forget the 'War on Drugs'," I replied. "It's having the exact same effect as Prohibition — growth of gangs and an escalation of violence. And it hasn't dented the flow of drugs into the country, despite continual claims of 'record drug interdiction'. Berke Breathed got it right in _Bloom County_ over two decades ago when he quipped that the reaction of the cartels was simply to raise the price to cover their losses. Of course, with the sheer volume of drugs flowing in, even 'record' interdiction has little or no effect on supply or price. Not to mention things like Adderall!" "That, and abuse of opioids, is going to lead to further controls," Jessica observed. "And the people who actually need them are going to suffer." "Once again, confirming Ronald Reagan's comment on the nine most frightening words in the English language being — _I'm from the government, and I'm here to help_." "And with that rant out of the way," Kara said with a smile, "may I suggest we go up to bed?" "You may," I replied. Jessica and Suzanne agreed, and the four of us left the Indian room and went upstairs. _January 24, 2003, Chicago, Illinois_ 🎤 Steve {br} On Friday, just before 10:00am, Kimmy buzzed me. "There's a Karla Timmer on the line, saying she's returning your call." "Thanks, Kimmy; put her through." A few seconds later, the phone buzzed, and I picked up the handset. "Hi! Thanks for calling back." "You're welcome!" Karla exclaimed. "How are you?" "Things are going very well. How is your son?" "He's two and acting like it! I checked with Joost, and we'd love to have dinner with you when you're here. The 1st is fine, and we'll have you to our place, if that's OK." "That sounds good. What time?" "Let's say 17:30 for drinks; let me give you the address." I wrote down the address she gave, then read it back to her. "See you in five weeks!" I said once she'd confirmed I had the address correct. We said 'goodbye', and I hung up. I now had plans for both Saturday and Sunday nights, leaving the weeknights free. I hadn't heard from Sari and assumed she'd been on an extended time away, which happened occasionally. If I didn't hear back from her, I was positive I could find plenty of ways to entertain myself in Amsterdam. "Hot date?" Penny asked with a smirk. "She's married and has a kid," I replied. "You know my rules." "Unfortunately!" "Don't you have work to do?" I asked with a smile. "There's a _job_ I want to do, but you won't let me!" "Work, Penny!" "You're just no fun!" she groused good-naturedly. ————— {br} 🎤 Jesse {br} "What do you know about Trey Robinson?" I asked Simone when I saw her outside the cafeteria as I was going to lunch. "Besides being a top lieutenant in the Gangster Disciples?" "Yeah." "His dad is an attorney who works at the same firm as my dad. They met at Harvard Law. His mom is an orthopedic surgeon at Lurie Children's Hospital, where my mom is a Nurse Manager. Why?" "Because, according to Freddy, Trey is pressuring him. I have to ask — how the heck do you end up in a gang with parents who easily make mid-six figures?" "He and his parents had a falling out over his choice of friends and his drug use. I've overheard his dad and my dad discussing it." "Usually, at least as the stories go, the rich kids are buying drugs, not selling or trafficking." "Trey is the main pimp," Simone said. "You can guess why he wants girls from the sports teams." "Have you talked to your parents?" "My dad, because I knew he wouldn't instantly lose his shit the way my mom would. I want to go to private school next year, and he's OK with that, though he's a huge supporter of public education." "Me, too, and so are my parents, but the school has gone seriously downhill in the past few years. Get rid of the gangs, and I think things would be a lot better, though CPS is having trouble hiring teachers and maintaining buildings." "That's what my dad said," Simone agreed. "Are you thinking of going somewhere else?" "It's an option," I replied. "But keep that to yourself." Simone nodded, and we went into the cafeteria and got in line to get our food. ————— {br} 🎤 Steve {br} I left the office at 2:00pm so that I could be home when Avanti arrived at 4:00pm. I was home a bit earlier than strictly necessary, so I changed into more comfortable clothes and went to my study. I turned on my computer, and after checking my personal mail, I accessed to see if any additional information had been uploaded. Records were slowly being added, and I found additional census records for my dad, my grandparents, and my grandfather's first wife, but they didn't add much to what I already knew. At the rate things were going, it would take years, if not decades, for all the information to be available. Of course, the authoritative source of information was my dad, but he had made it clear he wasn't interested in discussing it. I knew it was also the case that he might very well leave out information or shade things, and that wouldn't help. Steve Samet knew some things, but as he'd said, my dad and his mom had divorced, and he was estranged from his family. I had just finished on when _adium_ dinged, and I saw a message from Emma. {block}{tt} Rayleigh1: Hi! {br} NIKASteve: Hi! How are you? {br} Rayleigh1: Great! Counting the days until I move – just over four months. {br} NIKASteve: Looking forward to it! {br} Rayleigh1: Are you going on vacation this summer? {br} NIKASteve: I don't have anything planned at the moment. Why? {br} Rayleigh1: Just curious. Do you plan to be in San Fran before June? {br} NIKASteve: I'd say it's not likely. I was there on vacation, and then that customer issue arose, which extended my stay for a day. {br} Rayleigh1: For which I'm grateful! Otherwise, I wouldn't have met you! {br} NIKASteve: True! I'm glad it worked out that way! {br} Rayleigh1: I bet! 😛 {br} NIKASteve: Not just for that! I very much enjoy the intellectual interactions, and I enjoy mentoring. {br} Rayleigh1: I was teasing! But you knew that, didn't you? {br} NIKASteve: Of course! {br} Rayleigh1: What are the rules on overnights? {br} NIKASteve: You need permission from my wives, and you need to ask. {br} Rayleigh1: "Hi! Mind if I borrow your husband for the night so I can have him screw me senseless?" {br} NIKASteve: That pretty much sums it up! Their answer will be 'yes', so long as you don't try to abuse the privilege. {br} Rayleigh1: No chance! I plan to learn everything I can from you so I can work for you. The last thing I want to do is mess that up! {br} NIKASteve: Good. {br} Rayleigh1: But in the meantime…great sex! {br} NIKASteve: We're on the same page. Will you start karate as soon as you move? {br} Rayleigh1: That's the plan, yes. And come to Philosophy Club. {br} NIKASteve: I'm very much looking forward to that. {br} Rayleigh1: Me, too! Gotta run; lunch is almost over! {br} NIKASteve: L8r! {br} Rayleigh1: L8r! ❤️❤️ {/tt}{/block} I closed _adium_ and, a moment later, heard some of the kids come into the house. ————— {br} 🎤 Birgit {br} "Hi, Dad!" I exclaimed. "I didn't know you were going to be home early." "I don't normally clear my schedule with you," Dad replied with a smile. "It is on the calendar! Are you and your sister alone?" "Yes. I'll meet my friends at 6:00pm for Chinese, then the gang is going to see _Kangaroo Jack_." "Hi!" my mom said, coming to the door of Dad's study. "Hi, Honey," Dad said. "I'm going to shower and change," I said. I got a hug, then went up to my room. I undressed, checked myself in the mirror, then got into the shower. I washed my hair and my body, then got out and dried off. I put on a pink bra and panty set. It was a bit cold out, so I opted for calf-length black socks instead of ankle socks. Once they were on, I put on black Chinos and a white blouse, then pulled on a cute red sweater. I'd put on my black boots when we went out because Dad preferred us not to wear shoes in the house, though it wasn't a rule. I had just finished when my phone rang. I checked the screen, and it showed 'Libby'. "Hi!" I exclaimed. "What's up?" "Are you and Tomás hanging out tonight?" "He's having dinner and going to the movies, but then he's going straight home because he, Jesse, and Nicholas have their game at 8:00am tomorrow and have to be at the rink by 6:45am. Why?" "Wanna have a sleepover with Lilibeth and me?" "And just how much sleeping is going to occur?" I asked in a teasing voice. Libby laughed, "I didn't mean it that way, but if your mind went there…wait, what am I saying? Of course YOUR mind went there!" "Duh!" I giggled. "I could, so long as I'm at karate at 10:00am." "We were going to the hockey game, so we'll be up early, but we're young and don't need much sleep!" "Let me check with my mom or my dad, but I'm sure it'll be OK. See you at the Chinese restaurant." We said 'goodbye', and I closed my phone. I brushed my hair, tied it back with a red ribbon, then headed downstairs to find Mom or Dad. ————— {br} 🎤 Jesse {br} When I arrived home, I decided to call Kwame at college and talk to him about the situation. "They never messed with hockey or football players," Kwame said after I explained what was going on, "but I guess that's changing. It's worse than last year?" "Similar drug busts, but now the gangs are actively recruiting athletes. The Latin Kings are trying for a foothold, too." "So it's not just the usual black gangs. I think you need to get out of there." "That was my thought, too. On to more positive topics, I saw you scored a pair of goals in your game last week." "Not bad for third line!" Kwame declared. "There's a good chance I'll make first line for next year. A bunch of guys are graduating, and I have the best stats of any Freshman. I heard from my dad you guys are kicking ass and taking names!" "One more game in the group stage, then it's the semis and finals the following weekend. I think we should win the citywide tourney." "Who will you face in the regionals?" "Most likely either Oak Park or Waubonsie Valley. Mikey and Nicole are having a great tourney, but they lost to Waubonsie Valley during the regular season, so they have a tough game." "Wish I could be there to see it, but I can't fly back. Is your Russian general friend going to be there?" "Yes. He and Larisa are flying in next Friday to see the semis and the finals." "She's a cute young thing!" "You'll get no argument from me on that!" "Sorry to cut this short, but I have a date! Let me know what happens a school." "Will do. Thanks for listening." "Any time, Bro! If you play for UW, maybe we'll see each other in a tourney!" "We'll see!" We said 'goodbye', I hung up, then went to my room to get ready to go out with the gang. ————— {br} 🎤 Steve {br} Just after 4:00pm, the doorbell rang and I got up to answer it, but Ashley had scampered to the foyer before I had walked from my study. She opened the door and let Avanti in, then turned and walked past me, smirking. "Hi!" Avanti exclaimed, setting down her bag. "Hi," I said, picking up her bag and carrying it to what Kara called the Playroom, then closing and locking the door behind us. "Who is here?" Avanti asked as I set her bag on the bed. "Right now? The kids. Kara, Jess, and Suzanne will be home shortly, but everyone will go out at some point, then filter back in. I arranged for Chinese food to be delivered at 7:00pm. The plan, unless you object, is to go to Jesse's hockey game tomorrow morning at 8:00am. I planned for us to skip karate, and Birgit will cover my afternoon class. On Sunday, we'll have Philosophy Club, and then I'll take you home." "That is what we discussed, except for the time of Jesse's hockey game, so no problem." "How would you like to proceed?" I asked. "You're my guru! It's up to you!" "What is your goal for this weekend?" "To achieve the final step of the union of body, mind, and spirit. To partake fully of each other's bodies, to share our life essences, and to approach nirvana!" "No small goal!" I replied. "And yet one we aim to achieve. I want you, as my guru, to decide how best to make me a woman. Once that is accomplished, then we seek maximum pleasure from each other. Not that I don't expect our first joining to be pleasurable, but that's not the point." I nodded and moved Avanti's bag from the bed to a chair, then removed the silk cloth that covered the mirror. I folded it and put it on the other chair, then turned down the duvet on the bed. I moved in front of Avanti and began undressing her. When she was naked, I stepped back and took in her beauty. In many ways, she reminded me of her mother, but there were differences as well. Both had deep brown skin, but Avanti's mouth was a bit smaller, and her lips fuller; her nose was a bit smaller, but her cheekbones were higher; her hair was the same jet black and reached the small of her back; her legs with shorter and more muscular, and her hips were slightly wider. I had seen her naked in the sauna, but this was a different context. I had maintained for most of my adult life that nudity did not imply sex, and my reaction to Avanti made that abundantly clear I was already rock-hard. "Undress me, please," I requested. Avanti smiled and repeated for me what I had done for her and then stepped back to look me up and down. She smiled, then stepped forward. I took her hand and moved to the bed. I got in and sat cross-legged in the middle of the bed, and Avanti followed, sitting on my lap with her legs behind me, my erection trapped between us. I wrapped my arms around her, and we exchanged a soft kiss. ————— {br} [Aurora, Illinois] 🎤 Matthew {br} "What's the plan for tomorrow?" Chelsea asked after I'd greeted her. She'd come home with Eduardo because we weren't staying in the city for the weekend. "Ryan, Arby, Matt W, Nick, and Tara are coming over at 10:00am," I said. "We plan to play until 6:00pm, then have dinner, and possibly see a movie. You and I can go out with them or do our own thing." "We can go with them. I arranged with Wendy and Lisa to hang out while you play. They're both from Loyola and live out here." "Wendy and Lisa? Seriously?" Chelsea laughed softly, "Quite a few people have made that connection, but I don't see either of them ever appearing with Prince!" "What do you plan to do?" "Go to the mall, have lunch, then hang out with some other girls at Wendy's house, which is behind Rush Copley. I'll make sure I'm here in time for pizza. What are we doing tonight?" "Ryan and Arby suggested we have dinner at Fuddruckers, then see _Kangaroo Jack_." "What's the movie about?" "A comedy about guys making a delivery for the mafia that's stolen by a kangaroo." "That sounds fun, and I'm totally down for Fuddruckers, too." "Let me call Arby and let him know. Will you drive?" "You certainly can't!" "Soon enough! Are you going to teach me?" "Absolutely." ————— {br} [Chicago, Illinois] 🎤 Steve {br} As Avanti and I kissed, there was no doubt she was ready as I felt dampness on my shaft, so I moved my hand under her firm butt cheeks. I gently lifted her so that her labia were against my glans. Avanti broke our kiss and reached down between us to grasp my shaft. She began rubbing my glans along her slick labia, all the while staring deeply into my eyes. Avanti positioned me at her entrance, then whispered, "Slowly." I began lowering her onto my shaft, not breaking eye contact as my glans parted her labia and entered her slick, tight tunnel. Once I was sufficiently far inside her, Avanti wrapped both arms around me and ever so slowly sank down the final inches until her pubic hair meshed with mine. "Body, mind, spirit," she breathed. Avanti began squeezing her internal muscles, then leaned forward and rested her head on my shoulder, causing her nipples to press into my chest. I recalled her request, months before, to make her first time last as long as possible and resolved to fulfill that desire. I used my hands to encourage Avanti to move, and she began rocking her hips and grinding against me while continuing to tighten and relax her internal muscles. The feeling was exquisite, and I simply savored the consummation of our relationship. A hitch in her breath, a soft moan, and ripples along my shaft evidenced Avanti's first orgasm, albeit a small one. She raised her head from my shoulder, blew out a long breath, and pressed her lips against mine. Our tongues danced and swirled over the next thirty minutes as Avanti had a series of small orgasms. We were approaching physiological limits, so I maneuvered us to the missionary position and began gently thrusting in and out of Avanti's tight tunnel. She wrapped her arms and legs around me and met my thrusts, our bodies moving in perfect synchrony. We slowly increased our pace until I felt my pleasure building to the point of no return. Thirty seconds later, I pushed in as deep as I could, ground against Avanti's clit, and groaned as I fired spurt after spurt of cum into her. Avanti had another orgasm, this one far stronger than the others, and when both our orgasms had passed, I kissed her, pulled out, and moved to my back. I gently encouraged her into a cuddling position, but she resisted, instead moving her hand down and pressing her middle finger deep into her pussy. She withdrew it, put it in her mouth, and licked it clean, then repeated the process, but this time offered it to me. I sucked and slicked our combined juices from her finger, then kissed her. She then moved to cuddle with me. We lay quietly together for about ten minutes before Avanti moved on top of me. She kissed me, smiled, and once again looked deeply into my eyes. "May I taste your essence directly," she asked. "Yes, and I wish to taste yours." We exchanged a French kiss, then Avanti shifted, turned, and positioned herself so her head was over my groin and hers was over my face. When she took my glans into her mouth, I pressed my tongue between her labia, savoring the musky, coppery flavor I'd had a hint of from her finger. The combination of her tongue on my glans, and mine in her pussy, worked quickly to make me hard. As I lapped up her juices and teased her clit with my tongue, Avanti experimented with her technique, eventually being able to get me most of the way into her mouth, sucking, licking, and stroking. Having had a release, I had plenty of time to pleasure her, bringing her off three times before I pulsed into her mouth. Avanti continued pleasuring me for several minutes after the last pulse, then turned so we could exchange a French kiss. She had swallowed, which I was positive she would do, given her expressed desire to partake of my essence. Her tongue, of course, was lightly coated with my cum, just as my lips and tongue were lightly coated with hers. We kissed for several minutes, then Avanti stretched out on top of me, and I wrapped my arms around her. Once again, we lay quietly for about ten minutes. "Do you have lubricant so we can complete the last act of coupling?" Avanti inquired. "In the drawer of the nightstand," I said. Avanti moved from on top of me, opened the drawer, and extracted the lubricant. She positioned herself to use her mouth to get me ready, and I watched in the mirror as she lovingly licked, sucked, and stroked me until I was erect. She opened the tube of lubricant, applied it liberally to my glans and shaft, then reached between her legs and rubbed some between her butt cheeks. She closed the tube, set it on the nightstand, moved on top of me, and we exchanged a French kiss. She broke the kiss, stared deeply into my eyes, grasped my shaft, and positioned it against her rear entrance. She wriggled and squirmed, took a deep breath, let it out, and pushed against me. My glans popped into her rear, she let out a long slow breath, then slowly worked to get me completely inside her very tight butt. When I was mostly inside her, she sat up, pushed down, and groaned as the last inch of my shaft entered her. She rested for a minute, then began to move slowly up and down and back and forth, squeezing her muscles tightly. About ten minutes later, I had my third release of the afternoon, pumping jet after jet of cum deep into her butt. Avanti kept me inside her until I softened, and then I led her to the shower so we could clean up. She washed me thoroughly, her soft hands roaming my body as she spread lather, and then I did the same for her. When we were clean, I pulled her into my arms, and we stood in the warm spray, our bodies mashed together. "Sublime," I said. "Yes," Avanti agreed. "How long until dinner?" "About an hour," I said. "May I partake of your essence until then?" "You may." Avanti orally pleasured me twice, and the second time, when she kissed me, she hadn't swallowed, which didn't surprise me. We shared my essence, washed our faces, dressed, and then left the Playroom. Our food arrived about ten minutes later, and we took it to the Indian room. "First thoughts?" I asked as we began eating. "That it would be easy to get lost in the pleasure and have it be purely hedonistic," Avanti said. "But pure hedonism is not the basis for a relationship between a guru and his student. I'm sure you agree." I nodded, "Deep, intense philosophical discussion and a meeting of the minds is the key, and, for the most part, is what I strive for in my relationships. To put it in terms which are not crass, the mind meld precedes the physical meld. In the best relationships, the spiritual meld occurs before the physical meld." "Why do I have a feeling there's a word you're trying to avoid?" "Because you're an intelligent, well-educated young woman who is Anala Subramani's daughter!" Avanti laughed softly, "All true!" "You are also, to use a Russian phrase, «культурный» (_kulturny_), which in this context would best be translated as polite, proper, or cultured. I don't believe I've heard you use any coarse language in the time I've known you. That's no surprise, really, given your parents don't." "I know those words, obviously, but as mom says, if you can make your point without using them, you should, and reserve the strongest words for a time when no other word will do. I've yet to encounter a situation where I felt the need to use one of those words." "I was like that for the longest time, but it was a function of a somewhat prudish upbringing, something which you absolutely did not experience. For me, using certain of those words was liberating. It's also the case that they provide distinctions. For example, consider the difference between 'make love', 'screw', and…" "You can say it," Avanti said lightly after I left it hanging. "You know the word, so there was no point. But you do agree those convey different things, right?" "Yes, of course. How would you classify what we've done?" "None of those words actually fit," I replied. "I believe what you said is the best answer — the union of body, mind, and spirit. Partaking fully of each other's essence. What you wanted, and what we did, was an exercise in spirituality which involved my «lingam» and your «yoni». Of course, as I was taught, they are spiritual as well as physical." "You can mention my mom with regard to sex! It won't bother me! I suspect you are aware that I'll discuss everything in detail with her over the next few weeks. And I'm sure you could infer from our joining that I had expert instruction. I don't think it does, but I should ask if it bothers you." "It doesn't." "May I ask if you've been with a mother and daughter before?" "I have, on several occasions." "And the youngest girl you've been with as an adult?" "Fourteen, when I was thirty-eight, though I thought she was older." "Which caused you to delay our coupling?" "Indirectly, yes. That was part of the genesis of the rules change." "And the oldest?" Avanti asked. "Fifty-three when I was thirty-eight." "You were fourteen your first time, right?" "Yes, and she was twenty-three." "Will our mentoring sessions on Saturdays include joining?" "I understood that to be what you expected," I said. "I recall you suggesting a time together where we did nothing but partake of each other's essence." "Yes. It is the most intimate and spiritual thing one can do, even more than putting your «lingam» in my «yoni». That, too, has spiritual meaning, but its perfect expression only comes in conception, something not possible for us." "Is that something you would want?" Avanti shook her head, "Besides the impossibility because of your vasectomy, it's unrealistic and would cause more problems than either of us would care to deal with, both if it were to happen now or in the future. But, procreation would be the ultimate culmination of the union of body, mind, and spirit." "You make a very good point. Procreation is sublime. It was one of my overriding goals growing up, though not before the timing was right. Short of that, what would make this weekend sublime?" "For you to decide what we do and how we do it. I will do anything you wish, however you wish." "Did your mom tell you what I considered to be the most sublime sex?" Avanti smiled, "Slow and sensual in the missionary position." "Exactly right." ————— {br} 🎤 Birgit {br} "Will any of our friends still be at Kenwood Academy next year?" I asked Libby as she, Lilibeth, and I walked towards her house for our sleepover. "I don't think so," Libby said. "A few of Jesse's, but Luna is graduating, and Simone's parents are going to send her to a private school." "Did you decide on which college?" I asked. "BC," Libby replied. "It's perfect for pre-law." And, I thought, because Lilibeth would be there in two years, though I was fairly certain Lilibeth would get back together with her former girlfriend. "You're planning to go to UofC, right, Birgit?" Lilibeth asked. "Yes. Mom teaches there, so it's really inexpensive, and it's a great school. I haven't decided between chemistry and chemical engineering, but I still have three years to decide. I know Libby is planning pre-law; what about you?" "I'm leaning towards pre-med," Lilibeth said. "I ruled out computers because I see what my dad does, and it would drive me nuts." "Me, too!" I agreed. "The only one of my siblings who is even considering anything in technology is Michael, but he wants to go into robotics or maybe aerospace." "Like be an astronaut?" Lilibeth asked. "No, he'd be a rocket scientist!" I giggled. Both my friends laughed. "Are you going to Jesse's game tomorrow, Birgit?" Libby asked. "No. I'll go next week for the semifinals and finals, but they're in for sure, so tomorrow's game isn't important. The worst they can finish is in a tie, and they have the tiebreakers. Of course, that doesn't change Jesse's approach." "I heard his Russian general friend will be here." "He and his daughter are flying in on Friday evening." "She's fourteen, right?" Libby asked. "Yes, and she has her sights firmly set on Jesse! Dad thinks they'll eventually end up together, but I'm not so sure. I think Akiko would win a competition, but she's in Japan, which makes things difficult." "What about you?" "There's a good chance I haven't met him, and there is no chance I'm even considering something like that until after college! First, most of the boys our age are morons; second, most older guys think I'm too young." "I told you the solution to that!" Lilibeth teased. I laughed, "You did, but I prefer having sex with guys!" We reached Libby's house about two minutes before curfew and went straight up to her room. "We can share the bed, or you can sleep on the sofa," Libby said. "And if I get into bed, just how much 'sleeping' is going to happen?" I asked with a smirk. "That's up to you, Birgit," Lilibeth said. "If you're interested, I'll fulfill my promise to make you scream! And I bet Libby would help!" "Can I ask why you're so set on having sex with me?" "You have a great body, are enthusiastic, and uninhibited! Not to mention, I like how you taste, how you kiss, and how you use your tongue. I know you hate labels, but you're basically bi, even if you have an unhealthy attraction to dicks!" I couldn't help but laugh, "Society would agree with you, but not for the same reason!" "Ain't THAT the truth!" Libby said, shaking her head. "There are WAY too many prudes who are too concerned about who is doing what with whom! What do you guys think about using my parents' whirlpool? It's easily big enough for three." "Sounds good to me!" Lilibeth agreed. "You just want to see me naked!" I teased. "DUH!" Lilibeth exclaimed. "I'm down for a whirlpool," I said. "Then let's go!" Libby exclaimed. _January 25, 2003, Chicago, Illinois_ 🎤 Steve {br} "I thought I discovered what was missing from our relationship when you first entered me last night," Avanti said as we snuggled early Saturday morning. "But sleeping spooned together was nothing short of amazing. Unfortunately, because of the rules, it'll be rare after this weekend if it ever happens." "My wives would permit it on occasion, but that's not the source of the problem." "No, it's not. It's my dad who would object, though not because I chose to become sexually active the day before I turned fifteen. Thank you for saying 'Happy Birthday' just after midnight, despite me having you in my mouth!" "I couldn't allow that event to pass unmarked!" "And I appreciate it. You know my dad would object because of who and what you are, not because of the sex." "Yes. He's always been uncomfortable with my relationships and how I conduct my life. That said, he hasn't stood in the way of me rekindling my friendship with your mom. We're just very careful not to do anything that might cause concern in his mind." "Mom would never, ever cheat," Avanti said. "That wasn't what I was getting at," I replied. "Your dad is very conservative, so even a hug or kiss, as friends, would potentially cause offense. If you've noticed, we hug lightly, without full body contact, which is not my usual way, and there are no kisses on the cheeks, which, again, is common for me with married female friends." "Except for Melanie Spencer!" Avanti teased. "Yeah, well. Melanie has been doing that since she met Pete, trying to annoy him. But he knows she's trying to annoy him, so he doesn't let it bother him." "What time do we have to leave?" "About 7:20am," I replied. "We have about an hour, and we need to shower and eat." "I won't object to just snuggling with you," Avanti said. "We'll have plenty of time later today for more active endeavors!" What I found fascinating about Avanti was that she was determined not to allow sex to dominate our relationship. That was a very good thing, and it shouldn't have surprised me, given how she viewed our relationship. The sex was awesome, and we'd continue doing it, but it wouldn't be the primary, or even secondary, focus of our interactions. Mentoring and karate would be at the forefront, along with deep philosophical conversations. "Sounds good to me," I agreed. ————— {br} 🎤 Birgit {br} "I'm surprised you stayed for breakfast," Libby said. "You're missing your cuddle time!" "Dad is entertaining this weekend." Libby laughed, "Which is shorthand for having sex!" "Obviously, but you know we're circumspect about it." "I can't imagine ANY guy in his position not being circumspect, given girls literally beg him to deflower them!" "Just gross!" Lilibeth declared. "I know it's not something you would ever do," Libby said, "but don't knock something you've never done!" "It's OK to say that it doesn't interest you," I said. "And certainly OK to never do it, but it's important to understand that everyone gets to decide for themselves. Jesse is totally straight, but he doesn't think what his gay friends do is 'gross'. He has zero interest, but that's different." "You're right, of course," Lilibeth agreed. "And you guys know how I feel about it, so I really don't need to keep repeating myself. It's not like either of you are trying to convince me to do it." "That would be totally wrong," I said firmly. "And no, I didn't consider you asking me to have sex last night inappropriate because you know I actually do that on occasion. That's different from your situation." "Can I ask a question?" "What?" "What does it taste like? You know, when a guy shoots in your mouth?" "Guys taste slightly differently, just as girls do," I said. "It can be salty or bitter, but it can also be affected by what a guy eats. But it's not about the taste, really. It's about making him feel good." "But what do you get out of it?" "I think it's sexy," I said. "And I like how it feels when it pulses in my mouth. In a way, it's not all that different from going down on a girl without her reciprocating. I know you like doing that. As for the other thing, I love being penetrated, and I think Libby does, too." "For sure! That's the best part. But I like tongues and lips, and I've yet to meet the guy who can perform cunnilingus better than a girl!" "Uh-huh," I smirked. "OK, besides your dad!" Libby said, laughing. "That really doesn't bother you, Birgit?" Lilibeth asked. "It really doesn't. He doesn't interfere with my sex life, and I'm not going to try to interfere with his. That could backfire horribly!" "For sure," Libby agreed. "And I hate to rush you, but Lilibeth and I need to leave for the ice rink in less than ten minutes."